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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Update: /rs/ - Rapidshares is fixed—sorry for the downtime there. Also I think we've fixed most issues with boards.4chan.org and sys.4chan.org. Keep your fingers crossed!

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Phantasy Star Online 2
Pre-OBT will start late June, no exact date announced (yet), OBT follows immediately after.
>If you participated in CBT or any of the previous tests, you do not need to enter to play.
>Otherwise, Pre-OBT signup will be open from 5.31.2012 until 6.20.2012, see second post for details.

New screenshots: new weapons, 3rd levels MAGs, Photon Blast summons

Official Blog:

Bumped Site: (News and Blog translations)

Japanese Wiki:

Pastebin: (outdated/irrelevant for now)

Story Translation on PSOw:

CBT test results/stats:

PSO icon vectors from previous thread(s):

This thread has to last us at least three weeks, don't let it die. This is our only fix in the meantime.
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How to sign up for Pre-OBT
>If you were in CBT or any previous test, you are in automatically.

Click the first big blue button under the Rappy block.
In the yellow bar, write your e-mail address. Click the blue button to the right.
Check your e-mail, goto the first link.
On this page, start entering info. Google translate will help, but it is in this order:
Birthday YYYY-MM-DD
SEGA ID name. 6~30 lowercase characters. This shouldn't be related to whatever you plan for your ingame character name but that probably doesn't matter.
Password + Pass-confirm (8~16 character limit)
Secret question and answer (1~64 characters)
Checkbox if you want mail from Sega (yes, otherwise you might not get an e-mail about the beta)

Click the gray button at the bottom when you're done. If you get a pop-up, go back and fix your fuck-ups.

Next page
Find Phantasy Star Online 2 (ファンタシースターオンライン2) on the list. Click the link/button underneath it, on the next page is the legal crap that noone ever reads. Click the first gray button then you should be set. The next page's button closes the window.

If you need to do a captcha, go here:
Look-up and match.

Alternative guide with pictures:

>Now go find images to post here until the 20th of June, which is likely around when they'll send e-mails about the launcher download or even start the pre-beta-test.
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>one of my pics used as a general image

that was unexpected, but neat

the closer we're getting to pre-OBT the more painful withdrawal is, i cannot wait anymore
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I wasn't part of the 4chan team/guild, but that was one of my favorite screenshots from the old threads, so perfect for a general image. couldnt use the usual FOreal one because someone posted it in the old thread.
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>70% of players play as Female characters. He guesses women play an active role in the Arks.


so what does this mean for one of the very few males in the game?

oh and on a sidenote I think our specific generals should have the following in it:

>for those who wonder or who have the urge to ask about what ship/block we play in...it's the exact same as the CBT...if you were a part of that then you know where that is
So you just want this thread to be a huge circlejerk for the people that were in the CBT team? Go leave and get your own forum.

0/10 - id give you a 1 for at least trying to incite a troll attempt but let's be honest you're just being retarded at this point if you obviously don't know why I posted that...oh well have fun bruce
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i did have that line in the post originally, but i took it out because i couldnt use the usual PSO2 general image.
even if you were in CBT it was in moonrunes. the only way to know what it says is to read the translation on that PSOw thread, and even then it literally doesn't say anything important (AIBOU)
I was in the closed beta and didn't play with you guys. Oh well, at least now I won't be able to join up even if I wanted to.

well the reason we've kept it secret (from what I could tell) was when we got invaded with a lot of "le reddit" fellows that kept spamming and harassing our japanese bros and giving us a bad name to the point where we ported to our rooms and used team chat to avoid them....so we're just avoiding that again.

but im surprised if you were in the CBT and in these generals during the CBT then you oughta know by NOW where we played at jus sayin
Oh, no, I only browsed /jp/ at the time so I didn't think of looking at /vg/ until some time after the beta.

hmmm idk what to say tbh idk why you wouldnt have checked the vg thread before anything...maybe before OBT someone will put the OP image with the ship and block in it
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It was the one in the general OP pic, right? Or did that change? I was only around for half of CBT. I don't want to get left behind, I like the moonmen, but having an english group to be around would be nice.

>those legs
>that labcoat
>Xion is hot as hell despite the ridiculously mismatched manvoice.
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I started on /jp/'s block as well since I got my invite from them, but it only lasted for a few days and then I switched to /vg/'s block because I find them more active. I remember public chatting on /jp/'s lobby with "/jp/ please respond!" to find players to play with, but nobody is responding.

tl;dr we play on the same ship, so you should be fine.
I think /jp/ was on the same ship, just decided on a different block from the /v/ group. I didn't bother with the team but that was more because I can moonrune and I have lurker tendencies anyway. The most I've ever posted on 4chan have been in these threads, usually posting poorly translated news from what I find from Japanese sites.

But the current wait on Japan is the official announcement of the start date. The most recent blog update said they'll announce the date next week.
Oh! That's great to hear. Guess I'll just hop blocks until I find some people, then.
Some gameplay videos of shenanigans and fights.


While waiting for the open beta testing, I'm going to play the original PSO. What server does /vg/ usually play on? Is it Sylverant? I know a lot of people don't like SCHTHACK.
I came across some other servers called Eden and Ultima, but I'm still kinda lost... I'm looking for something with slightly increased exp rates so the grind isn't horrible, but I don't like really high rates.
Is there a possibility that they'll block foreign IP's at OBT?
how does healing work in the game? Theres no holy trinity, right (Tank/Healer/DPS)? Watching Momoyo's vids seems like he just used potions to heal up
no holy trinity
FOs can heal with their abilities and everyone can use potions.
HUnters do have a taunt but all in all being an action game it's pretty much just a cluster fuck of beating the shit out of whatever's in your path.
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>holy trinity
I guess it could be considered one of those, since there are only three classes, and there always will be three. Hunter/Force/Ranger = melee/mage/guns.
Only Force has an AOE-based heal, but the game throws monomates (potions) at you often enough that you don't really need to stock up on them.

I don't think the game relies on the typical concept of the "holy trinity" though, since every class can stand on its own, even in lopsided parties, and there are enough weapon/skill types for each class to keep it mixed up.

in short? play what you want and have fun. don't worry about being necessary because in this game it seems everyone is in equal ground...hell in the CBT we took low levels with us and didn't notice much problems so even then it's still fun
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>a cluster fuck of beating the shit out of whatever's in your path
That sums up the game pretty well, I think.
There were times during PSE bursts in the city missions that I actually had no idea what was going on because there were 12 people in one spot and enemies were everyhere and everything was exploding, but all you can do is KEEP ATTACKING, CROSSBURST
stop making threads autist

I'd link you to /v/ where you belong but idk how to do that

0/10 - oh well have fun being useless
Thx. Yeah probably gonna roll a hunter then. 3 more weeks... ;_;
stop making threads autist

you niggers probably weren't even apart of the circle jerk
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anti-shitpost spam, ENGAGE
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Sakai, please give us an offline Symbol Editor

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I hope they'll add like a 500% zoom or something. Shit's hard to work with when adding minute details.

I swear, those guys who made those symbol arts are fuckin wizards.
What are changes that English version never even comes out?

What are changes that IF it comes out, it will be succesful enough to sega not shut it down right away after very short life out in west?

I want to play this with western community because I cannot into Japanese and I kinda feel I do not want to be a bother for Japanese players - even if there would be whole /v/ set of people in some channel.

But holy heck does this game look seet as heck in all levels.
You dont need to be able to into japanese, there are translation patches.
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Considered the wait as an opportunity to catch up on my backlog.
mfw I only played Killing Floor, TF2, and beat Cave Story.
There is allegedly a high chance that PSO2 will come out in english, >"rumors" from "sega employees,
>SEGA's behavior (cancelling the english release of PSP2i),
>and some outdated datamining ("EN" in language options for some files, a credits screen that used to have an english version, but was removed)
have all pointed towards the possibility of an english release.

Like >>6732285 said, there is an english patch that translates about 50% of the text.
Items and character dialogue can't be translated because of how client/serverside text works, but nearly everything else is translated, and most of the interface is icon-based so it has no language barrier.

Seriously, though. Don't hold your breath for the english server. SEGA has a long history of allowing phantasy star games to be ruined for the western servers.
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So I'll admit it, they did a pretty good job updating most of the old costume designs. It's nice that they no longer look like they're from some tacky 80's post apoc scifi film, and they did away with the ragged cutoff shorts....

but I can't be the only one who sorta misses that weird animal print thigh thing that most female HU designs had.
You aren't honestly telling me that a strap of fabric belted to your crotch looks better than the shorts on the right.

I personally think all the costumes are worse, I loved PSO's visual style. But at least unlike Universe they actually tried to be somewhat true to the old designs.
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Waiting eagerly.
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did anyone play on a xbox pad? better or worse experience on a pad?
felt better for a hunter, was worse when trying to play ranger in third person shooter mode
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I just want to share a link to my blog where I post things about the previous closed beta. I also explained some mechanics about the boss battles or something. Hopefully, it would give newcomers some insight about what to expect for the next beta, and give old players something to read while waiting for it.
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Cirnopoly's Blog: (Posts tagged with PSO2 only)
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Cirnopoly's Video Playlist:
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thanks for the vids. Ill check it out
No, it definitely isn't better, but it's no worse than the silly ass shorts and random metal strips.
Given what other special costumes were in the icon document, I'd say there is a chance we'll get at least one version of that previous outfit.

>Sega more likely to release PSO2 than MAX ANARCHY in the west.

Don't know if mad or sad.
As a citizen of both general threads on /vg/, I know how you feel.
Damn it, SEGA. :(
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seeing your blue cast and your blog makes me get all nerdy and imagine you as a news reporter in the PSO2 world where you'd have your own screen giving us top news about the latest events and even showing BREAKING NEWS! when me and momo take down bosses or something.

idk why but that's what comes to mind
>SEGA has a long history of allowing phantasy star games to be ruined for the western servers.

yeah but hey let's be grateful that we've had private servers for older PSO games that still run to this day...so with any luck if anything we may have the same for PSO2 when the game outlives itself and such
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That's what's always amazed me about the private servers, that SEGA was "okay" with it, they basically gave PSObb up to private servers with no complaint. When PSObb's official servers slowed down, the private servers got more popular and all they did was close PSObb rather than doing any sort of C&D

Although I don't want to see PSO2 end up on private servers, because that means that the game got hacked to hell and SEGA gave up again. That's a bad thing!
Where's tablecat, cel?
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Since I patched my game without backing up my files, I wonder if anyone got the original of the file below:


I need the Japanese emergency mission announcement.

I don't know, did I abduct someone unconsciously again?
Just registered two registrations with two seperate accounts to the beta pre entry thing.

Was it... A bit of overkill?

I will now monitor these threads but I am not a PSO veteran and I only know crude basics of the first game as I played Blue Burst for a small while.
you know how to extract the files?
no, I just miss him. Do you know his steam, youtube, tripcode?
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Could be overkill, since literally everyone will get into pre-OBT and OBT is totally open to all, but if you plan on having more than one char (IE: on different servers, there is no point to having more than one since you can change classes on the fly) you might end up wi th a second account eventually.

>but I am not a PSO veteran and I only know crude basics
That's not a problem either, the knowledge definitely helps you understand the mechanics (and how photons work), but the game isn't rocket science, and can be learned pretty easily, even in moonrunes.

any excuse to bump before bed
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That's what I loved about the game. It's so arcade-y, which not many games exhibit nowadays, much less mmo's.

From what I understand on how Japanese companies operate (I'm not sure if it's the same for other countries), SEGA Japan and SEGA of America are only related in name and business philosophy. What SEGA of America has to do is essentially buy rights from SEGA Japan. So if there's an update released, not only does the US counterpart have to buy the content, they have to translate it as well. This may explain a financial reason for late updates or poor service unless SEGA of America just really enjoys dragging their feet.
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<--- You mean like this?

You can open them with notepad.
Hey guys, I wanted to invite you to play on Putte's PSO server while you wait for the PSO2 beta. Server population is around 10 people coming and going intermittenly, so maybe you can help with that and get your Phantasy Star fix. I'm online most nights, though most often it's by myself. Shit gets lonely, yo.

Direct Download: Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/? on396bp8gnbp9ft Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/? gp2dqn9gc4fbxd6 Part 3: http://www.mediafire.com/? 13do0sk6w1296tj

Download Link: https://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7269117/Putte_s_Phantasy_Star_Online_Blue_Burst.rar

All citizens /vg/ and /v/ are welcome! Fast rates, as well as helpful admins and players!

Server is back up and stable!

Server Features: * Experience rate: 10x * Rare monster spawn rate: 10%, 25% Kondriue * Instant mag growth * Ancient Sword replaced by Kokiri Sword * Hunter's License given upon reaching level 200, which gives 20x exp and greatly increased drop rate for entire account.

