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!!5Xx1a/6oJS/ 07/23/11(Sat)08:51 No.7338276>>7338247
Ohh, we haven't just heard of /vp/'s history, we ARE /vp/'s history.
I draw this from /b/ here :
the people on here are good people, young and old, having a myriad of
morals and good hearts. Most of the people on here are also hurt in
someway, perhaps forgotten by someone they have loved or have forgotten
love itself, perhaps pain has played their hand, or maybe their view on
life is dwindling each day. We may try our best to bring good from
ourselves, but things happen, and a life being taken will, as cruel as
it is to say, will help us along and value our lives so much more. /vp/
and its anons, tripfags, namefags and everything else are representative
of what the board is. We are rejects, thrown from /v/ because we were
too big for ourselves and now we keep to ourselves, taking the brunt of
insults throw to us because of what we inhibit as a board. At the end of
the day after every circle-jerker, troll, and what-ifs, we are still
/vp/, no matter what anyone else says otherwise. |