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  • File : 1323962949.png-(381 KB, 2038x800, pokes3.png)
    381 KB In this thread: Pokemon are real Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/15/11(Thu)10:29 No.8408822  
    Old thread.
    >People trollan
    >Be-an deadan
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:30 No.8408824

    >Role Play

    No thank you
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)10:36 No.8408844
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    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)10:42 No.8408860
    fine Cap
    and you?
    >> Scotch 12/15/11(Thu)10:46 No.8408869
    Any valid point you had just became invalid
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:47 No.8408873
    Not bad myself just relaxing on a thursday.
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)10:48 No.8408878
    k bro

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:48 No.8408880
    >Derail RP thread with circlejerk
    much better
    >> Milotic guy 12/15/11(Thu)10:48 No.8408881
    Goddammit Vee's back. Just ignore him and he'll go away...
    Who the hell's this Seth/Nuke guy I've been hearing about? I'm pretty sure I joined in too late for the apparent hate-storm.

    So I got to Lilycove without harassment, and tomarrow I'll get a ride to Sootopolis, hopefully my life can calm down now.
    Any special questions for a pseudo-expert on water pokemon?
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)10:49 No.8408883
    I won't go away
    you guys are worse than the drawfags
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:50 No.8408888
    >Hates a thread
    >Wants it to go away
    >Stays in the thread
    >Bumps it
    Vee, just how retarded are you?
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)10:51 No.8408891
    I don't want to wait an extra 30 seconds
    it would be bumped soon anyway
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:51 No.8408892
    With Vee back maybe I should remind everyone of this...
    IRC over at #pokereality
    Get over there if Vee decided to spam this!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:55 No.8408899
    Dem quints!
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)10:56 No.8408906
    lol that channel wasn't even registered
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)10:59 No.8408919
    Uh, yeah, it is. I'm on it right now.
    Now please, get the fuck out.
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)11:06 No.8408939
    lol, ok
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)11:13 No.8408974
    Should we just use my channel? same overall but atleast there I can kick and ban people who shouldn't be there.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)11:15 No.8408980
    Sounds good. Which channel would this be?
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)11:15 No.8408981
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    am I invited?
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/15/11(Thu)11:20 No.8408997
    You have your own channel? Awesome, what is it?
    No, get the fuck out. We all hate you and wish you were dead.
    At least I do.
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)11:22 No.8409000
    what? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)11:22 No.8409002
    I still love you, buizel
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)11:29 No.8409022
    Yeah here #ITTRealpkmn
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)11:46 No.8409086
    Does anyone have advice on keeping Scyther? A friend of mine is adamant about getting one for battling and companionship purposes but he's only ever had things like Butterfree and Venomoth.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/15/11(Thu)11:50 No.8409098
    Some bug types can be a real pain in the ass to care for, I don't have a Scyther, but from what I've heard, they act similarly to Galvantulas. Just tell him to not piss it off and MIND THE BLADES. Also, Lum berries, from what I've heard.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)12:03 No.8409141
    Make sure you give it lots of attention as well, scythers love being active.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)12:08 No.8409149
    Lum berries? Care to elaborate? I'm no bug trainer.

    He's fairly active as-is (he has a machoke), so that shouldn't be a problem. Thanks!
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)12:09 No.8409151
    Good on ya then Machokes are pretty good at keeping ya active.
    >> Jacob !!Yl7JUvRAcCr 12/15/11(Thu)12:16 No.8409167
    Alright, anybody have any questions for a Pokemon rancher/breeder/trainer?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)12:34 No.8409219
    So i've heard everyones favorite pokemon but i'm curious as to what types everyone happens to like. Favorite type? post a pic for bonus points.
    >> Alex Andrite 12/15/11(Thu)12:41 No.8409238
    I dont specialize in one type, but looking at my team i can say i have a preference for fighting and steel types.
    >> Amateur Crypto-zoologist 12/15/11(Thu)12:44 No.8409251
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    Fire-type, of course. Nothing like being able to cook steak with your own flame.
    Well, okay, that's cheating. I've always been envious of flying types. The freedom of movement they have is fantastic and seeing the world from the sky never fails to take my breath away.

