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Previous thread: >>/vg/5528623



Search for "No Fun Allowed"

Console Servers: http://vg.bf3.console.org.org/

Add yours please.













/v/ Group ID: 2596646
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Ya'll a bunch of casuals
>wasting your time planning gay shit like this
shiggiftydui difigiiditiitty doo


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So, why did /v/ let this wigger piece of trash in your roster???
because he wouldve played for reddit if we didnt take him, and unfortunately we dont have the budget to hire a hitman

also best american pilot
who is this guy
why is he the best pilot
look at his stats or his vids, pretty damn good
But Dry is the best Canadian pilot.
we need an american pilot to appease murrikan peasants
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Which 'general' weapons have the least spread and recoil / are the most accurate. So far I'm using the PP-2000, I've tried the 870MCS with slugs, didn't like it.
mp7 and laser sight is a fucking laser, but not a lot of bullits
I'm liking this mp7.
Cool, will try it out when I unlock it, only level 23.
join us on raidcall
sure thang
So you guys have a constant MAV up right?
mic wasn't working, can I get back in that channel whoever it was that moved me in?
message anangryllama

Cause if not.. Im pretty decent at maving and giving aerial recon. especially over VOIP.
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We have a full roster.

But you guys have one?
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Yes. I'm acting recon on rush. We'll be fine.
Just bought B2K. Am liking it so far. But whats Conquest Assault? Is it just conquest but with the 7 or 8 flags instead of the regular 4 or 5?
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>join game
>entire team complaining about cheater
>admin wont do shit
>think i can be a boss and take mr.hacker
>after about 10 minutes of maneuvering and running i finally make it behind him
>decide not to chance a knife
>pull out PP-2000
>only 3 feet away
>unload everything
>he doesnt die
>he gets up
>he turns around and shoots me just once
>i die instantly
>he's still at 100% health
>admin still wouldnt kick him

i fucking hate this game.
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People actually BUY the shortcut packs?!
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>As Val
>the least spread and recoil / are the most accurate

Pick one.
The dude is trolling you so don't get your hopes up.
Shit has the one of the most spread in the game.

P90 is the best in the PDW class.
Why would he get all those awards, and rank up from buying the shortcut pack?

Its obvious that he grinded all those guns until they only needed about 1 more kill to get the next accessory, and then started a new match and got a kill with each gun.
hate the playa, don't hate the game
I bought this game like a week ago, got like 20 hours in it. I have to say this unlock system is complete bullshit, feels like a free to play game, a lot of the vehicle unlocks are necessary to use the vehicle! I feel like I wasted money paying for a game that was supposed to be f2p
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Just checked.
>playing through 15k tickets
Still a faggot
Poop Socking master race
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>I have to say this unlock system is complete bullshit, feels like a free to play game

Infantry wise, Starting weapons are God amongst meh tier.

For tanks It's not needed unless you suck BBC.

The only thing you really need unlocked is for the Jets and that's just ONE thing.

If you're bitching so much, Why don't you go to an empty server and go park the jet on a point you little crybaby.

Fucking Babbyfield 3.
Which weapons are the best at long range in each class, while not being bolt action?

What I think they are out of what I have unlocked:
Mod0 / SKS
M416? KH2002?
Haven't found anything I like, all have too much recoil, and don't do enough damage in one shot
MP7, and it looks like the AS VAL or PDW-R might be good but I haven't unlocked them.
>Conquest Assault has one team defending all capture points, while the other team attacks and tries to capture one flag after the other. The attackers in Conquest Assault have more tickets than the defenders at the beginning.
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AN 94/KH2002
PKP = 3 shot kill
>Not Ass-raping-ault
This will be fun to watch.
Is the contrast too high in this game?
Not sure if I should set it to 0.
Let me rephrase this, How do you know if contrast is too high or too low in BF3 ?
I don't have the AN 94 yet but I definitely agree on the KH2002 out of what I have.

I do prefer the SKS to the Mod0, but I think technically the Mod0 is longer range? Although it's higher recoil so I think you have to land a headshot, so SKS wins.
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>dat "skill"
>I don't have the AN 94 yet

If you use the AN 94 default firing mode, It's RoF is 1200.

>so SKS wins.

SKS is the best semi auto.
Low recoil and drops in 3 shots.
it's not. The 2 bullets you shoot when you burst fire 1 time fire at 1200 RPM.
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>thinking "skill" is actually Skill.

How new are you to this game?
It goes up and down depending on who you kill if you didn't know.

The thing you should be looking at is "Objective per minute" because It's just pure objectives and no awards points included in it.

Yours is shit
Yeah my bad.
That's what I meant.
SKS is my favourite weapon, I'm basically searching for weapons as close to it as I can get in other classes

G3 for PDWs.
It does one of the most damages in the game too.
I can't find a G3 in PDWs. Do you mean G3A3 in assault? I hate that weapon, too much recoil.
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It's a bullshit stat the way you gain and lose it. I was being sarcastic.
>Progression - BUSTYGOKU
>BUSTYGOKY - Battlelog

I see you're his fan, Kangbro...

>I was being sarcastic.
O-okayy I was just k-kidding too!
Why the hell did you delete the other one, Kangbro?
I saw he said he was going to be recon so I looked at his battlelog what's wrong with that?
forgot to crop it.
I wonder why they don't have 2 different stats for Helicopter pilot and gunner. It seems like the gunners get most of the points and have the top % for attack helo's
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>delete and repost just to crop tabs out
>not hiding anything at all.

It's ok brah, we cool.
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Moving on to a different topic, How is the BF3 PS3 community?
We try to play together when we can but we keep getting banned or kicked from servers.
not No Fun Allowed.

of course, when Corbinek pops on and squads up everyone with /v/ tags, inevitably everyone on the opposite team leaves because they start to lose.
the server is usually empty and if we just team stacked our own server people would never want to play it.
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>babby tier haters mad because their number is low

keep telling yourselves it doesn't matter so you feel better
You actually play ranked squad rush?
Nevermind it's only 3 games.
>only 100 conquest wins
are you just hitting colonel?
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>babby tier haters mad because their number is low
Get real scrub.
"Skill" stat doesn't mean shit.

>OPM = 57%
It's like you don't even help the team to win.
Get those stats outta here, Shit tier player.
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>Dose stats.

what the fuck.
I thought I was pretty good but damn.

Are you gonna play for the /v/ team?
You play a lot of conquest large don't you?


slow your roll, "team player"
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>representing an Anonymous board at all.
It's worst than Tripfagging.

I play everything depending on my mood.

Did the other stats go over your head?
Jack of all trades son.
Do take note I don't play Metro unless It's in the rotation which is rare.
I think he's trying to accuse you of taking advantage of your teams help and not returning it. because all it looks like you do is cap flags and shoot people.
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>Teams help
>They stand in chokepoints while having retarded standoffs
>No one caps flags
>Expects me to go with them while no one gets flags.

Having standoffs and stalemates is not teamwork.
It's the most retarded shit ever and will not win you games.

The reason I play Competitive Squad rush is for the actual teamwork.
Pubs have no such thing as teamwork.
Only clan fags fagging it up.
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>join rush server
>see a bunch of /v/ guys in it
>end up on opposite team
>team doesnt know what theyre doing
>explain to them what we need to do
>we finally set the mcom
>i jump into a corner and get ready to defend it till it blows
>mfw my whole team just runs away

and then they act surprised, as if none of them had actually considered the other team would try to disarm. i mean, its like, well, fuck man.
>guy in jet way too good to beat alone
>fly right by our c-ram for some backup
>guy in c-ram is afk and had been the whole match
>all my mad

why do people even join games if theyre going to be afk? i dont fucking understand it.
Is there anyway to lessen the fog or blindingness in the PC version?
It's like impossible for me to see in Norshar Canals but when I see people's vids you can pretty much see people and the fog is barely there.

The vids were unedited too.
What fog are you talking about?
>Files too large to upload to 4chan.

This shit can't be normal?
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Someone earlier said Objectives per minute is most important.

It's what I'm highest in, probably cos I suck at everything else.

Is this alright?
It's normal.

Camera effects = realism because people get lens flare, rainbows and drops of rain on their eyes like cameras do.

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Good Job Bro.
It's really good if you don't like being useless.
K/D is meaningless but It's a fun thing to have.
All I want is to help my team, even if I suck at the shootan, so I just take objectives all day, every day. As long as I'm helping in that regard, I'm happy.
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OPM is
>Flag Defended (25)
>MCOM Armed (100)
>MCOM Destroyed (500)
>MCOM Defused (200)
>MCOM Attacked (25)
>MCOM Defended (25)
>Flag Neutralise Assist (150)
>Flag Capture Assist (200)
It's the most important stat by a longshot.
You're doing good bro.
Keep on Capping shit all day.
Hey you had ISAMI, you were golden bro.
I was just hitting people with rockets and EOD botting.
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>Top 8% in heals
>Top 6% in revives
>Top 2% in repairs

confirmed for bro-engi and bro-medic.
Keep up the good work, soldier.
Assault and Engi are my least played classes, actually. 60% of my play time is Support.

