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    File: 1329289520.png-(679 KB, 780x785, oh shit it's circlejerk general.png)
    679 KB WiFi General 2: Electric Boogaloo Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)02:05 No.8758791  

    Shit nigga, this be some WiFi General.

    Old thread >>8756168

    TOTT: What'd you do today?
    >> Dragon 0476 0575 9457(B) !DrAk.9iCrU 02/15/12(Wed)02:06 No.8758798
    >> Jing 02/15/12(Wed)02:07 No.8758802

    Can't seem to connect to you. I have to go right now. We can try again tomorrow if that's alright with you. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    >> Jon SS FC:2752 5450 1998 02/15/12(Wed)02:07 No.8758804
    Anyone got some DW male and female Spindas lying around?
    >> Aether Crash (W 1850-0977-7621, Pt 5458-3015-1603) 02/15/12(Wed)02:08 No.8758810
    Tott: bought some D&D books, ate some pizza, played board games and didnt sleep with anyone.

    anyway. for the time being, still in the market for Gen 4 surskit, grimer, zigzagoon, and lileep.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)02:09 No.8758814
    I already posted my 3 part story as to what I did today.


    vote for timmy
    >> Symmetric : 0604 9747 3784 02/15/12(Wed)02:10 No.8758817
    What I did today... Went to work, wished I had bothered to go pick up Tales of the Abyss, traded some pokemon... All in all a successful day.
    >> last chance Radar_exe 02/15/12(Wed)02:15 No.8758827
         File: 1329290146.jpg-(177 KB, 1198x632, pkmn breeder.jpg)
    177 KB
    deleteing all of these pkmn at midnight (1 hour pst)
    make an offer now or forever hold your peace

    the shinys-GONE
    the egg moved babys-GONE
    any other pokemon in a pc box i need for holding eggs-GONE
    >> Cyr B 0819 8025 9423 02/15/12(Wed)02:18 No.8758840
    >Gen IV
    >Misplaced my Platinum

    Feeling terrible
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)02:20 No.8758846
         File: 1329290428.png-(1019 KB, 1336x2720, Trade reloaded.png)
    1019 KB
    My list. Valk you're around?

    Also, i'm looking for a Modest Ditto with 31 SpA/Spe. I'm also ok with one only Modest. Or one with only 31 in Spa. Or one with only 31 in Spe.
    >> Hans Moleman Pt:1506-9650-8897 / HG:4255 8091 9877 02/15/12(Wed)02:24 No.8758866
    Posting in a throd.
    >> Jon SS FC:2752 5450 1998 02/15/12(Wed)02:25 No.8758870
         File: 1329290755.png-(147 KB, 886x1016, Chode.png)
    147 KB
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)02:58 No.8758985
         File: 1329292705.jpg-(189 KB, 500x327, Dose dead hours.jpg)
    189 KB
    >> Symmetric : 0604 9747 3784 02/15/12(Wed)03:00 No.8758994
    So... wonder what happened with that anonymous ME guy.
    >> Radar_exe 02/15/12(Wed)03:02 No.8758999
    forget it...i'm killing them all
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:02 No.8759000
    I wonder what happened to any of them. No one ever reports back. ;_;
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:04 No.8759006
    Heya everyone, looking for a Gastly (doesn't need to be anything crazy special) on Black so I can trade it to the girlfriend. Anyone care to help out?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:05 No.8759010
    looking for a gardevoir, anyone?
    >> Cyr B 0819 8025 9423 02/15/12(Wed)03:06 No.8759013
    Lemme get one real fast
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:07 No.8759015
    Thanks, appreciated.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:07 No.8759016
    I could give you a Gastly egg if that'll suffice? I'd have to take a few minutes to breed it though. That way you can nickname it for her and make it more personal. You know, since it'll have your OT and it'd make it look like you got the Gastly for her, then she'd give you dome on the spot. Guaranteed. Bitches love considerate gifts.
    >> Cyr 0819 8025 9423 02/15/12(Wed)03:09 No.8759021
    Race to see who get's the egg first?
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:09 No.8759022
    Seriously Andrew, I love you. Gotta go with this idea. Hook it up with a Timid nature if you can haha
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:09 No.8759024

    Ah well
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:11 No.8759028
    He presented it so well! Like a car salesman going in for the kill. It was too funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)03:12 No.8759032
    lurk more next time
    >> Symmetric : 0604 9747 3784 02/15/12(Wed)03:15 No.8759044
    I think my mind blocked out that post until someone else linked to it... Something deep within me just refuses to process it unless absolutely necessary.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)03:15 No.8759046
    >considerate gifts
    >not kicking in a window whilst wearing no pants and bringing them to a bedroom that's on fire
    You're a strange man, Lima.
    >> Ravi FC 1077 1509 8237 !aNiGGaZMxY 02/15/12(Wed)03:16 No.8759047
    >wake up at 8:40
    >go to bio midterm
    >struggle to pay attention in orgo lab lecture
    >eat lunch and come back to room
    >take orgo midterm
    >eat dinner
    >work for 5 hours on bio lab presentation for tomorrow

    tomorrow's schedule:
    >anthro lecture
    >orgo lecture
    >bio lab w/ presentation
    >come back to room and relax
    >biostats lecture
    >eat dinner
    >study for anthro midterm

    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:20 No.8759057
         File: 1329294045.png-(1.48 MB, 1000x2646, this is a filename.png)
    1.48 MB
    Well, to make up sorta snatching a trade from you, want anything from the list?

    Got the egg, Everstoned that bitch. Even if it hatches with a derpy nature she might enjoy it because of the derpiness. Kind of how a kid intentionally writes the "L" backwards in "Lemonade Stand" to make it seem cute.

    FC is 0776-7189-3990.

    I'm good at gifts now. I learned well from my sisters.
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:22 No.8759058
    Loading into the room
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:25 No.8759068
    FUUUUUU- you have so many pokemon I want
    >> Cyr 0819 8025 9423 02/15/12(Wed)03:30 No.8759077
    I could go for a Brave Golurk, m'yes

    Call him Kitan
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:31 No.8759080
    Depending on how hard the request is (ie: 4/5 perfect IVs or horribad ratios) then I could do one or two tonight.