    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)12:47 No.8409260
    Uhmm...hey Hoenn bros.
    Sinnohfag here..

    I jst turned on the news and it started talking about some freaky weather in Hoenn a the moment.

    Seems like some torrential downpour appeared from out of nowhere?

    How you guys holding up?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)12:54 No.8409287
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    Don't worry, we're used to extremes of weather.

    Pic related, I live down the road from an ash field.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)12:55 No.8409289
    Oh ok. That's good then..
    Allthough there are now some conspiracy theorists claiming that one of your region's legendary pokemon is causing it?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)12:56 No.8409293

    You don't have to tell me. Every other day, those "legendaries" are up to something; it's all a big publicity stunt if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)13:00 No.8409305
    People in Sinnor are worse..

    Supposedly Arceus(Legend of our region) is a GOD who created the world..

    I mean, Pokemon can do some crazy things but come one..

    Besides, Arceus is probably just an ancient extinct pokemon people used to worship or something.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:03 No.8409310
    The rain out at sea is dismal i'll have to go back and anchor soon.
    >> Student Michael 12/15/11(Thu)13:12 No.8409338
    I already made the decision, but I'm going to officially adopt the Aron today. He seems alright with the idea, but with some pokemon you can't tell. Does anyone have experience with abused pokemon?
    >> Jacob !!Yl7JUvRAcCr 12/15/11(Thu)13:13 No.8409348
    I'm just doing fine here in Unova. No big bad Pokemon to terrorize us. Except maybe Virizion, but I've never run into it.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:14 No.8409350
    They can be very very finicky and also skittish, so watch out for that alright.
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)13:15 No.8409354
    What's going on ITT?
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)13:16 No.8409361
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:16 No.8409362
    Watching the waves as its very cold and rough out today, Blazikens up in arms over the whole thing.
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)13:22 No.8409375
    Oh, hi vee. I heard a lot about you.
    well not really :P
    can you tell me who is this buizel guy people keep mistaking me for? i'm curious.

    In this cold weather, shouldn't you take a better pokemon suited for the cold? I heard dawgong are really biting at the northern shores.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:23 No.8409379
    All of my pokemon live with me on my boat, its just because its so rough that Blaziken is up in arms.
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)13:24 No.8409381
    I'm Buizel. And I don't know why people mistake you for me, probably you act like me or something. Dunno.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)13:24 No.8409382
    Rizon Channel its moderated for protection from retardation.

    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)13:28 No.8409394
    >is up in arms
    What does that mean?

    So soon people will come ITT blaming us for samefagging?

    anyway, it's good to know. here's a free tip from me to you
    when you write 'noko+sage' in the mail field, you can stay in a thread without bumping it. also, no one can see you aren't bumping, so it is helpfull for in-thread combos on /b/.
    >> Amateur Crypto-zoologist 12/15/11(Thu)13:28 No.8409397
    That did happen several years ago, so it's not entirely unfounded.
    That said, if it /was/ Kyogre, it'd be obvious and all over the place. Legendaries, particularly the more deific ones, don't go for half measures.

    Maybe it's just a side-effect of having a trainer who studies these things as a hobby, but I wouldn't be so quick to discount the more out-there stuff. After all, if we saw them too often they wouldn't be legends would they?

    The only experience I've had with abused 'mons is fighting them. There's no satisfaction in beating someone who only fights out of fear or some kind of psychotic need to "prove" themselves to trainers who couldn't care less about them.
    Take good care of him, it might take a while but once he sees you're not like his old trainer I'm sure he'll warm up to you.

    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)13:29 No.8409401

    And I use 4chan+, no need to noko for me :3
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:31 No.8409410
    Well lets just say she's getting all worked up over the water and how rough it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)13:31 No.8409412
    So a Pokemon DID create a big storm over there? Yikes..