I'd have liked to see a higher Resupply/Minute on my Rankings, honestly. Expected to, as well, I try and resupply whenever I see someone, whether they have the ammo needed icon or not.
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>style on the enemy team in nosehair
>go ~19-0
>some faggot steals my tank while I was repairing it
>run back to our base to get the other tank
Just needs an m26 shopped somewhere into the picture killing everyone.
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I really hope you guys don't lose tomorrow.
>It had dawned on me that 'Pro Jet' guys are the 360 noscope headshot guys of Battlefield.
But jet piloting takes skill. Getting lucky noscopes in a chaotic deathmatch doesn't. There are few games where the person playing better will always win, but jet piloting is one. Others that I know of are quake iii/live, and racing sims. I've never played any fighting games but I gather some of them are the same. 360 headshot noscope fags are tryhards with no actual skill but want to pretend they have. Completely different.
American peasant here

he's right
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No worries, our rooster is filled with l33t hardcore gamerz that train 25 hours per day and have made tactical analysis of every single inch of the maps.

Picture related.
>Which weapons are the best at long range in each class, while not being bolt action?

SCAR-H (highest bullet damage, lowest ADS spread)
M39 EBR (lower recoil than MK11/QBU/SVD, higher damage and less spread than SKS)
G3A3/AN-94 (G3 for sniping, AN for burst spam)
M60/PKP with Bipod?
AS Val, although they're all shit at range

I use single shot mode for G3/SCAR at long range, you need to get those shots on target.
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Is this an acceptable level of recon
Yeah, the majority of our team are just randomites that found their way to the raidcall, we're not XXXHARDCOREXXX like that guy.
So what are the chances of us winning?
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Choose one.


What are the chances of another shazbot?
SCAR-H has higher recoil and the spread is almost the same. I find with low recoil weapons I have a chance to kill bad snipers, I can fire at them in small bursts, and usually get them down pretty quickly. High recoil weapons mean you have to shoot one shot at a time, but they aren't as powerful as the sniper's shots.

G3A3, same story here.

I'll try out the M39, hopefully the recoil isn't too much for me.

I think if recoil is such that you have to shoot one at a time, you might as well just use bolt actions.
we basically win every air map currently.
But our ground units are lacking?
Is our team better this time than the last?
You meant the whole team is carried over by the jet pilots.
G53 vs G36?

Are they even different?
I tried the M39, I like it a lot, but not quite as good as the SKS. It loses on hipfire and recoil, so the time it takes to scope means it takes as long to kill at close distance as the SKS, and at long distance, the lack of recoil means you can easily put a few shots in someone.
I can't say to be honest. I haven't looked much into our roster.
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Add GUYMAN15 on PSN for some jolly cooperation. Mainly medic. Got a mic. Really would want to make a well organized squad. I REALLY need someone who mains as engineer to protect my shit from vehicles.
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Am I worthy?
Do you even aim?

you should use this one more
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>checking to see if there are any new posts

>shit it 404d

>have to wade through a thousand topics to find new bf3 general

Noticed someone complaining about me team switching some [V] tags last night.

there was a clan that joined and wanted to be together with [RNG] tags so I figured we could scrim.

After that match the only person I switched was yo, and only because he had been balanced and had lost on the enemy team multiple times.

If you would rather play on the clanfags team send me a message next time?
>Still hasn't found out about the catalog
fucking tripfags

reddit's been stacking their teams with assault whores from big clans (i.e., rivaL, crimson, -ve-, etc etc) and as for air vehicles in general, they have alright people. We did have a strong infantry group overall until our best guys started dropping. Chances are, we'll have to rely on our chopper pilots and Dry strafing around for some air strikes. Dry managed to make it back today.
>Watching one of his videos
>Start of the match, spawn killed
>"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm going to fuck you in the ass"
>Kills a guy
>Crashes into a tree
>"Fuck fuck"
seriously, how many braincells does it take to search for something that might make shit you do every day easier? Personally I don't use the catalog, I prefer using a search, 4sight, but it doesn't take a genius to work out there might be something other than clicking through the many pages.
For future reference
I just played the PS3 version of this.
Jesus CHRIST it's ugly.

However, it's hella fun, so I've bought it on PC.
I sure hope it looks fuckin better than that.

I'm using chan elite (x for iOS). The update is being stalled by the faggots at apple, not really a matter of downloading something as the app is broken


I run the PS3 No Fun Allowed server. I only use this so that people can call me out if I do stupid shit, it's also my PSN. If you didn't know this already, welcome to the BF3 general threads.
Everything that isn't PC is just noise to me. I simply don't care.
Then leave that shitty mentality on /v/

We are all bros in here
I doubt you care about the PC servers that are up.
all zero of them
What's the deal with this match? Is this a rematch or something? What happened with the first one?
I don't know why I'm so excited about random people on an imageboard playing other random people from a faggot site at make pretend army soldiers on the computer. But I really am.
Reddit banned leader before match started
Then started kicking people in game
I also hear that reddit side had instant vehicle spawn while our side had normal time

They were being faggots, typical redditors
Same here.

>tfw I hate myself because this is the only thing I have been looking forward to this weekend
>that feel when my gravatar never fucking updates
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The match ended on the first map because the admin was suppossedly kicking v's top players for cursing/talking in all-chat.
Also the platoon leader was reported and banned from battlelog/origin before the match.
you can set up servers so one side has instant respawn?
>rent server
>two rules: no spawn base camping, no glitched weapons
>no problems
>get next rush medal
>switch gametype to conquest
>start banning, on average, ten people a game for blowing up vehicles
>waste shitloads of game time sitting at spawn and looking for them because this fucking stupid game doesn't tell admins everyone's name for shit like this
>spent half an hour customizing all classes from main menu
>none of it saves
>spend half an hour customizing all classes from the in-game customize class menu
>none of it saves
>discover this during all of this base camping
>ban the entire sever out of pure mad

fucking goddamn battlefield and its goddamn retarded-ass players

i know some of you fucks are from /vg/
fuck anybody who pulls this shit goddamn
>quit getting mad at video games.jpg
I hope I find your server so I can le troll you
I finally got the TV missile. While it is powerful, it is difficult to control it due to the constant motion once launched. Also it really depends on where the helicopter is pointing at.
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>fucking tripfags

>being a cunt to the guy who is paying for a /v/ server
>calling him a tripfag when he doesn't even have a trip
>tripfag joins the circlejerk
>le troll


>get pretty good in jet
>unlock guided missile
>inverted l/r camera
>not being a cunt to whoever deserves it just because he has done something good in his life
Who is going to be streaming the 4chan vs reddit match
I want to watch you guys get stomped
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What time will the match start?

I just woke up and I'm probably gonna spank off and then watch the match if it hasn't ended yet.
19th of May
2:30PM PST
4:30PM CST
5:30PM EST
23:30 CEST (for yurop bros)

That's precisely three hours from now.
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Mind If I take a peek at the Roster?
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What the fuck man.
How the fuck did you know?

I wanted to check and give the roster to Reddit so I can get some Upboats too.
That match will end up on youtube, yes?
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Are you guys really hiding the list?

Shit nigga, even /r/Battlefield is showing their list to the public.

I just wanna see our chances of winning tbh
4chan probably doesnt have enough people
So it's 22:00 GMT, yes?
I'd like to play against Reddit's PS3 team
For fun
>It's :00 right?
>Having any rules
>Banning people for blowing up vehicles
You're one of those shit admins everyone hates
i genuinely didnt notice that
oh well
Trust /vg/ to get mad over something like that.
But my hour was right, yeah?
i think GMT yes, if britain is in BST at the mo. Google says yes, so yeah.

we both agreed to give each other an extra 30 minutes. so yeah itll probably just start around 23:00 instead of 22:00.
I think in UK/Ireland we're in GMT+1
It's still 22:30 though, my calculations werent based on shit but my local time + 3 hours

That's just the right time for me to be tired of playing, but still wanting to watch some action.
yeah its british summer time at the mo
Well that fucking sucks.

At least they have enough self respect to not represent an anonymous board.


this video upsets me because I see shades of myself from when I get killed by bitch ass DAO-12 niggas
What's wrong with the PS3 version? It keeps crashing.
DICE can't optimise for shit
No surprises there
>more kills with M320 than any assault rifle

either you use a different gun every round or you're a 24/7 Metro fag
Yo faggots, stop making your threads on /v/ for that Reddit match. This game is not competitively viable in any way, shape, or form. The match is nothing more than a joke that some people took too seriously (GOTTA RECRUIT ALL THOSE PROS). Play a real game next time please.
neither is tribes

Multiple personality disorder anticipation video
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Don't care, I didn't support that either.
jets are competitive. also you'd never catch a redditfag playing quake.
When's the match starting? Sounds like it could be fun to take a peek every now and then.
I like playing with /v/ bros if the teams are somewhat even

problem is, clanfags all leave when they start to lose

use it
Hmm when is the 4chan vs reddit game again?
Or anybody on /vg/.
he means blowing up the other team's vehicles while still in their base so the other team can't use them.

that's a bitch move.
And a smart one.
There's no bitch move in da battlfieldz, my friend.
PC players, Have you guys touched your contrast setting at all or is it on default?
is... is that a Barett firing full auto?

that's fucking retarded
thats still ok by my books
when thats happening to me, me and my bros use TEAMWORK to kill whoevers destroying our shit

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these are always embarassing

at least it will give us an excuse to go shit up reddit again
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Oh god, my sides!
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3:09 to 4:20 holy shit dude
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imbafuckingskill dude

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Guys, How fucked are we?

