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Healthy adolescent cripple sex drive simulator #361

Breaking the 4th wall edition.

>Hugging your waifu
>Spilling spaghetti
>Taking care of each other
>Not being real

previous thread:

Official Site: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Wp8y08x2
Writebin: http://pastebin.com/8NpPmBHp
Shimmie: http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
KSG Risk and Chess: http://pastebin.com/97aPKfHg

The first girl will be the last girl, the last girl will be the first girl
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First for Lilly
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First for NxN
Cool, wake up and we've got a new thread started.

How are we all this morning?
Sing for us, Wolf.
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I think there is a joke here but I don't get it.

>roommate is sleeping
>only time I can sing is during day time /ksg/
I'll save something for tomorrow night.
I hope you like shit singing! I know I do.
No joke, just a bunny.
Man, do you honestly expect anyone on KSG to have a voice like the guy at 0:59 of this video?

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Pretty good. It looks like KSG has been having a good time.
>Just finished Emi's good ending
>Check the bad ending

do not want

Hey, take it easy, no spoilers
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Lilly is love

Confirmed for gaylords.
Well, going into last night it was really shitty. For about an hour after I got off it was good though. Lot's of shitposting yesterday.
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One does not joke about feels.
What will you sing us?
Oh, won't post any spoilers.

The sheer amount of feels in the last part of that story arc... just.. wow
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Well, the late night itself was pretty decent. Good conversation and it was actually moving pretty damn fast.

Thanks for bein' around and bein' awesome, guys.
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Yeah, it's sad, and the worst part is when she tells you to just leave her alone, and you just end up just seeing her being alone and sadder than normal.
You're not the only one who got major feels from that. At the graveyard, I broke down crying for a good two minutes.
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>all my feels

God, I now want to cuddle with her and hold her. I'm also starting to feel bad because I've realized that I can never be with her. Fuck.
Yes. Unrealistically high expections, here.

No idea. The only solo I've ever done was for Swing Slow, Sweet Chariot but that's not even comparable to Katawa Shoujo so probably Vincent or some little diddy from something else. We'll see.
>can never be with her
Yeah, that gets to a lot of us
Fuck me.

Meant to link to: >>8303575

I kinda saw it coming.. but it still hit me hard. I mean they could have very easily just gone He died in the accident and be done with it. Very glad they didn't.

What made it worse was going through the same thing with an ex. All dem memories..
Wouldn't have been nearly as good if she would have just been like "my dad died in the accident". It feels weird talking about the actual game rather than fan fictions and art now, simply because I've been done the game for over a month and I still remember almost every little detail from each route.
>all these spoilers

I'm trying too hard keeping myself from reading them.
Considering recording myself singing you've got a friend in me and just saving it for the day that we ever do a KSG sings..
Me too, bro. Me too.

Someone promise to get onto it and finish it for good. Then I might sing.
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I know that feeling.
I know that feeling well. Good luck, man.

We're singing that?
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That's what gets us all.
That feeing of happiness at the end, however quickly overtaken by the dramatic realization that the reality doesn't allow for a situation to exist. A sensation of abnormal recognition of the strangeness of the thoughts of your mind, the recognition of the impact stemming from the observation of reality itself.

How strange the human mind works, in ways we cannot comprehend yet we are reliant on it's manipulation.
I honestly hope so, because I've seen it get suggested a few times.

Not to mention, the song might as well be KSG's theme song.

But that's wrong you fucking retard.
You must admit it, that fits damn too well.
Meh, Emi's route and Shizunes route were my least favorites, personally.
Exactly, very glad that they didn't take the easy route out, really made the arc amazing.

Ah, the wonders of fresh meat eh?

I do admit it.
Exactly. That's why I'm really hoping we do it.

Daily viewing KSG
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Well, KSG, guess what arrived in the mail today

Oh man, that is so awesome
I want to be proud
but all I feel is ashamed
and you should be too
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>all my feels, again

I'm starting to feel worse. Fuck.

I've just realized; I'll spoiler all my next posts. Sorry about that, fellow anons.
Fuck, so I recorded myself singing you've got a friend it me and it sounds like shit. I have a feeling I'm going to rerecord this like 20 times.

How is that a spoiler? You kiss Emi?!... HOLY SHIT!

Well, technically, yes - it isn't a spoiler. Still, though.
Gah, tried to sing You've got a friend in me without mic to see how it would go.

Ended up shattering my voice quite badly in the end, and I'm not sure I can do it any louder than I did. I'm not really a singer.
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All good man, we're all going to sound like shit. It's just for the fun of it! If we can get enough, I may end up just getting people to submit the shit to me and line it all up / slightly edit the audio
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Good thought though, better to be safe than sorry, being spoiled is the worst.
What would be a good symbol or logo that represents Emi? Other than Lemons.
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A poplar.
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For some reason, my sides.
Running shoes.
Crashed car.

You jerk!
lil' sanic
I was in tears of laughter at that scene
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Let's enjoy a nice night out, Hicchan!
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Science is serious business, man.
>molly in the far back center
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Come on it'll be fun, Hicchan!
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The reason I asked for this is because I thought I should maybe replace the Falcon in the Helmet by something else.
I know that she came up too tall/goofy looking. ;_;
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LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have an MP3 file of me singing You've Got A Friend In Me. Who's editing this shit together, because I really want to do a 'KSG Sings' thing.
Well i have to go shopping soon, but i thought i share this little story before i go. Met a girl infront of the university canteen today. Looked like a imagine a 3d Rin to look like. The hair, the nose, everything was like i imagined. Well she had arms obviously... Long story short, i asked her if she wanted a coffee, she said she had no time. Well at least i tried. When was the last time you tried KSG?
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A few months ago. Don't get down on yourself, in fact, that should be some inspiration to keep it up. Denial sucks, but there's always others out there!

Oh! "It's not even a fucking game" general again? How sweet! Losers
Later, KSG, Dawnguard just came out today, you know what that means.
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shitjo game not a crapawa is period
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You will never wipe Rin's tears with Puffs® Ultra Soft & Strong® Facial Tissues
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But it is a game
Nevermind. Why do I even try? I will never have him talk with me
I just want to tell him how I feel
Doing this tomorrow for the /ksg/ sings. I'll post it too.
I hope you post yours too. I'm looking forward to hearing you guys sing for each other.
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They still make me smile.
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What's good, KSG?
What's bad?
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>That feel when you will never come home to smell the delicious aroma of Hanako baking Pillsbury® Big Deluxe® Cookies now with Hershey's® mini Kisses®
Do we know who's editing all of it and if we have an exact date where we need to get our shit in?
Wow, Shizune's route... It's as formulaic as the other ones. You spend some time with her alone, and realize you like her. She reciprocates those feelings. There's something different about this, though. She's eager, almost longingly so. Being how she is, she takes every moment as a power grab, and constantly rules over Hisao. It almost feels like everything's being decided for him, and he's just too beta to take control. It's not bad... In fact, I kind of like this change of pace.

My heart, I've found love within this game.
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But I'm going to have fun with it until then.
oh shit
Hisao gets dominated by all the girls. They decide everything for him pretty much.

I think because Shizune is so blatant with it it seems like she's a control freak.

I'm pretty sure there's a tag somewhere around here..
We just need someone who's decent at audio editing that can smooth it out, line it up and have the instrumental playing in the background. I've got myself singing recorded already..
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I could probably do it, if nobody else will.
I use Adobe Auditions and Sountrack Pro at work.
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>That feel when you will never help Misha dye her hair with Tish & Snooky's Cotton Candy™ Pink Manic Panic® Semi-Permanent Hair Coloring Cream.
If you're up for it. We'd have to really work on organizing and getting more than two people to sing, though. You'd have to find way for us to send you the files as well, and what type of file you need. I just exported mine as an MP3 for now, not sure if you'll need anything different.
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You're going to help me, Hisao.

If anything, I'm in; I just have to set up my mic.
I'm pretty sure I've picked dialog options, that weren't all that nice in my Lilly route and I've ended with the good ending though.

You two can decide haha, I don't really think anyone else was all that interested in doing it.
Well you're clearly more professional than I am. I just record raps and whatnot on FL Studio and occasionally Adobe Audition.
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>that feel when that's the brand of hair dye my ex used and I used to help her dye it all the time

fucking product placement gag actually gave me a real feel... god damn it KSG
I'll be honest though, I am quite busy and although I'm happy to make an attempt I can't guarantee I'll have the time so we could both do it.

I like to make shit in my free time BUT I don't get a lot of free time.
If you could sing in your free time and let Jack do the audio editing, then that would be good.
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Wow, Shizune shows more skin in her casual clothes than any of the other girls. It's almost lingerie, but not quite so. It screams "rape me any time you see me walking down a dark alleyway."

Wow, man.

Want to tell us what happened?
That'll work.

Anyways, do we have a steam group or anything of that nature set up so we can more easily coordinate with each other?

it's pretty uninteresting, just my ex used to dye her hair weird colors and sometimes I would help her with it. I miss her. she was a lot like Shizune.
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I wrote this dadaist poem to Rin.

>Girl, it's up with you.
>Let me orange that juice.
>Fill me with you, all of you
>Grab my strawberry flavour
>And let me be not your savior.
>They come in 3 presentations
>And none of them are sane intentions
>This product was made in Canada
>Khas naradahk!
I'll set it up right now. I can try and help coordinate it a bit, but I've got to work this coming weekend, so I'll be busy. If someone else could help me coordinate some stuff, that'd be perfect.
Japanese girls are usually one or the other: demure and quite humble with their dress, or ultra slutty with bright neon signage demanding rape.
Could you please take your filth somewhere else?

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i read that with a Zealot voice.
Fine by me.

Now i need to buy a Steam game so I can use the chat feature.
>>Khas naradahk!
Dark Templar?

Join that shit, bros.

Good, I really want us to do this. I feel like it could end up really good (and by really good, I mean awful, but still good).
Basically it's so bad it's good?
Basically. I know my singing was complete shit, so it'll fit right in.
Joined. Can't promise a good performance but I'll try
That's all we want though, just want people to do it even they suck dick at singing.
Alright I've joined.
Wait, I'll have create account.

