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OPEN BETA starts NOW the 21st at 16:00 JST (3:00 AM EST)
Find your time here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?&iso=20120621T16&p1=248

Previous Thread: >>>/vg/7647749 (Dead)

>How to register for Open Beta:

>Frequently Asked Questions and Information (READ THIS):

>Other In-Game Information:

>Skill Tree Simulator:

>Official Blog:

>Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

>Japanese Wiki:

>Story Translation on PSO-W:
How is the beta?

How does it compare to PSO?
OldThread: >>7955359
I'll let you know as soon as I finish downloading. It seems a lot of the other bros are too busy playing.

Til then I'm just dicking around in character create.

It's far too easy to make traps in this game.
Is everything Japanese?
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Nu-Cast wa date ja nai!

Every day until you pilot it. If you know what I mean
The game is entirely in Arabic.
Yeah its all gooked out.

Honestly, if you have any form of memory, you'll learn pretty easily what goes to what.

The weapons and armor all have clearly displayed number values and star rarity, so it's pretty easy to determine everything you need to know. Follow the quest translation in the pastebin, it's pretty accurate.
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From the Sega logo onwards, my game lags like crazy.
How do I fix this?
Does anyone know how to stop the terrible lag from when the game starts up?
I can't even create a character because it's so bad.
So any word on release/beta end?
turn shaders off..
I think I'll give it a go then. I've been meaning to teach myself Japanese. Are they ever going to translate it to master race englash?
Are the graphics supposed to look shitty? I mean it's a big upgrade from PSU but it's still kind of lacking.

Also, does this have any multiplayer missions after the singleplayer shit?
"Singleplayer shit" you mean the tutorial? Then yes, all missions are multiplayer.
I have no idea how it works, but every mission I sign up for ends having several players in it.

How the fuck is that in Engrish?
Cool, so is practically everyone playing as a female?
That's just the Character Creator, I still have about 3 hours of downloading to go for the actual game.

You can download the character creator seperate and make chars there. It has an English patch.
Just finished registering. Is there a better, more faster download for the game itself? A torrent, perhaps?
I never had lag in anything but the combat. I found that it got really bad when multiple people were in the same area, especially Japs. Once they left it was back to normal.
Here you go

Thank you very much!
Jesus christ this combat lag.
Is this going to get localized at all? I want to re-taste Phantasy Star's "child with down syndrome on crack" quality storytelling.
Fuck the storytelling, this game's combat puts TERA to shame.

I've never had this much fun with a ranged class.

Yeeeah... But I am not touching it if it remains Jap-only. MH Frontier is a good example of why it is a bad idea.
Oh, I'm just using this as a time killer until GW2. It seems great for that purpose atm. Banking on a PSO game for longevity is not the most intelligent move.
>tfw you're not sure if your planned skill build is good so you have 10 sp saved up at lv17
Every time I do well on the client quest time trials, I get horrific lag towards the end and it fucks me. So much sadness.
just spend your points. It doesn't really matter one way or the other
So, I just go onto Ship 4. Does that mean we're all using Ship 4 again for /vg/ bros?
It brings back the fun of pso while bringing in the innovations brought on by current gen.

Will it impact the industry at all?
Fuck no, but its a good romp and great time killer with your friends.

It gets four rappies out 5.37 rappies
For the matter board, do I have to do EVERY quest on here to get to the next area? Im so sick of the forest, im lv11 and I outlevel everything in it.
you dont need to do shit on the matter board, you need to do Koffi's quests to unlock new areas
yes, ship 4, room 44

kinda dead right now
>Torrent is 75% done.
>Still 2 hours remain.

God damnit, I've been fapping all day another two hours will kill me!
Where do I extract the torrent after I'm done? Do I make a SEGA folder in Program Files and do it that way?
Which option is the pause option on the downloader?
>40 minutes to go.

Fuck I dont know what to do with myself I'm so excited.
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What should I go for as ranger with launcher?
Is everyone going to ship 4? Was there this morning and it was a ghost town. The only people there ignored my pleas to form up a group to have fun.

No fun allowed, I guess.
I've been playing on Ship 4, Block 44 and having a good time. Even if I can't find a party to join, I'll run around with other people (who don't mind) and kill stuff for a while with them.
How are you bros with sword gear holding up? Been wondering how it does compared to Part+Lance gear now that I have Step Attack and JC.
Probably going to go with Sword gear but it is kind of worrying that swords are 1/10 the cost of wired lances and 1/5 the cost of partisans.

Yours is the first black person I've seen that doesn't try to be a stereo type.
It has something to do with me actually being black. I was trying to get him a look a little more rugged but that was the best I could do.

They have tiny fucking heads.
So I'm guessing weak bullet is the end all for rangers even more now that they've hidden Jellen shot behind awful passives?
So I'm an idiot who skips things I shouldn't, how do I lock onto things?
Refer to this guide too. Helped me a lot.
So I finally managed to collect 10 rats asses to get a mag. How do I activate it and what does it even do?
Is the english patch out yet?
You can mess around with your mag in your menu (F1). It's under the first category all the way to the left, third one I think.

Why the hell can't I get the game to run in fullscreen? I've tried everything in the options. VirtualFullScreen doesn't work, either.
Do Wired Lances count as Melee or Ranged? They raise your Mag's Melee, but, well, they technically ARE a ranged attack.
is there a way to buy weapons or are they drop only?
just because they have long range doesnt mean they dont count as meele

its not like you are thowing the weapons, picking them up again afterwards
at the purple terminal the first option lets you look at player shops
man this is literally 99% moonrunes

my head hurts after that tutorial.
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Buying 7* Wlance
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I don't fit in here at all.
Why can't I find any armor to increase my melee defense? I had a few, but I've used them all up. It seems you can't buy them either. Is there any enemy that drops such items?

Playing a female Cast, by the way, if my race has anything to do with which armor get dropped.
Fuck, I hope the English patch comes out soon. These moonrunes man.
Damn. I need to learn how to use the auction house.
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creepy npc is creepy
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>talking shit about lisa

Lots of things are terribly overpriced at this point. I got all of mine from drops.
I'm getting error 602 upon trying to log in, what gives? I can't read the shit either, which isn't helping.
>Error 602: Incorrect Sega ID. Make sure you're using all lowercase letters.
What kinda enemies do I kill for the B-3 Matter Board quest? That guide says something about 20 native naberius enemies.

The problem is I already killed loads of monkeys, birds, spiders and dogs for HOURS and I still cannot complete it.
so you can only have one character across all servers?

i have one on 9 thats level 8 but maybe i should delete so i can get on ship 4
just make a new account. all you need is a separate email
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good or bad freddie

>Error 640
>Error 242

Really SEGA.
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What the fuck does this mean?

Also the game takes screenshots with PrtScn, they're located in Documents\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pictures
type in a 'player name', dont make it your password. its just something to keep track of you between characters or something.
Got it. Also, I made a character in the character creator, how do I import him?
go to make a character, then once you're in the ingame character, go to the bottom of the list, its the second to last (or close) dropdown menu, and the second option.
Shit, did you mean I should still be in the character creator? Cause I accedentally made a character and got into gameplay with it. Can I possibly make a new one?
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I may have possible fucked up big time.
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Anyone know what error 603 is?
all those fucking hoops they have you jump through JUST to unlock some new quests which you havent outleveled by 5 levels or so.
read the FAQ
it means the server just farted and you fell out, try again
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Okay guys, my mouth is open, the spoon is over there, you know what to do.

1) What is the "Launcher" I keep hearing people talk about referring to a Ranger. Apparently its OP? I'm a level 7 ranger, what steps do I need to take to become OP?

2) How do I allocate stats into the skill tree and where is it? The skill tree automatically popped up after my first few missions (little circles I could click on) but it hasn't popped up since I hit level 4. I feel like I'm missing something because I haven't seen any skill tree's since level 4.

3) How are people leveling so fast? I've been neckbearding since the night the beta wen't live doing missions that are appropriate for my level over and over and I'm level 7 at this point.

4) How do I get better weapons and new abilities? I have been using the same weapon for a while now and I'm getting no new abilities to put on right click and shift+click

5) English patch fucking when? I will donate to whoever is working on it.
I can't seem to do any quest past the lvl 7 one.
I'm lvl 7 myself now. Shouldn't a new one have opened up?
I think I have to do one of the client orders to progress but I'm not sure which one and what I have to do for it.
Where are all the English speakers?
1) A rocket launcher. You can buy one in the weapon store if you are in a hurry.

2)Skill tree can be accessed at the place where you change classes, the dude in the middle of the lobby, opposite the clinic with all the not so hot nurse ladies.

3)I'm guessing its the forest exploration mission or emergency missions. As to how to unlock those, read the FAQ.

4) Enemies drop discs you can eat to gain abilities. You can also buy the basic ones in teh weapon shop.

5) No idea, stop asking.
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>doing volcano planet license test
>emergency code pops up
>red aura
>think it'll be one of those giant bee darkers that spawns other darkers
>this guy spawns
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Why are the people on 4-44 such faggots? I can see you guys congregating in your little faggot groups and dancing and having fun? Why don't you talk to anyone else? Do you think you're too cool to ask me to join in? Fuck you then I don't want to join your little stupid circlejersks anyway

While you guys are wasting your time having fun I'll be getting the edge on the battlefield. Eat shit faggots! HAHA

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oh god jiggle princess
They roleplay, it's pretty gross. I don't know if you want to be apart of that
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Swagbot online. Also, I've only messed with hunter and I am loving the combo system, holy shit is it wonderful. Is there any merit in the means of fun with the other classes?
When do focus types get good? I still feel fucking useless healbot compared to my friend that's a ranger nor can I solo as good as a hunter
Ship 4 is becoming full again, it's gonna be harder to log on.
What the fuck are either of you talking about?

Join ship 7, we need more USA bros. 7 block 47
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>mfw they're doing it right behind me
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>emergency code: avoid
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>ganbatte ne

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Mai stalker dandere from the future.
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what am I supposed to kill to get my mag?
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Mai harem.
Those big red dogs
any particular quest or just in general
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Any idea what those CD's do that you can pick up?
yes they're collectibles.
You need 100 to unlock the OST.
Just in general, they'll drop stuff (those yellow boxes that aren't meseta) when you kill them now. Get 10 of those and you're set.
It's not even the strongest version
where do i go to sell stuff?
Elevators, man, use 'em. Not the green ones.
There are no item vendors. You'll just have to throw away everything you don't need.
This is gonna sound like a troll, but- are you sure you activated the matter board quest?
so, next to fullscreen/windowed mode, whats that drop down menu do to the right of it?
UI size. Use the recommended size for your resolution (1.25 for 1600, 1.5 for 1920). Otherwise you get a tiny UI or a huge UI.
How do I join a specific block? I want to play with the rest of /vg/.
Elevators, man, use 'em. Not the brown ones.
Where do I input my promotional codes that I got for being a beta faggot?
There are no elevators. You'll just have to live in that one block for the rest of the game.
How do I chat? I'm trying L but it gives me some message when I try to say anything.
There is no chat. You'll just have to get a Vent server.
is anyone playing this because they liked the 1st pso and not because theyre a big anime fag

gettin sick of bein called all sorts of chinese words
Sensible solution: Enter.

>He thinks the first PSO was made in America
The Jellen shot side of the tree makes you waste way too many points at the 30 cap. The passives should be like 3 each, not 5-5-3.
Error 603 and yes I red the FAQ unhelpful as shit
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Don't know what the fuck general.

As a level 8 ranger is like 211 damage per rawket launch good? It does 151 damages
Is there a way to disable the double-tap dodge or rebind it to another key?
It seems that the general consensus is that launchers are really really strong, so I guess yes.

wait wtf?
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>city mission
>only other party member is a level 2 force
>dodge bullets and monsters for 2 minutes
>gee, I can't remember how tough the Vol Dragon was. Lemme try to melee it solo
>bitch slapped across arena
>just reversal
>A ha!
>fire pume takes me out

Well then, back to auto-aiming with Gunslash for ten minutes like a bitch.
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awww yeaahh
Oh thanks, at least Im not the only one who notices this
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You motherfuckers, I haven't gotten any rares yet. Except that yellow katana one, and that was moot since I already had a blue sword. And that yellow Gunslash, but I fed that to the mag.
Guess I'll be calling in tomorrow...
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Just finished installing for the first time and after I hit the big blue button it's been stuck like this for like 5 minutes. Is this normal? Is it installing big patches or something?

prepare to wait for a few hours...
Sword gear is FUCKING AMAZING.
It makes swords go from shit tier to HOLY shit tier.
Basically, there's (from what I know of) two attacks that you can hold the button down to charge them. The upper slash one that knocks enemies into the air, and the spinning one that knocks enemies back. It takes five seconds to fully charge, and they're really fucking strong when you let go.
Those skills are sort of useless because it takes 5 seconds to charge and you can dish out more damage by just attacking normally.
What sword gear does is it reduces that charge time from 5 seconds to ONE second.
It's pretty useless when outside of boss fights, but during bosses it's absolutely amazing.
nigga that is the worst sword combo I've seen
Where is everyone on ship 4?
All I see is some meme spewing faggots and 20 autists dancing.
Where's /vg/?
What is the status on the english fan patch? Is it usable right now for menus stuff/photon arts?
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>OP image still says PREOPEN BETA
I really dropped the ball on updating this.
We're actually in missions together. Or for some reason being antisocial and partying with NPCs only.