    Alright, will do. Iron Fist I'm assuming, right?
    >> Cyr 0819 8025 9423 02/15/12(Wed)03:32 No.8759081
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:39 No.8759098
    IV's I ignore because I do mostly battle subway shit and it's just too much to process for me.

    I do want one of those Scythers (girlfriend request again) and Larvitar (Sassy) with egg moves, that'd be awesome of you.

    If you are looking for a certain male with egg moves I can help out in return.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:46 No.8759115
         File: 1329295580.jpg-(60 KB, 648x492, stop using the same picture ko(...).jpg)
    60 KB
    Kitan is ready for trade! I'll be in the WFC!

    Scyther I can do. Which nature, Adamant or Jolly? Larvitar is a little bit harder, the only natures I can guarantee are Jolly, Adamant, and Careful...
    >> Scotch 02/15/12(Wed)03:46 No.8759116
    Evening everyone
    >> Symmetric : 0604 9747 3784 02/15/12(Wed)03:47 No.8759117
    Good evening Scotch. How goes?
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:48 No.8759118
    Hmmm actually pass on Larvitar, I want DAT Horsea. Kingdra is one of my faves and Outrage? MMMMM - Adamant please for that. Jolly on Scyther.

    I feel bad getting hand outs, anything you want?
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:52 No.8759134
    ralph pls go

    Sounds good, Jolly for the Scyther and Adamant on the Horsea. Got it! If you wanna be ultra-bro-status-mode I'd appreciate if you could get a Switcheroo Cottonee but if you can't then that's fine too since they aren't especially hard breeds.
    >> Cyr 0819 8025 9423 02/15/12(Wed)03:53 No.8759135
    Thanks for Kitan

    And I never use fucking rare candies

    Dunno why

    Just never wanna use 'em
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)03:53 No.8759137
    makes sense
    Did you read my story?
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)03:58 No.8759145
    It'd take me some time, but I can do it!
    >> Symmetric : 0604 9747 3784 02/15/12(Wed)03:59 No.8759152
    Doing good.
    Also, working in 7 hours, so going to sleep, good night WFG.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)03:59 No.8759153
    >never uses them
    They're a pretty powerful trading tool 'round these parts.

    Sheeeet nigga. It doesn't have to be today, just whenever you have it and I'm around since I'll probably go to bed after trading you the Pokémon.
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)04:00 No.8759157
    Didn't mean to imply tonight. All I need is a Hypno and I can do it. Getting the Hypno will be the "difficult" part.
    >> Scotch 02/15/12(Wed)04:06 No.8759173
    What new story?
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)04:17 No.8759198
    this one.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)04:21 No.8759213
    I failed to finish my Sneasels as soon as I'd hoped, so I'm going to stick to gen 4 until I do.
    I think I caught the Remiplague.
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)04:22 No.8759217
    Still around sir?
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)04:23 No.8759219
    >> Lynn (B) 1936 4967 0226 !/uwiBGc286 02/15/12(Wed)04:25 No.8759229
         File: 1329297947.jpg-(29 KB, 477x307, nuzlocke_01.jpg)
    29 KB
    I thought we'd be together forever. I was wrong.
    >> Lynn (B) 1936 4967 0226 !/uwiBGc286 02/15/12(Wed)04:26 No.8759235
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)04:28 No.8759241

    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)04:28 No.8759246
    >steaming pile of cancer
    >implying every board isn't a steaming pile of cancer
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)04:29 No.8759250
    I think we should be preparing for the worst. We might get merged with something worse than what we have.
    >> Silver !jnCyt37zkI 02/15/12(Wed)04:34 No.8759266
    As much as I don't like /vp/, the TG was always great. Hopefully you guys can start up in /gen (if he makes it), the combined shithole that might not even be pokemon related, or the facebook group we have despite the fact that we don't post often in it.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)04:35 No.8759275
         File: 1329298556.png-(202 KB, 504x471, YOU. Are small time, Saddl(...).png)
    202 KB
    >hating /vp/
    It wasn't perfect but it's like kicking a homeless person out of their box. Pretty sure TG/WFG will survive though since trading is pretty popular.

    But then people would know my name.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)04:37 No.8759279

    You're being optimistic.
    >> Silver !jnCyt37zkI 02/15/12(Wed)04:37 No.8759280
         File: 1329298643.png-(134 KB, 257x282, 1307630486743.png)
    134 KB
    You'll get a new box damn it.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)04:38 No.8759283

    Fb group? In case of a /vp/ shutdown that's interesting. Where can i find it?
    >> Silver !jnCyt37zkI 02/15/12(Wed)04:39 No.8759289
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)04:40 No.8759293
    I don't want a new bo-

    Oh boy here we go.
    >> Lynn (B) 1936 4967 0226 !/uwiBGc286 02/15/12(Wed)04:41 No.8759296
         File: 1329298905.jpg-(242 KB, 800x578, 1328608943075.jpg)
    242 KB
    >get rid of /vp/ because it's full of shit and faggotry
    >create /pony/
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)04:41 No.8759298
    Are you still breeding sir? Just checking cause I don't wanna wander too far.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)04:42 No.8759301

    Make it private only for usualfags, no?



    Also, any idea where /vp/ threads will be redirected?
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)04:43 No.8759304
    Yeah, I am. Got a bit distracted with the "/vp/ dying" thing but just hatched a Jolly Scyther. My FC is in the list. I'll be in WiFi shortly~
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)04:44 No.8759307
    Let's just lead a fucking resistance.
    >> Silver !jnCyt37zkI 02/15/12(Wed)04:45 No.8759310
    I'll let anyone join, but you have to be accepted.

    Lima, I'm going to make you a mod in the group on fb.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)04:46 No.8759313
    Just make sure I don't go mad with power.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)04:47 No.8759317

    Everyone does.
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)04:58 No.8759340
    Wtf is with wifi trading? Ughhhh
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)05:01 No.8759346
    >it's WiFi I aint gotta explain shit.png
    As long as we keep exiting and re-entering it'll work eventually. Is your C-Gear off and all that junk?
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)05:02 No.8759349
    C-Gear wasn't off, fixing that. I don't remember it being this bad in HG/SS
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)05:06 No.8759361
    Thanks for all the help and pat- FUCK AGAIN
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)05:07 No.8759366
         File: 1329300473.gif-(1.23 MB, 243x150, nope.gif)
    1.23 MB
    >WiFi's face at the last second
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)05:09 No.8759372
         File: 1329300569.png-(47 KB, 262x376, 1300264809945.png)
    47 KB
    That helmet's a spy
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)05:10 No.8759377
    Nooooow, thank you for your time and patience. I will work on that Cottonnee for you!
    >> Tyler- BW: 1549 9542 7211 02/15/12(Wed)05:11 No.8759384
    Heading to sleep now, Night wifi gen!
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)05:13 No.8759385
         File: 1329300809.gif-(1.28 MB, 356x200, dhalsim statue.gif)
    1.28 MB
    That mushroom cap is a spy.

