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Previous Thread: >>>/vg/8141982 (Cross-thread)

>How to register for Open Beta:

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):

>Other In-Game Information:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Official Blog:

>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

>Japanese Wiki:

>Story Translation on PSO-W:
Ship Emergency, how the fuck do you participate in it?
About to get on with some friends who finished installing. Did last night's maintenance fix some more of the delay or is is about the same?
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>Still using the "pre-Open" image
sorry, didnt have any appropriate images for a starting post, we were long overdue a new thread and who gives a fuck, not like anyone reads the op post anyway
If you delete your character do you still keep everything in storage on the same ship for new characters? I want pretty dresses and thought the clothes shop cycled through colors.
nope, they are character bound
how get quest?
Just got out of tutorial game didn't tell me exactly what to do!
What does this thing saying "ID" want me to enter?
What ship should I go to?
Ship X is better.
I am level 7 and no new areas are unlocking!
How I mine fish?
Dance Sjmulator General
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why does shifta only last for like aminute? it takes me 30 minuts to beat caves. this is redickulous

Hey give them more credit. There must always be dancing in the lobby. If not the ship would soon fall into peril. Mark my words.

captcha: word oviversi
>Get in a party
>We're all male characters
This feels weird.
>See a bunch of people AFK dancing in the lobby
>Everyone in random spots
>Spend 15 minutes pushing them into a line.
>Have MBoard quest needing a redwolf drop
>kill at least 50 wolves
>Switch to different quest, then reconsider and switch back
>first wolf I kill drops it

welp, if you're having drop issues on the board, unplug it and plug it back in.
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So uh. Where do the english speaking people hang out?

I'm so lost in this big japanese city.
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Wish you were here.
ship 2 block 20,21,22,23
ship 4 block 44
oh fuck im done registering downloading now! hopefully this game will stop making me feel depressed.
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>Corrupted bosses only giving meseta as drops general
Ran that City event three times last night. Only got Meseta and 1 star weps.

I need to get to hard mode, quick.
Question: where are screenshots saved to?
SEGA folder in my documents.

Lower floor near the quest counter.

Documents> Sega > you'll get it from there
Serously though, for the umpteenth time, how does i city event?
Ships 2 and 4 (block 44)
>clearly says hes in block 04
>telling that guy he cant read

youre retarded


ship 2 is reddit though
It's not like we all stuff ourselves underneath the stairwell in the shop or some shit.
Which ship is /vg/ on?
when its there, youll fucking see it in the mission select, fuck sakes
I've been looking in the SEGA folder. Don't see my screenshots. It is just print screen right?
Ship 8 block 33.
Wait until the City Event happens.

Then go to the City Event.

Then run out of time trying to solo the Ragne.
yes, its under the folder called "PICTURES"....
What's the name of the team?
Yeah, no pictures folder is there.
The RUretardeds
how do I equip my mag?
Who are the leaders of the team?
Moot and Snacks.
If the boss has breakable parts, breaking those parts improves the drops. I suppose the same goes for generally attacking the bosses' weak points. For instance, Rockbear's weak point is his head.
Click on item (first Icon) click the second option from the bottom (its the shortest line of text) click on the mag, its the third or second option from the top. one equips abilites on the mag, the other equips the mag on the user, I forget which order they're in but needless to say, if one doesn't equip it, use the other one.
I saw in the READ THIS that you can change classes, does it cost anything? Also in game I see that it boots you back to level one, does that mean you have to start quests from the start too and unlock them the same way? Or are they just inaccessible until you reach the minimum level?
How do I start the game?
You can do it for free, whenever you please. Your stats drop to lvl 1, but your quests remain the same.
no, you start back at level one, and youre stats are lowered

cool thanks
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What it means?
I'm trying to get on ship 2
Not sure if serious...

If serious: Bottom part goes passwerd.

you need to reinstall the game. Not just uninstall/install, you have to delete the game folder because of data corruption.
We can't help you with just that.
Post your password too, then we can help you.

then click left button.
Does anybody know if humans can get newmans pregnant? This is going to factor into my DA HOOTCH-esque Jean experienced old man rape fantasy.
install gentoo
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>da hootch PSO2 doujin
fund it.
Also probably not.
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Sorry. im a colossal faggot, this is what i wanted to show you
If it's what I think it is, you need to go to the website, log in, and press a button under where it says 「ファンタシスターオンライン2」 or something like that.
tfw i just want the generals to be as fun and lighthearted as it was back in april during CBT

tfw i don't know what to do fix this and don't want to blame as that would just cause more shitposting

Just wait a few weeks for the excitement to die down.
the moment I enter the character creation screen the game just closes
We'll get back to it once the complete newbies all get fed through. Or when the translation patch is finally out.
I think it's more about people realizing the game itself is lighthearted and fun, unlike other mmos who force the "serious business"-type stuff all the time.

Also people reading everything before asking, but this will probably not happen because laziness.
I know I didn't
Yeah, god forbid the thread isn't a shitty fucking circlejerk.
Well a constant barrage of questions and insult slinging really isn't any better.

It's actually a lot worse
The only people I ever see claim "circlejerk" about PSO2 is people who are too antisocial to even ask others to party.
lower your settings, i had that problem too, just had to upgrade my rig to fix it
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why the fuck have three of these spawned duel events in a row in the same spot? i hate these zones where other people run around with AI faggots
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Hoo boy. Sit tight, get some food, maybe play something.. This is probably gonna take a while.

learn to read and download the patched torrent that takes an hour if you aren't a poorfag
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turns into this just in a few minutes
Google docs is being an ass, torrents don't have enough seeds
Huh. It cancelled on its own? Weird stuff, yo.
I even turned my firewall off.
Was thinking about if I want to make new characters for the other classes or use my current one. Then I remembered the hybrid classes from PSPo games.

Was there any point to those? I remember trying out the Hunter/Ranger one and ended up just shooting everything anyhow.
We're supposed to get sub classes eventually.
Sure, it'll be great for Ranger and Hunter, but I can't see it doing anything at all for Force.
Vanguard/Braver was the best class on PSPo2i.
slowpoke but phantasy star online 2 has been out on the psp for how long now?

or is this something else?
Phantasy Star PORTABLE 2 has been out for a while.
This is a completely new game.
This is online 2, PSP's is portable 2. Way different.
Magic knight with a gunslash.
Would you guys enjoy a partial UI translation in image form? I guess I could do that if it would be helpful.
I see will have to try it out

registering now thank you
If they bug you that much, password your mission and choose the second radio button. You won't see anyone else, even in multiparty areas. Good for those escort quests where other people keep picking the NPC you need to escort.
Actually, it's almost universally accepted among the Infinity community that forces are the stars of Infinity. Bravers are fantastic and can tear shit up, but just doesn't quite compare to a force.
oh god please
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>Lisa's laugh/yell thing when she uses the full auto PA
I shouldn't like this psychobot as much as I do.
If it's as "good" as the Arks Card editor translation from that other guy, please don't. He translated 原生生物 as "anything."
So I'm pretty sure i saw another player "walking". How do you walk?
Xbox controller
the bumped blog has done that already, for the most part
Does this bar ever move?
She's perfect
nope, just leave it, its installing, trust us
Okay got a few questions. I got a weapon, 8*, only one I plan on using for now on.

1. How do I get it to what people call "+10"?

2. How do I get a specific ability/element on it? (I want at least 4 [one is a level 4 ability])

..I think that covers it? Any other details feel free to tell
1. Grinding. First option at the purple guy in the shops. Costs money and a Grinder. You will hate this man..