I'd rather keep my power level hidden.
Well, my performance should be echo-y as fuck because all I have is a shitty built in mic.

>Wait, I'll have create account.

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
>Has anyone really been etc etc
I haven't seen that quote in months.
I have to create new account*

I have Steam account, sure, but reasons are reasons.
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>i have to create new account
Swing and a miss.
>no seatbelts
And some of them wonder why they're crippled..

My sides.
I am opening Vocaroo here.

This is not going to turn out well, not at all.
Akira drinks and drives and doesn't give a shit, why should they wear seat belts.

Join that shit you pansy.
A seat belt going taut against Hisao's chest in an accident could kill him. He's better off going without.
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Shizune's legs are kind of... awkward... What could she be hiding between her legs? A penis, maybe?
Shut up, can't you see how happy Akira is? Don't mind Shizune
>inb4 Shizune futa pic
Didn't you watch those safety videos? A person not wearing his seat belt could hurt or even kill the other passengers in a crash.
>Hisao and Lilly sitting next to each other

Hisao is a selfish cunt.
Because Lilly doesn't like fishing, she's saying so just before that scene.
Wow, my microphone is a piece of crap, did a small test on vocaroo and it sounds horrible.
Why wasn't Akira a route?
I would have been content with a "Comfort Akira"-esque scene.
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Lilly is better when she's not with Hisao anyways.
Oh god,

First intimacy scene with Emi
Rin comes in
"Hey guise, can I use your window? I need to look at a cloud"
Just wait, tripfriend.
Wait, and smell the lemons.
I know, so random xD

Epic win!! Or, lol, epic RIN!!
Cockblocked by Rin.
Admit it, you would enjoy it.
Fuck that, Akira only has four toes on either foot.
I couldn't do that to Lilly, though. Lilly is too nice.

Shizune, however, I had no qualms about dicking her friend. But I wasn't prepared for the feels, guys. I thought she'd be indifferent. What did I do.
It gets better from here, my friend.
post it here bro

I'm not using a trip, the non-tripped !shamwow is there on purpose.


Well yeah.


Hope it does.
i hate you
>how do i trip and become e-famous you guys

I first chose to comfort Misha because I wanted to comfort her, now FUCKING DICK HER WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. I liked Misha as a character, and this sort of left a bad taste in my mouth.
Sorry, destroyed it already.

I might do another one to gain some confidence though. I will promise to post that.
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>the non-tripped !shamwow is there on purpose.
Oh god, mah drills
>Implying you didn't want to dick her

Been there. Fuck anyone who says it should've been obvious.

I could've thought of actual words to say to comfort her, it shouldn't be a choice between my dick and the door.
I was like that too, at first I didn't realise comforting her would result in balls deep teen sex, but after the metaphorical dust settled I thought nothing of it. Then... Shizune finds out.
alright you better keep your word

Don't get me wrong, I did want to. But the situation was all wrong. I felt uncomfortable (which, I suppose, was what the writers were going for).
Dude, delete and spoiler
>tfw I'm fluent in English.
>But speaking is major problem for me.

Gah, writing is so much easier.
You probably shouldn't secretly hang out with your girlfriend's best friend in your dorm to begin with.
Yeah. Shizune never learns about it. She just get's pissy about Hisao and Misha not being open or something
Then you're not fluent you idiot.
I don't have that problem, most of the time. I'm able to elucidate quite efficiently, BUT there are times when my mind starts to race and the words don't come out properly.

Depends on the topic.


What do you mean speaking is difficult for you?

Here, I kept it. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0GhDIyXPoMa

And this is one of the best one's I got. I know I sound like crap, can't do a thing for it.

learn how to use a fucking tripcode fag
Try not to breathe into the mic so much, unnatural sibilance and plosives are annoying.

Happy? Now leave.


Do you have Audacity? The latest version has some pretty good background noise removal features.
Why do you feel the need to trip?
Donwload audacity. Easiest way to record and do some minor editing.
thats not bad.

its not like you're doing anything besides talking anyways
Being e-famous is awesome.
I know, I'm not used to this yet.

Actually, yes I have. Installed it today. Might give it a shot.
Who the fuck are you?
>synonymous with notoriety/infamy

I don't feel dog poo, I didn't have a trip in the first place.


It has built-in recording features, so it shouldn't be a problem. Get used to Audacity, try recording some things. With a little effort we can make this shit happen.
>I didn't have a trip in the first place

That does not answer my question.
Stay classy, Anonymous
and who are you again?
Every trip-fag is a real attention-whore, even myself. Case dismissed
Oh lord, I understand the Lemon joke now. Haha.

>>8308938, read >>8308898
>implying anonymous is the same guy

Join you faggots.
Ah good. I was hoping you'd pick up on it.
I just got a huge, HUGE reminder why one shouldn't listen his own singing voice.

Then again, I'm just rating myself here, this might sound... Okay-ish to other people.

And I am not ready, however. I really need to do this multiple more times, I stumbled too much in some words et cetera.
my steam isnt working right now for some reason

ill join it later
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Fuck these summer tripfags are the worst.

this is why we need a new Tripfag tier list
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>Tripfag tier list
The fact that people are still giving them attention is even worse.
Pretty good Want me to clean up the colouring?
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Um S-sure, go ahead.
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Fuck off.
No problem, gimmie 10 minutes
>tripfag tier list
God Tier
Great Tier
Good Tier
OK Tier
Shit Tier
Terrible Faggotry and Shitposting Tier
>All of them

There we go, tripfag tier list done.
Can I be in the tier list?
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Just take a look, you're already in.. YOU... YOU... double faggot.
I still want a Hideaki route.
He's such a fucking trap, man.
>Not Jigoro
You're doing it wrong
u gay son?
can we talk about tripfags some more
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>being gently cuddled in Jigoro's massive sculpted arms
>being held gently against his granite chest
>being stroked gently by his gigantic hands
>his stern chiseled features soften as he stares into your eyes and smiles
>"I love you, Anon." says he in gravelly baritone

Sure, pick a topic
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Trying to hard.
I'd do it. No homo.
Has anyone sang for the KSG Sings shit we're doing? I want to hear some of your god awful like voices.

Uhm, as far as I'm concerned, some anon did.
It must be tough being a manly man like Jigoro.

He has a deaf daughter, and a trap for a son. it must be tought for his Japanese self, when most of their culture is deigned towards being proper and "normal".
I'm trying here.

This is hard. First half I can ace, but second half gets harder, and it nearly has to me memorized.
I mean, I've already sang for it. But I want to hear some other ones.
can someone tell me what song we are doing?
Join our steam group, that's where we'll organize all of our KSG Sings events:

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I've done a bit, want me to carry on?
I'll fix the jaggies after
Well, Just keep going if you really want to, It's fine either way for me.
Well I'm gonna have to head off for a bit, but I'll see whether I can finish it tonight
Gah, sorry people. Can't sing this tonight, I got parents Yes, I live with my parents. So what? I know I'm 18, so yeah. coming and I don't want to explain why I am singing in my room all alone.

I will have it done before weekend. I promise.
I have parents as well, and I screeched out my singing for this with them here. No questions ask, just tell them to fuck off and that you're reliving your childhood.

>having parents
Do you even orphan?
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So, am I the only one who liked all the girls (so far, as I haven't completed Shizunes yet) and just have one I put above the others for whatever reason? I'd say my favorite would have to be Lilly aka mary sue. Just because a relationship like that is always something I would hope to have and strive for even if it never came out to be as perfect. I just love her for her very very loving and caring nature. Secondly would be probably Rin or Hanako. Rin for her uniqueness and actually too for her trouble with expressing her love for Hisao because I've always kinda had that problem in my relationships, where I wanted to confess it but never could find the words. I like Hanako for her love and dedication to her friends even with her extreme social phobia she would be willing to overcome it because of her love and friendships. Emi's route is also one I can appreciate because it is to me the most realistic high school relationship in the beginning anyway with a girl who is to afraid of being hurt to fully put her love for a guy and just keeping him by urm "physical" means. And I love how it turned out. I have not played Shizunes route yet but I plan on it and am actually pretty excited because I already admire her drive. Sorry about the wall of text I just really love this game.

tl;dr - I love all the girls routes for one reason or another and this VN is fuckawesome.
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im sorry bro

>implying you are actually an orphan
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No problem, take your time.
Not that guy, but.
I am an orphan as it happens.
The nurse is the biggest baller.
But that's because I haven't met Jigoro yet
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Welcome to Feelscon 2012!

The main stage is open for poetry readings/songs/confessions.

Protomen are scheduled to play in one hour.

The cafe is located to your right.
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>that feel when no one will reply to my post
Oh well. Just wanted to put my opinion on it out there. Love all you KSbros.

All KS girls are love
I would, I'm just yet to finish the other arcs, so being careful of spoilers
It's a bit early man, if you would have posted this later you would have gotten some responses.
It's fine bro. I tried to keep it as spoiler free as I could. But can never be too careful.

you're leaving my least favourite route 'til last. Sure, it has cameos from my favourite characters, but I just didn't really like Shizune.

I, too, struggle to order the endings and the girls. They all have a quirkiness and interest around them I need to replay Hanako's route again though (I got a bout of insomia so I went through it then, which was probably and error).
Yeah. I think I might delete it and post later. Because I would actually like to discuss it here.
OK, I'll discuss it with you, give me a sec to read your post.

Chill, man, it's not a big deal.
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You are certainly not the only one. In general I enjoyed all the routes but in the end it was still Rin for me who was above the rest in feelings. It was just such an interesting experience, a very unique personality like I'd never seen before in someone else. Second would probably be Emi because of a similarity in personal circumstances and behaviour, which hit pretty hard. I won't rank the rest because I don't have good arguments for it, but for Hanako what's so beautiful is the "pure" affection if I might say so, unbound by what is common in the normal world. Lilly with her dedication to keep others happy, but in the end failing to do the same for herself, but Hisao finally starting to do the same for himself and eventually that ending was very beautiful.

Glad you enjoyed it. And never apologize for a wall of text of discussion.

Give it a second. A large post doesn't just deserve one line of reply.
So answer me this, how did Hisao's actions and dialogue make you feel during the vn?