    No problem and good night!
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)05:14 No.8759387

    Updating. Always searching for that ditto.
    >> Logan (W) 4900-0321-6457 02/15/12(Wed)05:25 No.8759438
    Hello, WFG.

    Does anyone happen to have a Water Stone?
    >> Roan (Bl) 3139 1126 6706 02/15/12(Wed)05:32 No.8759457
    I've got one on my mono-normal run. Want it?
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)05:32 No.8759459

    As i don't have one, i suggest you to get in a cave and abuse Max Repels if no one has one to give you.
    >> Logan (W) 4900-0321-6457 02/15/12(Wed)05:34 No.8759467
    Sure. Would you like something for it?
    >> Roan (Bl) 3139 1126 6706 02/15/12(Wed)05:35 No.8759470
    Just gimme anything you want, it's not like I'm going to use it. Lemme go find a Pokecenter and get on wifi.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)05:39 No.8759479
         File: 1329302377.jpg-(151 KB, 1142x641, 1327425226379.jpg)
    151 KB
    >Calling me a bitch
    >implying you owe me shit
    >implying you will even read this
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)05:41 No.8759483
    >check phone
    >text from unknown number:
    "happy valentines day
    have a good day

    what the fuck? this bitch better not be the slut that left her hair in my beard.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)05:42 No.8759485
    >Moot says the board will be axed
    Anyone knows if he still in japan. Because you know, I own both breasts and a knife.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)05:42 No.8759486

    Hi Ami! Hei, maybe you've got some Modest Ditto with good Spe/Spa?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)05:44 No.8759489
    Thanks for staying Pokemon related all this time Wifi General. See you where ever it may be.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)05:45 No.8759491
         File: 1329302759.gif-(1.16 MB, 316x180, 1328907794425.gif)
    1.16 MB
    >Trading away my babby makers
    The only one with 31 speed and spatk is my timid one and I might need it for future projects.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)05:46 No.8759492
    Text them back and tell them you're leaving them for a stripper.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)05:46 No.8759494
    where will WFG be now that vp will be deleted?
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)05:47 No.8759495
         File: 1329302849.png-(8 KB, 128x44, Screen shot 2012-02-14 at 1.01(...).png)
    8 KB
    Sounds like you just got a black girl to text you. Congratulations.

    He's back in whatever state he's in laughing about the visual novel thing.

    We try to stay on topic just for you anon.

    Now...for some highlights...of WiFi Gen.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)05:47 No.8759497
    I would, but since it's an unknown number, it's probably someone I deleted because they annoyed me, and I don't wanna have to deal with "why haven't you talked to me in 2 years? Lets hang out LOL."
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)05:49 No.8759505

    No prob, thanks aniway.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)05:49 No.8759506
    >implying I give my number to black girls
    >implying I give my number to anyone
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)05:51 No.8759510
         File: 1329303064.png-(9 KB, 153x50, Screen shot 2012-02-14 at 1.03(...).png)
    9 KB
    Not sure how everyone else in the thread feels about it but probably where the most traffic for trading would be. Probably /v/ or handheld vidya board.

    I agree on the black girl part. The way they text is fucking annoying.
    >> Logan (W) 4900 0321 6457 02/15/12(Wed)05:51 No.8759511
    Thank you, man!
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)05:51 No.8759513
         File: 1329303092.gif-(407 KB, 500x210, but timmy, I love no havin(...).gif)
    407 KB
    We will probobly end up on whatever board he merges /vp/ with.
    Or back on /v/ or find some other place to seek refuge in, like the people of PG.

    Too bad.

    So the number I aquired wasn't from you?

    All the time may be a bit exaggerated
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)05:54 No.8759525
    Even if there were people I wanted to talk to, my phone's mic is broken, and the people I do want to talk to never have their phone on because my friends cannot into communication outside of AIM and steam.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)05:56 No.8759535
    I once had a wrong number demand to know who I was and to put their husband on the line.

    But the random spanish voicemails are the best.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)05:56 No.8759537
    >All the time may be a bit exaggerated
    I realize that now. I've only stopped here maybe twice. In any case, good luck to you guys wherever you end up.

    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)05:57 No.8759542
         File: 1329303479.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 52 KB, 400x300, 5724975.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 52 KB
    Porygon2: Psychic, or Tri Attack?
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)05:58 No.8759545
    Is it 2002 where you are or something?

    I get those from time to time, telling me I've won a free cruise or some shit like that.

    Stay classy Kaleon. It was nice while it lasted.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:00 No.8759550
    Since obtaining my phone, I've had no less than 9 voicemails from various people asking about a house I apparently am selling.
    >my friends cannot into communication other than AIM and steam

    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:01 No.8759558
         File: 1329303692.png-(228 KB, 500x339, Teenage Mutant Herpin' Turtles.png)
    228 KB
    I'd go for Tri-Attack unless you absolutely need it to dispatch Poison and Fighting types.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:02 No.8759563
    lolnope Sage Can't remember if I ever grabbed your FC. Do you have a 3DS?
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)06:03 No.8759564
    Tri attack is the ebst unless you fear poison/fighting types.
    >tfw my Toxicroak wins over porygon2 on a regular basis because nobody ever have psychic on it
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:04 No.8759572
    Ah, I actually do. Well, keep in touch, I guess. Have a good one, folks.
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)06:05 No.8759573
         File: 1329303904.gif-(404 KB, 580x435, 1322987288786.gif)
    404 KB
    I do kinda fear fighting types since the entire team is normal, but Dodrio has Brave Bird and Stantler has Zen Headbutt, so I guess I wouldn't be helpless without it.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:06 No.8759577
    Whoopseedaisy about that. Yeah, I have a 3DS. But I'll just post both FC's just in case you decide to get back into the game.