Ask Monad/Momoyo/Enkou for a team invite
Show how do you start PSO2 with Steam?
I ran it as admin, added "-pso2.exe" to the target and that didn't work.

Technical question here, if I may:
Is it possible to switch from fullscreen to windowed while in game? I ask because I need the game in windowed mode to switch around the IME settings, but I want to play in full screen, so if I could set it to windowed, get that done, then pop it back to fullscreen, that would be ideal.
And no, I'm not going to just play windowed. It looks like ass.
I swear, if that fucker calls me aibo one more time..

So uh, is there any special property in the partizan's blocking stance? It's not like I use it, but still.
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so what am I supposed to do now, exactly?
You gotta clear those quests. Correlate the stuff between brackets with the quest name in the quest counter and you should be able to do it.
S-Rank Afin's Bedroom Adventure in under 12 minutes.
S-Rank Lisa's carnage tour in 16 minutes.
Collect two pieces of the triforce.
Not to cause shitstorms or anything, but here's a heads up. Before you ask, no I'm not apart of the main translating team. I'm just a helper

Expect a patch in between 6-12 days. Team's hard at work at it so please remain calm and steady.
fuck you I hope it's never done now you fucked up faggot I've been waiting for hours for a translation I hope you get fucked
>expecting a full mmo patched in under a week
>Before you ask, no I'm not apart of the main translating team. I'm just a helper
>no I'm not apart of the main translating team
I know what you were trying to say, and thank god for that. Grammar rules exist for a reason.
It's just a menu patch, same as with CBT, right?
How do I get more client orders from Lisa? I have only got the first one where I have to talk to her as a Ranger.
Anyone care to post the final Afin Stare,jpg from CBT?


can i suck your dick?
How do I join /vg/ guild if there is one?
Okay... where exactly is the tekker? I'm kinda lost. I'm guessing it's the dude who asks for a grinder, but do I really need a grinder to identify my stuff?
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I got this message after booting it up for the first time

What's this say? I'm assuming it's some kind of update? But none of the characters match the characters for update (according to google chrome)
At least attempt to scroll up
It's "the" update. You'll want to make something else in the meanwhile, it's probably gonna take quite a while.
That guy just grinds your weapons. You want the person to the right, the one on the right side of the purple stand.
Sorry, my bad.
Are twin daggers released yet?
Ooh. I see. I re-checked now and saw I didn't need to identify it, just didn't have the reqs. Thanks anyway.
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Her others are for you to kill stuff with Ranger weapons once you switch.

You become Yamato Man.
I wonder if they fall under the 'sword' category?
How do I get Koffee to give me more quests?
Currently level 16, and I've done the first 5 of her quests.
They'll get their own category.
Anybody want to party up? Level 9 Ranger, just unlocked Weak Shot.

I need to do the Forest open mission speedrun to unlock the Caves, and get my last few wolf parts to get my my MAG.
I got the 10 claws or whatever, 2 horns, and I'm lvl 10. Why can't I get my mag? The lady says the mission isn't done
I should probably add that I'm on ship 4, huh.
You need 10 horns
Bring up that mission from your client order menu, take a screenshot, and post it. I'll see if I can help.
10 rock bear horns? I thought we only needed 2.
If your talking about the wolves, I already got 10 wolf horns
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It won't turn in D:
please respond
You have to speedrun the level 5 and 7 quests
Under ten minutes for the level 5, 12 for the level 7.
See how there's no crown on the first two conditions? That's your problem. Run those two missions, then talk to her.
you still need to clear the other two, don't you?
No, they don't have to be speed runs. He just has to clear them.
Cause it's not done ya fagget. Keep doing the zone until the icon over her head is green. Not green + Blue icon = you're not fucking done.
you have to beat the get 100 points mission in under 10 min and beat the arrest the birdthings mission in under 12 min
Ohh!! I see! Thanks soo much guys!
>Lisa event
>"Ever wonder what it'd be like to shoot a person? I wonder if it's any different from the monsters, huhuhuhu...."
Either that's an outdated condition from the alpha or someone pulled something out of their ass. Either way, please stop saying speed runs are required. The game is extremely clear when there is a time limit or required rank for something, and there is none in this case.
Why do people keep saying Launcher rangers are OP? I guess I'm doing something wrong. First of all the Launchers are dreadfully slow. I understand you can get away with not reloading by air jumping but from what I see the attack speed is slow even in the air (unless I'm doing something wrong?) I'm only level 9 though, or maybe my Launcher just sucks? I've grinded the shit out of it.
the other two things the launcher has going for it is that it can kind of stun enemies with it's normal shot and also it can hit multiple enemies with splash damage.
This means you can continously use left click to keep a whole hoarde of enemies at bay really easily.
I do upwards of 1000 damage to the Caterdragon's face with my four star launcher. And can kill a group of monsters with shoot shoot powershot.

Shit makes my rifle useless for anything other than Weak Bullet.

Learn to Just Attack.
a launcher duo with decent coordination permastuns just about anything but boss creatures
I'm lvl 9 and I haven't unlocked any new missions after the lvl 7 forest mission.
What am I missing?
Alright, so how do I keep my Launcher good? The shop is a dumpster for weapons. So far I've just been grinding up a Launcher I found 5 levels ago. It's currently at 170 damage. with 15 fire I think.
Then what are the 10 and 12 in the yellow text for, and why do timers show up in those missions when you have that quest?
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Wow I'm not doing anywhere near that. My regular shots do anywhere from 70-200 damage and my power runes do from 200-500. Level 9 btw. My weapon probably sucks.
what do the abilities do? I don't know what anything besides left click does
You just need to grab the Weak Shot skill, if you're a ranger

Switch at Assault Rifle, peg a meaty target with weak shot (preferably on an existing weakpoint, like a rockbear's head), switch to launcher, enjoy your 4-digit damage.
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>mfw opening that image
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Is the shotgun skill as good as it was in CBT? I don't have it yet so I haven't been using my AR much.
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What is this asking me to do?
hmmm i know a good amount of japanese. i'll give this go but i know itll take forever to DL T_T
Clear that quest between brackets. Something about a volcano.
clear the quest under 20 min with an S rank. some sorta volcano mission.
I keep getting error 105 when I click launch from the splash, and an error 103 when I try to file check. I have messed with firewall settings, antirivus etc. I was running perfectly earlier today but I closed out and went to take a break and when I was back, couldn't get back in due to these errors.
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Complete the dragon boss (the big one not the noodle dragon) mission with S rank in 20 minutes.

lv 20. feels good man
Is there a reason I can't call certain NPC characters to go with me in dungeons sometimes? Their names are grayed out in the NPC selection.
they're taking a nap
Someone else is already using them in the multiparty area you're going to.

Make some friends so you can summon NPC versions of real players when you need to. You also get FUN points out of it.
how do you even convince an NPC to do that?
So I entered my promo code I got in my email into the thing ingame, where do I find my items now? I thought it was supposed to be my warehouse but I dont see anything
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Er.. what is this error? If it even is an error?
You just have to do a couple of their client orders.

Go to the orange i on your ship to summon them.
talk to storage machine>3rd option>3rd option on the left
Okay, so I got the skill that lets my PP keep regenerating while I'm charging a skill. Are there any other must have skills for forces or should I just start moving on to things like tech charge advance?
>Catadarn team
>We're trying to S rank, time limit
>Everyone stops to fight everything
>Won't listen to me that N brings up a map
>When we do get to the boss, it takes us a few minutes
>"No it's the head."
>Get into an argument
>We try multiple times and can't get to the boss in time
>I eventually make up an excuse to quit
>Solo it using NPC party
So, which one is it?
*>>When we do get to the boss, it takes us a few minutes to get everyone on the teleporter
Generic error. Update failed, close other applications, try restarting the PC, blah blah.
I do a lot more damage to the head. Going to guess that.
in 30 minutes (2 AM EST) there will be a five hour maintenance.

Taking bets on how long it gets extended!
Welp. Needed a break anyways. I'll try to get in the /vg/ guild(or whatever's the equivalent) when the server comes back.
Hey, when I feed my mag? Should I focus on one stat only? Or is it okay to spread them around a little?

Also, at what level can I use photon attacks with it?
Yeah, I needed a break anyways. Here I am just trying to farm Garongas for that faggot Josef, and the game spawns three Rock Bears and a Rescue in succession.
But but but

I wanted to play again today. Oh well. Guess I'll just go to sleep and meet up with the morning crowd.
I can't wait. Suddenly we'll have a hundred posts of WHY GAEM NOT WURK?
how dose one trade?
Well, typically a "trade" is an act where two people take one of their possessions and exchange them with one another in a manner predetermined before said trade-off.
You were trolling the fuck out of us earlier.
Rappy dropped it. (fluffy looking one, like the costume), they rarely appear though. I've only seen 4 or 5. I was doing the forest mission over and over so I could get the rare drop from Agnis (whi/red bird) and i ended up getting one just singing. So I killed it and voila red box.
Hah, now my team members have no right to complain when I kill their precious "singing rappies"
nice reading comprehension
So that's what that system announcement said. What bad luck on my part, to have gotten a power outage from a thunderstorm yesterday. Well, there's always tomorrow.
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Til death.
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Had enough time, theoretically to kill him...but we fought a Vol and 2 Ragnes on the way, so we could barely not kill him. We even broke the horn :(
what's the rare drop from agnis?

not using weak bullet and shotgun and blasting bitches in the face
>Jammy in charge of last words.
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So close...!
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>doo doo
i mean Bob and Jammy
dem rares
>can't get a single fucking rare

...what the fuck? there has to be a certain enemy that drops rares cuz i never get a fucking thing
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Since there's some down-time, here's the finished image of Patty/Thea
well fuck i just woke up

what do i do now i dont even like video games
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I installed the game and have been playing it for a little while, but there is no sound. I've gone in and changed the volume levels, but still no sound. The game plays fine other than that though. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I got the Ragne partisan too but I didn't get a screen of it
>Ragne Soul
>Technique III

You lucky nigger.
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Ship 10 is funtimes for all.
what are the stats on those?
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Help I can't stop imagining my character getting violated by literally everything in the game, what do I do.
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masturbate furiously

This is for you.
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Can someone please tell me what this means?
249 is a temp ban.
What does Weak Bullets do?
Shoots bullets that don't do much damage.
Down for maintenance isn't it?
Yep. For another four hours at least as planned.
Text and high fantasy aren't doing it for me any more after putting my newman daughter in in equestior tights.

I want to see her captured by the darker hoard and have one of those stronger monster corrupter orbs jammed through her stomach into her womb, twisting it so that she becomes a nightmare arthropod breeding machine. Eventually it would be like the end of a doujin with her having empty eyes and the orb thing has blossomed into a beautiful flower. Somebody on pixiv drew something like this but the art is bad and it has that whore Echo in it.
So, what skills are best for RA?
Launcher mouse1.
Oh right I remembered my biggest beef, you enjoy everything in CoC. I want her to feel despair. Japanese stuff.
This is all we can repost for you for now.


Use your imagination.
Why would you ever want to see your daughter violated?!
can anybody translate the info in the description? might tell us how to get them
So wait, weapons don't break or anything if you go past safe limit?
So the game finally patched for me, what ship n block are most of you on now? I heard the one you were on got full?
Above 4, you'll usually see the chance to not work increase. If your luck is real shitty, it'll degrade by several levels if it fails.
Asking again since nobody answered last time. I got PP charge revival and have no idea what to put further points in, so I'd appreciate any suggestions from alpha test veterans. After checking the JP wiki, I've seen that most skills give pathetic gains per point (example: tech charge advance only boosts damage by 1% per point). The only skill that caught my eye was photon flare, which, at max level, boosts my magic attack by 200 points for 30 seconds.
what ships are down?
Okay, I went and spent 20 grinders to get my blue sword and wired lance to +10. Now I can finally get a rare that will end up being less powerful than what I have.
She is too attractive and I can't touch her myself.
Ship 4 Block 44
Yeah, I'm going Fire/Ice and hopefully I can get both skills.