    And I wanted to visit Hoenn too. Maybe catch a few pokemon there(Electrikes are sooo cute)

    That was just a freak accident right?
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)13:31 No.8409413
    What about 4chanx?
    also, hidden sage can be a lot of fun.
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)13:32 No.8409414
    I use Chrome, I think 4chan X is for Firefox.
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)13:33 No.8409417
    Why don't you let her rest inside your ball? the water won't reach her there.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:35 No.8409426
    She prefers to be out so I let her stay beside me, I find being able to actually soothe them helps more.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)13:36 No.8409431
    >>8409394're a Sailor...or Captain or whatever..
    Having Fire Pokemon with such a job is a bad idea in the first place, but I can't stop you from bringing your friends..

    However, keeping your Fire pokemon out of their balls in stormy weather on sea is irresponsible.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:37 No.8409438
    I think you quoted to me so i'll answer, she is currently sitting down in the cabin I don't have her work out in the rain when its like this. I have my other pokemon help me up top.
    >> Terra !4dLvBoNE.. 12/15/11(Thu)13:38 No.8409442
    I have no real reason, I just love Poison types. Though, a lot of my favorite Pokemon are Ground, I just plain love Poison. Ironically, not a big fan of the Nido family.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)13:40 No.8409446
    Oh ok.

    I'm just a warrywart because my fisherman friend once had a Slugma with him, and the poor thing fell into the water..

    He could recall it JUST in time..
    Had to spend 4 days in the centre though..

    I can only imagine what would happen if your poor Blaziken would go overboard....
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)13:42 No.8409454
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    Bugs. I don't know why and it bugs me.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)13:43 No.8409455
    I've taught all my pokemon how to swim however with the weather like it is, I don't trust it. That and she would be quite a bit sick afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)13:44 No.8409458

    Normal. I don't know why but it's pretty normal.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:07 No.8409511
    Steel. I always wondered but I steel don't know.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:09 No.8409519
    Dragon. And I won't let this joke drag on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:10 No.8409524

    Fighting. I'm tempted to make a pun but I'm resisting the urge.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:11 No.8409527

    Ice. They're just so cool.
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)14:12 No.8409533
    A bit forced...

    anyway my infatatuition with bugs began with cool beedrill was, and how it's twineedle was both powerfull and apparently super effective against almost everything (it was 1st gen) and the only way to counter psy.
    >> Lark Wander !!ebNJQy1LLUq 12/15/11(Thu)14:16 No.8409551
    >See Seth
    >No derail
    >See Vee
    >Hasn't spammed yet
    >also awyea.jpg
    As I've mentioned before, Mira was apparently abandoned by her previous trainer when she was a Snorunt and wasn't too strong, and didn't want to fight. He just left her in her dusk ball laying in the middle of a cave, christ, some people can be awful, although Milotic guy's old boss takes the nonexistant cake.
    I don't like picking favorites, but I'd have to say that over the course of 9 years spent with Karen, I've grown quite fond of Grass types. Some Dark types come in second place, like Seth's Zoroark and Hydreigon, Zora and Draugen, are awesome.
    I love how this thread's going a lot faster than the last one, I think we should stick with this name from now on
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)14:17 No.8409554

    It will peter out soon
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)14:21 No.8409573
    >> Vee !!yti2jC9QfHW 12/15/11(Thu)14:22 No.8409575
    Why does everyone assume all I do is spam threads :(
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)14:26 No.8409594
    I set up a rizon channel for inbetween chat lounging, its more or less just a chill zone.

    So what pokemon do you own?

    Its fine leave it be.
    >> thoughtless celestial 12/15/11(Thu)14:37 No.8409636
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    None. they aren't real.
    >this thread
    oh right
    Probably grimer, if they really ware real. however, if it was up to me, I would own a vulpix.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)15:47 No.8409953
    Anything I should know when raising a beldum? it seems very odd and I only just caught it.
    >> Johtoan Contact 12/15/11(Thu)17:57 No.8410569
    So, I might be working under the assumption that no-one will mind me being in the rizon channel, but I have literally never used it before. Could anyone please give me a quick crash course in usage?