    White: 0776-7189-3990
    3DS: 5112-3421-3481
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:09 No.8759584
    Huh, guess someone from PG did add me when they posted 3DS codes a long time ago.

    I'll keep in touch since PG will probably go wherever /vp/ does. If not do tell us where you guys settled in, I like most of you guys and gals.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:11 No.8759587
    looks like I'll have to go back to /mu/
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:14 No.8759594
    Definitely. I'll shoot you a Swap Note or something. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything either.

    If Pokemon survived one board change it can survive another.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:16 No.8759601
    what I'm most upset about is the lack of a /pants/ board. /fa/ doesn't count.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:18 No.8759607
    >end of the world
    It is for a few people. Never used Swap Note before though, is it just a better Pictochat?

    I want a /cat/ board like 2ch has.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)06:20 No.8759610
    I want a /jpn/ board where the weeabos will come and speak their broken japanese for me to laugh at.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:23 No.8759616
         File: 1329304992.jpg-(9 KB, 175x173, Whiskers Churchill.jpg)
    9 KB
    >>>/a/ is thataway. All joking aside, I'll probably post and lurk more in /ck/. Cooking is hella fun.

    >mfw the old Thai lady at my favorite Thai restaurant gave me the recipe for her spiciest curry
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)06:25 No.8759621
    >Waifu of the year
    >Waifu thread
    >Mai waifu is best thread
    >Who is your waifu
    Yeah, nah

    If I can't find the new wfg I might go back there aswell. Haven't posted any OC there in a very long time
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:25 No.8759622
    When I was at the Epcot Center in Disneyworld over winterbreak, we went to the Japan section of it because were went through every section, and there was this museum type thing with mythology type stuff, and these 2 white as fuck weeaboos with goggles and bandanas and things talking about annie-may and mang-ah. I wanted to smash their faces into the display glass.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:26 No.8759625
    >better pictochat
    Pretty much, yeah. It's free too so what the hell. I'm still waiting on my flip note hatena for the 3DS.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:27 No.8759629
    /ck/ isn't as slow as it used to be anymore though /vp/'s dead hours are SANIC speed compared to there sometimes.

    I feel the same way about half of the people in my school's anime club.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)06:27 No.8759630

    I did some Japanese back in High School. Only thing i rember is how to say my name. I can't remember any of that shit.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:34 No.8759638
    I'm still pissed I never got to use it, since I never had a DSi, though from what I hear it was pretty great.

    I did a Japanese in high school and all I learned is "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto".
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)06:36 No.8759644
         File: 1329305765.jpg-(146 KB, 500x547, 1329304796791.jpg)
    146 KB
    But weeabos are amongs the most hilarious people in this world.
    Especially the fat ones that does Naruto cosplay and approaches me, smelling like they haven't seen a shower in years, then tries to talk japanese with me.
    I usually tell them that I'm chinese and they leave instantly.
    >ugly fatties that think they can be picky
    shits hilarious

    All hours are ded hours for me.

    Mai naimu isu Burekko desu
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:36 No.8759646
    I don't know where I'll go if /vp/s merger is less than remotely good. I only ever lurked /b/ prior to coming here, and I'm not too keen on going back.
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)06:37 No.8759649
         File: 1329305867.jpg-(38 KB, 1000x669, feb09.jpg)
    38 KB
    Have I ever mentioned I like the people in these WFG threads?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)06:38 No.8759650
    /vp/ will get a board for pony/pokemon/digimin
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:39 No.8759652
    >ugly fat girls thinking they can be pretty
    This is why I'm a firm believer that skinny jeans are a privelage, not a right.

    I've heard you say that once or twice. Some of the recipes posted are godtier.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:39 No.8759655
    >like us
    >post nightmare fuel turtle.

    these er.. things weren't fat, and might've even been kawaii desu if they weren't suffering from massive identity crisis.
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)06:43 No.8759664
         File: 1329306237.jpg-(41 KB, 500x375, r12.jpg)
    41 KB
    I submit that it bears repeating. /ck/ taught me how to make awesome tacos carnitas. Wish I still had that recipe.

    >Implying plesiosaur-necked deathturtle isn't a compressed wad of adorable
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)06:44 No.8759665
         File: 1329306246.gif-(480 KB, 493x342, 1329083341310.gif)
    480 KB
    >This is why I'm a firm believer that skinny jeans are a privelage, not a right.
    This is true.
    Fat people should not be alowed in public. At least not in clothes that makes their flab spill over the edge of their clothes.

    >Liking the people in wfg
    I too like them aswell also
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:49 No.8759681
    Some fat people are cool though though it's usually fat black girls that rustle my jimmies the most and make my penis softer than memoryfoam.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:49 No.8759682
    that's the exact face I pulled when you said it's adorable.
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)06:56 No.8759700
         File: 1329306960.jpg-(54 KB, 580x392, meanwhile, outside timmy's(...).jpg)
    54 KB
    But they are. Just wait, this'll be gen 6's box legendary.

    The subset of Deviantart white girls are the worst for me. Secondhand embarrassment everywhere.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)06:57 No.8759705
    For a split second, I thought that link said "AutistsTurtlePage". I need to stop going to /v/.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)06:59 No.8759708
    >fat black girls
    They scare me. Black girls in general are very terrifying.
    But guys are okay.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)06:59 No.8759709
         File: 1329307184.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, meanwhile, inside timmy's (...).jpg)
    25 KB
    >pic related
    I did too, but decided against bringing it up.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)07:00 No.8759712
         File: 1329307259.jpg-(83 KB, 345x395, 1329239953848.jpg)
    83 KB
    >Haft man, half sasquatch
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)07:04 No.8759718
    more like 100% man, 50% sasquatch.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)07:05 No.8759722
         File: 1329307525.png-(108 KB, 700x700, ChikoritaNightmares.png)
    108 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)07:07 No.8759725
         File: 1329307621.jpg-(60 KB, 1280x960, 0118121403.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)07:08 No.8759729
         File: 1329307680.jpg-(16 KB, 305x340, Remi IV breeding.jpg)
    16 KB
    trip on Scotch