Fire Team 1

-vE-Craig/manbraSquad Leader

Fire Team 2

1337BigMac/dudechris88Squad Leader
Daskro/daskro (tank driver)
AtheistUnicycle/atheistunicycle (MAV/SOFLAM)

Fire Team 3

-c-Endrld/endrid (Infantry/Scout Chopper Pilot)Squad Leader
-c-siker/sikerr (Backup Jet Pilot/Infantry)
nXs-Godzy/Godzy (Jet Pilot)
Madhadda/Madhadda (Jet Pilot)
Tankceo/TankCeo (Attack Chopper Pilot)
KojoRemix/KojoRemix (tank gunner)
l4jm/Furiiii (tank driver)

Fire Team 4

Kwalc297/chrismrdkSquad Leader


Unconfirmed Reddit Account
Slice Effect
wait, is it an hour from now or two?
Half an hour
How do I make myself better at this game
They have a lot of competitive players in their team.
How about our team?
So what's going on with this 4chan vs reddit match, can anyone jump in or is it serious neckbeards only?
we have best US pilot #1 murrica pro mlg quickscope

he'll probably win us the game
we had open sign ups a week or so ago
they are desperate for people in the raidcall it seems. I would but i'm bad and have ping spikes and unreliable internet.

Also have the #1 Mobile AA supposedly.
Is there a chat for the streams?

Damn, and I missed it. Oh well, at least I can watch the stream and pretend I'm there.
Is there a chat for the streams?

Dat autism
on our side? we're going to fucking rule the skies. our other pilot is supposedly way better than either of their pilots too. What about the heli teams? I haven't heard anything about them.
our heli is p. good

Supposedly have the #1 heli gunner/pilot in kills too.
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any niggas wanna play?
Built a new PC to run this shit on high, now I need people to play with.

oh fuck this is in the bag. so much asspain raining from the skies, there is no way they can win the air maps. they will have ZERO armour
Where are you from?

I'm starting to play again after getting bored of Tribes.
sure, but right now it's stream time. My pizza just got out the oven and I've got some beers sat here I got especially.
3/5 of he maps have jets
So if we lose even one of the maps, we're basically fucked?

Pretty sure our team's infantry is nowhere near to as close as theirs.
why are they playing rush. sure it's fun, but it's not balanced like conquest is
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What time are you playing?
I'll add you when I get home in a bit.
stream where?
Got a Mic?
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Good work, Reddit. B at the end of Damavand is a toughie. Can't wait to see the next round.
somebody has to be streaming

you guys actually won a round?
Search the thread.
Still more efficient than the NHS


/v/ is a bunch of noskills, they can't even tak out the first pair of MCOMS, now they stand like morons in the spawn area
>the whole team is using EOD bots
everything mentioning streaming is people either suggesting it or me asking for it
>implying any of the maps are balanced for 64 players
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What a fucking disgrace. I expected a proper battle, not a fucking engie bot rush. Reddit is gonna win this.
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Then what is >>5865893

Conquest is.
>everyone using EOD bots
wow this game requires so much skill eh guys?
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This is seriously fucking bullshit.
I don't even wanna watch anymore...
This is shamefur fucking dispray.
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/v/ team is pathetic
All of you faggots should fucking kill yourselves reddit is going to stomp you into the ground, have fun being beaten by a bunch of casuals you worthless pools of elephant semen.
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New BF3 strategy by /v/:

When you can't win, try to act like an idiot, maybe others will think you're cool guy and won't call you a noob.

I'm done with that match, it's not worth my time.
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>When you can't win, try to act like an idiot, maybe others will think you're cool guy and won't call you a noob.

Mfw ASSAULT3R started saying "Why take this so seriously guys? This is just for fun" when they started getting their ass handed.
>hype this to hell and back, claim reddit are casual shit
>lose a round
>lol it was just a joke guyz, we did it for the lolz is all, this isn't a serious game anyway
god damn you faggots are retarded and making all of /v/ and /vg/ look like morons
Yeah that was pretty fucking lame.
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yea this is shit

I thought you eurofags were good at tacticool vidya

>inb4 half of /vg/ quits
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I just hope our CHAIR FORCE will be able to pull off this next round.

Because If we don't it's all over boys and girls
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hey assault3r

you're a faggot
Anything to see that Obama faggot disgraced.
It was like a special kind of lameness when they were sending EOD bots and saying "hey, why are people dying?" and basically stalling the game like there was no tomorrow, just trying to stay alive to not lose tickets
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I wish the stream was slightly clearer.
I can't believe I actually bought snacks and beer just to watch this shit.

I highly doubt it if they were pulling off shit like that just now.
at least you can watch it smoothly
I have 2 people playing RDR in the basement as I try to watch the stream and it stops and goes again every few seconds
at least the sound doesn't cut out
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>mfw /v/'s famous CHAIRFORCE can't even take off because Reddit pilots bomb every jet/heli that spawns right away

So much for air dominance LOL. I can't belive this shit I'm watching, they can't even use AA weapons properly.
goddamn you people suck at this game

Nope its game over. They currently hold almost all our flags and the air seems to be preoccupied with dogfighting and AA.

I guess if you own the ground, you own the match.
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Mfw My dutch friend brags about how Eurofags are almost always good and the mediocre eurofags are better than murricans.
Mfw He thinks the Yuropeans will win the BF3 match for 4chan.

Shamefur Dispray Yurop.
Why does 4chan suck at playing the objectives?
And they lose this match as well. Good going team. I guess even your superior air couldn't save you.
Did anyone notice how horrible unstoppable was playing when he was trying to shoot the tank with the rpg?


Spitf1re was talking all this shit about him carrying the team and destroying air and ground vehicles.
This is way too painful.
lost again..
cuz we got da pro jet poilet
he'll blame the stream
>hurrrr durrrr we has the mightiest pilotz in the world of gaming

10 mins later

>derp we lost what happend
Our helicopter just got smacked by a tank shell at the start of the round and one of our jets just got rammed.

Our infantry sucks shit and our air is powerless... this is a waste of time.
you guys are autistic
There's 5 matches right?
So we lose this then we lose the whole thing by default?
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I bought this game last week and have better RPG skills

shit show, mates


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>someone posts "This ping is killing me"
Every fucking time.
I sense some frustration in STCAB who is trying to get unstoppable to cooperate, hehe
This is horrible, and coming from someone who's in the match.
4chan team in charge of having more than two flags
Which stream?
I'm on own3d.tv
Not sure, but judging by the current progress, this game is over.

I'm going to mow my lawn. Fuck this noise.
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>that ending
>my fucking face when the giant antenna
steamrolled again
nice job taking the objectives you guys
oh wait
Is Dry playing?
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>10 minute break between every goddamn round

For fucks sake.

Leaving after the next loss, anyway. I don't know why Llama expected a 64p game to have teamwork for 4chan's side. Especially considering all the explosives, medic trains, and general clusterfuckery of this many people.
spitf1re is terribad general
Am I really seeing this right?

Some guy on our team is throwing around Hackusations just because we're losing?


No fucking shame at all.GG fuckers.
I'm gonna find the roster and I'll make sure I never play with these fuckers.EVER.

Yes, not sure how he is doing. Not much communication but my guess its base rape general again.
>Putting two DOTS in the url


Is that nigger really the Best US pilot?

I've went against reddit's jet pilots before and they were shit tier.
Spent time in streams from both sides. Conclusions:

>Reddit team
Coordinated as fuck, have an realistic strategy and the skills to carry it out

>/v/ team
lol EOD bots, no strategy whatsoever, everybody's just fucking around and doing whatever

I'm not ashamed of you guys, but shit are we ever fucking this up.
So even reddit's stream is better than ours and clearer?!

Reddit's POV


Youtube streams...
Spawn Raping: The Game
>me in charge of proofreading

We must share this burden of retardation.
Well, think about the cultures on each board and it kinda makes sense.

>entire community is about being popular and fitting in (lol le upboats XD)
>/v/ and /vg/
>hates everyone and everything, especially each other

Just the way I see it.
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Admin of the server is kicking /v/ people to get them stuck on queues.
/v/ is getting destroyed. What a bunch of fucktards.

Pro BF3 players actually go on Reddit, obviously Reddit will recruit them.


>this is like Omaha beach for them

Reddit is fucking taking the piss out of you guys.
/v/ beaten by females

You also have to remember that Reddits team was a bunch of clanfags and pubstars that play with coordination in every single match for a great deal of time. They have ground combat down to a science. /v/'s team is the most thrown together, uncoordinated, uncommunicative team possible.

Losing this competition was inevitable.

>watching that stream
>reddit just makes fun of 4chan on how bad they are.
>cockiness everywhere.

I hate how retards are reppin 4chan.
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>mfw /v/ got baseraped on rush Karkand and Reddit took out first two MCOMS in a matter of minutes
/v/ is getting stomped. This is hilarious.

>hurr we beet dem at tribz lets play them in bf3
>that immense anal pain when you fucks get stomped again

Would be nice to get a 360 /v/ vs. Reddit match though.
4chan didn't even try, disgraceful.
>mfw redditards are human after all

thats what happens because 4chan was retarded and we though we could win just by playing and not strategizing at all.
We didnt even have any aerial recon..

what a fucking joke
As if playing BF3 was bad enough.
Ahahaha, wow, Reddit. Nice work, guys. Apparently 4chan sucks at this game.

Regardless, shit was fun to watch. Hopefully there'll be more like this.
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>that entire match

1) 4chan can't into teamwork
2) You guys can't complain about losing after refusing to practice for "tradition"
3) 64p isn't competitive, it's a retarded clusterfuck, especially since suppression buffs.

I knew I shouldn't have got in Raidcall for this.


No shit.

