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Phantasy Star Online 2 General #16: Pre-OBT Edition

Previous thread: >>6691860

Check Archive for threads before that.

Thread #16

Pre-OBT has begun, if everything goes swell OBT will follow immediately after.
>If you participated in CBT or any of the previous tests, you do not need to enter to play.
>Otherwise, Pre-OBT signup will be open from 5.31.2012 until 6.20.2012, see second post for details.

New screenshots: new weapons, 3rd levels MAGs, Photon Blast summons

Official Blog:

Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

Japanese Wiki:

Pastebin: (outdated/irrelevant for now)

Story Translation on PSOw:

CBT test results/stats:

PSO icon vectors from previous thread(s):
Need help here, been having errors in the middle of updating the latest patch.
10 times have this error been popping everytime i reach 15% on the 2nd bar. Does anyone have a download link for the patches or some sort?
Wow it actually posted the one before I found out I linked wrong.

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How to sign up for Pre-OBT
>If you were in CBT or any previous test, you are in automatically.

Click the first big blue button under the Rappy block.
In the yellow bar, write your e-mail address. Click the blue button to the right.
Check your e-mail, goto the first link.
On this page, start entering info. Google translate will help, but it is in this order:
Birthday YYYY-MM-DD
SEGA ID name. 6~30 lowercase characters. This shouldn't be related to whatever you plan for your ingame character name but that probably doesn't matter.
Password + Pass-confirm (8~16 character limit)
Secret question and answer (1~64 characters)
Checkbox if you want mail from Sega (yes, otherwise you might not get an e-mail about the beta)

Click the gray button at the bottom when you're done. If you get a pop-up, go back and fix your fuck-ups.

Next page
Find Phantasy Star Online 2 (ファンタシースターオンライン2) on the list. Click the link/button underneath it, on the next page is the legal crap that noone ever reads.

Click the first gray button then you should be set. The next page's button closes the window.

If you need to do a captcha, go here:
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I can seem to barely post but let's see if this goes through.

Try this link if you're having trouble downloading because likely the JP servers are being hammered right now: http://the-under.net/files/PHANTASYSTARONLINE2.zip
Man does this have the translations too? Thanks for the link. Guess I'd play it tomorrow ;_;
I've crashed twice now, halfway through a mission both times.
It's probably just the fault of my shitty laptop, though.
How do I go about joining a group of bros in-game?
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I might as well post this here too, so people will know. I made it it in like 5 minutes, so it's pretty terrible.
Please help. I'm having an issue with the 242 error when I try to log in. I know my password is correct. I even reset my password after trying it again and again and still I am getting the 242 error.

What is going on? Is there anything I can do to fix this?

Check your SEGA ID. Disable the "keep ID" and try it in all lower case too.
Thank you for such a quick response. I did exactly as you said and it is still giving me the 242 error along with the standard 601 603 errors.

Am I just going to have to abandon hope until the open beta starts? Probably.
If you're getting 601/603s that means it's working. If it's happening randomly after a bunch of 242s, then I'm not exactly sure what to tell you.
If it takes you to a window with yellow text and a box, you did it right and need to enter a name to continue.
What exactly is 601?
People say to retry but I've been doing it for hours and still no change.
They're about even. First I'll get a 602 then a 601 then a 242 then a 603 etc. It's so frustrating.

I have yet to get to it.
Anyone know what you're even supposed to do in the desert mission?
Your sega id is just a word with lowercase letters and no @email after it, yes? That's the only other thing I can think of.
242 seems to be like a spam control, take around 15secs to retry.
602/603 try lowercase ID and check if you didnt input your password wrong.
Yes it's only lowercase words. No email or anything other than lowercase letters.

I know that can't be incorrect as I just recently reset my password with it. Well it was more like half an hour ago but that is still recent, right?
After errors while patching, I'm back to patching. Sadly it'll take too long for me to join in today.

At least there's tomorrow and hopefully OBT in the near future
Dessert mission got. Now I get my 1,000 FUN, Rappy Doll, Weapon Hologram and Bouquet Rifle for the real thing.
That's plenty of time. If your sega id matches the one in the mail sega sent you when you registered and you just reset your password, I have no idea why it's still being uncooperative.
How to you login on the PSO2 site?
I want to know if i got the right password because i always get error 601,604 and 604
What do we have to do to get the bouquet?

Spoke with the NPC and I believe she gave me a quest, but have no clue what to do.
i am that person here:

Updater just terminated without reason, leaving me with now zero progress in update by restarting the game.
See you tomorrow, i am pissed as fuck.
Just clear the mission, so far as I can tell.
Are there any translations that are already finished?

How'd you get those? I did the desert mission and I don't think I received anything.
Ok after slowing down on spamming my login information I now only get 601 errors.

This seems to be pretty common. What time does the closed beta end?
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Maybe now I can post and stop leaving out important details.

The Pre-Open Beta Runs:
6/15 @ 6AM to 11AM Eastern
6/16 @ 6AM to 11AM Eastern.

Common Error Codes:
242: Either incorrect password or you must wait several seconds before attempting to login again (I'm not sure which).
601: No server response, server too busy to process.
602: Sega ID is incorrect, make sure your Sega ID is put in all lowercase letters.
630: Lost connection to server.

I'm not sure what errors 603, 604, and 632 are.

Someone got error 2300 earlier on, which is the player ID you requested is not available due to security reasons.

If you're spending too much time on errors you might want to consider waiting until Open Beta, the only thing you'd miss out on would be a bouquet rifle since the characters are getting wiped anyways.
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And the objective is what now?

I just did that mission. When I got to the end we had to collect some kind of sample from some machines but we had no idea what the fuck we were doing and failed.
In 2 or 3 hours I guess.
Kinda sad I'm also getting 601, probably won't get my hands on it.
I've been wondering if it's not a kind of ip block to certain places.
I must say, thank you PSO2 general. You have been nothing but helpful and I really, really appreciate that. Though I can't get in the closed beta I sincerely look forward to playing in the open beta with all of you.

Thank you.
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Finally, as a final note on this ship vs ship sort of stuff:

Play on whatever ship you feel you'd have the most fun on. Trying to force yourself onto a particular ship just because some people in the thread say their ship is better will just hurt your playing experience in the end.

Quite a few people ended up on a ship they did not want to play on. If you ask what ship to play on in this thread, expect to get multiple answers with some even trying to troll you onto the wrong ship.
>Patching fails again

I guess I'll just wait for OBT
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I'll play for a bit, then the game will freeze up, give this message, and crash
Sorry bros ;_;
You were supposed to activate the machines as they were glowing. It's pretty fucking impossible solo, since they give you all of two minutes and it'll take you maybe 50+ seconds to activate a single one.
Mash the E button when they are glowing. I did one alone in less than 10s.
Fuck me for not thinking of that.
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All these bitches and only one pimpin' robot to satisfy them all.
Patch keeps erroring. Well, fuck.
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I got in and it was thanks to you guys. You are all awesome.

A few question, haven't seen a general Tips or FAQ, so my questions might be obvious.

Once you're on a ship, how do you continue questing and exploring? At times, I can't get down to fight mobs and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Already spoke to scientist lady, followed by an excursion down to the planet, now I'm stuck trying to figure out how to move on.

Adding my pic to the pool.

>Is dis nigga serious?
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Anyone translate moonrunes?

After logging in, this popped up, any idea what to do next?
It's your in-game ID. Separate from your character's name. Choose whatever you want.
Stick a name in the box.
Oh thanks!
It would be easier to figure out whenever the translation patch gets updated and theres more time to spend in game. For now I would probably just refer to the bumped site and see if that can help you.
Explore the whole map. When the purple markets appear on the map, you must go to them and use the extractors. Multiple people can use them at once to make it go faster. MASH E

Do I have to get all 5 drills to get the boquet rifle or do I need just the required 2?

That link has the latest patch included?
>Multiple people can use them at once to make it go faster. MASH E
NO, what you do is HOLD E when the drills are GLOWING.
holding e when it is not glowing will make the bar go down
Half an hour left. Glad I patched early; I'm all hack-n-slash'd out.
Me and my friends just did the desert mission and got a mission complete. Is that all we have to do? Do we have to like, talk to anyone or anything like that?

Mashing E while it's glowing IS faster than holding E. Just tested it now.
well i guess i was wrong...
any idea how we get the flower gun though?
Has there been an english translation patch put out yet, much like during the CBT?

Through a code. What I'm more interested in is whether or not you have to score S rank on the desert mission to be eligible. I only scored B as I only got the bare minimum of 2 drills. I'd probably get S if I had another guy with me instead of the 3 bots.
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I got an S rank, and I haven't gotten any sort of code, to my knowledge.
Sounds like Item Code swag gets sent to your storage, but not the main bin. Now if I only knew where my codes were.

Of course they'll give it when the open beta starts. Tallying these things, they take time.
>5,000 AC for 11 scratch cards

Oh, Japan. Fuck you. I ain't spending sixty bucks for a chance to get some cute little doll dress.
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take some more screenshots
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It just isn't the same. Side stare was better.
>Shit, he's on a box! My only weakness!

Fucking easy-ass Antlions.
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And that's that.
Disconnect right at the end of a mission.

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Well, that was fun
How was everyone's connection? NA Central Time Zone here, had no problems connecting or loading. I feel good about them starting open beta right after tomorrow or at least I hope so.
Where's the display models slider in the options?
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No lag at all. Well, there were a few instances when my graphics card just kinda stopped, but that's mostly likely something on my end.
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My head! Where's my head?
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I was good the whole time
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>Try to sing Burning Rangers with Raie
Time for non-stop Elona.

Did anyone else run into Theodore way more times than needed?

I was really surprised at how smoothly I could play.
I didn't get into closed beta, I played the game for a bit today (I managed to waldo my way into the screenshot, actually), and I have one question - did you guys actually play this game today? Apart from the obligatory desert quest? Which I failed literally 2 minutes before the servers closed.
hey when did this happen, I was just afk for a bit and you gattai'd with my Heartbot
I certainly did play some missions. Mainly helped some guys get to grips with the game though.
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> This guys
I even ran on him twice on the same area. Fucking stalker. He is everywhere.
Only main characters have their characters in high detail models.
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dat outfit. Got to love data mining. And no it's not usable ingame.
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Fuck that. I ran in to him 3 times in one fucking misson. Space Pope sees all.
Yeah i replayed the first matter board mission.
If you failed the desert quest, you an still retry tomorrow. Just be sure to mash E near the towers.

Dat on disc DLC
only mash when the towers are glowing though

Make sure not to mash E when the towers aren't glowing.
Saw that in the AC scratch rewards list. Reminds me of the dress in PSP2 that cost 200,000 meseta.
A bit of lag, though it was more than likely my connection and my hardware.
I crashed five times, which is a shame, but once again, it's almost certainly the fault of the shitty laptop I play all my games off of.

Fucking loved the game, by the way. I missed out on earlier testing sessions, and this is the first one I've played. It was worth the weight.
Momoyo's ass is a main character


I had a couple of 630s, but they stopped when I turned off my AV. It was smooth sailing from there on.