2. Not sure. I think you can mix weapons? I'll let someone else answer this.
aha, thank you sir
>2. How do I get a specific ability/element on it?
The woman to the right of the guy who does regular upgrades can take two of the same weapon and fuse them into one. If both weapons have the same element, the element # is added together. She can also use the same process to fuse weapons for specific traits. Both of these processes require a synthesizer and at least two of the SAME weapon. It MUST be the exact same weapon, not just same weapon category, or it won't work.
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>make Manly Mcbeard futuristic Snake as my character
>the complete look of "who the hell are these animu faggots" in the entire tutorial
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>mfw I'm having more fun trying to figure out which moonrunes mean what than playing the game
Any tips for fighting the winged dragon cave boss?

I do fine until it flies up and one-shots me with that huge ass fireball. Is there anything I can do it prevent him from doing it? Can it be dodged with a roll or with distance?

I'm a lvl 17 racast with like 360 HP.
Asking again because i didnt get an answer last thread
-What causes my followers to sometimes be greyed out and sometimes be available? Does each one have a cooldown? If so anyone know how long?
It means somebody else in the multiparty area of the mission instance you entered is using them.

I think them liking you enough to follow along on quests depends on how many client quests you completed under them.
Almost done with the base menus.
and his name is DOO DOO, not joking, it's literally translated from moonrune as Doo Doo
Vol Dragon wrecks my shit as a HU.
But that bigass fireball is dodge-able if you time it right. Everything is; dodges have invincibility time you can extend.
>Make Slab Rockbeef
>See all extra clothing and hair options are for females
what the heck are those random animations in the top middle of the screen when doing missions
is there any point to them?
Another three hours maintenance starting in two hours.
thanks bro
You mean the "readings" like stuff? Just means shit's going down, like weather.
I don't think they have anything to do with weather. They only appear in PSE areas, but I haven't noticed any kind pattern or link to specific events or emergency codes.
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Um.. here's my shot at translating the base menus. As always, don't expect a top-notch translation as I'm but a student.

Hope it's helpful.
To anyone who was in the closed beta, i think you got an email with a code for an in game item. any idea how to enter that in?
A bit stilted in one or two places (example: chat settings would work better than chat setup), but 100% accurate. Good sutff.
It's funny, though. I'm only just now realizing that the menu is entirely in moon because after so many years of seeing and reading Japanese, my mind sometimes doesn't distinguish between katakana and roman letters sometimes. I'll see コミュニティー with my eyes, but community with my mind.
Whew. Thank god it's alright. Thanks.
Visiphone, the pink ? terminal. I forget what option but one will pop up a box with four boxes you can type in. Put code there.
I just noticed there is a full menu guide on bumped. Goddamnit. At least it was good studying.
thank you
No, it has nothing to do with weather. It's related to PSE. Quit giving false info
Can someone post a decent ranger build? I can't figure out what the put points into after weakening bullet.
Rodeo Drive is the best skill in the game.

Scouting for the exit? RODEO DRIVE!
Vol Dragon about to one shot you? RODEO DRIVE!
Code Collect slowing party down? RODEO DRIVE!
Sorry. Just thought it was related because I could swear every time that shit showed up it started raining.
I'll keep my mouth shut, no problem.
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How about this?
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Niggers quit giving false info. The woman to the right of the man is for identifying [?] weapons. The man does all three of grinding, attributes, and abilities
Where can I find translations for attributes on weapons?
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We get it faggot. You've posted pics of that skill 10 times already
Look closer. It's for some reason rocketing into the ground and his torso has become detached from his legs.

what is this and how do i access it?
I kind of hope Sub-classes end up being "Use part of your other job's skill tree along with your current job's".
I want to make the melee strikes from a Rod deadly.
I'm off to grind a bit. Feel free to join my party.

That's to configure your partner card, which people can use to summon a npc version of your character. I'll let someone else explain better.
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feels good man
Wondering about future updates to this game. For example, if they add knuckles/claws, twin swords, bows, mechguns, or anything new won't they have to re-work skill trees?

no idea what happened but MY GOD. ALL THE LOOT.
Last option
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What are these? No google/blog/pastebin searching did me any good.
ohh i get it now

Second one is a synthesizer. Used for combining weapons. No clue what the first one is except some kind of rock.

I'm going to have to brush up my katakana over maint.
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Maybe I should just play RA.
That's a rifle?
It looks really, really familar for some reason.
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Theres good reason for that.
the fuck is PSE burst?


Just waiting on my NUG-2000.

Jesus christ.
Is Partizan Gear even worth it?
It's a thing that makes drops happen and that's kind of all we know.
forest exploration area 1? yeah that happens when you kill enough enemies to level one of the PSE bonuses, it's the easiest when there's multiple parties that stick together
Do you want to use partisans?
If so, then yes.

If you dont like partisans though, both Swords and Wired Lances are fun. There really isn't a "Shitty" Hunter weapon. Gunslash? Maybe, but its so everyone-can-use.

It's not that. I have like 4 of these now.
That top one says Photon Drop.
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I know I'm pretty late with this but it's probably possible.

Yut Jun Yunkers from PSP2 is a Newman/Beast hybrid; so having a human and newman mate isn't that outrageous.
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Fuck you, man. I love that skill.
How's this for a hybrid build?
Going for Partizan/Wired/Gunslash
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How the hell do you do you unlock Free Investigation Request: Volcano Grotto? I've done every other mission except the one where you have to beat the dragon boss (sometimes bosses) under 15 minutes with S rank. I've beaten it a million times, but i can't get an S rank no matter what, even when I go over the time.
Oh, and pic related, that piece of shit spawned while I was trying to do a run.
Just go straight for the boss and ignore all the enemies.
Don't die.
Don't ignore ALL the enemies. You won't get S rank that way.
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anyone fluent in moonrunes willing to help me translate what the fuck these things say?
Okay then that leaves me at step ne. What does one do?
I've tried exploring the entire map, but I can't do it under 15 minutes that way. I've tried killing everything, and doing it under 15. Not even S-rank.
>Nurse Cap
>Lobby Action
Don't really know which Lobby action and the last one because I suck at Kanji.
so theyre emotes?

Just explore everything and fight missions, nothing else.
First one is an accessory, a nurse cap.
The lobby action is an emote, but like I said, I don't know which because I can't read kanji.
How did you get them?
I'm asking how to do the mission under 15 minutes to unlock free-roam of Caves.
yea gatcha fun, got those 3 things, a couple grinders, and a big shop looking
The emote is "congratulate", I think.

I just told you how.
So missions and exploring is how you beat boss within 15 minutes with S rank.
What level should I be to be able to S-Rank the Hildebear boss thing that gets access to the Caves? I'm level 9 now and don't know if I would be able to solo it myself in 15 minutes, unless I complete skip all the enemies on the way there...which effects the S-Ranking, right?
so i just used the two tickets, do i have to claim them from somewhere?
How do I sell shit?
These pockets are getting too heavy (heavy)

>Ninja Turtle Swag

Nobody answer this.
do it with a group
clear/explore about half of each map
don't leave any spawned enemies behind
clear all emergencies that appear

or you can risk rushing to the second area to save time then clear that completely

or you just need to level up to kill faster
Just fought my first Rockbear. Was just minding my business hunting Rappies and that motherfucker drops outta nowhere.
Shit's awesome, yo.
can anyone who knows runes tell me the name of the shotgun tech for rangers? I think it's dissipate shot but I'm not sure
I saw someone post a SS with player levels next to their names. Where can I enable it at? I've looked through the options guide on bumped already with no luck.
Go to the Makeover center (I'm trying my best not to say dressing room) and you can access your hat from there.