>in a live match

I sorta think we used that so we could have a fallback excuse for why we lost.
Best map to get DPV Jeep and BTR-90 IFV kills?
>if i knew how fucking retarded these 4chan guys were I would have switched teams
/r/Battlefield3 isn't a bad subreddit.

I used Gulf of Oman for DPV and Sharqi for BTR, but anywhere they spawn is fine really.
Are you f*gs actually surprised that Reddit won?

Their BF3 subreddit is great.

Meanwhile, if you post a Battlefield 3 thread on /v/ all you get are a bunch of f*gs still upset about Origin.

Just like how everyone on /v/ uses the "i know i failed that class, if i would have tried i would have gotten an A" excuse.

You just suck.
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I tooned into their livestream posted above for like, three minutes, and there was already far more cohesive teamwork than I had heard in either match of this shit.

Fuck off back to reddit you chucklefuck
Oman. Lots and lots of Oman.

Wish the BTR-90 was on more maps. That fucker absolutely cuts across open terrain like it's nobody's business. Run reactive armor and AP-FSDS shells and you have what is arguably the best ground vehicle in the game behind the BMP-2M now that MBTs got nerfed.

F*ck off. My new year's resolution is to stop swearing. That's why I'm starting with censoring myself.

Also, I'm bisitexual. Which means I browse both 4chan and Reddit.
Any PC Bros wanna get some games going?
I feel like playing after watching that stream.
> implying that censoring is the same as not swearing
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I was playing on the match against reddit today, I'm gonna say that we're entirely responsible for it.

The /v/ peeps are fun to go pubbing with and hang around and all that jazz, but they aren't tacticool minded with the exception of Dry and Beef and some other guys on infatry.

Reddit team had superior tactics, but they used the M16 and the M4 which are OP as fuck in comparison to the other guns (fast supression, high damage, low recoil), the 3D spotting was turned off for some retarded decision of someone, and some of our teammates were ragequitting in the Karkand map, I don't blame them though, it was obvious we were gonna lose.

Although some people were getting kicked by admins (so they claim) in all the maps we we're playing, and they got stuck on queues for some minutes, making the /v/ team consist of 4-6 people less than reddit's team.
>nothing but hurr funny picture
>hurr lame achievement upboat

was konfusion on their team this time?

Don't think so

But there were a lot of clanfags from some clan called vE
I gotta admit I never got stomped so hard before.
Reddit team was using superior tactics, coordination and has inhuman accuarcy with the M16 guns.
Fucking lasers.

Not to my knowledge.
My jimmies were pretty rustled when I saw him run for hilltop (which was an obvious lost cause) instead of shooting the tank we were pursuing just 20 seconds ago.
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I saw through one of the streams that reddit was clearly ramming our air force, which was the only thing holding us together.

>mfw the whole game
>has inhuman accuarcy with the M16 guns.

Anyone can have inhuman accuracy with that gun.
That shit is a spray gun.
If you didn't watch Jackfrag's stream, He was just spraying you guys down.
>mfw I went 26-13 first game but got kicked to make space for some AA dick in the later games

Stupid fucking leadership, there were loads of people who went negative and sucked some serious shit infantry wise.

I took his tags and looooved it.
Wot hapen 2 pro jet poilet?
We did ok in round 1, almost held the first MCOM base. After the initial push failed on attackers and they did the EOD bot thing it all went to shit though. Asspain was a complete fail, watching the euro stream was fucking painful.
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>konfusion will never get his precious dogtags

you have won the true prize, /vg/

Yeah llama is a bit dickish, I think we could've had a chance if we actually played normally instead of using EOD bots, but I'll admit the EOD bots was fun though.
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Llama was the guy who wanted to EOD?
How retarded do you have to be to underestimate them that much...
Even though I was rooting for 4chan, They deserved to lose because of that EOD shit.

I don't think he actually gave the idea, although he supported it and gave the order for all of us to use them.

We we're basically forced to do it otherwise we'd just run down the hill and get killed, making us lose tickets faster.

I never got knifed during the match.
Atleast by slowly going down you guys can go out with dignity.

The EOD thing was just pure lame.
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There was no way holding this shit together.
Damavand Peak had all the quality of Metro Conquest 64. Although intense as fuck it was mostly just a huge spam fest.
Caspian and especially Karkand were just madness. The instant your head poked out of cover it was shot at by at least three redditors using the M16.
You might as well have suicided as soon as you spawned.
is this game worth the re-install

i have like 18 hours in the game
Shit, how come when I've played with raidcall with you guys, we were actually able to take and keep objectives?

Was the reddit team actually that coordinated? Was the /v/ team that unorganized?

Hell, several times throughout the match, /v/ was at least 2-3 men down. That just looked like the reddit team was playing on a pub server.
Back from work.
Added you on battlelog.
There is so much shitposting here, reddit pls leave.

>the ping is killing me

Yes, it was. You'll see in footage later that for noticeable portions of the game, it stuttered like fuck. On many occasions I was OHK'd due to lag.

>reddit had better teamwork

The crux of their team was a massive clan that has played together in competitive leagues for thousand of hours together. Out of our 32 players, I believe the only one who has even tried competitive before was Plazzed.

We made a grave mistake in adding shitty jet pilots and outsiders who took this so seriously that they actually rage quit like COD faggots.

The outcome of this match was set in stone after the first one. This isn't T:A, 64p is too big for individuals to make a difference.

>reddit trying to be the best at a shitty game

There's a reason there are tons of "good" players for them on BF3 but not for other games.
There was no way holding this shit together.
Damavand Peak had all the quality of Metro Conquest 64. Although intense as fuck it was mostly just a huge spam fest.
Caspian and especially Karkand were just madness. The instant your head poked out of cover it was shot at by at least three redditors using the M16.
You might as well have suicided as soon as you spawned.
Shit, how come when I've played with raidcall with you guys, we were actually able to take and keep objectives?

Was the reddit team actually that coordinated? Was the /v/ team that unorganized?

Hell, several times throughout the match, /v/ was at least 2-3 men down. That just looked like the reddit team was playing on a pub server.
what was this EOD bot thing?
EOD bot thing?
what is this EOD bot shit you guys are talking about?
is this game worth the re-install

i have like 18 hours in the game
There was no way holding this shit together.
Damavand Peak had all the quality of Metro Conquest 64. Although intense as fuck it was mostly just a huge spam fest.
Caspian and especially Karkand were just madness. The instant your head poked out of cover it was shot at by at least three redditors using the M16.
You might as well have suicided as soon as you spawned.
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am ashamed /vg/ am from the /v/ thread and i heard you guys lost

i guess we got to take matter into our own hands when reddit decides to fight 4chan

pic related
who the fuck loses to reddit
It just like to tell you all that I fucking hate you guys for playing this terrible, shitty, poor excuse for an FPS
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>losing to reddit

/v/ here we laugh at your stupidity
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Fucking Spitf1re
Shamefur fucking Dispray.
You were talking all that shit on their own fucking board and now you get laughed at and bring even more shame to 4chan.
>spawn on prone sniper
>stand up and immediately knifed
>spawn on different sniper across the map
>stand up and immediately knifed by the same fucking guy
>rage quit so hard
is this game worth the re-install

i have like 18 hours in the game
Theres no Recon in that general image. I demand equal rights in representation.
recon is up on the mountain in the background of the image
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>reddit is taking this totally sportsmanlike, hardly any gloating at all
>reddit found the eod bot rush hilarious and are requesting footage
>our shitposting pro jetpilot turns out to be freaking nothing

Welp, we lost hard but this could have gone much worse.
Also dat postmatch in the raidcall, somebody better have recorded that freestylin'.

Guess who's moments from being run over because he has been camping on a hill.
But..but im a good close quarters Recon. I don't even use Recon kit weapons.
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shut the fuck up Zoidberg
you had your shot and you proved you're just a stat padding pub stomper faggot who can't into real teamwork just like everyone else who was playing
you brought shame to all of us and your excuses to save face aren't good enough anymore
I played BF 1942 over a friend's house a few times.

First one I ever owned myself was Bad Company 2
It should have been Beef and Dry. Fuck this wangster.
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I still can't believe that guy actually went to reddit and started talking shit about how 4chan would stomp the fuck outta Reddit.

>did fine in our first matches
>still not playing metro

as long as you enjoy your shitposting, i could care less
how is it shitposting if it's relevant to the topic? at least you turned your name off in shame
>doing fine involves not getting baseraped then having reddit do a better attack than did next round
Let's be serious for a moment, Even with Dry and Beef we still couldn't have won.
It's impossible to hold back infantry when there's no infantry spotting.
I know they would've done better for sure though.
Probably could've taken out the tanks.
What server are we playing on for PC /v/?
Enough with this bullshit drama.
Any PC bros down to play?
I didn't mean to quote
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>implying I'm trolling
you guys shamed us all and should feel bad about it
stop being assdevastated and stop trying to save face

stop wasting board space. contribute more

regardless of what anyone thinks about how we played, you're not doing any of the above
>had to work during time of the match, only saw the first part about people being kicked.
>come back to find we got curbstomped.
Honestly, I'm so disappointed that this makes me feel like I should stop being a near exclusive lone wolf and be an asset to a platoon or clan that plays matches like this.

Anyone mind taking in a 2142 vet?

do you seriously want to play in cgl?

i really do not want to learn 8v8 and 4v4 metro squad rush "tactics" just to become one player that is slightly better than before

they're a fucking clan, what did you expect
Hell, I really didn't mean cgl. I just want to stop having to spoonfeed my own teams, and losing regardless, because they're all to stupid to come with me and take a completely empty flag. Some not so serious people to team up with and get some decent work done would be fine. I've found that without ingrained voip, commander, and an actual purpose to squad leaders, you don't get as much just playing with randoms anymore.

