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  • Happy Valentine's Day, 4chan! In celebration of Forever Alone Day,
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    UPDATE: I just got done going through the ~2,000 e-mails I've received over the past 24 hours. The result is 15 new board ideas and over 20 immediate to-dos.

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    File: 1329323454.png-(1 KB, 121x31, 1294691384010.png)
    1 KB Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)11:30 No.8760553  
    'sup /vp/ainers

    Haven't been here for ages after /vp/ turned to shit after it's first few months of existence. If this board does die I think it's long overdue.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)11:34 No.8760565
         File: 1329323657.jpg-(86 KB, 500x530, _smug.jpg)
    86 KB
    The fun part is watching what ever poor board gets flooded with our Pokemon threads.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)11:40 No.8760595
    From what I can tell it's either going to be back to /v/ or the games text board.

    The generals on /v/ used to be alright though.

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