You pointed out the obvious, which was how each girl acts towards Hisao, but did you like how Hisao acted towards them?

If anything, I liked Hisao in Rin's route the best, he was so dedicated to her it was very cute. However every man has his limits, it was a shame that as he reached them Rin was so desperate to open up to him so that she doesn't lose him but she kinda knows it's on the horizon but she can't understand how to stop it.

I felt so sorry for her.
i hate to be that guy but hisao was a fucking dick in rin's route

Hisao shares a lot of similarities with me at the start of the VN, so I, in general, maintained my ambivalence to his action except for the final choice in Shizune's route.


Not played Rin's route, so I cannot comment yet.
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Pic related.
Don't worry.
Hisao's only hopeless in the Neutral ending.
In the Good and Bad, he's a redeemable dick.
Aww, crap.
Got the quotes muddled. Oh well.

Well it is the final choice. Don't see what you are getting at.
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Better get back, goddammit!
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I actually kinda can relate to Hisao. People who give him shit must not really remember what it is like to have retarded teenage emotions and thoughts going through your head. He admits that he is more introverted and he shows he is pretty awkward with girls in the first five minutes of text when he dropped his spaghetti errywhere with Iwanako. I think people here give him a lot of undeserved shit for his actions I mean yeah at some points the hate is deserved "How lonely do you have to be to come up with a game like that?" but he is a pretty genuine character and his heart is in the right place even if he lets his teenage emotions and thoughts get carried away sometimes.
you've been saying that a lot lately
Hisaobro here.
Hisao pls go
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God Nomiya why are you such a cunt
I think a lot of people forget that Hisao's life got flipped turned upside down, so I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, and I'll explain why he's not as much of a dick as people say.
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>my face when all you neckbeard shut-ins just jelly of all the crip pussy I get
Stay pleb
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Shut up and start drawing.
oh no, he got sent to a school with a bunch of attractive cripple waifus

what a fucking shame
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sup bitches SUP BITCHES it's Chad Warden here. Aight, I'm talking about that Hanako. THE Hanako. I ain't talking about that Lilly. People talking about how she's classy and shit. But you know what I'm trying to say? What I'm trying to say is that... Come on now, Lilly? She's a complete Mary Sue! I ain't gonna have a waifu that's a Mary Sue. Maybe if the waifu is like all perfect and shit and have no flaws, that's fucking unrealistic. But Come on now, Lilly? And people try to say that Lilly is the best girl in the game just by being a Mary Sue. You know what she be more like? She should try to be more like Hanako because everybody knows that Hanako is THE BEST GIRL. You know what I mean, nigga?
I mean come on, you got no other choice, you got Shizune and you have to deal with an obnoxious loud FAT pink haired bitch with her drill hair that goes WAHAHAHA ~ WAHAHAHAHA~ WAHAHAHAHA~ COME ON! Who wants to waifu that shit? It makes me want to shoot that bitch *POW* *POW* POW*
And then you talk like that Emi is actually a good waifu or something. That shit's BULLSHIT. THATS BULLSHIT. To say that a slut like her is actually a good waifu is damn retarded. Have you even played her route? Nigga, she wants to have Anal. Shit, I bet her asshole's is so loose from taking all these dicks in her from all the dudes she fucked. I even don't care on how you're willing to defend this shit because it's painfuly obvious that she's a whore. "Oh look how Emi's running the track and never giving up!" they say. Fuck. Everyone knows that sluts can't do shit but suck DICK.
Are you being retarded on purpose?
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So what I'm really trying to say is.. Hanako's the bomb nigga. She's really the real shit.You know... So *AHEM* And then we got these Rinbros. Fans of Rin Tezuka. They think they smart or shit or something? We ain't doing art here. We want to get a waifu. And that's one thing Rin is not. Rin is not a waifu. She ain't a waifu. Shit, Niggas trying to say "Rin is Love". Shit Fuck "Rin is Love" more like "Rin is AUTISM". Man that shit got that little autistic girl who can't even speak proprely. You see how she talking? She mumbling imcomprehensible gibberish while she cries her self to sleep. True waifus aren't even autistic. They be BALLIN'! Not some of this asburgers bullshit. Fuck that. And then what else this Rin do? She draws some bitch ass "too deep for you" art. Man she ain't even an artist, she's an AUTIST. Know what I'm saying? Shit, That's shit's mad gay. You know who has Rin as a waifu? Gay Niggas. GAY NIGGAS!
Hanako's the best baby, Hanako's the best. You can't beat Hanako. Shit her Hair's slick. Shit have you seen her? she's slick purple. *PUFFFUUUUUUU PUFUUUUUUUU* That's shit's nice. You see like my hair over here bitch? My hair? Like that shit. That's shit's slick. It's purple. My hair was blonde like that bitch Lilly before this shit, Aight? I dyed that shit purple. You know why? because the Hanako, Hanako, she's fucking MONEY.
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In the tongue of his people, he is called...
The Molestation-born!

Well somebody is bitter.
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And we got this fat bitch trying to say that Hanako's route is too short. Why do you fuck do you need to drag this route even longer? The ending was perfect. Chad warden don't want to see shit ruined. Chad Warden admires a route that is perfectly written and closed. Shit, I'll ask the devs to make it longuer just so you shut the hell up nigga. I can't take Shizune with me, I can't have her in my phone background. How am I supposed to get some honeys with Shizune? "Yo baby look at my Shizune!" You know what they say to me? They FUCKING laugh. When I show them Hanako *sigh* Honeys get all over my dick. SHIT, GET ALL THE HONEYS WITH HANAKO.

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The whole premise of the route was a difficulty to communicate, to express yourself to the other. Especially in the earlier self-reflective parts it seems like he wants to express himself, but is unable to do it. On the other side of the field is Rin, who expresses herself through her paintings, but Hisao is unable to understand what she's trying to express. He wants to understand, but he's unable to, while Rin doesn't want to explain herself, she wants someone to understand what she means without having to explain. Forcing her to explain herself pulls you away from the good end. Eventually the disconnect between the two of them leads to built up frustration in Hisao, who at that critical moment, can't deal with it any more. In the final act he comes to senses with it, and learns from what he did wrong earlier, pushing Rin to participate in the art expo etc. She didn't want to make art to make art, she used it as a way of expressing herself.
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Yes. It is time.
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i shall spoiler for the sake of others
also i dont have much time so i dont know how much i'll be able to right down.

the obvious dickish thing he did was bitch and scream at rin about her confusing the shit out of him with her kisses and what not, which is a legit reason to be angry but blowing up at rin was fucked up he could have handled that alot better. Then there was when nomiya asked rin if she would do the do the art exhibit, seconds before rin said she'd have to change to do it and that change was the scariest thing for her. do you know what your options are, its do it, do it, and do it faggot. Then there is the end where not only does she ask if he loves her, and says she loves him, but when she does he just awkwardly stares at him when earlier in the story he admits to himself that he has fallen for her. and dont fucking get me started with pic related.

theres more but im running out of time
i hope this spoilered right
the "bastard-son" would fit better.
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> her confusing the shit out of him with her kisses and what not

That feel when this happened really recently
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You stop this shit right now.
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Bring it, science boy.
>I have nothing left to say so I'll call him retarded
>epic win XXXDDDD

We are not given sufficient cause to sympathize with him. Four months fly by in two minutes and we're expected to know what that's supposed to feel like?

The fact that I have to state this outright is disappointing.
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>liked Hisao the most in Rin's route

It was Emi's for me. Which is a surprising choice. The path through the choices I took made sense to me. I didn't see any of Hisao's famous retardation in it.


Feeling like you made the wrong choice all the way up until the second sex scene because of what Hisao was doing and saying is not a good Hisao. Maybe it's because I don't actually think Rin is all that hard to understand and it makes me think Hisao is a dumbass for not knowing what she means.
>actually get discussion of the VN
>Nomiya faggots shit it up
It was funny the first time but drop that /v/ tier shit.
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I guess I understand now how Emi felt when she had to be in wheelchair. I want to go out, feel the fresh air on my face, think of nothing else than running, and feel excellent afterwards. Like I do on any other Tuesday. This frigging sprained ankle...

But I understand that this is for the best, and accept my fate.
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I wish I had more Mutou images, you win this time Nomiya.
My friend tried to make KS into a drinking game.
He took a shot every time he had a feel.
A day after he started he tried doing Rin's arc.
He got the neutral ending and gave up on drinking because he didn't have enough alcohol for that shit.
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I'm out.
actually thats kind of the most enraging part. Rin isnt hard to understand at all and i've gone through the route twice making different choices and he doesnt really seem to change at all, the first time i didnt really think much of it but when i heard that hisao is particularly retarded in her route everything becomes more noticeable
I wouldn't say her kisses are confusing at all.

For starters, Rin is not normal, Hisao is aware that she finds it very hard to open up.

When she's doped up on codeine, he notes that she seems a lot more normal, able to express herself a little better and such. The kiss was Rin being "normal" with expressing that she likes Hisao. When she's back to her usual self she's walled herself up again and can't explain what the kiss meant. As if it takes a genius to work out that she's like that with everything.

I'm surprised Hisao didn't understand that the kiss was meaningful because she did it at the only time she's ever been able to open up, when she was stoned.
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Later Homu
You are right, I completely forgot about Hisao in Emi's route.
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I actually was SHOCKED that this didn't turn out to be how rin's route worked out. That guy fucking SEEPED rapist.
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>drinking alcohol while playing Katawa shoujo
Shit nigger, have you put him on suicide watch yet?
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What's the deal with these people hating on Nomiya?
I hadn't started the Rin arc, although I don't think I will now After reading that I know it'd hit too close to home and I'd just end up feeling shitty as FUCK
I don't know why, but that made me laugh uncontrollably.
all the more reason to play it
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Oh, he can be a retard to Emi.
Particularly in the bad end.
Pic related.
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Funnily, that situation can lead to good end.
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We molesters.
you mean like your dead dad?
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Hisao is pretty much a retard to all the girls
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>Then there was when nomiya asked rin if she would do the do the art exhibit, seconds before rin said she'd have to change to do it and that change was the scariest thing for her. do you know what your options are, its do it, do it, and do it faggot.