Honestly I don't even play rush, or metro. I also despise the meta.
>inb4 classic BF is better elitist
I'm not the guy you're replying to but I know how you feel.
I'm sick of trying to cap everything when everyone just goes in the middle of nowhere just for some gunfights.

I do tend to switch to the losing teams though because It's boring as fuck being on the winning team with almost no resistance at all.

The lone wolf playstyle is wearing me out.
eh, I don't care one way or another

bf3 doesn't really take that much skill to excel

and I never really cared, I just like to play TDM by myself and play with the people in raidcall now and then

since I wasn't here, I can imagine reddit just used OP and broken weapons and shit

then again, I never really cared so, eh whatever,

>bf3 doesn't really take that much skill to excel

It takes no skill at all, a baby could play it. Do you have the M16A3 in your hands? Good, you win against anyone in front of you. Are you in a jet? Good, you win against anything but a better pilot.
exactly what I'm talking about

to be honest 3d spotting should have been left on, the game should have been 32 or 48 players max, no broken shit like the M16 or M4 since they're both op as fuck, no jets since they're op as well, possibly even no helicopters too

64p is just lame though, I really wish llama would've changed it down, since none of the maps are really map for 64p
>really map for 64p
meant really made for 64p
well, if i would have been there we would have won. im tactical as fuck and never lose, just saying
they just used OP weapons like the M16
>one player changing the match

You've never played in Comp before huh.
I fucking hate semi auto shotguns. On conquest, if you're capturing a flag, you're in a very small area. Shotgun will win every time.

There's no point in using any other weapon, because you're forced into tight areas where shotguns dominate.
i feel ya man, if i had joined i couldve won it for them too
it really isnt OP, its all about whos holding it.
>Still new to the game and low ranked
>Take the SKS and remove scope
>Proceed to outsnipe tryhards using maxed out snipers


Anyone got the picture of that recon getting knifed and his eyes look sad as fuck?

confirmed for never having used an m16

you don't even need to tapfire it, full auto with a kobra and hbar beats everything
How do I werk this Raidcall thing?
"Guests may only stay in the Lounge" or something.
I'm guessing you have to add me into the BF group.
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Another server to add to the the MADMIN list. A paltry 17-1 got me banned from this shithole. I blame ruisu


I guess this is one way to lift my spirits after that Reddit fiasco.
uh, yes, it's broken, it's a flavor of the month broken gun that's insanely accurate and high damage

it's OP and broken
you better had left a server review
>please respond
>full auto with heavy barrel

bullshit, you'd be aiming 10 feet about the guy's head if you did that
Confirmed for Babby protecting his Gun thinking It's him doing the work and not the Weapon.
You must have never used the gun or just suck so much balls that even the M16 can't even save you.
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SKS is pretty broken as a sniper rifle in general.

let me guess, you're one of those guys that thinks .288 vertical is a lot of recoil

you must be the most uncoordinated player on the face of the earth if you think that's a lot of recoil
they didn't do ANYTHING to the M16 in the last patch.
They did something to the Attatchments.
That + the M16 is broken as fuck.
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You know, why did /v/ and /vg/ challenge Reddit in the first place for something like BF3? Why not something like BF2 or BF1942, why fucking BF3? That game is fucking awful.

Or how about UT04, Return To Castle Wolfenstein. Fuck sakes not fucking broken piece of shit BF3.
anyone here good with making gifs?

im converting raw avi into gifs and further optimizing them, but i cannot for the life of me get longer gifs (15-20 seconds) under 2mb

preferred method of indexing/dithering?
/vg/ got stomped?
Go figure.

This game is ass anyhow.
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>competitive gaming
The person that decided to use this game in the first place should be to blame and shot in the face with BB pellets..
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Daskro's POV

The problems with it are twofold.

1) Every other gun in the game is a sidegrade, nothing is better than the M16A3 at close to medium range. Apparently this was done because of "balance" to make the first gun you get the best one, but then again it doesn't work when the AK74M is garbage next to it. The only gun that comes close is the F2000, but with it you gain 50 RPM in exchange for an 80% slower reload and 400% extra horizontal recoil.

2) The post-patch heavy barrel attachment makes it even better at medium range. This pushed its already very low TTK at medium range even lower for no effective downside.
this was a fight between 2 battlefield communities. not r/games and /vg/,/v/ specifically.

I'm not so sure about that. Obviously there is constant fighting between new and old players, but I don't think even Reddit is retarded enough to believe that many of the mechanics they had to use to win were, by any means, skill oriented, competitive, fair, true to Battlefield, or good for the series. These videos should be sent as an expose to DICEA about how fucking shitty this game can get when 2 good teams try their hardest. I don't think there's ever been a competitive series of 64p rush/conquest other than our matches. We should use this to be constructive for the benefit of Battlefield.

They don't care enough to fix game-breaking glitches like the underslung M26, why in the fuck would they basically remake the game to fix it 8 months after release?

Because DICE isn't fully defunct yet from the EA takeover?

To my knowledge, there is no record of a competitive, 64 player match of BF. These were matches more true to the game, as opposed to 4v4 or 8v8 games that limit the game to mostly gunplay. Even DICE knows that you can't say something needs to be buffed/nerfed just because someone says so. Sometimes, players are good, and other times, players are bad. Outside of the CGL experience, I would say the teams were evenly matched. We have a monopoly here on information, and I think that, if made well known enough, we could get DICE to evaluate our play to determine what is and is not genuinely flawed. In case you haven't noticed yet, the difference between pubs and our games is gigantic.

Look, I don't know what kind of world you live in but in a world where they left AA missiles broken for 3 weeks and the M26 has been broken for 2 months I don't think they're going to listen to any suggestions you have.

This is the same developer that nerfed the usas and all shotguns to high hell and back just because of the glitched rof being very exploitable on 64p metro.This is also the same developer who nerfed tank armor into oblivion and hotfixed it within a week because so many people were pissed off. This is the developer that literally made the famas nonexistent because a bunch of people bitched for no reason. The reason they don't go rapidly fixing the M26 is because they know that server admins can easily deal with it; for the most part, they do. DICE is the kind of developer that overreacts to any sort of criticism the moment the bitching gets too loud. I have full faith that they would drastically change BF3 given the information from our games with Reddit.

>nerfed the usas and all shotguns to high hell and back

Shotguns are fine, learn to use cover. The DAO-12 is as great as ever.

>famas nonexistent

The FAMAS is actually better than the AEK now. It's just that everyone stopped using it because they heard it got nerfed, just like with the IRNV scope.

>I have full faith that they would drastically change BF3

olol, just like they changed BF3 to have commander mode, six classes, six person squads and faster jets when there were thousands of people asking for those things before release

>pellet count reduced to 9 on auto shotguns
>buckshot reduced to 16 dmg at 8m, flechettes to 11.2 at 8m
>spread decreased

Yeah man, they halved the amount of possible damage that shotguns can deal. They're totally fine, of course, how silly of me to think otherwise.

The famas recoil is much easier to handle now, but the magazine reduction makes it far less effective than other assault rifles. I don't care how accurate you are, fewer bullets means fewer kills. It still is weak as a tap fire gun, as the rpm is too high for tap fire to be controlled.

DICE didn't add those because console players kept bitching about how they were getting less of the "Battlefield experience". They compromised by giving us less. It was a dick move, but possibly justifiable. It's not like there are 10 million console players and 1 million PC players or anything like that.
>An authority on anything BF3 related


>he doesn't read symthic regularly

Also, DICE is a shitty developer when it comes to patches. Ever since 1942 they've taken ten million years to patch their games. You could say this is the fastest they've ever worked before. Unfortunately, there is NO excuse for not fixing the dart glitch. None. The fix can't take more than 20 minutes to code.

>Whoops, we fucked up and made several game breaking bugs


right here, it starts around 1:37:20

Do you honestly run into the M26 glitch that much? I saw it a ton over the first week or so, but once people caught wind of it, most server admins set the M26 on a filter for autokick. Most places have functional voteban now, and on most occasions where I started once against a glitcher, other players promptly voted to get rid of them. If I was trying to be lazy and slow as fuck about fixing a glitch, the M26 would be low on the list of priorities. For console, that's a different story.
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>shotguns nerfed to high hell and back

What is 870 + slugs, m1014 + fletchette, DAD + buckshot, SAIGA + fletchette, MK + Frags
>Do you honestly run into the M26 glitch that much?


Almost every server I join has at least one person using the dart. Once one person uses it, it turns into a chain reaction and all of a sudden you have a shitstorm of darts.

There is still no excuse for not fixing this bug.

Use BL+ then. Write negative reviews if admins aren't dealing with it appropriately.


Everything there is fucking wrong except 870 slugs. Despite the rof buff, M1014 ttk is slower than it was pre patch with the flechette nerf. The dao is still weaker than pre patch no matter what you're using, as is the saiga, and the jackhammer with frags is even shittier than it was before since the blast damage and radius was decreased, the direct hit damage was decreased, the rof was decreased, and player explosive resistance was buffed.
>Almost every server I join has at least one person using the dart. Once one person uses it, it turns into a chain reaction and all of a sudden you have a shitstorm of darts.


I was about to beat my Killstreak of 32 just now until a fag started using it since he got tired of getting anally wrecked.
The dart shouldn't even be a problem in the first place. I'm dumbfounded as to how the God Gun isn't fixed yet.
>everything there is incorrect

Quite possibly, might just be me. Ever since I turned off the aim assist on console I seem to shit on all infantry no matter what I use.

