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  • File : 1316614437.png-(733 KB, 824x4708, PitchBlack-Prologue.png)
    733 KB Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)10:13 No.7937762  
    This is my attempt at a Nuzlocke that I hope to be at least more interesting than most other Nuzlockes out there. Standard rules, nicknames, death, and first of route.

    I'm posting the Prologue first since most probably missed it. Part 1 will be up right away. It's been over 2 weeks, which means my updates may be 2 weeks apart, but I hope to keep consistent quality. Please tell me what you think.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:16 No.7937767
         File1316614610.jpg-(227 KB, 432x576, 1303585683661.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:18 No.7937771
    Have my money.

    Also, "Pitch Black" is the name of your bloody nuzlocke, or is it the hack rom of the same name you're nuzlocking ?
    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)10:19 No.7937773
    Name of the Nuzlocke. I'm playing standard Black...and apparently Part 1 is so massive in resolution I'll have to break it into two parts.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:20 No.7937778
    I like your art style. I can't really tell much from the prologue so you'll have to post more before I can really say anything.
    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)10:23 No.7937790
         File1316615039.png-(706 KB, 826x4421, Pitch Black-Part 1-1.png)
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    Alright, first part of Part 1. The entire image is around 8500 pixels tall so no wonder there were problems. Actually, splitting it directly in half made semi-decent splitting points. I may have to reconsider how big a single part can be and try and get them out more frequently. Second part of Part 1 coming very soon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:24 No.7937791
    Please, take my money. This could be the greatest run since Hale and Robot7. Will this be submitted onto with the rest of them?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:24 No.7937792
    You got me, dear Anon.
    I'm very interested.
    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)10:26 No.7937799
         File1316615194.png-(700 KB, 826x4112, Pitch Black-Part 1-2.png)
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    And here is the second part of Part 1.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:29 No.7937806
    >dat Icarus

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:31 No.7937815
         File1316615508.png-(84 KB, 356x488, RubyGASP.png)
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    Oh a nuzlocke comic, sweeWHAT IS HAPPENING
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:32 No.7937816
         File1316615567.png-(9 KB, 225x243, Oshawott pissed.png)
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    Only thing I liked.
    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)10:33 No.7937817
    That's a good idea. Once I have about 5 parts I'll do that.

    I made a thread about a month ago when I started for someone to pick my starter and name it and someone was pretty adamant about Icarus the Oshawott. I was sorta hoping for Snivy, honestly, but once I started and saw his nature and characteristic, I knew this would work perfectly. Thank you, Random T. Anon, because you gave a pretty damn awesome name to what became a pretty damn awesome partner.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:38 No.7937823
    what the fucks is wrong with this guy ;_;
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:38 No.7937825
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:39 No.7937829
    I think you're playing the creepy card too much. If that's your gimmick I really don't see a reason to keep reading. If it's an explanation for future pokemon deaths, well I think you could've thought up a better idea for it.
    Now I'm not one to say keep to something that works (it creates problems, for example CoD), but the reason I like pettyartist and Hale and Notepad is because their comics are funny and don't need to take this darker route for originality.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:46 No.7937844
    Eh, like what some other anon said in the previous thread, I'm not liking the lol-so-dark-and-edgy vibe here. It feels a bit too forced, plus the way things are going right now the MC feels like one of those emo Deviantart Mary Sues.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:56 No.7937854
         File1316616962.jpg-(55 KB, 600x477, shut_up_and_take_my_pay_day.jpg)
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    You guys say a lot about Hale and Robot-7, but it was there that they went first. Also, there's also Shelly, Oh Gosh (a.k.a Ol' Green Nipples), pettyartist, landwalker...

    go there, and get this awesome thing where it should be
    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)10:59 No.7937862
    I wasn't really trying to go for "lol so dark and edgy" but I can see how it can come off that way. The reasoning for it was going to be revealed along the way, but if you can put it together yourself, then the reason it's like that is because I wanted to answer the questions about the rules.

    I'll try to make it seem like less of a Mary Sue, though. I might know how to do it but the reason I've been avoiding it so far is because I don't want to cause problems with how intimidating he can be. Take Naruto. Naruto is supposed to be a badass fighter now, yet is still pretty pants-on-head-retarded, so you don't believe he's supposed to be so strong. With Black, showing weaknesses may be a little difficult to avoid that kind of thing, but I will try.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)10:59 No.7937863
    I haven't read shelly but
    >Oh Gosh
    nigga what?
    and yeah I agree about landwalker (and petty, but I mentioned her in a previous post). Kynim is good too.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:03 No.7937870
    Eh, I'm pretty sure Robot7 was posted on 420chan/po/ before anywhere else.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:08 No.7937880
    Well, it's just the first chapter so there's still plenty of opportunities to fix that. First impression's always important though.

    Don't use HIM as a model of all things. The way he's played off as a retard with armadillo penor and then a few chapters later he big talks to Kyuubi although he had to get help from 2 external forces and suddenly everyone's loving him... That just reeks.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:13 No.7937889
    Nobody has any noses.

    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)11:13 No.7937891
    Is exactly why I used him as an example of what I'm trying to AVOID.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:14 No.7937893
    shelly = reactionfaces the comic
    unfortunately, hiatus

    and oh gosh, I find his kind of humor unique, although not even near as good as Hale's, for example

    the forum didn't exist at that time
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:17 No.7937901
    You keep adding dots where question marks should be in the dialogues, it's a bit irritating. But otherwise I'm digging your comic.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:20 No.7937909
    How often do you update and where else do you post? I saw the prologue and made that pun before. I missed the first part though
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:23 No.7937918
         File1316618588.jpg-(144 KB, 640x480, Haruhi Seen Some Shit.jpg)
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    >> Pokemon: Pitch Black 09/21/11(Wed)11:28 No.7937927
    I was kinda going for that Black doesn't ask things of his mom, he tells her. Like, she doesn't tell him what to do, it's the other way around. That probably won't continue.

    I wanted to update every week but it's been 2 weeks since Prologue went up. I may change how long a single part is to try and get them out more frequently. I'll actually start putting them on that Nuzlocke forum too.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:50 No.7937982
    >main character is a psychotic maniac
    oh god...this is awesome, please tell me you're going to upload them here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)11:55 No.7937994
         File1316620530.jpg-(209 KB, 500x500, 1284333495443.jpg)
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    >Nuzlocke fan comics
    >No one mentions Freddy's

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:00 No.7938010
    Your comic is pretty good.

    Shove it up on the Nuzlocke forum website though, more people to appreciate it there. :3
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)12:04 No.7938017
    Oh dear. I'm all over the protag of this comic.He's based on Kcalb, isn't he? This is certainly intriguing.
    >> Tycho 09/21/11(Wed)12:16 No.7938063
         File1316621774.jpg-(26 KB, 474x475, typhlosionuhh.jpg)
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    >See this thread just after starting my first play through of Quartz.
    >Read these comics

    Am I still asleep?
    >> Lizerd 09/21/11(Wed)12:19 No.7938075
         File1316621987.png-(16 KB, 434x297, wotter is excite.png)
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    If any of you are interested a friend of mine made one.
    It's full of reaction images like so.

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