Here is the thing though, with Rin things WILL change if she wants to or not. What do you think will happen to Rin when she graduates from high school? Change was inevitable for Rin, this time she had a choice to do it sooner and prepare herself for later or to wait a few months until that change came (graduation) and then wouldn't know what to do. You may think it was a dickish move, but change was going to find Rin if she liked it or not, if Hisao was there or not.
I don't see how Hisao asking that question could make him dense. He's just frustrated.
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>that filename

you Nomiyabros make me proud
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>mfw Katawa shoujo made me somewhat an alcoholic
I dunno man, it'll bring up a hell of a lot of buried feels..
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I agreed with Hisao. She can take her secrets to the grave if she wants to be a secretive bitch. If you don't want to advance the relationship then let us end it now. That section made me ticked off at Emi that I INTENTIONALLY went for the bad end. Was pretty obvious which choice was going to lead to the bad end.
i never said change wouldnt find her im just saying that the fact that hisao pushed her and pushed her and pushed her regardless of the fact that she says numerous times she doesnt really want to do it is pretty fucked up
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To be fair, when he asked her how she felt about him, she turned him down because she couldn't deal with it at the moment. At the start of one of the chapters he says something along the lines of, "When did I fall in love with her?" Then, after, he got shot down and was told to go away, screamed at her, comforted her, and then 'comforted her'. Putting myself in the mind of Hisao, I think he was just afraid of what she would say if he said it flat out so, in true Hisao fashion, he tiptoed around it.
>/b/ trash nomiyafags
>u mad lol xD

Worse than lillyfags.
Sometimes that is what people do when they care about you.
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>took that path with Emi
>my face when
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How does it feel to have the thought process of a teenager?
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Settle down son.
Wait. Hold on a fucking second. Just one minute. Does Rin even have a good end
How does it feel to be the bottom of the thread?
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>implying you've grown out of it
Hisao IS a teenager.

Thinking like one, a lot of his decisions and what he said made sense. Especially considering his position.
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The true cancer of KSG.
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Oh, I know. And people say the track scene is the better scene when you have to go through that to get to it.
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It isn't worth the trouble at all. I can find someone who is saner than her that won't make that much trouble about their past, regardless of what has happened during it.

If that person wants to constantly create all of that drama when there is something seriously bugging them and is greatly effecting them but constantly treats you like trash then it isn't worth putting the effort in the relationship anymore and time to find greener pastures.

It isn't like she can rely on you anyways, and as a punching bag you are pretty good in insulting so she can get a good nights sleep.

I know this. I'm not mad at Hisao for his actions. I'm talking about the guy who said he also thought is was a good idea to do that shit.
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Don't be so worked up.
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As long as you keep getting mad, The more they'll post, just take a chill pill and ignore them.
At least it's not Horse/Furry porn spam.
Have fun getting to it without a guide, however.
Even if you aren't a teenager, you can only take so much.

I'm 24 and I just broke up with a girl much like Emi, happy but falsely so. Emi hid a lot of her real emotions and built up a facade of bubbliness as a compensatory response to shit that happened to her. She was real when she was sad, but she didn't want to be sad because it meant facing up to her fears.
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Nomiyafags are worse than tripfags.
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Yes she does. She's not Shizune.
>not posting the sunglasses version
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Joining my Nomiyabros due to the butthurt
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Procced, you have my papal benediction.
i should play through her route again, maybe it was the writting or something but i cant help but feel hisao is still really dickish the way he says things.
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This is great because I am making posts about the game as well on other posts and you don't know who I am.

Stay mad.
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Holy fuck, my sides.
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>mfw I am too
Not a redeeming quality.
I loved that scene. It was adorable. You can tell Hisao loves Rin to death, and the way Rin looks at him you can see it in her eyes too.
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>He didn't look at the window.
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>nomiyafags are cancer
>"lol u mad xdxd"

There is nothing you can defend your autism with.
Stay /b/.
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There's only one true answer to this.

Filter Anonymous.
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If you're not mad why do you care so much?
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>No rin_datass.png

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Nomiya is just so forced now it's gotten very stale and lame.

It's just sad now.
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>oral exam
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>All these Nomiyabros.
>All these butthurt and tears
>my face when

Stay classy chaps.
you're just as pathetic as they are though
nothing is more stale and lame than you

except hernandez and patient hope
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>Complaining about forcing things
Next thing you know hearts is going to complain
If I want /b/ trash, I go to /b/.
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>Not mentioning Def.
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I don't mind it at all. I only come to KSG every so often and when Nomiya comes up I see pictures I haven't seen before and save them. But then again I did sort of help the start of this, but I haven't contributed as much as one Nomiyabro.

Though the recent talk about Rin and Emi's route has been nice. Another Rimi thread?
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Nomiyafags are worse than BPH and Def.
he slipped my mind; I apologize

I guess WOLF as well, but only since he spams his signlanguage shit that nobody cares about
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Oh look, another tripfag discussion.
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>That's something Rin would really say.
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oh shit
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Good afternoon, KSG!

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28 KB

Sing up faggot.
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218 KB
>Sing up

Fuck mornings. Get in the group and sing for us.
Fuck off, Rin.
Me and Emi are busy.
I sing tomorrow, I can't sing right now.
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Emi you say?
Looks like I have another story to make
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You don't really want to hear me, I sound like Nico Bellic. And I have a shitty mic.
sniffing coffee with baby nose
cannot unsee
Who cares, as long as it doesn't sound like a fucking wind tunnel it'll still be good enough to make the song.
Hisao is a motherbanging idiot. You try to make things go well and he just fucks it up. What the hell. Not cool, bro.
>I sound like Nico Bellic.
What the hell are you saying, come here faggot and sing. That's awesome.

And I too have shitty mic but I'm doing it.
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So THAT'S why the MC never speaks...
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I'm too s-s-s-shy...
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S-so am I.
R-r-remember, no-one will see your f-face, so you'll h-have your dignity.
and that's why I'll never make a hanako rape story
That's the fact of the genre. They never let you make the hero do what you want. If they did every game would have an option to

-take your pants off, yell "Let's go, motherfucker" and start swinging a drywall hammer over your head.
How touching.
Like rape, I guess.
>OKAY! running day!
> Week 5 Day 3.
> 21 Minutes of running.
>Get exhausted as fuck on 8 minutes when i last ran.

WIsh me luck KSG. I'll be back.
If i'm not. Love you guys. But you already knew that.
That was pretty good, but felt a little forced.
>You will never discover the stain lifting power of Clorox® bleach with your waifu
don't do this
or I'll release lillytude
You will do it.

It's not that hard. Really. I thought the same way.
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61 KB
Cpt Emi is nearly done.

Drawfag, if you're still here, do you want her fingers and boots rounded off?
I think it's coming along pretty well so far
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125 KB
Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
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78 KB
hey, you
I love you
Don't ever forget that you're still in control! Even if you have to force it.
>Rape jokes.
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112 KB

You got this man, the more you worry the more you doubt yourself. Don't worry, just kick ass.
Oh well, it was bound to happen.
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Three pics for three rape jokes.

I'd say we're all tied up.

All these rape jokes are getting into me.
RFM, sing You've Got A Friend In Me with us. Do it, pansy.
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26 KB
Oh it's cumming
Yeah, I love a good gag.
we singan now?
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Spoiler Image, 61 KB
Read and join. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ksgvg
Sounds like it's a real problem. Perhaps happier thoughts will push it out.
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Join the group and record yourself singing it. We're going to do a KSG sings of it.

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In all honesty, I hate Randy Newman. I can't believe he's actually famous.
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>rape jokes
Truly, the best KSG.
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56 KB
I personally don't like him either, but it's practically KSG's theme song. And it was actually somewhat fun to sing.
But RFM, you are like a friend to us.

At least for runningbros.
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oh no i'm micshy
I've just experienced the graveyard moment with Emi

All of my feels, I feel pretty terrible right now. *Sigh*
Short people got no reason...
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84 KB
Your submitting the shit anonymously, why on earth would you be mic shy? I bellowed my rendition out at 8 in the fucking morning today.
Well, I must admit, you've beaten me.
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74 KB
It looks a lot better right now. Good job!
>Do you want her fingers and boots rounded off?
I guess you can do that, I meant to do it myself but I forgot.

I fucking suck at typing. You're submitting*
i swer to gawd
emi will be next if u don stop
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Things can only get better.
Hang in there, trooper.
Don't worry. It's pretty late, and I'm feeling a little sedated.
Welcome to KSG
Let the feels flow

No problem bro
Are they her running legs or just normal walking ones?
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99 KB
ok that one I don't get...
wait a minute...
They're supposed to be her running legs but I couldn't get them right ;_;
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I really don't wanna do this
because I'm lazy
If it helps that's what I thought they were
I'll see if I can bring out the curve with shadow, but tbh natural shadows are my weakpoint
I seriously wonder what the fuck Katawa Shoujo did to me.
I never watched anime before KS, and now I'm torrenting about 5 gigs of anime a day.

I never used to cry, but now I cry almost daily, It's oddly relieving, and I enjoy the sadness I feel.

I always wonder where I went from being that kid with a lot of great friends and an active social life, to where I am now.
No social life, no love interests, just existing with no purpose.
I'm so sorry.
How's about I buy you a drink to make it up to you?
I wanted to do KSG singan gaems...
But I am not getting a steam account.
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Hey, pal.
Slip her one of these.
You can still do it, but you'll have to find another way to communicate with all of us in the group.
Right now
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>Not getting a steam account.
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42 KB
they made me do this
No thanks.
I have my own.
i actually want to see where this is going
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Hey, check this out
Welp, just done Shizune's bad end. Is it just me or does it just kind of end really abruptly? I found myself not really getting any feels from the whole thing.

Meh, I guess I'll try the good ending and see how it is.
At least change the file names so as not to spoil the TWEEST

Funny, I have a similar situation, but it started way before I started playing KS. I don't cry though, I just sit depressed most of the day. I actually started playing KS for a quick fap or two, but apparently I stayed for the story and completely ignored the sex scenes.