However, even after the nerfs any shot gun destroys every other weapon in close quarters

Get on my fucking level. /k/ommandos will take down /v/irgins any day of the month.
>get on my level

>last seen on metro/sein/bazaar cq 200% tickets

Do you have a ladder for us to climb down?

>close quarters

The problem is the spread. DICE thought tightening it would help, but it has only made shotguns miss more frequently because the hitreg is shit. Since you can't control pellet spread, all you can do is aim fully on target and hope for the best. The accuracy required for an ohk is, at the very least for pump/semi, 700%. Basically, shotguns are very inconsistent now. I've beaten shotguns with handguns at close range on multiple occasions since the patch.
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>Doesn't notice the top 1% of both SPM and vehicle disable pins per round, not to mention top 3% Vehicle destroyed / kills percentage.
>Go back to your book.
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>top 1% in SPM and Vehicle disables

>on XBox

>last seen on known SPM boosting maps that feature vehicles

What an achievement. Please teach me your ways.
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Last time I play with a 4chan group. I'm very fucking mad, quote me on it.
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wrong pic
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Did you really think 4chan would win?
It was impossible from the get go.
All you guys did was boost their e-peen.
-VE- guys aren't great individually and JackFrags is shit if you saw his stream but They know how to work together.
Expecting Anons to co-operate was retarded anyways.
>thinking 4chan would win
What's so special about the phenom dude?
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>Doesn't know what boosting is.

It seems like summer starts earlier and earlier every year.
does anyone know how to set up one of those crazy 250 player auto RPG servers like during the beta?

willing to get banned.

goku shut the fuck up you hacking faggot
So you are saying that you are not causing a dramatic increase in your score per minute by playing Maps that literally throw multi kills in your face?

Because that is what a SPM boosting (as in steady increasing) map is.

Please go back to CoD if that is the only meaning of boosting you know

And also


My mistake


Back to /b/2.0 with you
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What maps do you consider as booster maps?

if it's a pub server then go fuck yourself, i'll fly when i want.
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How did I do, /vg/?
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I consider

Metro/bazaar/ Seine/ wake(rush) SPM boosting maps due to choke points everywhere with more emphasis on extended TDM then capping objectives.

When you can toss a crate on the ground and get 400-1000 points in a few seconds, you know it will be played to hell and back
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Hey guys, am I good recon?
I just tried the m26 dart for the first time and damn that was broken. All tought it was fun at first it felt extremely cheap.

Bazaar? Really?

Inf only Bazaar is a great place to get accustomed to a weapon. It ranks up pretty high there with Canals TDM.

Ah, RtCW:EW?
Fuck, M16A4 is fucking OP anon.

Also just moments ago I was kicked from german Seine rush server, because dumbfuck attackers left their LAV to plant the bomb, which I gladly took for myself. I started to analrape the whole team with the thing and was kicked quite fast. Damn I hate those fucking madmins.
I just got this game yesterday and it looks like the /vg/ server is a ghost town. No fun allowed, indeed.
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I find madmins to be endless sources of entertainment assuming they're stupid enough to not outright ban you.

>join game with 3 buddies
>Seine Crossing, Conquest, RU
>ticket count something like 400-250
>capped out
>immediately set to work
>slowly push US out from D, B, and A while half our retard team sits behind the statue at spawn sniping into C
>tide begins to finally turn
>now 100-75 tickets
>coordinate attack on enemy Abrams
>driver jumps out, we kill him and take the tank
>slaughter half their team in a matter of seconds
>join again
>kill admin and his buddy with my SIG 553
>join again
>friends are getting kicked too and rejoining
>see another Abrams at B
>buddies rush him with C4 while I flank with RPG-7V2
>pilot bails, is instantly cut down
>take tank again after repairing
>find out our team won anyway by 10 tickets because the two madmins couldn't manage to ban us faster than we were rejoining
>send message to admin: "You seem upset. :3"
Op fire is vehicle grinder central.
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>attempting to navigate the roads on wake island with a T-90 after a good amount of explosions have made them into a sea of pot-holes
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>battlefield 2 sandbox mod
>admin has built some detailed ship
>me and friend starts to fill it with footballs and fish
>admin gets mad and tries to ban us
>he tries spelling our names in over 10 minutes with no result
>when he is trying to ban by number ID he writes wrong and permabans himself
>our faces when
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And how many issues did they COMPETENTLY solve when the community AT LARGE, seemed to be bitching?

People actually liked MAV lifting.
USAS12 frags was not overpowered, it was community hysteria. It was simply useful for CONSOLE players because aiming is harder with a normal weapon. On PC, aiming is easier, so in effect, normal weapons were 'better'.

Shotguns are still pretty terrible.

The mechanics for guided missiles are still retardedly binary. Either the opponent uses smoke and they are obsolete, or they don't and they're potentially too good.

Stingers and IGLAs are still useless, and jets cannot be countered except by other jets. The AA (stationary and mobile) is useless.

Multiple bugs have remained unfixed since beta (scope lagging comes to mind).

Tactical light was overnerfed from hysteria.

Minimap is atrocious, and icon spam still obscure the screen. And they made it worse in the recent patch by making icons larger on the already tiny clusterfucked minimap.

Seems to me that DICE would rather overreact and "remove" an issue (overnerf) to end bitching rather than competently deal with them.

LARGE changes cannot be expected because THIS IS A MULTIPLATFORM GAME. DICE needs to pay Microsoft a sizeable fee for delivering patches. Then the patch needs to be certified. It cannot exceed a certain size. They simply won't risk making large changes in fear of screwing up.

Finally, why would they care about competitive? Competitive is a minority in the community and thus not a priority.
Scope lag?
When you use certain scopes on certain weapons, aim down the sights and strafe to the right or left,

when you stop strafing, your character stops for a split second, then moves automatically in the direction you were strafing as if you were lagging.

Not all scopes on all weapons are affected. But a majority of them are.
I've noticed that with the MG36 with holo.
You guys played atrociously
This is what you get when you force teamwork instead of just dicking around
>Was the reddit team actually that coordinated? Was the /v/ team that unorganized?
>Run from one objective to another in Caspian
>Get shot at from literally every single direction
They knew exactly where to sit and what to do, not to mention they constantly had two MAVs up which no one shot.
Assault player here. I can't decide between the L85A2 or the M16A3 as my main gun. I keep alternating them and the only difference I can see is that the M16 fires faster.
Which one is supposed to be better?
m16/red dot/heavy barrel is the best setup in the game right now.
Reddit was very coordinated, and had practised.

I think one of the reasons we got stomped is that 3D spotting was off. It really is a way for better players to get weaker players to look ahead. That, and it had become a crutch for many of us.

Damn you 3D spotting. DICE should never have implemented it.
I could literally not see a damn thing because the spotting was removed.
Too many objects and people look like rocks to me.
you should've divided the team into 4 raidcall groups of 8
and from there you just play as if you're playing with bros
Wish I could do this so consistently.
3D spotting doesn't ever seem to work for me for some reason. I usually end up using the minimap for everything instead. Maybe I just got used to BC2's "I can see you through four walls because my buddy did" system and having lost that I went back to using the minimap like in BF2.
The problem with the MAVs was that they were at any given time five miles high in the sky.
You'd have needed a Stinger to get them down, which not a single engi carried because of enemy tanks everywhere.

But yes, entire squads of reddit players got the drop on me and my own squad mates all the time.
Showed just how coordinated they were in comparision to the average players we go up against.

This was actually the plan, not sure why we didn't went through with it.
We shouldn't have had the rule about We had more tickets we win/We took more MCOMs.
3D spotting should have been included, and the only way it could be fair was if Reddit weren't allowed to hire professionals.
A match where both sides were equal would have been a lot more fun.
I am not adverse against friendly matches with these guys. Getting good players on your team is a given, but drafting entire squads of clan players is a bit over the top.

Also every rush map should be limited to 32 players.
It was just a huge clusterfuck with 64.
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>implying 4chan was going to win
4chan cannot into teamwork
Exactly, and especially against all the professionals Reddit hired.
We're good against randoms but that has no meaning when it comes to these matches.
>EOD bots

That was lukewarm as shit.

You fags should have spammed rockets, smoke and grenades down the hill with ammo boxes for unlimited supply.
God I'm getting tired of lone wolfing.
Any PC Bros up for some Games today.
Dick around or play seriously, I'm up for anything.
US Here.
>kharg island rush defending
>chopper flies over our spawn
>lock onto it as its flying towards us, he flares like a retard
>wait 4 seconds while maintaining lock, turn completely around facing our spawn now
>missile goes up, turns around, goes back to the flares that are now ~200m in the opposite direction

oh right, this game isn't playable because its entire player base is hacking.

somehow i keep forgetting that.
I'm up for some, get on raidcall
Lemme install it.
I only have TS at the moment.
Its nothing to do with hacking, its because DICE made a shit game
Sorry It took so long.
I went to eat breakfast.
It won't let me join the chat and can only stay in the Lounge

Should i put the foregrip with the heavy barrell? HB on its own seems to suck compared to using the flash supressor/foregrip combo on the M16A3
If you're going to use HB don't combine it with the foregrip. It's better just to go underslung. If you don't like the feel of the HB the flash suppressor is a good alternative, again without foregrip.

