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Hey found this in my manual for Metal Gear Solid when I was looking through my old games. Figured it would be cool to share what we all wrote down in our "notes" section or wherever else in our video game manuals. If you don't have a scanner (like I did here) just take a picture of it! Just sharing personal things I guess...
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>writing shit in your manuals
Way to ruin any potential future value.
Also you have terrible handwriting.
Once wrote down a detailed explanation of how to obtain every weapon in the game Drakengard along with the mission number for the best place to level said weapon up.

Loved that game to death. Still do.
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oh whoops sorry for having fun

and saying buzzwords, and saying thanks for contributing to a decent thread

oh and...fuck you


Based on the spelling errors and the year the game came out, I'm guessing the OP was a child when he made those notes. There's really no need to be so mean.

I was 14


thanks though
I never wrote in manuals, but I used to have notebooks filled with boss strategies, puzzle solutions and stuff like that. Genesis, Super Nintendo, N64, PS1, PS2, and Xbox games. I loved doing stuff like that as a kid. I lost the notebooks in Hurricane Katrina, so I can't post any pictures of them. I'm sure it would be funny to read the ones from my early years playing games.
Some of the smartest people have horrible handwriting.

I used to watch this one mexican nintendo TV show and write down all the tips and codes they talked about on it for numerous SNES games. I had a notebook where I wrote stuff down all the time. I would never miss that show(Then it eventually turned into shit)

I would also sometimes read strategy guides and remember stuff and write it down on same notebook.

I no longer have it obviously, but good times.
The only time I did this was when I went to the countryside for a week to see my uncle, he had a ps2 with Silent Hill: the room but no memory card. I wrote down valuable info as I progressed. I could finish the game by the fifth day this way. Felt good, man.
The only manual I ever remember using to write down notes was the one for the SNES version of Out of this World, which I used to keep track of the passwords. Since the game didn't have stage numbers, I wrote elaborate descriptions of the situation despite the fact that the passwords were only four letters long.

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