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Post your vidya related screencaps, doodles, or post links if you wish since you can do that shit now.

Also, if you're going to contribute on Doodleordie, don't be a fucking retard. Don't derail chains. Don't scribble all over if you run out of skips and don't feel like drawing what they ask for. Don't write shitty descriptions. Play the fucking game properly or don't play at all.
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The chain was derailed and abandoned by the asshole after me, so no one got to see the time and effort I put into this one.
>DoD Thread

Nope. Still to early. There will probly be no trafic and the thread will die with 4-5 replies. Wait till the next month to make those dammit

How come, was there one recently?
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Hot off the presses!
Th-Thanks doc
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Face is too wide, but how did I do?
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Spoiler Image, 97 KB

Why is my 4chanx automatically spoilering everything?
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Spoiler Image, 46 KB

Update it.
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Spoiler Image, 215 KB

Already newest version.
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1 KB
Latest is 2.32.1
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Open up your options and see if the Remember Spoiler Box is checked.

Failing that, close down your browser and restart, see if that solves anything.
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Spoiler Image, 2 KB

Now that seems odd.
You're using aeosynth's version, his latest version is 3.10.1, see >>7481326
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Ah, okay.
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>Only have a $10 Logitech wireless mouse
>Trying to draw a circle in MSPaint pretty much makes a fucking hexagon
>Add in that Doodleordie lags like fuck and constantly freezes every split second because it's saving every brush stroke you do

I need a fucking tablet.

I'm using the Wacom Bamboo, it's pretty damn good.
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Is it a screen tablet or just a blank tablet?

Because I really want a tablet where I can see what I'm drawing as I'm drawing it. I can't look at my computer screen and draw somewhere else.

Screen tablets are insanely expensive and not worth it at all.
Almost every artist I talked to can attest to that.

You really do get used to using a tablet, don't worry about that. Having a screen tablet will not help you draw any better.
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I had a $100 tablet, spent months trying to use it, and just couldn't.

Meanwhile, Colors for the DS (and now Colors 3D for the 3DS) is such a breeze for me to use. To me, it's the difference between using a gamepad and a KB+M for a first person shooter. I'd rather use a mouse than a tablet that doesn't use a screen.

Really, that seems odd.

Maybe it has something to do with hand-eye coordination then?
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Probably. I can only use a keyboard and game controllers without having to see where my hands are, probably thanks to video games.
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god i missed this game
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Nervous Broad, what are you even doing with that can of paint stripper? Is this part of some puzzle again?
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alright, what's your guys usernames?
i want to judge you
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>mfw they use guidelines
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I switch between trying and being a lazy arse ever so often.





Those are the only ones that I remember from previous threads. Goes without saying, not mine.

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>aliens and cups
I seriously hope for your own sake you'll stop doing this, moron
that dark guy is fucking GOOD
I have never gotten a boner on DoD untill now

I like your stuff too
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Thank you!
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>2100 steps
I will never go positive
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What now?
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Shark tits.

Have the shark stating, "Last person derailed the thread, don't blame me." or something.
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The Wilson picture made me want a plugin with more blues.

And lo and behold, someone decided to make an updated version of doodlehelper where it's not impossible to select the 1px brush. Enjoy bros.

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I'm sorry, I couldn't do it.

Face too long, nose too far down.

Also, thanks bro.
God among mortals.
Much appreciated.
I'm rather subpar, especially since I'm using a mouse.


I started drawing yesterday. How am I doing?
Is there any way to get DoD to stop failing to load? I know it isn't down, and I'd really like to finish the picture I was working on.

Looks down from here.
You don't say.
Im using a mouse, judge me.


Also any tips on how can i become better?
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This picture took me awhile, but hot dicks is it better than the original picture that failed to be uploaded.

How'd I do?
I think it's pretty good.

there isn't enough good 34 for homestuck out there, to the point where I don't even want to bother looking for it.

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