Can't wait for OBT now.
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Well hrm. I can still do the mission tomorrow, right? Maybe this time I'll actually ask you guys to help us.
I managed to figure THAT out. Too bad we were out of time by then.

pic related it's me and my bff iron tager
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That was a blast. I haven't slept in 20 hours so I've already forgotten names... Raie? Wishfulsomething? I don't remember your names, but you guys are alright.
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Still loving the afro size
did anyone get pictures with me in them?
i was Psycho_Luke
Way to make me sad.
Are there any nice male outfits?

>I crashed five times
Oh ouch.
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also there is a grey rappy suit
You're sort of in this pic>>7539740
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Was anyone else not able to use PP attacks? I couldn't use any after about 30 minutes. I'm not sure if it was something I did without knowing or a glitch.
I got a few with you in it.
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Males have a nice formal as well
>play desert mission once
>proceed to sit around and talk for the next 4 hours
>still manage to have fun
>still have withdrawals afterwards

This fucking game...
whats e on a gamepad?
It's B, on a 360 pad.
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Indeed, real happy about that.

Nothing for CASTs? ;_;
>sitting properly

They re-added sitting?
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Thank you Yune and Awol for putting up with me, it was fun and I hope I can party with you guys again.

Oh man, that looks pretty ni-
>red lining

What is error 617?
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there are a small bit of new cast parts
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Why did they change that FOreal stare? ;_:
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So many hours will be sunk in this game...

Also, thanks to my team members for giving out quite a few helpful hints.
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super sholder pads
Dat resolution.
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i want this one so badly
ruby is going to get pissed if he finds out

you community destroying haxor you
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S-so the beta's over?

>mfw I slept until 11:15 thinking it was until noon
Wait, does that look kind of like Flowen's outfit for anyone else?
lol you're gonna be fucked when you have to download THIS AND the patch for OBT that includes the tundra level
Tomorrow's P-OBT at the same time. lrn2time zones
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client sided only. I cant actually take them ingame.
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fat character build + that outfit =
So did anyone get their event rifle yet?
Felt good to be in EU timezone for once.
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That's you beside Annila, right?
Why not just switch the files locally so you see what you want to see? Or does GameGuard protect against that?
"This horn isn't just for show!"
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the servers shut down before i could get a proper picture of the mohawk
you change capitalization of your name>
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There are quite a few good outfits in here so far.
more more moreeeee
Hey, !!9Y/7lmse7IT did you check any female cast parts?
Can you see if there's a SANIC costume hidden somewhere. I really just want a good laugh before I pass out from no sleep.
As opposed to PSU/PSP, where there were maybe a dozen not-dirt-ugly ensembles out of hundreds of items.
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this was an odd accessory i ran into. Basic little mask.
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>too late to make new thread
Maybe when the Open Beta starts/
Anyone else gonna buy the Japanese version if they don't localize?

I love PSO, I have over 10000 hours in the first PSO on Dreamcast and have 60 in BB already since last week.
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Didnt manage to get pics of them but so far i only ran into 2 "new" female cast parts. One was the lisa set and the other i didnt manage to get a screenshot of. If i have the time i will try to get it tomorrow.
the one with the headphones

But it's free.
>none of these outfits look better than the attendant one
Wait. It's over? daaaamn
At hours did it start?
6am-11am EST
What? I thought it was free to play monthly, not to download
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i didnt see anything sonic related durring my testing but i wouldnt be supirsed if something like that gets added at some point.
its free to download as well
im sure it will. hell, they might even add it to the full release files. hope you're still here then
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Here's hoping they make the attendent outfit usable.
Really? Wow, Sega is pretty bro-y lately
I know that feel
But I mixed up Eastern Time with Pacific time.

Also, I have not downloaded any patch recently (since the Closed beta) That I am a aware of. However I can still start up the game, And it still gives me the server is in maintenance error.
Wat do?
Saltack for president
yeah.. cause most of these you posted are shit. FUCKING SEGA.
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More like granted sega doesnt fix the way i do this. Once a new deicer is released i wonder if i could swap out the files and make one outfit look like another, granted gameguard doesnt go nuts.
>not this glorious fucker posting all dis data
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Now here is hoping the economy wont be complete shit and have some decent clothing prices in the player shops.
Even you can be patty
>1000 AC per outfit

Luke. You're kinda of a faggot, just letting you know in case you didn't.

Spam less, play the game more and learn to spell.
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civilian gear from the looks.

Also a small tip for people come open beta. Before getting to into the game, you can backlog a few different outfits via depositing your starter one, deleting character, and repeating the steps.
don't be an asshole faggot, we're all bros here. we had to deal with that retard spamming "Good Morning~" in cbt but he was still our bro.
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Tomorrow i need to reuse this suit but make my guy have fat ass legs and see how it looks.

Oh god what the fuck.
>we had to deal with that retard spamming "Good Morning~" in cbt but he was still our bro.

No he wasn't. Neither was you-know-who
mother of god

Any accessories? Can you do this in the Character Creator? If so, tell us motherfucker I wanna see my character in dat shit
The only thing I've done is play as a ridiculous looking robot in a sea of adorable waifus.
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White Glint lord of gattai.
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Exactly, and it was so out of place that it was hilarious.
So, assuming I want to play this game for no money, once the full version comes out, what do I miss out on, other than aesthetic shit like costumes?
My Room, trading, and hosting your own store.
XP boosters and bag space, which you'd only buy if you're a tryhard nerd anyway.
A whole day of it failing to patch, having to restart and it failing about 50% in.

Is there a reason for this besides "try again later because you have the worst luck"? I can't see a decent explanation anywhere other than that, but this feels far too common
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i have a few shots of accesories. If there was a way to import these into the CC i would. I had to do it while actually connect to the beta client in order to see them.

:P there is a new hat. Circular only.
sega sucks at this. however, they have noticed the errors and many people have been reporting they could not play because of the updater so this could mean they will release manual patches in the future.
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sorry Saltack I take it back. It took more than 5 rectangles to draw you.
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I'm almost worried about getting items from the shop. What if it comes officially to english speaking countries and things you bought wouldn't carry over?

When this releases in Nippon, I will play it a lot but I won't be buying expensive gear or investing a lot of time into one character for fear of incompatibility when it comes ashore.
I laughed more than I should have.
aww damn, that sucks. Would love to fuck around with these. I wonder how many of these will actually be free as sega has already confirmed they will add more hairstyles and outfits come full release.
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I cant help but wonder what this would go well with. The picture doesnt do very good in showing it off. Come open beta i should spend some time to do some rotation gifs of these things.
swag as fuck. i hope females can wear that
Do you use avast?
accessories are unisex.
ohohohohoohhohoh check and see if they have that snowman outfit for females. ill look for the pic
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this would go well for some traps, granted it's not gender locked.

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hair bun thingies
Even you can be chinese
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medical hat along with stethiscope
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simple color varient of existing suit
you know i love you right?
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what's her face's outfit
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i like the style of this one
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this is the last picture i took at the moment. Tomorrow i will post more after getting my bouquet rifle. I get to have fun going to work now.
ok, thanks man.
Who would be ready to roll new characters/start from cold some Phantasy Star Portable 2 for the newly renowned PSO hunger, and fact that the game has fantastic For PSP standards online play capabilities.

If everyone does not have legal copy adhoc party or even crazy venture of Prometheus online should do the job as well.

Would we have enough interested people. You know, about two or three after me?
I can't into the English language.
Did anyone take a screenshot or something of the new AC prices?
Hey guys, how does one get a rappy suit, and has an english translation pack been released, and is there a /v/ guild?
wait guys, querstion here that I might get flamed for-

if I'm downloading this right now, is it a waste of time? I saw a few posts saying that " 5 hours wasn't enough" etc etc, but was the beta just open for a few hours?

And if you sign up, what does the email saying you are for sure in the testing look like? I tried google translate but it's so retarded and all, it doesn't make much sense.

Sorry bout the stupid questions if there are any here.
Read very carefully
It was open for 5 hours today. It is gone now.

Nest time is tomorrow, another five hours.

After that no beta until open beta is announced.
Are all these outfits that people are posting pictures of going to be buyable with meseta, or will there be SOME way of getting the outfits and costumes without having to spend any real money?
ah fuck I cant believe I missed that post. Derp.

Cool thanks!

Just one more- I signed up for the testing a while back, maybe a few weeks or so. does that mean I just download and then log in? Or is there an email that is specifically going to say that I'm in?
There's no translation patch for POBT because it's so short. There will likely be one shortly after OBT starts. I'm not sure how to get the rappy suit.

It's the same game you'll have to download if you want to play OBT, so you might as well even if you don't play tomorrow. Character levels will be wiped after tomorrow.

You can probably just log in.
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I got my fix from these five hours. Desert mission was great, although the boss was a pushover... which should be no surprise since it's a Level 5 mission currently.

Skill Tree Changes:
PP Revival is buried in the Fire branch now, which kind of sucks, but it's less SP to unlock, so it's not all bad. Should be able to go for my PP Revival + Bolt Tech PP Save build at a lower level, actually.

Open Beta better come quick. The servers didn't even hiccup.

Picture unrelated.
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The game feels almost empty with this change.

>not real money

You already have to pay for everything else, including having more than one character.
>Level whole 5 hours with three people I never known
>Have a blast.
>We all have fun time killan and missionan.
>Afterwards we have very random attempt to add each other
>I get only one of them added to my steam.
>Now away, no plans to play anything else and cannot find the two other people anywhere.

I had so fun... I wanna now play PSPo2 or something Phantasy Star Related with these people and can't. It hurts...
Why don't more games incorporate multistream ogg tracks?

PSO, PSO2, and PSZ are the only games I have seen with them. Does Sega own a trademark on the format or something?
>Multistream OGG tracks
What is this wizardry you are babbling about?
Hahaha! Although I would argue my arms are shorter.
Ever notice how the music changes dynamically in-game?

Like when you're walking through the forest and as soon as you start attacking a monster then the music changes to from soothing to intense.
sega confirmed they are adding more free outfits and hairstyles during the cbt. I'm sure ALL of those won't be free but you have to be an idiot to think they'll launch the game with so little outfits
An idiot to think a free to play game would have almost no options without paying?

Sir, are you familiar with video games?
There are free to play games that remove gameplay mechanics from non paying customers.
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I'm getting this error, the only thing I can read is 230, not sure what to do.
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You know all I hope for is for segac not to completely overcharge paying customers.
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So was there anything new weapon wise?
Still waiting on mechguns.
Its called the game is down
No if he logged in with correct credentials this would be his error.

[ No.649 ]

So what he should do is copy and paste is error into google translate
So what's error 632 then, same thing basically?
Wait nevermind, I can clearly read the offline to the server status.

NEVERMIND. But that sucks, I slept for 7 hours or something
I thought maybe I just couldn't log in. Glad that I know now the servers down...

I hope it comes back up soon
I just went to bed early. Woke up a whole hour early.
Tomorrow at the same time. (6am-11am EST)
Are you even reading the threads?
>tfw patching takes so fucking long that the pre-OBT is over before its done.
I thought it was yesterday and today.
You were better off just downloading the whole game again
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If you live in Japan then it would technically be yesterday and today.

Who WAS that guy? I saw him in like, 3 different spots just dancing.
It was funny as fuck, imo.

Oh Damn.. it starts at 6am? Really?