Register your game login: http://ppsobb.no-ip.org/
Unrar the client and place it wherever you want.
Click online.exe then options on the menu to choose your settings.
Click the correct .exe to start the game (PsoBB.exe for XP users, Vista.exe for Vista and Windows 7 Users)

Main Website: http://rujush.org/boards/pso/
Chat: http://puttes.chatango.com/
My bad, here's the client registration site: http://vps.rujush.org/ppsobb/

I seriously hope I see your bros in there
Wow, that is well made, are you a professional?
I've been trying to avoid PSO2 up until this thread (no US localization, PC likely can't run all those grafics). I think I'm roped in now, but from what I gather, the game and its servers are JP only. Is that about the gist of it?
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that looks badass surprised you don't do THIS for your blog instead with all of the screenies and such it looks really cool
that looks great
Meanwhile for my portable Phantasy Star hunger, I thought I could order genuine copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2 - As I understand it has a code for PSN based online play or something of such effect and at moment it is not going for too high prices.

Would it be worth to pick up for 8£ plus shipping?
From what I understand there are plans for a US localization, but that would be a good ways down the line. Yes, the game and servers are all in Japanese, but there is a crack that replaces most important text (with respect to playing the game) with English. That said, I see PSO2 as a great way to fulfill one of my life goals and actually learn a second language.
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Yes, the release we're waiting on now is a JP-only release, but like >>6783096 says, there is an english patch that translates most important text, except item and story dialogue.
But it's not hard to navigate the moonrunes in this game because the UI is icon-based.
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Posting PSO images for the hell of it.
Yes. I still ha e and play PSP2 until I started PSO again on Putte's server. Lots of fun and as close to a porbale PSO as you'll get.

In the meantime, I guess I'm importing or pirating PSO2 once Sega gives a release date.
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>pirating PSO2
>free to play
Acquiring a game =/= playing a game
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The point is that the game is free to download and free to play.
You're not pirating or importing anything because there is nothing to buy.
Ah. Well as I mentioned earlier, I've been out of the loop until now.
Sounds awesome. I played a bit of PS zero on DS back when I had DS. Frankly that was my first introduction to PSO and made me fall in love with the formula.

I would download to test PSP2 but because it has that online protection code (what on PSP makes sense so whatever) I am more willing to buy the game as it gives me more benefits than just a pirated copy. One more than just saving UMD's worth of space from my memory stick.
If your PSP is modded you can copy your purchased copy to the memory stick. Plug it up to your PC via USB, press select on the XMB menu, change the disk drive to UMD. When you open My Computer from the PC, your PSP should show up as the game itself. Copy that, change the PSP back to memory stick and copy the game to the system.

Also, one of the very first stages has Evil Sharks from the PSO caves, which I thought was awesome when I first saw them.

Anyway, I'll be on Putte's server later tonight (usually around 9p EST) if anyone wants some bro-op. If you have questions or problems, post it in this thread or send me a message from the rujush forums. Notifications are all on, so I'll see any messages immediately.
I know about how to backup my UMD. But my memory stick is full as is with legal PS1 games and illegal ISO's. I am ok playing form UMD's and using the UMD itself I save space for other games on my Memory Stick while still being able to just slam the UMD of my choice in the console and play the game.

I do this with PS2 as well. With the ownership of the disc I do not need to keep a ISO stored on my PC and PS2 HDD saving space for other stuff while I can still play the game whenever I want.
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more PSO
This background still sends shivers to my pants
i went online and no one was in the server, heh. i had no idea what to do or what the controls are
Yeah, I did the same about an hour ago. I'll log in now if you'd like me to show you the ropes. I have an extra hour or two.
I'm in the lobby. What's your in-game name?
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So running PSO2 requires a Japanese locale or do I have to tweak the region also? I read some posts from the other forums that you also need to change your region to Japan.

idk who told you that because I've run the game without having to do ANY of that shit
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Nope, none of it.
You don't need to do anything fancy to install and play the game.
Nothing to talk about edition
It's funny actually, /v/ had a server for a few months. It was Puttputt something or whatever. Much better exp rate. I wonder what happened to it?
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Damn straight.
All we're going to do is talk about how much we miss this game for two or three weeks.
And bump with old CBT screenshots.
So.. Why it seems the SCHTHACK love has gone or why people want to play on smaller servers rather than last bastion of vanilla PSO.

Rather than scatter why not group up, it's not like people who still are into PSO are a large bunch. so having one OK populated server and then one hardly is - weird to me though I applaud the endeavor of administrator.
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I don't play PSO anymore, so I don't keep up with this stuff, but I believe there was some sort of mod drama, or something about ill-used donations that have put people off of playing on SCHTHACK.

It honestly doesn't matter what happened.

People have always hated SCHTHACK for some reason or another.

A few years ago, you'd get people whining, and cringing about some form of mystery furry menace on that server.

Then come play on Putte's with us! Info: >>6763153
Is there a PSOBB server that's just strictly vanilla? No EXP or drop boosts or anything retarded like that?

I am in belief it was vanilla but I do not play PSO myself as of now.
Doesn't schtack have that pointless half-assed casino thing
I don't know, test yourself. All I know was a impression that it has vanilla rates and stuff.
I'd be playing on schtack but no one bothered to mention that the client seems to choke on special characters in the password and I'm too lazy to email the admins about it
... just make another account and use strickly numbers and letters.

I THINK this is actually mentioned somewhere though not blocked.
crono is lazy
lee is an asshole

that's all you need to know
I understand that they as people are assholes. But does it affect the server as whole much?

Because if not then probably people generally are not assholes and you probably do not need to play or even speak a word to either guy.

There are probably websites just like that as well in internet yet it does not affect the general users that much at all.
Let me ask you bros an honest question.

What is it about an increased experience/drop rate that puts you off in PSO? I've made a handful of recruiting threads over the last few weeks for Putte's server, but the most common argument I see is "it eliminates challenge, removing most of the gameplay aspect"

This isn't necessarily true unless you're online all day, every day. I've been playing for a few hours here and there several nights out of the week for a month now and am only lv 143 on one character. Sure, leveling is easier, but it's far from boring and the uber rare drops (e.g., Agito 1975) are still hard to obtain. The drop/exp rates make it easy to get my fix between working full-time and being a dad without rendering the gameplay pointless. That, and playing as more than one character or playing PSO between other games is much more plausible.

What do you honestly think? You guys are more civilized than /v/ for the most part, so I thought I would ask.
I was on Putte's server with u last night, and i enjoyed the faster xp as well. I don't want an MMO too be to grindy to level. That's what really put me off on TERA and WoW.
Ordered copy of Portable 2 early today and waiting it to arrive. Only PSP game I did not download first to test and it seems to be somewhat different from basic PSO itself.

And of course by my luck it's online is dead or something. So excite for PSO2.
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Lisa, why are u so kawaii?!?!
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Bumping with screen
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>"i never asked for this"

posting unintentional shitty miku look alike
I was a huge fan of PSO for the Dreamcast, loved that game to death. I played through it recently too, still love it.
I haven't played any of the recent PS games though. Do you think I should be checking this one out?
>Do you think I should be checking this one out?

i never understood questions like these...it's like going to an anime convention and asking everyone if they love anime.

if there's a PSO2 general what do YOU think?
Well, PS as a series has gotten some pretty mediocre reception since PSO. I was just wondering if PSO is as much of a direct sequel as the name implies, or is it a game that's made for the fans of PSU and the others that I don't remember.

not sure since I've never played PSO (played PSP though) but we have plenty of screenies, video playlists, and a blog which most of this is on the OP.

I played the hell out of pso episode 1 & 2 which was on dreamcast. I can tell you that sonic team made every effort to incorporate all their new ideas with the solid structure of their classic episode 1&2 stuff. It's well made, well thought out, and the bane of my daily life waiting for it to come out.

Beta was more than I expected and I can assure you that after playing you might not be able to go back to the originals, I can't, I've been replaying them since beta ended and it hurts.
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>I was just wondering if PSO is as much of a direct sequel as the name implies
In spirit, yes. It's PSO2, not PSU2.
Storywise, it's not clear if the stories are even related, but the setting and lore is basically the same as you'd expect in PSO. Like >>6875938 said there is a ton of stuff in the OP that can show you how closely it resembles PSO in every part of its design.

On a somewhat related topic, whether or not PSO and PSO2 are related storywise is somewhat unknown at this point.
PSO2's plot isn't very clear yet, but like PSO, deals with the appearance of some evil critters attacking stuff, though there's no indication that these evil forces are related yet.
And like PSO, you are some sort of fancy space mercenary on a space colony. In PSO, you were a Guardian, in PSO2, you are an ARK.
Something happened ten years ago that no one really wants to talk about so you have no idea what it might be, but from Shion's dialogue with you, there appears to be some sort of time travel shenanigans that you get involved with that is probably related to that event.

They have a lot of similarities, both in plot and in key parts of the setting, but there's only one thing I saw during CBT that suggests that they could be related in any way, whether it just means they're in the same universe, or actually part of the same story.

In PSO EpIII, the card game that no one played, the Guardians developed some sort of technology blah blah blah, whatever, it's a pretty basic good vs evil storyline where you're given the chance to play on either side.
If you choose Heroside, you're a Guardian, if you choose Darkside, you're a member of a "terrorist organization" called Arkz that is against the CARD technology.

Well now that E3 is over PSO2 is officially the only upcoming video game I am excited for.

Don't let me down, Sega. Please. You are my last hope. I have to play nothing but PSO2 for the next 10 years.
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-PSO2 (July)
-MechWarrior Online (July)
-PlanetSide 2 (Late 2012)
-Hawken (December)
and Guild Wars 2 somewhere in between if you're willing to pay for it.

There's a lot to look forward to. That said, pre-open beta couldn't come any sooner.
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PSO2, Gw2, Anarchy Reigns, and MGR only games i'm interested in. Maybe Persona 4 Arena.

I'm going nuts waiting for PSO2 and Gw2 ;_;
To people who ask if PSO2 is worth playing if you liked PSO:


I've played every single English Phantasy Star game, from the old JRPG-style games to the current hack-and-slash MMO-style games. I've loved every single one for its own reasons, but PSO2 blows every single other one of them out of the water (in every regard aside from story as I don't know PSO2's story yet, and it likely won't be as in-depth as, say, Phantasy Star 4).

PSO was my early teen years.
EpI&II lead me through the latter half.
EpIII was rad in its eerie, captivating story.
PSU was a different experience, and although it was hard to get used to, I probably ended up playing it almost as much as PSO.

And PSO2 blows them all away. This is not a phrase I throw around lightly, but even considering that I've only played Alpha2/OBT with zero Japanese knowledge, this is honestly the most fun I've ever had playing a video game.
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Do we get that cute little yellow thing for registering for the pre-beta?
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The rappy statue thing for My Room, yes.
Even with all the hate for Schthack, I'd still like to play it, but my friend who i'm trying to bro-op with, can't connect. It was fine for a couple weeks, but now every time he tries to connect he gets error 903.
Anybody else have this problem?
So my brand new in plastic wrapping copy of Phantasy Star Portable 2 popped in from mail, what should I expect?
Please do not tell me the online is dead as a rock
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Can't wait for this game.

Before DIII came out, a lot of my friends were raving that DIII will be the best when I told them that it's the same Diablo that you've all played before. Now everyone says it's Diablo 2.5. PSO2 on the other hand is a brand new game compared to the previous installments.
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OP doesn't have a link to the character creator & benchmark test, so here you guys go:

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>Boot the game up
>The hard agony of not being able to decide what to play

Anyone else have this problem. with games. Had this in others recently too, Tera to say, now this and PSO2 in future too.
Not really. I just play everything in the game until I run into something I like.

PSO2 shouldn't be too hard either as you can change classes in the lobby. I suppose it comes down to the race/gender you want to play. I'm personally going to play male human because there are hardly any males in-game!
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>there are hardly any males in-game!

the few...the proud
yeah. Mostly I am wondering the racial attributes. I do not think PSU/PSPo has the gender attribute in play what is in PSO itself. Did PSO2 get rid of that by the way?

I actually like both options, Male characters have the japanese cool style while female are cute and also nice looking what really is maximizing my dilemma. At moment I am unsure should I do also a melee fighter or caster. Not yet knowing how dead this in Online (PSPo2) - I really do not know what to play to fill in.

Well, I guess I stare at it long enough and get some sort of idea after just meditating it long enough.
The stat differences between the races and genders is exactly how they've been historically throughout the series. The big thing to note is that the differences are not drastically wide, so you're not punishing that badly by playing a HUnewearl compared to playing as a HUcast.
So it is basically more what you want to make your character look like but has still a slight stat difference.