It's weird, as I'm playing KS I'm starting to feel even worse, yet happy at the same time. Maybe because I have someone to care about now.. Maybe if it's even not real.

I also feel a change in my daily routine. I want to go socialize now.
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fuck you
Man, that's sure to upset someone.

You'd have to be soleless to post that
Do it
Most of my desocialization started before KS. I mostly started KS because I was bored, and video games held no interest to me at all.

I want to go out and meet people, but a deep seated social anxiety I've developed over the last 6 years hasn't helped at all.
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fail perspective is fail
but that's part of the style

I feel you. And the depressive fact that I will never be able to live my KS experience makes this even darker.
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Clean one.
Flawless victory
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Best one.
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Dat terrible shop.. want that fixing after I've finished Cpt Emi?
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y u do dis KSG
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Posted this in the last thread. I'm guessing some of you didn't see it.
Comments are welcome.
it sucks
her hand is too big
and molly is decapitated head
someone help me finish this series
im too lazy to draw loli boobs
>Browsing /b/
>Even taking a peak on /b/
>Two thousands and 12 years after the birth of our lord and savior Jesus of Nazareth.

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
It looks awfully bad.
>Not going to /b/ for trap threads

What are you, gay ?
I haven't been here since thread 170 or something, but does anyone know who made this http://images.4channel.org/f/src/katawa_shoujo_insta_feels__hanako.swf ?
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Looks good. I really like the Molly.

Also, I highly recommend you watching Clannad and/or Angel Beats.

feels imminent
That music is so catchy.
However the only thing's that's bugging me is Emi is taller than Rin.

stop giving a fuck
Yeah, Rin should be at least a few feet taller.
It's called foreshortening
it's not even foreshortening. her WHOLE HAND is too big and there's no arm or wrist connecting to it. she would snap her wrist at the angle you drew it at
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When it comes to height, Rin's really got a leg up on Emi.
that's hisao's funeral isn't it
>not posting the original
just get the fuck out
Any of you fancy being useful and getting me a screenshot of Emi with her running legs on, but facing the camera.
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>This thread
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31 KB
Should I continue, /ksg/, or do I suck at writing fanfic?
>Not preferring the cover
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702 KB

It's good, actually. But where are Emi and Rin?
I have them planned for later. I feel like in Shizune/Hanako/Lilly's route, they aren't there very much at all, so it wouldn't make sense for you to get close to them.
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1.41 MB
and i thought i'm too old to fall in love with a fictional character ;_;


Ah, great then. Keep up, it's pretty good. I would like to read the finished version.


>too old

You're never too old, mate.
Also, >I know that feel
Don't worry it happens to the best of us. If someone told me a year ago I would be watching massive amounts of anime, and playing KS I would call them a liar.

>that feel when you realize this sums up the Emi arc in a single song
because feels
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14 KB

>mfw it does
Also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=596qaxm-u4o
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1.55 MB
Wa-ha, time for feels.

Hello, rooftop-scene with Misha and most feels of Shizune's route.
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KS may not be popular with everyone, but the real question is does it meet the ultimate reviewers standards?

And even if it doesn't, does that make a huge difference? This game has made a huge mostly positive impact on people's lives, and that's the most important thing. A game doesn't have to be rated 10/10 to be good.
>Not taking the bate and posting about how ballin' KS is

Well, okay anon.
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I know this is early, but I can't access computer by the time I'm leaving.

"Good night", KSG. Love you all.
Hisao is baller as fuck, so I'd say it does.
Peace, have a good one.

See you later, chap.
I hope you guys were aware that Chad Warden was Emi's father

Hisao stresses ABAP, Kenji stresses BULLSHIT.
So KSG, how are you getting to FeelsCon?

By my feelane. You?
Actually don't think I can make it to this feelscon. Hanako wants me at home, it's our honeymoon.
I'm riding on Emi's back.
takin' the anal train
I'm on epsiode 20 of Clannad now, and the feels are starting to get stronger.

Giving up on their dreams to help support their child... dammit, that's devotion...
The anal train.

Although I may be late, because it has no brakes.

Oh boy, hang in there, buddy. Any tears yet?
So, I want to not come off badly here. I've never played KS, but I have played other visual novels. I've heard a lot of shit about your community but want to make my mind up for myself. Where should I get started in playing this and such guys?
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Just wait for after story
So did I somehow get the happy ending with Rin or what?
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Check the OP, the game's a free download on the main website.
I plan on doing Rin's route soon. But... I'm scared KSG. I heard rumors of erectile dysfunction and accute bouts of depression.
Not yet, though I've come close a few times, like when Tomoyo realizes he likes Nagisa during that tennis match and just silently accepts it... oh man do I know how it feels to have to do that.
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What >>8320791 said.
Make sure you download the full game, too, and not just the Act 1 Demo.
Good luck, fellow STALKER.
The shit you hear about the community is just because people start shitposting a good 3-4 times a week for hours on end. We have our good and bad days, just like every other community.

Well, as >>8320737 said, wait till the after story. It only gets feelier.

Also, go watch Angel Beats after Clannad
Speaking of which, i've always been confused as to why they didn't take the act 1 demo off the website...
i am so depressed
I got painful haemorrhoids, lop-sided gyno, big nose, no sex for over 5 years, stretch marks, depression, social phobia and no friends.
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45 KB
do u like my cosplay gais? :3
Depends how into it the cosplayer is. It's not hard to read when somebody's doing it just for attention.
>Play through Rin's arc, get good end
>Decide I need to get rid of some of the feels, else I be overwhelmed
>Turn on CSI, and it's a pretty brutal episode
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47 KB
Inb4 people don't recognize
>play through Rin's arc
>drink some ibuprofen for the depression, since it's not that bad
>stomach lining gets fuck, I get ulcers
>in the hospital
>suddenly feel like Hisao
>feels! feels everywhere!
Why should we even care? She just looks like some dumb ass blond.
I meant they don't recognize that it's an old picture.
y u no blind
At least spell it correctly...
Oh! Oh!
You're cosplaying as Eva Braun, aren't you?
It's so good to see the youth today take an interest in history.
It's correct depending on where you live.
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Lillako is love
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I'm an Americunt
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I heard you guys like feels
>suddenly anal train is about to peg you

What do?
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Oooh ok, sorry about that bro
Are they naked?
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Get in that shit, bros.
please tell me it survived
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Depends on who you ask.
next picture bro
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Drop my pants.
Can't stop Emi on a charge.
She's too fast.
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643 KB
Captcha: Heaven Lowdrop
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Is KSG sings dead or are we carrying on without Capricorn?
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Think about the background
I watched this show all the time with my younger brother
Carrying on. Still working on getting more people in the steam group. I'm giving it til next weekend to get all submissions and shit in to our audio guy.
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Sometimes. More often than not.

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173 KB
>steam group
do you have a link?
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Spoiler Image, 572 KB
Thanks broseidon.
retarded game, why punish you for being a good friend..since when did comfort mean rape anyway
No problem. I'm hoping to at least gather 15 singers, would be good enough for me. JackTheRipper or whatever his name was said he'd do the audio shit, so I'm hoping he's still down with that. If not, we'll find another person.
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one from ksg. gets reposted a lot but it gets me every time...
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Just finished both endings of Shizune's route, as the last route I've done. I take it I'm not the only one not really able to connect with this route? I didn't really mesh with the character or their relationship, or even get any feels at all other than Misha's scenes. Overall distinctly meh, especially compared to the other routes - Rin's and Lilly's in particular.

On the other hand though it did have the ending most appropriate as a 'goodbye', so maybe it was the best one to play last.
Not joining steam so here's my shitty rendition.
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36 KB
oh god my sides

Keep it saved, because when we do a final call for everything I'll need the link again.
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OH GOD... RIN! ;_;
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Should I sing this in my kermit the frog voice?
I only want to do the first verse, and I'm really busy
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We all know that feel brother.
Sit down and chat about it.
Do it mang.
I need some laughs.

By all means, kill yourself you fucking faggot
Go for it.
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28 KB
Holy fuck.....I haven't seen that before. I didn't want to cry fucker ;_; Why are kids so fucking mean? It's like those kids who relentlessly picked on Hanako and made her hate people in KS. fuck, I need a hug
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Don't mind the trolls that made their nest in KSG, welcome.
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Will a simple brofist suffice?
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133 KB
I was in your same spot a week ago. Welcome to ksg.
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It's happened to all of us man.

All of us.
Is it time for a feels thread? Lets start with a classic.


For extra feels, put on rainymood.
NO, FUCK YOU. That video made me fucking cry like an infant.
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103 KB
>Life is good im finally over my katawa depression.
>On a good job.
>Going to start gym.
>Learning how to paint.
>Son i just called you to warn you that your mother is with cancer and will remove the tumor this friday.
Guys, what's with those vocaroo links? What are we singing?
Let the feels flow. It's good for you.
You've got a friend in me from toy story

Details there.
crapawa shitjo is not a game
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42 KB
Oh man, that sucks!
I'm sorry dude, have some inappropriate humor.
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64 KB
>that feel when you are looking for Rin after the art expo and you finally find her asleep
>two streams of tears roll down her face and you just want to help her
>but you can't
>you fucking can't

Oh man, my depression is fucking evolving.

Some extra feels for you guys:
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142 KB
I'm going to make everyone cry like a bitch.