I didn't see much use for Lightning, all the lit spells I was getting were garbage, maybe when I'm fighting robots I'll have a change of heart.
Seems like bolt tech PP save is a lot of peoples other choice along with JA tech advance for some lighnan spam. DOn't know too much though. I'm holding off after PP charge.
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I don't even know WHAT the fuck
Is there a reason to use JA advance over charge advance? I don't really want to put points in the lightning tree and my ratio of charges to JAs is always:always unless I screw up, does JA advance have better numbers or something

Percent increase is going to be more valuable at endgame probably
Wish I knew the exact numbers to the skills myself so I could do minmax faggotmath.
Ah, so you just sink money into a weapon until you get +10? How much money did you spend getting that talis to +10?
The problem there is that I never use normal techs. Charged techs cost the same amount of PP as normal, but do twice the damage. Maybe if it took 3-5 seconds to charge, I could see the use of JA and normal tech advance, but charging takes all of one second, so it seems like a waste of PP not to charge techs.
As for bolt tech PP save in particular, again, that's one PP saved per point you put into it. It seems like such a horrible waste when we only have 30 levels worth of points in open beta and 40 in the official launch. I'd much rather put points in one of the tech advance skills than that.
You can just attack charged skills too, you don't get normal tech advance.
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I finally got evidence from Desert chatting tablet, Malu Hate Hu.
and Hunter Named "Ooza" also hate Fo

this is the picture and here's translation:

Malu"Hu is Bull Headed,Noisy and Blocks my way. I can't understand their move"

Ooza"Especially, Especially Force Sucks,They have low Viitality and become useless in midst of battle"

...btw also Lisa says"I'd like to shoot n kill humans because I have Never do that before. I hope darker infect human so I can Shoot Human without guilty."
How do you just attack with charged techs? I've never managed it.
So, in summary:
RA does no damage,utility takes forever and you can't upgrade any of them by much. traps take forever to get and take forever to reload.
Can RA do anything anymore?
I'm personally getting charged tech boost. PP Save is nice in theory, but the more I use lightning the more I dislike how the spells work besides zonde.
A JA charged tech with -7pp cost is just not going to be beat by a normal tech for efficiency, so I might as well go all out.
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I want a sky island hopping stage.
Also, after you put your skill tree to achieve PP Save and Tech JA advance, you have jack shit to play with and already have 5 points in bolt PP save, which pushes players to just put the rest of the 5 points there. So that's a huge reason why. IJA Advance is that good? Not 100% sure yet.

The circle will appear after you release a charged tech, just start charging another when it's red like any other.
Saving my sp til light mastery comes out, grants and gigrants are like rafoie and gifoie except better.
Both charge and JA boost skills increase damage by the same %. If you're going to be JAing all your charged techs, you could go either way.

However, I am more likely to fuck up a JA than I am to fuck up a charge. And plus, if you went the PP revival route, your tree is already open for charge boost skills, so you get more boost % per SP
JA boost doesn't give you more damage point for point if you are only counting charged techs unless they've upgraded the % from closed beta when I tried the JA boost.
The only reason to grab it is if you will be using uncharged techs semi-often and already have PP save.
Zonde is really good. It works just like Ra Foie in that it doesn't require any line of sight. Getting bolt PP save might be cool. There's also that other zonde skill that bounces off monsters, great AoE.

Going the bolt tree would not be so bad.
Hm, perhaps. I'll just have to wait for some more theories and testing. While I'm saying all that I don't care for the lightning skills myself. Been spamming Rafoie.
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Sorry I cant tell.

Is this updating? It hasn't moved at all.
This wiki has the numbers for almost all of the force skills in the クラス・スキル section. Knock yourself out.

That was my thinking, except with photon flare, but the more I think about it, the more photon flare will lose its usefulness in the game's long term. Sure it doubles my current magic attack when maxed, but what about when I'm level 60? It'll probably add 10-20% to my magic attack, and at that point, I'll regret not having picked up the tech charge advance skills instead.
Except I'll have to put 5 points in bolt PP save to make it have the same cost as rafoie, which charges faster because I got PP recovery.

The thing about lightning techs is that they already cost more PP then other spells. Zonde is 25 to rafoie and grants 20, razonde is 26 and is a really shitty radial compared to gifoie, rabarta, and gigrants, and gizonde is really cool and unique and good but costs 27 pp.
Reminding me that I want wind techs and wind mastery.

Zonde is excellent, it's the other skills that I am not a fan of. 3 PP zondes? Fuck Yeah.
Sazonde is extremely powerful and you can get infinite rolling ticks. The problem is that even if I 'stick' it to a weak point on quite a few bosses, it will proc somewhere else when it explodes.
Razonde is great if you use a card to set it up, but is already costly.
Gizonde could be excellent, but ends up being extremely finicky on some targets and isn't cheap in the first place.
It is. It just hangs there until it completes.
If you are going down the ice line, the main reason to do it is to get freeze ignition and freeze booster after PP revival. Unless they have massively upgraded Photon Flare, it was extremely underwhelming. The biggest perk was that it affected buffs and support spells.
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Same for me except if I try to click on it I get error message.
I just want to play the game!
>>>/lol general/
> http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php

Not sure what Freeze Ignition does, but 2000% of something sounds pretty OP. Has anybody experienced any massive damage with this?
If photon flare was weak even in alpha, I'm not bothering. I suppose the only thing I can do now is put a single point in ice and bolt mastery for the 5% bonus in each, then max the charge tech advance skills. As of now, that seems to be the only build with long term viability.
It shatters frozen mobs in pbaoe range. That number is most likely off since it was based on the closed test values.
i heard the taiga avatarfag in the lol generals is actually gay is that true?
The main problem is that you can only keep it up 1/4 the time. A permanent 200 Tech boost would be great, like Fury stance for FO.
30s/120s cd? No thanks.
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You heard correct.

He's gonna be pooping up the PSO2 servers now. Abandon ship.
>posts anime girls
>have boyfriend in the internet
>not gay
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Its ok Tommo I still like you and I will be on the same ship or whatever as Patrik.
Once it finished updating that is.
>>>/lol general/
So uh...

What ship is better community friendly of english players? Ship 4 or 2 or 9?
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It's updating slowly now, thanks.

At least I think it is.

Suuure you do.
I can't speak for the other ships, but the Japanese are WAY more social than the English speakers on ship 4.
2 is PSO World and le Upboats
4 is the non-stop 4chan dance party
9 are the leftovers.
2 is friendlier but full of faggotry.
4 is less friendly and almost as retarded as le2ship
9 is just everyone who didn't get into one of the other 2.

you pretty much lose out no matter which you join.
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>not playing with le reddit xd
hey can someone repost the table with the stat distributions of the different class/races at max level?
>having boyfriend on the internet
Any clue how long servers will be down for?
I don't know much about Phantasy Star, do all Newman hate HU to some extent?
Three more hours. 7 AM EST.
Until they inevitably announce an extension, anyhow.
they are not talking about race,talking about class.
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>mfw dumen stats are in that chart
Dumen were pretty meh in Infinity until they had been fully rebirthed in the damage stat of a job they had a high level in. Of course, once you managed that, they became weapons of mass destruction second only newman forces but with way more versatility in terms of jobs.
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>Until they inevitably announce an extension
Are you a Blizzard?
Blizzard, Nexon, Sega, who doesn't do that?
I went with sword gear and never checked back. I really like it, but it sucks you have to waste so many points.
Unfortunately since I got JC and Step attack I can only get Partisan gear around 28 and never can get WL Gear or Fury boost, but whatever.
Going HU

Sword or Lances?
The langauge barrier is giving me a hard time doing anything in the game. I know the basics and doing fine on missions, but everything else I have no clue (menu navigation, equiping items, stats etc... How are you guys playing while knowing wtf your doing?
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like how it looks when it's dead and fading away
using the bumped.org blog
This helps a lot.

Just knowing katakana makes everything a bazillion times easier.
I pretty much learned katakana just from playing CBT
How come it keeps getting errors when I try to patch this?
getting an error 632 every time i try to log in. anyone know whats going on
Read the thread.
I did. No one else has mentioned the error 632.
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Server is down for maintenance or some shit
dem stars
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Thank you.
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pic related
because the patch servers are shit

When you say "everyone who didn't get into the other 2", do you mean those servers are locked now? If I'm just starting now do I have to make a character on 9?
They were clogged for a while, so people had to make characters in ship 10 and 9.
How much has changed since closed beta? I played CB , but I remember the registration process being a fucking headache. Is it any better now? Are there still English patches being released?

Are they back open now, or when the servers come back up I mean?
They should be, yes.
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How do I hide UI for pictures
Does Detail Model Count just increase the number of characters on screen?

Is their a way to increase the texture resolution?
Is there any reason to have your mag equipped when it hasn't evolved yet? Apart from showing off that you have one?
If they work anywhere close to how they in PSO yeah
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This is what happens when you don't know how the fuck to use the character creator.

in the user.pso2 file, find these lines:

> Shoot = {
> FileType = "jpeg",
> ShowUI = true,

figure it out.
>Hate Rocket Launchers in any game
>Think they're slow tanky shit for a class that should accel in fast paced finnese and tactical play
>Rocket Launchers OP as fuck in this game
>If I use anything else feel like im falling behind others

haven't even started playing yet but I just know this is going to piss me the fuck off.

Might just try out Force, probably less people playing as them anyway.
>update game
>press the big button
>starts to update again

Do you even understand what's the point of having a mag? They raise your stats.
Who knows, maybe they'll nerf Launcher damage output so that they're more of a crowd-clearing weapon and less of an everything cunt destroyer
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How long till the servers are back up?
They're up
right now
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My gun, from the previous thread, if anyone wants to tell me exactly what the fuck this is.
I finished patching right as maint started, opened the game and FPS was fine, but now the patching ahs finished when I open the game I am getting terrible FPS lag. I have changed no settings since installing, what could be causing this? Even the cinematic and the nvidia/sega intros seem choppy.. Its not a graphics card thing because on the benchmark i had 3000+ and when I opened to the log in screen right after game patched, everything was super smooth.
It's a shitty 'rare' gunblade
Restart your pc, should be the first thing to do before you check anything else.
So I did that, it worked thanks, but now I am getting error 603. The pastebin is not very helpful, it dosent know what it means. Says to make sure everything is in the right case, but both my user/pass are all lowecase anyway.
Anyone else gotten past the error 603?
did they change the mag feed cooldown? it feels way faster now.
How does one send a friend request to someone who isn't directly in front of them? the Bumped guide doesn't really help there. only how to accept friend invitations. not how to send one yourself.
You need to do a player search, I believe it's on the same terminals as friend card set up and player shop searches, I don't remember though and I'm not in game to check.
/vg/, I have a lot of disks but I don't know if they will be useful later or not. I can't tell if I can't use them because I'm not meeting some requirement or because I've already used them or what. How do I tell?
So I'm playing with a keyboard and mouse, and every so often, mouse movement seems to spaz out and the camera goes too fast no matter what camera speed I have it set at. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone know how to fix it?
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Any lvl 4 or so Bro's wanna party up? Ship 4 block 44
If you don't meet requirements there will be a small red cross on top left of the items icon, If you already learnt it, it's just plain faded.
Oh god, that greenish cast you meet in dungeons, is so HNNNG.
I have some disks that I'm sure I don't know (I.E a fire spell when I don't have any) but they don't have a cross.
Is there a way to macro phrases? I'd like to macro a few Japanese phrases from the pastebins so I don't have to copy and paste.
I'm NuCast, level 5, I wouldn't mind partying with you. I havent gotten the chance to party with much Hunter bros.
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Okay, I'm getting 678 now.

I think its because I'm trying to get in to ship 2 (which you guys say is full) but I wanna be sure first.
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Is there a higher level zone after the level 7 one?

Also, this guy wants to give me a quest but he isn't giving one. Bug?
Nevermind this>>8093112, its probably account not recognized or something.