Okay then. Still meditating. Just browsing through all seeing what the sliders do for each character still. And this is basically toned down Universe creator. Oh boy when I get into making actual character I will play in PSO2, I will probably have the character creator running for week in my inability to decide what to do.
Just download the Character Creator and do it now.
yeah as someone already stated your character can be all of the classes so the big question is really which one you want to level first
How do we get that english patch?
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Good question.

Download this file: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9259868/pso2_text_stuff/creator_translation.rar

Paste and replace those files @ Program Files (x86)\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2_CHARACTERCREATOR\pso2charactercreator_bin\data\win32
Thanks brah. Gonna have some fun creating my waifu
How do i lower the video settings. My laptop got a poor performance rating on the bench mark test.
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Are they gonna block my ISP in open beta too?

Ghostvpn's free thing is done, and I need something to go around the patcher when it's here. And surprisingly it's amazing
But do we get like a rappy costume or rappy pet or something?
The PSO2 Character Creator saves your character as a file that can be loaded, modified, and used in the PSO2 client. You can make your perfect character now and just load her up and start playing when the beta opens.
A pet Rappy statue.
I saw people in the closed beta wearing rappy costumes while fighting and stuff. Is it still possible to get those at all?
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probably not until the full release of the game and it will coast real money.
So the people who were in the closed beta get to keep those for full release? Or was it just to play around and test them out?
No, they don't get to keep them, it was to test the scratch cards that unlock them to see if they worked right.
Alright thanks. If I end up enjoying the game a lot the rappy costume will be the first thing I buy.
>You can make your perfect character now and just load her up and start playing when the beta opens.
It's like my mind is clearly laid out to you.

Well, I thought rolling a male character actually. But it is hard to decide...

Started PSPo2 just now. Made two characters but decided to go with male newerl vanguard first. But goddamn are Beast Females cute. That damn nose... Why are they not in PSO2? Probably some timeline thing and not fitting to overall setting at all I presume.
is there a screen cap button in the character creator or do i have to print screen or use snipping tool?
also, is there a way to change the resolution so it all fits within my tv screen?
i think prtscn is the screenshot button. i know it is in the actual game.
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press prnt scrn

in Win7 saves it to user\username\documents\SEGA\PHANTASYSTARONLINE2\pictures

here, havea waifu
Somewhere in the PSO2 files there are references to the beastmen and the other race.

What do you even call a perfect waifu engine when it is made better?
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Where does it save the character?

Nevermind, it's in here. my bad
>dem graphics

if you have a good video card...turn the shaders on and watch in amazement from the difference it actually makes
Yeah I'm on a shitty laptop i mostly use for school not for gaming. It doesn't look as bad as that pic implies though.
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hows my character look?
Not digging the goggles that much.

Cleaned up my character a lot. I liked the way this turned out better. Having too much fun with this character creator
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I can't stop making waifus, help.
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me too brah. dem glasses, hnnnnnnnnnnnggg
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Rate my character.
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I know one of you has it.

I need the hipster robot. For... reasons.
In previous games, I would have to choose between glasses, shades and stupid hats. Now, thanks to PSO2, my only choice is: 3 pairs of glasses, or 3 stupid hats?
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Well, finally got around to making more characters in the creator.
Now I have to choose if I want to play as this character or my closed beta one, god damn it.

I know what you're talking about but unfortunately, I never saved it. Hopefully someone will post it for you.
3 glasses, duh!
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>PSO2 is not supported on your PC's OS
can someone confirm to me if this box saying what i think it sayling
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I have about a dozen different newman designs, and I used three of them during CBT, I still haven't decided which one I want to use.

She's cute! dem hips.

I don't speak moonrunes, but I'm pretty sure you can answer this question for yourself:
>OS: Windows XP 32bit | Windows Vista or Windows 7 32bit or 64bit
Well, which XP though? I currently stick with SP2, if that game require SP3, i might have to update it, which can be a bother because lollazy
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face too chubby. 2/10 would not bang

but i like the cat ears
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Two stupid hats and a pair of shades.
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>my only choice is: 3 pairs of glasses, or 3 stupid hats?

and one sexy beret and a sexy pair of idkwtftheseare eye things...

but those are mine
>thread dead as fuck
>shit waifus everywhere
>everybody who was anybody don't give a fuck about the game anymore
such is life
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Please refrain from misusing the greentext function
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am i kawaii
>denizen of /v/
>thinks this is /v/
>thinks everyone in here is like /v/

yeah /vg/ guild is still here faggot what ya gonna do?
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I keep meaning to make more character designs, but every time I end up nitpicking at this one again...
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Is my husbando kawaii?
I forgot my sega id and pw
what do
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He reminds of someone, going nuts trying to figure it out!
I... Like it!
This is reason why I also would want to play a male character, because they can be cool like that.

I am still thinking what to main in PSPo2 - Started and tried vanguard and I definitely love how it can do only everything while also being weak and more dodge based.

Hunters take more hits in before going down though and I made my Beast F more cool than waifu as well.

Just two hours of fucking around but probably already one of my favorite PSP games.
I'm gonna say...Keanu Reeves with glasses
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What ever happened to the person who was working on this project?
I'd really like to know how it's going so far.

Yes, very yes.
Also I agree with what (>>7045759) said.

If you got into the Closed Beta, check your old emails for your ID.
For your password, go here (https://cha.isao.net/profile_oem/OEMLogin.php?product_name=pso2) and click on パスワードの再設定 (It should be in the second sentence out of the 3 on the bottom, in blue.)

You've reminded me that I STILL haven't finished my PSP2 game. I'm only a couple steps from the final boss and I just dropped playing it for a couple months...
>You've reminded me that I STILL haven't finished my PSP2 game. I'm only a couple steps from the final boss and I just dropped playing it for a couple months...

Yeah. I tested going to PSN online too. Everyone is about maxed and only few lvl 70-90 players are around leveling. Joined a room to see how things go, it was was just two players chilling dancing and stuff. Was funny, but I had to leave because I felt still awkward one in the bunch.
>I had to leave because I felt still awkward one in the bunch.
I know that feeling all too well.
If I remember correctly I left off at level 68, so I still have a long ways to go before maxing out.

And the last time I went online with it, there were a lot of locked rooms and the ones that were open was just a bunch of people RPing.

I'd love to level with you but I feel as if I'd be a total fuck-up when playing with real people.
Same thing happened when playing PSO2, so I only teamed up with one or two people out of the entire guild. ;_;
Yeah that was kinda what the one open room was about, I was just seeing how it actually works because I was interested.

Too bad indeed. Well PSPo2 does not offer most robust chat and communication tools but seems to still try it's best though.

Well, hopefully you can at least finish the game off. I got my copy for Phantasy Star hunger while waiting PSO2 to west
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>I got my copy for Phantasy Star hunger while waiting PSO2.
Funny enough, PSO2 is what broke me off my groove for playing PSP2.
>to west
Godspeed to you, sir.

Maybe I really should pick it back up tomorrow, I'm getting sick of playing Elona.
Would you play online with me when I do? That is, if it's okay with you.
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bruce stfu and go
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I need to work harder on making an out of place kind of character
>tfw you'll never be saltack

he was the best at being completely out of place
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Thread is now complete.
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>Can't make a beast
>fall back to my HUnewearl
>idle stance
>those fucking arms
How the fuck do you stand like that? Space elves, sure, but that's painful to do for long periods. WTF, SEGAC.
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WTF is that thing

fuck i facepalm everytime i see this pic seeing my character without the shaders on....fuck i regret not having shaders in the beginning of the CBT
Are we going to use the same block as the CB?
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>Remake my CAST from PSU
>this is awesome, almost looks exactly the same!
>try to play during last beta
>forgot I never got invited and it was only the character creator all along
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Just two more weeks bro. Almost...almost
Looks like the pre-open beta starts next week...only lasts for a day though.
if that's the case...I'll be playing the hell out of it until it's over....fucking miss this game
obt starts immediately after if everything goes smoothly
>Who attended the pre-β in open test, has been cleared Quest pre-open limit β test the "desert mission] [Limited Pre-OBT", we will distribute the item code for "bouquet rifle."
Regarding the time distribution of the item code is expected to be open when β test.


sounds like we need to beat a certain mission in the game so we can obtain the bouqet rifle.

see this?! THIS shit is actually USEFUL and worthy of being a beta present for those participating.

but what scares me is reading the stuff before it makes it sound like only SOME of us will be able to get into this...could be wrong and hope I'm wrong I want all of us from the /vg/ guild to be sporting this sexy bouqet come OBT.
relevant information:
they just want to stress test some new servers
data will not carry over
if you complete a certain quest, you get a special item (bouquet rifle)
Sure, both adhoc party and game's own online should be fine UNLESS there is region blocking.

I just started though so I have character at maybe, lvl 5 soon - but I am more than glad to play with bros online.
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>have to clear one mission to get the swag flower bouquet rifle
>server lags so hard it lasts the whole day
>error 630, error 630 everywhere
>no rifle
if that's the case then they'll obviously delay the OBT and go back into testing...they aren't twiddling their thumbs waiting on the date as well they're fixing shit up in prep for us. I'm pretty sure they're aware of how many of us there are and are more prepared for us to get in now
Is there a client download somewhere? Or will the Pre-OBT use a new one? I wasn't in any test before this, but since the Pre-OBT is only open for a day and I have a slow internet I want to get it done beforehand.
A friend told me the english patch was actually just files found within the game itself. Is this true?

I was in the CBT, but I played with my group of friends. I wouldn't mind joining you guys this time around though.
The problem with cbt is, they didn't have a server made to hold the capacity. So, they lightly upped the server during maintenance but it still wasn't powerful enough as they would need much more time to make a proficient one. Now, they had much more time to make a better one more fit for the amount of people so I'm sure this will go better

loljk 630s everywhere as usual
Text files in PSO2 aren't encrypted and can be opened with notepad. They simply edited the text and replaced the old ones.

I played CBT since the second day to the last and I haven't experienced a lot of 603 errors aside from the scheduled server maintenance. Was it really THAT bad for everyone else?
yeah I'm gonna call bs.. pretty much EVERYONE had a huge 630 problem and if I remember correctly after the first maintenance it was an even worse outbreak of 630
Does anyone have a link to the torrent for the client? i had to reformat my computer a while ago and was unable to save everything i had on it.
So, the beta test is two days.
Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th, 1900~2400 Japan time
That will be, 6:00~11:00am EST, Friday and Saturday.

Due to the short time, the levels at which you acquire mags and their next form are reduced, and the desert planet is available from level 1.

They have prices available too. Sorry for any shitstorm that this information may cause.
1 Yen = 1AC
Premium 30 Day set = 1300 AC = 16.35 USD
90 Day is 3600 AC, 45.30 USD. You only save a dollar per month?
You can rent stuff individually for 700 AC.
200 and 500 AC for Scratch and Scratch Gold. (2.50 and 6.30 USD) It seems that Scratch Gold won't have garbage items in it, just costumes and cast parts.
The AC Scratch prices seem typical of Japan. It's rather common for arcade machines to need 200 or 500 yen for a single play - but you tend to get something for the 500 yen machines (cards for the game for example). The yen is also fairly strong, so it's going to be more expensive for non Japanese players.
I haven't seen anything about how payment will occur, so I don't know if foreigners will even be able to pay these prices.
The entire game itself is free though, if you can do without trading, my room, and extra storage, you can probably max out your level without missing anything.

I'm not seeing any mention of downloading. I imagine something will show up early next week and that a mirror/torrent will be up shortly after that.
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Anyone got the non-censored version of this character sheet? I'm just curious about the design of her pantsu.
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>play times are only from 6am to 11am
They are the classic striped underwear. They actually color change based on your cloth's main color.