    Everyone's favourite pokemon?
    I reckon mine might well be rock or steel, I much appreciate their sturdy-ness. But not the ability, ohh no.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/15/11(Thu)18:21 No.8410697
    >Go to
    >Click the big blue "chat" button
    >First field's for your nickname
    >Second field's the channel
    >Put "ITTrealpkmn" in that one
    >Wait about a minute to register your nickname
    And finally someone who feels my paaaaaain. It's like, I'm just going through Mistralton cave or some cave, and then BOLDORES FUCKING EVERYWHERE, so I'm all "Lethine, yeah I really don't give a damn what you use." So my Serperior just goes all Leaf storm, and EVERY ONE STILL LIVES. GODDAMMIT.
    >> Hypno Guy !!MV76lHuI7ya 12/15/11(Thu)18:27 No.8410730
    What should I do for fun in Unova? I've got some time to kill.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/15/11(Thu)18:36 No.8410778
    There's a good ice cream store in castelia.

    Also no one in the channel feels bad.
    >> Johtoan Contact 12/15/11(Thu)18:38 No.8410794
    I'm trying to get in, but the email fucked up so I have to fix it.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:39 No.8410809
    Well that sucks.

    ITTRealpkmn capital make sure its not forgotten.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/15/11(Thu)18:46 No.8410856
    So, I finally decided to stop hiding behind a fake name. finally managed to make one up, so this is what >>8410794 will be from now on.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:48 No.8410866
    Its there for chatting and to see who's online and the likes, a lounge room more or less.
    >> Sir Gengar the Shitfaced faggot 12/15/11(Thu)18:51 No.8410881
    How do I fix my no$gba? it's broke and I dunno how to fix? how do I? professor juniper shows up then game freezes. I MAD
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)18:54 No.8410897

    So why can't you RP there?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/11(Thu)23:43 No.8412706
    >> Jacob !!Yl7JUvRAcCr 12/16/11(Fri)02:56 No.8413519
    Your what now?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)03:20 No.8413579
    i caught that bitch a wwailord
    bitches lovve wwailords
    >> Anonymous 12/16/11(Fri)09:34 No.8414388
    DO NOT.
    >> Lark Wander !!ebNJQy1LLUq 12/16/11(Fri)15:18 No.8415498
    >Sick as fuck
    >Can't move
    >Playing Dig-N-Rig
    >Bitching at Seth for giving his two Tribes Beta keys to one of our friends and ZetaPlays
    I fucking hate the winter, I'm like, mainlining soup and whatever it is Mira's been giving me from my pill cabinet... but at least DigiPen's gotten even more awesome over the course of the years. Seriously, if you haven't played Dig-N-Rig, GO PLAY IT NOW.
    >Implying this wasn't an overly long bump
    >> Tom Jackal !!4fejOFksFn7 12/16/11(Fri)15:29 No.8415548
    Hello thread. You've been hiding from me. I missed you. So what's up?
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/16/11(Fri)15:45 No.8415599
    I'm back and only a few anons were butthurt. Also Vee's back, just ignore him.
    Currently postan from my iPhone at the mall while Zora does... actually I really don't know. I think she's getting christmas presents, and she wouldn't let me follow her, so I assume she's getting me something, but I don't know. I DO know that people freak out at the sight of a Zoroark in a longcoat in the mall.
    Before you say anything Lark, she's going to give it back, but she does really like your jacket.
    >> Tom Jackal !!4fejOFksFn7 12/16/11(Fri)15:52 No.8415626
    Ah, I see. So did any of you hear about this Shiny Bidoof randomly entering places and screwing things up, then leaving like nothing happened? I think one of the local breeders lost one of its derps.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/16/11(Fri)16:04 No.8415673
    Aw man, that'd be hilarious to see, where is it, Sinnoh? Too bad I'm in Unova right now.
    Oh goddammit, now I gotta go break up a fight between Zora and some kid who tried to pickpocket her, APPARENTLY DIDN'T REALIZE IT WAS A ZOROARK.
    I really don't mean that in the meme sense, and now to disappear for a while before people start accusing me of dominating, DIG-N-RIG TIME!
    Bounty (10) added to Castelia City
    >> Student Michael 12/16/11(Fri)18:41 No.8416258
    I've finalized the paperwork-- I am now the Aron's trainer. How does "Chrome" sound as a name?