I got myself into thinking it STARTS at 11. Jeez. Gonna stay up tonight to play. Woops...
I fucking tried, but google docs is retarded.
Can I somehow skip patching by downloading an updated client? I downloaded from the site but this patching is taking fucking forever and keeps getting an error.
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A couple of questions from an idiot who simply did the desert mission and went back to sleep:

1) I finished the desert mission, but I didn't receive my Bouquet Rifle or anything else. Am I supposed to have done something more to get the rewards, or do I just wait until the real Open Beta and my prizes will be there? I know it's probably the latter, but I just want to be sure.

2) The tuxedo in the picture. Can it be recolored?
Does anyone know what was up with that second or third area in the desert quest? Kept getting messages about PSE levels, and strange windows would appear at the top/middle of the screen every so often. It seemed to be a common area too; there were other people outside of my solo run going around in it as well.
>The Bouquet Rifle will be delivered to you some time in the Open Beta Test.
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>Who is Lennon
Supa bro tier
>Barely took screenshots
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I'd be up for any PSPo2, although all's I have is a mid 20's HUmarl. Course, I'm silly download scum, so I'd have to use a tunnel method. Dunno what would work with this, maybe xlink kai or anything better if anyone knows?

Withdrawal hurts...
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>set us free spooky
shoutous to the FGC, haha

>cool screenie

shoula left PSO2 on while I was asleep....FUCK!
Is it too late to get in on this? I tried to download it last night but after four hours the second bar was only half way full.
When is it coming to NA?
You have five more hours tomorrow. However, the Open Beta should start shortly afterwards (hopefully anyway) and that'll be 24/7 all the way to release. So get on that download.

Maybe soon, maybe never, no one knows.
>the Open Beta should start shortly afterwards

yeah that was based on if the Pre-OBT went well with no issues....so with that said I kinda left after the desert mission

so did the pre-obt go well? are we having a optimistic attitude with how the pre-obt went?
I can't speak for /vg/ in general, but I had no problems beyond a little 601 at the very beginning. Other than that it ran smoothly.

Then again I had a fairly good closed beta experience, but Sega of Japan blew up or something given all the apologies they've made about bad connectivity.
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I personally had very little problems at all, I just woke up, logged in, made my character, and played. Only major issue I had was taking forever loading in between areas, that's been plaguing me since the CBT too. Otherwise, the only other "issue" I had was trying to figure out how to invert the mouse, since I was so used to and reliant on the translation patch from the CBT.
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>set us free spooky

You're on the wrong ship if you wanted to play with TeamSp00ky.

Also, as it so turns out, FO can get PP Revival, Lv.10 Bolt Tech PP Save and Just Reversal at exactly Lv. 30. Looking forward to being a shithead in Open Beta~
Anyone know if the video capture feature is still in the game? I can't seem to find it in the quick menu.
From what I'm seeing it was common to see one or two lag spikes, but overall much much better. Unless the Japs couldn't into running the game, I'd say chances are high.
Of all times, of course my mouse battery died in the middle of a mission.
>using a wireless mouse
I heard they took it out for now, some post on bumped a while back.

For the Open Beta, they thought they could implement a video capturing mode, but this is now abandoned.
Hohoho im momo11!
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Ah that's a damn shame, why the heck did they do such a thing.
Unsure, I assume it's to reduce the client's requirements? All's I know is that a friend of mine was able to play at high settings during this pre-OBT, but couldn't play at high settings at all during CBT, so I wonder if this has something to do with the "client optimizations" they were speaking about.
So just to be clear, as of now until tomorrow, the servers are down and I can't log in or play with anything? Kinda just woke up.
I guess that makes sense, get rid of the feature so people who has a computer that is unable to capture videos won't complain that the game lags when they do it.
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When I played earlier today, I didn't get those random lag spikes in lobby that everyone had.
Does anyone know the new host for putte's PSOBB server? I need a way to kill time until OBT.
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guys can you help me ?
Give it some time and you should be shot for that wallpaper.
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Here's the /vg/ family photo I took last night.

Also, you can play this image in Winamp to hear the voice of EVIL!!!
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Steam icon for those of you who use tile view. Really basic but it works.
Few questions:
Is there a friend list? How do you add people? Will it carry into OBT? And how do I change my characters' voice? I checked all the options in the character creator but didn't see it.
yes, click on them to add, no, the option is right above the random option
characters are wiped once preOBT ends
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>How do you add people?
If I remember correctly, you need to click the character then select "Add as a friend". An invite notification will be sent to the person. They have to accept before they get added to your friend list.

>Will it carry into OBT?

>And how do I change my characters' voice?
Character Creator doesn't have this, only the creator in the full game. If I remember correctly, the option is above "Randomize". So it should look like this:


I could be wrong though.
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What is this witchcraft? Someone put a Lisa in my media player, I need backup.
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Too late! Your lewd circuits have been infected with lisa.trojan.w32/agent.
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The lighting was similar to the character creator now. At least in the desert.
What level did you need to be to do the desert mission?
no level requirement
There was no level limit, I did it at level 2 right after I finished the first forest mission.

They're giving us the code when the open beta starts right? Also I didn't know there were other clothes you can mess with...I thought it was just the same from the closed beta.
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level 11
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So I guess 5 was the recommended level?
My bad.
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>used my free 100 FUN on the scratch card
>got one of those blue credit card things that I still don't know what they do even after the CBT

Son of a bitch
when you look at the details of the quest it'll say towards the bottom if there's a level requirement otherwise なし
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You need to be Lv.5 to create a room for that mission but you can join an existing one even if you are under-leveled. I remember not being able to start this mission because I'm Lv.3, but was quite surprised that I was able to make it at Lv.5 even though my party members are still a level or two behind me.
Whoops, This is what I was thinking of. Sorry about that.
>You need to be Lv.5 to create a room for that mission.

wtf guys HELP
Are those breasts meant to be snake heads?
now come on there's no reason for that
cut it out
ill just look elsewhere
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My circuitry is obviously too complex for you to understand, but it's good that I won't need to deal with that iTunes stuff the rest of you CASTs need to deal with.
Did you have to do anything after the desert mission to make sure you're getting a code or anything? Or if you completed it you're in the clear?

I hope you didn't need a S Rank, I got an A because we died too much.
iirc this game isn't coming to the US? I remember hearing it was gonna be japan only somewhere.
No one knows. You can go ahead and speculate, but I don't really care. Fan patches will be released, against the TOS as they are.
Finally finished downloading the latest client. I can at least get a taste tomorrow, now.
Sega of Japan wants to release the game in English, but Sega of America is currently bankrupt and doesn't have enough funds to license any game. Seriously, I want SoA to just die already so other companies can pick this game up.
The game has placeholder localization files as well as a "Language" drop box in the options (with the only selection being Japanese). So your guess is as good as anyone's at this time.

But Sega is bleeding money so personally I wouldn't be surprised if it never got past Japan.
Didn't SANIC Generations do pretty well? As well as Bayonetta? Why Sega of American doing so shitty?
not enough panty shots
not enough FPS
not driving a series into the ground like every other major company
Because non-japanese people today only knows SEGA for the Sanic games.
I guess so. I doubt Virtua Fighter 5 is going to do well in North America as well
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>see all the posts about pso2 anywhere
>"The game isn't out yet, so when is it getting localized?"
>"Yes it is, I saw two files labelled in English!"
>"No it isn't, they changed the credits to Japanese!"
>"Why can't I connect to the server after the POBT was over?"
>"How do I save a character?"
>"I need to delete my character I made for POBT!"
>"Where's the bouquet rifle?"
>"Why is this in Japanese?"
>"What race/class combo is best?"
>"Can you guys vulcanize my tires while I wait?"
>"Is this game I downloaded for free a free game?"
>"I can't connect, some shitty '602' error, must be Sega's fault!"
>"The POBT's been out for an hour, is there an English patch yet?"
>"I have no concept of problem solving, so can you fix this for me?"
>"Why are the shaders breaking, I've got an onboard laptop gpu that's five years old!"

I think I'll be soloing for most of the first few months.
just stick with those who at least played in the CBT
Essentially they didn't release a single good game for about ten years. Except for maybe Chronicles and Phantasy Star Portable. Which they did fuckall to promote anywhere that's not Japan. Think Chronicles had a commercial, at least.
I was in CBT and plan on skipping the general english channels for this reason.
I sat in Ship2 Block21 for a grand total of 3 minutes before all of those questions annoyed me.
I got into a party with some CBT people. It was glorious to be away from the lobby.
I'm just impressed that every female character isn't some disgusting titty monster.
yo people i forgot where you gather at
I dont think the PSN+ thing is helping that either, it seems like a dumb idea from a business standpoint.
How are people so good at symbol art? Seriously, these people must be fucking wizards
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>mfw still no 500% zoom

It's such a pain moving tiny pieces around.
So... how do I change the character creator to english?
For those running into the 601 Error: Make a new Sega ID and try again. Tested my friends and got error 601 (Same as her) but she was able to log in with my account and vice versa.

So it sounds like it just happens to be an issue with specific accounts.
Anyone got translation pictures or anything for all the things under the launcher options menu?
This game looks so much better with shaders on, but my FPS drops uncomfortably low. I definitely need to buy a new card. My ATI Radeon 2400 has surprisingly served me well for many years. Now for the task of finding a 'good enough' graphics card that is within my budget.
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So I did the dessert mission last night, then I was a fucking idiot and deleted my character so I wouldn't be tempted to play any more, and immediately after I realized they might need to see my character to know I completed the quest.

So I tried to remake my character it again but I had to start from level 1 and all the fucking Japanese people I partied with didn't know what the fuck to do and I couldn't communicate to tell them. I ran out of time before the servers went down.

Now I have to try to complete the quest again tonight even though I'm supposed to wake up and go to work just 3 hours after the test starts.

Fuck me.
why would you be tempted to play a beta that only lasts 10 hours
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Hey look, it's that hat guy again!
I love these so much
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Lisa confirmed for avatar of Popsicle Pete.
cute. please make more
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Are you guys getting this error when trying to log in?
I know the servers are down but I want to make sure this is a "servers are down" message and not a "you fucked up with account registration" message.
Fuck you, Theodore, I ran into your ass about 8 times today.
And great job Celcius, I'd love to see more from you.

ctrl + f and look for 242 in this thread.
Thanks. Getting the proper 649 now.
I'm getting 632

What the hell am I doing wrong
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Are a lot of short names taken?
I have a few in mind..
Can names even be taken by only one person in the first place?
Google/PSO World tells me

"Error 632:

[ No.632 ]

Google translate states that this occurs when you have double login'd and that you should wait some moments."
You will select a server wide ID that has to be unique, but your character name can be whatever you want.
thanks fo the info, here's hoping it'll work in a bit
Ah thanks, so the 'server wide ID' is the one that you log in with, then?
How long is the quest that gets you the bouquet?
No, it's something you type in when you log in for the first time. As far as I know it's only used for your player room and friend list.
Thanks god, getting the 649 now

So any info on when servers will be up?
It took me and two friends about 45 minutes jumping in straight from level 1.

We didn't understand how the drills at the end worked and failed it, so we tried it a second time at level 5 and were done in 20 minutes.