Source: Editing the CC camera to upskirt. Will post picks in a little bit after i do the edit again.
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>To reduce server load, there will be less chairs to sit on in the lobby.
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Were you here for the first night?
the reaction is more towards "you mean they didnt fully fix this shit yet?"
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proof of striped
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why are cameras so fun to toy with
Okay, now you have to teach me how to rotate the camera angle.
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Client side edits are oddly entertaining
>They actually color change based on your cloth's main color.
Not sure whether JAPAAAAAAAN or impressed.
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Just like Emilia!
Does anyone have the image explaining the options page?
>client side edits
Do teach.
so POBT starts next week.
will there be a dedicated group for /vg/? i might get lost just working on my own
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>pretty much EVERYONE had a huge 630 problem

now THAT'S bullshit I literally only had 630 pop on me like 2 times in the entire cbt and then never again and those times were from doing burst parties where shit was flying everywhere.
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heres an updated look with different glasses and suit color
looks better. i think i'd be better without the glasses. if u really want glasses, i think u should use the square one instead of those oval ones.
shut the fuck up you lying nigger, i always hated you, you're a fucking faggot. go fuck your oc bitch
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this is a bully free zone please leave
Well it looks like I'm gonna fuck up my sleep schedule just to get a virtual boquet.
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>usually wake up around noon-ish
>go sleep at 5am-ish
>pOBT times are 6am to 11am for both days

either i pull an all-nighter or i try forcing myself to sleep at proper times just for this

That is the base torrent I uploaded for the last testing period
I assume it will work just needs some patching
If it doesn't I will take it down and upload a new version when the time comes
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5am - 10am for me. ;w;
we still using the same steam group?
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changed the glasses and removed the scar.
im thinking of naming him "Psycho Luke" in memory of my HUmar from Ep. 1&2 who was lost in a memory card transfer accident. Also my first lvl 100. Good times back then.
not really sure which class i want to start out with.
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Guys, rate my Sako
dunno what sako is but I do like what you've made
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Sako is the sadist bitch and public masturbator from Upotte
She's is also a finnish Sako Rk95, hence her name

from what I can see the only issue is the ears being too long but other then that practically the same bitch
Is there a difference in stats between genders, or just races?
why the fuck would we not you sperglord? it's not like any of you faggots are ever using the steam chat other than the same 13 people anyway
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I thought I could find it on the PSO2 official blog, but I found nearly every other character design sheet except for her's.

So you get Afin's costume instead. It reminds me of something out of Jet Set Radio.
Could someone post a link to the steam group please.
Any idea why the shit PSP2 was removed from the PSN store?
>tryhard faggot
>still thinks his effort is working

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you are so mad, so pathetically mad
question about the client.
will a new version be distributed before the preOBT starts or will it use the same client? and if they are using the same one, would someone direct me to the download link.
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looking good now bro
They'll be using an updated client. The old client from the previous beta can be updated to the latest one so you won't have to re-download 3GB all over again.

fun classes:
>hunter - stylish attack animations (especially gunblade)
>ranger - rodeo drive skill

>ranger - proven as an OP class since they can kill most mobs hunters cant reach in time
>force - fucking magic aint gotta explain shit

hunters are efficient for bosses but for mobs rangers usually take out anything before hunters can get to them which is why hunters aren't part of the efficiency section

and force wasn't that fun for me it seemed too slow which is why it's not in the fun section for me

hope this helps you decide and if not maybe these video playlists will:

Are the sign ups for the pre-open beta closed? The blue button in the OP is bringing me to a 404 page.
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Oh man, that open beta timing is inconvenient. Though I guess that can't be helped, there's just too many games coming out soon.

Any new outfits leaked?
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I should never be given character creators
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now if only other people could see this ingame
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how about them legs
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Nope, they're still open. Try again and make sure there isn't something goofy going on with your side of things.
maybe i should make a gif of torpedo tits.
you mean lika dis
Considering that is my video, yes. Exept with bigger tits like >>7090260
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You guys have no idea how much OCD stress I'm having about the game launching.

I can't decide which characters I should use. I don't want to "waste" my best characters on the Japanese servers when I still feel like the game might be localized, but if that's all we get I don't want to spend time playing with a character I don't like as much. And I don't want to have any of my characters repeated across Japanese and other regional servers.

You have no idea how much this is legitimately bugging me, fuck.
>I don't want to have any of my characters repeated across Japanese and other regional servers.

okay I'm sorry but this is retarded right here....at this point I wouldn't give a fuck if I had two of the exact same looking characters in different servers.

just play the game the way you like it and if it goes to the US then guess what? start over doing the same thing again...playing the game the way you like it.

i dont see the problem here just make the best character and when it goes US then just create the same character and start from scratch..not like your japanese account gets erased or banned so if anything you'd return to your old character.

i mean really...why purposely gimp yourself knowing the game is coming out soon in japan just because you want to be in US servers?
>Not playing the moonservers and making moon friends who can help you with shit you don't understand.
>Going to the US servers that will probably be full BR mode

that's not even what bugs me about his post...what bugs me is he'll be watching everyone else have fun while he's waiting for maybe at the least a year until it goes US and then what?
I will be playing on the Japanese servers. I just don't want to play as the same characters on both versions.

And I don't want to waste my "best" character designs early, and I already fucking said all this, learn to read.
Then he will get to enjoy the magic of a SOA maintained server.
I was saying why change servers when the US version comes out.

It's free to play and handles higher pings without even the slightest trouble, so why bother swapping.
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I'm gonna have to agree with calling you a faggot.
You're annoying as hell and it doesn't help that you were begging people in the drawfag thread to draw you getting it on with Lisa.
That's really pathetic.

it's not begging to make a request

just because I said that I don't have server issues

wow you're pretty sensitive aren't you
4/10 wouldn't bang

7/10 would bang
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wait. so all global servers will be separate?
if thats the case then that shits ridiculous.
Nobody knows if the game will even get an official release in English.

But global, internationally shared servers aren't a big thing these days. Yeah the original PSO did it, and PSU did it on certain versions. But frankly it makes no sense in a game where you are limited to 4-12 player instances anyway.
> *As for the Aesthetic Counter, the following changes occurred:
> You may now change the Eye Pattern, Eye Color, Eyebrows, Eyelashes, and Makeup Pattern 1&2 for Free!

What?! Does this means you can no longer change your hair without AC? That's fucking bullshit. I am so incredibly upset about this.
This could also mean in addition to, but I also thought that changing hair costed AC anyway? I know hats were free.
I could've sworn that hair was free. I remember because it reminded me of EVE character customization where the hair, makeup, and accessories can be changed at any time for no cost.
Nowhere does that text say "You can no longer..."
Actually, I think you might be right. I could be thinking of the fact that hair colour costs AC.
randomly poking memory and hitting the character morphs. Its all temporary and cant be saved but it is also extremely entertaining to poke a value and see the head explode.

With that said. In pre beta keep an eye out for my character. Perpetual tits do save and if they still work in the beta you will definitly see my character.
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I really need to stop toying with this
The receptionist clothes were savable on CC so I was wondering if anyone tried equipping it during CBT and if it worked.
Why am I reminded of Pokemon when I see this?

If I recall, people only found out about it AFTER the CBT ended.
Or at least, that's when it was posted here.
Reminds me.

Played more Portable 2 over weekend. Only little though. Still trapped in self trap of continuing different character every time I load up the game, essentially slowly leveling two different characters without any real reason other than being unable to choose which one do I like playing more.
Given the lack of a more appropriate general, I'll ask here.

As one looking to get into the online Phantasy Star games, I want to check out the Portable series. Would I be better off starting with 1, 2, or Infinity? (I know very little Japanese, but I have the Infinity script/guide handy)

Basically what I'm asking is whether or not the story of 1 is worth playing, and whether or not the additions in Infinity are worth playing in moonrunes.
As I understand, Portable is just a port of Phantasy Star Universe (PC, PS2 originally, online play) on PSP with ability to local adhoc play.

PSPo2 is followup sequel to the storyline, though to me it seems very easy for new player to follow and get into. Upgrades many systems for the better. Also features internet PSN online play through WLAN in combination to Ad Hoc. Basically the better game.

Infinity as I know it is minor upgrade that may be worth the pain but I would not say so for PORTABLE game unless you can actually read some Japanese.

There is also difference in community size - basically infinity is played online only by Japanese naturally, both ad hoc party and PSN, while PSPo2 original has the western players. There is cheaters according to infinitybro as well, but also higher change you find some fellow english speaking folk to run some missions with. Also you will be able to read and follow the storyline just fine.

I personally would feel like recommending PSPo2 because I am playing it and will be willing to run some stuff with a new bro but if someone says something radically decisive about PSPo1 and PSPoINFINITY then the story may be different.
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Explain yoursef, how are you doing this? Tell me your secrets.
I hope you're right. I really hope they meant these are in addition to other free change stuff. I don't think makeup change was free in CB, because I remember slaving over the character creator about which makeup was better since I wouldn't be able to change it later. I don't remember if any of the others were free or not.
I played PSO. A lot. Goddamn, did I play that.

Then PSU came out, and you had to craft for your fucking weapons and stuff, which immediately made me want to kill myself, and then others. It was crazy fucking grindy, too, and I hated the spell system they had.

Is this new PSO good? Truly good? Please tell me it is. Please tell me that crafting is gone. Please. Please tell me that the skill system is better.

I just want to pick up weapons after a boss kill. Please.
No weapon crafting, none. Boss dies, giant red crystal appears, break crystal, items pop out and you pick them up.
All of your fears are baseless, my friend. PSO2 is truly a worthy successor. Everything that I disliked about PSU is gone. Everything that made me go nostalgia mode about PSO is there.

This is truly the next Phantasy Star.
I didn't mind crafting in PSU. What really was bullshit was the fact that elemental % was so important and you had to pay to recharge PP.
Thankfully they nerfed the base element boost (50%+X) and elements now add X attack on top of the weapons base attack.
>Is this new PSO good? Truly good?
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No crafting. You level up your spells and Photon Arts by finding higher leveled disks like you did in PSO, not grinding them endlessly like PSU. There are no longer separate "character" and "class" levels like in PSU, just one class level that you raise by fighting monsters.

The combat is a lot more action oriented and fast paced than PSO or PSU.

The atmosphere is not as great as PSO but not as terrible as PSU.

The music is great, if only because it's all heavily based on PSO music.

I played PSU for a month after it launched and hated it. I played PSO2 for 11 days on the closed Beta and loved it.

It's absolutely going to take some time in order for the game to gather up enough content updates to match all the stuff there was to do in PSOBB. However the groundwork is solid and feels fun and modern. I think it's a fantastic game.
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This game needs more beards. None of this paint on shit. I want a physics beard that goes down half of my body
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As other anons have pointed out, there is no crafting and weapons do not break when upgrading. But I give you this one warning:

You will hate this man.
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CAST supremacy!
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thanks dude
10/10. dem glasses
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My character.
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he's the final boss
Anyone have links to the closed beta client? I was in the CB but I uninstalled it thinking they were going to release a new client...
They just tweeted saying that people can download the game.

Ship 1: Feo
Ship 2: Yul
Ship 3: Thohn
Ship 4: Ansul
Ship 5: Lags
Ship 6: Ken
Ship 7: Gyof
Ship 8: Wyn
Ship 9: Hagal
Ship 10: Nausis

>Ship 5: Lags
I registered but do not actually know anything how the beta is going down at all and cannot into Japanese either.

Any good guide to what are times and dates?
June 15-16
Gah, googling some timezones again. I am yurofag and still stuck only translating GMT times because that is easy but nobody wants to use that anymore.

Probably GMT is for gays or something.
So basically it is 8:00-13:00 for the British
to me it seems to be 10:00-15:00

Five hours of game time making maximum potential of ten hours? Good thing indeed I got some Portable 2 as Phantasy Star side dish until the game releases because ho boy do I need it.
sooooo while we're waiting for the beta to begin in the next couple of days anybody mind finding all the jukebox music pieces on youtube or something and linking them here?

want to hear the one that we used to play in enkou's room all the time it had a woman singing in it and sounded beautiful
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Looking forward to open beta.
All the jukebox songs were just music from the original PSO.

Was it this?
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I think client updates are up.
Too bad the update takes forever due to jap servers
thats blue burst
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Trying to make it look more like a human in a suit rather than a head stuck on a robot's body in an awkward fashion.

Starting to think it's not possible.

Go to 1:40
Try using the forehead guard and a chinstrap.
The downloader isn't working for me, will the torrent in the pastebin in the OP be fine?
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Tsun Robot.
I guess I won't be participating in this pre-open beta then...
Translation files still work?
I keep getting an error when trying to update the client. Something about WinHTTP: Error:12003(or something like that)

Anyone else getting this?
The update server is really slow, probably because majority of the japanese players are updating right now. I got that error twice, just try again and again.
sounds like people will be able to import their cached symbol arts. Wonder if sega will eventually give us an offline one as well.
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So if i played in the Closed beta does that mean i don't have to sign up? Right?
I believe so.
Do I have to download the new open beta client or do I just have to update my closed beta client?
Update your old one i believe.
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downloaded and installed.
is it updating? what is happening?
It is updating, btw if you use avast, you have to disable it during the updating, or at least you had to before, dont know if that is still and issue.
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Yes, Bob.
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Anyone having trouble updating their closed beta client? This is starting to annoy me.
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Fuck, what's wrong now?
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the game server isn't up yet
Anyone remember what button on the launcher was file check? Or is the patch automatic when you open the launcher? Been too long since I played.
B-But the ships are...!
Damn, haven't even started and I'm having shipping problems with this game, what even...
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It's the third button.
Geez, quit circlejerking.
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>tfw momoyo will never be real
Except the guy is an asshat.
Wait wait, do i need to re-download the client ? i have still the CBT installed.
You look like the kind of person who asks for things...
I have an odd question, but see in >>7301681 where there's news updates and shit in the launcher box? Whenever I start the launcher that page tries to open in IE instead of showing up in the launcher. The fuck did I screw up? It's not really breaking anything, just annoying as hell.
Care to explain how you came up with that theory?