For the action, there's an easy way to access it from your chat window (?). I really wish I could point this one out to you, but I can't access the game right now.
Does anybody have the map of town with translated names?
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yea found the action, it gets put in its own special bar, will check the costume shop

Level 11 force here, did it in 14 minutes. I wasted some time with a dead end/respawning enemies in forest 1 so I probably could have done it in 12. I didn't have a party per se but multiparty was on and people were there
Anyone on ship 2? How big is the english speaking population there?
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>inb4 maintenance
There's 4 blocks of english speakers, 2 are usually full.
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Still wondering about the 3rd one, any help?

Thank you kindly sirs. Will try.
Is there a way to tone down the particle effects? The game looks great but after playing for a few hours in TPS mode with the launcher my head is really starting to hurt, the flashes are huge.
How the fuck do i unlock the THIRD forest mission &lv7), Dagan Extermination?

I've S-ranked mission 1 and 2 in a timely matter, Done all the client orders i can in those 2 missions, did all the Matters possible in those 2 missions, and the counter bitch STILL WON'T GIVE ME ANOTHER MISSION. FUCK I'M MAD!

No guides say anything.
I love this game so much. I'm going to bed right now and waking up super fucking early in the morning just so I can play more.
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They can easily offer free skill resets in that case.
WoW did it multiple times
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Hard modo PSE burst.
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and servers are down

found the nurse hat in the remodler
found the emote in the options (/la happy) and it makes me put my arms to my side and jump up and down (boobs encluded) like a fool

still wondering about the 3rd item i got, its the same colour as the upgrade discs in terms of what kind of item it is

any kanji reading bros in the house?
There's no way to put abilities on items with none, is there?

I found a rare sword but I guess it's not worth anything with no slots.
>Lisa wants me to S Rank Vol Dragon with just her in my party
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We cross bursting now.

servers down? at least i finished the mission before the error
How long is maintenance?
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Just another day, another maint.
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So much loot~
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Made this today during Ship 5's Urban Emergency. It's not the best, but it's a big step up compared to what I was using before.
Poison is so OP. Bosses all die and I just get to sit back on my ass.
What does PSE burst actually do? Ive gotten it 3 times so far and as far as I can tell it does jack shit.
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能力追加成功率+5% Add Ability Success Boost +5%
increases spawn majorly, and exp
The fuuuuck, How?
3 hours or 5 hours wait time?
oh so enchant booster? okay, thanks alot bro
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What were you doing before 630
>[cross burst] flame bonus
>[cross burst] wind bonus
I wonder if this is damage or what you're going to find on your weapons when you pick them up.
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trying to log into ship 2. get this image after inputting account info.
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grabbed this before the 630. nifty.
The hand raised pose?
Summoning Photon Burst.
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Checking out my buddy's sweet pad, and adding to it

also did the fun gatcha and got a personal shop and a few other neat things
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>busy all day
>finally get to play
I suppose this is the price of playing a beta.
>Try again in a moment.
but servers are down now anyways.

well aint that just a bitch
I feel you, bro.
What does OBT stand for? I know OB is open beta, but whats the T? Testing? Right?

Open Beta Testing?

Also, whats the time for maintenance to be done?

and hour? Two? If so, I might have an hour play time before going to sleep...then coming back 5 hours later after I wake up
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Supposed to be for three hours.
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>Unlock free desert
>only 10 mins to maintenance, so take part in a dance party after checking shop
>A few people get asspained and start spamming symbol chats and large blank text boxes, shitting things up for everyone else not even dancing in the lobby

God damn people are retarded.
>gave character the RAmar costume
>Find out you can switch classes later
>Don't want to play other classes with this character because he won't look the part
>Don't want to make a new character/account due to possible hybrid classes later
>FUN scratch only gives out accessories and hair
>Even if I want to buy AC later there's probably some roundabout way I'd have to do it due to the game being Japanese.
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Fuck I thought maintenance was set to START three hours from now.

Guess I'm done for the night.
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I hate you, Ship 2.

Full of roleplaying faggots, especially the one that said 'im gona stream xD"

Now I am mixed to bother staying in said team, even though the one I am about to help was asking (and not a shit head)
>Finally got to the dragon in a timely manner to S-rank it in under 16 minutes
>doing it solo because I'm a total badass
>teleport into the boss room
>no boss spawns

Pre-purchase canceled
You can buy the other default costumes with Meseta at the armor shop.

Anybody? Im stuck at level 7 with TWO MISSIONS available and everything else complete. This is pants on head retarded
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Running electric Force
ZAPPIN motherfuckers all day.
Also Sazonde on a boss stacked fucking rapes shit like crazy and ignores any def, holy fuck.
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Do we know each other?
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And a lionheart!
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you know everytime I read your name I always imagine a little sister (bioshock) voice reading it...dunno why
Ship 10 Block 20?
Probably a stupid question but how to evolve mags?
You can buy the others in one of the shops for pretty cheap (cast parts are only 500mes each I think?); I bought all the ones I didn't start with and tossed em in storage for when I feel like swapping.

it's the leftmost shop in the shopping area
I'm not sure if that thing is gigantic for a gunslash or if you are just tiny.
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Best PB?
get it to lvl 30
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d'aww :3
Feed them. They evolve at level 30 and 100. Capped at 99 for the beta.
bit of both, jammy is a midget
Gotta be better than the Ranger one.
>Jellyfish appears
>Does 900 damage to the smallest target it can find

You've got to do the client missions from Koffi. She's the lady to the right at the mission counter.

Anything's better than that fucking useless-ass unicorn.

>photo blast!
>run in straight line
>hit for 100 damage
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Why do people keep calling that the lionheart?

It's the Axeon from PS0.
thinking of starting to level my character's force half after maintenance; what's the difference between flame/ice/bolt besides how their spells look?

What the hell is that? The force one is that big fish, hunter is the horse, ranger is the jellyfish?
>100 damage
maybe at lower levels, sure.
I have full ability, and mine kind of looks like that
(And I am a ranger)
Enemies have different resistance levels to the different elements, plus they all have different range/targetting properties and induce different status effects.

Also the three branches of the skill tree give different bonuses.
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The best part is that it has two blades close together.

I actually found this on either my third or fourth hard mode caves run, so considering how much 7* gunslashes drop, this particular one will still probably drop more often than any other 8* or better weapons I bet.
My robot unicorn hit the Rockbear for 1.1k, not sure what you're doing.

>Desert boss stretches it's belly
>Cast Ranger PB
>Lag (more than normal)
>Hand up in the air, can't run
>get swung at, no damage yet
>take 300 damage
>Jellyfish appears and disappears
>boss ends vulnerable mode
Can I get a torrent to the OBT client? Need to resinstall and Sega's downloader is awful.
The weaknesses pop up when you target monsters right?
Foie (fire) series does large damage, usually splash damage. Can burn things for damage over time. Charge time can be reduced via skills. Everything in Forest is weak to fire.

Barta (ice) series probably does the least amout of damage, usually pierces. Can freeze enemies. Think the skill tweak makes it so frozen enemies explode for massive damage. Basically everything in Caves is weak to ice.

Zonde (bolt) series does moderate damage, usually hits multiple enemies via jump (think chain lightning) or just hits immediately. Skill tweak is reduced PP cost.
I only have 1 client order from Koffy, and it's collect 10 scalps for the Mag. Nothing about the new level 5-7 forest areas at all!

Is it because i skipped the tutorial? How the hell do i unlock the chapter 0 story thing then?
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>dat gunblade

I really want it so bad...here's hoping I get that one and the blue one without caving into AH
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The best part of this game is when an ordinary mission becomes full on cuhrayzee.
>farming for garongas for josef
>Fuck you, I have lemmings and a launcher. I can handle one Rock Bear.
>Well shit, let me take the high ground here. Hey, reinforcem--
>couldn't save the ship

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``I wonder if this `___ legacy' thing will be a trend?''