Also consider using the Kobra sights instead of the red dot sight. They're pretty similar so it doesn't matter that much but the kobras gives you a slightly wider field of vision when aimed down sight so you can see slightly more of whats happening on your sides. Again, not that big of a deal but it may save your butt from time to time.
Not the guy from before but the raidcall is probably still set so only registered members can join the bf3 channels.
Ask one of the admins about it when they come online.
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Confirmed for shit server:
>Stomping with /v/ bros
>Hang back with AN-94 picking off enemies and rezzing like a motherfucker
>Top scoreboard with 26-1
>Push for last set of M-Coms
>Suddenly game freezes, get sent back to browser
>See this shit
>Ping was 80

Retarded madmins general?
yeah, it's just lame as shit

what's the point of playing against them if we're not even playing against them? just hired lackeys?

at least we made up our team pretty much with all us
confirmed for great server
your high ping is ruining the game for other people
then why dont you comment on their server letting people know not to go there?
because they are faggots that hate progress

just got back from raping in a few servers. Thanks for the advice. The Kobra/HB combo is very nice.
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>that feel when you become a fucking monster but you didn't record the gameplay
know that feel, you have any videos recorded?

Yes, but none are uploaded.
i hate the big ticket matches, forces me to play tdm for recordings
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>germany strong, we don't want no dirty french peasants
GAAAAAAH. I'm sick of being stuck with fucking pubbies who can't even fend off a team of level 5s. I seem to be dropped with a bunch of shit for brains every fucking time now who don't bother disarming the MCOM, leaving the spawn, or even you know, DEFENDING THE OBJECTIVE. On another note, why are they always snipers? What do they hope to achieve by laying in the spawn en mass?

yes, I am mad
don't know

for fun I just play as recon with the VAL or M40 with a 4x and suppressor, lots of fun, but I don't sit in the back
They are padding their KDR and trying to reap in AWESOME KILLSTREAKS.

The only way to play this game is together with people who don't have their heads stuck up their own arses.
Join whatever /v/-platoon relates to your platform, find bros and blow shit up together.
As soon as you have some jolly cooperation going you will just pubstomp most games while giving zero fucks.
Only real challange will be clanfags who also happen to work together.
Top things DICE should fix:
-Decrease effects of suppression
-Fix M26 glitch
-Make the FAMAS at least usable
-Take spawn protection off squad spawning
Change suppression to actually make sense.
Being suppressed causes decreases accuracy from gun sway, not guns turning to jelly.

They still ought to shoot where they are pointing at, not freaking sideways.
Suppression should cause extreme blur to the screen
But nothing else

It means that it is harder for you to aim, and thats all it should do
Missing with a shotgun from 5 feet away because of suppression is ridiculous
or maybe some distortion of the screen, like your crosshair veering to one side, or increased darkness around the edges
I wouldn't mind suppression if it was actually represented visually. I can have someones head in the middle of my cross-hair at the moment of fire and still miss. It makes no sense.
Yeah, it really shouldn't have any physical effect.. it means that skill is worthless in a firefight when suppressed, and if theyre going for "Hurr Realism!" then they shouldnt have suppression making a shotgun miss

sorry ;_;
I'm going to go fuck around in No Fun Allowed for a while, hoping it'll fill up.

PSN: NickN3720-1
I don't think anyone else is going to join.
>spawn in game
>team are losing, last MCOM remaining

Why am I constantly spawning into these shit fests? Its literally every rush game I join.
Because you are joining to the only team with free slots. And those free slots come from ragequitters.
>get the jump on someone
>they still have laser like aim and slaughter me

I really hate this game so fucking much right now.
It's been a while since I last played Battlefield, but yesterday I started again.

I have absolutely no idea what all the different patches balanced and did to the guns, yet I'm unlocking new weapons left and right. I'm kinda lost in my arsenal.

Which guns are actually worth using? Are they all balanced out or are they some that are definitely better/worse than others? Should I stick with class-bound weapons or are the unlocked weapons that every class can use actually good?

What I use right now is:
Assualt - M416
Engineer - SCAR-H
Support - M27 IAR
Recon - M39 EMR or DAO-12, depending on the situation

Apart from the main weapons, any particular sidearms I should take with me?
Also, is the SOFLAM actually any good? I'm having fun deploying it on top of buildings and designating the fuck out of everything, but I have the feeling I'm just wasting time. When a target is designated, heat seeking missiles like the Javelin or Jet/Helicopter rockets can be fired immediately without having to lock on, right? I have the feeling no one even realizes I'm designating shit.
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More like I'm too lazy to create an account to leave a review. So yeah, fuck progress.
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It's questionable if Dice has any idea what balancing means.
The only truely overpowered guns at the moment are the M26 MASS and the M16A4.

The MASS is bugged, using it as an underslung on any assault rifle while having the heavy barrel equipped will have every single shotgun pellet do the base damage of the rifle, which is 2x or even 3x as much.

The M16A4 and its other variants are the current flavor of the month.
The most average gun in every aspect but also the easiest to use and master. You can just spray with it and your bullets hit exactly where you point, recoil be damned. In short it is babbis first assault rifle. You will run into a lot of high-level players that have over 50 service stars with this thing.

Most other guns seem to be side- or downgrades of the M16A4. They excel in some department but lose in another.
Use whatever feels good to you. The AEK is pretty good and the AN-94 will have you counter-sniping at long distances once you unlock a decent scope for it.

If you go close quarters get the MP7 from the coop or PP2000.
It takes a while to unlock the extended mags for either but once you have it you will devestate the enemy team at ranges below 50m.

Also grind the 870 shotgun until you get slugs. It is the best sniper rifle in the game.

Lastly, the RPK for support is currently bugged and can equip an extended mag with 200 rounds crammed into that banana magazine. Get it and abuse the fuck out of it.
Picture related.
Thanks for the answer, feels good to be at least somewhat up-to-date.

I think I'll go with the AN-94, because I remember it being my favorite weapon in Bad Company 2.

Also, I'm looking for some people to play with. Nothing to serious or competetive, just some good, old-fashioned fun on the battlefield. Hit me up on Origin or Steam, whatever you prefer. Screenname on either is "DimensionPurple".

We've got 15 people in the Raidcall right now. Drop by and come rape with us.
We have the PC platoons and the Raidcall for a reason. See the OP.
If you are looking for bros to squad up with get in there. A dozen of them is there right now and probably slapping shit left and right.

Also find somebody competent to play coop with if you haven't already unlocked all the guns.
The G3 is worth it.
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I actually just finished playing with /VG/ just a couple mins ago.
I can't believe I didn't join them sooner.
Shit was so cash.

I'll come stop by, I haven't played with the bros yet.
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How did we still lose against reddit with this?
They had the real competetive pro players. We are doing this for shits and giggles.

What server are you guys playing on?
If you're playing aggressive recon you definitely want the SKS with any 1x sight of your choice + flash suppressor.
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I wasn't playing when the matched happened but I was watching the stream from their side and from what I can tell Reddit had some "competitive" players.
They do that shit for a living and they pretty much recruited top BF clans.
We didn't have a chance to begin with because of it.
/vg/ plays for fun and Reddit plays it seriously.
I'd rather play with bros who can have fun instead of tacticool fags.

Shit is the dumbest.
We need a /vg/ Bro list asap.
Slugs on the 870 seem to be the best ever since they fucked with the buckshot.
Welp tried to play with the bros but couldn't get on their team and was tired of getting raped because I'm level 8 with shit for guns. I'll have to rank up some more before I try playing with you guys again
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>mfw too beta to talk on the Raidcall. ;_;
And then I found my mic again but it wasn't working or something.
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It's alright Rainbro.
Like I said, We're all beta.
>I'm level 8 with shit for guns.
Best guns are starting guns.
There's a reason alot of people use them.
Yeah, I'll have to fix shit.
It works fine on Skype, but Raidcall hates me or something since I think no one could hear me.

I duno, maybe I'm just shit then. While my PC was getting fixed I was playing on the Xbox and doing really good, but maybe console players were just straight garbage, I don't know.

Can't hit shit on the PC right now and every kills me in two shots.
In PC, People are able to become very accurate and get almost every shot in.
Controllers tend to be less accurate.
Just keep playing with the bros and you will without a doubt get better.
It's not like we give a fuck if you suck or anything since we just play for fun

Closed, cleared the cache, deleted cookies, uninstalled flash player, flagged video, reported post, talked to mod on 4chan IRC, disabled network devices, destroyed modem, and called the cops
Does anyone feel bad for the people when they do really good?

>Firestorm rush Defending
>in jet for all of game
>150 ticket server
>kill all tank, jet, and recons with jet
>end up going like 51-3
>like 13 nemesis ribbons

Only reasons I got 3 deaths is I flew too low on a strafe run trying to kill recons

Anyway, I feel really bad, because some people want to play this game for fun, and when I saw their score I felt really bad

Something like


There was this one guy, ghostredcon, I felt really bad for, he kept getting in the tank, kept killing him, every time I was about to kill a tank, I thought to myself "please don't be in there," but he was, ended up getting a 12 nemesis bonus on him

Felt really bad

Also, heard russian say something wierd after blowing up someone in a tank and getting kill with a repair tool

Wet something like
>don't forget your teeth, don't let the fucking door hit you on the way out

Anyone know what this is?
Any xbros wanna rape some randoms?
Just mess around with the raidcall settings.
iirc you can test your mic on raidcall settings.
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>someone from here adds me on PSN
>mite b cool
>see he is in a round
>"Conquest on Grand Bazaar"
>well, okay, not a fan of Bazaar but whatever
>500% tickets
>my face when I thought "I want to play with some from BF3 General so eh, whatever" and played the whole round
You're missing out on alot by not playing with the PC bros.
I usually play seine/bazzar/metro when I want to play infantry.
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>SPM 397
>Skill 399
>that feel when not quite average
Skill may as well just be determined entirely at random anyway.
>Mattering at all
It's objectives per minute that counts.

