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Discuss-an, strategize-an, waiting for Magical Drop V-an.

Basically I love these kinds of games and I'm hoping someone else will play with me.

Magical Drop 3 / Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo:

Puyo Puyo / Tetris Attack:
I'm willing to host a Snes9x netplay if anyone wants to play a variation of one of these games.

If I didn't mention a game you love within the confines of this genere, please feel free to post it below and I'm sure someone (as well as I) would be more than happy to play with you.

Hopefully this can be a regular general.
>Hopefully this can be a regular general.
I watched the last couple of puzzle generals die quiet deaths. That said, here's hoping.

I wouldn't mind playing some Puzzle Fighter, Tetris, or maybe Puyo Puyo 2. (Out of curiosity, any particular reason for Puyo on SNES9X netplay instead of Puyo Puyo VS or Puyo Puyo Fever PC?)
Mostly because I didn't know PC versions existed.
Right on, no worries. PPF PC is an official game that used to have online service, but now I think you have to do IP-to-IP. Puyo Puyo VS is a fan game that supports both 2 and Fever rules.

My plebeian skills still can't get me through Puyo Puyo 2 on one credit, so you probably want to play that one with someone else for the time being, haha.
Are these games actually playable on netplay? I'd love to try at some point when I have time to practice a bit.
Yeah. I imagine GGPO helps for the emulated games, and native clients only really have to relay playfields and attack information.

I wish GGPO had support for Tetris Grand Master 2 -- trying to play co-op or versus over Kaillera is pretty horrible, haha.
On GGPO, yes. Provided the ping between you isn't ungodly it's very smooth.

Puyo Puyo is my worst game, actually. I'm pretty pleb status at it, too. Totally down to play!
Sounds good. Right now I'm getting stomped by people on Puyo Puyo VS, haha. I'm in the lobby as Kitaru -- feel free to swing by and send a match invite.
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>that feel when 60+ attack power for a 3 chain
Hellfire, gotta love it. I was 735 points of clearing the first tier of opponents in one stage, haha.

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