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Lisa has the worst voice edition

>How to register for Open Beta:

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):

>Other In-Game Information:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Official Blog:

>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

>Japanese Wiki:

>Story Translation on PSO-W:
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Almost forgot
Last thread

Also some stuff from there
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>That feeling when someone else reposts your 634KB.png as a 1.89MB.png
It's a superior quality PNG
>It's a superior quality PNG
Not even possible >.<
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1.49 MB
How did you manage to increase the filesize over the lossless original anyways?
>mag quest items
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Oh look. Someone with the same name as me
what name is that?
They're higher level than you, step it up son.
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>Ragne spawns
>Code: Attack triggers at the same time
>Ragne + two Gilneas Cores + Darker adds

>down Gilneas Cores
>ally backs off
>triggers Code: Avoid
>Ragne with Code: Avoid

>survive Code: Avoid
>finally down Ragne
>get this

Spoilers: It's shit.
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The leftmost player is named Force, the middle 3 are Ranger and the rightmost one is Hunter.

Damn, what a wonderful coincidence to find 3 people with the same name.
Roughly translates to the pleasure of being cummed inside.
Why does it look like Speed Rain does way more damage than Heavenly Fall on bosses? I thought Wired Lances were the shit. How much damage will the Gear add?
Seems to be about 20-25% from eyeballing it. Can't say I've extensively tested it though. And as beautiful as Heavenly Fall is, there's a few things that can put out just as much or more damage simply due to how slow it is. I can throw out 3x Sonic Arrow with my Sword for more in the same amount of time, the difference is just PP cost. If you're fighting something that staggers for ages (Guwanda) then Heavenly Fall seems to win out, shorter stuff or stuff that's hard to hit reliably with it there's better options.
>10 min soloing a boss
>drops 7 mesos stack
>40 mins soloing a level 35, infected Dark Ragne
>drops 7 meseta stacks
I was too tired to even get mad, I just went and took a nap.
>40 mins soloing
What the fuck level are you?
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can't move techniques to my hotbar or weapon slots, want to finish that quest that tells me to do it. should be straight forward... why?
spec as force then equip a force weapon then try

oh snap, that's how he hid it from me.
I'll go ahead and try that! thanks!
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Superior version
What's the best way to jew it up? What the fuck do nips buy? I have 2million as base if that helps any.
they buy everything, and i do mean that literally

ive sold furniture, rares, skills, you name it, these guys will buy it

basically either search for the items youve got, then drop em on the market or guess what theyre worth
What do Synthesizers and Photon Drops do?
oh fuck everything.
I just accidentally uninstalled the game because i clicked on the wrong icon.

oh fuck man, i did that my first time too

as far as I know,photon drops always are used to trade with something at npcs.
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So what does this shop do? It's the only one I can't figure out.
furniture and/or house stuff?
30 Hunter. It was a fully infected version which has completely retarded HP, and Hunter has no real way to hit the weak point after all 4 legs are broken. There's a few skills that can hit it (like rising slash with sword) but the damage isn't any better than just whacking at the legs or body.
Nope, that's the shot left to this.
Those C credit things are apparently from playing in specified Net Cafes (so moonland only).
So apparently you can set to follow someone inside a mission. I'm grinding with a multiparty right now, and some asshat is just following my ass, moving when I'm moving, and stopping when I'm stopping.

how to do
>grapple charge his face
>then JA heavenly fall
>hits his spot EVERY time

Just need a bit of a hill and its yours
hit v twice
Press auto-move twice and it locks on to the nearest player. One of the options when you click someone gives it too.
Pretty terrain specific but I'll keep that in mind if he shows up again. I tend to just Sword him until he's about to fall over since I can do more reliable damage with Sonic Arrow spam whilst he runs and jumps around like a faggot.
Oh shit. I think I unbinded that button. Time to spend 30 mins to find it
Anyone here up for consistent hard mode free field volcano farming? I can't find anyone doing that shit.
>Desert is fine too
>Ship 2
there are usually enough hills or rocks to hop onto to land it basically anywhere, but yea, shit gets mean when he aint dead after 4 broken legs
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It's this one.
Gear icon
Menu item 3
Expand 2nd section
Bottom item in this section (5th item)
Scroll down to second header in the scroll section of the first tab
Last item in this section (10th item)
>ship 2.

Fuck your shit. I would love to grind but I'm on ship 6
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>Fuck your shit. I would love to grind but I'm on ship 6
>I'm on ship 6
>ship 6
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>roll on ship 2
>first thing I see is this
well, time to roll on ship 5 or some shit, away from any english speakers
Both ships are terrible

4 is much better than that
is /vg/ on ship 4, block 44?
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This.. all my want

I never seen that on ship 2 but the moment I do I'm figuring out how to block players.
Is there anyway to disable double-tap roll/dodge?
>Played since day 1 on ship 2
>I seen very badly done lereddit rage face and a trollface, never anything else
>I made a Kyle Paperclip myself
>Bunch of anime fanart

Give it at least 5 days and come over run with me.
Thanks anon
How to grind to 20? All the parties I join seem to rush to the end and clear the boss, not bothering to kill shit.
How does one go about organizing a PSE burst party with the moon people?
So does fury stance have a duration or something?

Every now and then i look at the bar and its not on anymore.
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>ability mag
Powered by AMD.
( `_ `)
Just go to channel 1-4 and join games with nearly full multiparty slots with like 30+ mins of running time. Don't join ones that are like 2 hours though, as they'll probably leave to take a break very soon. Good missions to join are hard free fields, hard city, and hard rappy mission
>cant free fields hard till level 30
I'm guessing no ones does PSE burst parties on easy mode?

Leveling to 20 is a bitch.
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Where could I be?
How do i register my partner card or whatever so people can use it in a party?
Second option on Visiphone. Then pick top and pick settings and save it.
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2nd option
So did we figure out what the ability stat even did yet?
Speaking of which, I but 10 points in it. You may now burst into laughter.
watch it increase something like mag damage or something retarded like that
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After a few seconds of investigation, it seems to be the stat required to equip the units that go in any slot...
Charge PP Revival worth it?
Very yes, arguably the best skill on the Force tree.
Huh, that explains why mine is 677 right now.

Fuck my life, that's the most useless thing ever.
How do I complete Jean's AC shop client order? bumped said I just needed to open the list but that doesn't seem to be working.
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Yea... almost regretting it, at least my primary is nice and high though
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>going for a run for that level 15 snake boss
>first floor,wandering around
>suddenly,CODE DUEL
>big ass dragon come out of the ground
>totally surprised
>fight ensues
>35 mins later
>no pots,nothing left but a speck of health
>sword boomerang to the tail kills him
wow,I felt like a child again,that fight was incredible.
>wow,I felt like a child again,that fight was incredible.
I know that feel. I had to go out and buy chocolate milk when I started playing this just because I wanted to relive my teen years. ;_;
Is FUN only used for gambling right now?
Pretty much
Anyone know the best feeds to level up pure stat mags?

Would like pur F atk , and a friend is interested in pure S atk
Your friend should feed it any hunter weapon, as the ability rises, feed it primates to lower the ability then feed it weapons again to lower the s-def

same with you, but with trimates i believe
Striking - Melee weapons (Gunslash included) + Monomates as needed
Tech - Force weapons + Trimates as needed
Ranger - Range Weapons + Dimates, I think furnishings can be used instead of Dimates too but not 100%
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Check it out. I've played for 177 hours 18 mins
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Damn bro, and I thought I was bad. I'd probably be as high as you if not for my mother having surgery and eating up my free time though.
I did leave it on for a few nights, but I've been glued to the screen for like 14 hours a day for the past week or however long it's been since the first day.

Man I need to buy groceries
Why does everyone do city?
ANy point in doing city at lvl 8 or so?
It only shows up for an hour at a time. I believe twice per day. It's the only consistent way to fight Dark Ragne and it has the highest level mobs available (with no level requirement to enter), so it's a great way to grind exp and loot.
They're willing to buy grinders at 4k and above.
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anyone know if you can bind abilities to extra mouse buttons?
Could someone post the Race/Gender stat sheet? I remember looking at it and everything seem relatively balanced until I saw Forces, where Casts had a pretty large disadvantage compared to other race/class combos. A shame, 'cause I wanted to be a spell flinging robot...
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where is the option to display account names above character name? seeing it in alot of screenshots. can the two names be the same?
F9, third option. Go through and pick whichever setting you like.
>impulsive force law
Dat PSE BURST! Dem Drops Dat EXP
Pretty obvious what they mean, does it really matter?
Have it in moonrunes if you prefer.
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my goddamned face when I got 2 9* ranger shields and rappy cannon in the same city run.
Yes, you'll barely have any power though, so focus on status effects, like knockdown, or using heal and revive items.
Posted in wrong thread.

So, according to JP Wiki, Ability does:

Raise minimum damage(stabilize damage fluctuations)
Raise Technique damage
Raise PA damage

So, it looks like it's better at being a secondary stat, therefore better coupled with a SATK or RATK mag?
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Has this happened to anyone else?

this happens after the movie after pressing the button to create a character
Holy shit just cleared a city run with 7 seconds to spare my heart is pounding. Fuck 2x code protections
Can anyone else confirm what status effects work on each boss? I dunno if I have them all:
Rockbear: Burn
Caterdran: Poison, Freeze (pretty worthless unless you stop attacking it)
Vol Dragon: Freeze (OP as fuck)
Guwanada: Burn, Panic (Great in party, useless solo)
Dark Ragne: Never seen any statuses work.

Debating what to throw on my Rose Bouquet, right now it has Poison III but the only thing it's good for is the easiest boss in the game right now. Might do Burn since it works on at least 2 bosses and hopefully has some use on the new ice stage coming out.
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TOo much fucking loot
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Ship 2 general?
Whats the ship 2 ship 4 split?
Ship 2 is the "official" English channel. So most large community sites have gone there (such as PSO-World). Ship 4 is where 4chan boards have chosen to congregate. Cue shitposting about which is better or worse.
Ship 4 faggots are the ones constantly shit posting.
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I was feeling so good beating the city boss,just to remember it was timed
his music changed the tune about 2 times,just how long would that guy take yet?
hardly, the ones constantly doing the "this is my waifu" and using this place as a blog are the fucking ship 2 faggots, please go fuck yourself and head back on to reddit where you belong cunt
So Ship 2 are discussing the game and Ship 4 are shit posting about how "bad" Ship 2 is. Lobby 20 is fucking terrible here, but the rest of the English community is perfectly fine. I've constantly helped you fucks throughout the threads and posted guides for stuff, something tells me you haven't contributed shit.
Just tested Poison on Caterdran. God damn it does 1659 per tick on Hard mode. Might have to make a Burn weapon for that shitty Guwanada fight, soloing that thing is annoying.
youd be quite mistaken but i aint gonna argue, just gonna point out that here
you started shit posting

have fun being a hypocritical redditor
Turn shaders off, or set the graphics slider to 1.
It's a gfx card incompatibility or something.
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>tfw when in all these guides and benchmark scores I see people mentioning 1500-2000 range as great for running the game

>tfw when my score is 13000
I just figured the way around the 1 char per account restriction...

Multiple accounts!
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Every time I've done a city run, people kept trying to get a PSE Burst on the second area. Is there even a point in fighting Dark Ragne there?
How the hell do I always manage to find the previous, dead thread when a new one is up? Oh, well, greentext story time.
>doing free forest for a matter board quest
>Brigitta freaking about about heat signatures
>gel bulf spawns in narrow ass corridor
>mirage escape x 897029834652897465
>somehow manage to complete the code avoid
>not ten seconds later, Melitta informs me that a fancy has spawned
>some other guy gets trapped close by
>decide to go save him
>Brigitta freaking out again
>ragne spawns right in front of me
>run like hell to save the other guy so he can help me with ragne
>somehow manage to avoid ragne's attacks long enough to break the fancy
>guy who had been trapped runs like a bitch at the sight of ragne, leaving me in a small cave with him
>somehow manage to kill ragne
>"Whew. That was a close...."
>Brigitta again
>ANOTHER FUCKING RAGNE spawns before the first completely hit the ground
>manage to kill this one quickly thanks to a well timed photon blast and mag using the PP regen skill
>"I'd better get the fuck out of here before...."
>Brigitta again
>rockbear spawns in front of me
Every day's an adventure on the planet Navelius.
That depends. The people I usually do Dark Ragne with; we clear him in about 2 minutes. That leaves plenty of time to get PSE burst.
the people wanting items with his soul on it will fight him
Ragne soul infused force weapon drops, but only the ones on hard mode would be worth it. The EXP from PSE bursts during emergency codes is way better than just going for ragne, so people usually just ignore him unless they want weapon drops.
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Get on my level
I see, that makes sense.
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This guy is my hero.
> Cross burst at City with EDF
> Suddenly one group start a PB chain
> The other 2 groups do the same
> White and rainbows colors everywhere, 1 FPS
> +10 sec everywhere
Why does other characters look the same? they're all grey blocks
Your hero is a fatty? Good to know, amerifat.
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Glory be to the burst
>but only the ones on hard mode would be worth it.

If two weapons have the same soul in each, you can actually move the soul to a new weapon at a 50% chance.

My friends and I can't yet consistently do hard mode Ragne, so we run him on normal for that reason.
Guys help how do I read japanese
So my storage is literally maxed out with crap with lv1-3 s/r/t atk and status effects. should I npc freeze weapons? I have a bunch of those, but I don't think it's really all that useful
The odds of getting ragna soul + tech 2 on a rare weapon are pretty much 0 without transferring. That's why most of the 2-3 effect units sell for 20-30k+
Freeze is great on Vol Dragon, otherwise it's pretty meh. Might aswell throw them on the AH for like 2k or so rather than NPC them, every little helps.
Can you trade with other players, or is that a paid thing?

I know in some games it is.
>Lisa asks me to clear free caves with her
>make it back after a long ass battle with many missed heavely falls and health items used
>wonder why the client order isn't complete
>check the description
>ranger only
>I'm a hunter

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At least you get to spend more time with Lisa.
A quick question - I noticed thru registration and character creation you pick 3 names. the first is your sega ID which is you login, right? No one ever sees this? The second is my account name, and then finally character name? And if someone wants to be my friend they need my account name?
Yeah, you can add people through their account name. It's also used for shops (auction house) and guild chat. Your account name shows up rather than character in chat log.
Does your store stay online when you log off?
>mfw I now have everyone displayed by ID numbers...

Glorious nippon
I played 50 hours and got to only level 20. Am I doing something wrong here?

Also any word on release?
You're not doing anything wrong. It's just that this isn't WoW. You won't max your character's level in an hour.
And no, no word of release, but if you look at the options to buy Arks Cash, you'll see that it has July 31st as when you can do anything. I have a feeling that's the current target for full launch.
That's when they replace the scratchcards/gacha with new ones, not when you can buy AC.
>July 31st as when you can do anything. I have a feeling that's the current target for full launch.
Aweee, how cute.
Is it possible to buy AC right now? I'm on bumped and I see speculations of AC amounts and yen values, but Im not sure if the system is implemented yet or not. If it is, anyone know a handy guide and what I could actually buy?
Can't buy yet. Cash shop is already there so they're not speculations for prices (unless you're looking at CB info).
If you die in a solo mission is it quest over? There's a yellow thing blocking my entrance to the pool.
Pool's closed. Sorry
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I just pre-ordered the Premium Box even though I still believe an English version is coming and I won't even be around to use all those items on the Japanese servers. I just want to support Sega right now.