    >Manly math for manly men
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)07:10 No.8759733
         File: 1329307828.jpg-(214 KB, 429x438, 1314434713554.jpg)
    214 KB
    >> Shyv 4083-9630-9221 B 02/15/12(Wed)07:12 No.8759735
         File: 1329307943.png-(102 KB, 800x744, pokecheck.png)
    102 KB
    could this be fine?
    parents are 29/30/31/6/31/31and 31/31/29/18/19/29 both with wrong nature or ability
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)07:15 No.8759744
    Are you happy with it?
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)07:16 No.8759747
    With them parents you can do better!
    Atleast 31/31/31/x/31/31
    dont settle for less bro
    >> Shyv 4083-9630-9221 B 02/15/12(Wed)07:17 No.8759748
    im a fucking perfectionist, but I would like to know if that defense is too low
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)07:19 No.8759754
         File: 1329308360.png-(106 KB, 800x758, Lets not turn this rape into a(...).png)
    106 KB
    Dont make me post pokechecks of my failed arons destined to be FEAR abusers
    I will post them anyway
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)07:20 No.8759757
    breed me a shiny adamant prankster murkrow with brave bird and roost.
    >> Shyv 4083-9630-9221 B 02/15/12(Wed)07:21 No.8759758
    final destination
    >> Mike - 2021 9424 1111 (W) 02/15/12(Wed)07:21 No.8759759
    All of my want.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)07:23 No.8759764
    I already have one thank you.

    I'm not sure but I might have promised someone that I would give it to him/her
    Was it you Ann?
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)07:24 No.8759766

    Lol'd hard.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)07:25 No.8759767
    I said breed ME one, you having your own is fine and dandy like pine and candy.
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)07:25 No.8759768
         File: 1329308724.png-(590 KB, 640x480, well hello there timmy.png)
    590 KB
    >dem stats

    Gonna go grind Team Normal up for the E4. Have some MSPaint wizardry, WFG.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)07:27 No.8759775
    Now THIS would be a decent 6th gen legendary
    >body of human
    >face is entirely beard
    >turtle heads sprouting out from back
    I'd flip my shit if I saw that.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)07:28 No.8759778
    I asked for a male.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)07:52 No.8759802
    Posting in a thread.
    >> timmy (Blue: 1678 5690 9839/Pearl: 2795 4691 1147) !GTSHonch.6 02/15/12(Wed)07:53 No.8759803
    read my pantlesstines day story. links at top of thread.
    Going to sleep now, goodnight wifi general, and in case of apocalypse, good luck.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:00 No.8759814
         File: 1329310813.gif-(864 KB, 320x240, 1317071685076.gif)
    864 KB
    >that story
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)08:07 No.8759831
    Hey guys, if /vp/ really dies, we'll still have the WFG in other board?
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)08:08 No.8759834
         File: 1329311299.png-(108 KB, 800x773, pokecheckfirstbabby.png)
    108 KB
    Keep or keep trying?
    >> Mike - 2021 9424 1111 (W) 02/15/12(Wed)08:09 No.8759838
    It only has 3 31's, do it again!
    >> Yeah (Zack) : 5458-2950-6395 !CqLMU6Wvag 02/15/12(Wed)08:10 No.8759839
    I'm also wondering this.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:10 No.8759840
    I would keep it.
    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)08:10 No.8759841
    It has 31 in Attack and Speed so yeah. Weavile will never live a hit anyway
    >> Yeah (Zack) : 5458-2950-6395 !CqLMU6Wvag 02/15/12(Wed)08:11 No.8759843
    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)08:12 No.8759848
    moot said it would be merged, not exactly deleted so WFG will not disappear. Also he said it would be in a few weeks at the earliest so we've still got a couple of months to live.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)08:14 No.8759859
    Okay, I'll hatch the rest and see if he's still king of the heap and if he is I'll keep him.

    Name ideas?

    The longer I spend breeding this, the longer Blecco has to wait for his Scizor.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:17 No.8759866
    Merged with what? I haven't been paying attention to all this shit.
    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)08:18 No.8759870
    He didn't say
    Ctrl F his name and check the answers if you want to see for yourself
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)08:20 No.8759876
         File: 1329312042.jpg-(49 KB, 542x298, 1328368259848.jpg)
    49 KB
    But my project ended with no above average males.
    So you can still have the female and a subpar male to start of the project if you want.

    >low kick
    >ice shard
    >night slash
    >fake out

    please do this

    Hi Remi. Do you have a shiny male ralts?
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:27 No.8759893
         File: 1329312452.jpg-(30 KB, 580x303, 1312419112242.jpg)
    30 KB
    Nope. I traded my first to Xatu and the one Scotch gave me to someone else - a regular, I think. I don't remember who.


    Also, I just accidentally made a new thread when I intended to post ITT. First time that has ever happened to me.

    >mfw Silver requested this board be deleted
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)08:29 No.8759904
    I will give you your penis back if you chain one for me.
    Or a snorunt
    >> Mike - 2021 9424 1111 (W)/ 1633 4511 5905 (3DS) 02/15/12(Wed)08:32 No.8759911
         File: 1329312762.png-(170 KB, 1505x749, Ralts.png)
    170 KB
    I have one, but you probably don't want it. I caught it myself, and it says it's in there twice because I uploaded it, didn't save it, then uploaded it again once I made an account.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:35 No.8759914
    Valk is the chaining goddess. I would ask her. I've never successfully chained anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)08:35 No.8759915
    >Caught it yourself
    Can you nickname it.
    Because that's what this is all about really A male Gardevoir named Remi that only knows Torment
    >> Mike - 2021 9424 1111 (W)/ 1633 4511 5905 (3DS) 02/15/12(Wed)08:36 No.8759916
    No sadly, as it's in gen 5 now. Sorry.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)08:37 No.8759920
    >my name never sticks to my posts

    I can't ask Valk for anything because I just gave her a Light Ball and she would do it for free

    Damn shame
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:37 No.8759921
         File: 1329313045.png-(27 KB, 178x250, Gardevoir.png)
    27 KB
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:38 No.8759927
    Force her to take something. I know from personal experience that you have it in you.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)08:41 No.8759929
         File: 1329313268.jpg-(17 KB, 200x250, 1327227882336.jpg)
    17 KB
    My latest ambition is to have a WFG team

    Bonus points if you can name all the regulars.