-Yasminkov 3000R
-Daylight Scar
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Why aren't you on somewhere I can chat with you?
>Complete a mission
>Standing around in a monsterless area looking through my inventory and seeing if I got any new technics
>Suddenly spider out of nowhere
>Get out of inventory, spiders and the big brood mothers everywhere
>See another person run up
>Fight for a few minutes, other person RUNS OFF
>Have to kill like 30 spiders and several brood mothers by myself

I kept running out of PP and getting poisoned, but I had a lot of fun
I seem to have absurd luck with gunslashes only, if I find another one I'll see if I can't give it to you somehow over the my shop.

Haven't seen this talked about but what does "Change Over: xxx" mean?
just back to back consecuative emergency codes
Zonde is direct attack (with splash to 1 to 2 enemies depending on how close they are)

Ra-Zonde is chain lighting, hit fucking everything on the screen half the time

Gi-Zonde is the electric attack you see in the intro, SUPER SMALL aoe unless you jump or throw a talis. Hits multiple times... I think it's shitty.

Sa-Zonde is an odd one. You throw it at an enemy and it just sorta stick on it. You can stack it as many times as you like, but it usually wears after the third. Anyway if an enemy is hit while under sa-zonde it takes damage over time. With a stack of 3 you can keep rolling damage on the enemy over and over non stop. Shit's nutty.
They heard you like Emergency Codes, so they add an Emergency Code in your Emergency Code.
emergency code after emergency code, i wonder if there's some kind of exp bonus though
While we're waiting for Emergency: Code Maintainence to finish, I suggest that you play https://www.msu.edu/~lakejess/kanjigame.html and try to into moonrunes, if only a little bit.
>Jump into Free Field Forest for the first time.
>Dark Ragne is right in my face.

It just sucks you have to do so much boring shit to reach the free fields.
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you're a saint...hopefully you keep it in storage since i have to sleep early tonight...have to go to work at 10am for some bullshit so i cant come back for gaming until 4-5pm

>dat pic
I love how it looks like I'm gate hacking (.hack// reference)
Hell yes, just happened to me too.

>doing free desert
>halfway through the second area
>ok just about done
>not one but two desert bosses
>finally kill them and finish up the other two
>fucking Ragne out of nowhere

I don't think I've ever had that many events at once before.
been using this
myself to try and learn

mostly got the katakana down
>start playing the game with two friends
>decide to each take a class and party up the whole time; I'm the ranger
>ranger only finds hunter rares
>hunter only finds force rares
>force finds jack shit

not sure if I wanna bite the bullet and account rotation
Do you think this will be like PSO1 where technics start to look cooler once you start hitting the really high levels? I don't think any other Phantasy Star game afterwards did that.

Also are Grants spells actually learnable in the game or is Maloo just a fucking tease.
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I've been trying to find sa-zonde but no one sells it.

I also can't wait for Wind and Dark spells to finally make an appearance, I feel like we should also get Earth spells. Most games just kinda ignore wind and earth.
Acording to the JP wiki marloo gives it to you
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you know I said the same thing too when I saw it

also here's my playlist with a few new videos for those who haven't seen em yet:

PSU did that too.
Freaking that one Barta spell that you could hold down and channel got ridiculous after a while, can't see shit on the screen with it up.
Makes me sad it isn't in this game.
Please respond
yeah, free fields are where all the fun happens.... except when you need to speedrun, then bullshit collect and rescue dickery tends to happen. but besides that
>farming, grinding
>oh hey another party let's follow them around
PSU did it too and the light sword and spear spells are learnable, but you have to get Maloo to like you. I don't know how you're supposed to do that though.
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aw yeah, BURST spoils.
NA/EU release date?
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I need to step away and take care of some things first. You shouldn't be demanding answers anyways.
Yeah I never figured out those faces by the client orders... I guess you just keep doing their missions until they like you? I'd guess you have to invite them on missions but some of them like Hans aren't invitable.
I genuinely hope Sega ports this sack of shit.
I wonder how they felt to have a million dirty waito piggus fucking their servers in the ass taking it down during JP prime time.
Ooh, this one's good.
Wow, Ship 4 is usually just 1 because /jp/ doesn't talk at all. Which blocks are the english speaking ones?
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Man, Caves planet looks freaky.
How do I turn UI off for screenshots?
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>all dem yellows

holy shit my screen was completely different and all orange lances

wish i woulda screenied it
got it from a link someone posted in the last thread (or two threads ago) from a pastebin link on how to learn japanese...

really only need katakana and hiragana for pso2, the kanji parts are only story and fine details
Before you make your character look like Jensen, make sure you realize there's already 10+ players with the same idea on every ship.
>doing city and this asshole crashes his ship right in front of me
>fight waves of spider baddies
>pilot fixes his shit and takes off without thanking me
>turns out this guy cant fly for shit because he crashes back into the same fucking spot
>another five minutes later and im finally done with his shit
>ok now tha- CODE: PROTECTION
>holy fuck tits can anyone fucking fly today
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>Fucking whole continents floating above it's core
>You can see the sky from the caves
>You'll never go floating island hopping on the planet. Caves only
That the black guy? I don't know why he hates me so much.

Racist cunt
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>see someone else with pink pigtails
>change block

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This axe. Grinded it up to +10 and fused a Vol Soul onto it: now it has 334 S-ATK. I'm going to have a hard time parting with this when I find a Vol Scale...


Actually, you just have to take them on a lot of missions with you. The more you do (and probably S Rank) with them, the more they'll like you, thus you get better rewards when you talk to them after the mission.
so is Emergency Code: Maintenance just like
to make sure the players don't die of sleep deprivation

Echo gives it to you if you put out.
it also helps to understand verbs because you can then see if you failed a mission at the start of a dungeon namely します/しませんでした

i hope to party with japanese people more once i learn enough
nigger is hans, hes a german nigger

maloo is the caster bitch in blue i think
oh you talk to them afterwards?
that's... okay, I guess I've missed out on cool stuff this whole time.
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I keep getting rares I don't need or want. Feels bad man
>Barta Force
>10 points in Freeze boost.
>10 points in making frozen things explode
>Regret nothing.
they're progressively fixing lag issues, or so the claim goes.

also current time in japan is like 3pm so it's more taking it down while people are trapped at school/work
yea just starting with memorizing the katakana and hiragana just for starters, then ill start learning whatever else i need to from there... fucking confusing really
Do you actually freeze shit?
I went Zonde Force, casting zonde's for 8 PP all day and stacking sa-zonde on every enemy that refuses to go down.

What's your t-atk and damage with it?
Am I fucked if the rare I found has no abilities?
He means if you talk to them around the lobbies where you'd go if you wanted to turn in a quest or what not.
Revival PP + PP Saver is best build for FO says me
you're kind of supposed to equip your abilities onto it.

if you don't have the right abilities to use on it it's kinda trash though
did everyone that was on ship 9 block 33 all vanish or what?
remade on 4/44 when it opened again no doubt

I'm going to grab PP restoration and then go for Tech Charge Up and try to be a generalist.

Think it will work?

Abilities can be teched on; elements cant.
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PP saver?
You mean the PP reduction for zonde?

>prime time

Nope. Everybody is at school or work, except housewives, grandparents, infants, and NEETs.
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feel free to send em my way if you're feeling generous

id be glad to pick em up whenever im on

Pretty much the straightforward build

I thought you could only add abilities from items with the same amount.
I meant every fucking day on the weekend when servers went down at 1pm on a friday/sat for japan
Zonde just bores me. Just stand still barely needing to target and throw cards to gain PP back.

