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    File: 1329305655.jpg-(39 KB, 470x507, 1328126507337.jpg)
    39 KB underlevelled watertrumpets icecream cones Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:34 No.8759637  
    In tribute to the last days of /vp/..

    Let's have a good ol' genwar thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:35 No.8759641
    Johto is the best region.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:39 No.8759654
    The first two gens are completely obsolete and uninteresting now that they've been remade. The same thing will happen to Gen3, eventually.
    >> thoughtless celestial 02/15/12(Wed)06:41 No.8759658
    johto appears in 4 out of 5 gens
    (I think, only played the first 3)
    which jhoto ware you referring to? the jhoto with pokemon abilities but no missingno? the jhoto that you reach only when you beat the e4? or the jhoto with only the original 151 pokemons, hardly any color, but spacial attribute is one so pokemons like peresact actually counts to something?
    >> Silver !jnCyt37zkI 02/15/12(Wed)06:42 No.8759661
    regions =/= gens
    >> Jake_the_Tank !!ZFBCihApx73 02/15/12(Wed)06:44 No.8759666
    Johto has best starters and best music out of the entire series. Come at me
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:46 No.8759672
    >Johto has best music

    Though, that said, all gens have fucking god tier music
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:49 No.8759680
    You mean Kanto, bro.
    >> thoughtless celestial 02/15/12(Wed)06:52 No.8759692
    I know, that's what i said: saying he likes one region means nothing in gen war.
    >> thoughtless celestial 02/15/12(Wed)06:57 No.8759704
    ...the names alway confuse me...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)07:10 No.8759732
    i like the first two gen. but the 3rd is iffy...
    >> thoughtless celestial 02/15/12(Wed)07:22 No.8759761
    What are you talking about? 3rd gen is GREAT!!! it got aabilities and more replayability than the first 2, simply because of a new region+ a remake for an old one! what's not to like?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)07:26 No.8759770

    50% WATER

    >> thoughtless celestial 02/15/12(Wed)07:33 No.8759783
    chill can now rage again.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)07:54 No.8759804
         File: 1329310445.png-(23 KB, 516x303, 1286921197344.png)
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    Gen 2 is great, and my nostalgia goggles are finely tuned to it, but Gen 3 brought the best new mechanics to the series out of any of them. All Gen 5 seemed to bring was a new evolution method.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)08:02 No.8759820
    And infinite use of TMs. And Triple battles. And Rotation battles. And musicals. And the most new pokemon since Gen I. And a heartbreaker named Charles in a pear tree.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)08:13 No.8759852
    Fourth gen was ass. Not the good kind of ass or the amazing kind of bad ass, but the kind of rank ass that makes children run screaming as the weaker member of the heard are left to drown in their own odor induced vomit.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)09:58 No.8760172
    Every Gen but 1 is straight up homosexual buttfucking. (ok, 2 and 3 are ok, but 4 and 5 suck ass.)
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)10:09 No.8760205
    >Gen 1 was pretty good in its early days, but now time is starting to wither it down, the bugs arent really appealing
    >Gen 2 was obviously unfinished almost all the baby pokemon where copied of the digimon babies that had been created 2 years earlier (Igglybuff has the same colours as Koromon)
    >Gen 3 was good but frustrating at some points
    >Gen 4 was just gimmicks and mini games everywhere, felt like they based it more on the anime than anything else
    >Gen 5 is fresh and is a 7.5/10 for me
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)10:52 No.8760370

    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)14:50 No.8761564
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)14:53 No.8761578
    God dammit, I'm gonna miss these threads, as many as there were.

    Also, HGSS mater race here.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)14:55 No.8761591
         File: 1329335756.png-(136 KB, 256x256, Pokémongold.png)
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    All right, here's what most people don't understand about gen II.

    When faggots try defending GSC, they usually try to come up with loose arguments like the stabilized game mechanics or the "great design" of the new pokémon. Even worse, they sometimes praise the three-years-later Kanto.

    No, what it really is that makes those games so incredible is the absolutely unmatched feeling of depth and mystery they give you.

    In that sense, RBY were already very strong, but something was really missing from them ; the world seemed cold, frozen, stuck. And that was part of the ecological message of the game.

    In GSC three major elements completed the ambiance of the games : first, obviously, the arrival of time : the brilliant day and night system, the feeling that everything was moving, evolving, changing. Different pokémon at different times, berries growing on trees, things like that that gen I really missed. The second element was, literally, depth. While RBY didn't really feature any underground locations or high places (apart from a few dungeons), that's what it's all about in GSC : gigantic maze-caves that stretch out on a whole region, abyssal underwater caves, lots of high towers and even a fucking mount. Even the title screens represent that : Ho-oh flying high up in the sky and Lugia roaming the seafloor. The third and last element that contributed to that feeling was obviously color (inb4 yellow, doesn't count), that made everything feel much, much more alive.

    And when it comes to the feeling of mystery... I mean, who never got stuck in the dark cave ? I remember accidentally encountering wild Smeargles, always finding new puzzles for the ruins of alph...
    Stumbling upon a wild Lapras while exploring the union cave. First meeting Ho-oh /Lugia.