The werid thing though is that I was allowed to preorder it on AmiAmi without putting in any payment information. When do they ask what my PayPal account is?
If you die on the boss, yeah. Otherwise you can come back in (though you can't get an S rank).
How do I get more Strength stat (required for equipping weapons) just by leveling up?
leveling and mag
Or pumping points into your skills that raise S-ATK
Leveling, MAG and passive boosts on the skill tree. Just to warn you, the very best weapons in game right now for Hunter require a pure (99 ATK) MAG and an almost maxed S-ATK Up Passive.
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>man-eating bellybutton
OP here. I was just reposting stuff from the last thread.
> been playing on ship 2 w/ RL friends
> stumble across PSO thread on /vg/
> read the stick
> 4chan is play on ship 4
> make a new account to check it out
> ship 4, block 44
> less than half full
> ship 2 has 3 full english blocks
How come remar looks fucking badas, but that costume in PSO2 looks fucking baaaad
Looked through the thread, really quick like, and didn't see anything.

Where do I go after the tutorial? I just want to do missions over and over. Can't find any NPC that gives them.
Too many people already at level 30 and can't be arsed to play all the time. When city attacks come around people usually log in.

Also, >quantity over quality
How the fuck do you make a female character w/o DEM HIPS
An entire forum plus Reddit, Tumblr and every other faggot manages to full more blocks than just /vg/?

Holy shit I didn't expect THAT to happen.
Are you actually able to purchace AC at the moment? I couldn't get past the captcha but at the same time people are saying buying AC isn't even in until release.

On that topic, because I couldn't find a translation of all the stuff you can buy with AC, can you transfer ships with it?
You've got your answer why are you even asking

Your character's vagina is too far up on her body.
Wolf tail, not small yellow horned wolf, big red horned wolf.

There, your quest should have just been cut down from hours to minutes.
That hair is horrible and I'm not too sure what kind of look you were going for.
So basically this game encourages min:maxing to the extreme? Reroll if you aren't the right race/sex?
its mainly due to the temporary level cap, once the levels are able to be obtained, normal builds will be fine
It's just because of the level cap, these are designed for level 40 (and maybe level 200 MAGs?). The Hard mode bosses are level 35 and level cap currently is level 30, so their loot is better than we can equip.
>Level 40 cap

Really? That's different. Are they planning to increase the cap as the game goes on?
Its called respec dipshit, you can switch your god damn class, its not rocket science.
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Hey guys, I pretty much figured out everything through trial and error now, but there are two things that are bugging me that I need answered:

What does armor accessories actually increase?
I'm a ranger with 3 range accessories that give me ~130 of a ranged stat. According to the MAG sheet, it's ranged attack, but the accessory doesn't seem to raise my ranged attack (pic related). Am I wrong for getting ranged accessories, or should I get mage/melee accessories like I see other rangers doing?

What does the Ragne soul and the Rappy soul actually do? Copied from pastebin:

ラグネ・ソール Ragne Soul
I 法撃力+30 HP+20 +20 HP, +30 "impulsive force law"???

ラッピー・ソール Rappie Soul
I 技量+30 PP+3 +3 PP, +30 Skill

I don't understand what Impluse Force Law and Skill do.
Yes that's what a lot of F2P Instance games do.
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Can anyone tell me what these items are?

Those are MAG boost items. From some experimentation, it seems to raise your MAG's feeding limit and give it buff skills depending on the boost item. I don't know any moon so I can't say for sure.
>level 11, re-roll of the character, did a lot of shit real fast because I know what I'm doing.
>Need to do Vol Dragon run to get the quest for S-ranking Free Cave in 16 mins to unlock.
>Playing casually and slowly, taking my time, everything is chill
>Get to Vol Dragon
>Its vibe dragon
>one hits
>one hits everywhere

Is there a way to move that map to the side so its not right in the middle of my screen?
level cap of 200 is planned at the moment, obviously there are plans to include new abilities to the skill tree since you only need like 180-ish points to max your entire tree.
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This game gets funnier as I play, I seriously hope there's no IP block and AC is accessible for people outside the moon.

This thread needs more Moetron
MAG abilities that it can use automatically. Two of those make your MAG heal you. The other I don't know.
>ラグネ・ソール Ragne Soul
法撃力 = Force.

>ラッピー・ソール Rappie Soul
技量 = ability

Melee is the J for the second character, ranged is the guy carrying a big stack of trays.

Press Y and look at the list.
Melee defence
Ranged defence
Force defence.
Around what level quest should I start looking for items for Myshop? Also what should I even look for when seeing what is a good weapon, aside the base attack.
>been playing since OB started
>never a single item higher than 4 stars
>playing a ranger this whole time
>look in inventory
>that purple jaggy sword

God damnit Sega.
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Is there a way to know you're "clear" to fight the boss?

I'm trying to get to his area by 9 mins so I have enough time to fight him but I always end up not killing enough monsters.
If it works the same as ordering figs from them - at release. They'll send you an email when you stuff is ready, once you've paid and they've verified it your stuff will be shipped.
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Thanks man.

So all my souls are pretty much useless to me. That's good to know.

I see why other rangers were mixing up accessories now too, since the accessories are actually for defense rather than offense.
It's all guesswork.
No not really.
So what are the main differences between Ship 2 and Ship 4?
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I don't suppose anyone here has a really good grasp of the friend partner system? The Japanese wiki has an explanation for the special traits, but not the character traits or special modifier.
One is filled with retarded faggots, the other is filled with more retarded faggots.
spaggetti shit going on in rappy quest hard mode right now

6/12 with 1 group with 3 and 3 groups with 1. All unlocked and 'engrish' names. Seriously you faggots make me embarrassed
Finally got through the lvl 15 caves mission to beat Koffee's client order.

Shit's not such a pain in the ass without Code: Rescue getting in your fucking way.
Ship 2 is filled with normal fags so you're bound to see emotes like :P and XD.

Ship 4 is /vg/. Nothing really special, most people on Ship 4 are generally faster than those on Ship 2 in the lower levels. You'll spend a lot of time idling on Ship 2 during the lower levels while your party leader dicks around in the lobby for 15 minutes .

Both have their fair share of retards if these threads are any testament to it.

Ship 2 has a higher population so once you make it out of the scrub brackets you'll find a party with no problem.
I take it you want more than just the words? Because those are in this thread already:
With ranger accessories you should just buy whatever is best for defence and then transfer ranged attack III onto it.

ミューテーション (10 all stats) + ranged attack if you're extra ballsy.
Thanks I think I'll roll on both. I heard its only 1 character per ship but I'll just make a second account and try out both for a while.
>3 groups with 1.

Sometimes I really wonder why people do that. Guess they just like running missions alone.
Population. Both are filled with complete retards who do nothing but dance in the lobby because they can't figure out how to do anything else with the Japanese interface. The only real difference is that half of ship 4's population has already quit the game (it's been more than a whole week, after all), and ship 2's English speakers take up three blocks from what I hear.
It makes no difference to me because I speak moon, and I know the English speaking population on any ship is going to vanish the instant Sega drops the slightest hint that PSO2 is getting localized.
It looks like, because hardly any of them understand Japanese, they don't realize that there's a multiparty limit along with a single party limit for any given mission. They don't understand that their 12 parties of one person will fill up the entirety of a single multiparty instance, making it so that nobody can join the rooms with one person in them.
Of course, this is setting aside the asshats who just always do NO NON-FRIENDS, TEAM ONLY, PASSWORD LOCKED DESTINATION mode.
Yeah, 20-23 are all full right now on Ship 2. I avoid the designated English lobbies unless I'm incredibly bored and don't have anyone else I know around to play with and I've met a few cool English people. If you head to 20 though you're greeted by pretty massive faggotry. I'm sure it's the same on any designated English lobby on any Ship though.
That's certainly appreciated, but yeah I'm hoping to understand it a bit more. Some of the special bonuses seem easy enough to guess, but the character types are a total mystery to me.
For example, I'm using leadership, nocturnal, and thorough defense with my hunter, and I figured that meant she'd get ahead of everyone and block stuff, but she seems indistinguishable from any other partner characters outside of this curiously wonderful trait of hers to use star atomizers all the time.
I would be totally up for figuring out the rest on my own through trail and error, but since you can't use your own partner character, my hands are tied.
Whats with the message that scrolls at the top about Krispy Kremes?
What ive figured out is this:

clumsy, sickly, slow starter, thorough defense, healing support will basically make your bot either useless to semi useless
oh and berserker, likes adversity and reckless makes your bot very offensive and suicidal
It's because you get free items if you take an NPC with you an you get S-Rank clears. For example, this is the only way to get Grants and GiGrants
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Is the purple jaggy partisan what I +10 to get Soul eater?
No. These are rooms with literally one person going solo.
Open the quest menu, pick the option below matter board and pick the 2nd from the bottom option to check your current mission rank.
Rappy soul is the most useful for RA since it have +30 ability
Can anyone tell me what that one item from the room shop with the cardboard box in the purple house icon in the does?
Dude, just eat the fucking fungi and get it over with. Someone with Serpent Air on the outside can break it in less than 20 seconds.
Color change item. You need to trade stuff in to get one. In CBT it was 12 costumes; it's probably changed in OBT.

Wrong one dude

That moves your house to the City, so you see City scenery when you look outside. It's useless unless you already moved somewhere else and want to come back.
Been trying to get an answer to this for a while but; when adding a new ability and slot to a weapon, is there a chance that the old one will be lost also?
Yes, it is all up to DooDoo's transfer percentage and he's a bastard.
Do you get Grants if you run as ranger with her? I assume you do.
If you're changing the abilities on an item, regardless of whether the skills were already on the item, for higher level abilities there's a chance it'll fail, especially if you're trying to add an additional slot to the item.

If it does fail, as with any ability combination that fails, it won't go onto the item when the combination is complete (you'll lose the ability).
Have we found out what the Ability stat does yet?
So is there a ui translation for the game yet, haven't been in these threads for a couple of days..
Does weak advance work against all weak spots or only those created with weak bullet?
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Tried logging in and every time i tried it game me an incorrect password for some reason so i made a new account i get this error (pic related). What do i do?
You put in a global ID (basically account name)
If you can't figure that out you should just not even play.
You should learn to crop and maybe read the skim through the guides to familiarize yourself with a few things before playing the game.

That's your Global ID. It's the ID all your characters are tied to. Your characters can have different names but you can only have one Global ID.
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Reposting the best
Increase minimum damage, useful for rifle user.
and i thought i had fetish problems
Do you get quest rewards from NPCs no matter what class you are playing as at the time?

Does weak advance work against all weak spots or only those created with weak bullet?
Yes and all weak points.
thx bro
I have 100+ disks that are lv5+ in storage, can someone tell me what are some of the names (in english is fine) of the hunter/force skills that are more in demand? I am fine for ranger ones.
As far as I know, it increases TECH and PA damage, and minimum damage in general.
If they aren't level 9 just npc them, they will not actually sell.
When does the July update hit?
Actually you can sell some of the lower leveled ones on the AH. Some people still buy them at the default price.
Sometime in July.
How can I tell if my shit sold in the AH?
No date. The popular theory is mid-July but SEGA haven't said a word so it's all just speculation.
I throw em up for 1k, they sell sometimes like that and it beats 100 Meseta.
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All of my want!
all of your cant wear too
Did you preview it on your character? I couldn't decide if it looked cool or fucking retarded.
You can hide armor anyway so it doesnt matter.
>wanting a fucking "update" to obt and not the full game
No. This shit is boring as fuck now at level 30 doing the same NOCONTENT everyday. It's illogical as fuck to not implement AC at this point. Sure, they don't want people to pay for shop or room as of now... what the fuck does that have to do with other AC things? It sure as fuck won't cost them any money to implement it, nor will it be unethical. Fucking sega, hurry the fuck up.
Your point? Just something to motivate me to actually play again come full release
..the point of having it is because it looks swag as fuck.
>looks fucking retarded
No. The vol unit looks fucking retarded. This is probably the only good looking unit
Even the damn Japs don't know where to get タルナーダ from. Only 2 have dropped on Ship 2 so far. Shit is driving me nuts. Fuck you SEGA.
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>make 8-9 stars unit with 400+ def requirements
>no one can wear them unless they go full retard with a def mag
Whats the best place to farm at lvl 23?

I tried HM forest but nobody else farms there.
But in the account if it does look "fucking retarded" it can be hidden.
slow the fuck down nigga.. do something else..

in other words.. get a life.
>Not knowing yet if some bosses will need to be tanked
>Implying the unit is worthless
I tank everything and don't take damage. 'cept that fucking antlion grab, mother of fuck.
>I tank everything
On hard. Vhard and ult are not yet out. And PSU had even more than 4 difficulties.
Actually, it is the third option in the quest menu.
you mean we will be dealing with the same 4 zones for a good long time just with increased damage and reaction times?

i wouldnt have it any other way for pso

Farm what? EXP? Grinders? EQs?

Nothing beats running around with 3 groups of 4 in the desert for grinders/EQ. In my personal experience, you'll come across Ragne more in the forest, although the mob spawns are shitty in that region.
I'm looking forward to vhard. PSU's A rank was a clear step up from C/B when it came to enemy speed and reaction times.

I don't even need to block as a hunter, hopefully that changes soon.
Wait, are you talking about
>esc > globe > 3rd > then 4th option
Because that only shows the results of my last mission
ok so this is really minor but bugging the fuck outta me
my character is a male cast, and like all casts has them glowing lines to make it look cool
EXCEPT, for whatever reason, the lines on my cast don't display properly and end up looking retarded as fuck
it's like someone half painted the lines on then forgot to finish the fucking job
all my graphical settings are maxed, and other casts display properly, so what the fuck
It might be your specific part. There's one part on the female CAST body options that has fucked-up glowing lines; all the other ones look fine.

I guess they let the intern work on a few of the parts.
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I think I've been spoiled by the APB symbol editor. Or I'm just not autistic enough for this. I don't know how people do it. Spent like an hour on this and got fed up
Come on man, that's good. You can clearly tell what that is. Doesn't have to be perfect.

I'll love you if you spam it at 2:00am everyday.
not him but, you just gave me the temptation to make stew...
>realize there is no way to change ships
>I'm just not autistic enough for this

Yes you are
either hard mode crappie arest or free desert farm groups
Anyone wanna help me S-rank Caterdan in under 16 minutes? I always go over the time limit or under the kill requirement for this mission.