Plus it's not like you need to have points on the Zonde side of the skill tree to use SaZonde
So is it worth wasting all my Grinders on my Bouqet Rifle until it hits +10?
You have Ra-Zonde and Gi-Zonde mixed up. Gi-Zonde is the chain lightning while Ra-Zonde is the AoE around you. Have you ever played PSO1?

Gizonde. Use it faggot. Mix it up with light spells for havoc and shock induced mobs.

I keep my Boquet Rifle in my first pallette at all times for style emergencies.
this is where I'm at right now

Either going to do this

or this
how much meseta do you guys have?
The JA advanced would increase the damage from card throwing and charging a spell right? I could see that being pretty useful

Go revival. Too much downtime without it even with talis. When level cap ups to 40 - max out JA.
I'm level 10-ish and I've got 50k from selling grinders.
Like, some. Not a lot. Enough.
bah don't feel like making a new account or simply grinding to where i am now maybe there will be free character transfers ... one can only hope
I got codes for the Weapon Hologram and Boquet Rifle but not the Rappy Doll... what gives? I was in all the tests
what the hell does jellen shot do and why should I want it?
>selling grinders
oh shit nigger
what the fuck are you doing

2 Mill. Could been an easy three if I sold my Monado day one.
It inflicts jellen on monsters hit with the jellen bullets.
which weapon do you want the most?

ragne answerer when ;-;
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10k perhaps less
Jellen in the previous games lowered attack. Would be useful for bosses.

I had a bunch extra, it's not like I can't go and get more.

Lowers all damage from monsters. I hear it was nerfed hard though. Made bosses do one damage in cbt.
I've yet to see a grinder in this game.
o hey i have that gun too. it's sweet.
Basically it makes the monsters jelly of your style.
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Hey guys I've got a few questions if you don't mind helping me. I already scoured the pastebins, blogs and google for answers, so none of this should be spoon-feeding:

What triggers a PSE burst? Is there any way to force trigger one, or do you have to get lucky?

Why should I be doing Matter Board missions? Is there a reward for it, or some special type of goal?

What quest does coffee need to unlock the free desert quest? The blog states "Objective: S Rank clear Rare Ore Excavation and Precious Goods Transportation and acquire two リリーパ観測素子A Lillipa data drops.
Requirements: Lillipa data will drop in yellow boxes from Desert enemies. Finish Rare Orein 18 minutes and Precious Goods in 15 minutes."

Is there another area after the desert region? I see some people fighting in city areas like >>8220832

Sorry for bombarding you guys with questions. I'm in boat 9 and there's no english players to talk to. ;_;
Don't forget you can even JA a charged spell if you do something else first.
They drop all the time. You just haven't noticed them because they have the same shape as the mates and can't read the Japanese that tells you it's a useful grinder instead of the 30th monomate you've come across that minute.
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I pick up everything.
I thought so too, then I tried reading the items' names.
Perhaps you threw them all into your storage?
They're purple.
Finishing all the orange parts of the Matter Board unlocks a story mission. I guess it will be important to clear these later.

Only up to desert in the beta, full game will have Frozen Tundra and update with more. The city is from the Emergency Quest available during certain hours in the day.
>not using gigrants
>cast gigrants
Oh, maybe.

Ohmy god this gif HUEHUE

I don't know why the fuck I am laughing this hard.
Not sure if you've guys had this problem but a friend of mine has an issue where the loading screens for him take quite some time. The game runs fine as he has a decent computer it's just the loading times are ridiculous. Anyone know a fix?

A grinder is a 6 star PURPLE item, so it shows up on your last tab.

It drops as a GREEN collectible on the ground (the same ground icon as potions).

All monsters drop grinders, but they are more common from killing yellow chickens twice, and from supply boxes.

Please respond.
in order
>unlocks special story missions and some of the matter board rewards are good; also bonus xp always a plus... beyond that currently unknown
>no idea
>not yet; city area is currently only accessible during emergency events where the mission gets unlocked for 1 hour; it's a 20 minute time limit mission where you kill a metric fuckton of darkers attacking the city. also every part except the boss fight at the end is a multi-party area so lots of EMERGENCY CHANGE OVER PBE BURST fun to be had
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>see people with all these rare ass giant clocks, staffs, swords, spears, rappy inside a fucking barrel weapons
>shitty 2* on my back as usual

Hope I get that scythe, that looks cool
So, when's the maintenance gonna end?
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>This fucking guy
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2 hours
>cast gigrants on a darker
>300-400 damage
>TPS mode ra foie just under a group of darkers
>600-700 damage
What can I say? I just have more luck with ra foie.
hope you have 200k at the least. it's 8*
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thanks guys. I guess i'll keep blindly clicking things to gain more info on the game.

Hopefully i'll manage to find out what causes a PSE burst later in the game. I got one at level 12 and another at level 19 and never had one again.
that fucking scared the shit out of me holy shit
What is Gigrants anyway?
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>not having a bitchin pomp
So how much have people been selling the basic flowers in player shops for? I have like 17 of the fuckers and I don't know if I should vendor it. Also, share some of them shop tricks, I want space money.
stop playing with Lisa, Nia, ya fuckin spergger
>What triggers a PSE burst?
is it not joseph
Does nyanners not de-rail threads anymore?

Maybe it's because we're not on /a/
The only team is Kuudere, Tsundere and Yangire.

That only applies when you are trying to add more than one.
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Eh, I guess I'll just wait till my other stuff sells and then go from there.
no, not everyone is as autistic as you
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i havent touched pso since in years. Had a lv120 ranger. Are there mechguns in this game? I want my fucking Guld Milla's. How about a fucking op ass jsword. Maybe MUSHASHI'S.

pic related, musashi. make all the 13 y/o's cry with envy.

Seriously though, I want Guld Milla.
eeaasy buddy I don't really care it just happens a lot
saw a guy with Soul Eater on block 6 when I spawned before 630. don't know why the fuck i didn't take a screen.
I like how Sega made it big as fuck now compared to PSO
Hey, everyone just calm the fuck down before something starts.

We don't need people calling each other "buddy."
Not in the game yet but Twin Swords have been confirmed for a future update and there is Mechgun data in the game's files.
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I wish there were all those awesome special weapons in-game. I miss the feeling of finding that red box and saying "fuck you" to whoever you were partying, dropping a telepipe on the spot, and going back to town to identify that shit.
Enemies may randomly release a pillar of light after dieing, which adds +1 level to a certain PSE. Once a level has reached 8 or so a PSE burst can be started on the next time an enemy releases another PSE level of the same type. Of course the levels reset after a while if no additional levels are gained.

If you'll unlock a stage in the main storyline for every board which you finish both orange objectives on.

Last desert mission S rank <18 mins and second last desert mission S rank < 15 mins.

No. The urban stage is an emergency mission which occasionally becomes available via the mission counter. A system announcement is made whenever it does become available.
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Wait, wait, wait. There's a Soul eater in this game too? Oh man, do they have any really specific requirements to get? I loved it back in PSO, and I'd love to get it here as well.
When you compare this game to PSO, you have to remember that the versions most people remember fondly were the re-releases that came 2, or 4 years later. The very first version of PSO had very little content. It's going to take a while to pick up speed. Even PSU evolved considerably during it's lifespan.

>"hey what did dragon drop?" "another fucking mushashi - you want?"
I need to know before I even get in game, is there a way to change character colors?
i can't wait for PvP. 1v1, 4v4 mode and 10v10 mode. Battle Royale mode too. All. Dat. Hype. #esports
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Just to let you guys know, a few lucky people on IRC got to try out a demo of the English Patch for the Open Beta.