    I would still feel bad for doing it.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)08:43 No.8759934
    That's alright. I've got a ridiculous backlog of projects right now so go ahead and offer her to someone else.

    >please do this

    For you?
    Because there is no way in hell mine is learning anything from the SS move tutors until after Blecco's bug is done.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:44 No.8759938
    I can't name any of them. Who are they?

    I will try a little to chain Ralts, but I know I will fail. I do owe it to you to try, though.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)08:47 No.8759949
    It's the weavile I always wanted.
    Mine has ice punch instead of low kick which I settled for.
    But I dont want another since mine is lv 90 now and fuck leveling.

    >Gen I dont know but I have always imagined GEN as a short dude with a smug face
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:51 No.8759964
         File: 1329313874.png-(13 KB, 200x200, 1315374876913.png)
    13 KB
    >the faces of everyone who is left out

    Makuhita is a bro and Gen is a bro, so I like that. Lima not being Dugtrio is ohshitnigger tier. Valk makes a good Froslass.

    >making Ann something I can't fap to
    You are just jealous of our love.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)08:55 No.8759971
    Damn, I thought Zack was going to be the Goth tower.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)08:56 No.8759975
         File: 1329314180.jpg-(10 KB, 241x272, 1324506790735.jpg)
    10 KB
    >mfw the faces of everyone who is left out

    Smart, lazy, always falls asleep whenever you ask him sonething, has a parasite residing up his ass
    Yeah that fits lima more than wacka

    also I will probobly do more once these are done but that's later on
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)08:58 No.8759982
    Now that you explain it, I am fully behind him. Why Shiftry for Zack?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)08:58 No.8759984
         File: 1329314295.jpg-(19 KB, 582x329, 1298443053145.jpg)
    19 KB
    anyone wanna give me some mystery eggs in White to remember each other by (for the last time)?
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:02 No.8759991
         File: 1329314542.png-(88 KB, 282x359, 1328949737082.png)
    88 KB
    >implying I wont dress you up in a goth costume after I've kidnapped you

    Because I have no idea
    >> Mike - 2021 9424 1111 (W)/ 1633 4511 5905 (3DS) 02/15/12(Wed)09:03 No.8759996
         File: 1329314612.png-(102 KB, 800x755, Piplup.png)
    102 KB
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)09:05 No.8760001
    I've got a few eggs I need to get rid of. I'll toss you one, if you want it.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:05 No.8760006
         File: 1329314746.jpg-(163 KB, 517x461, 1306617538636.jpg)
    163 KB

    Make him Jynx because he's a bitch nigger and no one likes him.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:07 No.8760014
         File: 1329314853.png-(269 KB, 395x513, 1329084441728.png)
    269 KB
    Now who's jealous of our love?

    >mfw I dont remember where I put that god damn Aron
    I'll dig her up until tomorrow
    >> 3182 0719 3785 02/15/12(Wed)09:07 No.8760016
    >> Roan 3740 4071 2984 02/15/12(Wed)09:12 No.8760034
    In wifi now.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)09:15 No.8760043
         File: 1329315352.png-(109 KB, 800x773, pokechecktwobees.png)
    109 KB
    I'mma go with this boy. Anyone want the other one?

    ...Good point.
    At least I'm horribly pale anyways.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:17 No.8760050
    I don't understand why this one is better.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:25 No.8760071
    And I want the other one, if you're really not going to use him.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:29 No.8760085
         File: 1329316194.png-(5 KB, 209x192, everything went fucking great.png)
    5 KB
    >trying to reset
    >accidentally step in shaking grass
    >oh shit oh shit oh shit

    The chain is at 27 right now, but it will break any minute.
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)09:29 No.8760086
    >I'm Froslass
    I had a dream I was possessed by a vengeful Froslass once. It was a neat dream.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:31 No.8760089
    That sounds like a cool dream.

    The only pokémon related dream I've ever had was an underground inside pool filled with shiny Arbok.
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)09:32 No.8760090
    They're pretty much the same, but I needed to pick one. And now I have B-52 the Loveshack Sneasel.

    I'll hold on to Steaksauce for you.

    Also, I'm going to need your help scooting him to plat after I'm done training him.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:34 No.8760099
         File: 1329316483.jpg-(24 KB, 210x210, you-can-do-it.jpg)
    24 KB
    >people having pokemon related dreams
    I once had a dream in english. That was weird as shit.
    But no pokemon dreams.

    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:34 No.8760101
    I will transfer him, just tell me when you want it. Also, now I have to think of a name for a Weavile.

    I might use him on my team.
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)09:36 No.8760104
    Also, I owe you for the Light Ball. But preferably at a time when I don't have an exam in an hour and I'm not angry.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:37 No.8760111
         File: 1329316671.gif-(614 KB, 200x475, 1328969422816.gif)
    614 KB

    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:39 No.8760117
    Chain broke on a Zubat.

    I got to 32.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:41 No.8760125
         File: 1329316884.png-(37 KB, 624x352, 94.png)
    37 KB
    Giving up is for fagets
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)09:43 No.8760134
         File: 1329317001.jpg-(22 KB, 364x205, 999097.jpg)
    22 KB
    I get so much free shit in the thread, I had a dream about you and Scotch throwing shit at me last night. There were like Delcatty and shit
    >more Pokemon dreams
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:43 No.8760136
         File: 1329317032.png-(95 KB, 410x471, peas.png)
    95 KB
    Not owning generation IV games is for fagets.

    I hate chaining because it is such an emotional roller coaster.
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:47 No.8760143
         File: 1329317244.jpg-(38 KB, 436x327, CaptainHindsight.jpg)
    38 KB
    Getting free shit is what these threads are all about

    >implying I didnt give away my gen4 games to my friends... niece? her sisters child
    She got some fine ass shit in those games aswell
    >mfw she deleted the save with several shinies and event pokes straight away
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)09:48 No.8760148
    Don't even tell me these things because it hurts too much.