I'm on ship 4 by the way
now that I look at it more my head has a LOT cleaner look to it, could be my proportions fucking with the rest of the body
yea sure looks that way
Sure thing, yo. Drop an invite.
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How do I do that? Char name is Yayo-chan
>Soloing dragon with lisa, as a level 12
>"Dragon is bitch mode, I won't even need the 7 trimates I have"
>Every fucking time the dragon jumps, he somehow splash damages me, WTF
>Barely survive with 1 trimate left
>692 points for killing enemies
Oh god nevermind, I can help you if you're still stuck later. Gotta do something real quick.
is there a way to check all your base stats without unequiping everything?
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Where is Bromont anyway?
Is it just me or are hunters kind of useless? They do about as much damage as rangers do with launchers, but they have to do it in melee range, and they don't have the utility that rangers have in the form of weak bullet.
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It's just you.
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I'm so depressed. I bought a new graphics card and monitor so I can play this game on the best settings and even downloaded some programs to brush up on my Japanese while I waited for my packages. I only played for like 2 days and now I don't feel like playing anymore. I still browse these threads though, I'm glad you guys are having fun.
>start map
>charge partisan gear
>enemies appear
>attack once
>speed rain just attack
>let combo finish to recharge vacant gear slot
>taking out group of enemies greater than a wired lance
>hit an antlion for 6300 with my wire-lance

nah bro, its just you
ok this is fucking stupid
I just tried putting on all the different body parts
every. single. one. has fucked up glowing lines
god dammit
What is making you depressed?

Is the game not what you expected?
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Hair moving around because of the virtual wind is one of the best things about this game!
join with some bros and dick around a while
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A lot of things.

It's everything I expected but I can't have fun since I don't have any friends who play and have social disorders that prevent me from making new ones. I just feel like there's no point. I played so much PSO when I had my dreamcast so I was waiting forever for this.
>can't pass this volcano mission in under 15 minutes for the next mission because I need at least 5-6 minutes to kill the damn worm at the end.
I know I suck but how the fuck does anyone do this? It's not like anyone joins my party or anything.
I'd socialize with you if you are in ship 4.
Hunters are pure tank + damage and that's literally it. In terms of team utility, they only offer tanking/peeling since every class deals damage anyways. Either way, Hunter is still a very powerful class.
Wow I was just in the same boat as you.

Always aim for the head. If you're too far for any of its attack to reach, it'll burrow and surface around the area in front of it. That's where I usually unload a PA on its head then spam normal attacks.

Never stand right in front of it. It'll try to bite you. The standard roll doesn't cover enough distance to get out of its range
Details yo, class? Weapon? If you're meleeing(except gunslash), go for the tail. If you're range(or have the grenade gunslash PA), attack his weakpoints like a mad cunt. Launchers preferred.

I don't know shit about FOs, so... yeah.

...yeah, I know it sounds dickish, but y'know, real life stuff.
And you can add me if you're in ship 2, don't let something like that stop you from playing.
Thanks, using gunslash but just went and slashed at his tail. What is his weak points? Unless it had a red spot I never could tell.
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I finally fucking did it

On another note, is anyone else having a hard time feeding their mags? It seems that drop rate reduced dramatically over the weekend. I barely even get any weapon drops to feed my mag today.

The head(and underbelly?). The tail becomes a weakpoint if you can break its outershell(IE attack it enough times)
It wouldn't of been that bad if PSO didn't completely fuck me.. had someone actually join my party but for some reason I had a minute more then him, so he did it by 5 seconds and I was 55 behind.

Aright thanks.
Not all the content is unlocked so just hang tight.

In retrospect, its good to set goals so you have something to look forward to(aside from just mindlessly playing/grinding). Personally I'm aiming for level 30 on all classes on my character so I have yet to get entirely bored.
I've been ascetically doing all of the client orders. Like, nothing but. 27 and they're still coming. I've got to be getting close...
Whenever it attacks, his exposed skin is weak. Just explode the fuck outta it and you'll probably hit more than one weakspot.
yeah,goals are nice.
Mine is to solo all the bosses within their level range without using potions.
makes me pretty pumped up whenever I do it.
Does the Matter Board matter or can I just go through the game without bothering with it.
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Wait, why the fuck is this brown nigger robot pissed at me? I've been doing every single one of his goddamn orders
how do i add those blue light"boosters" to my cast?
I've done them all. It never goes up. Only matters for party member. They even start greeting you nicer.

>hey, got lisa up to really smiley
>walk up to her
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Anyone know what these two things are?
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Go to the fashion booth thing upstairs in the shopping district. One of the options near the bottom lets you switch between running or boosting.
It does go up actually, just gotta keep doing them (they're repeatables).
A new emote (Lobby Action 2: Unwilling) and All-Back Hairstyle.
Thank ya', dude.

I just logged out, thank you for the heads up xD
no problem le bros
its one of the last options in the make-up room
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I am on ship 4, what name should I whisper you on? I don't really want to post my name here..
do it
Odds of this thing being released in an english/spanish country, and/or getting a language mod?
never, and possible. use guides, it's not that hard

>modded language translation
everything important is already translated but otherwise its in the works, translation is done but they need to bypass the encoding

hahaha really?
not going to happen
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How the hell did this things base damage get so high?

What abilities does it have?
> have social disorders
Role play. Be someone else online. Play your character as if it was real. That will give you a nice facade to hide behind you weinerless aspie fuck.
mutation (10 to all)
vol dragon soul (30 attack 30 hp)
power 2 (20 attack)

basically you hit the jackpot
>Mine is to solo all the bosses within their level range without using potions.
As a ra? Pretty easy.
As a hu, pretty easy but time consuming as FUCK.
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Well, the second there's a folder I can load up that turns the moon speak into English, you guys let me know.
>I barely even get any weapon drops to feed my mag today.
Honestly I had to dump my inventory about 10 times today due to weapons and armors.
That's Guwana(antlion) soul, no Vol.
oh my bad
If that person is here named foxy something, this is terrible. I have no idea how to type in chat sorry.
If he's in your party hit P, it will automatically type in party. (hit it, don't type it)
O defaults to Team chat
P defaults to Party chat
; defaults to say(didn't work for me, bound mine to L)
hit enter, click the tab (or alt arrow keys left or right) to cycle through the caht functions, 1 is all, 2 is party, 3 is team, also o will auto open chat in team, p will auto open chat in party and l in whisper (which is the 4th one)
for some reason it takes the : ; key as : for me so it was an easy rebind
so helpful, thanks guys. I just got the game patched up. I'll have to do more reading through the blog but I just wanted to play a little first.
no prob, just open your mouth and say ahhh next time the spoon gets close, would hate to spill on you again
So what am I supposed to do with rare equipment that I've already equipped? I have these 7 star Wired Lances that I don't use anymore, but it won't let me sell them in the player shops. What am I supposed to do with it now? It doesn't have any abilities worth passing to something else or anything like that.
Vendor them, or save in case they ever add remodeling(lol)?
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Is this the vol dragon you guys speak of?

Was doing ok until he decided to fucking nuke me from the sky. Any tips? Cannon ranger here
lock them and bank em... thats what i did, or you can harvest them by feeding them to the mag
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Sure thing.
At the start of the fight aim for his horn. When he dives underground, he goes super saiyan. You need to break his tail to turn him back to normal, or he'll gigaflare you. You can easily dodge the fireball though.
>You can easily dodge the fireball though.
Am I supposed to run sideways, away from him, or towards him?

I tried running sideways twice(plus rolling away on the last second) but we both know what happened to me.

WTF. I didn't know race affected your stats in this game. Why would anyone roll a female Numan in any class then? Mine is a hunter.
Just look up at him and strafe. When you see it about to shoot out, sidestep the direction you were going. Could also try using the rodeo move too. Last resort you could hold down PB and wait for it to it you, since it makes you invincible.
Fellow female Numan Hunter here. I feel a little dumb now that I know about the races' base stats, but whatever.
Female newmen have the highest magic attack in the game. That's why. Sure, it only beats out males by single digits, but to min-maxers, that's all they need to know.
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Okay, so, I started downloading the client, and I've decided I'd like to wait and download it in the morning.

However, when I click the X on the loader, it gives me these three options. What do they say?
So whats Guwana then? Is it still a good wep?
1: No, continue downloading.
2: Yes, keep data after closing
3: Yes, delete data after closing
Guwana is +30 P.ATK, 10hp, 2pp. It's still good.
> Where do I download the Character Creator?
Wait, it's separate? Or is this some kind of thing that lets you play around with the options outside of the game?
some kind of thing that lets you play around with the options outside of the game
it'a also recommended because it has an english patch and you can save

then load it in the ingame character creator, REMEMBER TO SET THE VOICE TO NOT DEFAULT ONE, and go on your merry way
Double neat.

Is anyone working on a similar patch for the actual game?

The real question is, why would they add racially different stats in the game when none of them make a serious difference?

I looked again and realized Female Numan have the same striking power as Female Humans. There's no way I'm playing a male anything so I'll take pointy ears at the loss of some HP for now.
I just got a rare partisan drop from Ragne that the player shops seem to be selling for upwards of 1 million Meseta.

Sell it y/n?
How do I translate the character creator? I've got the files, But I don't know what I'm supposed to do with them. Do I just need to extract them into a specific folder?
Yes. I sold mine instantly for 700k
go digging in the CC folder for one full of files that look like the ones in the patch
Because why not?
>? rare
>get appraised
>just a talis

Well, I'm not getting 17,000 of that 22,000 back.
Could someone help me with this? I've been setting my controller and well..whenever I go into TPS mode the controls I set are all wonky. any way to set it so it uses the controls I set during TPS mdoe?
Are there chat logs in this game?
All chat is saved in a .txt somewhere. Forgot the location
I've gotten that wing staff or talis or whatever shit it is twice. Why can't it give me something useful
My documents/sega
I know the feeling. All the rares I get are only one worth 5,000 on AH. I want something that will earn me money, dammit.
>two successful vol soul transfers in a row

And everything went better than expected.
>Doing the usual market rounds
>Spot something for 3k
>15 minutes pass
>Bank balance is 145,000 pesto healthier
>followed by a successful string of ten grinds

The RNG must be asleep.
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Well I'm done, call me when the full game is released.

oh who am I kidding
What the fuck is the status of the translation patch? I really want to play but fuck all these moonrunes.
>tech 3 ragne soul on everything
>Still using red processor
nigga you serious?
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>He only has Force Attack III and says he is done
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>mfw I only just realized that light trail thing in the loading screen follows where ever I point my mouse
>if you click more light trails show up
Hey, I can't seem to get to character select, as the game freezes up and closes after a termination error pops up. Anyone got a solution?
it matches my character.
>roll ship 2
>just now realize that 20-23 is full of faggots

In other news, my blindness is cured.
how did you make all they to fund that? my jewjitsu is weak
Does standing snipe still work even when jumping?
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What does Xeno want from me? The guide doesn't list this one.
Become the grinder kingpin.

Even though prices fluctuate based on the time of day, on my server a guy has raised it to over 300m higher than what I've seen by buying out everyone beneath him.

He's spent well over a million on me so who knows how much he's sitting on.
He clearly wants you to s-rank something
Just got some photon arts, the homing rifle art seems useless and I can't use the cluster launcher art properly
S-Rank that quest with him.
I figured out that much... I just don't know WHICH quest.
The first desert quest.

Don't forget to talk to Echo because she wants to finish it too, just not at the same time.

>Useful rifle PAs: Grenade launcher, Shotgun, and full auto (keeps you in the air when fighting ragne)

>Useful launcher PAs: All of them, except for triple-shot, which sucks dick.
Close up explosion skill is great for quick knockdowns and requires no aiming, only depth perception
Clust shot (i don't know the names for these, I only know what the look like) is great for hitting the weak spot of enemies with no aiming, since the damage is aerial
That one rapid multi-burst shot is great for rescuing people and destroying objects since it hits so often
Rodeo is great for escaping traps, mobility, and plowing through multiple enemies while dealing good damage.
It says the name right there. Go up to the quest counter and compare.
>mfw grinders are 900m higher then yesterday this time

Time to make jew money.
Also is the subdue kaltagot mission for 12 minutes a solo mission one or I can bring along npcs?
wait what grinders? I thought everyone was talking about the things that you use to.. grind your weapon.
Is it possible/how to get new NPC partners?
Depends on which ones you currently have.
that generic voice guy, afin
They are one and the same. Depending on your server that grind could be costing you far, far more than you were anticipating.
Unlock the forest area and you'll get a quest from Echo (get a rod from a Rockbear). Finish it to get her card.

Finish the three weapon-based quests Maloo, Ouza, and Lisa give you to get their cards.

Finish one of Jean's many quests to get his card (around level 7, maybe earlier, it's been a while).

There are probably more I don't remember right now.
What do grinders look like? The icon, i mean.
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>go do normal free forest for matter board shit
>run into ragne
>break two legs then decide fuck that weapon shit, fist fight time
>kill it by myself
>another one appears immediately afterwards
Like a ball-bearing.

Would have preferred an image but I figured it out. Its this one, right?
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Fuck me
What are you guys tactics for jewing on the AH? I play with my jap friends on another ship so don't mind giving away some secretz

People often sell 2slot or even 3slot units with high atk/rangeatk/force for less than 10k, these can easily be sold for upwards of 50k++ each depending on what else is on the item.
There are some disks that are more sought after than others, the burst fire for assuult rifle is one. Not sure if its because its a little rarer or just because its one of the best for AR, but sometimes you can still find lv 5+ versions of it for under 5k, when people readily buy them 20k++
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I should probably start selling these again instead of putting them in my room
But they look so happy together.
There are at least 500 grinders in the range of 4k-4.2k on ship 2. God damn how am I suppose to jew these people?
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yes its that one
you dont, grinders are off limits to the jew market, there are too many of them
>ship 2

well there's your problem

I'm almost to a cool 1.5mil by selling mesetta alone...I'd have more millions but I've been buying rares as soon as I can afford em...and you know how much those cost now

ship 4 got me paid
No, grinders are the jew market if you have enough cash.

You can probably make 400-800m per grinder if you wait (timezones), or a lot less per grinder but a lot safer money if you go high turnover.

You hit the jackpot if someone decides to sell all their lot without checking the market price first.

Full stacks at 1050 aren't all that uncommon.
no, what hes trying to do is buy the lot of them out, im saying that aint worth it
Actually, I just counted and I think I can buy out all the ones below 4.4k with my 3mil, but I'd have to spend a big portion of my money and I'm not sure if it's such a wise move to make. But on the other hand, after 4.4k it jumps to like 5k in for 200 and then to 7k, so I'd make quite a bit of money if it actually works. But I'm worried that there might be people that have a lot in their inventories and might crash my jew party by flooding the market with their grinders
Is it possible for armors to have abilities that increase offensive stats like r-atk? All I see right now is defensive stats.
Can be, depending on where the next big stacks are.
Yes, they work just like weapons, only they don't drop as often.
As far as I know, with the exception of souls, no.
So how do the prices fluctuate? Lower at night (Japan time) and higher during Japan prime time?
What server?
Japan time saw the market flooded and prices drop 400m in the space of about 30 minutes. I unfortunately spent up just before it hit so couldn't get any bargains.