I happen to be one of those people, sorry for the shitty screenshot. Shitty screen recorder and window mode resolution doesn't really show it off well, but bare with me.

I'll post some more screens soon.
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as far as I know: not without paying real moneys
I really liked Battle Mode in PSO1 even though it was extremely unbalanced with Forces killing in one hit and Hunters being useless.
It drops in the city (emergency quest) on Hard Mode. It has some special skill apparently (that has to do with stealing enemies souls) but it isn't the strongest partisan sadly. Ragne Answer has the highest base atk out of them all
So when do you think it'll be finished and released? Any major bugs/errors you've come across yet?
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I wish i had this info 2 days ago. I hate being stuck in an online game because of a language barrier.
haha Nia, I tried the same thing. That's my Rafoie exploding.

Does the translation team expect it to be patched out, or have any contingency plan if so?

Casts can change their colors if they get enough of those tickets from trading in shit to the npc near the MY HOME shop.
Yeah I really want it in PSO2 especially though cuz the gameplay is so much more fun than in PSO. It will be a clusterfuck though if Sega doesn't balance everything right this time.

Anyone have any arks cash stuff translated to cost in us moneys?


Sorry, I'm a little confused. The pastebin says you can only combine weapons with the same amount of abilities. How am I supposed to add abilities to a weapon with none?
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Pity. It wasn't super amazing in the last game, IIRC, but it was a nifty weapon. Thanks for the info, by the way. What's the level requirement, if any, for Emegency City Hard Mode? What level would you recommend to try clearing it? And is it guareteed, really common, or rare from there?

Because combat is fun?
Secret Sega neurotransmitters embedded in every Phantasy Star title.

Why do you think PSO1 was considered the most addictive game of all time?

What the fuck did you do to your mag. What an abomination. Reroll before it's too late.







I mean imma be real, being cute in game matters, and I'm shitting myself trying to pick a cute colorset.

Thats why I almost wish this was pay to play, that way I wouldn't feel like an assmonkey changing my color in game.

I mean, its hard to justify paying money to change my color.
oh god what
It's level 30, I think.. which is cap. Most common rare there is probably the Talis Legacy... and unfortunately THAT'S not even likely going to drop in your first 10 runs.

I'm pretty sure I made myself clear.
Which one affects P.As, ability or technique?

I'd be more inclined to believe this if not for a few facts:

>two characters lvl 20 (meaning this could be a possible CBT screenie since CBT max cap was 20...POSSIBLY)
>edited mag image (like if you're trying to hide the chat that could have GREEN TEAM CHAT TEXT from the CBT)

so I call BS
i thought that was evercrack

or tetris
>Being cute matters

Not if you're a manly male who doesn't play loli dress up.
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I'm too far gone man.
>that mag
jesus christ what are you doing
First time I saw her was in a multiparty area. I had to stop and ask the guy "How the fucks did you get a metabot?"
What's SEGA excuse to bring it to Vita but not nogaems/xbawks?
whats a good way to get half decent weapon?
i got that yellow sword(Long sword/Great sword i dont know) during CBT but cant seem to find it now, any ideas?
dem thighs
spot on m8. it's fake

Loli dress up is a huge draw for me, especially robo-loli dress up, you don't get that shit often.
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Check the possible rewards when choosing a quest. Two items will show below the quest description showing you that they have a chance to be found in that mission.
Any unique Talis drop yet? So far the highest t-atk I've seen are the Rappy cards, but they look to be a common hard mode drop which I hopefully will run into soon.
either buy mine, for 150k or ... buy someone elses from the store
>Rappy Suit
That's from closed beta...

Get a load of this nerd and his rappy suit.
>premium expiration
>date listed

and now I finally caught you

this is all BS guys nothing to see here
>rappy suit
almost got me
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oh lawd dis nigga dun goofd
If you're going to troll, fucking do it right.
>that obvious cut off
you fucking faggot.. kill urself
>What's SEGA excuse to bring it to Vita but not nogaems/xbawks?
Sakai said that putting it on consoles would be pretty much the exact same experience as the PC version, and he wanted to "expand the player's horizons" beyond his living room/bedroom. Read: Given the insane Japanese sales of the Portable series, they wanted to milk that same audience when they inevitably moved to the Vita.
>can't recruit any of those npcs for missions because I can't figure out how to do any client quest that doesn't involve 'collect 20 boar asses'

feels bad man
Now post the version without the scratched off name so we can call you a faget in game.
Is it a japanse custom to pretend your products are trying to achieve some social improvement?
>Rappy drop
hahahaha no. You think they're going for 1million just because?
So I only have one simple question.

WTF are those random noise graph things that pop up all the time? Do they mean anything?
Buy this and you no shame famiry!
>milk that same audience
>PSVITA is pretty much a flop

I think they're just desperately trying to sell VITAs because nobody wants to buy that nazimachine
>implying western companies don't do the same shit
See: McDonalds constantly touting being an Olympic sponsor.
so the items that are shows when choosing missions are possible drops in rare/red boxes or do the appear as normal drops?
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Last one for tonight.
Going to bed now.
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>random graph noise

Go ahead. Type it out so we know what it sounds like.
>still trying

I demand an answer to this question as I have no fucking idea either
>complaining when this is a given for 360
Other than the other games being on 360 too, what more do you need? They already have a contract with M$ so M$ will force them to make it.. not like it will be hard to port it anyway from PC

He means the little pop-up windows with the animations in multi-party zones.
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You had me until I saw the rappy suit.
You already posted this Nia..

Give it a day or two. Remember those 2 million mesta broomsticks and Knuckles? Yeah, that didn't last long.
gtfo thwomp
>Vita is pretty much a flop
In the West, sure. It's starting to pick up steam in Japan now that it's getting games over there. It's going to be the PSP all over again, with westerners laughing at its lack of games and the Japanese and people who understand Japanese/import games laughing at the westerners while playing some good games.
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That doesn't change the fact that they're a rare drop. Talis Legacy STILL goes for 500k at the cheapest and it was found day one. Only thing that will STAY at a high price is Vol Scale and Ragne Answerer because they are hard mode and enemy specific.
>That feel when hard mode city mission


Jesus fucking christ. It took me forever to wade through all the weapons and shit that dropped to find what I wanted to use/upgrade and what to use on the mag/vendor. I've got some sweet ass weapons now though.
looks like a ripoff of mass effect
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I want to believe.

Nobody has any idea? They must mean something!
has to do with attack/duel chances I think

>Striking 4
>ranged 4
>tech 7

oh shit nigger, what are you doing
It's like I'm really playing TERA!

Why is obt so boring compared to cbt?
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bad elin...

heres a real elin
worst part is that I can see another SONY portable in the future and will most likely have more nazi shit going on to punish legit gamers because, unlike nintendo, these chucklefucks get so much rectal trauma over a hacker playing emulators on his shit just because of a little piracy.

you don't see nintendo killing themselves over people pirating smash bros brawl and other shit and im pretty sure a brand new wii can be hacked right now if i go and buy one.

but SONY?:

>requires memory card for most gaming
>memory card not included with VITAs currently (except for that new bundle)
>cheapest memory card is 8gb and priced at $30 (IIRC)
>PSVITA will reset if memory card is removed

and there's prolly more but I'll stop derailing the thread with my rage
Too boring, too childlike.

5/10. Would turn her in to lost children center.
>thighs cropped out
The fuck is WRONG with you
god that game looks so shit compared to pso2
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>Check launcher list on wiki
>Rappy Cannon best launcher in the game
does anyone know what to feed a mag to get PP Recover as an auto-action?

