It's that time.
The silver one is supposed to beHNNNNNGGGGHHH
god i dont have any of these pics but i gotta say silver is the shit
Awesome! I hope there's not gonna be a retard who's gonna get mad this time.
>>551485lol gold has trollface
>>551466when i saw the thumbnail i thought it was going to be defending gold. the silver sprite looks stupid as hell, as if mewtwo was having a heart attack.
i originally had crystal before gold/silver
Except both sucked compared to Crystal.
>>551496Gold: head up high, ready to goSilver: depressed as fuck
>>551552lol'd my ass off
This thread again?
Can't you guys stop fighting with each other and just go make fun of Crystal? No one likes Crystal.
>>551649haha theyre almost identical
>>551525>>551525>>551525Seriously though, Silver's Blastoise sprite is retarded.
>>551680Newfag doesnt get it
>>551675>>551649HELL YEAH
The Gold ones seem like they're trying to hard.
Why does the sprites look like they've been taken directly from a position that looks like the pokemon is giving respectively receiving sex?
>>551703Holy shit, I never noticed that before. Awesome.
>>551693>He doesn't get a joke, HE MUST BE A NEWFAG!
>>551693/b/ack to /b/ massive faggot
>>551732I wonder if I'm the only person that noticed that the sprites' are labeled incorrectly (Gold's should be under Silver, vice-versa)
>>551675this made me laugh
>>551732That one is wrong the silver sprite is the gold version sprite. The guy who made it messed up.
ITT: 2 people
truthsorry for the quality i had to do this on my oldest computer
has anyone done suicune yet?
>>551582>>551530>Silver has the better Ho-oh sprite>Gold has the better Lugia spriteWhat is this I don't even
>>551893Chill, bra.
>>551847lol'd>>551903Silver Gengar is "LEFT FOOT, RIGHT FOOT..."
>>551963silver charmeleon is "left foot, right foot"
Gold faggots can only think of 'left, right'.Silver are for real men, original men.
>>551973siver carizid is loft butt eight book
can we just say silver > gold ?
Silver's sprites all suck true story
>>551466mewtwo is sucking his dick
>>552020god dinorhino ish butt dock lick fuck
>>552032are you fucking blind? gold has the better sprites
>>552045Remember when trolls used to TRY
>>551530I was going to say belly flop. not some. like. pregnant shit. you stretched that one.
>>552066So why aren't you trying? You're too obvious, bro.
>>551516shiver duckbucket os nick dutt rupture hut
>>551680HE's got a point. i only like Crystal cause suicune is the mian legendary.
>>552175awww, someone saved mine
>>551523SameGold > Silver in this case
I know there's not a single hatin' going on here, but OMG did this thread made my day! Someone screencap this!
>>551732Switch the sprites. Turns out the badass is actually the Gold sprite.
>>552634On it /tr/ainer!