Prices had rebounded some 200-300m 10 hours later. They are up a further 600m at present.

So, if things remain the same expect the price to plummet in a few hours.

They can, its not that uncomon.
>tfw people are selling them for even 500m less than market price and I buy them and sell them for 400m more each
how does I join /vg/'s teams/guilds/whatever
That's what I was doing, then came people selling them in the unprofitable margins, then came floods of runes whilst I was left holding my grinders unable to afford those 1050-2000m beauties that entered the market and was just left pissed off.
so... is everyone who's level 30 just playing the auction house and waiting for city event?
I'm not even level 30 yet and that is what I'm doing
>Clust shot (i don't know the names for these, I only know what the look like) is great for hitting the weak spot of enemies with no aiming, since the damage is aerial

I don't like its animation delay, by the time it rains down its projectiles most would've moved away already
sounds boring
Does T-ATK do anything at all for a HU or am I going to be nearly useless if I change my FOnewearl with a T-ATK mag into a hunter?
To each their own I guess
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What did I do to deserve this? I can't even beat it at it's own stage. What makes you think I can beat it here?
When do servers start filling up? Around 6pm JST/5am EST?
I suppose release game will be exactly same but with 10 more levels of grinding and a couple of snow maps.
If it makes you feel better, red/tumor code attack Vol Dragon does like, 400~500 if he looks in your general direction.
But you wont lose after dying there, you can rise a telepipe and farm him for a while.
Then you will get a change over, and have to fight a second dragon :3
I just got a PSE burst where only 8 monsters spawned, why are PSE bursts so underwhelming?
What exactly tumor does, aside from atk/hp/exp?
I noticed that there are three stages of it, bulb, a fern and palm-like thing, and N+1 tumor monster might pop up after you beat N tumor.
Because spawning triggers are retarded. If you wont move anywhere in a "calm" place, you wont get monsters at all.
It's PSO2's version of rare spawns.
The tumor itself gives another lock-on spot which is always weak against Light/Holy attacks too if I recall.
They also give a bit more exp and probably have better drop rates.
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Luckily another group came. Me and my partner for the mission were getting arseraped.
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being melee is suffering
It sure fucking is, I just got done doing a code protect for 10 minutes in desert. Those fucking turrets that dash around are a pain in the ass solo.
Jump attack combo, dash-cancel, land, dash, jump cancel, dash, land, dash, repeat to get out of the lava and avoid lava damage.

You can do a similar thing as a force since landing from and air dodge cancels the recovery which lets you immediately jump and air dodge again.

I'm not sure if Rangers can cheese out nigh-infinite invincibility frames the same way or not.
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>mfw I'm already shitting bricks here and the game expects me to deal with spiders and those shield bastards
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Or rather
Dash, jump to cancel dash recovery (the lower your jump the better for this purpose), air dash, landing from an air dash cancels dash recovery, dash, repeat.
You move faster this way than running as well if you're in a hurry.

For Forces it's easier.
Jump, air dodge, land, jump, air dodge, repeat.
You want a mid-height jump for Forces, too low and you cancel your dodge by landing too early. Too high and you're stuck in falling animation from the air dodge for too long.

You can basically go across entire fields of lava without ever taking damage.
Or just use this method to avoid taking damage from monsters in general.

It makes playing Hunter (or a reckless Force using melee range techs) a heck of a lot more fun.
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oh you just dont know about real shields.
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I fucking did it

And it only took me 7 deaths.

I'm going to get an F-minus, huh?
You can die a million times and still get an S-Rank as long as someone revives you.

You only lose points if you choose to respawn on the ship.
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What the fuck are those and which mission has them?

I'm level 30 and I've never seen that mob before.
I know that but as you can see, I'm doing this with npcs
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Its from second alpha. There was a mission to prevent some kind of huge tumor from exploding.
you can fail
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That looks fucking amazing. I want that in OBT. Why the fuck did they take it out?
It wasn't fun

I don't habeeb it.
The sky turning blood red and dark as shit when you fail sounds amazing. Completely different than "YOU FAIRUED".
They mess with content most of the time.
In alpha2 there was no story or quests, so I guess those missions were just jumbled together, just like in preobt you got to run lilipa on level 1.

I assume that either such mission is lvl30+, or it was removed for balancing.
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>getting the hang of fighting Vol Dragon
>"I don't care if I died a thousand times earlier, I'm finally gonna finish this damn missi-"
>power fluctuates
I don't know who's responsible for this but Fuck you
Ranger's Sneak Shooter is stupid
>Doesn't like crawling around like Solid Snake
The fuck is wrong with you, son
Let's say you have a 4 attribute item.

You go to combine some more attributes onto it because you're a baller and fail all of them.

Does this item now go back to being 0 slot with a penalty applied to even try and put one attribute onto it?
>implying it's something to be proud of

It's a pain to aim
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So how do you guys like your Rappy to be cooked?
Medium rare... and heavily tenderized
hold it to aim

you have plenty of time to crawl and line up your shot
Can you stop crawling now? In previous testing you constantly moved ahead and your aiming was heavily restricted, unless you prepared it before activating the skill.
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Don't know who's situation is worse, the Rappy being cooked or the Rappy in the Launcher.
god...I'm not even going to bother to fix the damn comment on it
I'm camping AH flipping grinders. I just look for any under 3950 and repost them. It's slow as balls, but it's better than running hardmodes for 3 days and only getting one item worth more than 100k+.
I think it will be much faster to get five drops from hardmode and vendor them for 600-1000, especially in the crowded channel. But thats just me.
Divine Launcher is way better and is easier to use
Someone mind explaining what the hell the matter board is? I'm now level 11 and I haven't even touched the damn thing. What does it do? Is it like a level up system or something?
free items and something to do, basically

think of it as story quests
Its a story progression combined with free remotely good items, in case you got fucked by random.
But it might be something more lorewise, since I dont understand a single thing Shion says.
I've come to realize that the more torpedo-like your tits are, the jigglier they are.
Force here and been using Rods so far. Is there any reason to use anything else besides the times where you need PP and want to used ranged means of getting it like discs?
Should I make another account to level a different class, or just deal with my mag being all tech on hunter?
thow card, cast spells from card
you stop crawling when you let go and take the shot

if you're in TPS view, only your horizontal aiming speed is lowered

if you're in lock-on view, just hold it until your character is lined up with the target
Discs seem to have lower magic attack than rods though, so I switch
yep, thats exactly why the skill is terrible.
just deal with it or throw down like $5 for extra mags when the game gets legit released
honestly I dont notice too much of an impact from difference on stat numbers.
Partisan and suspender knives have 150 attack while sword is maybe 250, and you get to do about the same amount of damage per hit anyway.
cards only do marginally less because ranged attacks are balanced to have less on the weapon then melee; you get more overall via either a)better attack animation or b)better spell placement
Is there a way to save my bars for when I change classes? Setting everything up again is a pain in the ass.
I accidently put a level into Ability Support on my mag, is it worth just investing everything else into Ranged Support even though it won't end up pure? I don't really understand how this works
Just keep maxing Ranged Attack. Too many of my ranger friends can't use the highest tier Rifles/Launchers because they fucked themselves on mag leveling.
I ended up with a PP restoring mag, because I got one level wrong. Guess I'll have to buy another one in release, this one is not even worthy of summoning.
What level is it? Mag will change forms every 5 levels if you raise a stat higher than your current one. All hope is not lost.
its level 99, go figure. It was a ranged attack one most of the time, but approximately at 91 it flipped to PP restore.
keep it saved in slot 2~6
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really now?

You sure you were leveling a pure range mag? That summon comes from t-atk builds.
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I'd join, but I'll wait until it's localized or something.

Oh wait, Japan doesn't like America anymore.

okay....so why post that here like if anybody cares?

just enjoy the screenshots and videos of everyone else having fun
'Cause, like, being lazy is suffering.
it wont be popular in America anyway. And you will get disgusting dub as a bonus.
About to level my hunter, I have a bunch of PAs learned from my 30 force. What should I use for swords/wired lances?
Nothing Japanese is popular in America.

Except Pokémon.
Can someone translate this? Google translate isn't very helpful (if anything it makes me more confused).


(Google) - For this reason, "PSO2" open β test will be starts from 14:00 (Wed) July 4, 2012 the official service, "PSO2" ended on 11:00 Tuesday, July 03, 2012 .

...official release...?
I further suspect serious content issues in jp release as well, if all the will do is adding 3-4 ice quests.
Japan time you so crazy.

Last night grinders were being given away at 3.9-4k.

24 hours later they're at 4.9k.

Volatile market but lots of money to be made (and will always be resellable so no losing it all).
Also, full message here.


このため、『PSO2』オープンβテストは2012年7月3 (火)11:00をもって終了し、『PSO2』正式サービスを2012年7月4日(水)14:00よ

Grinders will be 10k+ each in 2 days, seeing how game is going into full release. Premium auction house only.
So basically it's firesale time if you're a free2play scrub.
I don't see how it can be called a 'free' to play game when being able to sell/trade is a premium feature.
I don't see how its not free to play if you don't get to buy anything to start playing. Are you really that new to the concept of f2p games?
Pay2win != free2play.
free game != free to play game
So hold on, is the game actually going full play mode on the fourth? Damn, now i'm pretty excited, sure can't wait to download a fuckhuge patch when it happens, from a japanese server no less.
Locking a core feature behind a pay wall does not equal playing.
No, Pay2win = free2play and it always was. stop being so unnaturally annoyed by something that is around for years.
Your mom has a core feature behind a pay wall. Stop whining like a little kid, pso2 has worse issues.
Such as?
hard mode is literally nothing
eternal grinding for quests on the same monsters

Release should be like several times bigger than open beta, otherwise there wont be even a reason to pay for anything.
Well hope you like the grinding - unless you've already got 10m banked away you won't be able to do shit as a free player.
All you need to do is join the multiparty and collect shit.
>Have 1 rich friend with premium
>Use him to put stuff on AH
>It's like I'm still playnig OB
city mission in 13 minutes on ship 4
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>solo'd my way up to lvl 10
>didn't even know how to invite npcs until I was 12
>never even knew what the fuck PSE burst was until my 2nd city mission
>time to do the 5 boss quests to get hard mode
>pass by some guy
>All of a sudden, PSE burst
Yeah, not like I could've used the increased monster spawn back when I was low leveled.
>not still low leveled
>Retail imminent

Oh no oh man oh no oh man
MyShop will cost money in less than 14 hours
Need to list everything I can before it costs money
Oh man oh no ohhhh maaaan
400 TATK +10 Rod? Sell it, I don't need it at 40 cap.
320 TATK +10 Talis? Sell it, I don't need it at 40 cap.
Anyone know what element Maloo's spells are?

Only have the first one, can't remember what people call it but its categorized under the same as the heal. So what element improves it if it has any element at all and how do you get higher level on it, don't seem to get disc skill drops for it.
Was wondering the same for the other aoe "ice'ish" spell she has, don't have it yet but it seems to melt faces whenever she is in my party.
>Use him to put stuff on AH
Please explain how you would go about this.
Should be Light.
She presents them to you if you talk to her after raising the relationship several times.
Beside, they also drop in lilipa and on hard mode.
So does this mean if you arent premium, Meseta is essentially worthless?
Only one person needs premium to trade.
You can still buy from player shops. You just can't sell in them.
Light would make sense I suppose, it doesn't have a tree tho as far as my moonrune expertise goes, as well as the skill simulator.

So maybe she has some spells standby then, was running with her as a hunter before, the face on the side of her card has changed 3 times since yesterday.
If they only drop in hardmodes that would explain why I don't get any, my force is only lv.13, but I don't even see any on the ah, either they are really rare, expensive beyond reason or simply too awesome to sell?
Yayo is hard as hell to find a reference picture for, I looked anywhere I could find something anime related and I found two bad quality low resolution pictures, i threw together a face but it's not the prettiest thing ever, i'm bad at animu faces apparently.
There's two damaging light spells available to the player, Grants and Gi Grants. Maru gives you a PA for both of them after a certain number of S rank clears with her. You need find her in Lobby and keep talking to her (First option).
you have to identify or grind items with it.
unless you meant HOLY SHIT I JEWED FROM AH A TEN BILLION MESETA I AM THE KING OF THE GAME way, then yeah, sure. Its worthless.

both will need. We couldnt start up a deal without both people to have a premium
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What I'm trying to say is that at my current level, getting burst at that area is pretty pointless but yeah I guess I should've worded it better

Have done that, I most likley have then I've just not switched to force to check.
Seen a friend run with I suppose Grants and Gi Grants leveling entire fields of monsters in seconds, I barely get to hit anything as a hunter.
So I figured as I level force in my spare time I should focus on improving those two spells, I just don't want to go the wrong way in the skill tree.
I know I should go for Charge PP Revival, but from there I need to find the way to maximize the damage output on those spells.
It makes sense in a remotely big group of people. While being alone you wouldn't normally get PSE burst at all. Once I got it instantly after entering the area, just because multiparty somewhere else grinded enough photons.
Don't bother. Grants takes too long to charge, it's better to use Ra Foe. GiGrants is awesome and should be used if mobs are close together.
Unless it's missing from the beta, there is no trade, merely open market transfer.

That 9 star off-class weapon with godly modifiers that you just got is vendor fodder unless you've got premium.
There is a classic trade, by clicking on character, but its grayed out currently and it won't be for free anyway.
So off class stuff confirmed vendor fodder.

I'm sure you wouldn't haven sold it for more than 700meseta anway.
Oh god oh god oh god, the game is going retail soon?

How much is premium going to cost, anyway? And will it be possible to pay for shit from outside of Japan?

I don't want to lose my awesome room.
So does this game have any kind of story/plot/point, or is it just leveling for the sake of leveling?
Full Premium set(shop,room,trade):
30 days - 1300 yen
60 days - 2500 yen
90 days - 3600 yen

30 day shop pass - 700 yen

30 day room pass - 700 yen
You can level any class, there is no off-class anything.
But Meseta is worthless right, so why bother? Trade fetishism sometimes reaches creepy levels.
It has kind of story/plot/point, and its just leveling for the sake of leveling.
Wait, wait.

I read the little japanese blurb, and related english translation.

Does that mean the game's launching in two days? We're getting tundra, level cap's going up, mags can evolve, etc.? What exactly is confirmed for release at this point?
Meseta isn't worthless, it's more important now than ever since prices are about to triple in about 14 hours.
That's actually not bad.

Oh god I am going to drop real money on being a catgirl in a space game from Japan that I cannot understand.
It doesnt look bad because it doesnt count in draw lottery expenses.
Tell me with a straight face you will never buy a single ticket.
I won't, I'll just buy the costumes I want off AH for insane prices.

AC tier list

Top tier:
More Mags
Inventory space
More skill trees

Low Tier: Everything else
Should be free tier:
2nd MAG.
1 time use class skill tree reset per class (or give the option of a reset costing 10,000,000m).

Can be charged for:
Everything else they're planning to.