Of course like every quest, if you are willing to skip enemies and get a low ranking it will go by faster.
Just putting this out there for that rare chance someone runs into this: Error 2300 means that someone else has taken that user ID.

Tomorrow 6am-11am EST, if I'm not mistaken.
so that's in 8 hours, right?

I hate my country's time zone so muhc right now
Yeah, 8 hours from now.
Can you change the appearance of your character in-game?
I want to be able to switch between hats/glasses whenever.
You can change some parts at a stylist for free. More intricate parts like body shape require meseta.
Not meseta, AC. You can change hairstyle, accessories and eye type for free. The rest of the options require real-world cash if you want to change them after creation.
You can also do your voice for free.
That reminds me.
I can't hear voices in the character creator, am I the only one?
There are no voices in the character creator.
You can only hear voices in the program proper, not the character creator.
Right, thanks.
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Oh god, I haven't done a japanese beta or signup in so fucking long... the downloader.exe for the Pre-OBt thing.. it defaults to the desktop. That's... not where it installs, right? Those are just the files it uses to install the game, right? You get prompted to put it in the C drive when it's done downloading, right?

I guess now I need a SEGAC ID.
alright its time to try to go sleep. see ya in the morning.
1. I thought they were emailing out item codes for it or something.
2. Yes it is recolorable, at least it should be. >>7542163 This is the same outfit but in blue. Honestly if i can get this suit i so want to make it hot pink.
How does this compare to PSOBB?
Also, approximately how many from /vg/ are playing?
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>How does this compare to PSOBB?
Well, PSOBB used only the X and Y axis. PSO2 now uses the newly discovered Z axis.

PSOBB and PSO2 are both similar in that they don't have Ethan Waber or Karen Erra, nor do they have WE'RE ON THE SAAAAME SHIP, IT'S CALLED STARSHIP EARRRRRRRRRRTH~
inb4 some fag can't see that it says closed beta test and goes DURR, WHERE U GET DAT ENGLISH PATCH.
But we're missing the walking tits and Norio Wakamotobot. And we don't get cross-dressing-voice Miyuki Sawashiro.
Few things

OBT open right now? And do we still have the same group from last time?

Not home atm
Opens back up in 7 hours. OB should hopefully be announced to be open right after, unless someone goofed.
The servers were fucking amazing yesterday, I had no lag or errors at all, and I loved how the characters load faster and everything is stabilized.

I don't see any reason why they won't start the OB right after the pre.
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>That pic.
Every fucking time I went into online mode, there always had to be something like that, god damn.

Thank goodness I can't remember how that goes. All I can think of is Living Universe and I fucking love that song.

Also, that reminds me: To the person who agreed to play PSP2 with me, like a week ago, I'm sorry for not seeing your reply until earlier today.
I'm still up for it if you want to play after the pre-OBT ends.
Test to see if things are good for OBT, and if not then they will be trying to fix the said problems

I hope I don't need to redownload everything again just because of the patcher refusing to update
So wasn't able to play this morning and I installed the English CBT patch and now have blank text. Will this fix when I try to play tomorrow? Or should i reinstall?
You should reinstall, it won't get fixed unless there is an update distributed before the servers go up.
The english CBT patch does NOT work for the pre-OBT. Click the 3rd button on the launcher to re-moonify the buttons.
I feel like absolute shit today but I wasn't around to finish the desert quest last night so I gotta do it all again.

I feel like I could fall asleep right now but I have to stay up for 7 more hours oh god.
> I installed the English CBT patch
Why did you do that?
It's been said numerous times that there will be no translation for the Pre-Open Beta testing and that the update would/did break the CBT patch.
Yeah i know the english patch doesn't work. I installed like a week ago when the download was available for the Pre-beta. I just haven't bothered fixing it until today. Calm your tits.
Use file check to redownload.
Hey guys, original fan of the DC PSO here. Really want to get into an MMO but have not liked any of them. I miss my PSO.

Will I like this? Is it better than Blue Burst? Hows the community? And how do I get it?

So I made my account, Now what do I download ?
Why don't you just sleep for 6 hours? That's what alarm clocks are for.
Uh-huh. Personally, I reckon most MMOs such, but I love PSO2. You could always play a private server if you miss PSO that much.
You probably will. It's more of an action game, though, but the controls are thereby more modern and nicer to use. The community is Japanese people with the occasional English players, like us. There's a guide on the site on the OP.
No problem.
> I installed like a week ago when the download was available for the Pre-beta.
Ok, that's a horse of a different color; you made it sound like you just did it earlier today.

File check should reverse all that.

Not really sure, Is >>7537639 just the patch?
You'll love it, objectively yes, if you don't read moonrunes then it's ship dependent(2 is other communities like reddit and pso-w, 4(block 44) is us), wait for obt download next week(hopefully)
>Is it better than Blue Burst?

That's hard to answer. You have to remember Blue Burst came out four whole years after PSO ver. 1, it had a lot of content built up over the years.

PSO2 is fun and feels like a true sequel, but it will take a long time to get as much content as BB had. It's better than PSOv1, for sure.

What do I click on?
Yeah, i've been following the threads for last couple weeks. People have been asking the same questions over and over again. Kinda dumb. My bad
The big clickable button in the middle....
Where do you go to switch blocks? I figure I might as well know beforehand so I don't waste time.
The doors that have big green borders.
Circular white elevators in the lobbies

Cool, thanks guys
How many hours now until the next pre-OB?
6 hours 15 minutes.

>You need to be Lv.5 to create a room for that mission

No you don't
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feels like only yesterday I was checking your blog, smiling about seeing my youtube videos in them, and then suggesting these types of images...and now you're actually doing them and a bunch of them too...I love them
>going to ship 2
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>But we're missing the walking tits
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what do i do? i can't read jap and this error pops up when i hit that blue button
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If I can wake up in time I'd like to try and record a desert run tomorrow. Then hopefully run around in the multiparty map til one of the bosses show to record that

Figure it's a good chance before desert shoots back up to 20+ and we have to wait for OBT
What do you guys think of the new skill trees? I think they're much better.
Is there an English patch for this thing yet?
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Wow, my character is all up against Aya.
I wonder why the hell it didn't look like that on my screen.

God damn it.
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I'll try to wait around to help you out there.
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I regret checking this thread.
Have a question?
>Ctrl + F
Is... it still too late to get into Pre-OBT? I never got into the CBTs, and my email is still barren as fuck with so few hours left...
Because you don't get pushed around on your own screen
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oh btw I recorded the entire desert mission HD style with FRAPS

>77 fucking gigs
>uploading for 6hrs now

it's done uploading but now it's processing so in 40mins-1hr check the following link


something new for your blog buddy...as my way of making up for the fact that I wasn't around for all those group pics
Niggas mad at me, anyway i just read in the thread where there wont be one for cbt apparently good ol' trial and error time
>good ol' trial and error time

oh boy here we fucking GO
>77 fucking gigs
>uploading for 6hrs now
You are supposed to encode first man

yeah I did it turned into a 4gig file...lol my bad I should have mentioned that
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I saw you before I went afk to eat, but was too hungry to say something, so I munched anyway. You were gone when I went back. I asked around and they said you slept already. Why would you sleep in the middle of Pre-OBT?

because work is full of nazis...but if you want me around this time I could stay up and hang out with you during the last of the Pre-OBT
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I clocked out 30 minutes early today since I would have gone over 40 hours if I didnt and the company doesnt want to pay overtime. And I'm supposed to be part time.
I...totally forgot about that, my mistake.
I'm half awake like an idiot.

what the fuck? crazy shit i hope they're paying you well for that amount of time
$9/h Should be decent

and that's 40 a week?
This week. Possibly next week too. If they do it 3 in a row they have to make me full time for a while which I'd rather not do with class and possibly OB

shit thats not bad I do around $14/hr but 25hrs a week and i get payed every two weeks....which seems decent for OBT considering all the time we used to hang out at night in CBT but otherwise it's shit for money when i have so much to pay

wonder how long it's going to take for my video to be processed in HD and let me pick a thumbnail for it...apparently it uploaded completely and processed and you can watch it...but it's not in HD yet...which happens to all my videos but i wonder how long it'll be for this 4gb video
Hey is there like any buttons that let you screenshot better? I've only found numpad + and -, but I'd love if there was first person view + hud removal
There's an option to remove the hud in screenshots
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>mfw due to error and schedule I miss BOTH pre-OBT sessions
Fuck me. I bet the group is already filled to the max limit.
There's no group for pre-obt.
We're just hanging out at the mission counter.

Oh and it's about 5 hours until next session, right?
Has anyone ripped character models+textures from this game yet?
Is there a list of all the weapon types anywhere?
Can someone ask another question?
Currently we have.

All classes:
Gunslash (is more like the handguns and Sabers from PSO than the Gunslash from PSZ)

Wired Lance.


Talis (cards)

It has been confirmed that more weapon types will be added through updates, and the producer is reportedly pushing to get more done by the time the open beta ends.
ah, thanks. I'd love to see some more.

I think I saw twin sabers and twin machineguns confirmed somewhere.

finally the video is somewhat completely processed and with 1080 HD on it:


unfortunately for some reason the video seems "boxed" and it doesn't take up the whole screen like my other videos...idk why this is so hope someone can help me out with that

but yeah enjoy and there you go the desert mission in it's entirety (at least i hope so lol didnt watch the entire thing) for your blog buddy
It's fine on my end.
Will this game be totally f2p or is it like GW2?
>checking again

oh shit nice so now it's beautiful and perfect

hope everyone enjoys the show while waiting for us to continue this again in 4.5hrs
it'll be like tera
so monthly fee?
Free to play, do quests and to get basic features.

Player Room, trading, extra costumes and cosmetics, exp boosts, additional Mag and Skill Tree builds in case you mess up all cost cash.
Anyone got a link to the english patch I can use for todays OBT?

why do that when everyone has been constantly saying that it's not going to work on the OBT?
English patch where?!?!?!?

facepalm.jpg read the thread...or better yet...read the fucking post right above yours

wh pso wud u fk

any news on an english patch or any DL links?
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>They still use Gameguard
Great. It's gonna be 10x worse than PSU with hacks and dupes since it's got no subscription fee.
Thats it?
Thats way less than PSP2 had.
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are you REALLY complaining? have you noticed the extreme different in graphics and gameplay this game has? and you actually expect more from it?

there's more coming anyways but dude...seriously
Melee combat is pretty similar.
PSO weapon designs have always been on the simplistic side of things, and PSO2's graphics are hardly anything to write home about.
So yeah, should be pretty easy to put them in.
Rupika hungers
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>complaining on weapon selection
>not race selection
Fuck the CAST Supremacy... FUCK Space Elf Gentlemans clubs... and FUCK Humanitarian Swag.

I want Beasts. BEASTS! I want to run up to a boss, drop a nuke down his throat and when he falls on his back, jump on his stomach and nanoblast his dick for massive damage.

>Potential for new races
Well, if PSU added Beasts and loldumans, why the hell can't PSO2 add Beasts?

Weapons have been extremely condensed.
For example, PSO2's rifle has the functions of the PSU rifle, shotgun, grenade, laser, and somewhat machinegun.

Gunslash is a handgun and saber.