BROFIST for you good sir
So when all this starts up, which ship is the rest of PSO2 General gonna be on?
Ship 2 with reddit
Aight, thanks man.
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Guess he left.
Scratch tickets, how do they fucking work?
Signed up, this might replace XIV as my MMO to play if they don't go the retarded route of forcing people to annoy the fuck out of each other by making them party op for simple shit like fetch quests.
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Err? I was under the impression that /vg/ was sticking with Ship 4 Block 44? To stay away from reddit and PSO-W?
I really hope new outfits aren't exclusive to the AC scratch. That would really suck.
Nope that's clearly wrong, don't know where you got that from.
Shit 2... What? No, I thought we were doing ship 4 again.

no...he never asked for this
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We made the decision to go Ship 2 at the start of the game and embrace the reddit

There's no reason that we need to hide on Ship 4 all by ourselves.
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anybody know whats up? ended up with this message
>pic related

now the client was hanging for the update and after a couple of minutes the 2nd bar finally get's a tiny inch of blue but not moved.
Who is we? So far your the only one saying it's ship 2.
I am you

how about we all just shut the fuck up and ignore the troll trying to ruin the thread?
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I'm more excited about seeing Matsuko's power of the bulk anyway.
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Reddit isn't the only community playing on Ship 2. GameFAQs, PSO-World, PSO2 Facebook and Bumped as well.

Reddit players are rude to the Japanese players, ruining the game for them and making a bad reputation to all of us. GameFAQs and PSO-World hates hackers to the point that players who use unofficial mods like the english-patch (or using CFW for PSPo2) are considered pirates, scum and disgusting criminals.

It might sound like a good idea to play with a lot of English-speaking communities, but ask yourself first, are those the type of people you would want to play with?
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what does this shit even say
is this download just for the beta or the full install?
guys whats goin on here.
i assume its just updating.
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ffffuck my picture

same shit's happening to me...i left it open and it's slowly updating but at snail speed...im sure in the official day it would go faster
wonder if jiggle tits will get the ban hammer
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It's updating but it's going really slow because japan servers and everyone in japan is also downloading the patch

I patched my game and it loads so it's ready for friday/saturday
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I'll show this pic since the copyright is covering the version number.
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After installing the game, the whole installation folder should have a file size of 3.35GB. After running the game (or hitting the update button) it will download the update. Total file size afterwards should be 4.65GB.

tl;dr: Update is 1.3GB big so it'll take a long while to finish.
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well shit.
anyways heres some free stuff (minus shipping/handing) im thinking of buying. i was gonna make more id buttons but i figured that would be too much and i doubt that anyone in my neighborhood would have played PSO, aside from my brothers friend.
I feel silly asking this, but... where do I put the translation files...?
Question guys, is it legal to get into this Japan beta even though your from the U.S?
I'd like to point out that not even PSO-W wants to be with redditards, from what I've seen from their forums. But you make of that what you will.
>is it legal

what are you 12?
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HELL no you skinny fuking nerd
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thanks /vg/
DIOR stop saging shit nigga goddamn
Will the English patch from closed beta work with this beta? Nobody has said otherwise, and I don't really want to re-download this game again if not.

Summer is great.
That is a decent question, but then again: who cares?

I mean, you're not legally allowed to post in-game pictures from Betas but everyone does it anyway.
Better way to answer that would be: if SEGA doesn't care, why should we?
>I mean, you're not legally allowed to post in-game pictures from Betas but everyone does it anyway.

yeah you are...have you NOT been paying attention to ANYTHING from these generals?

sure is summer in here
So where do I download the client? I haven't got an email about anything PSO2 related and I registered about a month ago and checked the receive emails box.
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It doesn't right now, they'll just update it.
please respond
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♪ Oh gosh, I can't wait to see you all there! ♫
I can't wait to see you on ship 2!
>-2 grind
>"You've got amazingly bad luck"

1.) Go to PSO2's official website.
2.) Click the latest news on the information box.
3.) Check the links on the left and click on the box that has "download" on the address link.
4.) Click on the huge image that direct you to the "downloader.exe"
5.) You can take it from here.
6.) ?????
7.) Profit!!!

I apologize for not giving you any link, but I think it would be better for you to learn these kind of things.
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For anyone who's still confused about which ships, This.

Bumping, friend got his invite. Was happy to see i got my email too. Launcher's updating and pleased to see this:

"If you saved your character data in the Closed Beta, PSO2 Pre-Open beta client can also load that character."


For all the translated news

See you guys on Ship 4
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Every time I try to update the client the progress bar stays still for like 45 minutes and then I get this.

What do I do?
The error says it couldn't download the new version and suggests waiting a while before trying again. Looks like the servers are getting hammered, nothing to do but try again later.

It's just traffic, try again or wait a while. Mine's taking forever as well but it's moving along slowly
I was finally able to download the new patch after several tries.
Oh god. First time signing up and I got frustrated when my name wouldn't take so I used a stupid I.D. name only to get stuck with it.
Why is everyone everywhere so angry about ship numbers?
I've visited all the major places and every single one is all, "WHAT DA FUCK. I DON"T WANT TO PLAY WITH COMMUNITY X. BASELESS ACCUSATIONS. WE"LL BE ON SHIP Y. FUCK THEM."

I mean, sheet. I have never seen this behavior in any other game before.
I think us Gaijin players are on edge because we are not technically supposed to be a part of the beta.
Nah man, fuck Community X. They're all douchebags.
Don't just stand there, give us a link to this thing!
make a new account and use this code GIVEITEMS
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is fucking posting still down? or just the extension?
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I got two emails after I signed up. Does anyone know what they say?

Please respond.
I am a cute Hamster. :3

wow this one looks pretty good
>tfw this time around you still won't be apart of the cool kids clique
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We'll just make our own cool kids club!
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>not knowing Nia's shitty posting style by now
>tfw you don't want to take charge and make your own guild/team

not like there HAS to be one team especially with the 100 member limit

you could make another of the same team and have a slightly different name.

like how the Teen Titans had "Titans West" or some shit like that.
Okay, lets make our own cool kids club.
Yeah! Our very own Great Lakes Avengers!
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Wanna go shoot some hoops?
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A handy guide to the launcher.

They suggest downloading between 02:00~16:00 Japan time. That gives you 2 more hours from when this is posted. If you can't download outside of these times, it's because Japan traffic is super high or Sega doesn't want to ship you their precious packets.

When you start the game, the version should be the same as this anon's >>7308503
I've been getting errors for the past 6 hours I've been trying to update my CBT client.
So, if things are cool on both ends, open beta could potentially start up right on Sunday/Monday?

Also, is this going to have the new weapon types?
ok something weird just happened.
i went to turn on pso2 to see what version it was but there was an error box and then it just closed. afterwards i couldnt find the client in my start menu and it appears that it deleted the shortcut i had on my desktop. right now im reinstalling it but im not sure what just transpired.
Hopefully but I really doubt it, it'll still probably happen after the 20th
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Fucking Afin...
i think i just hit the uninstall wizard.
well at least im learning.
Pictures and numbers man! Otherwise try tomorrow!

I did however, get an error after downloading completed and the game wouldn't start. Tried again later and I must've watched the intro for the 5th time now.
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I'm working on it...
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So how big is this update? It took me about 30 hours to download the CBT.

Am I even gonna finish this update in time to play the pre-open beta?
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It took me ~three hours to download it yesterday morning the moment patch servers went up in JP primetime. If it takes you longer than five hours, it's probably your connection.

Better get crackin'.
Please tell me the update doesn't completely start over every time there is an error.

Otherwise I just wasted my whole day
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is this the same error everyone else has been having?
for some reason i can't get the translation patches to work. i follow the instructions and overwrite the files in the respective folder but the text remains unchanged. does having my regional settings set to Japanese have anything to do with it?
that patch is outdated, you have to wait for the new one

even for the character creator?
anybody have the images of the settings translated for the client?

trying to get my shit straightened out with the highest settings and shaders on and whatnot before we start this thang
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Any ideas on this particular error?

I also got an error 12030. That means the connection got terminated right?
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My internet is really shitty.

I really hope that the update doesn't completely start over every time the error pops up, because it if does that means I won't even be able to download the game before the test starts.

I'd be screwed out of a Boquet Rifle by a shitty internet connection.

So does anyone know for sure exactly how the update works and if it has to start from the beginning when you get an error? I've been starting it over for again and again for about 9 hours now.

thanks kindly
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thats not an error. it says you have downloaded the latest launcher and need to restart.
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>this will never come on US servers
>you will never make your waifu in the retail game

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I'm ready to be an moon spouting asshat again. I also look forward to making more gifs of Momoyo's momos.
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>I also look forward to making more gifs of Momoyo's momos

feels bad not having any tits
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Did you miss me?

Ma nigga.
Can anyone answer this? I want to know if I'm wasting my time here.
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I think it starts over every time, that's how I felt anyway. It always goes REALLY SLOWLY though.
Well shit, looks like no beta for me then if that's actually true.

It also looks like I'll have to spend several days torrenting an entirely new client every time there's a major game update because I can't go over an hour without it getting a traffic error. It was the same back when I downloaded the game.

This fucking sucks, the only better Internet where I live would be $20 more a month and I can't afford it.

only reason it's going slow now is because supposedly it's 1.34gb update (i know its 1gb but the .34 coulda just been pulled out of my ass)

either way it's a BIG update
Put PSO2 to update yesterday after heading out. While at friend's place playing more PSPo2. Maining my Vanguard mostly. I suck at this game but still somehow beat the dragon at lvl 7 and now am LVL8. Weapons and stuff is fun especially handgun/sword combo.

I think I do not need to be vanguard for that though, If I remember hunters should be able to use some basic handguns as well, at least in PSO.

Not an expert, just someone with weird memory.
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Need to rush to level 20 to get on that Hard Mode!
Wow, looks like your body is Reiji
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How likely do you guys think it will be for an English release of this game? I would have though it would be a no-brainer, but SEGA has been a bit weird about western releases lately.

Either way, I'm excited for the weekend test.
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>Play PSOBB with a relative
>We end up stopping because Episode 2 can be a dicknigger to navigate sometimes thanks to no more journals (at least the first two levels)
>Want to get back into PSOBB
>See this thread

I've signed up now, so when do I find out if I get in or not?
I want this game, but my computer can't handle it. It runs the test at like 5 fps. There's a Vita version coming out as well, right? Then I wouldn't be surprised if they did a PS3 port. Come on SEGA, do it!
Okay guys, I finished my registration (I think, I did the image captcha thing) and now what do I do?

Where do I download the launcher from? (Obviously the Homepage but is there a nice big button? How do I navigate?) What Japanese writing does the game use? I intend to learn it so that I can use the Japanese wiki and play the game and whatnot. What time and date do things start at?
Well, I think it's pretty obvious. All the other minor games (apart from one or two?) were localized, and this is their biggest update since PSO1, so yeah.
vc3 or whatever didn't get ported because of psp piracy paranoia, considering this is f2p model they should be bending over backwards for english userbase
Have you tried turning OFF the shaders? Shaders eat 90% of your computer's performance. My performance rating is just around 1,000 pts with shaders ON but becomes 10,000 when turned OFF. Even with a low score of 1,000 I still played the beta without any problems whatsoever.

Also, the benchmark eats more resources since the benchmark is meant to run ay 120fps, while the full game is set to run at only 60fps on normal or 30fps for low-end computers.
How does one download the launcher?
Have you tried reading the thread?
Yea. Still a bit confused on how to download and translate.
translations for the current updated client interest me as well.

I got the download install and update down fairly easily though.

Have you tried the link on this post?

I'm sure someone will upload a torrent of the client soon. I have a terrible 50 kB/s upload rate though otherwise I'd make it myself.