Undecided whether a 3rd MAG should also be free.
Honestly, given that you can potentially lock yourself out of top-tier equipment permanently based on your MAG's build (Hope you didn't go for ability), MAG resets or rebuilds of some kind should be free.

Not free in-game, mind you, but free of real-world charge.
I hope SEGA is like Nexon KR. There's multiple events a month where they give out inventory/storage space and various cash shop items like premium market space.
*Talking about Dragon Nest KR
Just refeeding them into shape would be alright. You can drop progress in stats now, but they never delevel.
But then again, it will almost erase necessity of extra mags.

but its japanese company, so you will only get a gacha refresh, and new quests will leave to even harder inventory clogging, thusmore reasons to spend money.
So, is there an English player's manual somewhere? I'd kinda like to know what the different stats for myself, and equipment mean, as well as familiarize myself with the terminology; since I'm going to be windowed & consulting a chart half of the time to begin with.
About how large is the population on Ship 4?
Check OP's post and the consecutive images as well.
Consult the guides in the OP post for some information.Also google and PSO-World forums.
about 4-5 of full channels during city event.
Really?I should of specified I was asking about us, not the other Japanese players.
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>Be doing city mission
>"Oh yay!"
>It ends
>"Another one so soon?"
>"Hot damn were getting lucky"
>Teammates go off to fight Ragne while I stay with the moonmen
>Finally finishes and I go off to help my teammates kill Ragne
>Kill Ragne at 00:00
Oh god why is this game so much fun?
I notice there's a shit ton of .sar files in /symbolarts/cache folder

Has anyone found a way to open these files?
Probably gonna try swapping some of these files with the ones on /user to see if I could retrieve old symbol arts

From the gist of it the game takes place in Space with the Star-fleet "Oracle". The Starfleet purpose along with ARKS (which stands for Artificial Relics to Keep Species), a space and planetary exploration group, is to explore the universe, seeking new planets to study and explore for the sake of the unknown. They jump from galaxy to galaxy using Ships with not only with ARKS members but with non-ARKS members who are along for the ride to live in space.

There is going to be a story which will be released in a monthly basis it appears. When the official service commences, chapters 1-4 will be up. Each chapter will feature a different field in the game. Chapter 1 will be the forest, chapter 2 will be the caves, chapter 3 will be the desert, and chapter 4 will feature the tundra.

So they do have a story, but you'll be too distracted leveling up and fighting bosses to do so.
>Going on to a mission
>Its raining non-stop
>Find a broken ship
>In a huge sweat fend off an attack successfully
>Wander around a bit more, fighting occasional monsters
>Time is up
Its just like in real life. Well, city music is pretty nice.
>"Another one so soon?"
it's caused by groups who didn't get enough for a full cross burst during the last PSE burst but still cranked their PSE levels high due to the spawn rate increase; typically it's because they juuuuuuuuuust missed getting cross burst before it ended and had to wait to find find some new waves to farm up and finish it since they wasted time gathering loot
The important part I think, is that you are involved in your role somehow, by completing codes. Being online with operators is a nice touch as well.
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Welp, shit actually worked. Time to rename every single .sar file here and make a collection
the main part we play is exploration and killing things causing distress codes so the non-ARKS can do their work.

well that and the convoluted due to language barrier plot involving the amnesiac loli and shion somehow mathing out a matter board of events for you to participate in that chains butterfly effects together to alter timelines. or something.
>which will be released in a monthly basis it appears.
If that means new mission combinations and events every month, it would be like the best game ever.
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I don't even give a shit anymore. I've lost control of my life.
>Most of /vg/ is already at max level
>Not enough people to even full one block.
>Just started playing.

Welp looks like I'll be soloing for a long time.
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remember, you're here forever
If you're looking for someone to party with I just recreated. Character name is Soru.
I started yesterday as well, give me a call if you want to party, Kyouko
starting the game as a force, can I get a link or something that explains what each spell does before i end up flailing around and wasting time trying to figure out what each one does?
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I suggest you guys start buying up all the grinders before prices triples in 2 days
Thanks but I actually have to leave for a few hours, I was just being a pie ass. I'll definitely hit you guys up later if you're still on.
Alright then, I'll be on pretty much for another 10 or so hours so if you get back before then I'll help you out.
anyone who needs grinders is busy spending their money on weapon upgrades still.

anyone who doesn't literally has grinders coming out of their ass and is hungrily searching for a weapon drop to use them on

funny how that works out.
And a ton of people disappeared ten years ago, and they might be returning as evil dewmen.
>Spending all your money on weapons when there's a +10 level cap raise and new content coming in a few hours
Stay retarded.
Okay, so, character stats... what are they?

Like, Ability, Skill, etc. The paste bins seem to explain how to level and advance, but not what the different areas actually do.
Speaking of which, how often fights with npc happened in PSO? I only played a bit, but you were able to fight other hunters. I wonder if there will something similar in PSO2.
>+10 level cap raise and new content coming in a few hours
Its probably Matoi again is pulling pranks from the future, dont bother.

That's 2012.7.4, not in a few hours.
>Few hours
>Few... 3
>39 hours
>39... 3
Few hours is correct.
39 was a pack, as far as I can remember.
below 10 was several or few.
How do I know some of my stuff in the AH got sold?
>inb4 still giving a crap about AH when you're just free playing
You have a weird sense of the word "few."
second last option in the auction tab lets you see who bought your stuff. You have to confirm the deal there or retrieve items, I dont remember.
Is there any point in putting your money in your stash?
>carrying your meseta around
I hope you get robbed by nigger robots
So how much is the default storage being reduced to after beta? 100?
200 is default. Sega sells more storages, not size of one.
Is there anywhere with indepth cost of AC items? I need to know how much mags, additional skill trees, and resets are going to cost.
>Doing the S rank dragon with mai waifu quest
>Taking it nice and slow, just need to not die
>Huge spider out of no where
>Fall to 1 health during the fight but manage to kill it
>Now to search for the entrance to stage 3
>Huge dragon saying hello
>Run past him
>It's a dead end, the entrance isn't there
>Run back past him
>It's in a sort of narrow passage, I can likely skirt by the side of him
>Get hit with his flame, start beeping
>Jet of flame erupts from the ground
>Knocks me into the lava
>1 health, mashing the potion button
>Burn to death
>Need to start over again
Neato. Real fucking neato.

Hmm, internet just dropped out so would have been the same result regardless.
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How is that autism treating everyone? Enjoy it while you can!
Haven't even entered My Room yet. I wonder if someone in my team put a bunch of shrooms in it...
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What does Red say, and how long does Blue normally take?
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>nigger robots
Didnt even peek in my own room.
But crawled into my friend's and filled it with flower pots.
Red says something about the pleasure of being cummed inside

Blue takes roughly an hour maybe an hour and a half.
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>Meanwhile /vg/ ship 4 master race

Economic fortune telling. Player store financial PvP. Scientifically burstin'
Ship 4. Feels good.
Half of those questions are asked here as well. The only difference is we don't flood the thread with pictures of our characters.

Though I'm seeing that makes you feel so much better about yourself.
I got 2 ? weapons. Should I pick 5% drop rate or 5% exp?
And you guys wonder why people think you're faggots.
epic lulz xD
So skimming through the thread it seems like the bulk of /vg/ players on Ship 4 have already reached level cap and are now either sitting around waiting for new content, or quit to play their next fotm. Is this accurate? Just found out about this game last night, finished downloading this morning, and now I'd like to find some non-moons to play with. Am I better off rolling on Ship 2 to find more fresh-starters, or is Ship 4 not in as bad shape as I think it is?
>"DERP! Let's all split up and find crystals!"
>Spend 50 seconds getting everyone in one spot
all of my why
Yeah the questions are asked by pso-w or other people still playing on ship 2 for some reason.
I (and many others) are willing to help for the sake of helping. But feel free to roll ship 2.
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>Scientifically burstin'

All day every day.
You must be from ship 2.
>Redo the quest
>Zone 1
>WARNING! Eliminate!
>WARNING! Code Change! D-D-D-DdDd-DUEL!
>Dragon out of no where
>Cleared most of the level, just run to where the exit must be
>Zone 2
>Clear 70% of it
>Spider is back
>Fuck this, run past it to the exit
>Zone 3
>Finally up to the boss
>Realise I cannot do this with a launcher and just go full on spray and pray assault rifle
>Finally kill it
>Whoo, it's done
>93.4% top rating
>Rank A
Fuck my life.
>Realise I cannot do this with a launcher
You can do anything with a launcher. But weak bullet helps a lot.
>sega wants a jp address for ac


Maybe I'll put a spin on a classic and give my address as Tokyo Stadium.
His ground erupts are a pain with the slow moving launcher.

Easier to just circle strafe him and spray him all over.
Takes more time. It's still easy mode with launcher.

Servers are not down.
What is objectively the highest damage dealing class?
Not a timed mission, rather a staying alive one.
Yeah, until you take too long and he spits a fireball at your ass. You're honestly just making it hard for yourself. Remember that dodging has invulnerability frames.
>Party leader exits Campship
>Doesn't say a word.
>Idles for a half hour.

Holy shit would it kill people to say what they're doing when they have a full party waiting on them?
Is poison the only status that works on the bosses?
Why are Assault Rifle PA's so hard to find earlier on?
Because most of them suck, the game is trying to push you towards launchers.
well, good thing I got to play with english people right?
on another note, has it ever happened with you that your character poured down monomate into his/her ear instead of drinking?
its better in Mass Effect mode, where PAs don't even matter as much as aiming and just attacks. Shotgunning is still very valuable.
>mfw you waited 30min on some guy instead of reforming your own party

Forever stay beta /vg/
>Implying I actually waited the full 30 minutes and wasn't exaggerating.
This is all I saw:
>I'm trying to complete my mission but

Meanwhile, in my game:
Every boss has a couple of status effects that work, these are what I got so far:
Rockbear: Burn (crappy damage)
Caterdran: Poison (amazing damage), Freeze (breaks when hit a couple times, pretty worthless)
Vol Dragon: Freeze (OP as fuck)
Guwanda: Burn (crap), Panic (excellent in party, useless solo)
Dark Ragne: Fuck all
Vol Dragon's horns are weak to dark.
Wait, so poison doesn't do massive damage to all bosses? Fuck this shit I even bought a bunch of poison weapons to make a poison lv3
>try to upgrade my main weapon
>spend 30 grinders to get it to +6
>try to upgrade some random shltty rare for no reason
>+10 in one go
pretty sure they nerfed poison damage to reasonable numbers.
It was murdering those horned monsters with force field really hard in alpha. But they also were ignoring most of the other damage, until you break both side horns. Now you can just punch it to death.
Hey, at least its possible to actually +10 , and you wont lose your item on +4 attempt or something, like its usually happening in other games.
So then pretty much none of the status effects are universally useful
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>struggle spending 160k on +main weapon without buying grinders and end up at 7
>cap unit pieces at 10 without any fails

its things like these that make me want the world to burn...
Bumped's site says the game goes live in a couple of days.

Does that mean I'll have to get rid of my room's furniture?
yep, unless you plan on giving sega money
They are useful, but they are not universal or optimal. Just like weapon element.
In case of choosing between power I or poison I I'd rather take poison, because 10 attack wouldnt do as much difference.
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Unless you want to pay $14 a month, the game is over.
Right. On Hard mode it does 1690 or something to Caterdran, which is decent, but otherwise it's worthless on the other bosses. We're getting 3(?) new bosses in a couple days though it seems, so might aswell wait and see if those are vulnerable to it.
Only scrubs use one slot on weapon palette anyway.
Was lock on mode made for rangers playing with a control pad?

Decided to give it a go (to lock on to Vol's tail) and damn near died instantly and was missing 80% of the shots.

Manually is so superior.
Nevermind, just read the update info and it looks like we might not be getting the mines map yet. So 1 or 2 new bosses.
don't spray him all over, focus the tail until it shatters then shove rockets in his face while he's trying to recover. hitting anywhere else is a waste of time, especially once he dives into the ground and gets his extra armor on.
Snow Panther and Snow Banshee, according to JP wiki.
Why is the camera in this game so utterly awful?

Is it better with a gamepad?
So looks like OB last for 11 more hours, then out for 24 hours and we have real release.

Must get to 30 today, then.
/ * - + keys on numpad
There was a pretty huge Mammoth mob in the videos too that looks like it could maybe pass as a boss, maybe it's just a regular mob though. There was little ones you could jump on top of to get on his back, looked pretty rad.
His tail flails about. It's easier to just hit his weak head straight up.

Once he's gone into armour mode then starting to concentrate on the tail is fine, but spraying the face is fine too.

Can always just wait for him to do his fireball to come out of armour form.
Marmoth and De Marmoth, if my Engrish is correct. So normal enemies.
Guwanda is weak to shock; or specifically his claws that you kill. shock sends them to the 'exposed weak point' state automatically
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>now you can dress up as Lisa
My wallet is ready.
I wish to be the little Lisa
I guess I'll take note of that too, I know you can poison his tentacle things too, but they die in a few hits anyway so it's pointless to gear specifically for it.

City mission is about to start, fellow Ship 2 bros. xD
it will be a monthly fee?
Don't mind that /b/tard. The base game is still free, and playing without paying anything is beyond easy if you aren't a complete retard.
speaking of which, how to increase drop amount from him? You can break stuff on vol or ragne, but what to do with guwanda?
if a weapon has more *s you'll have a harder time upgrading it. Save up the special upgrade boosts you get from FUN Scratch and blow them all on your next big weapon upgrade.

As for me, I'm sticking with 2* weapons. They're less of a hassle, and I just solo'd HM Vol with partisan!
I doubt anyone can say for certain how drops work right now. But it seems to factor in how much you contributed to the boss and your ranking. In those multi-boss fights I can split up and fight 1 boss whilst a friend fights another and we each get full drops off our own and only 4 off the others.
Couple quick questions I didn't see anything about in the FAQS and on Bumped (Given I didn't search too hard on that one)

When I'm equipping photon arts through the weapon equip screen, on my forcer, I often get prompts to unlock new skills or level skills up, am I using any sort of skill points to do that? Or is it just there for show and so you know you're leveling shit up?

I played a lot of Blue Burst but that was years ago and I played a ranger back then, so I'm not sure what I'm doing when I get new skills.
nah, been selling them for a ton of cash
That's just if you have the disc for it in your inventory. You can use them manually from your item tab in invo.
>playing without paying anything is beyond easy if you aren't a complete retard.