    Actually, there's a more serious issue I want to address. I eventually want to take on the League, but 'Chrome' doesn't seem like the battling type. How should I approach this issue with him? Mind you, I'm not going to challenge the league for another 2-3 years.
    >> Amateur Crypto-zoologist 12/16/11(Fri)23:21 No.8417987
    Let him know about your plans, but make it as clear as you can that it's his choice and his alone- young pokemon are just as easily influenced as human children, if not more so.
    Again, make sure he knows it's his choice whether or not to take the challenge with you. Worst case scenario is he resolutely refuses to have anything to do with fighting and you work something out from there.

    If you're dead set on having him fight, however, the absolute worst thing you could do is force him into it. You aren't scum, so the reasons for this should be fairly clear.
    Instead, let him come around to the idea himself. You've got years for him to make up his mind so don't rush it. Actually, I'd imagine if there's one thing he needs it's the ability to make his own choices about life. No need to put it in such broad terms, he is only an Aron after all, but right now I want you let him know that he's in good care and that he has much more control over his life than he used to.

    I think there's a point of some kind in there. Um, please take good care of that Aron and don't force it to do anything it doesn't want to? I think that's what I was going for. So, uh, yeah. That.

    >> Hypno Guy !!MV76lHuI7ya 12/16/11(Fri)23:52 No.8418221
    You could just have him not fight.

    Rig up a fake battle. and see how he likes it when he wins.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/17/11(Sat)00:06 No.8418350
    Really just talk to him and see what he thinks.m, same with forced evolutions, they will resent you something fierce if you force them.
    And also this.

    So Zora's been banned from the mall, we got kicked out for the day, but we'll be back tomarrow, she'll just disguise. Anyone else have stories about mishaps with their Pokemon in public?
    >> Xavier Vincent 12/17/11(Sat)00:19 No.8418454
    I started recently as a ground-type trainer. Goal? To get a legendary.

    >that feel when everyone kicks your ass since they started with the water type.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/17/11(Sat)00:30 No.8418533
    Not trying to be an asshole or crush your dreams or anything, but I very highly doubt you'll catch a legend. I mean, the chances of you even SEEING one are astronomical-I didn't believe my bro Michael for a week when he told me he found a Latias! Second, they are VERY strong, I fought that kid who beat Plasma once, Reshiram and my Hydreigon went down at the SAME TIME-much better than I thought Draugen would've done.
    So long story short, good luck, you'll need it.
    >> Lark Wander !!ebNJQy1LLUq 12/17/11(Sat)00:36 No.8418573
    Bro, stop being an asshole, alright?
    And fuck, I feel like shit, Mira's been trying to drag me off to bed for the last 2 hours, but Ghosts aren't too strong.
    So to answer your question, I had loads of weird moments with Karen back in Digipen, took a while to teach her that the prof's cliched apple is NOT HER SNACK. Funny, but also enraging sometimes.
    And I gotta go now, Heather's standing behind me and said that the exact moment this post is done she's picking me up out of my chair and putting me in bed, so see ya guys.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/17/11(Sat)01:29 No.8418922
    Hey thread, I have a little question for you guys.
    Has anyone else met that weird 'Copycat' girl in Saffron? I decided to take Pincher, Balthazar and Tony there for a little break (and maybe take a quick squiz at the Gym).
    So I was doorknocking and asking for directions, and at one house a perfect reflection of ME answered the door. I kept trying to ask where the gym was but it basically controlled the entire conversation, then slammed the door on me and ran off giggling. HER parents then came out and apologised, but it was still a weird experience. Sorta creeped me out actually.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/17/11(Sat)01:36 No.8418981
    I cant say ive ever been there to be honest, sounds right weird.
    >> Amateur Crypto-zoologist 12/17/11(Sat)10:20 No.8420229
    As a fire-type starter, I know the feeling. See about getting an electric type of some kind, I think Stunfisk is supposed to be ground/electric? Either that or teach one of your pokemon electric or grass moves. They'll relish the chance to shove type advantage back in their opponent's faces.
    As far as catching a legendary is concerned; well, I wish you luck. The last person I know of who tried to catch one ended up as meat paste on a cave wall. You don't mess around with legendaries unless you damn well know what you're doing.