I'm paying over a $100/mo for this shit. Good god I need to find a better ISP.
I would turned off the shaders if i could read Japanese ;_;. Where do u go in the options?
Are you really working on another General? Does it really take over a day to make?
I was the OP of this thread and have the next OP all ready to go, but if you really want to make the next one, be my guest.
Downloading pre-ob going to ship 4, any particular way to get in contact with other bros? I don't moonrunes
lobby 44 on server 4 is where we were last time so this time it probably will also be lobby 44, if 44 is full then go to lobby 4 as that is the backup. Look for the ones with the English names and the party name of vidya.
We're going to be on ship 2 in lobby 20.
So just to make clear, you cannot log in now?

I think I forgot my password so I want to know what error means "you remembered right but the game is not online now you fool"
try typing in a password you know is wrong and see what error comes up, if that error keeps coming up, you know it is probably the wrong password.

Or you could fill out the Japanese i forgot my password forms.
Why would you be able to log in? Pre-OBT doesn't start until Friday.
would you make up your mind already?
i dont want to take the wrong ship by accident and be lost in a world of foreign scribbles.
im kinda leaning towards the first one.
you do not know how many times I have to try to just get the japanese captcha right...
Oh well. We will see in due time.
I barely know about the Phantasy Star franchise.
The only SEGA franchise I have ever played is Sonic the Hedgehog. And I have a shitty PC.
Never played a MMO game before.

Since it doesn't appears there will be a 360 or PS3 port (only a Vita one), try to convince me to upgrade my PC and download this game once it launches.
Try playing PSO Blue Burst

then watch gameplay of PSO 2

not your personal army....there are links and playlists in and around the OP so convince yourself
What are the differences between Blue Burst, the original PSO and its Episodes? I have read Wikipedia but I still don't understand the changes
Japanese captcha? where?

Get the japanese language pack and install it for your OS, I assume its Win7, using the language bar you can have the windows turn your romaji to kana, makes shit very easy modo.
In the main site when you want to login
I cannot into japanese at all, what makes you think I can put the captcha?

way I loginned to site ONCE when I did definitely know my password was to copy every mark from wikipedia page of japanese kana characters and put what looked same to it, but it still took 5 tries before I got actually in.
Well Blue Burst had episode 4 created for it while PSO only had episode 1 and 2.

For console release had split screen game play which if ya had a few friends, you could play through the dungeons and yell at each other for dying like a bitch

In Blue Burst, you had the whole screen to ya self and online works better than trying to find that rare gamecube lan connection made for the game, and then buying that huge ass gamecube/keyboard controller.
Two questions:
Am I the only one who preferred using a usb controller for PSO:BB

Am I the only one who enjoyed Episode III?
I HAD to use a controller for BB. Keyboard too awkward. Oddly, I like KB/Mouse better for PSO2.
some questions:
Do you like Sci-fi games?
Have you ever played any of the Diablo games?

PSO is, in my opinion, 3D space Diablo. And that's a good thing.
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Don't forget the waifus
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Please respond. How do i turned down the settings?


There's some info here on the launcher settings.
sweet. Thanks
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Are people just confusing the ship 2/4 thing because they don't want Reddit or some other community coming in or something? I would think they have their own group gathering places to worry about.

in the CBT some ships were invaded with reddit fags being dicks to the japs. we found out later that they were using the /vg/ pastebin so thats why there's no ship number anymore.

so if you were in the /vg/ group then we stay in the same ship...with that said let's drop the ship subject before this thread gets out of hand
No, let's keep going so that one analpained kid complaining about circlejerks will start shitposting again.
I fucking loved episode 3
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How about just putting it in the thread image?

because 4chan is an anonymous board where anybody can come in and post whatever they want and view whatever they want...regardless of being from here or reddit
So post it in the thread? They used the Pastebin because it was full of useful info, not because somebody at 4chan made it.
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To people asking about ships:

Ship 2, Block 20 is where English players will be joining from PSO-World, GameFAQs, Reddit, et cetera. Larger number of players, but then, with greater numbers, comes greater numbers of morons.

Ship 4, Block 44 is where /vg/ is going. Smaller but (hopefully) less idiotic base.

Personally, I'm going to 2/20, because that's where all of my friends and people I know from PSO-World are going.

point is we don't want to risk it...we already had a taste of reddit faggotry when they invaded us and we had to escape in enkou's room to avoid all the spam and abuse to the poor japanese players.

Make your own secret club forum if you're that concerned about it.
>not telling them to eat shit
What kinda man are you?
>telling them to eat shit
>implying words somehow magically move characters to other ships

idk what kind of sorcerer you are but teach me your secrets

we do it's called /vg/ and that's why it's in it's own ship away from the reddit ship choice
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But people will post it in the thread anyway. Hell, someone just did.
How about relying on goodwill? Instead of saying "here WE are" in something that can be posted around and thereby misunderstood by retards from other sites, why not just say "you know where to go" outside of here and keep the discussion of where things are in the thread?
Hour 14 of updating the client.

I can't tell how far along it is because the progress bar starts over when it gets an error every 10 minutes.

This is why I fucking hate digital distribution, they never consider poorfags with $30/month internet connections.
Why not creating a list of email accounts of /v/ and /vg/ people? So if something happens, at least we know someone of that list made the leak.
to be honest I'm just explaining why nobody wants to post the ship number...as for me personally I could care less because I'll try and avoid faggotry wherever it is.

I'll be sticking with mah /vg/ bros just like I did in the CBT as usual

but im just saying why nobody really wanted to reveal the ship numbers.

in the end i can't stop you from posting the ship number...I'm just telling you what COULD happen if you do.

I don't get what you're trying to say here
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Christ people, calm your tits. Why can't you just have fun with a videogame and quit making a big deal over a fucking number.

I swear. 2 and 4 derail these thread faster than any dub and that's embarrassing.
I don't know what server are you going to use. I'm new to /vg/ (I'm tired of /v/ faggotry) and the Phantasy Star franchise. That's why I said we need a list. You can write an email to me about the server you are going to use. And nobody except you and me will know it.
Do you use avast for anti virus? because if you do you have to disable it for it to update.
I have no anti-virus installed, just a really shitty connection.
you guys are seriously willing to play with reddit?
Will the server open at midnight on the 15th, or midnight on the 14th?
I loved the first 3 days of the closed beta, but when reddit invaded and started to make all those dumbass pictures, I couldn't stand it.
Reddit is everywhere you look, because they're going with PSO-World. Can't tell friends "no, let's go to another server with barely any English people because I dislike reddit".
>Can't tell friends "no, let's go to another server with barely any English people because I dislike reddit".

you could if you really wanted to. just make sure they're bros and not faggots and either try to have them join the /vg/ guild or if 100 is surpassed then make a group with them and keep in contact with the original /vg/ guild to party up or something.

I can recall the days AFTER the CBT when the /vg/ guildmates were posting all their screenies and videos here and so many from ship 2 were regretting their ship choice.

playing with friends is great and all but if most of your community acts as retarded as some BRs do that ruin other F2P games...then I'd rather risk there being not a lot of english speaking players.
During the CBT I ran a character on both ship 4 and ship 2.

Do you know what I saw on Ship 4? People spamming Green and Purple symbol chat, saying inside jokes and things like ">mfw Americans dance after completing a quest". When I ran into /vg/ in a multiparty area they wouldn't even speak to me when I used public chat. It's the same retarded meme shit, just different memes.

In ship 2 I actually met some cool people by just leaving the password off my games and letting people join. In Ship 4 when I left the password of my games no one ever joined.
Exactly, ship 4 thinks its ok to say memes like "LEL DLC" and stuff because its recent

Ship 2 was fun, and I expect to go to ship 2 with all my friends again.
Did you name your parties vidya on ship 4?
Once you take away anonymity, 4chan users and Reddit users are identical except for the memes they use.

We look down on tripcodes and "circlejerks" for a reason.
>trying to convert people

seriously? we're having this bullshit going down AGAIN?

just play in whatever fucking ship you want and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing...holy fuck people have selective sight right now and are just seeing what they want to see...if you want ship 2 then go to ship 2 nobody gives a fuck
Was Ship 2 used by Reddit and PSO-world and Ship 4 by 4chan?
Basically yeah. Ship 2 just has a lot more people.
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i went through the signup process and got the client

what is my login for the game? is it the email address i signed up with?
No, its the username you signed up with.

ahh shit i forgot the password, no way of knowing since we cant really sign into the game at the moment.
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anybody know what this means?
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what does this mean?
it is telling you to learn japanese.
Ok I learned it real quick and I think my issue
is its updating...Correct? Wrong?



dunno but it most likely has to do with the fact that no beta is going on right now at all so you can't get in
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>Not being an augmented hunter
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Been trying to update the client for 21 and a half hours now.

That's waking, sitting in front of the computer hours, because I have to click away the fucking error message every 10 minutes.

I can't play the game I've been waiting 10 years for because my internet service is a piece of shit, I want to burn down the AT&T headquarters.
that sucks bro.
the patcher is slow as hell for me when compared to the client downloader.
wow moot I didn't know you played on ship 2
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Why people having so much trouble. Took me like an hour this afternoon. I'm in Texas
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If people are still having problems tomorrow, I'll try to make a alternate DDL for the fully updated client. Someone can then turn it into a torrent if needed, assuming.

Paid my server bill today, so I have to use up some of my 10 TB bandwidth anyway.
Remember, according to bumped.org:

The Pre-Open Beta Runs:
6/15 @ 6AM to 11AM Eastern
6/16 @ 6AM to 11AM Eastern.
Thanks but I think I'm the only one having problems and I think downloading an entirely new client would make me miss the test anyway. It took me 3 days to torrent the CBT client.
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Can't get past the installer here

None of the options seem clickable
>That feel when there's going to be crippling lag from everyone and their mother logging in the first minute it launches.
I can't wait for the entire experience to be unplayably laggy!
Not to sound like a smartass but I just want to make sure did you try clicking the big button that says "Download"?

It's pretty much why I have no hope of it going into Open Beta right when pre-OB ends.
Well yeah...

Well, torrents are rather finicky things to deal with, especially of everyone seeding has a bad connection. If you tried to get that in the height of the CBT, then yeah, it may be a lost cause unfortunately. If it was way out after CBT, then there still may be a chance.
Wait, so we don't get a room of our own once the game is released?


That page says Mr Room and My Shop are only accessible if you have a premium membership or whatever. But in the pre-open beta and open beta everyone will have access to it for free.
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【YSL】diorJETS disconnected.
Welp, I've done all I could.
In all seriousness though, I think it's because you don't have a location for it to install to.
I could be dead wrong, though. I don't even remember how I did it when CB started.

> But in the pre-open beta and open beta everyone will have access to it for free.
Oh, neat. And that will most likely happen seeing as we did it in the CB.

Wasn't there also a limit on how many people could be in a room at once? I think it was less than 10.
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1.68 MB

>【YSL】diorJETS disconnected.
>【YSL】diorJETS entered chat.
>【YSL】diorJETS disconnected.
>【YSL】diorJETS entered chat.
>【YSL】diorJETS disconnected.
>【YSL】diorJETS entered chat.
>【YSL】diorJETS disconnected.
>【YSL】diorJETS entered chat.
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Please do.
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>Finally get a normal person sleep schedule by going to bed before midnight
>Pre-OBT starts at 11 PM
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I'll just be leaving this here:

Best music in the game, aside from a couple fun ones like Burning Rangers.
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In case that was a bad link.
I just downloaded the client, unzipped it and registered an account.

When I try to enter the game I get an error that the connection could not be made. Is the server down or do I need to make any tweaks to the client to allow it to connect?
What character is that? I feel bad for not recognizing him, is he specific to Blue Burst?
Flowen, I believe.

It's a villain from the BB episode 4 government quests.
I thought it was 12.
>that feel when it's just you and the androgynous brown kid and a bunch of ladies and you're still the prettiest one in the room
>newman master race
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54 KB
Ah, you're right.

>picture related, Flowen.
pre-obt starts tonight?
Try night after tommorow.
Does anyone know how to change my Sega ID password?
>androgynous brown kid

who domenica?

man...we need some PSO2 drawfriends so we can really make some fun generals
of course
>Go to Sega's server room for PSO2. Hamster powered servers.
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19 KB
>Sneak peek of the English PSO2's server room.
>mfw I walk in all the hamsters stop running on their wheels and start clapping
And then the game crashes.
Better bring in some tubes!
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Oops forgot my picture.
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Finally, the time has come once again. PSO2 ONCE MORE!
Sitting on my Toaster
Waiting to play
I Got time.
Which server should I pick to avoid the circlejerk?

just shut the fuck up and leave now before this turns into a trollfest

Why does it seem like it always the exact same person that gets analdevastated at the mere mention of anything other than 4?
>the mere mention of anything other than 4

they're asking for a ship you retard they mention nothing about ship 4 and the fact that they're asking for a ship is going to start this stupid ass ship wars bs that's been happening since PSO2 CBT

Perhaps you could say, "Ship 2 is where /vg/ won't be," and leave it at that?
The only thing that's going to cause 'wars' is insult flinging and zero politeness.
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I'm thinking about playing with this character on the pre-open, does she look like Alice?
Somewhat yes.
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Too uguu

This, needs narrower eyes, - large but probably something that has the madden behind them.

also narrower and bit pointed downward eybrows
So for XP users, we need the Japanese version for the game or do we have some sort of bypass?
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Just a request from friends on another board.