And so on.
>PSO2's graphics are hardly anything to write home about

that may be but it's miles different than psp2 and the game is more actiony and faster than psp2 so to me it's understandable that they don't have much to start with since I could imagine how long it takes to make these weapons, the actiony animations, the graphical textures and such, etc., etc., etc.
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>why the hell can't PSO2 add Beasts?
Oh, right. A good chunk of people buying PSO2 will be PSO veterans from all the games it spawned. They would never allow SEGAC to even consider defiling the holy trinity of Robos/Elves/Humans.


I can't wait for them to give us a mission FULL of Ill Gils because you guys are preventing them from adding new and original mobs. I'm not even gonna be mad when my party wipes 100 times in the first room alone with the first wave of them. Nope. No sir.
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>Want to be a pathetic beast instead of a vampiric aristocrat with an eye patch that goes batshit insane during Infinity Blast.
>dat art

saw that whole set...nice panties...and just makes me hope we get some drawfriends jumping in PSO2 with us when OBT hits
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>Ill Gil mission in PSO2
>Sonic Heroes Theme is the music that plays
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Give me some "virtual reality" mission for classic De Rol Le, Vol Opt, and Dark Falz and they can add space ponies for all I care.
Can you make your own parties?

So you can suck up to them and try to get your character drawn?
Most of you probably already did the desert quest. So what do you plan to do on the next P-OBT? Gonna just hang around lobby?
>Ill Gil mission in pso2
>Sonic Heroes theme music playing
>Lots of traps
I'll probably end up doing that. I might try to mess around on a few missions, just exploring the maps.
I was asleep for the last pre OBT

And I really should be for this one too, but damnit I want my rifle

Didn't take part in CBT and patching made me miss yesterday. Just gonna chill out in-game and see what it's like

If this doesn't play at least one time during PSO2 I'm going to be disappointed in SEGA.
>English version
listening to this track I'd love some sort of epic event involving racing or something fun where this track could fit in
More like shooting at fire with water guns
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>More like shooting at fire with water guns
Sounds like somebody has a problem with being a REAL manly hero and fighting fires with whatever the hell he has at the time.

Wells i'm sorry princess we ain't got a ridin' cherry picker armed with a powerful waterhose. Now, if you want this RARE and EXCLUSIVE Burning Rangers theme for your room, I reckon you best git to steppin' and squirtin' them fires out.
Why is it that any other night of the week I'd accidentally stay up until 5AM without even noticing, but the one day it's actually important I feel like each minute I stay awake is like a thousand tiny knives.
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>More like shooting at fire with water guns

You mean like those Fire SEED Missions from PSU? Those missions were irritating as fuck.
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Go buy a Saturn and play Burning Rangers right now. How dare you compare that game to PSU.


PSU may have been shit but lobby dancing was fun as hell.
>dem emotes

PSO2 took a step back imo
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The fuck am I watching? I never really got to PSU myself but this is simply hilarious
ました。本日19:00より、皆様ぜひご参加ください! pso2.jp/players/news/?… #PSO2

they're extending the beta 2 hours more
I'm pretty sure I read that there are more emotes in PSO2 that you can get through Scratch Cards. Can't remember where though.
there are...but that's bullshit having to use that retarded slot machine to throw away your money at..

why can't we just buy what we want? shit
>Stay up all night so I can sleep the daylight away
>About to go to bed
>Remember PSO2 is up in an hour.
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God damnit. I already stayed up all night for this. 2 hours more...
Are the servers up? I'm not sure if I logged in correctly or the servers are down.
We still have about an hour to go before they are up.
anybody know how to get steam community enable for this game?

I have it enabled in the steam options and when adding a "non steam game" I loaded up Phantasy Star Online 2 from the populating list or programs and it didn't work...yesterday even tried the direct exe, the launcher exe, and the updater exe and nothing...

so any solutions? want to have steam chat with the group while i adventure
wait but that means everyone's timezone math has been off
i got a 008 message while signing up, how do i get to the 4th page aka the one where i pick which beta to sign up for without making a new account entirely?
extending or delaying?
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I hope they add PSP2 and Infinity clothes anytime in the future. I'm starting to miss my Rosen Schwart.
>extending or delaying?

>they're extending the beta 2 hours more

>extending or delaying?

>they're extending the beta 2 hours more

>extending or delaying?

>they're extending the beta 2 hours more
Jelly here. I just started the game and still at level 12 or so.
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You'd pay for it with real life money?
The CBT hit me right when I was studying for finals and I had to completely reverse my sleep schedule for this test.

I'm gonna be so happy come the OBT when I can finally just play at my own pace.

nobody has a solution for me?
run it in a window

then you can just use steam on the side
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As long as it's not a friggin' scratch card, I'm okay with it... but it'll most likely be a scratch card item.
I just want the trade function to be free...jesus christ that's all I need man we're all bros in the crew I know we'd give each other stuff we didn't want but our fellow bros need/want....why the fuck does japan have to be retarded with this?
why do cast females look so... human in Portable 2 but not that much in Online and Online 2?

Damn Chelsea oh god my balls.
I feel you on this so much bro. Trade was all I wanted to be free.
Japanese chelsea VA oh god

Video games exist to make money. They have to have at least one thing you want that costs money.

I still think we're better off than most F2P games, many other games would charge you go go past a certain level or limit your playtime.

Enjoy your Chinese gold farmers.
>SEGA adds two extra hours to the day for the beta
thank you sakai
Less than thirty minutes to go.
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Is there ANY way to revive some online PSPo2 with brothers when we wait eagerly for PSO2?

I cannot moonrunes into infinity and have legit licence from PSPo2 so that is a option.
In what way is it not free? Do you have to pay meseta or real life money? Also is it a fixed amount or does it vary depending on what you're trading?
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error 601... error 601 everywhere.
Real life money. You can only trade if you buy the "Premium set" which equates to $15 per month.

That's the Japanese version. I'd like to point out that when Japanese MMOs are localized, they usually come out cheaper in the west. $15/month is the Japanese equivalent of $10/month over here.


It's about 7 minutes left until it opens.
let's not forget that trade is useless unless someone else forks over a monthly fee so you can trade with that one and only person who also payed premium

so it becomes pants on head retarded
PSUblog indicates 2 hour extension for Pre-OBT today.
Six minutes to go
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>Follow the guide
>After the legal crap, gives a page then goes back to main

So uh....Where do I download it? I'm DLing from the-under.net/files/PHANTASYSTARONLINE2.zip but >downloading at 318 kb/s

Also, where do I download the creation demo at the least?

I Ctrl + F'd the thread several times. I would really like to enjoy this game.

Image unrelated.
All it'd mean it'd end up being a scammers paradise if you could initiate trades as a premium player with f2ps
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WLAN keeps disconnecting in the middle of a mission. Analog moves by itself. Battery dies every 5 minutes unless plugged. I need a new PSP.

You pay real money (AC) for premium. There's 1 month, 2 months and 3 months tickets. Buying premium allows you to open your own room, enables trading and gives you bonus FUN points.

Direct trade is just kind of a little bonus you get for having Premium.

In practical terms, all the old functions of PSO's trading are filled by buying from player shops (free) and owning your own player shop (cheaper than Premium)

if you're retarded enough to get scammed after being alive for more then 15 years on this earth...you deserve it.

and I'd be dealing with my bros not with some japs i can't communicate with nor with random redditors
Ship 2 right? Where do we meet up?
It's not about you

It's about the morons that come with MMOs, f2p or no
first time to play PSO2, what ship are we all on?
anybody know how to disable UI for screenies? do we have a step by step guide for that?
don't tell me it's patching
error 632 ;_;
This ;_;
Thought it was ship 4 channel 44.
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I forgot to mention that you can get a 3 day Premium Ticket from FUN Scratch Cards, so be sure to spam all your friend's mailbox or play with their NPC clone to receive FUN points every single day.
got in
Time to spend all day in the character creator
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Nigga you got that right!
Can't create a second character?
You need to get a ticket from the AC shop to do that

and that costs AC or Reallife cash
I'm getting loads of these things that pop up after making my character and only have two options, what exactly am I randomly pressing here?
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error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601 error 601
A translation patch for the character creator would be pretty handy, not gonna lie.
please respond
How are Ranger and Force users? I can't decide between the two
Hey, where's the person that lets you change your class? I can't remember.
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>File not found
I can't chat..I keep getting this pop up..anyone else getting the same thing?
Force with cards is fun as fuck.
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fuck what do i do
shit. Says my password is wrong. Where can I go to change my password?
How do I lock onto enemies again? I haven't played a ranged class yet, and it's all in moonrunes now
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I'm getting this error for some reason. What's up?
How do I start a new quest? I've never been party leader before.
Holy shit, I can't even understand moon but this guy from the tutorial seems like the biggest pussy in video games.
>Be an idiot and use an outdated translation patch
>Lose all text
>Launcher's repair is probably going to take as long as patching does
>Was an even bigger idiot and didn't back up the files

Looks like they extended the test two hours?

After clicking misc shit for 10 minutes I found the page with the character creator demo, but what I assume to be the download button isnt working.

Any ideas?
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I've typed in my password, now I get this.
It's your id for ingame

There are three id/names in this
Login account
ingame ID
and your character name
>That feel when these Japanese players don't know how to work the drill and waste half an hour of my sleeping time.

Which option is for creating my character?
Oh jesus, I may as well take a short break.

Just use your skills, or chain your attacks (When you attack, you have a circle around you. It's obvious from there on, right?)

A few things:
casesensitive account
" " password
saving account info? uncheck that for now

Hopefully that can fix it


Q, if you aren't in Third person mode that is.
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Well, fuckit.

I'll just lurk for an eternity till I find what I need.


Come on guys.
Where's the display models slider in the options?
If I delete my character here, will I be able to create one right after?
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How do I create my character?
How do I get an NPC buddy?
None of the options related to those take me ingame. What do?
Yup. Just remember that you have to hold ctrl to unlock "yes" on delete window.
In the ship 4 lobby, name's regal

Anyone wanna desert?
Just take top options all the way.
Doing that brings me to a website.
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1.1 MB
Brings me to this page then when I click okay it brings me to the site to log in. I log in then it just shows me all my registration info.
How do I start the quest and join someone's game?
how do I know I got in?
I registered back in march I think, and got 2 emails last week but it's all gibberish to me

I've looked every where for this, and there doens't seem to be a consistent fix for it. Does any one have any Idea how this can be managed?
Can't really help you much here.
okay anytime I try using WASD to move it opens the chat instead.
is there something really obvious i've missed to stop that
check scroll lock
I have no idea why that was enabled.
thank you
Just finished the tutorial, Where would I go to just run out on missions?
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I hope someone is recording that jiggle.
SO /v/ isn't on ship 2? shit I already have a lvl 4 dude there...
Resetting my password solved the 601 issue if anyone's still getting that

With everything in moon I can't tell what I'm doing now that I'm done with the tutorial. I think I accepted a quest but now I'm running around lost
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Momoyo, you need to step it up. Someone has stolen the crown from you.

I forgot to tick loop infinitely.
What's the symbol for the revive item?
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>if everything goes swell OBT will follow immediately after.

When they say immediately after how soon is immediately for them? Was there a date proposed?
how do I into delete character, I think I made a mistake in something
It should be an option in the character select screen.

