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  • Happy Valentine's Day, 4chan! In celebration of Forever Alone Day,
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    UPDATE: I just got done going through the ~2,000 e-mails I've received over the past 24 hours. The result is 15 new board ideas and over 20 immediate to-dos.

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    File: 1329340583.jpg-(24 KB, 490x444, 1305585553923.jpg)
    24 KB nyahaha !8x8z91r9YM 02/15/12(Wed)16:16 No.8762256  
    When bad times come, you just gotta smile.
    Don't worry, things will keep on moving.
    I'll be there beside you, walkin' miles and miles,
    Hopin' to Arceus my presence is somewhat soothing.

    Lookin' back down the road is fine and good
    But baby, don't take a while.
    And now I know that this might not be the best mood
    But c'mon, and show me your smile.
    >> Gold !!xb25SgH/v2e 02/15/12(Wed)16:22 No.8762297
         File: 1329340928.jpg-(105 KB, 800x600, 10.jpg)
    105 KB
    I know the games may be old,
    But let's face it, times have changed,
    With nothing new our interest's sold,
    And something new must be arranged.

    So let's find peace in the motions,
    Cause it's only gonna be a while,
    And it may be a bad time for this notion,
    Come on, please show that smile.
    >> Dewott !!RMV0IcDdR8l 02/15/12(Wed)16:26 No.8762324
         File: 1329341166.jpg-(172 KB, 600x588, 22566649_m.jpg)
    172 KB

    You're both retarded

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