I remembered I failed using that account name so I used a different one instead.
Yes there are: the free forest, caves, desert, etc. You just need to do the correct client orders to unlock them. Reading bumped.org/psublog will help you immensely.
Thank you.
specifically quests from Koffee unlock new maps.
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Then you have 10 boxes to add whatever you want. To call them, press Ctrl + F1-10.
You can change the shortcuts in the options menu (keyboard section, 4th tab)
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what are thoses ?
can someone explain to me what the "Bind Bullet" skill does.
All that I've read is it binds and is for assualt rifles.
What exatly does it do?
so what are the best skills for a Hunter if you want massive damage?
i went for full fury stance during cbt, which wasn't enough imo
so I spent like 30 minutes translating the settings menu ingame and there is no option to turn off double tapping. ffffuuuuuuck
so when are they going to do a beta on the vita
what the fuck are these arrival? (出現) items and how do i get them
wow are mobs clientsided or something they move around even while the server is lagging
I don't think they will
because it's a game
sorry I had to
Double tapping for what?The only thing I can recall requires double tapping is dodge, which is bound to X.
Do the lesser populated ships like 9 and 10 receive so much lag?
I think that's what he's referring to.
He wants to disable it so he can't dodge by mistake, especially since it can be achieved by pressing X
I haven't noticed any lag playing on Ship 9 except arround the quest desk on the most popular block.
I might make another account and change over to Ship 9. I'll give it til Launch though, since I heard Launch is Mid-July.

It is fun playing on the popular Ships though, so many people around.
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So I just got this from the FUN scratch card. It made a whistling sound instead of the regular one when I got it. What the fuck is it?
I just updated the CB client, will this be fine to play OB?
It's for upgrading weapons, imparts an element, if I recall correctly.
So long as you let it update all the way.
Question, How does one identify an item? Also does this game have spells like previous PSO games? So far I can't seem to find any for my hunter.
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Anyone else encounter this huge motherfucking dragon in the caves?
Where do I actually gain access to these in game?
No it isn't. Not even close. It's for when you fail a grinding and it reduces the level loss by 1
pre cure ahegaos
How can I tell? It's not opening up even though it seems to be done, so I assume i fucked er up.
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>delete character
>make a new one on ship 2
>tutorial mission
>first item i find is 4 star AR
I see in the mission description on the right hand side, underneath the monsters, that there's a couple of pieces of rare equipment there. What do they mean?

Can you identify weapons in this game?
Take a fucking guess
>Ship 2

Enjoy your Reddit.
they're redeemable prizes from Japanese Dr Pepper cans?
who cares.
Pretty much all of the LE REDDIT XD spammers
only sit in the lobby and never do missions
Holy shit I can't for the life of me find a single one of the Naberius Data from Koffee's Free Forest Exploration Request let alone 2.
How rare are these things?
Go to Tekker in the Shop Area
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More of this dragon, He took us forever to kill and dropped a rare weapon
Dear Christ, what's the requirement for S-Rank in the capture rappies mission?
Just kill all the enemies you encounter, should get you a guaranteed S.
pretty much just play through it without running all the way to the end or dying.
It's pretty easy actually.
I just killed any enemy in my path before advancing and tried not to head in directions where I knew were dead ends.
You can cut under the time by a long shot with ease.

Get an S rank and beat it under 12 minutes.

Also if you have anymore questions, Just checkout this guide.


I suppose they are mission rewards, but I never recieved them as a reward, ever.
You are not very literate.
Thanks, I did that first try and got an A, worked next time though.
What are the Mag Stats, in order?

打撃支援 Striking Support
射撃支援 Range Support
法撃支援 Tech Support
技量支援 Ability Support
打撃防御支援 Striking Defense Support
射撃防御支援 Range Defense Support
法撃防御支援 Tech Defense Support
jesus. the populated ships have way more delay on picking shit up/dmg in random bursts compared to when i had a character on ship 9 yesterday.
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Dat armor.
How do I get my own cool bubble image?
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I can find info on most of the items, but not this one, any ideas?
How do I delete a character and write on another ship?
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Uncle Kickass is finally ready to join the open beta once he patches.
It heals your teammates
One simple question: how long will the beta last? I don't want it to be over.
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I clicked the third button and it's not really moving...am I doing this right?
when it ends the full game begins, you shouldn't care when it ends.
Are Just Attacks worth it? I'm having trouble keeping them up with wired lance, and I'm not sure if it's doing anything.
They add about 50% damage to your next attack.

So yes.
Was there a tutorial on stealing symbol arts somewhere?
This pleases me greatly. Thank you kindly, anon.
I don't think so, you just see them and they get saved in your history in the symbol art menu, then you can save them.
Hard mode has different music. Shit is real.
I'm in a coffee shop using their wireless on my phone right now.

Are Ship 1-5 still locked or should I hop on my laptop and grab a spot before it's too late?
Ship 4 is lagging so hard
>Keep running updater, a window comes up so I assume it's finished
>Try and launch game
>Nothing happens
What the fuck man.

Bumping because I need the assistance.
what's the spell thats the blue arrow pointing upward? seems to be a buff of some sort..
Cancel it and click the first button. Also it'll take a long ass time to update if it isn't patched already
Go watch a movie it's going to take a long time.

I see.
Sega REALLY needs to allocate more servers to ships 1-4. I'm on ship 2 and the lag is just unbearable.
Anyone here lv 20+? I just hit 21 and my level up stats were halved

Doesn't seem to have done anything.
Is there a way to search by item in player shops?
First option is player ID, second seems to be description, not sure what the third does but it doesn't bring up the item I'm looking for.
Is there a time limit on item codes, or can I get my bouquet rifle after beta ends?
Wait for it motherfucker
looks about right. I get around the same, too.

all my codes expire at the beginning of next year. I have multiple accounts with codes so I think its safe to say they all expire at the same time.
they do expire.
Try getting two of those fuckers in a row.
where's the option to turn displaying shields n stuff off?
Can anyone direct me to a guide for the housing thing? Couldn't find it browsing through the links.

So it's natural for it to stay at the same bar length?
Yes. For some reason, it hangs there until it finishes.
Fucking so much lag on Ship 4. Fuck that shit man. I'll try again later.
theyre open again
What the hell was the maintenance for if not to fix the lag? It's even WORSE than last night
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anybody know something about this?
What items should I keep?

I get a bunch of crates and shit but I don't know what they're for..

Also I might be behind on client orders until english patch
it's the release weekend and you're connecting to a server in japan. you're surprised by the lag?

i think he might be a rare monster.

We fought him last night but we kept dying and gave up because we had him in a shitty room that spawned a bajillion monsters so our ranger couldn't kite hard enough.
Fuck you sega, why would you not do a simultaneous release in the west as well. ;_;
Virtual Fullscreen.
That dragon is the final boss for the fire planet
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>time limit S rank missions with all this lag

I've seen him in the level 15 mission.
Fuck I can't even get things to spawn. Then when they do I just attack them for one minute then they fake die. They drop items and exp but they continue to attack me. Then they finally fade away.
Bosses can sometimes show up on the field in other missions, especially in multi-party areas. I've had to fight off two Rockbears in the Nab Rappie quest.
First option twice and then once you get the drop down menus:
Body (like your looks)
Skill Discs
Crafting Materials
Upgrade Stuff

Once selecting one of them the dropdown menu is:
Wire Lances
Assault Rifles
Rocket Launchers
Card Throwers

And the third menu (if applicable) is elemental attribute in order:

All this gleamed from trial and error...
>Get to boss
>Massive lag
>Hit detection is client side
>Unload on boss's face for a good two minutes
>Suddenly reconnect
>It's dead
Is an ability mag recommended at all for people who want to play all the classes or is it too gimpy and I should just pick a primary stat to go for?
Wait for what? After I cancel the update and hit play, nothing really happens.
So you need AC outfits to exchange for a Color Change Pass, right? I hope that's not the case.
sounds like it
yes it works for all classes HOWEVER know that stat requirements never need ABL so you will probably be behind in terms of available gear for your level.
>Hit detection is client side
Oh wow, nice work sega.
You are awesome. Found what I wanted. Thanks!
No problem, glad i could help

Just the price I pay for only having 1 mag. Once game gets up and going I might shell out the dosh to buy additional mags.
How do I get rid of spells amd skills to make room for others?
esc, 2nd box, first option

click the box you want to replace
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>Room expansion ticket
PSO's always been like this. At least you can stay alive during bursts of lag instead of the server deciding you died.
So I downloaded the full updated open beta via torrent that was about 4.5 gigs, but now it's trying to update.

Do I need to put certain files somewhere?
what determines your score in mission mode? I'm meeting the speedrun time limit but not getting the full points required for S.
Anyone still on Ship 9? Thinking about playing there for a while until the lag on Ship 4 clear ups
Was it in several compressed files, needing no installation?
If so, just leave it for 5/10 minutes.
Completion of Codes, how many enemies you kill, number of deaths.
What do you do for code: avoid?

I am thinking about staying ship 9 and just having a ranger on ship 4 for giggles for all the stuff I missed because moon runes.

also might be because I two bro's so we can do missions together all the time

Ah, yes, it just took a few minutes. Looked like it was going to attempt the five hour update but it didn't.

Awesome. Now time to figure out these menus. See you guys soon. What ship should I head to? Are they all still closed except for 9 or something?
need to buy ac to have more than one character
They opened them, ship 4 block 44


just create another sega id

What the fuck do you think?
so i have a mag now... how do I use it?
So, any high level ranger here, I have a few questions:
Which weapon is better against bosses: Rocket Launchers or Machine Guns?
Also, what should I feed my MAG?
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Item button, third option.
Use rifle for weakshot, then spam launcher. I'm feeding my mag rifles/launchers as they increase range atk and ability

Is it a "amount of times" hit thing?

I've had times where no one died and we lost while another time we got hit a lot less by it and won.
Avoid the flying thing until time runs out. You lose if you get hit 3 times
>What do you do for code: avoid?
This. What do you have to do? I got hit once and lost.
Gee I fucking wonder
fair enough
Just wondering because I am really a newfag to the PS world.
So, how should I allocate my skill points?
So are mags back and do they float next to you?
I got some ticket from scratchers that says something about "lobby action 02". What does it do, exactly?
Unlocks a new emote.
Oh god this lag, are japs sleeping yet?
Yes, but you have to pay to reset them or get new ones.
I had a lot of fun during the tutorial but then I went to a main hub and couldn't find a shop or a way to play more quests

I guess I'm stuck until I learn some japanese or read a guide idk
its saturday, kids and salarymen can stay up all night today
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>doing the arrest mission in the forest
>laging of course
>given the emergency code arrest
>they dont spawn, at all, anywhere


>the connection between a trip and stupidity
>implying the 99% of us that are 20+ can read japanese
more like

>implying 99% of us can read moonrunes

doesnt matter your level, we cant fucking read this fucking language

>not learning some Japanese in preparation for PSO2

I'm looking this build planner right now saw a description that used the term Just Attack. What exactly is a Just Attack?
Instead of spamming the attack button, you attack when the circle closes in around you.
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Rodeo Drive is the best skill in the game.
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Does anyone know what this means?
You guys should at least learn katakana.

For fuck's sake, it's easy as shit and it helps a lot. I mean, you might not understand everything, but at least you will know what the fuck you are picking up when you see a モノメイト on the ground. Through a little bit of logic, you will be able to understand at least a tiny bit.
Can I only have 1 character? When I try to make another character on any ship it says something like I need 500 AC and when I click a button, it opens a website to what I'm assuming leads to buying in-game currency?
It wants monies to let you create another character.
you don't have enough AC cash, I think
I can read katakana and hiragana, just not the clusterfuck of kanji. Menu navigation is a breeze along with basic experimentation. Get on at the very least my level.
i have no issues navagating the menus though, and i cant read any moonrunes

have been wanting to learn though
Is there any way to transfer a character to another world or do I need to make another one?
make another account or delete and remake
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for Just Counter, does it only turn your normal attacks into Just or also PAs? also with Step Attack, does interrupting an attack with step count as part of the combo and give you access to the next PA slot? like PA1->step->PA2
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mfw i learned Japanese at uni
no, the dash resets the combo, also the kick doesnt count as attack one


dash>kick>skill 1>2>3
I can read hiragana, but I never bothered learning katakana ;_;
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Does anyone know what this stuff is? The only one I recognize is the telepipe. I seem to have a lot of them and I'm curious as to what they all do.
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>MFW I hear that someone wasted 3 years of their lives
>Gee I fucking wonder
Learn to read, faggot.
>I've had times where no one died and we lost while another time we got hit a lot less by it and won.
Graveyard shifts and FFXI prepared my body for this. Nothing can hold me back now.