Once you get the window open, you need to hold CTRL to delete the guy
>mfw no questing, only dancing
thanks, now were we on ship 4? while I'm still in tutorial I'd like to know since this character is still new and it's easy to restart
Everyones on Ship 2.
Ship 4, block 44

You can change blocks from the elevator that has a giant green sign above it
ok, I'm confused.
Is there a quest log or something somewhere? The little blue icon next to the area select wont disappear but I think I finished the quest there...
What do you want, Lots of 4chan users, or lots of English speakers? For 4chan go to 4-44 for lots of English speakers its ship 2.
Ok, I'll be on ship 4 then.
This will sound stupid, but how do I change equipment?
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Have you considered exploring the menus?
Press F1 and everything you need is in the second little button that pops up
Fucking encounter events, all I get is one damn npc



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Bob Jensen here, signing off for some sleep because fuck SEGA's timing with the pre-OBT.
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Green thing above NPC's head means I finished their quest right? I keep getting this message when I try to turn it in, though... anyone know what's up?
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Is this supposed to be slow?
Where do you get your quests? Where's the NPC

Nevermind, figured it out. I had too much shit.
Ha! Someone made the gif I asked for.

Awesome :3

SEGA has shit content servers. Takes a few hours to update.
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Bugger, I only had the one screenshot, but I'm sure the character limit for rooms is more than 12 (including room owner).
How to organize parties during quests? Is it possible?
Are you guys having fun just sitting there in the lobby spouting off every meme that comes to mind?
how do you emote?
Not me, that's why I wanted to avoid ship 4

I only wanted to party
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Why would you want to hang around such people.
That's mesmerizing.
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So the game crashes and I get this image every time I hit character creation. What do I do?
same. I see no menu for it
So official Open Beta starts on the 20th. Think we'll get an English patch about a week or so after that drops?
alt and any other key
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You might want to verify your files in the launcher. I forgot exactly how to though bumped might have something on it.
Finished downloading.
Now I start pso2.exe and I only see GameGuard updating, and thats it.
Am I doing something wrong?
So I just finished playing with a Japanese person for about 2 hours. We finished the desert mission, and after we were sent back to the ship I exited to the lobby and then logged off. Am I eligible for this bouquet rifle thing?
That's just the File Check button, right?
The file check button is the third one down.
I just ran the file check. It was all okay, but I"m still getting this crash. Now what?
Even sooner since the translators already know what was the previous stuff since CBT

Either way, fun for all
Good to know!
Holy shit, is the logout button supposed to do anything?
Alright, it was just me being silly and not reading the graphics menu correctly. It's all good now.
I've only got it to work by clicking it then hitting enter.
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D: my tits fell off. Guess they jiggled too much
Much abliged!
Oh god there's a giant hole
You have to click the menu item. Not the button itself.
You cannot trade without paying Sega money
How long until servers go down?
So if their GM team was especially adept at banning hackers lodesamone.
Hmm, something to keep in mind I suppose for when someone makes a troubleshooting FAQ for OBT.
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For those that want it, here is a steam group for /v/ PSO 2 Bros, it is a direct offshoot of /v/ PSO BB Bros and ran by an older bro that played the original PSO since Dreamcast.

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>played the original PSO since Dreamcast.

Isn't that the minimum requirement to play this game?
Whats E-3 on the matter board?
I discovered PSO through phantasy star zero on DS and afterwards got into the series, pretty late but genuinely love it
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I've only played Universe.
>Miss POBT yesterday
>Get in today a half-hour before the server closes
>Fail desert mission once due to playing solo and fucking up the drills
>Try again
>Cant find any drills
>Look at time
>5 minutes before server closes
Well I guess that's it.
The fuck are people talking about NPC followers? Mine ditched me after the tutorial mission.
log back in, extended time today
Is there a specific ship that /vg/ is playing on?
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Wouldn't it make more sense for us to occupy Ship 2 but a different block than reddit/gamefaqs and all them? That way, we can selectively choose to segregate ourselves like autists.

Some of us might have friends from the old PSO community on PSO-world that we still want to play with every now and then.

And you can't switch ships once you make a character.
So it says here OBT will be starting on June 21st I believe.
seems like open beta starts next week on thursday at 3am eastern
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I wanna play... But this error keep's popping up.
How extended?
I was in the close beta test, is the beta running now?

How can I import my character from CBT?
1 hour and 45 minutes from the time of this post.
two hours, the beta today will end "26:00" japanese time
YES, that is how they typed it
Well the english speaking block is Ship 2 Block 21, but a few people decided that they dont want to be on the same block as the rest of the english speaking community so they decided to fuck off to ship 4.
Instead of, you know, going to a different fucking block instead, like people with sense.
>wanting to play with reddit and PSOw

You can stop bitching whenever you want man
This game is great.

>dat music
>dat combat
>dem sound effects
It's a true sequel
I didn't say that, but sure, you can
>imply implications
all you want to justify being a whiny manchild.
I'm sorry you're homosexual. If you want to be with the "majority" then just play in ship 2.

Pick one community and play with them. nobodies cares which one you prefer, just stop whining that you can't have both
IS this even getting an english release?
No one knows, and it's pretty unlikely since Sega has abandoned all US releases except sanic and a few others at this point.
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Seems like there is a hat attached to one of the hairs
I'm surprised more people aren't excited about this. It's nice to know we'll start the game for real in a few days.

I'll probably blow through Desert one more time for the hell of it, then call it a day. Looking forward to Friday 5 AM EST.
Is there a way to fix this in time!?
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I dont have as many pics today, only hair, due to not wanting to delete my character in case it messes up my bouquet rifle :P.
Holy shit, a real error and not 601 crap. No idea dude, run a file check (third button on the launcher) and hope.
That's false. I have spent the last three threads handholding people who misread that stupid press release.

Sega is diwnsizingthe the west, but they specifically said they want to focus on EXISTING IP and DIGITAL CONTENT. PSO2 falls under both those categories.
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I think we should go ship 2 block 44 for open beta. 20 block away from Reddit should be enough to avoid cancer.
Don't forget a lot of players here will drop off the game after a few weeks, so we should regroup for long play.
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>I think we should go ship 2 block 44 for open beta

You do that.
Still doing it. Looks like I won't get my item...
Sega specifically mentioned franchises and PS is not one of them
is the forest exploration quest available in this beta?
Quick question. Were you guys able to import your symbol arts from CBT?
That's nice. Go play with the reddit kiddies on Ship 2
yes, looks like they altered a lot of the requirements for those 20 min S rank quests, now they have to be completed even faster
>Same person trying to reroute people for no reason
All of the regular quests are available, there's just a bonus of having Desert available right from the start.

Yup, it can go into your cache of symbol arts and you can pick and save any of them. I have about 40 pages.


Stop being a faggot and go away.
>Samefag crying all thread
>Call other people faggots
Wow you guys are bad. I heard /vg/ was shit, but this meme spamming in the lobby was like looking at a group of 8 years old children who just found out about 4chan.
Good thing there was this pre-open beta so I can choose a different ship altogether next time.
and what was the requirement to activate Coffie's third client order?
4chan started on 4. It will stay on 4. You are the only idiot trying to reroute people
Zeru plz go
Go see: >>7539613 on ships. Otherwise it's just someone (or some people) who want to stir up trouble because ship wars is guaranteed replies.
what was the 3rd one about
>4chan started on 4
>People who didnt even play in alpha/CBT trying to dictate shit
Are you that bored?
the one to unlock the forest exploration.
>Knows he's wrong
>Tries to exit
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A rank two times anywhere i think and do dagan <10 nab rappy <12 s rank
i think
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This is the only time I'll bother replying to you.

You are being obnoxious and retarded as fuck for no reason. This is not "trolling" or "ironic shitposting" It's just shitposting. It's not funny, it's not fun, it's not anything. Go spend your time elsewhere.
Only zero dubs exist on /v/. Nice job on getting at least one though.
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what's her names outfit
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Even you can be a ghost like sexyvoice shion
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My God, this weapon. Flying through the level, throwing enemies at each other and zapping the crap out of them.

This game is awesome.
It looks similar to a graphics error someone had earlier on. They fixed it by tweaking their graphic settings.
anyone know how to access the rooms?
also, the requirements for getting the bouquet rifle involve getting S rank in the desert mission right?
You can go to your own from the block elevators. Room is the top option.

To get in someone else's they have to be on your friendlist or in the same Team
How do you get a mag?
Reahc level 5 and do coffee's quest. She now has a scene when you're ready and you don't have to do Xeno's tutorial quest to start getting it
Thank you. Fixed it. NOW KISS ME YOU FOOL!
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Is this her quest? Because I don't see any others. What exactly am I supposed to do?
please respond
Yes, something about fongulfs. Run forest a few times, although there's no reason to right now

Kissu~ :3

I'll put it in this FAQ then since it seems to be a common problem.
Why not have one char on 4 and one on 2?

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Oh god i just fucked everything royally.
Can anyone upload these files, please?
Because they're just shitposting/trolling.
File check will revert that.
Why did you try to use the translation patch?
I don't get the point of having your character bound to a ship.

But I suppose it's so sega can sell transfers.
So, June 21, 3am EST for the obt right?
So what the fuck am I supposed to do with myself until Wednesday? Be a productive member of society? Fuck that.
Well, half an hour left of POBT. See you all next week.
How do I sign up for the pre-OBT if I already have a Sega ID? I didn't get into the closed beta last time.
You don't. You just have to remember your id/password or go to the forgot password form.


It's ending just now, isn't it? God damn it.
Hunter was a decent change... if you used Spear or Wired lance.
Ranger was mostly a side grade that still lets you get all the important shit in one tree.
Not a fan of the force changes at all. Especially with no glimpse of wind. Unless they've nerfed PP revival heavily, fire tree is by far the best now.
Ice is even more of a joke than it was before.
How do you zoom into your character?
>if you used Spear or Wired lance.

You cant even get the Wlance gear until level 15 or 20 now
+ and - keys.
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3 minutes before everything ends again, I roll fun scratch twice and get the forest vista for home.

Fuck me.
Well, that was fun.
When is the next test?
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that was fun
>clock hits 2:00
>emergency event starts
couldn't understand a lick of anything while I played, but it was fun.
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womp womp
June 20th @16:00 JST
So what preOB participants gain a golden pet right?
Those wire claws are the best weapon.
Upgraded my best ones to something like 165 whatever the stat was

>ship 2
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Ah too bad Cunningham, we were close to beat that last Rockbear. At least we PSE Bursted once... See you in the Open beta all ! In ship 2 or 4, whatever we choose
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Well, my 30 mins of the game.

So close in getting that mission done.
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it was fun, see you guys in the beta
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Do you even grind
Use the Tech that grabs them and tosses them down, then aim for other enemies and you can juggle entire groups like nothing.
Hey, I'm only level 8.
That's a good basic skill but Inazuma drop is best for throwing. Since it slams in place and does area damage to anything nearby its landing.

