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okay /v/ is too busy with their shit posting so im sharing here.
ive started playing blazblue not too long ago on pc and its pretty fun so im gonna share

1. download and install https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/5758122/Blazblue.Calamity.Trigger-RELOADED
2. go to http://codehpro.com/ and scroll down for a GFWL key
3. when prompted for serial key enter your GFWL key
4. crack and play
note: you will need a GFWL account but theyre not that hard to make

after you do all this you should be able to play online as if you owned a copy of the game
it allows cross platform gameplay so you can play with xbox users however you cant hear them talk

blazblue general too i guess..
really disappointed with the marketing this game got on pc
>not on steam
>long ass delay
>no digital downloads only physical copies
considering all this and the poor sales i dont think pc will ever see a port of CSE
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as a side note
the code you get from the site listed on step 2 will also work with any GFWL title released before blazblue's pc release
check here for the games
(may not work with dawn of war 2 or GTA 4)
just get a console you fucking brasilian
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>implying im brazillian
cant get a console at the moment and i dont really want one anyway because theyre wayyy too outdated at this point
getting one wouldve been a reasonable option 2-3 years ago
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surprisingly the multiplayer is still alive but it takes a bit of time to find a game
usually you gotta start your own lobby and it might take a few minutes for someone to join
still fun though ive had plenty of good matches
fuck tager.
Had no idea BB was even on PC
they did such a terrible job marketing it then they drop the whole thing due to poor sales
way too few know its on pc
Who's everyones waifu in the game?
i wouldnt call her mai waifu.. but i like noel
some things she does remind me of the 3D i like.
Will anyone download and play CT if BBCSEX is already out for everyone with a console?
Like what?
That's a solid game but, CT is broken if you know about Rachel or Arakune which makes it not fun for the person on the receiving end.
clumsiness and some other stuff
i just find it cute

ive played with some xbox players online as well as PC
i understand people would rather stick to the sequels since they have more characters and content but its console exclusive
this thread was made with pc players in mind i guess..
its free so why not?
anyone is welcome to join really and if you have it on xbox you can play as well
my GT is puppymang
>mfw rachel
fucking lolis man
dont underestimate their size
Ehh, I find it obnoxious along with her whining & cries. I guess different strokes but, I wonder who I can like in the game since most people gravitate towards Noel?
Isn't she like a millennium old?
the whining.. yeah thats a bit annoying
..maybe rachel? or or litchi?
.....or tao if youre into that kinda thing
probably but she has the body of a loli
Well at least Platinum is a loli for sure. Too bad there's 3 people living in that body.
seems like the download will take 3 hours for me.
I havent slept yet, so if this thread is still around later, ill be down for a few rounds.

Ill be playing Jin.
hope you dont ride the ice car to victory
thats just low
people still play at any time of the day youjust gotta make your own lobby and wait a bit
theyre all shy~
If any of you guys have psn could I add you for some games. I have all of the versions from CT-EX. Just leave your ID & which game you play for some matches.
just a few things just in case you have issues
when making a gamertag you gotta make a hotmail first then use that email to create a gamertag otherwise youll have issues
if youve never used GFWL before youll need to update because the version that comes with BBCT isnt updated
you can either wait for it to auto update or download GFWL from xbox.com
There's already a fighting game general.
Go there.
fighting game generals are.. for all of them together and i dont see them discussing blazblue
so i figured itd be alright to make a thread about a specific game considering katawa shoujo has its own general and when it could be part of the VN general
It's ok considering Skullgirls & Soul Calibur 5 has one. Plus FGG is not really much of a place to have discussions.
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So do any of you guys actually play the games or do you circlejerk over the characters?
Why not both?
Care to share to get things rolling? Whether it be which characters you fap to or your gaming experiences?
i play the game
got a few buddies to play with me but sadly a lot of people prefer their brown n bloom shootan or they simply wont give it a try

>mfw people fap to tao
Depending on the artists she can be attractive. People here fap to lolis. Yeah, this game is kinda hard to have anyone to play with offline. So are you like everyone else here & fap to Noel?
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She is such an underrated character.
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Litchi and Tsubaki. Because tits.
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guilty. once.
also we play online~ theyre just a few steambros who decided to give it a shot
if you follow the instructions on the OP you can play online as well

LOL she does it to tsubaki as well??
fuckin litchi man
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It's awesome whenever Tao fondles abyone with boobies. I wish I remembered what she said about Tsubaki's though.
You don't have to lie man. We're all open people here. I don't like the character but, I look at her pics from time to time. I wish I could get the game to work on my cruddy laptop but, for anyone with PSN don't be afraid to play some games. I'm currently learning on how to play with Relius & Valkenhayan.
So, I recently picked up Continuum Shift- but I'm terrible at it. I'm not good at fighting games as it is, but I'm particularly horrific at this one.

How do I fix this?
Tao thought they were "average".
Have you tried playing through the tutorial? It does a great job on explaining everything you need to know about the game. Also play through the characters mission/challenges to understand their gameplay & combos.
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I've figured she would say that. I just remembered Platinum's gag reel in Extend which had me laughing to being weird which was great.
Anybody here watch high level matches? I've just finished watching BB Revolution on youtube & that level of play is amazing.
tao fondles with boobies? Where.
It's in her story mode.
Awww shiiit
On CT? Or just the sequels?
I've only finished noels story
Got ragna to 95% but I don't know what I'm missing
I love CT

so much

Check out gamefaqs for the story mode guide on how to 100%. I remember being extremely tedious in CT because of the constant dying back and forth with each character to get the 100%. They changed it in later versions though along with new stories.

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