>error 630
top one is to add HP skill to mag
3rd is grinder
4th is photon drop
5th is shinsesaizaa? no idea

nope, actually i didnt do very well at it but i partied all the time and must have got at least a dozen asian chicks out of it
Synthesizers are used at the tekker shop to attempt to copy/upgrade abilities on weapons/units.
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9 star units! (selling for 150k)

Did you take Japanese at highschool, or have any previous qualifications in the language before taking the subject in uni?
thanks for the info, I'm planning out sword/wlance gear with guard/step skills and I'm one point over so I'm not sure what to drop
HP skill? Could anyone clarify? Do I have to use it or feed it to my mag?
Grinders upgrade the attack on your weapons right? What do photon drops do?
Thanks for the clarification
What does photon drop do?

2 years at College, but at that time my class had studied 2 years more than me already.

Fortunatly Japanese is very easy to begin with.
Haven't found a use for them in PSO2 yet, but in PSO they were used as a currency at certain NPCs.
mags have autoskills they do that are dependent on situation, you get one by default. there were a few HP ones in CBT, I don't really remember them all other than one that will make and drop monomates for you when you're low on health
[Emergency Code: Avoid]

I ran into every person and deliberately got in their way so the flying thing hit them.

I had fun at the expense of others.

actually, anyone wanting to learn katakana and hiragana, you can do it in one day easy, download a program called Anki, then use that program to download flash card packs for katakana/hiragana. its simple memory
>japanese is very easy to begin with
>kids learn how to speak it by the age of 6
>kids learn english by 3
what is PBE and why should I care about it's level?
>implying a kid at age 3 has the mastery of the english language that an adult of age 30 has

nah bro, unless you live in merrika then that aint possible
I meant to type
>kids learn how to speak english by 3
If you rush it in one day, you'll forget everything the next day.

You don't need years for it, but you should at least study for 2 or 3 weeks so that you can at least read Katakana and Hiragana at a decent speed.

Hell, you can practice by playing video games. Pokémon, for example, is written entirely in Hiragana and Katakana (though BW and BW2 have an option for Kanji too), and I'm sure you've all played Pokémon at some point, so you should be able to play it without much problem.
Oh, if I learned this skill I'd still be able to learn better ones right? I'd rather not have this skill take up the slot for another skill if there's only one.
Can you make a completely private game, one where even the multi-party areas are private?
Do weapons need to be indentified in this game?
not sure if it's been changed, but I remember maxing out the 5 slots and then once I tried to add another skill the game asked me which of the existing 5 I wanted to replace with the new one

yes just select multiparty password, it's the 2nd option under password field
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Is my weapon decent for being a level 9 ranger? I've grinded the shit out of it.
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Why is there so much lag? My lag used to be under a second in closed beta now it's well over eight seconds and at times longer.

Damn it Sega, you should have good servers in Japan if your country prides itself on technology. It's like they only expected 1/10 of the people that are online would play.
I think that was a waste of grinders
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The Japanese are smaller, so they weren't prepared for Americans and their big bandwidth.
How many grinders can you use on a weapon?
Is the rate 100% for upgrading?
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>Grinding to power up a 1 star weapon

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is this weak bullet?

Also, EN skill tree is in the OP
Uhh, ok. Well how the fuck am I supposed to get a better weapon? Nothing good has fucking dropped and I've killed so much shit. The shop sells shit weapons and the ones on the auction house that are better than mine are greyed out. So please explain how it was a dumb idea.
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>Enter e-mail code
>Get singing rappy and flower rifle
>Decide to delete my character and start with a Force on ship 4
>Rappy and rifle gone

All of my rage.
Wow, the rifle is actually BETTER than the launcher at bosses. Weak bullet + that 15 hits PA = massive dmg
You just keep progressing to higher level missions. You'll eventually get better equips just by doing that.

>So please explain how it was a dumb idea.

Read both below until they make sense.

because you're level 9 out of 30 and you will get better weapons just from matter board questing alone, and if you do burst parties later on you'll raise your chances at getting all the good shit
But that doesn't explain how it was a dumb idea to grind my weapon. Unless they were just trying to be know it all faggots. I get 1-3 grinders per run.
Great reply.

>grinded 1-star wired lance to +6 and put Power III on it
>not a fuck was given
>grind 7 star wlance to +4
>do more damage than you
How does one get the AI party members in your party? I keep seeing people have them but i'm not sure on how to get em.

I'm stuck at the character creator. Whenever I log in, it brings me to that, options, or quit.
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>Catadarn S rank
>14:30, went to boss room at 10 min
>692/700 points

Okay, well next time maybe I'll just try and farm harder and get stuck behind a Code: Collect, or just simply not find anything to kill.
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It's like you're new to 4chan.

Do what you want, it's your game and your character. However, don't ask for others' opinions and get your jimmies ruslted when they point out your stupidity.
If I had a 7* Wlance, sure, I'd grind that pole too, but it's not like I need to compete with your micro epeen damage.
I redeemed the rifle through the code, and didn't go to my storage. Can't reput the code in either. Any ideas?
third option in storage
third option on the left
Okay. I guess I'll just have to go to psoworld or some other forum that actually has civilized conversation and constructive advice. In the meantime though

>but it's not like I need to compete with your micro epeen damage
And yet you grind a shitty launcher
They'll tell you the same thing, idiot. Higher starrred weapons get much better bonuses from grinding on top of having higher base
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Because it's benefitial regardless of the rarity.
You're going to be swimming in grinders and meseta. Jus Dudu watchu wan.
Quit being a big baby and taking everything so personally.

Tried that, nothings in storage. Is there a required character level to redeem? Code worked very first time, (I'm sure) and every other time, its a no go.
A few questions now that you guys have tried it out:
1.) How bad is lagging (especially when connecting from Europe)?
2.) Is there some sort of /vg/ community or will I have to rely only on my moonrune skills?
3.) How grinding-heavy is the game?

tl;dr: Is it worth it?
7 stars are ass. I've seen a 2 star with a much higher damage rating.
I'd hate to have EC: Avoid and PSE BURST at the same time
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how the fuck am I supposed to do this mission in under 10 minutes?
Rushing to area 2? The lag is the real problem though

pls go

you're getting anal pained on 4chan you're not meant to be here then
I did it under 5 minutes.
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When I log into a ship, it doesn't give me an option to select any of the characters I made. What did I do wrong?
click the first option?

I do, but it brings me back to the character creator. Do I pick them from there and start the game?
Rush to Area 2 (don't leave anything that spawns alive along the way; S-rank superstition). Note the first place that spawns darkers, check both ends of the river (usually get a couple of big groups), go back to first grid that spawned darkers, hope for the best.
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>>8098014 Dat armor.

What armor?

nvm I'm a faggot I figured it out
Congratulations on all of your success.
Is ship 4 completely full? I don't want to delete my character for nothing and have to do the tutorial again if I can't get in.
What's the requirement to access desert?
S-rank Free-field Caves in 20 minutes, I think?
For the Hunter Talents, what do the Gears do?
More specifically, what does the Wired Lance Gear do?

Anyone have any preferred Hunter specs?
Second mission S rank and under 12 minutes.
Last mission (with boss) S rank and under 16 minutes.
2x Data found from boxes and mobs in caves.
Already did that, can't access desert.
Anybody have any advice for the Force skill tree? I think I'm gonna focus on ice, unless someone has a legitimate reason why it is the worst thing in the game.
how do i unlock whatever comes after the forest missions?
There's a time limit?

But you didn't. You're telling others you did something when obviously you didn't or you'd be in the next area already.
It's a quest. Doesn't take a lot of skill to figure out what you're still missing.
Listen to me buddy. I am a PSO uber veteran, with thousands of hours on multiple level 200's. You'll get more grinders later. It was a good idea to grind your crappy weapon, because now you can kill stuff faster, to level up faster, to get better weapons faster, and to ultimately get your grinders back. Don't listen to the fools that want you to save all your grinders for the rare chance of a good drop. You'll get more. Don't sweat it.
S-rank the Forest free-field mission in 15 minutes.
for one of the missions yea
How do I delete a character so I can remake on another ship?
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>To move onto Free Field Forrest
Get S rank in Rappy arrest mission in under 10 minutes
Get S rank in Dogan (kill 100 bugs) in under 10 minutes

>To move onto Caves
Get S rank and kill Rock Bear boss in under 15 minutes

>To move onto Desert

It isn't rocket surgery people.
I did do it. Unless I already have desert access and I have to talk to a completely different NPC I wasn't aware about, then you're wrong.
The only quests I didn't do is >>8108143 and x5 kills for three bosses (which apparently requires desert access anyways)
which would correlate with
whoops, linked backwards, my bad
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Passed Ratk lv3 at 30% chance. SUBARASHII
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>El oh el such bullshit rite?
>Just farming
>All dat XP

Nice try RNG, try again when I'm on a timed run.
Is there a torrent to use instead of the downloader ?
What does Sa Zonde do? The one that shoots the ball.
Also is there a English menu patch/weapons and items patch ?
How do you get matterboard 2?
Item names are sent by the server and can't be patched.
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>Dicking about doing some quest in the forest with some friends
>End up encountering one of those big crystal gorillia faggots
>"Yeah man it'll take a bit, but we can do it-"
>"Oh shit-"
>Sega's high quality servers act up right then and starts to melt down upon itself
>Me and my friend's faces when we realized that we just descend into hell
ships are servers, lol
Yes, one minute...
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was trying to get a cool boss kill screenie but i cant control shit

oh well here you go Sare the one who got the good shot
where does the rock bear spawn?
Some quick questions:

Will the open beta close (if so, when?) or will it run straight through to release? Will accounts be wiped at beta end?

How big are all the initial downloads (client and then patches)? How big is the install size?

Can the graphic options be turned all the way down to run on an integrated GPU at low resolution?

Either randomly in forest missions or at the end of Free Forest.
Runs until release. No wipe
About 4.5 gigs
Yes. We've got a guy running it on his old XP laptop at graphics setting 2.
Thanks. Will probably give it a go then.

Rather enjoyed the Phantasy Star on the NDS (or what I remember of it), but I think stopped about 20 levels in.
Any screenshot of an english translation for the ranger skill tree?
Anyone got a list of technics for cards and staves and what they do?
Thank you guys for your hard work at translating.
I see every level 25+ Force getting 10 points into Flame Tech S charge.

>Skill Tree Simulator
I've been told you NEED the fire tree skill that lets you regain PP while you're charging.
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The old skill tree seemed better. You could grab the tech up, pp up, and pp revive skills without having to be stuck in one element and you could still go in and specialize in one if you wanted to
how do I upgrade weapons?
I did all four of the missions in the screenshot, but never once saw a timer.
>Can make a PSO1 looking HUmar
>Can make a PSO1 looking RAmar
>Can't make a PSO1 looking RAcast or HUcast
Dammit Sega.

You don't HAVE to complete it in 10 minutes to beat the mission, but you do have to beat it in 10 minutes to do a quest for that girl behind the quest counter to get the free pass to the forest.
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Dancing Simulator 2312
what should I be putting my skill points into for the ranger tree?
At least get weak bullet.
From the looks of it (R-Def and traps) I'd stick to the left side of the tree.
If you have a party you can do it in 10 minutes easy
Can we only have one word player IDs?
Someone on the team has a three word one so I don't think so.
So, how do I apply for the /vg/ team?
I need help with the ranger skill tree.
Any high level ranger out there that could help me?
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Pic related. You don't have to get Jellen Shot if you want Just Reversal.
I did the mag quest now how do I actually equip it/feed it? I dont see it in my inventory
Much love anon, much love
How's this for a HU build?
So the small girl that gives you the Mag suddenly prompted me to input something, what exactly did I write in?
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>knuckles confirmed as weapon type to be added
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his little girls assistant looks like that slut from .hack
Is this like the first game where you have to be facing things and have them targeted in order to hit them? Or does contact with your swinging weapon always hit?
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How does one find rare weapons in this game?

Also I heard something about a Photon Boost party or something. Could anyone be nice enough to explain?

Thank you.

Fucking awesome. That was my only major gripe with PSO. Some enemies simply refused to be targeted no matter how I moved.
So I get the matter board quest where I need to kill the giant dark bee. I repeatedly run the level 5 forest quest because that's where I've seen them spawn the most. After hours I finally get 1, and it doesn't drop the item for me. WHAT GIVES?