How would you suggest getting money to buy/do things?
>log on right before city mission
>no time to plan a party
>all the rooms are full already
there is no downside to equipping as many PAs as possible, it's just there to show the difference between your current level and the one you're using.

it's the skill tree that's permanent (until you throw down ~$13 USD on a reset pass when cash shops open)
>get into multiparties
>stuff rains from all sides

Unless you meant that the game is so hard you cant play it without having a ninestar +10 shit.
funniest part is that you will still be able to buy shit from people, just not sell shti
>Get a godly drop, although slightly less godly than your current equipment
>Vendor trash
>think you got a godly drop
>got to AH
>lowest bid is 5000
What the fuck? you're the unluckiest fucking people on the planet, I've +10'd every weapon i had since OB started with only +9 failing once or twice without downgrading
>thinking you can't play game without paying
>Only thing you're really using right now that requires paying is Selling in AH and fagging up your room
>thinks you can't play without AH and room
You can still NPC, you'll get a bit less than AH but its not like it means jackshit money is still easy to come by as all fuck.
And if you need or want to use the room isntead of play the actual fucking game you're a fucking retard, downloaed sims or some shit.
Nah, low level stuff is exceptionally easy to upgrade. Once you get one of the top end 9* weapons you'll see what people mean. 3 Grinders per attempt, can go down 3 levels, has very low success rate even at shit like +2 or +3. You can easily go through hundreds of thousands of meseta on upgrade fees alone.
well, when all missions are completed, and most of the cool stuff gotten, you are left out to sit in someones' room and surgery yourself with gacha haircuts.
Havent you seen the fagfest in cbt threads?
Name some good players you've played with on ship 4/2

omgNoob (or is it OMGnoob?) Speaks english
don't remember any other names right now
As a forcer should I specialize in an element as soon as possible or just level tech damage first?
Ma Lu
Don't assume, I was talking about *7+ weapons not 2* shit.
wen you do and get everything, stop playing until the new content comes out, stop being a fagot, sitting in a fucking room and switching haircuts is not playing.
7* ain't shit bro. I'm not assuming anything, you are either wrong or lying through your teeth, pick one.

lv9 Rockbears with Dead when he was under level 9
mfw he knew what the fuck he was doing wired lance aerial combos to the head
gave me a Good Job and is a pretty cool guy
>stop being a fagot
afraid of competition, assclown?

Ship 4
Extremexeon - under level 10 last time I saw them yesterday but they know what to do
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I'm almost there.
>My friend wants to play on ship 2
>Make a character on 2 assuming I can also make one on 4
Am I wrong? I thought it was one per SHIP per account... Because now I'm stuck on ship 2 with my friend who probably won't play past level 5.

ship 4
sucks to be you.
try to delete it and recreate at ship4, since level 5 is not much of a work.

I played with Dead in free forest (he was like lv8)
Wired combos and air dodging
Couldn't take my eyes off his long flowing hair
well, you can either
a)throw down 500円/~$6.30 usd to get another character slot, even though nothing of value carries over between the two characters
b)delete your character on ship two and have a clean start on ship 4
c)make a second account, create a character on ship 4, and swap between the two accounts as needed

guess which you should do
lol I did slinky dragon with dead he is level 13
I get double body slammed
dead is my only teammate and star atomizers me
is h-he an angel?
also gave me a good job
I love Dead and I want his children
Dead4lyfe <3
dead is clearly the best player on ship 4
we rushed rappy capture mission on lvl10 and he destroyed all enemies in our way before they even touched me
i used to be a drug addict

but dead, he took me off the streets, helped me find a job and turned my life around
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>You will never be mentioned amongst the good players list and for good reason
because nobody outside of /jp/ can type my moonrune name?
>mfw one guy, probably this 'Dead' himself is making all these posts proclaiming his greatness
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I accidentally leveled ability

I've got two levels in ability from realising mid mission 'oh shit, time to feed' and it rolled over.

This was before I learnt to use auto-follow for all that crap.
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>Sega's collective face, when you won't need to max abilities for wear top equipment in the end.
Dead is using hacks you retards.
>guess which he should do
disown his reddit friend there and delete and remake
>what he prolly will do
make another account
Oh cool, you were the only guy in that mission who actually tried to organize anything whatsoever.
pretty sure ship 2 is known for most of other resources as "english ship", not just reddit.
1 ability are you fucking kidding me. Why isn't there a warning? Fuck this gay earth. I quit this shit
trueish, its reddit, 9fag, gameinformer, gamespot, psocommunity and a few others

guess which one is the more vocal one shitting up the blocks
>mfw when I made a second account the check out ship 4, and everyonne has romaji names,

god, fucking is /vg/ really that full of weeabo faggots? had to create your waifus huh?

I'll go back to ship2 where the naming conventions arent retarded.
7*+ there's only 2 levels above it, and you're assuming i'm talking about 2* weapons, so considering you just said you're not assuming, even though that's exactly what you did, you're an illiterate sack of shit and your opinion doesn't matter, go fuck yourself. just because you have shit luck don't clump everyone in with you, nigger.
protip: jp players oftenly use english names as well. And even when they don't, its still kana for imitating foreign names.
but no one will ever miss you.
So mad. So wrong. And 7* is Normal mode, low tier rares that are easy as fuck to upgrade. THAT is what I know you're talking about. And they are not hard in the slightest to upgrade.
How much longer until City Attack?
nigger stop pretending, nobody gives a shit about your 1 fucking ability on your ranged cast MAG, fuck off drama queen, if you're going to reroll, then fucking do it stop bitching.
Well, I still haven't failed any of my upgrades, enjoy calling me wrong while you carry around +1 shit you unlucky fagot.
People in mmos can be divided into three groups in terms of character creation:
- waifu type
- retardedly exaggerated buff manly man type with manly name, bonus points for being a robot or golem
- genderless ugly dwarf parody type, bonus points for being animal, black/fat woman or their combination
There is a item to lower ability, I think.
>implying that ship 2 isn't equally bad with spouting symbol arts and only dancing
You can't delevel MAG levels as far as I'm aware, unless they release a cash shop item to do it. But they probably won't given they can just sell you a new MAG or MAG reset.
Which is stupid as fuck
this is how it's always been in PS. deal with it
what is the death penalty? just losing money?
you lose money/exp at the end of the mission, and your rank goes down (s rank is required for a lot of missions)
there's actually not death penalty if someone is able to use a moon atomizer on you.

If you die and go back to the camp ship, it subtracts from your grade. If you die and go back to camp ship on the BOSS...mission failed.
You lose money?
>doing the drilling quest on hard mode
>third area
>it's one of the splitting robots and about 5 of the hater skaters
>friend dies twice in the bullet hell
>eventually we manage to kill the splitting robot
>gwanada pops out of the ground
>darkers and hater skaters spawning constantly, at least 5 of each on the field at all times
>crazy three way battle, so crazy that I photon blast twice
>friend dies two more times
>after about 10 minutes we finally bring down gwanada

Did you know that Gwanada can catch robots in its grab? I do now.
Yeah, darkers will fight with other enemy types. You can also hit him with Panic during the boss room version and he'll grab the minions he summons (party only), pretty handy.
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>code attack with code duel
>kill gwanada
>robots from code attack were considered as adds and gets removed
>code still there
>code vanished, but their pink triangle marks are still on the map
>eventually most of the code colors gets stuck like that
Lilipa is glitched to no end.
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I'm done with this game. I'm tired of having to keep rerolling because of the mag crap. I'm gonna dump these on the AH in batches of 100 for 1k each after I take a shit
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Almost at level cap, my currect Force build.

After getting PP Revival I went straight for Photon Flare, figuring it and Freeze Ignition would be worth it. I then realized both fucking suck unless fully upgraded.

Now I wish I just filled up my Advanced Charged Tech.

What do you guys think? Should I spend my last 5 skill points cutting my losses and just putting them into Advance Tech Charge, or would it be worth it to bring Photon Flare to level 6?

Might actually spend money to respec when the game comes out soon.
>Name some good players you've played with on ship 4/2
Stop right there criminal scum!
That leeetist bullshit ends right the fuck now.
Before I continue, know that I am one who has made these leet lists before.
You elevate people who are good to such high levels they start thinking they are better than everyone else, even if they are just a little above average.
Pretty soon, you start to see major segregation, these players choosing to only play with each other.
They are good, and get even better stuff, further separating them.
Pretty soon all that really separates them from other skilled players is their gear, and people just suck their dicks even more as they endlessly circl-jerk around with their "leet" friends.
There was a guy in this game everyone thought was hot shit. he pwned me at every turn. As soon as the playing field was even with gear and level, I destroyed him because he had no real idea how to PVP.
So stop elevating people to god status. It does no good at all.
Are you telling me I will be able to have wooly mammoth fangs as a weapon?
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their nose has jaws on the end.
whips confirmed
I have no problem landing it so I guess you must be the bad one.
So... what are the chances of PSO2 getting EU/US release?
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Where could I be?
then clearly everyone around is bad, and you are the only pro.
stop promoting the skill to bads.
I hope zero.
No need for another "tera clone" whining and retarded reviews everywhere.
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So...game will be down for a day for the update and official launch.

Followed along with launch of the Cash Shop. Not sure if I should plonk cash down for Premium even if its only for Player Shop function.
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Why, random button, WHY?
What is wrong with telling people who is a good teammate who speaks english?
>>8719768 wasn't elevating anyone to god status just saying who is a good player.
I know that feel so hard right now
Rather than "good players" I'd rather hear "Who is pleasant to play with."

I'd still much rather play with a highly skilled asshole than someone of mdiocre skill who is a nice person. This is due to my days of being in the god tier lists.
who is ready for snow field?
>just logged on
>fiddling with inventory

well the only player people were talking about is some guy i haven't seen called dead but saying he is good, heals team mates, and gives people good jobs after missions doesn't make him sound like an ass
Its uncomfortably controversial. People shouldn't anticipate alien invasion so much... But if you make it scary, unavoidable and unpleasant, everyone will log off instead...
What is the medical center for? What do drinks do?
WTF is this all about?
get crunk while staring at nurse chan
30 minute buff (or wears off after a mission clear if you do it faster than that). There's a bunch of drinks for different boosts, usually 5% for first tier of drinks and 10% for second.
there are also stronger drinks, and a random one. Its cheaper, so it might just give one of those above.
First time doing city mission...finally over, seemed lackluster.
>Doing Kaltagot Extermination with Afin for his client order
>Kill 2 Kaltagot
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Everytime I try to start up the game I get this. How do I fix this?
Alright, I'm in ship 4. . .

What now? Who wants to be my first friend?
>min-maxing sack of shit
>pretending to quit game
>still auctioning off shit for 1k a pop
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can I get a countdown clock to real release update?
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First shot at a Partisan build, knowing basically nothing.

Is it even possible to Dodge-Tank?
No new weapon types in release update?
.In the hunter tree, what are the 3 talents that say give access to weapon Gears?
no, but there ARE a bunch of new weapons in the existing categories

the weapons the lizard-people use in caves will be available, for example
But they do have unreleased weapon types such as shotguns.
If you're going to spec for just guard and warcry, go sword.

You can't guard cancel skills in Partisan.
Also, either take fury stance to 10 or don't get it at all.

The base attack increase you get is very small, and you lose 250% defense at level 1. At level 1, it's +50% attack, -250% def. At level 10, it's +150% attack, -200% def.
Drop War Cry, it's useless. As a Hunter you'll keep hate on the mob over Ranger/Force no problem. Only time I ever see it being an issue is if you're partying with other Hunters doing more damage than you. In which case War Cry won't help you either. Just Guard is pretty useless with Partisan (can't guard cancel a lot of stuff, if you can you dodge cancel way earlier so you'll be relying on that). Fury Stance is pretty crap unless you max it, I'd save your points there and put points in S-ATK Up or something so you can equip weapons earlier.
and fists and hopefully mechguns

but it doesn't seem like we're getting them anytime soon
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It's official, the Open Beta ends at 10:00 PM EST on July 3rd, and AC purchases are to open an hour later. Official service starts a 1:00 AM EST on July 5th, so we get the chance to buy AC early-

>look at the payment options
>no PayPal
>in fact, no sort of eWallet purchase method at all


If this means they're planning to region-lock AC purchases, I am going to be very unhappy with SEGA.
> he doesn't get that assault rifles are an evolution of the mechgun, just like wired lances are daggers.

youre not gonna get both sweetchecks

>inb4 sweetcheeks
Basically semi-passive boosts to Photon Arts. You have a little meter that fills at the bottom of the screen that powers up your Photon Arts. All 3 weapons have different boosts and different ways to fill the meter:
Wire Lance: Fills by smacking stuff, increases damage of PAs (uses 1 meter per PA)
Partisan: Fills by guarding or spinning your spear after an attack (stopping mid combo), increases range of PAs (uses 1 meter per PA)
Sword: Fills by smacking stuff, increases range, charge speed or number of hit on PAs, doesn't use meter but your meter drains over the time, easy to keep full if you play aggressively
What you, 12? Don't have a credit card?
Just go with WebMoney or NetCash.
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I think he just misspoke, he probably meant to say chainguns.
>Based on user feedback, some players are having a hard time finding parties around their level. Sakai will make adjustments to the names of some blocks based on Play Style and Level ranges.

oh, so it's not just filthy whitto piggu that causes this

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the mech guns that were present in the other PS games.
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Okay, what do these say?
Because as far as I can tell, I'm putting the same information in and it's not letting me log into Ship 4.
I do have a Credit Card, but I'd prefer to use it for better (read: more important) things than this.

Are they similar to PayPal in that you can pay from your Debit account? Because that's how I want to pay.
Is it in all lower caps?
Yeah, caps locks' off.
Does it have to be in lower caps though? Because I tried a few variations of my name, one of which included a capital letter.
do you already have a character in another ship?
You can dash cancel them, almost at any point.
that doesn't really prevent you from getting in another ship.
Apparently Bitcash lets you pay with Paypal, some of the other available options probably do too.
wats a dash cancle ?
it does when you click character selection
Read his problem again
> it's not letting me log into Ship 4.

I looked up BitCash to see that it does indeed work with PayPal. Thanks Anon, you've eased my worries a little.
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What have I got here?
What the fuck is lover cap? you have capital and lower-case, there's no lower cap, this is way past spelling it wrong or mispronouncing it, you're using a word that does not exist.
I am 100% through matter board 1 and 75% through 2, do I get anything nice when I am done or do I just have to wait for release?
first you find with google when you type "pso2 error code 602"
and 242 is because you are trying to log in again to fast
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> Turn it off
> Wait 5mins
> Turn it back on
> it lets me into Ship 4

Either it's a time thing, or I typoed my password 7 times in a row.

Now, who wants to add me? I've got no friends, no experience, and I'm effectively illiterate.
so what will happen to bloc 44 after they rename the blocs? Someone will need to pick a new bloc for us to meet up.
Nurse cap. Now you can be the little nurse girl.
If you 100%'d board one, you got a new achievement thing. Talk to the woman to the left of Mr. Skills Guy to collect it.

I think it's just a synthesizer though.
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I've been getting lucky with these then, thanks a bunch.
looks like ナースキャップ to me, and I'd translate it to Nurse cap
, have you ever tried to use google?
Most of the people in this thread can't read, speak or type moonrunes and OCR extractors aren't reliable. Chill the fuck out.
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How bout this?
Looks alright. If you're gonna be using Guard Stance I'd prioritize points in that over HP Up, since leveling it not only increases your DEF but lowers the ATK reduction on it too.
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Anyone else bank inventory suddenly shoot up to 2030?
Or is this just a UI bug when accessing it directly that I never noticed before. Not enough stuff on me to test but about to go farm to try knock it over 200.
2030 is how much you get if you buy all the extra storage and have premium.You just have "All storage" selected so it shows that much.
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So on release, we'll lose all access to our rooms?
in b4 block 44 is renamed 'english block'
unless you got a room pass, yep
If it's any consolation, I saw "3 day My Room access" in the fun scratch.
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And I assume they cost AC?