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191 KB
>tfw just joined the steam group

so when do i sing?
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107 KB
I had to do it,sorry.
sup babes,
It's Chad Warden,aight? C-Wizzy,Chad Daddy,aight? I go by different names. The big poppy,aight? Chad Warden, Chad Warden's being looking at the waifus, aight? Chad Warden's all about the waifus,aight? Some niggas trying to say that Chad Warden is some kind of fanboy,aight? Chad Warden ain't no fanboy. Chad Warden.. Chad Warden just likes a waifu that's the best,aight? And it's Hanako,aight? Niggas trying to say--- you know what? Let's look at the other waifus again right now,aight? What we got? We got Shizune? Shit this niggeress, this deaf mute ass bitch that just keeps harrasing you to do her student council chores while some fat pink drill haired ugly bitch is shoutig at you... aight? ..I don't know bout you, But that shit ain't balling,aight?! Chad Warden ain't gonna let himself get the floor wiped with by some ugly bitch that no one loves,aight? That bitch ain't even got some decent manners,aight? Shit, That Shizune bitch is a fucking control freak because her retarded dad doesn't love her,aight? That bitch even got a bad fashion sense,aight? She might be pretty decent at making people run away from her,aight? Shit, you trying to say to me that that short hair and glasses is hot but She isn't even full of CHAD WARDEN,aight? Chad Warden got a shitload of friends,aight? Not like that nigeress bitch who can't even keep a single friend except that fat pink lesbian who's still following her like a lost dog after she rejected her,AIGHT?
>no period

shit Hisao you're slipping
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90 KB
Bunch of Niggers trying to talk shit saying that Lilly is the best girl in the game,aight? Chad Warden don't give a fuck,aight? LET THAT NIGGA CRY,aight? Let that nigga's going to be crying all the time. Let that bitch go back to his Lilly. Nigga, Let that nigga go back to Shizune,aight? There's no use crying,aight? If yall niggas want good waifus, You should be taking Hanako as a waifu. Lilly perfect mary sue on a nigger? Shit...

Rin Tezuka? SHIT! ........ FUCK Rin Tezuka,aight? That ain't no waifu, That's autistic as fuck waifu,aight? REAL Waifus, you can understand them, answer your questions like decent human beings,aight? All she does is paint her retarded as ass art and do nothing else,aight? You got many other waifus that paint AND that you can actually understand. NIgga, FUCK THAT,aight? I ain't seen her a single time answer a question in a normal fashion,aight? She can't even speak to you, what kind of waifu is that? Shit, the most balling thing about her is her jokes nigga. AND THAT BITCH DOESN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THEM HERSELF.
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>Not like i would post on 4chan not expecting inappropriate humor.
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Isn't it you who gets hit hard by dog stories?
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i love you chad

have my babbies
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Who you got again? Emi Ibarazaki.... Aight? DON'T YOU EVEN GIVE ME THAT SHIT! Aight? Emi Ibarazaki, what does she even do? She runs the track, She's so cheerful that it's anoying and she takes it up the ass.Emi you say? NIGGA, FUCK THAT SHIT. There isn't even ONE GUY in Yamaku that she didn't fuck.There ain't one. You got the guys she fucked: The homosexual track captain, That Feminist nigga Kenji,aight? You got that nigga Lelouch, aight? And the list goes on, there ain't not a single man she didn't fuck. NOT ONE,aight? If she was Hanako,aight? She'd be as pure as a maiden that never had sex except with you, her husbando. Emi would be BALLIN' AS SHIT, if she was Hanako.... HANAKO IBARAZAKI! Aight? She'll be the perfect waifu.

Niggas who defend the rest of the waifus can't understand that HANAKO stresses ABAP. I know that yall niggas don't know what ABAP means, aight? ABAP means As Baller as Possible. All the good waifus follow that strict policy, ABAP! AAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.



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>never played KS
>see someone dumping feel pics
>last minutes with oden

oh god why
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So I'm strolling back to Yamaku with Lilly, enjoying myself, relaxing in cool night air and suddenly a wild Tezuka appears. Bitch is high as the moon, had to sniff a little too much paint and solvent again. Disgusting junkie doesn't even notice us but we're cultured people so we politely say hello. She mumbles some nonsense, vile stench reeking from her pie hole 'cause that legless little cunt that almost killed me forgot to brush her teeth. Again. Anyway, Tezuka keeps muttering her gibberish, her clothes and hair dirty, standing there on the street, looking like the whore she is. God, she's so ugly, it's repulsive. Whatever, we walk away but that stinky rat ball decides to follow us. Finally we arrive at Yamaku, looking at that shit she vomited, completely ruining a perfectly fine wall. Does she really call that crap art? I swear, that tranny lookalike has no talent whatsoever. She stops, starts screaming some shit and tells us to go away. What a fucking animal.

Go play it, now. Do it for the feels.
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Hello denizens. How are you today?
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I love you too,Honey.

Oh not bad at all, just being invaded by some..
Whenever you choose. I plan on making a deadline for entries for the song, but it probably won't be until next weekend or a bit into next week so people have time to get a recording that they're happy with.
Oh shit, I tried to get back into piano and learn to play some KS songs, but god damn is my piano out of tune! Is there any way to tune it yourself without calling someone?

And on another note, why did they make the resolution for KS so damn small? Theyre working with computers not paper, so you can make the drawings as high res as you want!
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Stop crying.
Fuck, misquoted. That was directed at
bitch nigger
Don't know man. I know someone the other night was working on a program that makes KS a resizable window. It's still got a few bugs but I'm sure it'll be good once he finishes it.
Kill yourself.
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You really need specialist tools and an excellent ear.
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Too bad
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I am really not in the mood for this.
gay asshole

this better not be a failure like the last time we tried to do a /ksg/ sings
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>Doing my first runthrough, making choices based on my feeling, as I think a first run should be
>get manly picnic
I fucking died, man. I made the choices I would have and I fuckin' died. Alone. This is just like real life.
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I think theres a way to do that with drivers 'n' shit, but its still basically the same as going fullscreen; it just stretches the original 800x600 image out. Why couldnt they have the CG's and sprites built for 1280x800 at minimum? Though I have to admit, I do sort of like that effect that comes from stretching it out, that soft focus thing that happens.

thats you, thats what you sound like
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Then how about some coloring?
I don't plan on having it fail. Even if like only 6 people sing, still good enough to make a song with.
Seriously why the fuck are you here? Contribute at least to the feels discussion or start a KS discussion, and stop posting pictures from bland anime, trying to ba an avatarfag you schizophrenic cunt.
Crap. You know what, screw this. Im opening that sucker up and tuning it like a guitar.
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And now you know better than to hang around Kenji for too long.
If you KSG sings dudes are still here, I recorded me singing.
Mic sucks.
Had to use so much noise removal.
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>My face when Chad brings legitimate points about Shizune.
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How come I have the feeling that KSG sings is going to sound like those four drunks in The Witcher 2?
because it will
but it'll be our four drunks.
Hey, Stone(s), were you playing Starcraft 2 today? If you were I want a rematch!
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Just filter me.
KSG is singing?
Don't have SC2
I didn't even try to roll with the guy much. God damn. What happened? Do I have to join the student council or something?
I need as much misha and shizune artwork as I can find

please help

sfw or not, doesn't matter
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This is one of my favorite Misha pictures.
Stone did you know since yesterday you are now hated on a international scale?
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Rin loves you.
Okay, one down. Three to go. If it wasn't them, I wont have to commit sudoku.
So what's wrong with that one? I know there's a blind one, legless one, armless one, burned one... what's her deal?
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She just goes there to learn sign language. She helps the deaf one.
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>MFW she is not real.
Where's my kermit the frog?!
Every single version of parity sounds wrong. The bass part sounds awful. Im using a tanto and a pair of pliers to tune this thing.
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Spoiler Image, 492 KB
Only join the council if you want Shizune's route.
Just try to be chummier to one or more of the girls.
Pic related.
I wonder if FXAA works with katawa shoujo... I know that the old kinds of AA dont, AF doesnt, and ambient occlusion only sorta works.
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She loves you.
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She is fat.
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Do you love her?
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Confirmed by dev.

Mutou mentions in one of the conversations with Misha that they had been talking about controlling her loudness levels.
Upon completion of Hanako's bad route, I will completely finish the game. I just don't know if I can hurt her like that....
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Going to try to post the ones I don't see often.
im packing
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Stop it. Please?
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Chose the wrong image for the last one...
Meh, still acceptable.
Fuck, bro.

I know it doesn't mean a lot over the internet, especially coming from a complete stranger, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm here for you. I really hate it when people say that they know what someone else is going through, because we're all so different, but fuck, I know what you're going through.

My mom got cancer when I was in high school, and she did her best to fight it. She went through chemo, and was bed-ridden for a month or so. When the doctors gave her another test, they found that the cancer was gone. I had never been happier in my life. I would get to keep my mom.

But then she got worse. Nobody knew what happened at first. They eventually found the problem. The treatments had killed off part of her intestine. Her body was slowly dying off, and they couldn't do anything about it. They tried to operate, but it didn't help. After a few days of trying, my mom just wanted to go in peace. We had lost Dad about eight months before, to a heart attack. She just wanted to be with him again.

So, for what it's worth, I love you, and I'm hoping that you get a better story to tell than I did.
Risk is all about goddamn luck. They shoulda used another game.
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She loves you but shes not real.
You will never see her beautiful smile with your own eyes...
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It's half luck half strategy. It is mostly dependent on those dice rolls, though...
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>tfw you wont be going to AX and will have to hear about how everyone had an awesome time and made new friends, but wouldn't be going back next year and you missed out.

I hope you guys have a nice time over there and make some good memories
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I assume you mean artwork of them together...
>Sad pet stories

By the way, did anyone ever screencaped that story written by some namefag who used to post here? About the dog who saved his life. I remember reading it ages ago.
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I know that feel bro. Shit sux.
It would've been awesome if the devs planned a tour of some sort, or at least went to more than one con.


doesn't have to be them together although its nice
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Alright man. I'll just finish off the Mizune first..
Sorry bro, after reading that i don't have much to say, except thank you , sometimes it's good to know there is someone supporting you even if it is through the internet.
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Man I need to organize my folders, and name my files more often...
But eh, I have to go for a bit, so that's it for me.
>tfw KS makes you a little more self confident so you buy a guitar for the first time
>tfw you never knew blues was so fun
>tfw this is after a day of practice
Gotta start somewhere.
I should learn Air Guitar or something.
You havent seen what I have. I played a game that spanned several days. Me and three of my friends fought over the rest of the world, while the fourth sat in australia. He masses units for three days, five at a time. He had so many we had to give him that golden horse too. When he finally moved out he lost his entire force and only took three provinces. There were only around 9 units in all those provinces. Combined.
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Me again.