Is there a better place to grind for this monster? Also, does having NPC's in your party increase chances of big events occurring?
If I'm correct(probably not), PB parties are parties that try to get the PB bonus, which increase spawn and drop rates. IIRC, you get it by killing loads of shit.
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have you ever noticed that shion wears some sort of skintight jumpsuit that's animated and looks like as if her body is made out of blueish energy stuff?
You can even press Z to go into a TPS style view so you're always facing the way your camera is. Makes some monsters a lot easier to hit.
is there a way to toggle double-tap dodging?
its kinda annoying when i have a charged attack and i accidentally tap W A S or D twice.

Thank you for your reply.

So do rare weapons have a chance to drop off random monsters? Or do only bosses/random encounters drop them?
Can anyone explain why the lightning spells suck? I have Eko in my party right now and all I see her doing is raping shit in the caves with lightning
This I do not know, I'm just level 6 so I didn't get the chance to see any bosses yet. But I guess it's both.
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Picture related, it's my build.
Am I too fucked up?
most suck, except chain lightning.
Now I just didn't get hit at all in code avoid and failed. None of my party got hit. So I guess my question was fucking valid after all, faggot.

My guess with code avoid is no one on the map can get hit. Period.
There is anyway to trade yet ? I know player trade by clicking them is locked, but can't you set your shop to be only viewable by friends and only friends ?
Also, what is the use of wish list and present list ?
drops from anyone, but bosses give a chance to have their soul inside it which adds more stats
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Anyone know how I can get these things to spawn more frequently? Where should I be looking? I'm trying to get something for the Matter Board and these fuckers barely show up and have yet to drop this item.

Got me 2 EC's with 2 each, made me finish that 10 minute quest alone, too.

I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing

I finished Mission 0, how do I get to block 44? I'm on ship 4 I think.
Don't PSEs happen randomly?
go to an elevator with a green sign over it
Green elevators.
They're always active and always happen in the same area depending on the mission you're on. You improve the effects but continually killing mobs, and eventually (hopefully) manage to hit the threshold activating a PSE Burst.
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>Doing the S rank time trial of the desert missions
>Get into block 3 with a good amount of time left with lots of enemies killed
>Start looking for the collection event
>and looking
>run around the entire map 4 times until it appears
>1 minute left
>Finish 2 seconds after the target time

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Is there a way to copy text in the chat out of the window? I would really, really like to use google translate for some of the groups I get into.

If I could just use google translate to get the gist of what they are trying to tell me, I have a list of Japanese phrases at the ready that I can just copy+paste.
Maybe she is, what with the weird screen thing that happens every time you see him.

Sorry if this has been covered but I can't find it in the blog. How do I invite NPC's into my party?
Talk to the window in mission-lobby
Block E-5 of the matter board tells me to get an item from something called a "Vriada" or something similar.

What kind of enemy is that?
How do I delete characters here?
how do I get NPCs to join my party?
The flying darker things with the fat ass.

Thanks a ton. Do I get more people just by doing client orders?

It's the big bug looking thing that spawns little beyblades. On the guide blog under matter board the name is highlighted and you can click on it for a picture.
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The yellow i thing here on your ship. You also have to get their card first which usually you get as a reward for doing a few client orders.

You can also summon NPC versions of your friends.
Sorry for this question, But at what level does your Mag First evolve at?

so i'm still trying to make symbol art, and peeps keep telling me there's a second option when you click on an empty portrait, but there is no second option, only a greyed out option. I'd of screen capped it, but I managed to open dawn of war dark crusade as I opened paint.

I'm reading the 2 pastebin links but they dont have anything on how to delete
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pic related
How do i get different colored or higher tier weapons?

are they just drops or do i have to use a grinder on them?
You're accessing it from the chat menu, chat menu is only for posting

go to the main menu (escape), click the gears, first option is pictureart.
Why do high rank (7-9*) weapons seem so fucking useless? Some 2* are considerably better than them.
So when I complete a mission there are 2 weapons underneath it, Are those the quest rewards? and if so How do I get them?

I've beat a few missions and have yet to get any weapons from them. =/
I've played phantasy star portable before, are ranged weapons here still limited to having only elemental bullets as skills?
you can find a log file
Oh fuck no.
Ranged weapon skills are awesome in this game. They range from RIDING YOUR ROCKET LAUNCHER to throwing and shooting a grenade.
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Best skill in the game.

Why are you still in the forest area?

Sorry, kind of new too the game
Was completing an old client order once I understood how to actually do it.

Protip: If an NPC wants you to S-rank a mission with him in the party, it has to be ONLY you and him in the party.
>take a picture of red box
>forget to pick it up afterwards
how do i slap di/trimates onto my item bar?

Because you're comparing Tier 1 7* with Tier 2 1*/2*. Higher tier equipment have higher requirements.

4* and 7* also get higher bonuses at later stages of grind.
Is it safe to assume there's no lock on in this game? I'm trying to press E but my character still shots around at the direction I'm running towards at
Does anyone have a quick run down on player shops? How to set them up / price them or anything like that?

Been looking around but I'm not finding any info on it.
Z key?
Q or LB if you're using an XBox pad. Still haven't figured out how to cycle targets while locked on, however.
oh shit that helped a lot. I thought the E key was supposed to be the lock on or something
Does the gun side of the Gunslash count as a Range weapon or does it inherit the base Melee type of the weapon?
2nd box

3rd option

can put spells there too
how do you add friends in the game?
Can I cancel matter board missions? I'm tired of trying to farm this drop from this enemy and want to move on with the game.
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What ship does 4chan, or rather, /v/ and /vg/ play on?
what do the terminals in the quest teleporter area do? How do I get npc companions to tag along?
I tried that but only one of the 2 buttons was clickable. I assume its because of some time restriction
I can't invite NPC's, their names are greyed out. Are they tired or something, do I need to recharge them somehow?
Ok. I'm having one tremendous issue with the game. It wants me to move with WASD, which is no problem. The thing is, hitting any key except the escape key brings up the chat. How in the flyign fuck do I get normal movement?
Ship 4, Block 44
Matter board is not mandatory.
Ship 4, Block 44.
Turn off scroll lock.
That means someone is already using them in that multiparty area.
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Oh God, what does this box mean.

Look at the fucking picture and everything else, babby
Not really sure but I think its your (forum)name or something.
Wants you to enter what you want your global ID to be. It's the name that will show up on Team chat and friends list.

So my character name.
Or is that separate.
Separate. But it can be the same thing if you want.
>Complete Matter Board
>Unlocks a new mission
>It's the tutorial
>Do tutorial again
>Gives me matter board 2
uh... what.

And my final question.
How does one import characters from character creator.
dumb question:
How do I leave a party
Where's the quest board
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>mfw I realize I don't need to worry about the matter board or client missions because I can come back to them in hard mode.
In the character creator there is a "Save" and "load" options. Find the load option in the main game's CC and load your character.

Thanks home skillet.
I was reading the bumped PSO2 blog, and in the "Player ID Screen" section I notice they said:
>Once you’ve set it, you will use this name for the remainder of this test and can not change it.
Does this imply that the characters/Player IDs won't be carried over to the actual release? I didn't play in the CBT so I'm not sure how this will work. I don't see anything about it in the pastebin either, maybe I missed it though.

Please respond.
It would seem that Daylight Scar is in this game now. Any other new rares people have seen?
What am I supposed to do at level 7? I haven't gotten any new dungeons.
Does anyone know if storage is shared throughout all your characters on your account or just ship?

Also, where is the grinder NPC? I can't find him for some reason.
Gotta do Koffee's client orders to unlock more areas.
Where can I find Karonga (the rolly-poly forest monsters) reliably? I need to kill a few more for a client quest.
There won't be any more wiping so you keep it
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I'll try to make a more unique character if the game ever comes overseas. Too afraid that I'm going to break something to really experiment.
forest exploration or first field of nab rappy
they're an alert event in the kill 100 spiderthings quest and they spawn regularly in the free forest map
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Do you need to run any compatibility mode for install/playing?

The downloader is chucking up some ???? and junk Japanese (along with proper Japanese), or will it all work?

Would rather do it correctly first time than find out hours later it mattered.
Fucking shit

How do I get quests

I've been trying to figure this out for like 30 minutes
God this game really expects me to beat a rockbear in 15 minutes?

I can avoid all the damage but i dont have the dps to do it.

I might have to party for this one...
It's normal for it to just show the question marks for that part.
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Partying? In a multiplayer online game?

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Almost as if it's asking you to use multiple players, in a multiplayer game.
I'm on a laptop and I'm having this same problem.

I know, maybe I should grind until ime 10 levels above it.
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My mag stopped at 99% before level, and can't feed it anymore. Is there a time limit or something before feeding it again?
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Alright, what am I supposed to do here exactly?

Does anyone know where I can get a level 2+ of the default Gunslash skill? The one where you slash upwards and then shoot them in the air. I have two level 3 Gunslash skills, but that one is still at level 1.
Isn't that the part where you have to swap your equipment? Press R or F, if I'm not mistaken.

spend time on game and it's feed level goes down
That's the fullness bar. Wait for it to decrease and you can feed it again. Each item gives it 33% of fullness
Player name. It's what your friends'll see when they add you to their list, I think.
Since the matter board isn't mandatory, is there a reason to do them at all?
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So does the game launch this slowly every time?

I've been watching 2/3 bars creep across my screen for nearly an hour. Does the game just launch super-slowly or is this a "first time launching" thing?
You unlock the story quests with it.
Bragging rights.

It's updating still.

It'll be awhile.
It's a patch.
It's an account name
There's currently:
>username for logging in
>account name for people to recognize who you are
>character name for you character

It's really slow as fuck
How do I leave party?
Some of these OC characters posted in this thread look butt-fucking ugly.
I like how my sword is bigger than my entire body.
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First I see this.
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Then I see this.

Then I start getting chased by a fucking AOE lightning spell out of fucking nowhere.
As a Hunter, how should I be raising my Mag? Currently I've been dumping most of my Mag levels into Melee attack and Melee defense.
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When the AOE stops fog rolls in
At this point i usually finished the quest so I don't stick around to see what happens next, but what the fuck? keeps happening.

Been wondering this myself.
Where the fuck are all the wired lance PAs hiding? Is there only one? I'm lv17 and haven't seen any others yet.
I have 3 of them, so there's definitely more than one.
This game needs A LOT more clothing/armor styles. Lvl 30 and I'm still wearing the first fucking armor in the game, the one you get in character creation.
Did you not get the memo or something?
it's a thunderstorm
you're getting hit with lightning
it fogs after it rains
it was mentioned they will most likely be cash shop items.
Where do you enter the code for the bouquet rifle?
So, I think my robot person is a female, but I'm not really sure and I don't know how to change it. What do

Guess not.
It would make sense if it wasn't for the weird "reading" screen popping up every now and then, and it shows up randomly even outside of this chain of events so its not related to the weather.
As far as I know, the "reading" screen is just a warning that shit is going down, not necessarily weather.
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Why can't I turn in this order?
She gives you consumables and you're probably maxed out on those.
Why the fuck is my tekker closed? All of the other shops are open. Did it change location or something?
Thanks man.
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Can someone please type in this captcha for me?
So when you are grouping with others do more/harder enemies spawn?
Is this also true if you have npc allies?
So how exactly do you fight the antlion boss as a hunter? What are its weakpoints/etc? I don't want to join a group doing him and make an ass of myself.

>Try to load a mission
>error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error error
ogod what is going on
anyoen got a translation of the force's skill point trainer thing? I don't wanna dump my non-reversible SP into the wrong shit
There's a two hour maint in three hours if I'm reading Twitter right.
This motherfucker

Spawns twice in two separate 15 minute runs.

And then I crash out.
Its right beside the weapon store.
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Forgot my pic.
Tab locks on. Pressing it again while "looking" or close to another target skips it, but it's not a real solution though. Also there should be a button to unlock, which I haven't found yet.
Use the skill calculator in in OP
My game froze while I was talking to the nurse, had to end task, now I cant log back in.

Getting a mix of the double log in error and server busy error
I see that, and I looked at it, but that doesn't translate the menus.
The fuck is that? I've completed all the Forest related Matter Board quests and I've NEVER fucking seen that.
Dark Ragne. He likes to stroll in the forest sometimes.
Ragne. A boss monster that can randomly spawn.
How come no one knows what ability does?

we dont have the ability to read moon
Hey, how come I can't buy JA Bonus 1? I have something leading to it, but it's still locked.

Does the padlock symbol mean a group is password protected?
Is there like a list or guide to client orders somewhere? I tried googling it but it only brought up the guides for the matter board/MAG COs.
What do you have to do to unlock the second page of the Matter Board?