Please play Block 4, /vg/. We're shy and don't want to deal with a huge amount of redditor shitstains.
No. We're not changing where we go.
Not sure. From what I've heard the game doesn't seem to need applocale but if you're having trouble you could try it.
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Don't get me wrong, reddit is the prostate of the internet, but /vg/ wasn't much better during closed beta. So much fucking LOL TFW NO MONIES ;_; and idiots using greentext outside of 4chan.

Playing with Japanese is absolutely the best bet, at least then if they're acting like a manchild, you can't understand it.
As it pain me to play next redditards, most of the english users are at Ship 2 too. Not only Reddit.
do you know how to cancel a SEGA ID? I'm browsing through what google translate shits out but see nothing of the sort. I tried to change settings so they wouldn't send me SEGA/PSO newsletter anymore but it requires me to fill in lot of information like japanese address and shit before accepting the "don't send me newsletter" option.
>prostate of the internet

i think you meant to add cancer to this
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Just play where you want to play guys. There's no need to try to crucify someone for their own ship choice, that's why we have ships in the first place.


Playing with moonbros was some of the most fun I had, truthfully. But it helped that I can converse with them.
That'd be really helpful for me, the sega installer downloader thing seems to be acting wonky.
hurr le no fun allowed xD
post that fucking torrent
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That would be cool. Similar to the guild wars general but PSO2 themed
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>drawfags doing domenica, enkou, momo, saltack art

Holy shit.

Holy shit.

After two days of getting errors it's actually fucking updating.

I'm afraid to open any programs or load any videos in case I jinx it somehow.
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Hopefully when the game finally launches
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hope so...would be fun to have drawn general OP image

and maybe some of the /vg/ guild members
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I'm on the last stretch of attempting to upload it. Out of 5,662 files, I have 7 left. Granted those total to about 1GB.

>/vg/ guild members

That will cause a analdevestated shitstorm.
I think I understand the appeal of being a tripfag now. After years as playing anonymously, the reference of my character being mentioned makes me giddy.

Don't worry, I won't become a tripfag.
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Doing a great service to your fellow man.

Also, did I miss the open beta email or something? I was in closed, so I'm under the impression I am automatically in the open, but I have received no confirmation of the fact.
>That will cause a analdevestated shitstorm.

probably...I'm just throwing out how i feel about it...I'm just a nigga dat lieks art...if I was a drawfag i know i'd be makin hella bunch of art for these generals because id have fun ideas of pics to make

domenica, sare, enkou, monad doing rodeo drive racing

i don't really see the appeal in threads tripfagging though...just in the games
I am hoping you guys have an answer to this. I got the latest translation patch (apparently) from here:


I took those files and replaced them with the ones in the win32 folder (after backing up the originals of course), but when I run the game I don't see any english at all, just buttons were text is supposed to appear...but it doesn't for some reason. When I replace it back with the original files it works though...am I missing something?
I don't think the patch for the closed beta works for the open beta. Gotta wait for an updated patch.

You didn't read the thread, oh well. In short: The translation patch DOES NOT work with pre-OBT/CBT2. Maybe the creator will make a new one, or just wait until OBT. Who knows.

same thing happened to me

most likely the new update has something to do with it...maybe one of the files that requires translation was replaced by the new update or something...who knows but point is I'm sure everyone is experiencing the exact same thing
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By, it works, I mean that japanese text appears where its supposed to appear. I am of course wondering why the english text doesn't appear when I replace the files.

I'll play the closed-beta in JP if I have to...but I was hoping for a working translation patch.

Again...am I missing something?
Your question has been answered.

Thanks for the replies guys, and sorry for the double post.

Yeah I skimmed over the thread and tried some Ctrl f but didn't really find anything. Thread was huge so I figured it'd be faster to post a question.

Here's hoping that the creator releases an update....
Oh, and one more question. I didn't apply to the first beta, but I heard you can load a character from the character creator in this beta.

I am currently downloading it now.

Question is, do you have to install the character creator as well?
Err sorry, I don't think I made myself clear. I mean, is the creator that you download an installer, or an application?
When you download the Chatacter Creator it's just an EXE installer, none of this "download manager" crap.
The english patch won't be updated for pre-open beta as said by the creator of the patch himself. Because he believes it isn't worth it for what amounts to a grand total of 10 hours of game time.
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Its just telling me the servers are down, right? or did I fuck something up?
You're not even supposed to load the game, so any errors are gonna be related to the servers being down
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SOON... Hopefully.
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Well, here's this thing: http://the-under.net/files/PHANTASYSTARONLINE2.zip
It's [4.56 GB], so it will take a while, but the server sits on a 100mbit line, so in theory it shouldn't go too slow.

Just overwrite the files, or, just replace the folder. It should work, I think.
If not, I can try to repair it later or something.
Well the updates hasn't gone through in days and I don't have time to torrent a whole new client before the test. Looks like I'm fucked.

What makes me especially pissed off is that way back when the first PSO came out my internet provider at the time wasn't compatible with it so I missed out. Now I feel like the same problem is happening in a different way.
Well you're missing out on the JP Open Beta, They already said they're localising it so you're not technically "missing" it, you're just not hitting JP wave 1. (in b4 Alpha, pre-open is wave 0)
>implying Sega of America is still releasing stuff aside from Sonic games.
When did they confirm that they're localizing it?
Oh, that's right, nowhere ;_;
For the last fucking time, it said they were cutting projects EXCEPT for established IPs and DIGITAL CONTENT.

Phantasy Star Online is a fucking established IP AND digital content.
That's not a source.
I never said anything about the game being localized, I'm just summarizing Sega's downsizing press release that many people failed to actually read.
That guy's not me, I'm the guy that said they're localizing it, I went by what one of the older generals said, I just assumed they were correct I never bothered to check or save their citation.
The only thing that hints at a localization is an interview they did way back at the beginning of development where they said they would like to release it all over the world eventually. They haven't talked about it since.
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Thread OP here, are one of you argumentative titty ticklers going to make a new General soon, or am I doing it?

Some is obviously planning to, but didn't answer me last time I asked.

New threads generally do a good job of getting shitposters arguing about blocks to shut the fuck up. But not always.
So if you're waiting for something now is the time.
>like 300 posts left

newfag you should not be making threads in the first place
Don't be a cunt.
Is this the updated client, or just the installer?
I updated mine just fine the other day, but a friend is getting patcher errors almost constantly.

It's a fully updated client. Unless a patch came out in the last 12 hours or something.
>doesn't understand the purpose of new threads.
There is important news that can be put into the OP and Pre-OBT is about to start, a new thread is desirable.
xDDD fuck off
no, you can wait faggot
Woo, no need to get butthurt bro, I'm just asking you to chill out, its a message board yo, threads go up and down all day long, you can't control shit so why get invested in it?


Now I can't wait to do it all over again when I have to download the Frozen Tundra for the OBT.
So.. once the Pre-OBT starts, how does one go about joining a... guild? Is that what they're called in this game? Do you have to be invited by the leader or can anyone just join? How would I find fellow /vg/ players (besides looking out for gaijin memes)?

Assuming there is a 'Team' for pre-OBT, which would be pretty useless since we only have all of 10 hours, it's basically like a Guild in most games. You have the leader and "officers" that also have invite privileges.

Truthfully, for ease of access, I'd just say go to Ship 2 with most of the English speakers.
Pre-OBT's total duration is just 10 hours. A guild would be pretty pointless considering that you need to be Lv.10 to make one and it takes around 3-5 hours to grind to that level.

Just play with people you meet.
>3-5 hours to grind to that level

if ura nub
Since this is only going to be ten hours, and I don't speak jap, is there a primer on where to go and what to do?
I don't want to waste time fumbling around with menus and shit.
>Lv.10 to make one and it takes around 3-5 hours to grind to that level

wtf were you doing while you were playing jacking off or someshit?

didn't even take that long with all the boosts you could buy with the free AC
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>implying you could buy EXP Boosts in the Pre-Open Beta without any AC.
still doesn't take 3-5 hours to grind up to lvl.10
I hit level 10 in an hour with EXP boosts. This is without doing the Emergency city mission(which has been nerfed in terms of exp rates).
and? i didn't even know about them til ship 6 and i got to level 10 in like 2 and a half hours, capped in 6. Not really that hard to level up in this game. Especially when you have exploitable shit like PSE burst.
Post it.

As much as I'd like to get a chance to start a thread with a shiny new image, there's always a chance I'll miss the opportunity. Doesn't really matter either way, you could say.

no we won't, stop being stupid

everyone already fucking knows 4chan is ship 4 block 44, stop trying to hide it

just go where you want
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All the cool kids go to ship 2 block 20. Better enjoy your le ship 4 meme spamming nerdfest. B-)

stop getting trolled

see >>7329764
and http://archive.foolz.us/vg/thread/4261862/

You done being retarded?
>quoting troll detector post
>still getting trolled
>calling it retarded

WOW...just...no words
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Brb, sleeping till Friday.
ship 6 block 66 master race
A date referring to the beta on the site mentioned the 15th. Is that the cut off for entries or what?
Read the damn thread.

>Not in OP
>Aside from that post, only two posts confirmed it
>706 posts
>Read the thread because being helpful is difficult
>Just found out Pre-OB is 10 hours long
>OBT Follows immediately after

wait what? so... they'll open the servers... let people play for 10 hours... wipe and open the servers again right away?
Is it worth joining a /vg/ guild in this game? I joined a /v/ guild/linkshell in XIV and basically what I found is I was stuck with 20 something people that just sat in the loby entire fucking day and complained about how shit is boring, nobody wanted to do quests or work with other team members to help em finish shit that other members already had done.
People were generally willing to do quests, although would occasionally just sit around in rooms and talk about the game or their thoughts about the release.I'd say it's worth it.
So when is will this be released in NA?
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Saltack MkII is ready for pre-open beta
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Alternatively, Saltack MkII: clipping clusterfuck edition.
Anything on this?
Please, my good man, how in english?
Translation patch still works on the character creator demo. See the pastebin in OP.
For the person asking on the source of NA localization, it's just a speculation based on the fact that data mining showed english version of all the japanese image files in the game as well as folder paths and dummy files for english, french, german, italian, korean, and spanish version of the dialogues and text options.
Decided on Male Cast but I can't decide If I want to be a hunter or a Ranger, do Rangers have lock-on or does I have to manually aim at everything? are the guns like shoot-shoot-shoot-cooldown or are they like actual guns?
oh and ammo, is it like every other MMO where I have to waste millions on ammo?
You have a TPS style mode which is great for shooting weak points, along with the standard, "point character in direction of enemy for auto lock-on and shoot". They still have the rhythmic tap tap tap as well, although it varies depending on weapon and PA.


You can use auto lock on or over the shoulder free aim, most guns hare shoot-shoot-shoot reload.

No ammo at all.
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Sweetness, thanks for answering, definitely going Hunter.

Love orange, hope its not too generic.
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I don't even know what it is, which I guess makes it generic? IMO male cast parts are bad anyway.
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What do you mean you don't know what it is? I don't quite understand.

Also, the last time i played a PS game was PSO, the first one for Dreamcast, I remember huCast having a lot more head and body options, but then again, all I really remember of the game was spamming zonde like a motherfucker.
I mean you got this slender body with giant shoulder-pads and legs twice as big as your arms. The pieces just don't mix well.
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Lisa art is superior to any art of a /vg/ member...
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I think orange is just fine, didn't see any CASTs in orange yet.

I think I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
Think they might add more options to huCast before going gold?
If you don't have the patience to read the thread or information provided (pastebin, fan blog), you'll not have much fun in the game. Try things out and use some intuition - your character is deleted after this trial so mess up as much as you want.




If you don't lag out, select your ship. Log in with your SEGA ID and password. You'll be asked to create a name for yourself. This is NOT your character's name and should not be related to your SEGA ID. This name is unique, your character's name does not have to be. I do not know if Closed Beta participants have to redo this, but you know the drill already.

You get to a screen with some options. I forget specifically, but they're character select, options, log out - the scene will change depending on what you choose so it should be obvious what you're about to select.

You can load a character you made in the character creator or from the previous beta. You should have remembered relative locations for loading your character from the Character Creator. Make sure you choose your voice options and a hover option if you're a Cast. These should be underneath the load option, near facial expression animation test.