    >> Shroomish !!qxF9Hfhpguy 12/17/11(Sat)11:07 No.8420364
    I still think Vee's a cool guy..
    This thread did kind of turn to shit from when it first started.
    >> Shroomish !!qxF9Hfhpguy 12/17/11(Sat)11:07 No.8420367
    By thread, I mean this series of threads. The first one was pretty cool but now.
    >> Student Michael 12/17/11(Sat)11:31 No.8420428
    Well, I talked to Chrome. It's hard to tell with some pokemon, but from what I could gather, he'll be okay with the idea eventually. Of course, I won't push him. I think I'll wait a year or so before seeing what he'll be up to.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)17:20 No.8421802
    While you shouldn't push him into anything he really doesn't want you also need to have him doing something. Can't let him mope around all day feeling sorry for himself, else he'll never recover.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/17/11(Sat)20:59 No.8423020
    While I feel the need to bump the thread, I don't want to insert myself into discussions where I would have no place. And this does appear to be one, but I'll use another of my OC's stories.
    Ironically, my bro Michael had a similar problem when he first got Sera. I guess her mate/best friend had recently died-don't remember which-and she was just always crying over it, he let her mope for a day before kinda nudging her into other things. So yeah, just see what he likes, hell, that's how Zora became the Sharpshooter from hell, while dosh-starved Lark and I just sit back as a Berserker and a Medic as we watch all of our kills get stolen BEFORE WE SEE THEM.
    And also, Chrome is so fucked up with its dictionary, apparently "berserker" isn't a word according to it.
    >> Juni 12/17/11(Sat)21:08 No.8423064

    I haven't been there, but now I'm intrigued. To what degree did she mirror you? Like, ws it perfect, or could you tell it was someone else?
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/17/11(Sat)21:55 No.8423358
    For the first few seconds there were a few flaws, but after that she pretty much copied my appearance, movement style and speech mannerisms perfectly, even getting little details like a very unobtrusive birthmark on my cheek, and the way I tend to use 'eh' (or ay, however you spell it) to punctuate sentences. Really strange. I actually wouldn't be able to tell which of us was the real one if I was a bystander.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:05 No.8423407
    my team hates eachother.
    My Zweilous is constantly trying to kill my Druddigon, My Samurott won't let any of the other pokemon near me and always sleeps across my stomach, and my Archeops and Fraxure are constantly trying to eat eachother alive.

    anyone know how I can fix this?
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:09 No.8423420
    the only pokemon that is bearable most of the time is my Braviary, who thinks mt hair is a nest and due to his curious nature is always going through my things.
    >> Mercenary Matt !!5Xx1a/6oJS/ 12/17/11(Sat)22:09 No.8423421


    Hard, strict, to the point discipline. It's a thing all Pokemon need at one point, if not, they usually end up dead.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:13 No.8423444
    I've tried.
    is there any places that teach pokemon obidence?
    >> Mercenary Matt !!5Xx1a/6oJS/ 12/17/11(Sat)22:18 No.8423483

    Well, your local Gym Leader could help. I know that Brawly in Dewford is a noted discipliner in terms of training, as well as Blue Oak in Viridian, they have the right stuff to guide ya.

    Though it is gonna have to ultilmately fall on you really, as YOU are the one whom they have to listen to.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:28 No.8423585
    also I think I got robbed by a team plasma member recently, luckily my pokemon are all safe but most of my Items and other such things have been stolen.
    does anyone know where a trainer can stock up on some cheep supplies?
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/17/11(Sat)22:33 No.8423636
    You THINK? What is the uncertainty there? Were you not there or something?
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/17/11(Sat)22:34 No.8423643
    >3 dragons
    >Ancient bird
    >Modern bird
    >Honor-bound walrus/narwhal thing
    How the hell did you get ANY of these without discipline? Christ, I can't imagine what anarchy my house would be in if I didn't keep everyone in line, because I'd be DEAD. Either by a Garchomp, Hydreigon, Zoroark or Froslass. Dragons are notoriously hard to train, and you're trying to train THREE at ONCE.
    Seriously, I can't teach discipline over the internet, you gotta go fix your shit on your own.
    >> Amateur Crypto-zoologist 12/17/11(Sat)22:37 No.8423663
    Being robbed tends to be a fairly binary issue. How can you be uncertain about that?

    has a point. You've got several quite volatile pokemon there, how in the name of whatever deity you worship did you get hold of them in the first place?