Spoonfeeding General

Hey, you can see me having an aneurysm in party chat.
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I have no idea what's going on or how to change my graphics settings, but I'm having some fun.
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Hooray, now to start finding 7/8* RA weapons.
That is the next target button the lock/unlock-on button is q.
> finally have enough money to buy this rare weapon!
> wait a minute, the stats are worse than my current 4 star weapon

What the fuck man? Granted that my weapon is upgraded to +8, but does being 7 star rare weapon actually make a difference when you grind it? Will the increase in atk be much greater? Because if the increase is tiny, I don't want to waste any of my money

Yes, the rate of the grind is higher than a lower starred weapon, that's why the stars are there in the first place. It used to be more significant, but we're finding 4* 2nd tier weapons now with base attacks that are equating grinded up 7*s

From what I'm told, it's calculated against the enemy's ability stat to help you deal more / take less damage across the board.
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who is this faggot and what does he want?
nvm just saw this
>spoonfeeding general
can't read shit cap'n!
Does the starting MAG evolve at all like in PSO? I haven't seen any different ones.
they should, wasn't the level in PSO1 like 5 or 10? I keep feeding mine all the guns I find.
how do you zoom out the mini map?
n brings up a larger map

Once to zoom out.
Again to close.
One more time to reopen the zoomed in map
That's pretty lame. I guess the only reason to buy 7* rares is just so you can look cool. In which case, asking 100k for one is way too much when there's tier two 4* going for 40k.

is there a way to zoom out the camera? shits close in that manual aiming mode
Did anyone have problems with the character creator? I have massive lag (its choppy and slow, even my cursor) even on the SEGA logo on the lowest settings using the character creator. The actual game runs fine, but the translations for the character creator in game aren't currently working and I can't moonrunes.
Anyone? I'm walking around on the bottom floor of the shopping center but the lady from the first time isn't popping up.
I think I put some stuff into storage (first option in the drop-down menu when you click on things in your inventroy). Now I can't figure out how to get them back.

what do
Yes. First at level 30.
I have no idea what I'm doing.

Anyone else who just got out of the tutorial in block 44 want to start a party?

mags evolve once at level 30

they're confirmed to evolve a second time at level 100 but its capped at 99 for the beta.
i heard there's a way to make it so the shields and back accessories and footthings don't show when equipped. how do you do that?
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These things
Go upstairs and get the cutscene, go back downstairs and and talk to the faggot elf that was with you in the tutorial
you finish the first page and unlock the second region yet?
Fuck yes so that's what those cocksucking things are for.
Motherfucking thank you, anon.
can add ability to that too
there are 6 that ive seen

grab and slam
grab and spin
grab and charge kick
grab and kirby style ground slam
grab and electrify then toss
cant remember the other one
Oh fuck I'm going through the registration for this game but what the fuck so much nip pong.
Is there a clan or guild system yet? We need to make an alliance of FIRTHY AMERICAN PIGGU.
You don't have to finish the first page to get the caves. Friend of mine got it before he even got the caves.
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Yes, Press F3 and select the shield/barriers submenu and click the appropriate item and select the second option as shown here.
There's a /vg/ guild already, prolly full
And you probably have too much fun with the game to be qualified for said guild
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is there a maintenence right now or something like that? i have this screen like 10 min and nothing changes
I give up for tonight. Can't find a group for timed quest.
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Anyone on Ship 2 interested in some Cata runs so we can knock out キャタドラン討伐 and 武器携帯数拡張申請試練・I at the same time? If not I'm probably just going to solo this, everyone plays too slowly for me. I've not been able to play with friends or the majority of /v/ since people seem to slow to learn things.
Nice browser cap, champ
jokes aside, yes, there's a 4 hour maintenance in 1 hour and 14 minutes from this post
I hope you have movie or something on hand buddy, because the server's aren't down. That's just how big the patch is
The patch always hangs there until completed.
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Which one?
What ship are you on? If 2 I'll swing by.
>Get to desert
>Tons of 1 and 2 star equipment drops
>Actually have to watch what I pick up now
Could someone explain scratch cards?
There's three things I can scratch but why is the left most one flashing?
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So, is it worth it to level ability on your mag?
Trying to get an ability only mag.
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Im on ship 4. I tried to solo it a couple times, couldn't do it in time. The 3rd quest. I got the rappy arrest one in time.
k, so i've been doing quests and S ranking them for like the past 2 hours, am I missing something?
The talleys above the talent you want are the number required to unlock it

ie: 3 talleys, the line connecting them requires 3 points to unlock
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Because that's the one you have selected. You can only select one of the 3. Whichever you select to uncover is the one thats flashing. Use your mouse or pad.

Get some NPC's to help you.
When starting a quest go to the panel in the ship that has a ! above it.
>Alt+M syncs your emote up with the closet person to you
Why did you all hide this from me?
>Alright, I'm ready to start looking at buying a ballin' launcher
>Best one for sale is 5 stars

Time to keep farming. I didn't play CBT were there even any rare launchers at all?
You have to s-rank the mission with only the character who gives you the quest in your party
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This is the panel I'm speaking of

Yep! The Mimic command, This is also accessed by just pressing T, Clicking someone and selecting the second option from the bottom.
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We need to get a shit ton of people in the loby and all dance in unison for a "Dance General" image for the a main image.
Meh. I've had enough PS today. Maybe later, I feel like playing some street fighter right now
Launchers are that expensive?
Got my 4 star wired lance with 172 attack for 2,8k
There's already too many faggots dancing on 4-44's lobby
yea, has nothing to do with you making your ugly character on the wrong ship or anything
Anyone on ship 9? I had to join it because it's the only one it would let me make a character on.
I've crashed 5 times now in the Free Field Forest S-Rank 15 Minutes quest.

This is some FF14 levels of "beta test".
They closed 4 again? Fuck my buddies in 9 will be mad I moved
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I'm sorry, I'd rather not play on 4 with the majority of you. I'd rather play on Ship 2 with my Twitter friends and bros from Psoworld. There also a few 4chan players on 2 as well that decided not to roll on 4.
i've never crashed, nor had any lag.
the problem is yours.
fight me.

It's the best one for sale, the price could be anything.

A 'really really' good one would be like 218 damage for 16k.
>Never had any lag
So you haven't played yet.
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>the problem is mine
>entire party crashes out

>never had any lag
you spend all your time in the town talking and dancing i see.
How do I access the AH?
the fuck is AH?
auction house, I assume there is one since people talk about buying shit
I totally ignored the voice setting in create a character, is there any way to change it in short of making another account?
Looking for a party trying to reach the caves.

My ID is Prototype R-L
For real monies on release.
Ive been raising an ability mag and I..really can't tell how much of a difference its making in my damage. I'll have to take it off and do a little number crunching to tell.
I can tell you that it's evo at level 30 is the shooter-mag that looks like the FOnewearl headband, though. And its pretty sweet. Shoots a 70~80 damage shot every 5 seconds or so.

Is there some sort of auction house or something?
The player shops are accessed through the blue ? icon seen in this picture


also see here on how to enter it and to search and what not
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lets seem em stats nugga
How do you customize a mag's appearance?
Mine's being a simple capsule doesnt cut it
23 r-atk 7 abl lv30. Fed with guns and launchers only
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>that feel when casts have ridiculous clipping issues

I'm not sure if they're at all avoidable.
Anyone else getting error 242? I can't connect, but all my friends can
It evolves at lv30 provided you don't fuck up with the feeding
So, basically when the real thing comes and and we're all forced to start from scratch anyway.

You look like something straight out of Custom Robo and your mag is a spartan. Quite the combo.
There will not be a wipe.
Unless you're talking about an English release. That'll never happen in Sega NA and EU's current financial state.
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First time encountering the dragon in the caves. Holy crap, code change duel. Then this happens.

So mad.
Levels 5, 11, and 6, nearly finished first Matter Board, have most NPC Partner cards.

so yeah, i haven't started yet, sure.
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Is anyone able to tell me what this does?
Level 42 mag already?
Fuck, I'm only at 17.
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What the fuck mag.
You're level 29 and moments away from evolving.

He isn't losing energy.
He's sitting there like a smug little bastard thinking he's going to be an oval forever.

Why is this happening?
a watched pot never boils
What ship has the biggest english speaking community? I dont mean where /vg/, just english. Sorry, after playing games with 4chan a few times I can't stand it

Not surprising. Considering you say things like that after not reading the OP.
2 on blocks 20/21/22 and to a lesser extent 10 on those same blocks.

For the most part the dedicated PSO players will be on ship 2.
You know, I don't want to play with you either.
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Just come to Ship 2 with us from Psoworld.
A lot less cancer, more dancing, helping and getting things done.
the koffee s-rank kill 100 pidermens client quest is impossibu
>less cancer, more dancing

And then John was a level 2 loli in town.
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whenever i click create character and get through the movie it shows me this and exits my spu usage and physical memory arent exceeding 30% while the game is running please help me figure out whats going wrong
Alot of people are reporting problems with free-field forest and it keeps crashing the game.
Got it done earlier today right at the 15 minute mark with a few under-levelled randoms on ship 4 so now I can do caves.

Tried it again with a friend who just got off work, c++ runtime on mine and a crash to desktop no error on his.

Anyone else got this problem?
So did the channels crash on ship 2? Half the channels are missing from the elevator
Unfortunately, it's mostly luck. Summon some NPCs or get a party, rush to the second area killing every Dagan you see, and then hope you find enough to kill in time.
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Yes, because dancing is such a bad thing.
Oh you Phantasy Star FOTM kids will say such silly things~
>15 minute free mission forest run
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF okay i think we still got this if we really rush through and


At that point I just give up and explore every corner of the map and get mad exp
I got trapped in a cage and then a dark ragne spawned on me. Go cry some more.
So I couldn't get on Ships 1-5 the first night and now that I finally got a chance to make my characters it's going down for maintenance...
Still got 30 minutes. Its 30 minutes right?
I was told maint at 10 EST and that was an hour and a half ago.
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so what do you all think of the symbol I made?
>original symbol
>do not steal

>tfw too lazy to make my own symbol art
As much as I disliked the gameplay in Phantasy Star Universe, I have to admit I'm missing a lot of the aesthetic features, like how clothing wasn't all just one item and all the different lobby areas.
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I just had a Dark Ragne spawn twice in the same mission.

One right after the other. As in, we killed one and the other spawned on top of us.

Fuck you sega. Don't put time limits on progression missions while having it entirely randomly generated. This is such horrid, horrid design.
You're gonna play the same mission like 100 times anyway, this is PSO we're talking about.
You realize you don't have to complete those codes all the time right
So how does one get the PB party mode to work

I grinded for an hour with a friend and some bots, And for some reason we still didn't get the photon boost thing.

What do you have to do?
Bots don't help. The best chance of getting a PSE Burst together is when you have 12 people (3 parties of 4) in one multi-party area.
It's easier on a fresh multiparty instance and with a lot more people, you just stick together and kill as much shit as possible
less about that and more about it wiping the party immediately
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>Not liking back to back duel codes

Sure is no fun allowed in here. I saw some crazy shit back in the closed beta.

>in a multi party area with two other full parties
>Code duel
>Fighting vol dragon
>suddenly CODE DUEL
>second boosted dragon
>kill first one
>Dark ragne

And you can always just skip them if you're timed.

The REAL bullshit is when you keep getting collect / annihilate codes or anything that blocks you until you do it.

How does one join a fresh multiplay party?
timing and luck mostly
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You are the worst type of faggot.

Everyone worth their salt knows that emotes of any type can only be used ironically, otherwise they expose you as being an enormous faggot.

Seriously, though. The logic behind that is that jaded individuals aren't interested in things like that. I shouldn't have to tell you this, but people who are openly emotional are not compatible with jaded misanthropists. Guess which type the majority of 4chan is? Here's a hint: Not the openly emotional type.

This is why we have sayings like "no fun allowed", or "I hate fun", because the people here are known to be jaded as fuck, needless criticize things, and ruin everyone else's fun. This has been corrupted into a sort of tradition and very convenient way to tell if a person belongs.

You very quickly have outed yourself in this community, and I seriously doubt that anyone here will want anything to do with you.
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So how goes the capitalism?
I'm currently at this amount and I'm about to get another 300,000 meseta from selling 60 grinders
passworded multiparty
>Level up
>Technics seem to drop at a lower rate now

>not buying all your techs

how much are you selling the grinders for?
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So what's the deal with these items? Are they drops from boss monsters or is there some specific way to get them?
do you even math
Just got back from vacation.

What's the status on the English patch?
5k ea.
This is from simple math.
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Is there a place I can get fire or light magic?