All of episode 22... just... dammit...
I like it! I just wish you had played longer!
I need to learn chords before I can play anything at length.
Air guitar is a hell of awkward double notes. Unless its meant for two guitars, but judging by the difficulty of the other pieces in this game, thats unlikely.
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>Dat feel when i've dated some girls but never loved someone as i love Rin.
Oh man, once you learn bar chords and some basic blues patterns chicks will absolutely die over you. Unless they are into music, you will be able to just make up something on the spot and still receive thunderous applause. Though if theyre into music theyll see right through you. Occasionally.
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>Reading one of the Suzu psuedoroutes
>They start getting more indepth about her traits and personality, likes/dislikes, etc
>Realize that's been the type of girl I've wanted

Well, I'm taking my crippling depression with me back to sleep. I'll catch up with you folks later.
The irony being that a chick who knew her shit about music would be the one you most want to impress.
Yo, before you go, did you catch this last nigh? You might like it.
We all know that feel bro. I personally have found myself enjoying girls written up in fan fics (like Suzu, Molly and Miki) more than the actual girls (although I do still love all of the girls).
>please respond
No, I didn't. Thanks for the link, bro.

Yea, but I mean, depression over relationship problems on top of what's now a physical ailment preventing me from doing any of the shit that truly made me happy is not a great mix.
Stone colors. What do you do?
You are forced to choose one of two options:

>you are instantly married to the girl or Kenji of the first route you got in KS. You don't get any extra money for the marriage and have to make do with what you currently have

>you will get bitches 5ever, but you cannot marry or be in a relationship that lasts longer than one year. You get lots of money too.

Protip:you can't walk away.
Next time Moose rolls around, download his story .rar. It's probably in there somewhere.
>implying I would not choose 1 without hesitation
I don't need money if I have Rin.
Hanako was my first. I'm a Hanabro.

I need her.
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I know that feel.That fucking confession... a part of me broke from the sheer amount of beauty from it...
I got Kenji first, god. Fuck. Shit. Fucking damn.
I've not bothered with relationships for almost two years now man. After I broke up with my girlfriend caused me to get majorly depressed. Luckily, that shit ended a while ago. Relationship problems suck, so I'm overly cautious as to who I get involved with now.
Around February, I was having an espresso while playing Lillys route, when for obvious reasons I thought Id try some tea. So I went to the tassimo and made some earl grey. It was awful but I choked it down. Then I tried some chai tea. It tasted like cough syrup mixed with the sickly sweet smell of death. So to get rid of the taste I drank another espresso. At this point 50% of my bloodstream was imported from Colombia, and I finally jittered back to KS. I normally read extremely fast, but at that time I could actually read skip mode. Im not kidding. I finished an act in five minutes.
I got Emi first, but I don't know that I could be married to her. One of the others maybe, but not her. Can I pick Yuuko instead?
My first girl was Lilly. I'd be okay with that, even though I don't have a waifu.
How have I not seen this before?

Dear lord....Internet spaghetti.

Anal slut or one million girls?
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Emi, it is then.
Money and Bitches can't buy happines that a waifu can offer you.
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I discuss the gamein fact I'm>>8311205 from earlier.

Fuck, well I have enough money to support us and I'm sick and tired of short meaningless relationships so I'm probably going to go with having a wife that is mary sueand one who is love
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you want internet spaghetti watch this

hint: watch the whole thing

>discussing the game
>not liking Stone
How new are you, exactly?
I can work hard.
>he doesn't have a waifu
The original stone was best. He kinda got old when chicken died, though.
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Lilly is love

>Marrying Shizune

I would crawl through an ocean of broken glass Coke bottles
Only a twelve year old would choose option 2.
Lilly is Mary Sue

...Anal slut.
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>not picking option 2
>not living the life like Patrick Bateman

In 87, Huey released this four
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Obviously I'm new and I want to discuss because of that. And stone? He is just a fucker that does nothing other than color MAYBE one picture in a couple of days. He also just fucking replies with stupid bland reaction images of that girl and some niggers. Polite sage for offtopic.

>Dieing in a burning train car
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it's cool bro
you are not alone
why does Hanako look bored in this pic?
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>mfw people think perfection is a bad thing

I like all the KSbros and their respective waifus.
OK. We're getting married.
well now i feel sad
Oh damn, this video made me laugh too hard.
Thanks bro.
pass the whiskey
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>you will never have a wife like Nagisa, or a husband like Tomoya
>you will never have a bro like Youhei
>you will never have parents as passionate as Sanae or Akio
>you will never lovingly raise a child like Ushio
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So, Anon... What do you think of my... new card?
But you like Lilly the most. So immature, picking favorites. Shame.
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Fixing the legs bro, how do they look so far?
How cancerous can you be? I just wanted to talk about the fucking VN and I get shitted over for calling out that schizophrenic cunt stone for posting bullshit. This is the kind of behavior that sent /v/ down the shithole.
No, she's not. She's usually calm and composed but when shit hits the fan she's prone to violent outbursts.
I'm on a summer Vacation, Need something to do.

What show is this that you're talking about?
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>that feel when given if there are infinite amounts of universes existing, there is at least one universe with you and your waifu living together as lovers
>that feel when your copy embraces Hanako right now, somewhere in another reality
>that feel when your consciousness isn't in one of them
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Some people were talking about Clannad earlier. I'm pretty sure that's what you're wondering about.
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Ehh well. I really do like all the girls. Lilly just represents to me all I wanted in a relationship. yeah yeah >perfection but not really that. Just her loving and caring nature. So I put her as my favorite.
Whycome you can't do KY on sundays anymore?
Boku no Clannad
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Who the hell are those?
>Air Guitar
>Holy fuck these chords
>Holy fuck this finger stretching
>Holy fuck these calluses
/a/ pls
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Some people are here for the community, some are here to contribute, some are here to force discussion, and some are here to bitch for no reason and cause shitstorms.

Which one are you?

>mfw I'm defending stone somehow
Boku no Clannad
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A couple reasons - foremost being that my health's deteriorated a bit.

I'll probably make the saturday threads longer, if that's a consolation.
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Hey Akira, have you done a Bataan Death March shoop yet? I thought it might fit well.
>not being all four
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Looks good so far!
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I really don't see how I am forcing anything. I just started the VN a couple of days ago and am genuinely interested in talking about it. I also like the community and the "feels" that we get.

oh god I'm seriously replying to a "le troll" right now arent I?



Stop getting trolled man, Just ignore them.
>The version I found had both parts on one staff, so I mistakenly tried to play them both at once.

Also, do you think the music was played in a computer or actually recorded?
>Stone's voice
>now wolf's voice
Any other tripfag want attention?
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Quoted the wrong post?
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Yes. You should learn a lesson from this though, KSG isn't what you think it is.

I only put on the name when I fuck with people
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>still not animooted

step it up Akira
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>shit post
>quoting wrong post
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Can't sleep. Gonna post a bit more before the sleep aids kick in.
My problems stemmed from a bitch I wasn't even officially going out with. I'll just fucking greentext the shit.
>Longtime friend moves back to the childhood neighborhood that I never moved away from
>Help her through her really rough breakup
>Her previous boyfriend abused her a good bit
>We're hanging out a ton at this point
>Eventually gets to the point where everyone's asking "Are you two dating?"
>Think now to just fucking ask her out
>Denied, turns out she'd been fucking two other men at the same time we'd been hanging out a ton. One of the other men already had a girlfriend and my friend knew this
>Slip into depression

>Fast forward a bit
>My knee's fucked up somehow and can't support weight well, if at all. Hip is fucked up due to gait I've subconsciously developed to relieve my knee pain
>Heavy dosages of ibuprofen
>Jogging and Longboarding, the only two things that had made me truly happy are now impossibilities
>Get depressed even more now that I'm essentially confined to my room.
>Been days where I literally couldn't get out of bed due to pain
>Go to clinic to try and get shit resolved
>X-Rays show absolutely nothing wrong with me knee or hip.
>Doc can literally do nothing but prescribe ibuprofen for me, since it's a clinic doc
>Told to go to my Primary Care Doctor (even though I don't have one)

Sorry for this little personal blog post. Gonna fuck off now for a bit
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>KSG isn't what you think it is
>KSg isn't a place to discuss KS
Yeah, not thanks to people like you.

inb4 tears
Get that shit augmented. Seriously, though, they sell these carbon braces for fucked up knees. Im not sure if they help support weight or if theyre just to prevent torsion, though.
I don't have the physical problems as you do, but I've been through your situation there. Everyone asked this chick and I were dating, but we weren't. Go to ask her out, denied and stops talking to me. Find out she was with a bunch of other dudes at the same time as me. It sucks man, so I feel your pain there.
>getting manly picnic twice in a row
I'm so spaghetti I can't even pick up bitches in a VN.
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It hurts...
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god damn son
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That kinda sucks
If you really can't sort it out I'd advice using a flowchart, (like this one), but only for act 1.
In general you want to favour either Lilly and Hanako, or go full head on sports for Emi, go fully for Shizune, or don't favour anyone in particular and go for Rin.
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Step it up
just don't conform with any route
or just do the run like you're gonna get rin's route, then decline joining art club
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just face facts

Kenji is your Husbando

and that's not so bad when you think about it...
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>not thanks
I will admit though your crusade against me is highly amusing

It's not a place of persecution
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Alright, for the thread simulator, perl or python?
Alright, cool.
Currently wearing this nylon brace. Has metal plates on both the sides and a hinge connected the plates on each side. I think it's more so that I don't twist it any more than I have.

It's good to hear that I'm not alone.
Why oh why isn't there a Yuuko route.
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I'm tired. Anyone want to shoop up the second part for those of us who don't want to get a membership just to print?
That would suck. Pity shit or doing something for the sake of a test is shitty.
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I think Hanako would be a better girl for that story.

The rape and social shut in part

>that feel when you will never have a Hanako because some shit like that will happen
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because she's with Kenji
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>that feel when you will never have a Hanako

stopped reading there, thats a feel alright
Not necessarily. The girl in his story was just a cunt. People react to situations in different ways. Besides, Hanako experienced physical shock on top of emotional shock, do you really think she'll so easily recover from that?
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>yfw it doesn't work out like that and when she opens up she does it only for you
Aww yeah nigga. She would be a freak in bed after some time.
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I'm sorry for this
>tfw Hanako lets you throatfuck her until she passes out
>spankingly yours
What's she doing now?
Not like she'd push you off her. She'd be too scared of your rejecting her.
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Anon y u do dis?
The way wolf makes her sound, I hope she's choking on a dick.