I have no idea if that is good or not.
All stats in this game can be artificially boosted. Conquest large you can find empty points a lot and can basically run around and capture empty bases and then wait for the enemy team to recapture it.
It's good.
anyone want to revive no fun allowed?
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Oh hi there xXNarutoxFan69Xx
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Sup MrCart
Fun games were had today.
Is that actually your name
Opinions on the best weapon for a medic who's primary concern is healing/reviving? I was thinking something close quarters since i'll be charging in to chuck down health packs and revive.
M16A3 for all ranges, ACOG for extreme
Wow. Please show me where I can get some bros to play this with. Pub games make me so angry I shit blood.
I only got it on the PS3 and I suck. :(
>Not using Scar-H,6x scope,heavy barrel,bipod to rape at max range.
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Join us we are on PC, add any of us online.

Am I only one who felt like I was hunting for fucking Elephants the second I slapped a Rifle scope on my 870MCS with slug rounds?
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Fuck. I'm on Xbox, I appreciate the offer though. Wish I had the neck beard money to make a gaming computer.

I feel like I'm on the wrong platform now...fuck. Any relatively large group on Xbox I can join?
L85A2 is pretty nasty in medium ranges. You'll most likely be picking off the killer first to make sure it's safe for a revive. The low rate of fire makes the recoil very manageable, allowing you to pick off an enemy without a thought while you focus on reviving and healing.
meant to link this post.
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Using the 870 with slugs and rifle scope is the way of a true viking warrior. http://youtu.be/6AFPGc15bn8

If you want to use an elephant gun in BF3 equip any of the bolt action rifles, run it with iron sights only and maybe laser pointer or flashlight.
It's called the Van Pelt setup.
Blackbird I just saw you about a half hour ago on PS3. Stop using that M26 dart you cocksucker, my T-bagging of you was well deserved.
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>using AS VAL for kicks
>start slaughtering dudes on Metro
>turn tide of battle with sensor sweeps and flanking manuevers
>end game at 48-4
>one kill away from Extended Mags


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Hold on. Are you trying to rustle more or something?

The VAL was much better before the patch. Now it has too much recoil and it's lost the sniper rifle headshot bonus.

Double underaged
Double reported
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Buggy game general?
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Help, I get horrible performance in this game and am not sure why. Specs:

Core 2 Duo P8600
Mobility Radeon 4850
32 Bit Vista

I notice a lot of "stuttering" where the same series of sounds will play over and over again for a moment. Could this be a hardware issue? I have games installed on a separate partition if that changes anything.
Your problem is
>Core 2 Duo P8600
>Mobility Radeon 4850
>32 Bit Vista
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I play the Mass Effect games at maxed settings, so I don't see why I can't handle BF3 at all. Sure ME3 has less physics and stuff going on, but it's still a modern game - such a performance disparity surely has some other explanation.

Your CPU is shit, your GPU is shit, you're on a laptop so your ventilation is probably shit, your RAM is probably still DDR2 or something and is shit, and you still have Vista and a 32 bit operating system.

Very well. The monitor's broken on this thing and I might ditch it anyway, what are the top-of-the-line specs I should be looking for in a real computer?

Also, to keep this BF3-related, here is a vid I made back when the game still ran decently. I don't know how I went from recording at playable framerates to absolute shit, but whatev.

That's one of the great mysteries of Dice development.
Somehow the game runs worse after each patch and it was smoothest in the beta.
The same was true for BC2 on PC.

While we're on the topic. I heard that the latest Need for Speed also uses the Frostbite 2 engine and that it runs really well.
How come I get slight stutter on some maps in BF3 even when I have an i5 2500k, 8GB of DDR3-1333 and a GTX550 Ti and have it running on the lowest settings?
Because BF3 is a piece of shit console port.
BF3 requires at least a decent quad core.
You can go hunting for a cheap AMD but the current Bulldozer gen turned out to be crap.
If you have the money to spare take a look at some of Intel's i5 cores.
The new i5 3450 probably gets you the most bang for the buck.

Don't get any less than 4GB of RAM, 8 to be save.

The Grafics card is not a major concern of BF3. Any decent one will do.
>use 93R forever
>suddenly everyone is using it
>point out that before the patch that the FAMAS is mediocre and the patch is going to make it fucking terrible
>people only just starting to catch on now about how bad it is

Why is everyone who isn't me so slow?
I'm getting the drop on people with my M16A3. I'm aiming perfectly. I fire an entire magazine. I burst fire, it doesn't matter in the end because...

They fire two shots with anything, even when supressed to hell and back


Even when I do get a kill it takes an insane amount of ammo. What the hell is this bullshit?
>Whole opposing team are using USAS12/870

Couple of the high ranking Colonels decided to play their game and where swiftly kicked.

These madmins man, dese madmins......
>Hybrid hit detection

Take your pick.


Every game I have ever joined has been a rape fest, with one team dominating and losing almost no lives. How the fuck do you people enjoy this horseshit?
platinum mad after a few hours of this.
the FAMAS was pretty good on Console just because it had so little recoil and such a high ROF. Recoil really fucks with you on console in this game so any weapon with the least amount is going to be the best.
The FAMAS never had "little recoil".
it was really manageable with foregrip/suppressor
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP0sOOxdOQU (this one is even without suppressor.)
One team will usually end up with the single squad that works together as a unit and thus anally rape the other team.
Any amount of teamwork and coordination will turn the tide of a match in one's favor because the remainder of both teams are just dicking around.

In short: +50% of the playerbase is shit and BF3 fails to actively encourage teamwork.
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Basicly the games are going to require more than 2g or RAM.
So no more consoles?
I'm using an i3 540 and I'm running this shit fine.

your shitty ass CPU is holding back your 4850.

I gave my nephew my old computer, it runs a Q6600 with a 4850 and he is playing BF3 @ 1080p with low to medium settings no problem.
Guys, if i were to join in a /v/ platoon, which one should it be? Is a new one created once the previous is full (if that's even possible to begin with), are platoon numbers distinguished per region (US, EU, etc), or it's all about just joining whichever? Also are there requirements to meet in order to be accepted into a platoon?
consoles are fine
If you're shit maybe
I run around raping bitches with an F2000
and the recoil on that is ridiculous
So instead of learning how to optimise for shit, they're just going to force people to have 2GB+ of RAM?
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>that feel
From where did you get those statistics?
>Objective per minute 10 992 2% 41.864
The platoon leaders clear out inactives fairly regularly, just apply to the one with least members
Take a look at the OP for that.
The platoons are divided by platform, nothing else.

No new PC platoons will be made as of yet so join whichever has a free spot.
There are no requirements to get in a platoon although people who haven't been online for a few weeks get kicked from them every so often.
Thank you guys, i'll make sure to hop in.
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>top 8th percentile in resups p/minute

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More like 48%

most players who play support are slightly retarded
Ok, BC2 or BF3?
In terms of almost everything.
Especially hit detection
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>Not top 0%

Get on my level.
BC2 in terms of almost everything.
Except the game is dead on PS3 ;_;
This, I played a fair bit of BC2 (got all unlocks), and much prefer BF3. The maps are better, hit detection is better, and the guns are more balanced. BC2 was buggy when I was playing it too, the only really annoying one for me in BF3 is the menu bug.
>Magnum ammo
>Body armor
>Need to level up to be on equal footing

>Best guns are starting guns
>No need to level up to be on equal footing

Pretty sure It's common sense.
I Just played a BC2 match yesterday for old times sakes and the goddamn rape train has no breaks.
in BC2 you have everything unlocked at level 22
Like I said.
As a new player, You have to take a beating because of it.
You go against guys with mag ammo and you're fucked unless they suck dick.
In BF3 you don't have to unlock anything at all to do good because everyone one is on equal footing.

*everyone is on
vehicle unlocks
I'm talking about infantry here.
Jets and Helis are the only things that need unlocks.
But if you wanna go that route then go to a empty server, park the vehicles into points and cap it.
It unlocks so fast It's not even funny.
There's your unlocks.

Meanwhile in BC2, It takes way longer to reach 22 than to reach 45 in BF3.
Reaching 45(BF3) doesn't mean shit though while reaching 22(BC2) does by a long shot.

Stop being retarded, no-one cares.
>i lost the argument, so i call others retarded

but the other guy was right, the unlocks in BC2 took way longer than in BF3, and the starter guns are the best, especially the M16A3
>thinking you are arguing with only one person on an anonymous image board

yeah you are retarded
Is there a server I can play that isn't a total clusterfuck?
1 on 1 duel servers
Is this game fun?

I'm debating on this or Dragons Dogma.
and the thing with BC2 is you know they're never, ever, ever going to touch it again.

every bug left in the game, every annoying imbalanced this is going to stay there forever/
>Windows 8

lol no.
I liked the pre-patch VAL ;_;
Both games suck dick. Wait for Planetside 2.
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f2000 recoil is nowhere near the recoil on the FAMAS. Famas has 1.4 more recoil up and 2 more recoil to the right
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>Want EA to fail
>Want DICE to succeed
>Never know how to feel about BF3

PC version is already below 30,000 players according to BF3Stats.

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