I've seen people use them but I'm still stuck at the first fire ball technique and haven't found anymore despite being level 12.
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>MFW using cards for the first time and figuring out you can cast spells after throwing them and they'll cast wherever the card is at


Also, Can hunters cast spells?

you just pick all the grinders and set the one price on it right?

would suck ass if I sell 40 grinders for a low price
Everything seems to drop randomly...but it also seems like fire spells drop the least. I think some of those light attacks can be achieved by working for Maru or at least that's what the japanese wiki says.
Enemies in the forest have dropped the following for me: ra foie, gi foie, ra/gi/sa zonde, normal/ra/gi barta, deband, and resta.
and there goes maintenance
>ITT: What were you doing when the server maint started

How do you cast them?
how long is maintenance
so I've tried everything, why isn't this faggot available for partying up for his fucking client mission? I did what someone told me, saying to go to the wolf mission, and select him from the left window panel, but he isn't there. is there anything else I'm doing wrong?
If you price your 40 grinders for 5,000 meseta, it will be 5,000 meseta each no matter what.
There's no way to sell them all at once for 5,000 meseta so don't worry about fucking up.
Use the technique disks that drop on the ground, press F5, and equip them onto your action palette, or press F7, and equip it to your static action bar
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3 hours
Should be 3 hours
3 hours

you S rank it solo, and by doing so make him available to party up
Just finished doing the (third?) run in the caves that ends in a dragon/worm hybrid boss fight, and I got 2 new fire spells from that run, levels 3 and 4. They seem to be the equivalent of gifoie and rafoie.
Fire spells more likely to drop in fire area?
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My guild was talking around, and then one mentions a anime reference

I tried to talk how the manga continues while the anime doesn't

but it didn't send, and now all of the servers crashed

It's my fault
It's like this little device on your arm and you can throw these holographic "card" like things. After you throw one you can charge up a spell, the card will hover, and you can cast it from there. You can cast multiple ones from the same card if you just keep using spells and you can even hit a monster with it and THEN cast a spell.

The device reminds me of Yugioh in a way.
>S Rank it solo
I don't know how many times I've done that today to be honest. It's broken or something then.

I'm really sick of the forest. Had to grind my way to my mag, then multiple times again to gain Free Field and that isn't counting the times I went back for client quests, xp, helping others and random group joins.
Down for maintenance again?
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What are these for?
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>just logging on


good to know...at least i got to sell those before getting kicked off as soon as i log in

I was doing the 2nd to last mission on page 1 of the matter board. I had gotten the item and was working on the boss of the quest.

so... did I finish it? Or must i redo
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10/10 would bang

If I find you, I'll help you do it.
Anyone on Ship 10 wanna group up after the maintenance?
Who the do I have to talk to to get into the /vg/ guild?
It's great for positioning and ranged party healing.
Makes the Force crazy fun.

>Force dodge has horrid ground recovery time
>Dodging in the air removes the recovery time
>Cards have horrid recovery time
>You can dodge cancel attacks
>Use cards in the air, dodge cancel, continue movement in one fluid motion
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Quest items
Could use a new thread soon.
Seriously, fuck the forest. Spent way too much time there in Alpha and CBT.

Those are quest items I think.

Fuck me if I know which quest.
How are you supposed to solo missions?

One last question my man, How do you equip them?

What does the grinder icon look like, and how to into selling stuff.
I cannot for the life of me do the free forest mission in 15 mins with an S rank. If I do it with a party, they go slow. If I do it by myself, I get stuck in a Code Rescue or I go the wrong way. Fuck everything.
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really? because I think about something else...
Fuck man, I've run the forst in PSO1 like what, a hundred fucking thousand times? And that one only has like 3 variations.

Step it up.

uh.. take the mission...walk through the gate... and..go do it without summoning an NPC? I can't tell if it's a trick question or not
Have to be a mage, hunters are wire lance, partizan and sword only
Join a party and tell them you want to do it in 15 minutes before you start.

Give her the Dick, Junichi.
PROTIP: just skip the first zone and move to the 2nd one and kill shit from there...head to the boss at 8 minutes and by that time you've S ranked the mission and have enough time to kill the boss with some NPCs
suddenly force wavedashing
Should I do something with them?
Right now they're kind of taking up inventory space.
Here's a new thread

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Oh you
I did that. They still got caught up by enemies. And the last time I tried and was doing well, SERVER MAINTENANCE.
>party leader chooses some mission
>have to fight two rockbears and a giant bug that spawns more bugs right after entering the area
>boss is two more rockbears
>finally finish the last enemy off
>right as we're about to head through the exit portal, MAINTENANCE
I swear to fuck
Anyone have any tips on how to complete free cave with a S rank in under 20 minutes?
Thank you. I'll try that.

I remember one time I ran Ultimate Forest 8 hours a day for a week and a half (winter break) to get the Holy Ray drop from the Sil Dragon. I got it down to 7-10 minutes a run depending on the variation.
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lol I think it's cute that you think I care about what some kids on 4chan think. I wish you were close enough that I could pinch your cheeks and call your opinion adorable to your face.
Don't fight anything in the multiparty areas, they don't count. You can skip enemies if you don't hit them in singleparty areas.
getting error 294 what do?
You must mean 249 because i'm gettin dat too
you wait the 3 fucking hours for the servers to come back up

yea i mean 249. they banning foreigners?
3 hour maintenance from 9 pm to midnight PST.
I keep getting error code 249 when i try to sign in, why?
I think we're just getting trolled at this point.
but free cave is all multiparty until the dragon room/portal room
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is it possible to make a mag that will help all three classes instead of just one? or would I be gimping myself too much?
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Ability only mag.

What does ability do? I've been raising my mag as ability only at lvl 12 now but I still don't know if I wanna focus on a dps stat and buy additional mags later or go full ability.
i'll be in the lobby then when the servers are back.
increases the power of your abilities.... duh

oh snap. I was in your party. The green cast hunter
Going to start playing this game once the servers come back up and have always played as the Force class. Are they radically different in this game compared to PSO or not?
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>Play PSO2
>keep forgetting to draw my pokemon
if it weren't for the down times I think I'd miss these.
Quite. Spells are chargeable, cards allow you to cast at range, and a lot of the spells work a bit differently. Oh, and PP recovers when you're not casting. Can recover when you're casting too if you get the skill for it.
It's pretty different from PSO, but not that different from the Portable series. PSO2 is much more like PSP2 and Infinity than PSO.
>desert boss
>hollow ver
>ranger weakening bullet on the hollow weak spot thing
>dump grants on it
>each cast is 500 x 5 damage

sounds like you might give up with this...the way I see it doesn't seem like a lot of people are noticing this fun activity...so if you get bored with it I'm sure you won't get a backlash for it or anything.

just food for thought

plus you seem like you'd have more fun doing PSO2 artwork from all the adventures we're all having here brodawg
Is there a vg guild on block 4?
I only got to play the game for 45mins before maint, so not sure about how you guys go about meeting up.
Idiot here. How do I get PSO2 to launch with Steam?

I tried having it target the pso2.exe and adding -pso2.exe to the target but it doesn't work.
make sure you target the launcher.
That worked! Awesome, thanks.
on a side note just incase

I believe you need to have steam "run as an administrator"

at least that's how it fixed for me when the message I just quoted didn't work
I just loved PSO but was too poor and too late when I got a hold of my first dreamcast when I was 14.
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Can I play this with my gamepad?
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I wanted to play PSO but i was too late when I found out about it...by that time Dreamcast was dead, SEGA decided to stop consoles...and I was too sad to think about trying to get and enjoy PSO

oh and we're on a new thread bro check a few posts up there should be a link...I'd do it but idk how to link to cross threads
I bought a Gamecube modem, this controller
and begged mom to let me use her card to play PSO online. Missed out on the dreamcast version.

I played all the way up until a patch corrupted my level 190 RAmar.
How do you add npcs to your party? and is there any reason why you wouldn't want to do that?

sorry if it sounds stupid, I browsed the pastebing and the bumpguide, but I can't find the info, it just mentioned something about npc's gimping burst chance
The orange i board on your ship. Only reason you wouldn't is if an NPC gave you a client order to take ONLY them out on a mission.

If another player gives you their ARKS card, you can summon them as NPCs. you both earn FUN points when you do this.
Oh hey. Servers are back up already.
>Weak bullet to Vol Dragons face
>Followed by Just Attack launcher strong shot PA
>4000+ damage
Holy shit he went down so fast.
how do you get them to do that? I've been trying to get the golden haired boy to give me his client shit and to do his quest but it's broken or someshit, spent better part of my day doing runs hoping it'd work that time.
I've completed the whole first matter board, done the story mission, and can not get the cutscene that triggers to give you the second matter board. I've ran all around the shopping area and talked to everyone. nothing.
well finally got that fucking quest done. thank you pink fellow that I think their name was Danzi.
>say "I'll toss a pipe for ya:"
>"toss" is censored.
>"Let me !@#$% up the next mission"
>"Queue" is censored
Asked in the other thread, may as well ask here.
I've been through the first forest mission a few times now, but I can't get B-2 of my Matter Board to clear, can't find what I'm supposed to or something.
how do you friend someone on here?
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was that during the city event?

because if so I remember seeing you and then saying "finally" or something like that

and if so I think that was me...but maybe not since I'm red and my name's Domenica

4th option from the bottom
yea i finally finished the fucking quest, and thanks for showing up I was getting my ass kicked by those giant mosquito's.
and i meant yea, not for the city event, but for this quest for S ranking the second mission. it wasn't working for me today.
>attack box
>wait 6 seconds
>it breaks open

i am not even that far from japan :( whats up with this lag
>Attack shit, send messages, cartwheels and bitches riding on motorcycles.
>Any reaction happens 3 minutes later
>After that 2 seconds of brief connection the lag continues for another 3 minutes before getting better.
>By better this means 6 second delay for next 5 minutes

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anytime friend :)
Is there a way to turn off the double tap to dodge? It is going off far too often and I am not sure if its lag or just oddly sensitive. I have it bound to the same key I use in other games so hopefully there is a way
how often do the world events occur?
>1mil meseta
>nothing to spend it on

"Queue" mean "tail" or "dick" in french.
It's never around when I actually need it too.

I was trying to do the S-rank under 20 minutes for the free caves zone, but I'm too casual for the boss.
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i better not move or else everyone will suddenly stop dancing
>ship 4

Enjoy being on the worst ship

0/10 - and that's the BEST I can give you

but hey since you feel lonely trying to troll here's a reply to make you feel better about getting some attention

But its true. A server with english players will simply be behind all the other ships(since the other ships know what they're doing). Trust me, you're right beside ship 2; both ships being way behind the others.
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Just had this conversation with some moonmen.

uh huh...have fun being "ahead" while me and the rest of the ship 4 crew are getting our rares and having fun
being ahead means ahead in rares =)

we have enough rares

>7* partisan
>7* gunblades
>7* sword
>7* rifle
>8* launcher

I can keep listing but that's just wasting time.

yes you can progress and have fun at the same time
7 stars are garbage FYI

My server is filled with 8-9 star weapons and armors.
>I can keep listing but that's just wasting time.

I wasn't done
so you list the worst rares in the game. THATS a waste of time.
yes yes keep trying you're not fooling anybody here

...im going to bed I think I've given you enough attention now

but you're still a 0/10 guy
>kept replying

real troll

enjoy the worst ship! I'll be playing with people that know what they're doing
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too bad i had to break it up

ok you have fun with that nerd B)
Feels good to not play with shitty players, man.
>Ship 2 is like, 75% JP players
>I don't give an arse about ship 4
>Enjoy your lack of friends you can understand a year from now
Phantasy Star is all about the endgame. Your shitty 8-9 star rares won't mean shit in a year. And some rares cannot be traded at all. Enjoy trying to hunt them when you can't even find enough players to make a party.
I'm interacting with Japanese players all the time and already have a hand-full of partner cards. They're also way better players than anyone I've encountered on Ship 2 or 4.
>Phantasy Star is all about the endgame

I can tell you're not a PSO player. That's the most stupid comment about the series I've heard in a long time.
don't worry guys if a man wants to play a multiplayer game like its a singleplayer game they're totally entitled to it

hey maybe you should give ToR a go i'm sure you'd love it :)
>I've only ever played till level 180 or so, then I quit
OK Mr. Casual.
If I'm playing, its always in a 4-man party running around in a multi-party area.

You mean multiple 200s? Then yes, Mr. Casual with multiple 200s(on multiple servers).
We have a new thread and no one bothered to link it here.

Halp, google translate does't do shit.
How do I complete that blonde fucker's quest?

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