Click the button that isn't 【戻る】, it's probably 【次へ】 on the left. Name your character.
Enjoy being Afin's aibou.
>Enjoy being Afin's aibou.
>Implying I didn't roll with my harem of Batshit Rangerbot, Titty Tsundere and Bobcut Kuudere

Afin and his client orders for retards can get raped by a rock bear.
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Here is an image with locations of various NPCs. I never used the English patch so names may differ a bit.

Important to know: Quest Counter and Officer Koffie. The girls at the Quest Counter are where you select places to go until you unlock free roam. You unlock free roam by completing quests that Officer Koffie gives - In the closed beta, that involved completing quests within 20 mins with S-rank. She doesn't give them until you've completed all the quests for the area.

She is also the one that issues you your Mag. It can be obtained at level 5 for the pre-open beta. In the closed beta it involved farming a boss for a number of drops but the mechanic may be different this time.

Goto the Class Counter to distribute your points that you get from level up.

There are lists and translations available in the pastebin. It also has some Japanese phrases in case some Japanbros join your group. READ THAT SHIT. Things are likely to have changed since the closed beta, but it's a good start.
>This is NOT your character's name
Ho boy, I remember fucking that up beautifully right when the CB opened.
I was rushing too damn much to notice and it didn't hit me until we started friending each other.
>Batshit Rangerbot
>Titty Tsundere
>Bobcut Kuudere

Not calling Lisa a Yandere...
Which ship are we going to now?

I kind of want to avoid you all and have a decent experience
We are not playing on Ship 2. Go there please.
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Japanese version of the image, since the English doesn't help when names are in Japanese in game!
Normalfags are on Ship 2.
Shitposters are on Ship 4.
So just steer clear of those and you'll be fine.
heh, loose-loose situation.
Ignore the derailment fagot that wants everyone on his shit, its already been decided everyone is going ship 4 loby 44
Go on what ever fucking ship you want.
So how much longer until pre-obt?
I've got about 17 hours.
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Because neither of these two could do it right.
Please take note that you can not move your character to another ship. Please make sure you choose a ship you and your friends will be playing on. The PSOW/PSUBLOG/GAMEFAQS/FACEBOOK communities will be choosing Ship 2 and Block 20/21. Other gaming communities will choose different ship numbers so please refer to their websites for information on which ship and block you should connect to.
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Correction for the mag image on the pastebin, to avoid confusion like last time. The stats are in the same order as on your character stat page too.

That makes more sense, thanks.
Does everyone start with the same mag or are they different starter types? I know (I assume from playing older PSO games) they have branching evolutions, I want the Wings type, the symmetrical dual type I don't know the official name.
It's basically like PSO's mags, they're all the same starting out.
Since we're on about Mags, gotta wonder what stat distro I want. Going HUnewearl means I suck at everything unless multi-class weapons expand to have tech-weapons, so there's no clear winner. Everyone will probably just do pure attack.
hey guise, how do I PSE burst?
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You start with a plain ol' round mag. They evolve differently depending on which stat combo of Offense+Defense is highest when it reaches the evolution level (30 for the pre open beta I think, 50 normally). That's Tier 2, there are 4 types (Melee, Ranged, Force, Ability). So, using my poor confused mag as an example, Ranged Atk+Def is 19, so it became the ranged mag, even though Ability is the single highest stat. If ability was 20, it would've become the Ability mag.

We don't know how Tier 3 evolutions work, as there seems to be 3 versions for each of these inital 4 types.
You get WAN MORE
Is this a meme or an inside joke? because I'm not following...
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It's the best part of the game!
Aaaaaa go to ship 2 ;w;
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I still don't know what that is....
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I thought It was fairly obvious I'm new when I said "I'm not following, what is that" when he said "One more"
>although would occasionally just sit around in rooms and talk about the game or their thoughts about the release.

to be fair....we only did that because we KNEW that the CBT was drawing closer to the end and that our shit would get wiped
Don't worry, I've been playing since CBT, and I'm still unsure what a PSE Burst is.

They are fucking glorious though. Just don't stop killing.
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what about both?

....please don't kill me...you can't tell me you wouldn't have asked for the same in my position...*COUGH!
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I work tomorrow, I get off work 1PM Eastern, how much Pre-OBT am i missing? and is OBT starting Saturday?
Pre-OBT is from 6am to 11am, Friday and Saturday. (Source: >>7086726)

So I guess you'll just miss out on Friday? Fuck if I know what time you go to work.
Oh, a bit of a lie. The stat combo needs to be 5 levels higher than any other stat combo. If not, evolution is delayed until this condition is met or mag level 60 (Closed beta) is reached.

In the example, it is fortunate that the Range combo is 6 higher than Ability. Ability would need to be 24 to become the Ability mag instead of ranged.
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4AM. :(
This is based on what I remember, so I could be wrong.

PSE occurs when your party destroys enough core monsters in such short period of time. A countdown will show up indicating how much time you have left to get a Burst Drop.

PSE Burst occurs when you get a Burst Drop during PSE. Burst Drop can be acquired from monsters with cores attached. This is when endless swarms of monsters will spawn on the field with increased EXP and Drop rate for a limited amount of time. If your party did good enough, another PSE Burst will occur and the announcer will shout "One more!".

Cross Burst occurs when two or more parties meet up while both are under PSE Burst. This is when you just shut up and kill everything you see because there will be monsters in every inch of your screen.

After the Burst, you'll see items everywhere and you'll notice that you've gained a lot of levels in such a short period of time.
I wonder how much Sega will milk crossover items, like it did in Infinity. I'd love to run around in a Horizon bodysuit.
I have to say I'm really missing the huge variety of head customization options that we had in the first PSO. It makes it especially hard to recreate old characters. My Newman just doesn't look right without his pointy dick dastardly mustache that's a different color from his hair.
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Wow, you really will miss Friday then.
Sorry about that.

I know how you feel, except it's more of the lack of "human-like" parts for the male CASTs.
I can't decide what would be worse, never getting an English version, or getting a poorly supported English version missing half the event items like we had with PSOBB and PSU.
more like lack of an cast options at all, I mean fuck, there were just so many heads to choose from in PSO, in 2 there's like 3 robot and like four/five identical human ones.

Never getting an english version
How do drops work in this? Is it group loot pool, or can I just pick up everything I see?
Drops are on a character-by-character basis. You see it, it's yours. Strangely even if you had no part in the killing.
all loot that drops is for you and you only...it's instanced so only YOU see your own loot and whatever drops is based on your class
Excellent, thank you.
Did we ever even learn what Ability even does? Because it sounds like bullshit.
so can i start downloading this ahead of time?
Open the launcher and choose the third option. Server may or may not anally rape you.
Why do people keep saying the actual open beta starts right after the pre-open beta? I read the blogs (not the bumped, the actual pso2 blog) and it says nothing about that.
IF pre-open beta goes well it will start right away. IF it doesn't go well it won't.

ship 2 again?
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I know this is for limiting FPS, but what does the last setting mean?
>robotgirl having sex with a shota
Oh god... The world needs more of this.

No limit I'm guessing.
I wonder if that unlimited setting is the one that set people's graphics cards on fire.
Good to see more people interested in this game now.
Was playing Alpha a few months ago, oh fucking sweet jesus I will play this game as much as I played PSO1&2
12 hours left to P-OB. Got all the rewards from the CB, so I need that Bouquet Rifle to satiate my electronic hoarding. I've got 1,000 rares and clothes in PSP2i that I'll never use. Though limited storage without paying will cripple my ability to do so.
I thought it was 9 hours.
I've been reading 6AM EST.
Isn't it midnight pst? As in shortly before people start getting home from moonschool?
3am pst
5am cst
I wish to rape the default RAnewearl. And be raped by Lisa.
So where was all that earlier discussion of midnight coming from?
I'll do captcha requests, just post them in this thread.
I know basic japanese including hiragana/katakana and a hundred kanji or so.
You're doing gods work my friend.
Still need a proxy program besides GhostVPN

And I am stumped, some programs aren't even running fast enough without the patcher doing error 434 at around 35%

God I hate my ISP
I can get to the log-in screen, so I guess mine went through.
So you were able to patch or whatever?

I can play the game normally without a proxy, but when I need to update, that was a necessity. It stinks, only if there was manual patches. But I SERIOUSLY doubt that would happen for OBT
The Japanese wiki says that you do more damage as it increases. We have speculated other things, such as decreased damage spread and bonus versus monsters with lower ability than yours, but you're welcome to ignore it.

They said if everything goes well during the pre-open beta, the open beta would be shortly thereafter.
> SEGA testing
> going well
We can only hope.

Why do you need a proxy? This game isn't region locked and hasn't IP banned everyone outside of Japan yet.
Be grateful they're not going full-retard like Squenix did with XIV's launch.

Yeah, that's what I heard about Ability, but if so, that's horse shit. What, Casts not only have higher stats for Hunter and Ranger than the other races, but also just up and get a natural damage boost over other races?
Which class is best, in your opinion?

I can't decide what to play as.
The racial numbers are not balanced anywhere. Newmen are more or less objectively inferior because the stat they have the lead in is basically irrelevant in actual combat.

Someone else may be able to clarify this: race doesn't affect stat gain from levels, does it? I thought that was fixed and determined by class.

Talis Force.
Hucast for Hunter and Ranger. Newearl for Force.
Sorry, meant Caseal for Hunter and Ranger.
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I've already signed up weeks before the pre-open beta and downloaded the game. For some reason I'm stuck as this screen when I press "File Check or "Game Start"
>torrent at 2.5gbs 18 kb/s
>10 hours left

only the dead know peace from this evil
that feel
Keep it open in the background, it should update eventually.
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Oh wait, it's downloading now.

Although a bit slowly...
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Finally, I can make mai waifu the way I would have designed her.
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Am I doing it right?
>cowboy hat
you are a fagot and you should feel bad.
What's with the cowboy hat?
>cowboy hat
Ok, that's pretty funny.
But I think I saw a couple Rei's running around in the CBT...
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>not creating your own waifu instead of someone else's

>dem hips
It's a joke, I just find the cowboy hat amusing.

On a serious note, should I leave the little head things on? They're the closest ones to her actual plug suit design, but they still look a bit off to me.
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forgot pic
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Based on the numbers on the Japanese wiki, these are starting stats and percent bonuses based on class. It may have changed since the closed beta.

You're not stuck to a class - you can change anytime at the Class Counter. So start with what's most interesting to you and change if you don't like it.
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I've been a veteran of PSO, PSO Ver. 2, and PSOX. It's safe to say I'm coming out of retirement in style.
I remember seeing another list that had more data, like the level chart and such as well. But the numbers on that one were different.
I didn't play other PS games, but from what I've heard certain class/race combos were much better in most of them. Looking at that chart, is it safe to say race doesn't matter too much?
What the fuck man! I wanted to go Newman Ranger. Oh well I'm gonna do it anyway
Wow. Balanced much? Poor Newmans.
Even by later levels, the differences between race/class combos will only be about 50 at most (sans hp).
>race doesn't affect stat gain from levels, does it? I thought that was fixed and determined by class.
Wait, so the stats you gain when you level is determined by current class? That seems like it would be easy to accidentally make your character fairly weak in any class if you switch a lot.
I've never seen the level-up scheme for the races.

I think differences will be more noticeable at higher levels, since these are only starting stats. But yes, the general sentiment is 'not much difference'

Good! You're a stat whore if you change your desired race due to numbers! You'll probably be rolling in rares too since I think there's a hidden luck stat which Newmen benefit from.

Ignoring HP, Newmen have the most points allotted.
Class levels are the only levels, sir.
You maintain separate levels between each Class, your character doesn't have a total level.
Your stats in your given class don't seem to be affected by your levels in other ones. The only bonuses you get are if you got strong equipment from your higher-level class that isn't so strong that you can no longer use it.
Eight hours left. I should really get some sleep first.
fuck!!! i got work in the morning. i guess i'll just wait until the open beta.
Race matters less here than any other Phantasy Star game. The racial differences are VERY slight.
Not sure if should ask...

What ship and block are we all playing on?
Ship 4 block 44 for /vg/
Ship 2 Block 22 for the rest
i think..
what is the steam group?
What ship?
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I'm the only shota in the group too

>inb4 someone makes a shota now to spite me

they will hate you for it....DON'T DO IT!
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Sure is waiting general.
new email just came in....skimming through I saw this


does this say what the fuck I think it's saying?
It's something about winning a trip to Joypolis in Tokyo.
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Waiting in a general manner.
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I like my manner of waiting a bit better

also how long do we have left before we all jump in and pixel hug each other?
6 hours

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