    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:38 No.8423676
    Ruffles (My Braviary) had dropped my bag on my head and knocked me out.
    when I come to a person in a silverish getup is trying to steal my pokeballs and already has my bag on their back.
    I manage to knock them off of me but before I can get up they'd already gone into the woods.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:42 No.8423698
    most of them were pokemon that became attached to me while I was working at a abandoned pokemon shelter.
    my old boss though it would be a good Idea for me to keep them.
    in all honesty they listen pretty well but they simply don't like eachother.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)22:58 No.8423808
    that sound creepy as hell.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/17/11(Sat)23:12 No.8423906
    What kind of shelter did you work at?! Archeops, an 'extinct' bird, and all dem dragons, that must have been serious work.
    And you bet it was creepy, it just adds to the weirdness of all the Psychics in the area and a fake gym.
    >> Seth Alastor !!27R77KMUvJ7 12/17/11(Sat)23:26 No.8424003
    Jesus Christ... where the hell did you work!? Is one of the daycares running an adoption center again!?
    Also, how long ago was this? I thought Plasma disbanded a while ago after that kid Hilbert, or Black, as Reshiram said he likes to be called. kicked their asses?
    We're operating under the assumption that the games have all happened already, as have some of the premises of the movies... right? Cmon, someone tell me before I look like an uninformed faggot.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)23:33 No.8424043
    12 hours of work a day man, and we mostly got the rare cases, seeing as the old man is one of the only people who knows how to take care of the more rare pokemon. I ended up working for the old man after my mom sent me to check up on him.
    poor man had worked himself sick.
    so even after he got better I stayed to lend a hand whenever I could.
    and trust me taking care of abandoned pokemon is hard because it makes them more aggressive twords people.
    Ruffles almost pecked my eyes out, Dio (my Zweilous) would headbutt me as soon as he heard me coming, Belle (My Samurott) liked to use scald on me, and Archie (My Archeops) would dig under me and trip me up.

    but still they eventually learned to respect me and I became friends with them.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)23:37 No.8424060
    Nah, the old man was a pokemon watcher who helped abandoned pokemon get over their trainer abandoning them it was a pretty big place!

    as for the theif, all I know is that they matched the description of a plasma grunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/17/11(Sat)23:49 No.8424119
    Has anyone here ever raised a Dratini? I'm thinking about getting one because Dragon types are my favorite but living in Kanto I don't have much choice as far as Dragon types go.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/17/11(Sat)23:53 No.8424145
    from what the old man told me Dratini is very easy to train once you gain it's trust, but if you ever break it the Dratini will never listen to you again.

    as for gaining it's trust I'd go about feeding it food it likes and talking to it a lot.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/17/11(Sat)23:58 No.8424176
    I have no bloody clue about raising one, but jeez finding one in itself is a feat, then catching one admirable. THEN you want to raise such a thing? I wish you luck friend, I have read they live in deep lakes.
    Oh yeah, and I decided to take your guys advice and take the Gym Challenge, but who first, Sabrina or Erika? I have about an equal advantage on both (my lineup being Pincher the Pinsir, Tony the Murkrow, and Balthazar the Abra (seemingly, nearly Kadabra)). Thoughts?
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/18/11(Sun)00:00 No.8424190
    Sabrina's the more brutal of the two from what I'd read.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/18/11(Sun)00:07 No.8424240