Must be on ship 2. Legacy is already down to 100-200k on 4.
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please be wearable by females pls
was a close up, sorry, not posting more because these dont belong in this thread
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>black rappy everywhere
its like im really playing marvel 3
400+ attack?
Will you buy it?
>tfw too poor for it

Must evolve into the tech mag.
>requires memory card for most gaming
Some games actually store memory onto the cartridges themselves (UMvC3 for example)
>cheapest memory card is 8gb and priced at $30 (IIRC)
Cheapest memory card is actually 4GB and you can snag one for less than $15 online
More like one PSN per system unless you factory reset the system (you can retain your save data)
>PSVITA will reset if memory card is removed
The Vita will restart just like 3DS, but it won't reset or delete any data.

There are clearly problems with the Vita right now, but not as major as you say it is.

Lack of Rappy suits obviously.
>black rappy everywhere
>white rappy screenie

ummmmmm...I don't think you know what black is :l
i think you're retarded and dont get the point
>color can be changed
fucking retard
well shit
Well it's downloading
can't wait to see you guys on ship 4
so how much longer will the servers be down for?
Just one more hour.
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>thinks I give a shit about "the point"
saying black rappy while showing a white one is retarded
Do you always demand redundancy?
its like he really is full retard
i hate that cunt
The difference there is that the western PSP audience is MASSIVELY pirate, whereas Nintendo has the cushion of hundreds of thousands of children who have no idea piracy is even possible playing their system. But yeah, no point derailing the thread with this. I'll just say that after the short few days I've played PSO2, I'm definitely getting a Vita when PSO2 comes out for it.
uhh.. nigga you retarded as fuck or what? It even has the colors up on the screen bro.. are you really dat dumb?

so much anger...look just next time don't say it's a black rappy when it's white okay?

he was implying there will be black rappy everywhere. Please go back to PSOw
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So what is your favorite thing about Lisa?
but he didnt say "hey guys look i took a picture of a black rappy"
How bout you not be a fucking newfag reddit/psow er?
regardless of who's "fucking retarded"

you're bad at taking screenshots and commenting on them
Server4: wing talis being sold for 40k. 8* blue talis thingie being sold for 100-200k. I saw one for sale on as cheap as 70k
le white penguin face xD
nothing. shes a creepy psycho bitch
Stop samefagging you dickwad, that didn't even make sense.

this isn't /b/...didn't you notice that with all the pictures of robots and lolis?.....oh wait
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Every time I see her, my eyes try to imitate hers.
reddit pls go

oh so we samefagging now?

dat asspain
A robot who likes to hurt living things just to see the reaction.
Stay tuned for the real English patch this early July. We were trying to find a proper way to decrypt the text and we found a way. We are now translating the text and coding them into the files.

hilarious how you think you know how to detect samefags

...have fun being an autist
do i need to stoop so low as to wear a tripcode?
I want reddit to leave
lol le samefag checker xD

Have fun samefagging after getting told and not being able to handle asspain
look at me post within 30 secs to not look like a smaegfac xD

oh wow people actually think that other people are me
how amusing
>meet lisa in the woods
>huh!? what oh you're just an arks. I'm a sniper you know so don't stand behind me, I need to move - there's not enough things to shoot here fufufu~n

>talk to lisa in lobby
>ara? truth to be told only wierd people try to talk to me, so you must be a wierd person!
le autism desu xD
>Have fun samefagging

>03:13 on both posts

you're fucking retarded please leave you're ruining the thread trying to save face as an anonymous poster
I'm on dynamic IP and it seems someone who've used this IP before was banned from PSO World, so I can't DL the downloader.

Or all Flips are banned from PSO World (Praise Allah and Breivik!)
Servers are back up.
server's back
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Thank fucking god.
im here too, and im not either of those guys/that guy
Can we stop shitposting now?
disregard this i suck cocks whenever it's 2 AM
oh hey look at that its 2 AM
>30 second ruke
>Still samefagging
>4chan x retard

you can post before 30 seconds dumbfuck that's just there to guarantee the post

but jesus tits it's clear you're just one person being a retard samefagging to try and save face

thank GOD you're too fucking beta to do anything on the beta so we can all ignore your autistic self
Yeah, I hope so.

pinoys are just another form of BR. Third world children with absolutely no money, so why the fuck would a f2p allow you to shit up the community?
Poison works on bosses? Or did you mean mini-bosses? Dark Ragne and Vol Dragon are bosses. The others are mini-bosses.
must be flips banned, I can't go to PSO-World either.
Not sure about the distinction made, but the rubber worm dragon goes down in about 1 minute with minimal effort.
I'm flip and I agree, as much as I want to see the game in full english text it'll shit up the community with all the BRs and Flips invading with their huehuehuehuhue gib moni pls or I repot. I might stick with the Japanese version for less flip and br faggotry.
What kind of poison? Poison traps? Poisoning ability on your weapon? Elemental damage?
So I just started playing yesterday, I tried choosing a different ship to play on and it seems I can't choose my character on it. ; -;
delete your old character.

second option when you click on it, then hold control.
Babby's first online game?
Can't play because of gameguard, fuck.
the stretchy dragon? That's Caterdran, he's a miniboss. Though, he's a huge asshole to solo, so anything that speeds things up is great. Maybe people who are having a hard time with him should consider using a poison weapon.
Close your hacking programs and viruses
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Aw shit.
How do I get those for my room?

infispawn found in desert
whats the best item to feed mags? so far iv been feeding it weapons but it takes a crap ton to level up compared to Closed beta.
time to find monad
hory sheet. never noticed that
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Guys, I don't know why, but everytime after GameGuard does it thing then starts the game, the client immediately crashes and I keep getting this message. How do I fix this?
>yfw you can play the original PSO and sonic games if you get that

Rarer items or mag food from FUN scratch cards.
>Find rare furniture item
>a Genesis that plays Streets of Rage
>You and a friend can play it in your room together
Imagine the piles of cash Sega could rake in if that was an AC scratch item.
My questions never getting answered because faggots too busy being pinoys in lobby
other people using them in multiparty areas.
refer to the bumped site regarding graphics options.
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What does this say? Wont let me accept her quest. Is there a limit on how many you can have at once?
how do I get more FUN for more scratch cards?

Yeah. 20 at once.
Tried to fight a Rockbear with my bare hands.
Post pics, y/n?
>clear a quest
>power flickers, connection lost before I can grab my loot

So when you look at the available missions, there's 2 items always listed ont he side that change every so often. These are possible drops, right?

Are they super rare? Does level affect how often they drop, I.E. this level 3 mission says it can drop a 152 Rifle that I want. Ran it several times, haven't seen said rifle.
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Keep getting this whenever I try to log in. Tried multiple times with both caps and no caps, and even made a new account. Nothing's working.
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fuck it
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Bare handed, mano-a-mano, the two mighty warriors appear.
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They close in, and engage combat.
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It's rare drops that have an increased probability

They're still fucking rare as shit though
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He leaps into the air for a quick headshot...
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What just happened?
Someone move the camera out of the bushes!
guys can I still play this and how the fuck do I play it
Any word yet on what the Partisan Gear does? I enjoy all the Hunter weapons, just trying to decide what to specialize in.
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Yeah, I didn't take GOOD screencaps, but here ya go.

I lost, but I think I'm gonna try again.
Sorry bro. The open beta ended a few days ago. You'll have to buy it at release to play it.
Just started. Should I be doing the matter board shits or whatever?


3 seconds of google.


Is it just an anything drop, crate drop, or mission objective drop?

Just trying to figure out a farming strategy. I need a new rifle.
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>wondering what to do with my skill tree once i get fury critical
>have to keep in mind the level cap will be 40 come full release

so many options... so little points...
This website to sign up is confusing as fuck. If I do all this shit can I still even play?