Is it a one time purchase or renewing?
And now it's time for: THE ROOKIE HOUR!

Because it seem the paste bins kinda tell you how to do everything, but don't tell you how to DO anything.

I don't know where I get my Mag, nor even how to go down on a mission.
Monthly. Have fun getting jewed by $ega
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Something I am still confused about is what to look out for to know when the city mission is incoming? I often dont realise its up untill its about halfway done. IS it the same times every day?
All the guides you need are on bumped blog in OP
No, different times. 15 mins before the mission they announce it in system chat (with a message across the top of the screen too). The large screens that usually play the opening video in the lobby also change to giant WARNING pictures.
> use English
> get called weeabooo
> doesn't know what weeaboo means
> complaining about "naming convention"

Jesus Christ, how fucking retarded do you have to be? Please never leave ship 2.
I waited 10 years for this game and I was so busy during the open beta that I only reached level 10 on one class.

Oh well, no rush. In fact with the rate content is incoming, it's probably better I take my time.
If you can't read/understand moon, your best bet are the big monitors in the lobby. If it helps, you can scan the message and look for ダーカー (Darker), usually they mention that.

If they say CAUTION it's going to start within 15 minutes or so, feed your mag and prepare your anus.

If they say EMERGENCY go to the mission counter, it's running right now.

No point in hurrying, enjoy the leveling. No monthly fee = play at your leisure.
>guard cancel skills in Partisan

you can get around this by doing "jump > guard" as partisan PAs can be jump cancelled. this way you can direct your guard in the air, too.
Yeah have fun partying with xXxDark SinxXx and Cloud Strife.
Go kill yourself because Twin Dagger and Twin Mechguns are in the game.
That's pretty cool I guess, though still an issue when you're comboing in the air (which you do on quite a few bosses).
ship 4
Can someone help me do Dagan extermination in 10 minutes on Ship 4?

Room name is Autism
I've been playing Force since the CBT and I'm just getting into Hunter, can someone explain the "Gear" skills to me so I have an idea of what to do with my skill tree? You guys talk about Sword Gear and Partisan Gear and make it sound like the playstyle is entirely different depending on which one you pick.
>no money service wants my gaijin card
>only options on ebay are 2000 for 40 bucks or 10000 for 190 bucks

Help me give you my money, Sega. Make more of those WebMoney cards you did for PSU.
Those are already available.
Should I spec my forcer right off the bat or should I just max tech damage skill first? Do the element specs give more damage increase per point?
Start by going directly for PP Charge Revival, then worry about everything else once you have it.
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What the hell.
I posted basic info on em here >>8726814. You can see the range difference on Partisan ones in this video:
If you go back to the start of the video it shows off the Sword PAs with Sword Gear too, you can see how ridiculously fast the very first skill he shows off charges with a maxed out meter.
I had to sleep for a bit. Does the game have cash system now?
Won't let me fucking post an image. God damn.
No. Servers go down at I believe midnight EST. Shortly after that you'll be able to purchase AC. Then the next day servers back up with new content.
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Somebody care to explain what's happening in this window? It's part of some tutorial popup/quest or something.

Link because why the fuck won't it let me upload images to 4chan right now? I can post without them but if I try to upload one it fucks up...

matter board

also a lot of menu popups can be copy-paste into google translate.
What am I supposed to do with it, exactly?
You see that huge blue circle? That's where you currently at in the story. See the part on the top right where it says b-1? Check this
This one isn't nearly as annoying as some of the others. Desert is always filled with Dagan and SpardanA, so it doesn't take all that long.
Dodo's joy in life is watching you suffer.
I mean, she has the quest complete green check thing, but nothing to turn in.

What the hell.
Oh, that. No fucking clue... did you get the right materials, then sell them/put them in your inventory?
Maybe she can tell what I have in my bank?

Lemme check.
I grabbed my quest items, went back to her and the checkmark thing was gone, so I went up and talked to her anyway and it let me turn it in. No clue what happened there.
I've been getting nonstop 603 and 242 errors for the past three days, I've tried every variation of my password and nothing's wrong with my ID.
Does anyone know why this is happening or do I have to make another account?
Occasionally I see cast players with little thrusters on their legs when they run, how is this achieved?

Is it a separate item or skill?
I believe that question has already been answered in this very thread, IIRC it has to do something with fashion
You can change which run animation you want in the makeover counter thing upstairs in shopping district. It's one of the options near the bottom.
>S rank Subdue Cataran in under 16 minutes
>beat him at about 14:50 and see some moonrunes above my bar thing, think I got it
>Leave mission
fuck this game, i love it but I hate it.

Thank you, sorry for the repeat question.
If I want to make a guy with a different name, how do I delete my character?
I've been getting an error too. Not sure what's causing it. Game client ran just fine yesterday.
Do people actually use Gunslashes?

It seems like there is always a better option, especially for Hunters who get gear skills for the other weapon types
If I remember correctly you have to hold shift or control or something on the confirmation screen to delete it.
Hold CTRL when it prompts you to delete
as a hunter, i have my gunslash on my fourth palette just in case i ever feel like screwing around, since there's only 4 weapon types there's no reason not to have one around since I get a free fourth palette.

I still primarily use my Sword though, with partisan in close second.
>not getting above 30k
Gear skills aren't make or break for anything but Sword. For Partisan it's merely a range increase (no damage up), Wire Lance is a respectable damage boost but not a necessity either. Gunlance is fine to use if you like using it, the only real issue is some of the best PAs (Thrillsplosion and Charge Shot) use R.Atk, but you can still do good damage with em.
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I use them when bored or forced to visit a low level area, their skills are pretty neat-looking.
I fucking love Sword, just like in PSO1.

Even if another weapon might be more effective there is just something so satisfying about taking a huge-ass swing and hitting 5 targets at once.
Gunslashes are the difference between a really effective Force and just an average Force.

In gun mode, jumping and shooting (shooting in the air skips the reload animation) 6~7 times fills your PP from 0 to 100 in like, 2 seconds. It's the fastest way to recover PP for a Force.
Is it possible to have a good Force without Charge PP Revival?

Not even if you go full Bolt PP Save?
Fun fact, S-charge FOs benefit the least from Revival since PP doesn't regenerate whatsoever while casting.
You don't need Charge PP Revival to be an effective Force, but it helps a whole lot. That's true for all skills, but Charge PP Revival is just really good.
What do? I want to specialize in ice but I know it's probably the worst of the three trees.

I asked earlier whether I should max tech damage (The first one) or start specializing right now, still don't know. Only got an answer about getting some skill before I do anything, and I think that was a fire only skill.
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Got bored. Decided to copy the jew from one of the pic guides
For god's sake, spam it on ship 4
Are you fucking retarded? Because I think you are fucking retarded.
>obviously copy and pasted
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What are these?

Also it'd be really nice if there was a guide to some things like this, coupons, consumables, etc
I wish it were that easy. I alt tabbed back and forth between the game and pic as I was drawing it
Do abilities stack? I mean if I had r-atk 30 on my launcher, would it stack with the r-atk 30 on my assault rifle and gunslash?
abilities on weapons aren't active unless you have it out
all back
it's a haircut. you use it and the hairstyle is added to your character editor thingy on the second floor of the shop area
All current FUN scratch items.

Also, that's the all-back hairstyle.
Forgot my picture. But then I remembered why, I still can't upload images.
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I get the exp part but how long dies this last?
30 minutes
I sure hope its 30 days
It's actually 30 minutes.
if you bank or take out materials their icons won't change until you leave and come back.
Can someone help me S Rank Free Forest in 15 minutes?

Room name is Autism.
Don't be an ass. It could very well be 30 seconds, 30 minutes, 30 hours, 30 days, 30 months, 30 runs, 30 logins, etc.

Just answer the question without being a douche.
Dunno if anyone said, but the game launches Wednesday 4th of July, oh lawdy

Time for double sabers!
>30 seconds
>30 minutes
>30 hours
not likely
>30 days
from a free item drop?
>30 months
>30 runs
>30 logins
Please respond.
What server are you on
Ship 4.
Those were examples and you are proving my point anyway, you socially inept moron. I bet you're going to ask how you are proving my point too.
Which block?
That would actually be the next logical thing to ask.
44 of course.
I wish you guys asked more often when I don't plan on going to bed.

Feels bad man.
Although you proved your point and I completely agreed with said point, including seconds, months, and logins was just retarded, which is what my point was.
>No clothing at all
>Not even a nurse, or attendant one.

Hopefully those three new ones from release will either be in CC, or in FUN, because I'm tired of the default six.
wat the fuck

I just made a character, I guess I pressed play and so on.
And when I'm in the game, I don't see my character.
All I see is a blue ball that is moving inside a damn stargate or something and when pressing left click or enter damn balls comes out from nowhere, left it there for more than 5 minutes and nothing else has happened, still the damn ball moving in a stargate
Stop playing PC games on the brick game
Loading screen... obv
Close, retry.
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also I'm not on a dire internet or brick computer
Chesus fuck how many times do I have to retry? already done it 5 times
wedding clothes and outfits worn by npcs ( off the top of my head lisa, medabee, xeno, and xeno's bitch) are confirmed in july 4 update
How do I whisper/private message people?
Gotta be on your friend list or team, choose em from menu and select whisper. Yes, it's that retarded.
>entering your birthdate as your playerID
Dat autism
Click them, top option.
and whisper is the top option
They are going to be AC scratch though.

Seriously, they have to put SOMETHING that you want in the AC Scratch, or no one would use it.
So far no medabee outfit in this update. It may have gotten pushed back since the game was hinted to start in late June but then the Open beta had a rough start.
第1回のアップデートで実装予定の「地下坑道」の情報が掲載されています Then I wonder if July4th is the first update or late July/early august is the first update....
Is there a way to add friends without them being in front of you?
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Not entering a sequence of numbers as your PlayerID.
Somewhere on the menu is a list of all the nearby players in your block, you can select them from there.
I believe you can through the Visiphone or team menus.
>Not entering a series of numbers, letters, and symbols as your player ID
>Not making xXxSephiroth420StrifexXx your player ID
I just found out normal mode infected Vol dragon can still one shot me at level 24. Goddamn. The game really needs more bosses like that.
Just wait til a Hard mode boss lands a grab attack on you. Fucking Rockbear does over 400 to me on Hunter still with 2 +10 units (although they are tech def oriented).
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ragne pls go
Not making xXx$ePHiroth420StriFexXx your player ID
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Anyone know what the light-magic status effect does?
>OBT ends in 2 hours and 30 minutes


I swear to god every single day where I don't have to work they have had maintenance.
could use some help here

Also, when is the server going down?
Panic, essentially confuses, makes enemies attack eachother. Pretty meh outside of Guwanda (the Antlion). If you Panic him, his grab move will grab the random minion spawns.
>not getting July 4th off

or rather

>getting July 4th off and not locking yourself in your room feeding your mag all day
>feeding your mag all day
A drawfag really needs to get on this. Preferably Lisa forcing a partisan down a mag's throat
see >>8741794

As for your build, I'd plan on buying another skill tree for 500 AC, making this tree one to fuck around with. So I say push up Photon Flare in the hopes that Sega makes it not suck as much later.
If we get a free Reset I'm going to respec for lightning instread of ice.

If it worth getting Charge Revivial on a lightning build?
Charge PP Revival is just straight-up useful no matter how you cut it.
Just about to register. Is Ship 4 still a good place to start out at?
I'd pay arks cash to have a bigger chest on my FO.
Is she a camel?
Although the game is server side, player data is cached locally. You could arbitrarily modify the chest value to be bigger. Only you would be able to see it, obviously, but they'd be bigger.
What kind of soul do I need as a ranger? Bumped only has info on hunter and force
there's no +ratk soul yet
get mutation
So wait, the servers are coming down in 2 hours?
wut da fuk do i put points into after I get PP revival? Go for another tree? Max out that first skill for T-ATK?
what am I supposed to spec in the force tree? why should i go ice or whatever instead of the other options?
I'd rather want it to be legit. I just think the chest sizes in this game is kind of underwhelming.
Isn't it 5?
Anyone know how to type out the alternate gender emote? You can't hold down CTRL to see them.
never mind, found it.
Ctrl+Alt, dunno how to see what you type for em.
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What happens when I fail combining abilities? Do both items lose their abilities?
To do that, hit enter (to open up chat), then click on the bottom picture of a guy with his arm raised. That'll open up a pulldown menu you can choose all the actions from.

For example, to bow (normally ALT-B), type "/la bow". /la means Lobby Action, I guess. All the actions work like this. It's also the only way to see the extra actions, since they have no keyboard shortcuts; those get a separate pulldown menu if you use them.

You lose the weapon you were taking the ability from (not the weapon you were trying to add the ability to) AND all abilities on the target weapon.

In your screenshot you have a 70% chance of ending up with a zero-ability target weapon.
>what am I supposed to spec

I think you are missing the point of a skill tree.
What exactly is a 'Tool Skill?'

I'm trying to understand the Ranger's Tree.
Traps and stun grenades. They're all absolute garbage, save your skill points.
Stun grenades are a lot better than they used to be during closed beta... but they still require way too many points to get to on the tree. Sega needs to reorganize that shit.
or if you prefer a nicer look,
Even if they are, stun is still a worthless status effect unless they make enemies actually stay stunned through a few attacks. When do you honestly ever need any form of crowd control in this? I guess you could argue it's useful for mining emergency codes but investing skill points in solely for that is a terrible waste.
And what are 'Binding Bullets?'
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ship4 autism general.

How do I increase the graphics settings of the game?
AA/AF have to be forced by video card drivers, there's also the settings dialogue at the launcher
is sa-zonde spell rare enough? I got it from a red box, never seen before. I dont even know what its supposed to do.
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Hows your House looking /vg/?
>AA/AF have to be forced by video card drivers
You know, this game doesn't have bad aliasing issues at 1080p. I never even noticed it's not on.
Hit an enemy with it and then another lightning spell and it'll do a damage over time effect.
Like an empty storage room.

Now, if we looked inside my mag...
I think it makes enemies weak to zonde?
purple plants everywhere
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how would I know? I never looked inside, and never will.
What the fuck are you doing that you need all those dodge skills?
Jellen Shot is ass now, it was broken as hell in CB (literally would make you take like single digit damage), now I think it's a 10% reduction. Drop Dive Roll Advance, Just Reversal, Jellen Shot, R-ATK Up 2 and then either upgrade Weak Hit Advance 1 or R-ATK Up 1 (to equip weapons earlier).
jellen shot sucks now

don't bother with just reversal on a ranged class, you shouldn't be there anyway; besides, rangers have rodeo invuln frames to save their ass
20+ people being autistic and dancing and not one hard mode rappy game up. Do you people actually play this game?
ship 4 doesn't, go to ship 2
The whole thing goes down in an hour. Don't expect people to do much.
I just got done running it for an hour, it's not like anyone ever joins my parties anyway.
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I logged off just a few seconds ago while wondering that myself. There are some people I see at levels where they still have plenty of shit like client orders and whatnot to do, and yet during a two hour play session, all I saw them do was dancing in the lobby. It's enough to make me want to go back to Infinity.
The ones who play too much are already at level cap and are just idling/feeding their mag.