    Niece is correct.
    >> Scotch 02/15/12(Wed)09:57 No.8760170
         File: 1329317822.jpg-(32 KB, 600x337, 35673234.jpg)
    32 KB
    Until ann starts rampaging because you try to give her free shit
    >> Ami 02/15/12(Wed)09:58 No.8760176
    Thats why you tell someone else to do the trade.
    because they can't do shit about it then

    I'm out, later fagets
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)10:09 No.8760204
         File: 1329318545.png-(19 KB, 603x556, Imeanreally.png)
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    See ya.
    >> Scotch 02/15/12(Wed)10:13 No.8760225
    It felt like rampaging.
    You've turned me into an emotional wreck
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)10:51 No.8760359
    Is it wrong that my main disappointment if Moot combines/gets rid of/does something with this board, is that my post count will be reset?

    >tried to check post count site
    >not working as per usual
    >> Lynn (B) 1936 4967 0226 !/uwiBGc286 02/15/12(Wed)10:51 No.8760366
         File: 1329321096.jpg-(61 KB, 290x362, 1326463982937.jpg)
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    >it's my birthday
    >nobody remebers about my birthday, even at home
    >boss is mad as fuck, shitload of work to do
    >3 hours until i can get out of this hell
    At least i can browse /vp/ once in a whi-
    >moot says he'll get rid /vp/
    I will miss you guys.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)10:56 No.8760380
    We're just going to be merged with a new board. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)10:57 No.8760384

    Valk, i'm there with a cool working wi-fi. We try that trade?
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)10:57 No.8760387
    Happy Birthday.
    >> UVH 02/15/12(Wed)10:58 No.8760392
    Is it bad that I'm the #55 poster on /mu/
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)10:58 No.8760393
    Can't right now, sorry Blecco. I'll be back in ~an hour and a half and I'll be able to trade then though.
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)10:59 No.8760395
    Nigga, you small time.
    >> Dallan: 0562-0150-7559 02/15/12(Wed)10:59 No.8760398
    >5 bucks says /mon/ board comes true

    Anyway to answer OP's spoilered words I plan on transferring a male Turtwig with Stealth rock to breed that and Leech Seed into a Ferroseed.
    This will be my first Stealth rock user.

    Also thank all of you that helped me with my trades, it was fun to finally not trade with myself.
    >> Sam 2880-9492-7875 02/15/12(Wed)10:59 No.8760401
         File: 1329321567.png-(555 KB, 1000x800, PlatinumEggrun 4.png)
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    Hey guys. I beat the 3rd gym in my plat egg run last night but I was too tired to update my sheet so here it is.

    Wait, what?!
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)10:59 No.8760405
         File: 1329321584.png-(157 KB, 770x548, this is the best present ever (...).png)
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    Did you get your Birthday Togekiss?
    >> UVH 02/15/12(Wed)11:00 No.8760406
    >/mu/ is the 4th most active board on 4chan
    >That means 5k+ posts
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)11:00 No.8760413

    Hapi Berth Day!


    K, i'll probably be playing guitar at that time, but i'll check every now and then.
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)11:02 No.8760425
    I have 5k+ posts on this board. And that's from this summer, when I started using my trip again, until now.
    >> UVH 02/15/12(Wed)11:03 No.8760433
    You shitpost though, 90% of my posts have been sharing music or discussing music.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)11:03 No.8760436
    Guys, according to the /a/ sticky, /vp/ is probably getting merged. I think that we'll actually be merged with the new /gen/ (general thread) board. I think this board will be a place for regulars (i.e., WFG, Pokemon general). I really hope WFG doesn't die..
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)11:04 No.8760439
    See: >>>/a/61426579
    >> Lynn (B) 1936 4967 0226 !/uwiBGc286 02/15/12(Wed)11:05 No.8760444
    Thank you ;_;
    Wait, what?
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)11:05 No.8760445
         File: 1329321928.jpg-(79 KB, 595x390, 1325643644184.jpg)
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    >quality posting on 4chan
    >> Sam 2880-9492-7875 02/15/12(Wed)11:05 No.8760446
    >thread closed
    >> UVH 02/15/12(Wed)11:06 No.8760449
    >Become a well respected member of the board's community
    >Not wanting to be a decent poster
    So are you 16 yet so WFG can rape you
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)11:08 No.8760455
    Happy Birthday.
    I hope the rest of your day sucks less than it has so far.
    >> Lynn (B) 1936 4967 0226 !/uwiBGc286 02/15/12(Wed)11:09 No.8760462
         File: 1329322154.png-(252 KB, 466x732, rape, you say.png)
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    Actually, i just turned 21.
    I'll think about it.
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)11:09 No.8760467
         File: 1329322184.jpg-(63 KB, 470x353, faggot.jpg)
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    >wanting respect on 4chan

    >not being bros with all the metalfags on /mu/ back in the day and making metal vs. indie threads
    >> UVH 02/15/12(Wed)11:11 No.8760474
    >Not being best friends with Reverie
    Small time.
    Even better, so now we can get you drunk as shit so you won't remember Scotch's miniscule dick
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)11:13 No.8760482
    I remember Reverie, never spoke to them though. Does BATLORD still post on /mu/? I think Climaxia died, I don't even think he comes to the irc anymore.
    >> UVH 02/15/12(Wed)11:18 No.8760498
    Climaxia left finally, everyone hates him.

    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)11:27 No.8760538
    I never paid any attention to tripfags on /mu/ but Reverie is one of the few I remember, because we always had high to super compatibility on and he uploaded good stuff to

    I never noticed you UVH, although I haven't been to /mu/ in over a year.
    >> Ultravioler Harmonies !TDXnrIc.u2 02/15/12(Wed)11:28 No.8760545
    I posted under this trip
    >> Ultraviolet Harmonies !TDXnrIc.u2 02/15/12(Wed)11:29 No.8760548
    nvm it's this trip
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)11:31 No.8760555
    > !TDXnrIc.u2
    confirmed for shitposter
    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)11:31 No.8760556
    I see. Well I never noticed you. My knowledge of /mu/ tripfags is probably limited to Leo and Reverie whom I like, and the few gimmicks like Bill Murray or the penguin guy.
    >> Den 1764 6833 1756 W 02/15/12(Wed)11:41 No.8760597
    >moot might merge /vp/ with another board

    well when that day comes ill either go back to /v/ or leave 4chan.
    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)11:43 No.8760611
    It depends on what board it is. If it's a handheld gaming board like Lima suggested before it would be awesome/better than /vp/. If it's a /general/ board then I'm outta here as well...
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)11:45 No.8760620
    >implying WFG will change
    As long as most of the regulars stay the location won't change the atmosphere of these threads.