>rape roleplay with Hanako

My dick is so hard right now. Someone write a fap fic about this now.
I'm on it.
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I'm sorry
goddammit ksg im trying to feel
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>mfw it's been a week and my dick still doesn't work right.
I tried to fap and it feels...dirty no libido whatsoever
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pls stop my heart cant take it
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>you will never wrestle with Hanako for domination in bed, while you try to pin and mount her and she does the same
>you will never see her sly smile of approval if you succeed
Is she on the thicker side of the spectrum?
same for me, although I was able to fap just fine a few minutes ago. Still didn't feel right, and I didn't really care about it, but I was able to one week after katawa dick came over me.
Heres another version, I think its basically the same. http://www.mediafire.com/?5z5g546smjo0z22
>Hisao has two left arms in that picture
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Physically? Hell no. Relationship-wise? Probably.
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No. you must feel
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certified ballin'
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Does she have dem Hanako curves?
Was meaning physically. Was going to say, if she was critiquing looks and looked like a god damn rhino, something was severely wrong.
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pls, i cant take much more

please tell me that is your last one
I'm gonna go for it. Thanks for the encouragement.
Here ya go bro.
The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon through the window. Hanako sits there, motionless, blindfolded. The moment I placed my hand on her shoulder, her whole body shakes. "H-Hisao?" Setting the tone of the role play, I quickly reply "Hisao? There's no Hisao here." and throw her onto the bed. Forcefully, I remove her shirt, fondling her breasts while kissing her. "Ho ho ho. Somebody didn't wear a bra today!" But something's wrong. Hanako is visibly crying. Is she as into this as I am, or have I legitimately scared her? Waving away any doubts, I quickly remove her skirt. Her black panties smooth as silk, it's almost as if I could blow my load just feeling them. By this time, she's audibly sobbing, as if I'm hurting her. I'm not hurting her, am I? Quickly, I remove her panties. Now she's broken in to tears, shaking, without even the slightest flinch to show me she wants to stop. Does she really believe I'm a rapist raping her? The removal of her underwear reveal a moderately sized, hard penis. Removing her blindfold shows an unsettling sight. Kenji? "I knew you'd fall for this."
god dammit i will never unsee that
I will stop if you want.

and no that isn't my last one I have a folder filled with them ;_;
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I'll let Hanako win
>why can't I hold all this beta
>ho ho ho
that twist ending

i tip my hat to you, sir
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>That mountaineer fanfic where Hanako pegs the fuck out of Two-Face
do you know where we are
What? Since when does Kenji have breasts? or was it Kenji raping hanako?
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thank you

i was kidding, please post more
>implying its beta to make a girl happy
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>you will never wrestle with Shizune for domination in bed, while you try to pin and mount her and she does the same
>you will never see her sly smile of approval if you succeed
Kenji obviously got surgery to infiltrate the feminist base as a woman.
im pretty sure it was Hisao thinking he was raping Hanako, then it ended up to be Kenji raping Hisao

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>sly smile of approval
I think you mean she dominates you because as much as you fight and fight, she'll always want the upper hand which is not something you necessarily hate.
I own a hidden blade for moments like this.
because Kenji is alpha as fuck

>Wanting to fight Shizune, a person who makes it her life mission to beat everyone in everything

She would tear off your sack.
That is one absolute helluva trap. Should have spoilered the end so that our eyes weren't immediately reading the word Kenji.
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>Say something submissive or EVEN SLIGHTLY submissive.
>Always that faggot who goes "BETA AS FUCK XD"

Fuck you.
Why can't I have fun with my waifu in bed without you criticizing me?
That's not even beta.
Being beta is bending over for Shizune.
I'm just joking Shizunebros, Don't come and get me.
Okay I know you drawfags are thinking of drawing that vividly, but please, for the sake of morality, don't.
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Damn son. I envy and feel sorry for you for what it could of ended up like.
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I'd let her know how she made you feel. Not explicit, like don't cuss her out or scream at her, but just let it all out because you'll probably never get to see her again after that point.
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M-My w-welcome?
You know, maybe he'd get some goodbye sex afterwards.
How come in that one picture from 4LS with all the girls in their casual clothes is Rin totally different? The picture with the brownish peach background.
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This one?
yes the welcome is all yours Hanako

But fun is just something you say when you can't think of any reason why hanging out with your waifu is good.
I should. Thanks.
Ya, that one. All the other girls look just like they do in the game, except Rin. Was that some kind of beta look?
/v/ pls
You never see her 'casual clothes' in the game, just her uniform and the painting overalls
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Process of elimination, Watson. If it's not because I'm bored, it must be because I'm having fun.
I'm just going from personal experiences. I've been to hell and back with relationships, even as a kid who's only 18. Shit happens and people get dramatic, sometimes it's just best to let it all out.
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If I had to guess it's because her overalls aren't really casual wear so much as they're just what she paints in. She probably has nicer outfits that she goes out in. I can imagine Emi taking her shopping and making her try on clothes and her being indifferent.
Holy shit, youre right.
I don't know. I have a thing for dominating dominant women. All that struggle and shit.

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I enjoy you.

> having relationships

Not all romantic relationships. Why is that always implied?
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Hi, I'm the writefag from yesterday that said I wanted to write a Rika route. Well someone recommended that I read SadnessBro's fic. Thank you, it was very good, and very different. Certainly different.
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Because we are insecure
Need fanfic ideas
My favorite part was the cliffhanger that will never be finished
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Rape roleplay with Hanako
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4 more days
That was me. You're very welcome. It's sad that there will never be an ending, but that should give you some ideas.
A young Hisao saves the world from an ancient evil.
I understand the amount of insecurity of people here, but shit. Relationship always seems to immediately mean romantic rather than a friendly one.
Because that's the usual use of the term "relationship" nowadays, with other terms standing in for friendships and such. Still, even having some romantic experience is odd in these threads.
Emi NTR, gangbang with black guys.
Always the best part.
Why do people enjoy NTR? I find it repulsive.
The appeal of NTR escapes me.
A story involving Kenji leading a force of rebels against a group (almost Nazi Germany type) of feminists, lead by Shizune.
I don't, I just want it to exist.
Then you're a terrible person.
Yeah I get that, I've been around for a while. I wish people would understand shit more
I do

unless it's actually happening to me

>go to Google News
>look up "relationship"
>8/10 results are for romantic things
It's not just here.
Why do you like it? What's the appeal?
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You didn't answer the question though. Why do people like NTR? I've read a couple of stories and they pissed me off and ruined my jerkoff session
I don't like to be pissed off when i'm engaging in hand to gland combat.
Guys, new thread soon?

still got those "thank you internet" pics?
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Actually, I'll repost the little fanfic post I had before.

I had a fanfic idea once before for Ritsu but I doubt I'll do anything with it.
Give her an overactive imagination that she often goes over the top with it. Most of the story is her going around the school having her imagination run the story in an over the top way but as the story progresses her imagination is brought out into a crowd and, obviously, they don't play along and end up making fun of her and kicking her emotionally down back to the real world.

At the end it's found out that she wants to write but can't due to her carpal tunnel and the story ends with her finding comfort holding onto and hugging a little stuffed toy of hers.

I don't know, It could have been nice. With this idea fanfiction like Freefall would still fit Ritsu's character somwhat.
Cool your jets, guy. We still have around 70 posts.
I know. It used to not even be used like the way it's used, I remember when people would just ask "Oh, how's your relationship with soandso" without it meaning "are you guys fucking?"
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Why do people enjoy black guys? I find them repulsive.
I need sleep

Rage fapping is great and I like to see the protags suffer.

I just realized that made no sense. Oh well, hopefully you catch my drift.

No, Emi can be anyone.

Lilly's should be a black gangbang and she enjoys every minute of it
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>Take The 'A' Train
>Take The Anal Train

oh shit guys, we found Emi's theme
So you're a sadist or that one word where you derive pleasure from the suffering of others.
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Well, words change. And in the context of these threads, are you really that shocked to discover that people assume a word to be used under its usual definition?
No, no, no. It should be Hanako coming out of her shell and fucking random dudes and getting into gangbangs with black guys behind Hisao's back.
new thread where
Hey man, that ain't cool. Leave Jesus out of this.
>giving anon solid fanfic ideas and not jokes
new here?
oh god please let a tripfag make the new thread... anon is just gonna fuck it up or do something boring
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NTR is no joke bitch nigga
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I'm not that shocked. It's just kind of an annoyance.
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More or less, yeah.
Just a reminder that I fucked your waifu
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And nearly died from it, beta faggot.
Just a reminder that I fucked your mom.
Guys, I think I figured out why Shizune's route felll flat. Misha going into your room and trying to fuck, all of that just seemed to happen too late. Shizune had already agreed you be your grilfril so overall it was during the falling action of the plot, where the story should be just about wrapping up, but instead they decided to add another conflict in.
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But Hanako is already fucking Tenshi
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But that can't be true cause I'm already fucking your mother.
I heard Chang's voice. Thanks anon
Dad, pls
Mendacium is stupid. I want to see her become a full-on slut, but retaining some of her previous personality traits.
I'm actually almost done with Shizune's story for a second time. I actually like Shizune's character, just the competitiveness. But the writing, now that I look at it, was probably the most poor of all of the routes. The characters were good and the story was good, but the wording and timing just falls flat as you said.
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I heard BPH is working on an improved ending to Mendacium.

I guess you could consider it the Extended Ending patch to the Mass Effect 3 Mendacium was
lesbian NTR with some of the side characters
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How about just lesbian fapfics with some of the side characters?
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>ever a lesbian

>implying she wouldn't at the very least swing both ways

Miki and Saki love cock too much, so it'd be between Suzu and Rika.
>Suzu and Rika
I'm strangely okay with this.
Fund it.
read Loomis

Also, wrong picture, but w/e
I just woke up from a long nap.
What did I miss KSG?
>Doing Rin's storyline
>Despite my best efforts, get the neutral ending
>Cry like a little bitch because it hits way too close to home
Damn it, KS

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