    Also Jacob, were there any unusual moves you bred Tony (that little Murkrow) with? I might be good to know before the battle with Erika.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/18/11(Sun)00:39 No.8424409
    if he attacks you st first it's very natural.
    abandoned/abused pokemon tend to be more aggressive twords humans
    Dark types.
    perhaps because they don't restrain themselves.
    >> Jacob !!Yl7JUvRAcCr 12/18/11(Sun)00:54 No.8424493
    Well, his father was a Rufflet, so I'm sure Tony knows Brave Bird. How;s he doing anyway?
    >> Jacob !!Yl7JUvRAcCr 12/18/11(Sun)00:56 No.8424510
    It's probably because I grew up with them, but dragons. There's just something about them that's so powerful and sends a chill of adventure down my spine.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/18/11(Sun)01:01 No.8424532
    Quite well, in my opinion. He has grown into quite the Naughty Haw Haw he is bringing natures into a realistic setting little guy, and seems to like the team enough. Luckily, your premonition of him stealing shiny things hasn't yet come true, but I'm wary.

    On the topic of moves, are we going by game mechanics with only four moves, or a more realistic approach where mons can learn more than four, but just forget how to use some when they are unused?
    >> The Wayfarer !zzSSQwRiC2 12/18/11(Sun)01:10 No.8424586
    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

    How is everyone this fine evening?

    Results of the surveillance of the cave on the north ridge of Mt. Chimney have come back negative. Weeks of remote surveillance have brought no proof that anyone was in the cave after we had investigated it. This does not, however, rule out any Magma activity prior to our investigation, it only says that Magma has not been there since.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)01:19 No.8424634
    Holidays. Traffic in Castelia is horrible.
    >> Admiral !ZDrownWEHw 12/18/11(Sun)01:24 No.8424662
    Rough weather and bad sea's have me docked for the time being, i've been training the Zweilous I obtained a while back and he's getting better.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/18/11(Sun)01:32 No.8424710
    I got robbed.
    I'm doing odd jobs in Lacunosa Town to get some supplies.
    plus the snow means Ruffles won't be able to fly me home for Christmas.
    >> Vincent Eastcote 12/18/11(Sun)08:51 No.8425661
    BUMP OF EPIC MOTHERFUCKING PROPORTIONS to get the thread rolling again.

    Anything interesting happen around for people? Seems The Wayfarer is back, hello to you. You probably don't know who I am unless you have been following these threads, but I am that Johtoan Contact kid that came around a few threads ago. Decided to stop hiding behind an alias.

    Personally, I just smashed through the gym trainers in Celadon, taking on Erika tomorrow. Testing out our real battle prowess.
    >> Lark Wander !!ebNJQy1LLUq 12/18/11(Sun)10:58 No.8425903
    Sick as flying fuck, thank Christ I have a laptop, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING outside of my bed... and then Mira's been fussing over me, on one hand, having a medic is a good thing, on the other, a Froslass one? Not so much.
    And whoopdy fucking doo, just got the new Magicka expansion, let's see how long it takes before someone's banned from a particular magick...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/11(Sun)11:00 No.8425908

    That made me laugh

    This thread is a dead thread just deal with it
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/18/11(Sun)11:41 No.8426017
    hope ya get better soon man.

    also a bit of good news I was able to contact ma and the old man just happened to be visiting and heard my plight.
    looks like I have a way home for Christmas!
    and with the money I mad doing odd jobs I'll be able to buy some new supplies.
    >> Lady Serperior !!yRXGSicPXTT 12/18/11(Sun)11:47 No.8426030
    Anyone have any tips for a VERY overprotective Serperior? It's gotten so bad I have to keep him in his pokeball when I go out, have company over, or if my boyfriend comes over.
    >> The sleepy trainer !!Zs/i1Slz5Q+ 12/18/11(Sun)11:53 No.8426050
    I'd advise a stern talking to whenever he acts aggressive twords civilians.
    if he doesn't know that you don't like that he's doing it he'll keep it up.
    >> Lady Serperior !!yRXGSicPXTT 12/18/11(Sun)12:01 No.8426078
    Well the problem is I have already talked to him?(I'm not 100% sure about the gender) about it and I've tried to explain that not everyone is out to get me. He'll back off for a little while but he'll always go back to being protective.

    It's really embarrassing (and hard!) having to pull a giant snake twice my size off of random strangers because he didn't like the way someone looked at me.

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