    But feel free to get down in your Y2K bunkers and wait for the apocalypse
    >> dawny 5415 2440 2910 02/15/12(Wed)11:48 No.8760637
    >As long as most of the regulars stay the location won't change the atmosphere of these threads.

    That's kind of the problem, if WFG is drowned in a board full of other generals the possibility of getting new contributors/contributions from non regulars will be close to zero.
    And I'm guessing because of that + the influence of other generals the circlejerking will intensify
    >> Scotch 02/15/12(Wed)11:49 No.8760641
    I guess I'll go back to /o/, /an/ or /k/.
    >Implying anything will actually come of all this
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)11:52 No.8760659
    You still around Remi?

    >the circlejerking will intensify

    Is it bad that I read that in a cheesy disaster movie scientist's voice?
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)11:58 No.8760672
    Yep. What can I do for you?
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)11:59 No.8760674
    Help me scoot my Sneasel please?
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)11:59 No.8760676
    I'll be in wi-fi in a second.
    >> Stone B 1120 4782 0808 / W 3568 5953 7157 02/15/12(Wed)12:05 No.8760698
    morning wfg. hows everyone doing today?
    53 levels to put on drapion today. trying to think of a good nickname for it but i suck at that
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)12:06 No.8760701
    Thank you!
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)12:10 No.8760716
    I will always be your middle man, sweetness.
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)12:10 No.8760717

    I've done 2/6 of my double battle tailwind project so it's pretty ok. Nothing special, i'm looking for only two perfect IVs so it's pretty simple. Well, that four perfect IVs Smeargle was a nice surprise.
    >> DSP8 02/15/12(Wed)12:10 No.8760719
    >That feel when you get your old 3DS back, download swap note thing and get letters from Scientist sage and Painful elligy

    I got my old 3DS back though which was a good thing what's up guys
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)12:24 No.8760781
    Welcome back!

    WFG is on its deathbed.
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)12:25 No.8760787
    >welcoming you back
    >you didn't leave

    I know that was weird, just roll with it.
    >> Knuffle BW 4727-9117-5503 02/15/12(Wed)12:26 No.8760793
    Can anyone trade me a pokemon with pokerus?
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)12:31 No.8760820
    There is a way to play a double battle on PO?
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)12:33 No.8760831
    >everyone hates Climaxia
    Faggots. All of you.

    >that feel when the essay question was exactly what you wanted, but you didn't have enough time to write the masterpiece in your head and just info-vomited for the last two paragraphs

    Blecco, come get your Pokemon.
    >> DSP8 02/15/12(Wed)12:35 No.8760844
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    Yes meet me in WiFi with anything
    Go click yourself
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)12:35 No.8760845

    K be there in a minute. Lateralus is coming like shit anyways.
    >> 3353 7475 8635 DSP8 02/15/12(Wed)12:37 No.8760848
    It would help If I included this
    >> Knuffle BW 4727-9117-5503 02/15/12(Wed)12:37 No.8760850
    Thank you
    Um... what is your FC?
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)12:38 No.8760854
    looking for gardevoir. also

    got any more?
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)12:38 No.8760860

    Well i don't know shit about PO! K, i'll try later. Thanks man!
    >> DSP8 02/15/12(Wed)12:40 No.8760868
    I'll infect something after this trade
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)12:41 No.8760870

    valk i'm in. Sorry if i got out before. I didn't have two pokèmons.
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)12:42 No.8760874
    thank you so much.
    >> Jing 02/15/12(Wed)12:42 No.8760877
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    Dr. Cox or Dragon here?

    I'm ready if you're here.
    >> Knuffle BW 4727-9117-5503 02/15/12(Wed)12:46 No.8760889
    Thank you, one question though. Pokemon with pokerus and exp share, do they still get double the EV?
    >> Blecco 02/15/12(Wed)12:48 No.8760896
    Thanks Valk. Also, just for you to know. I'm not satisfied with that Karp. Right now i can't, but when i'll take the project back i'll give you the oustanding one i've promised. And a level 1. Sorry for the bother.
    >> DSP8 02/15/12(Wed)12:50 No.8760908
    You're welcome and Yes
    I'll need your FC and meet you in WiFi
    >> Saint Remi 5328 7965 3001 SS / 4685 0959 7235 D 02/15/12(Wed)12:51 No.8760912
    Don't skip class!
    Oh no!

    It's terrible!

    Don't do it! Resist the urge!
    >> Ann - Bl 4513-0415-1640/ SS 2967-1896-3165 02/15/12(Wed)12:52 No.8760916
    Go now so you can skip it later in the semester without feeling guilty.
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)12:52 No.8760920
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    But my brain hurts from my midterm. And I have to read and take notes for two chapters worth of other material for another test tomorrow.
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)12:54 No.8760925
    I only skipped class because I over-slept and my iPhone alarm fell off my bed and literally rolled under my bed so I couldn't hear it.
    >> JFunk (SS) 2323 0583 0473 02/15/12(Wed)12:56 No.8760931
    What's this about /vp/ being removed?
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)12:57 No.8760939
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    >> Knuffle BW 4727-9117-5503 02/15/12(Wed)12:58 No.8760944
    Cool beans
    >> Anonymous 02/15/12(Wed)12:58 No.8760945
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)12:58 No.8760947
    >that image
    That's pretty much what I'm doing. Fuck 9 AM classes. I'm going back to 12 PM classes.

    We're merging with a new board.
    >> Scotch 02/15/12(Wed)12:58 No.8760948
    >Wfg going to hell within the next little bit
    >This pops up
    It's a sign from jesus, she's telling me I need to fill my downtime with something more productive
    Anyone want some mareep / shelmet leftovers?
    >> Valkyrjan !!PlmCYVtJo8k 02/15/12(Wed)12:59 No.8760955
    It's not going to be completely removed. Moot might not even do anything with it, he just said he had something that might work. Whatever happens, I'm sure we'll still have Wi-Fi General.
    >> dawny 2366 0090 4941 02/15/12(Wed)13:02 No.8760967
    A Mareep sounds interesting
    >> Andrew !LimaITO0j2 02/15/12(Wed)13:02 No.8760971
    New thread

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