    All those things combined with all the imagination that the 8-bit graphics invited us to use is what makes those versions the most alive, the most vibrating. More than gen III will ever be.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)14:58 No.8761607
    One last time eh?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)14:59 No.8761611
    >1st gen master race.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)15:01 No.8761621
    Celadon city here.

    Goldenrod is inferior.

    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)15:03 No.8761634
    >Gen I was great
    >Gen II was meh
    >Gen III kinda sucked
    >Really liked Gen IV
    >Gen V was meh as well
    >> ☺♥∞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞卍Kyo卍☜(⌒▽⌒)☞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♪♫ !7wTVMHhpnw 02/15/12(Wed)15:42 No.8762014
         File: 1329338555.png-(92 KB, 384x311, 1-gen doorknob.png)
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    gen 3 was never interesting

    or the RSE portion I am sure you were referring to
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)15:44 No.8762024
    Kyo, why do you keep posting the image i made?
    can't you create anything original?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)15:55 No.8762085
    Gen 1 is today meh. (Back then awesome)

    Gen 2
    Fucking awesome. Then and today.

    Gen 3 is awful.
    Really awful. I don't mean the mechanics Gen 3 introduced like Abilities, this is great, but R/S/E itself aren't really good. I really thought back then "Okay, Pokemon is dead." I hated the music, I hated the region and I hated a lot of Pokemon designs.

    Gen 4 is pretty cool.

    Gen 5 is awesome.
    Gave me the Gen 2 feeling and I Gen 5 is the best designed Gen in my opinion.
    >> ☺♥∞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞卍Kyo卍☜(⌒▽⌒)☞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♪♫ !7wTVMHhpnw 02/15/12(Wed)16:01 No.8762126


    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:02 No.8762134
    You might be the first one to say Registeel looked like a doorknob, I really don't know who. but I made that image
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:04 No.8762147

    Bullshit. I made it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:04 No.8762151
    Every gen but Gen 2 are copies of Gen 1. Gen 2 you could say is an expansion pack/sequel of Gen 1.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:08 No.8762186
    RGBY had a good game at it's core, but it was unfinished and on hardware that couldn't handle what the devs wanted to do.

    GSC was everything RGBY wanted to be and then some and was pretty much perfect.

    RSE added in a bunch of stupid shit like contests, had less real content that GSC and fucked with the asthetic of the game with a faggy pastel color pallet and Digimon designs, and the franchise never recovered from it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:11 No.8762206
    2 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 3

    there is no other list
    this is fact
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:11 No.8762210
    Skarmory is a gen 3 Pokémon
    prove me wrong
    >> ☺♥∞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞卍Kyo卍☜(⌒▽⌒)☞Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ♪♫ !7wTVMHhpnw 02/15/12(Wed)16:13 No.8762223
         File: 1329340408.png-(23 KB, 202x114, 2-kyo48.png)
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    I don't see your name on it.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:15 No.8762242
         File: 1329340514.jpg-(73 KB, 600x636, registeel.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:19 No.8762279
    Gen 2 is shit.
    -It had Nothing new, except for useless babbys.
    -Kanto was trimmed ass shit.
    -Your mother was(is) a whore who steals your money
    -Pokémon were underleved by the time you reached the 5th gym. You had to kill 30.000.000 wild Pokémon for one level.
    -The rival was plain and a whining emo whore. He was also a hypocrite. Just like you.
    -The fanbase consists of neophobic manchildren.

    Gen 5 is so much better. Nostalgiafags should kill themselves.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:23 No.8762307
    I just feel like playing my original Gold (but the internal batterie is death since two years) because it didn't had the stupid abilities and the split Special/Physical which kills the newer games for me. HeartGold feels too slow because it has too much animation and I don't like most 4th gen Pokemon since I never learned all of their types and never really like Diamond and I get confused on how I am supposed to deal with them.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:26 No.8762327
    >Special/Physical split
    >kills the newer games
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:28 No.8762348
    100 of the best Pokemon ever made is nothing new?

    Your mother giving you useful items (up until a certain point) useless? (Even if it is to you, you can turn it off -_-)

    The Whole point of rivals WAS to be a jackass. You newfags just don't see it now that rivals are all friendly and shit.

    You don't even need to damn grind in GSC. If you just play through the game without grinding, wild Pokemon aren't even more than like 2 levels under you. The game is actually pretty gracious with its XP, but only on trainers. I recently beat it underleveled, like 12+ levels under the E4 when I was done. If you can't beat shit by the 5th Gym, then you're just ass at Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)16:28 No.8762350
    Gen 5 > Gen 3 > Gen 1 > Gen 2 > Gen 4
    >> King Servine !!D1kigZjPZ40 02/15/12(Wed)16:30 No.8762368
         File: 1329341431.jpg-(1.22 MB, 5000x5000, Fucking faggot dog.jpg)
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    Gen 5 > Gen 3 > Gen 1 > Gen 4 > Gen 2

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