If you can't figure out the sign up, what makes you think you can play the game? Just give it up.
I'm scared to put any points in since I know you can't reset them. Currently level 10.
Just buy something off the market, rifles are cheap

Because I already spent two days figuring out how to make the Chinese Dragon Ball Online work and I'm not up for spending any more time fucking with shit thats not even online anymore for Open Beta.
You can reset them with AC
>two days wasted on a Korean MMO
I hope you learned your lesson.

Thanks, but that doesn't help me to play PSO2
So to am I supposed to store all my weapons with abilities and slowly merge them into my main weps to make super weapons? Is that how the system works here?
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>that feel when playing PSO2 on a PSP

I'll have to find a guide, didn't even know there was a market.
>How to register for Open Beta:

look at the op, its piss easy to register
I got the jukebox from a FUN card. I think it was from the hunewearl butt location.
What a grueling character creation. I accidentally hit the random button 3 fucking times after I had finished.
There's an undo button you dumbo
>not automatically using control + z
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That would have been nice to know.
after ive logged in theirs another message that pops up and i have no idea what to type in. what is it?

Bottom right corner of the character create mode has a undo button.
It's asking for your PSO2 name.

People can have the same character name, but not the same PSO2 name. It's to help keep up with players.
So I was wondering... What was the deciding factor in people choosing ship four as the 4chan ship? Seems like it would make more sense to just roll on ship 2 with the other english speakers? I mean, given 4chans history of abandoning games, it seems like a safer bet in case things do end up like that.
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Well shit, I'm a moron, but I'll have to ask.

What are these items supposed to be used for?
anyone just starting wanna party up?
>4 in every field
>ship 4, block 44

also reddit is gay
Photon Arts, PAs, they're like special attacks that you can use to do combos and shit.
Photon Arts discs. aka PAs aka your skills. Use the item to learn the skill.
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There seems to be more annoying spammers and reddit people on Ship 4 than on Ship 2.

Ship 2 is filled with PSO-World and Universe-PS bros.

From what I understand, it's not just reddit but the entire english speaking community (besides us) that is rolling there (PSO World, gamefaqs, etc). Doesnt seem much of a reason to roll on ship 4 unless you have friends already there or know people from this particular thread.

Just trying to figure out where me and my friends and family are going to roll. I do like the symbol art I've seen on ship 4 so far, though.
I used a couple of those and knew something happened, but I failed to notice what. I'm the embodiment of stupidity. Thanks a bunch, bros.
So what exactly is bind bullet?
I'm hesitant to use up skill points for it.
They all roleplay man
Don't do it bro, jellen shot and weak bullet are where it's at
i have no fucking idea what im doing but i sure am having fun

>not maxing out poison traps
>using skill points at all
fucking casuals
Stupid question like incredibly so. But I can't seem to figure out where to use my skill points. I checked all the menus and checked those links in the OP but yeah im lost. Can someone give me the right directions.

Purple guy in the back of the mission floor.
Roleplayers are obnoxious.

Is there any guild for this where the members are chill, level-headed cool dudes? That's the ideal, I'd say.
I've noticed japanese players tend to enter block 44 and after witnessing the dance party leave just as quickly.
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Obviously they don't know how to play the game
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I have both.
(Sorry for the late reply, didn't realize there was a new thread, no one linked it in the old one)
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I'm having trouble with the various quests that you need to switch classes for. Like where you must switch to a Ranger for Lisa.
Even when I change class the quest doesn't complete. I've tried abandoning it and trying it fresh, but it doesn't seem to do the trick. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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So I just won this, according to the Japanese wiki this lets you do the "A Bed" emote.

I guess I turn this into money somehow.
you have to talk to them after changing classes
as in, click and select that idle chatter option that shows up above the get your client quest option
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I'm watching you people right now, and I want to tell you that you're not entertaining or funny to me. I can almost taste how pleased you are by something so silly, and it's a taste that causes me physical pain. A bitter taste, one of long-expired memes from a community no longer worth belonging to.


Naively, I'd wish you people would stop. I know you won't. You don't know why you should.

It's watching a community that hated people who did these sorts of things now those same people which is so regretful, but you didn't know that community. You don't see that regret.

It makes me wonder if maturity is less growing up and more watching the things you used to enjoy become the things you hate. Bitter describes it well.

i like you
discredited by sin of being a tripfag
That's right. Dancing will destroy communities and cause people physical harm.
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Could someone help me out here? I'm scrubbing out so hard.
wait sorry my eyesight sucks
>not ヌ

Look at this faggot.
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Best friend.
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Wow bro that's deep
It must really suck to be so utterly incapable of enjoying anything
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I just wanna let everyone know, just how much I hate these things.
I have bad eyesight okay; the dash on the ヌ looked like an extension of the blue line.

Also I corrected myself before you replied, faget.
fuck off back to reddit

sounds like something someone from reddit would say
When did using faces become something only reddit did? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ +_+
( º Aº)
So I was trying to read the wiki with google translate, and I think I got some of it, but what exactly do card throwers do?

Something about conducting magic, and I did notice my chain lighting bounces off them, but what exactly are the differences between using cards or using a staff?
No one said it was something only Reddit did.

It's something that's frowned upon here. Quite clearly, in fact.
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Can someone tell me what the fuck this error is? I got it during CBT too and thus couldn't play.
when you throw a card and it doesn't hit an enemy straight up, the next spell you cast will have the card as it's origin point
You have an image field.
You don't have to type a happy face, you can post one.
It does suck. Moreso because it's through no fault of my own.
The fucking Dagan spawning in the Dark Ragne boss fight are worse than Ragne himself.

Considering telling one launcher ranger to just stunlock/kill as many as he can during the fight while the other three focus on the boss.
How do you use the partner cards? Do you have to be 10 or something...
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Am I unable to wear this because one of my stats is too low?

If so, which stat is it? (I'm guessing Ranged defense?)
>grinding fongalfs
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Well /vg/?

Have I earned your approval?
I just tried this.
Eventually the Dagan stopped respawning and only the little shits spanwed. Our team died a lot less too. We were on hard mode.
Unlocked Hard mode tonight. I learned

Normal = piss easy mode
Hard = "did that normal mob just one-shot me?" mode
I created my character (ranger) based on who made the best waifu, but apparently mecha-waifus are the better shooters.

I believe my current one is human -- are the mecha units strong enough to warrant rerolling? Level 2.
See the two numbers, with the second one in a bracket?

Required Stat / 249 ( Current 216)

Pretty sure it's ranged defense, yeah.
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>Do the City mission for the first time
>No one comes to my aid
Yeah, that's what I was looking at.

Thanks. Just wanted to make sure.
With all this spoonfeeding bullshit in this thread I want to talk about something different, the actual quality of the game. As a veteran of the original PSO, PSO version 2 , and PSOX I can safely say that PSO2 has captured the magic that kept me playing this game for hours on end.

The few things I don't like is that the Ranger class can't do any magic anymore (such as Resta or any the basic attack technics which any Ranger can't do anymore in this game) But many of the attack skills make up for it, especially the launcher skill where you can rain down explosive bullets down on enemies.

PSO2 has basically taken the best parts of the PSO series and PSU series. Any of the negative parts that the PSU series has known for have either been gone, or improved substantially.

Only problem is that Sega of America may not be able to localize PSO2 anytime soon due to the employee purge of March 2012 (which may explain the Anarchy Reigns delay to Early 2013.)

However, we all know how any PSO series will end...problem is where will it take place. If any one is also interested I can tell you what I know about the setting and basic story of PSO2.
>Do it a second time
>Make it to the boss

Why isn't this thing open all the time? I love this fight

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