The ones that play casually are just taking their time and idling to feed their mag, the one thing they can't "power level" through a weekend if they feel like it.

It doesn't help that I rarely see people talk about making parties. People just kind of assume others will join for the most part it seems.

Me personally, I'm playing with 3 others so I just idle until they're around to play with.
>Game just got done installing
>Weird moon bars in startup screen
>mfw I realize I wasted 3-5 hours trying to download a game I can't even play
it's patching
You might as well get started downloading your 10GB of updates now.

I have a feeling the new update will take my shitty connection longer to download than the game will be offline.
And in an hour or two you won't have access to it ever again
I wonder what's going to happen to your items on the AH after the game goes into official release. Would they leave it up there or go into your inventory/warehouse or maybe they'll simply disappear
If it was patching the moon bars would be moving.
They'll probably be stuck in an inactive shop until you pull them off the AC.
The moon bars are actually unreliable. They didn't move at all for me until it suddenly completed.
AH, got AC on the mind.
the bars don't move. at all. but trust us, it's patching.
Does current FUN go away with the update?
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>not spending your last hour in the beta trying to finish A-1 on 2nd matter board in free desert (Lv21+ Gilnas Core)
>rare as fuck it seems
>finally have them spawn after several days of trying
>not having fucking Ragne pop in wreck havoc and kill your Gilnas Core
>you didn't kill them, no loot
>having ragne chasing you across the desert while you leg it for the exit
This game man, hunters vs ragne and adds, is recipe for rape.
At least more people showed up, NPCs are rather useless.
is everything in my room gonna go back into my storage, or should i just put it in there now
Better safe than sorry
>rappy souls on my 9star units
>poison 3 on my 9star rifle

my AC is ready
How much AC are you guys buying when it starts?
>20+ people being autistic and dancing and not one hard mode rappy game up. Do you people actually play this game?
There is ALWAYS such a game on ship 2.
None until I know for sure if an Engilsh version is or isn't coming out.
If it's in your storage, it's taking up space, unless you pay to have a shop, in which case you will have a room as well.
> official release coming out on (in my timezone) midnight at the beginning of america day
>all of my friends are gasping for air and dying at the possibility of english language option for full release
>i have no more friends
>that was FUN while it lasted
>well, might as well do another mission
>5 star talis
>highest base tatk

And that's how I made buck.
City Quest just started.
Do we know whether things bought in the cash shop are going to be tradable?
>>all of my friends are gasping for air and dying at the possibility of english language option for full release
Full fucking retard. I applaud you for terminating the friendships.
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Yeah, sure, why not?
>None until I know for sure if an Engilsh version is or isn't coming out.
EN version will not be for at least a month, and on separate servers.
Just look at PSO and PSU
I had one of those a night or two back. After I killed ragne, another ragne spawned.
i'm ok with this, as long as we get a confirmation.
would anyone be so kind as to translate this captcha for me
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i was going to say something witty but then my captcha gave me a phone number
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>Group of people joins in and we kill Ragne
>post about it here
>Go back down there and try some more
>suddenly new Gilnas Cores spawn
>aww yeah, might be able to do this
>code changes from attack to duel
>hear roar behind me
>turn around
>see that fucking thing again
>not giving these Cores up to Ragne, dodge his as and battle the Cores with my life
>see it drop a bit away
>Ragne is goalkeeper here
>dodge his attack and loot my fucking quest item
After that its only a matter of staying alive until people find me and can help out.
I seriously hate Ragne so much, and its quite obvious he hates me too.
Whats this I hear about server downtime?
and there it goes
>EN version will not be for at least a month
If you mean a month from announcement, could be possible. If you mean a month from release, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PSP2 had been out in Japan for almost a year before it was even announced for US release. This is far more indicative of how long it would take just for the announcement. Factor in time for closed and open betas in the US, and even if the game was announced for US release tomorrow, it would be next Christmas before the game is in open beta.

>and on separate servers.
Now you're talking sense.
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average day on le ship 2
>630 as soon as City event starts.


Got some good swag out on the AH while it was still free. So knowing my luck, by next week all the prices will have changed so they either never sell or sell for way too cheap.
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gg /vg/
Also considering that PSO typically gets watered down in the west and never sells well.

I'm actually hoping they just cave in and make an english language menu option.
So when can we start downloading the patch? In 27 hours?

Having that low detailed model limit must be suffering
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How long are they going to be down for?
Never bothered to turn it off
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/vg/ :3
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I will miss you for 24 hours ;_;
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>getting the final statement
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>Play on Ship 2
>Never go to block 20
>Only play on 21/22
>encounter minimal retards
>Block full but lobby almost empty 90% of the time
>People areactually playing the game

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Why am I always covered in these.
Pic related, game shitting on me some more.
Finally time to sleep.
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A new thread is needed. Or maybe not.
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Thanks /vg/.
>all while posting image of people not playing the game

Orangenon here, how r ude of the game to censor me, that line said "I was going to say something gay but fuck it.

Oh look, I see my name.
Next time, unless you lock your parties I'm going to join them and play with you.

Learn to lock your games or stop complaining when I join.
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Yes me and my bros chillin in my room before server goes down accounts for the whole server.

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im everywhere oh shit


also dat celsius
>actually playing game
>didn't even hit 30
Celsius before she ditched us and the dance party went to fuck.
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Hunter 10, Ranger 16, Force 30.

How lifeless was everyone else?

30 RA 30 HU 18 FO

Old screenshot but yeah Only made it to 24. Been to busy with school/Work to really put a decent amount of time into the beta.
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Hey I'm in a picture.
Ranger 30, Force and Hunter 16.

You could easily do them all in a short amount of time if you just log in for the city invasion and do the weather kid's client orders.
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"im han solo" all over again
30 HU and 24 Force.
Mind you I worked 12 hours shifts 5 days a week, but played whenever I could. Probably could have gone higher if I cut down on the Ah drooling.
But I salute everyone reaching at least 30 in one class.
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FO 28, RA 4 and HU 1
I'm still waiting on my winter break.
>southern hemisphere
hey if any f you wanna spend the time with a pso1 for the pc...


Which NPC was the Weather kid?
completely my fault for missing the last 6 or so invasions and barely playing once I hit 20+
Green haired boy with glasses, next to costume shop
New thread needed. Withdrawal and speculation addition
So now that the shop is going to be premium, is hyperinflation imminent?

Oh well, got all the good rares I could buy before the market resets again. So at least I'm good before new items comes out.
Since I was pretty much forced to solo everything because nobody joins rooms or only runs within their incredibly small group and friend/team/password locks their room even to other parties, my highest class was force at 27, and I just barely managed to get there half an hour before the server went down. I probably could have easily maxed force and gotten the other classes to 15ish, but the only people I know who play this game play on ship 2, and you couldn't fucking pay me to go onto yet another ship of people that are going to vanish the instant Sega even hints at a US release.
ranger 30
hunter 10
force 2
fuck forces
I wonder if we get anything for participating in the open beta...
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Please do not associate with the new faggot team members. Why hasn't anyone gotten rid of them already.
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Thanks bro

Gonna have to make sure and pick his quest up daily once the servers are back up.
they're weekly
Not that guy, but you can't take weather shota's quests daily. It's 4-5 days for some of his missions, and around a week for one of the others.

Not this one!


Objective: See a lightning bolt on Planet Naberius
Notes: In 24 hours you can repeat this quest.
Prize: Forest Tree

Unless Psoblog is lying to me of course

But good to know for the rest of his quests.
Make the hard mode ones, they are dailies
Clear first quest in 3 minutes and clear dagan extermination with S rank (one for each class)
in CBT they were daily, now they're weekly, I remember having a shitload of reward furniture because of it

Awesome appreciate the info I'll make sure to do that once I'm able to play again. Stuck in that 20-25 window currently so this should help a good deal. Been told it gets much better once you can do free field caves though, so something to look forward too.
30/30/30, and I have a stack of quests waiting to be turned in so that my fo is effectively 31 right now.
30 FO, 27 HU, 16 RA, mostly solo'd.
We won't be able to play for another few hours minimum after its release as everyone in Japan will be downloading the patch
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I'm guessing they'll release the patch before the servers go up
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8 HU / 30 RA / 30 FO

Ranger is the main class since the MAG is ranged.
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>do the free cave mission with the only person that managed to learn how to use the friend feature
>Team up with other groups to try and hit a PSE burst sooner
>12 people running around in a group decimating everything in their path
>Vibe Dragon
>Vibe Dragon
>Double Caterdran
>Vibe Dragon
>all in less than 30 minutes, all those fucking mobs, no PSE burst.
>run around killing more mobs
>still nothing
>Its another Vibe
>Take out Vibe > Burst Ends
>Its another Ragne
>Take out Ragne > Burst Ends
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why sage? were passed the bump limit by a long shot already
>he doesn't like shifta/deband

what is wrong with you
because I'm an idiot and didn't notice that
fair enough sir.

nokosages are more polite anyway
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>Game comes out in English
>It's Origin only
>AC is directly translatable to dollars
>Half of the customization options are gone
>Over-The-Shoulder mode is now default
>You have to hold down Z to ever leave Over-The-Shoulder mode
>All references to anime is gone
>The lobby screens are constantly showing in-game advertisements in their idle time
>Everyone has a thick southern accent
>All female casts now look like Rosie the maid robot
>Lisa's voice is replaced with a series of boops and beeps
>60 dollars a launch
>15 dollar monthly fee

Basically perfect.
The unlikelyhood of this ever coming to fruition is astronomically low. Please remove thy self from our presence.
Yeah, like this game is ever going to come out in English
Someone should make a new thread. For launch. Make it the launch edition. Yeah.
or leave it alone since theres nothing to talk about right now
Sadly, while half of that is hyperbole, the other half of that is pretty spot on to what happened to TERA. IE: Asian devs putting shit in that they think Americans would like.
so everything will be deleted? (characters, storage items)
I really want a cast waifu now.
Replace "be deleted" with "still be there" and you're completely correct.
Nope, everything in beta is carried over.

Except the premium stuff, you won't be able to use that anymore.
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oh... i know
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>Not having had a Cast Waifu for the last 10 years
>Not waiting for a die-cast figure of her to arrive in the mail.
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>mfw Lisa will get these installed for me

excellent, thank you guys
Can't wait for the Lisa figure.
I'm sure Lisa already has them.

And the only way she's able to get off is playing Russian Roulette by herself with the barrel of the gun up her vagina.
All SEGA has to do in NA is release PSO2 with an English translation and probably allow MyShop without premium and it would be perfect. The NA market isn't ready for restricted shop access.

Fuck English voiceovers though, it wouldn't sound right anymore
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So how much is the room going to cost now?
15 a month, roughly
room only? ~$9usd a month.

more if you want shop n other stuff
That's the whole Premium set. Just getting the room alone is cheaper.

I'll also note that it if gets localized it will be cheaper, 15 per month in Japan is a similar standard to 10 per month over here.
When the game goes up.

>1:Set up your god damn bot.
It literally takes two seconds, you get FUN points for people using your BOT, and spares everyone from having to use the starter gear shitty NPCs when in need of fillers.
>2: Friend people
Its not that fucking hard, press "T" to go into mouse mode, click on a person that's speaking english 3rd option from the bottom.
>2a: Accept friend requests
Click the はい when the window pups up.
>3: Set up your fucking autowords
All you need to know, make that shit entertaining pretend you're designing an actual NPC (because you are) or just be a lazy fuck and copy lines from your favorite movies, games, animus, mangos, and such and so.

If you can remember these simple three and a half steps, shit should be a whole fucking lot more entertaining.

I was trying all day for an S-rank under 16 mintues cave mission but nobody joined except for one person near the end of the day, we tried with a couple NPCs and shit failed, we did another run but I used friend's bots to fill in the gaps and we beat the Vibe dragon with two minutes to spare even though each map up to the boss had a Code Duel and a Code Eliminate.
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I hate how this game gives you more rewards for playing with bots based on your friends than actually playing with your friend.
At least post your ign
so its down for 4 days till release now?
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not really; you only get the bonus once per friendbot per day
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Orangenon MK.II is the name, being orange is the game, you can't miss me, I'm the most orange thing in the game.

Etherspark, the actual contact name is Etherspark
Release is only like 27 hours away.
Why are you so flamboyant, Kyrios?
27 hours.
1AM eastern on July 4th.
another 27 hour wait without pso i can't take this shit anymore
Be a man, pussy up.
your waist doesn't seem like it can support your upper torso. i mean goddamn, look at that.
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Oh boy I remember you. Sorry for sucking so much at Ragne.
Was fun, though.
We can play when it comes back online.
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Pass the controller bro
Y-you l-like it o-oni-chan?

Something with an A.... I remember you, I don't know what the fuck was up with that Ragne, it seemed so much easier before the patch.
Okay playing nostalgia mode graphics on my toaster was fun at first, it looked kinda like PSO, but now I'm just getting jealous of how the game looks for other people.
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I use them and had used them in low levels and they were my best weapon...since then now I've moved to the other hunter weapons but i still carry a special place in my heart for the gunblade

also gunblades are pretty stylish and make gameplay feel like devil may cry
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Ariamis. I got caught way too many times by the back-leg sweep...
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Thanks, that's (surprisingly) not a lot to spend on a game that right now I really, really like.

Never played a PS before, only saw some gameplay and never found it particularly engaging, but this iteration is awesome.

And since I'm from a country that tends to be blocked on US/European servers anyway, I'll keep playing JP in any case.
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dear god why...

nanio ka ne
When do invasions generally happen?
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>I'm the most orange thing in the game.

Fuck off, poser.
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Ragne pls
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Wait, so if you have 20 friend bots, you can get 1 point from each one of them? There isn't a limit on how many points you can get besides 1 point from one specific NPC per day?
>BR detected
Well they do say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, posers like you were bound to pop up sooner or later.
>Game comes out in English

I was orange before you were even yellow, bitch.
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Kind of a random request, but does anyone have a render of the ARKS logo? Doesn't need to be HD or anything.
>PSO2 maintenance
>have nothing to do

What kind of points? Sorry, kinda new to the game.

Nope, writing from Moscow.
Play other games.
Why is it that rangers are taking the inferior weak hit advance 2 over the superior ranger attack up 1 and 2?
They are FUN points. You get them from seding "Good Job" messages to other players, logging in daily and other stuff. They are used in a lottery draw that earns you some exclusive room furniture among other cosmetic items.
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pulled off pixiv, can't guarantee the accuracy

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