Other Cyclone is best on bosses, its like the spear's spinning skill but does 3-4 heavy damage hits instead of several low damages then a heavy
Thanks, I only got to play about 2 hours, but it was fun.
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Ranger still the best class by far.
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Thanks everyone
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Wiato Piggu? How rude!
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>get into Pre-OBT, nothing else prior
>Try Ranger
>Grenade launcher built into the Machinerifle
Gonna try Hunter in OBT.
Prepare to work hard compared to Ranger.
Yeah. Launcher's are pretty much the only thing to use. ARs are pretty much for recovering points and Weak Shotting things.
Make sure to try Diffuse Shot sometime. It's a shotgun and it's amazing.
You can switch Jobs in the Class counter.
Is there a way to hotkey skills?
I would rather not have to attack once to do a certain skill
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I was trying out the Saber and hand-to-hand ranger comes with... and... balls do they suck. I might stick with Ranger for the boombooms and do Hunter later when I can read what all this shit does.

>lock-on is more blind than me just going over-shoulder and shooting randomly without looking
It's part of the combo system so you can JA the skills
For some reason, none of my screenshots were saved?
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>630 happens
>Keep running around
>Monsters spawn and start fighting each other
Hah, have they always been able to do that?

And that was fun, thanks guys.
It's honestly not bad if you're dealing with one or two enemies.

As ranger I switch mode depending on how well they work. Sometimes going third person shooter works, and sometimes you got enough space to lock on.
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You can hotkey technics as a Force, but not physical skills.

Natives always fight Darker. Sit back, place bets.
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So much for cutting edge terminators.
>near completing the desert mission
fuck everything
Well, shit.
What the fuck am I going to do to kill 5 days?
That's pretty neat, actually.
I'll keep that in mind next time I come across some more of them
Nope, I'm pretty sure infighting is new. It's faction based though, darkers will fight native monsters and robots.
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I was using the gunblade the whole time and generally found it more effective then the Mortar for most situations. Should give it a try or experiment more but at the lower levels the Lift shot and the Grenade roll were amazing for pretty much everything.
Darkers will attack anything. Machines seem more likely to attack darkers than the natives were.

It's funny if a Ragne and some other boss spawn at once, if you aren't close enough they fight
Yeah that tutorial mission was fun while learning everything. Then the boss spawns and I jump on his back, switch to hand to hand and slap his shit.
Kartagots aren't bosses, just the target of the tutorial. Barefists are viable though, can't wait til they add PAs or something

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oh boy
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And so it ended with a wimper in Block 21 of ship 2. Most people had left 2 hours early thinking that the beta would not continue.

And thus, not with a bang...

5 days is just too long...
Next time I get bored with doing missions, I'm going to try watching them fight.
Weak Bullet

Wired Lance


Yeah boss was the wrong word. It felt more like a miniboss or something less. It didn't have a whole lot of HP, but it didn't look like anything else on the map. In fact, it reminded me of a certain pokemon when it opened it's chest up...

Hand to hand was always my 2nd favorite behind my spread needle in pso, and behind my shotgun in PSU.
Ragne has a very large range for becoming aware of you so if you get lucky enough for two bosses to spawn you'll have to hang way the fuck back. Sometimes you'll need to zone out and zone back in to get him to ignore you
you forgot Sazonde and Gizonde in broken tier
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I've actually had that happen once in CBT.
A Rockbear had spawned right near where someone abandoned Ragne.

The only problem is, I ran straight into the Rockbear without noticing Ragne right behind him.
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>Weak Bullet not in unholy eldritch tier.
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So nice being able to actually make use of zonde spells.
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Does anyone know of a photoshop extension or anything that can be used to view symbol art files?
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Honestly, that's pretty childish. Going out of your way to segregate yourselves like that.

It's like leaving the country instead of just moving to another city if you hate your neighbours.
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My neighbors don't have an elevator that takes them directly into my room so they can be loud and obnoxious around me whenever they want.
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Casual homophobia? C'mon son, get more creative.
Is there a list of the voice actors somewhere (english)? I recognize a lot of these voices but I was never good with names.
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When I logged in for the first time, this weird box came up and I was supposed to type something in it but I couldnt figure out what it was and I cant find information on it anywhere. Can anyone help me out here?
It's where you type your Social Security Number so they can verify your identity.
it's asking you for a username

>not spamming gizonde on every enemy cluster - weak or not.
It was telling you to input your player name(as in you, the player. Not your character) to identify by.
Its in the pastebin
Read the pastebin. Some stuff is outdated with the changes but it's mostly the same

You honestly think anyone's going to go out of their way to do that?
You're going out of your way to shitpost for ship 2, so yes.
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There's no subscription fee, so I'd imagine we'll see a small number of people like this.
I still never got my mag ;_;
help pls
I played both days in block 21 of ship 2.

I found a underageB& who was nice person to play with.
for first day our band of four was the best band ever.
Second day we met again, met some new people, had tons of fun.

If asked me, I would rather be in random assortment of non /v/ bros rather than block full of ONLY /v/ bros. You guys are good - but also bad people to be around at the same time.

I personally would hope you'd take ship 2 block 44 but if that is not a option - then so be it. I am sure I will go with friends myself. I just hope there could be harmony instead of forced choice for us gaijin players.
Well the only people who would go out of their way to do that are other 4chan users who would move to the ship the rest of the thread was on anyway, you retard.
People, shitposting?

It's more likely than I thought. Anywho, time to wait until the 20th and then a bit later on for the translation so we can stop answering the same damn questions
Ship 2 block 44?
Well... that isn't a half bad idea, actually.

But whatever, I got people I know on 4-44, and that's good enough for me I think.
>ship bitching

Just stop.

4channers want to play with 4channers. We don't have friends, we make do with each other.

If you have friends or you want to play with some other community just go play with them whereever the fuck you want and stop bitching in the threads. Jesus christ it's been months, cut it out
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Personally I want to play with random people made out of both 4channers and non 4channers. World needs balance like that when it comes to online games,
>Personally I want to play with random people made out of both 4channers and non 4channers.

Too bad. We play where the 4 is.
Welcome to the tentacle dome
Ship 4, you need to play in parties more

As soon as you found your group, you just isolate everything else. I know I couldn't find my friends on here, so I was planning to make new ones

I even made a party that CLEARLY shows I am a english speaker
>see what's all the fuss about in ship 2
>some random japs in lobby 20

>rageface spam
Organize a party in the lobby, only people from CBT know how to join already in progress parties and a lot of people can't remember how with the English translation gone.

Use this thing called communicating. It goes both ways, don't expect others to do it for you.
Likely everyone already did the desert quest, and the fact that everything was getting wiped in a matter of hours leaves little incentive to group up and head out.

In CBT we were almost always in groups, just wait till open beta and it will likely be heavily group orientated again.
You posted that in april. Stop it
>Sice hair
Fuck. Yes.
very creative.

I was surprised how well stuff was in block 21. When there was random japanese people nothing really happened. People left them mostly be.
sekrit klub, mirite?

4chan has always played on server/channel/etc 4 with mmos. It's simple, quick, easy and leaves nothing to discussion.
no you, meme spouter
That's not true at all.
Please provide instances where this has not been the case.

Games without numbered servers, or where channels are tied to quests not withstanding.
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We on Tatooine, now.
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Let's play a game, try to find me.
Is it just me, or does Momoyo have this perpetual smug look on her face?
Anyone know where most of the SCHTServ community is going? Ship 2 or 4?
So where are you guys getting the client from?
Probably split up. SCHTServ is not the most unified community. Dare I say, a lot of them hate each other (so much forum drama).
>Ask somebody to remember every single 4chan-inhabited numbered channel from every game /v/ or /vg/ has ever played
>say nu-uh
>have nothing to back it up
>Make claim with nothing to back it up
whats the requirements guys, i can run diablo 3 and sc2 on my laptop, as well as some dolphin or ps2 games, so its not entirely shit
Requirement 1: Your computer can't be a toaster. It won't work.

To check if it works, google for the character creator and run the benchmark.
PSO2's requirements are less then D3 and looks better at the same time.
Is it too late to register? The button on their site says until 6/20, but I'm not sure what that's an actual deadline until, is it the last day of signups?
Yup, its over. Ended 10 AM PST.

Open beta is HEAVILY rumoured to start in about a week or two, so just get in then.
> rumoured

There were system announcements in game today
If by "heavily rumored" you mean "says 6/21 on the client" then yes, it's heavily rumored.
It's not even a rumor anymore. At the end of the pre-Open Beta they sent out a serverwide message saying it'll start at 16:00 JST on June 21st.
Also this thing:
>Pre Entry open to 20th until 23:59
Ah, good to know. I wasn't around for the second day of the pre-beta, I was just going off what was known a few days ago.

Fucking christ, I'm not going to have a life after the 21st...
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>it'll start at 16:00 JST on June 21st.

fuck 5 days...more waiting but hey at least it's not THAT long...I'm okay with this

not waitin general
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Try waiting for both GW2 and PSO2
>net cafe points
So where are my Basement Points, Sega?
So there's no point in signing up now? What does the button on their site even do if it's over?
currently a Force user, feels rather underwhelming, running out of PP doing some really odd spiking damage, I'd do as high as 350 and sometimes less than 100 to the same enemy.

Should I change to Ranger? I used a gunblade as an alt weapon whenever I ran out of PP and the gunblade abilities do decent less spiky damage in my opinion.
>So there's no point in signing up now?

unless you want to play an awesome game?

nope no point signing up at all
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5 days? That's not bad at all.
secures you account and some bonuses
download the client and get updating before the moment is too late.
Force is burst damage and support (Heals, Shifta/Deband)

Force can still wreck some shit but you have to get the elemental weaknesses right.

Also, force users can freeze enemies in place (even some bosses), this is amazing CC in a group.
>OBT starts June 21st
>Sonic's birthday is June 23rd

Your bodies ready?
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i signed up but didnt download yet, is it worth getting?

can i not play till 21st?
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can't read shit captain.

SEGA IDの取得手続きが完了いたしました。

お客様のSEGA IDは以下のとおりです。

SEGA ID:[Redacted]


★SEGA IDに心当たりがない場合
上記SEGA IDに心当たりがない場合、あなたのメールアドレスが誤って登録されている

SEGA ID・パスワードは忘れるとサービスを利用できなくなります。

SEGA IDとパスワードは絶対に他人に教えないでください。
SEGAや関連会社からSEGA ID・パスワードの確認を行なう事はありません。


>June 23rd is on a Saturday

Bracing for epic
nothing of relevance my good man.

you are complete

i spent 6 years learning japanese but can't get a job there cos they fucking hate me or something. oh well i'm gonna play their fucking game suck it nippon
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So I've registered for OB? or what.

now you wait...but might as well make yourself useful and follow ALL THE LINKS IN THE OP to educate yourself so you don't go into the OBT asking questions and being a nuisance
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Rate my waifu

probably gonna go focaseal in open beta
I'll think about it then. I'd try the different abilities on different enemies but they'd usually show the same number. Sometimes I'd use fire on something for 70 damage, the next time I use it on the same enemy it does 300 damage, I'm not sure what the fuck is going on.
Dont know about you but i stand out way too much
get ready guise...for in about 10 minutes (maybe) I'll be showing you a video of epic proportions that can only be seen as one of the many wonders of PSO2
Maybe you hit their weakspot/while they were knocked over.
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honestly i had to do a double take to make sure that was female.

