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So I've just recently gotten into playing games on my Android Tablet (Acer Iconia) recently because of four hour summer classes. And I am really surprised to learn that some of these games are actually really fucking good. Good enough for me to want to find more.

So I'm going to list out the games that I own and talk about them and you guys can make recommendations, and we'll all talk about worthwhile Android/IOS games.

Now I classify these games into two categories: Games you can play in class, and games that can't be played in class. First category is usually simple puzzle games, second involves the races and shooters. I'll start with the first category since I need more of those games since class is fucking boring.

Sim City Deluxe: I haven't played since Sim City 2000, but from my experience this is a surprisingly well built Sim City game. Graphics are sharp and colorful, the menus make sense, controlling it is easy, and the music is actually pretty decent. For the first time in years I managed to make a city that wasn't completely broke (even though it took ~30 game years of being in-debt). Unfortunately it has recently stopped working on my tablet, freezing about 30 seconds after opening the app. Real shame on that one, I seriously enjoyed that game.
Next up: World of Goo

It's World of Goo. I think just about everyone has played that one by now and I only got it as part of the humble Android bundle. It plays well, looks good, sounds great, and is a functional version of World of Goo. Hooray for it.

Osmos HD: This is surprisingly fun. I usually play with the music off (since I'm in class), but it's still a good combination of relaxing and semi-challenging. The physics can be fun when they add the black hole/rotational elements. I definitely recommend this one.

Plants Vs Zombies:
I got this for free. I played one level and got bored because it was dumb easy. then I tried it again a few months later. This shit is a good ass game. Music is pretty whatever, but the gameplay and controls are actually pretty nice. There are levels where it actually gets a little challenging. A great time waster.
I don't remember how I got this. It's PAC-MAN. It works fine, and I guess it's fun if you enjoy PAC-MAN. I would like to see more arcade classics now that I think about it though.

Anomaly HD:
Holy shit, this game. Looks awesome. Plays surprisingly well. It's basically tower defense where you're the invaders (I assume there's another mode that switches the roles, I just haven't looked for it yet). This one is definitely fun, and requires strategy since you can't control attacks. You can influence where your units travel, heal them, make it harder for enemies to hit them, etc. I thought it sounded stupid until I tried it. Check it out.

Solitaire: Yes I'm including Solitaire. It works fine.

Pinball Deluxe: Well, it doesn't suck. It's pinball. Not much to rate.
And those are all the games-I-can-play-in-class that I have. Definitely would like more.

Anyways now I'll move on to the serious games, starting with...

Dead Space:
I hate the shit out of EA, but this is the one IP they have left that I'll still buy. This game is fucking GOOD. It looks AWESOME. The controls are AWESOME. The sound is AWESOME. The gameplay is NOT BAD. Its only problem is from trying to emulate a controller, considering this tablet is large and annoying to hold upright. I usually just put it on a table and play it that way. If you like Dead Space, own a tablet, and don't own this, then you need to check it out.

N.O.V.A. 2 HD: Surprisingly good game. I haven't played this one as much as Dead Space, but the controls are solid, the sound is good, and the enemies are actually pretty good at getting around on the battlefield. It's developed by Gameloft, and I am really considering getting more of their games (including NOVA 3 and a WWII shooter). Also you are some kind of space marine.
If you can play pacman in class, then you also should be able to play Defender I/II? Offline stuff is bullshit boring, but the online match mode is kinda fun.
Duke Nukem 3D: It's cool that this was available, but it needs a little polish. Has the same problem as Dead Space, ie the controls try too hard to emulate an actual game controller. I'm sure if I mess with it I'll find something that works, but aside from that it's Duke Nukem 3D and you get what you expect.

Wolfenstein SOD: This one keeps crashing on my tablet and I'm not sure if saving is broken or not. I don't play it very often and I bought it on sale. It doesn't suck, it's just really fucking old. Get it if you love Wolfenstein.

X-Plane: Flight simulator. Has DLC planes and cities ($1 each), but it's actually kind of fun. It's advertised as being detailed enough that actual pilots can play it and it counts towards their overall flight time. It also features a dogfight mode that I haven't played yet. It's 3D, if you couldn't guess, not some isometric or side scrolling game. Looks pretty fancy in the air, but from the ground the land looks lame.
Also, anything ever devolped by Kairo Soft:

Gamedev Story
Dungeon Village
Hot Spring Story or whatever its called
Sims 3 Free-to-Play:
Avoid this game. Avoid it. Let me tell you how evil this game is.

First off, most actions occur in real time. You can take a brief nap for 1 minute and 30 seconds, but a full night's sleep is 8 real world hours. When your sim goes to work, they'll get home AFTER you do. This is annoying, but not that big a deal.

The big deal is how the free-to-play works. The game has inflation. To build a house, it first costs $1000. Then house #2 costs $5000. At house 10, it costs $100,000 for a barely furnished lot. Why is this such a problem, you ask? Because if you wanted to spend real world money to get a shitload of in-game money (for whatever reason), the prices are constant. The highest bundle is $49.99 for $200,000 in game dollars. So that means that in my game, it costs $25 to build a new house. Thankfully you can earn money in the game itself, so you CAN play it without actually spending your real money. Which is good, because fuck EA. Also this game has a glitch that sticks you in an infinite loop and makes progress impossible, and when I reported it they basically told me "We've said multiple times that a fix is on the way :)"

if it wasn't for that crap, it would be a decent free sims game.
Minecraft Pocket Edition: I only have the free version, so I can't use most items or save my buildings, but I was surprised at how well the controls work. This is a functional version of Minecraft. It has all the sights, sounds, and most of the (worthwhile) features of the real game. Though it's probably closer in comparison to an older version (pre-infinite) of Minecraft than the current one. Still, not that bad.

Riptide GP: Jetski racing game. Controlled by tilting the tablet to steer, and it's actually really fun. Looks awesome as well. I got it on sale for a dollar though so I don't know how worth it the game is now.

And that's about all I have worth reporting.

I'll take a look at those in a minute. I'm going to be more open-minded with tablet games since they're so cheap.

Anyone else got any games worth bragging about? (Seriously check out Dead Space)
those games look alright, I guess I'll try a free version of that dungeon village game. Just to get a feel for the gameplay.

I would get the Mass Effect game, but I'm still irritated about ME 3 so I've decided not to.

but I DO plan on getting Grand Theft Auto 3. Because that looks like an awesome game to have on my tablet.

Theres also this game. I mean, fuck a 100+ hour rpg which also happens to be like final fantasy tactics.
holy shit, this makes me wish I enjoyed turn-based RPGs more.

I'd be willing to try it if it wasn't for that price tag. But still, fucking impressive game.
I'm upset there are so few turn based strategy games/rpgs. I'm usually playing my gameboy emulator because of this..

Got a place to DL it for free by any chance? Looks interesting.

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