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On Sunday night I hosted the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here. Thanks everyone for contributing 4,000 posts and hanging out for 7.5 hours—it was fun and I hope it was informative/entertaining.

New inline extension features: improved thread watcher (threads with new posts will be bold, and will also show you unread count), deleted posts are now marked as such, thread stats shows when reply/image limits are met, and quick reply disables file upload when thread is at image limit. Note: To use the new thread watcher, you must first remove your old watched threads.

File: 1353527010949.jpg-(396 KB, 500x770, magikarp_used_splash_by_kgoggles.jpg)
396 KB
Quality fan art thread 3

Previous thread >>10537277

Note that this is not meant to be a request thread. This is meant for posting the most beautiful fan art you have came across.
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273 KB
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319 KB
>>10537989 (OP)
I can't re-upload them but there are some high resolution pictures in this thread: >>10530253
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1.04 MB
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73 KB
"Detected possible malicious code in image file."
Wtf is up with that?
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274 KB

Thanks for link to the thread. There were some really great pictures there.
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114 KB
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279 KB
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47 KB
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89 KB
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144 KB
File: 1353527748395.jpg-(85 KB, 900x632, runtz_by_pokeada.jpg)
85 KB
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428 KB
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62 KB
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289 KB
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1.81 MB
I must go now. Thanks for everyone who posted to these three threads. See you guys tomorrow.
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994 KB
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175 KB
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991 KB
Leafeon art, anyone?
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82 KB
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800 KB

This is not a request thread. Sorry.
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161 KB
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2.02 MB
>Error: File is too large.
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648 KB
Good afternoon, fellow poke-fans! I'm glad to see that this thread hasn't died during the night.
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99 KB
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294 KB
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182 KB
I still have lots of pictures to post, but I hope you too would post something. Please post something if you can so we can add new masterpieces to our folders!
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448 KB
Along with Animal Crossing fan art, fan artist Xtrazenny on deaviantART makes also really stylish Pokemon paintings. One of my favourite Pokemon fan artists!
File: 1353591816172.png-(2.02 MB, 1000x1309, masmagius_by_xtrazenny.png)
2.02 MB
More art by xtraZenny. This time Mismagius.
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345 KB
One more piece by xtraZenny.
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1.42 MB
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40 KB
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531 KB
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742 KB
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1.6 MB

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