I need to take more pics come open beta. I tend to get to caught up in playing.
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It's probably just a perspective issue but her torso looks sort of long there

I need to grab an action shot of my own (still unnamed!) robo-waifu.
So what should we name our guild if we make one? Reddit must die? Video Game Generals?

That is, if it's possible to name your guild.
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Her torso is pretty long yeah

The CBT group is going to make No FUN Allowed again.
Considering we had over 100 and probably almost 200 people playing in CBT we'll need more than one Team. So others can make Vidya/etc as we need them and once the flavor of the month players drop off we can consolidate it all into one Team
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a badass game being opened with the desktop of the OS of a show inspired by said game

love this desktop and love Raindrop for making the icons animated and the portal thing on the right side animated too

oh and that video i was talking about is uploaded:

also the video of the desert level:

and the entire playlist for anybody wanting to check all the videos out:

enjoy guise
Is the character creator no longer downloadable? I get a 404 whenever I go anywhere claiming to have it.
Name her aspect ratio and I'll consider it an 8.
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okay? it plays music

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:P she will be returning in the open beta. Not sure if her appearance will change a little though. Might just a tiny bit.

also im not sure what happened in this screenshot. I landed wierd when i jumped on the edge.
Winamp is good.
Foobar2000 is better.

let's hop it never get's patched ever

never heard of it...guess i'll check it out
Updated the pastebin slightly with things I know have changed and things I've heard were different.

If I got anything wrong, or you found some more things let me know. I just realized I should say where Doo-doo is now and forgot to.

I know Reiji got his Mag, if anyone else did let me know if there's more quests besides the level 5 one.
>Jiggly Princess' theme
.....wtf am i watching
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Oh my fucking god my sides
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Registered, where do I get the client?

I noticed there was a googledocs link in the other thread, I'm not sure if I can trust that one.
Not sure if i should change jiggle princess' name for open beta or not
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Some day jiggle princess will look like this
She's dying alone in a random forest on Naberius.
Still looking for the client, does anyone have it in torrent form?

After getting repeatedly raped and mindbroken by Fongulfs and Nab Rappies.
But still bouncing.
And in a hundred years, scientists will find her corpse and devise from it a perpetual motion machine.
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And probably catch the space AIDs.
So... spaids?
If she has spades, her corpse boobs will probably dig themselves out.
I'd make a loli/teen/old version of the same character to pass the time, but I know it won't last long enough to satiate me til Wednesday.
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I call dibs on momoyo's tits and annila ass in the open beta.
They belong to everyone
Those are public property you bourgeois!
No, they belong to the poor.
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10/10 wud fuk

Part 1 of a desert run is done. I tried to get a lot of the surrounding area recorded
I haven't played since CBT, do i need to download a new client or can i update my old one? Wanna be ready for Open Beta.
just update
Does clicking update update the client? If so ,it does.
How big are your files after you encode them momoyo?
Anywhere from 50-500mb depending on how long it is. These two desert videos are about 300mb

Part 2
Here I thought it was just a tits joke.
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>PSO2 General #17 Momoyo's Tits are public property edition.

Captcha: mami dngyton
That's pretty good...do you use sony vegas?
Nope, megui if I'm just encoding. Camtasia if I want to edit

i have a pirated vegas but it's stupid and doesn't recognize most mp3s or common filetypes so I don't bother trying it
Question: PSO2 isn't one of those games where you can just download the files and run it correct? It still has to be installed? So the files provided earlier were just patched files and the game itself still needs to be installed properly first?

I'm trying to figure out why when i launch the loader and hit play nothing happens, I'm assuming its cause i haven't actually installed the game proper.

Could someone link me to the original setup.exe if there is one?
>I'm trying to figure out why when i launch the loader and hit play nothing happens

A. The game is down (which it is)
B. You didn't update after installing. click the third button
AFAIK it has to be installed, you can't just copy the folder on to say a external harddrive and run it anywhere (where you can with any Blizzard game after D2).
I might try that out, my videos are about the same length and quality as yours but they're like 700MBs each.
The only upgrade I want for OB is an ass slider. It's only fair.
figured it out, it was just taking a retarded amount of time for the patcher to actually show any change, the bar basically locked at 10% and stayed there with no indication of it working. I left alone for about 10-15 minutes and came back and everything was done.

Anyone got those pictures of the menu translations saved?
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I knew it would always be Theodore. I still checked it every time.

And so did you.
He will always be known as Space Pope to me.

Failing that, Afin 2.0
>Check one
>Skip the next two
>Go for the 3rd one
What could possibly go wro-
Fuck you, Theo, I didn't even see Patty or Tea ONCE.
I just want to shove his hat over his face then shoot him out a launcher.
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I just bought a new video card. Hopefully it arrives before OBT starts. It's going to be glorious, I will finally play games at high settings.
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Ignore him and go for the threesome.
Were the mechanics in PSZ similar to that of PSO? I'm trying to understand more about item types, mags etc, but pso-world's PSO section leaves a lot to be desired.
so what' ship IS /vg/ on anyway?
Did Annilla ever finish her patty pictures
4-44 for /vg/
2-whatever for all other websites
so much envy going on in this pic
I'm also getting error 617, we need to make a pastebin or something of the errors.
What is up with him? Is there a quest you need to finish first to get him to bugger off or what. What does he even want?
Does anyone know what would cause a Error 617? I found out it means ship/block cannot be found.
It's called the game's not up
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So, is it safe to assume that Patty has the biggest tits than everyone else in the game?
Is there a set time when the servers are up then? Or are they just temporarily down?
midnight PST/3AM EST on the 21st,
>How do I read thread?
So am I the only one who notices that the hair model for the nurses is practically identical to the one used on the teacher in Real Kanojo?
Comparison please.
>do benchmark
>max settings
>everything looks fine and plays fine, getting 60 fps
>final score: 1500

I don't understand anything.
Momo > Patty > Shitty McTsundere > Nurses > Lisa the Only Good Character > Tea > Maloo > Afin
Meant to quote
>Shitty McTsundere
I'm drawing a blank, who is that?

What if Momo won the character creation contest?
Echo. The Newman who obviously wants Generic Red-Headed Hero's cock.
What is error 617?
Ah, I don't pay attention to her when she talks.
Now, why the fuck does she outrank the Nurses and Lisa?
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Does the char creator have a english patch? And can that be used with the main OB?
Your System32 is corrupt. Delete it then reinstall the game.
It's in tit size comparisons. She's got a healthy rack.
>fighting an antlion on the ground

Oh shit, nigger, what are you doing?
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I would have had to enter first
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Well fuck, I wasn't even thinking about that.
Sorry, I was thinking personality or something, carry on then.
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>i wonder how terrible the psow forums are
>why can't i equip this skill?
>it's a launcher skill
>what's a laucnher?

Never leave me, /vg/.
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Party time!

Also, does anyone know which option is was to fullscreen?
What does /vg/ think of my loli-goth / robo maid waifu?

I'm still playing with it a bit though, haven't got to height yet. I can't decide on a good subcolour 3. :( Thoughts?
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Fuckin' derped on that one.

It's shit.

Oh, right, 4chan, I forgot. ;_; Is that better?
>difference between ship 2 and ship 4
>our circlejerk is better than the normalfags' circlejerks
>He doesn't know that ;_; has been acceptable on 4chan for years.

Fucking kids.
There was no life-like texture being referred to.

That just came about because of J-list ads. Jlist is for weeaboos
We have weeaboos. But not the J-list weeaboos.

We're going to buy from hobby search or hobby link Japan or amiami and such. Not J-list with $80 Nendos I could get for $30+10 shipping from one of those sites.
I bet those fags buy shit from PlayAsia.

>PSP2i Premium Box at AmiAmi: 6,850 yen
>PSP2i Premium Box at PlayAsia: 9,300 yen

Beating the crap out of some bears with /vg/
That resolution
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i don't like it, it looks too much like mine
holy shit, how big is your monitor?
Your face looks like the doll from the Saw movies
I was trying to make it as mechanic and non-human as I could
That's no excuse for making it badly.
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>Dudes don't share between ships
>Regular friends will be playing on ship2 probably
>vg on 4
>only 1 character slot
Eyefinity brah, 3840x1024 (though I record at half the resolution, there's only so much I can ask from this CPU).
Badly? I'm quite happy with the result

I could have gone full mecha but that wouldn't look cute enough
>Picture of a CAST
>"No mention of life like texture".

C'mon man, use your head.
You use a selection of techs that is very strange to me.
Looks fine to me.

Holy shit can't unsee
Multiple monitors
That is what disposable emails are for, my friend.
I meant the weapon techs. You have a penchant for choosing ones that leave you open.
I thought it was one per ship
you can have as many characters you want

just have to pay for them
I tried making a character on Ship 2 yesterday, it told me I needed AC for it. So nope, one character per account.
Heck, I'm not even sure how I even got those. Took a couple of hits, but it beats mashing the left mouse button the whole fight.

Really hope for an english patch in the OB.
New thread with updated info in the topic would be nice.
The only new information is the OBT date
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Unintentional Gattai
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>Oh some discovery, I tested the weak bullet and it do way more damage than before (Disregarding the 120 seconds cooldown). While before weak tagged targets I could do normally 11-12 damage in the CBT weak bullet made me do 36-37, but now in the OBT that can be performed to 47-49.

Weak bullet is a debuff.
Anyone in the party benefits from that damage.
Which happens to be the most important new date most new people need to know about.
It's in the thread plenty of times. You can google it and find out now if you somehow don't know how to ctrl+f because it's been posted at every relevant website.
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>update the op with absolutely every vital piece of information anyone could ever want
>someone still asks retarded questions
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This some sort of rap arrange featuring Lisa?

Can't tell if it needs a very dark green or a dark blue

Other than that 8/10 would pet on the head affectionately and bang
I was thinking of renaming Jiggle Princes for the OB.
I was thinking Jiggalag. It has a jiggle, 630, and oblivion reference all wrapped in one.

Any other sugestions for a new name?
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With the Pre-OBT done, are we expecting another patch with the OBT? Gotta get prepared for that 3 - 4 hours of painful disconnections because of Japanese servers.
Jigglehime for the weeaboos.
Just Imagine Gags of Giggling Little Eremites

Whoever makes a new thread, please include Error codes:

Common Error Codes:
242: You must wait several seconds before attempting to login again.
601: Account hasn't been activated. (?)
602: Sega ID is incorrect, make sure your Sega ID is put in all lowercase letters.
604: Password is incorrect.
617: Ship/Block cannot be found.
630: Lost connection to server.
632: Double login, wait a few moments.
649: Server Maintenence
2300: User/Player ID has already been taken.

According to PSO-World error 601 actually means that you did not activate your account.

Can anyone who ran into Error 601 tell me how you fixed it?
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I'm glad with the way they changed some of the more annoying aspects of the game in pre-OBT.

The character pose in the CC is now far better posed for getting the proportions correct and Cracker Bullet now actually stays on target instead of being completely stationary on impact like it used to.

p/s : Stop saying which ship is superior. Just play in any one ship you like as long as you HAVE FUN. I found a team to join up with back on Ship 2 and we are having FUN.
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I remember in CBT at this scene it looked like my character had no pupils.It still looked kinda awkward, but at least this time her pupils were visible.

Also, dat ass shot
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New thread over at:

am i floating in the air in that image?

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