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On Sunday night I hosted the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here. Thanks everyone for contributing 4,000 posts and hanging out for 7.5 hours—it was fun and I hope it was informative/entertaining.

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New thread


Old thread
1st for league of dota
top 10 for oddone girlfriend
xth for Travis sitting alone waiting for people to come to his party
based op
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loco fucking sucks general
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>tfw you can't play until new items come out yet you want nami
kill me
why is borderlands 2 so fun with my stoner friends
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soon he will be where he truly belongs
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xth for pure sea maiden waifu
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find out whats wrong with this image.
>add 1780 RP earlier today
>open the store tab to get the zed bundle
>it's gone

fuck you riot I remember Kha'Shits bundle staying on for weeks and you remove Zed's in like what? 4 days?
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Do your part to get this shitposter banned.
>>18945161 (OP)
based as fuck

kill yourself whoever did this.
i just want the ipl5 groups already.

shit I don't know who to watch

>saint having fun and being hilarious
>crumbzz being based as fuck
>loco raging at solo q and "practicing" support

xth for Janna of the sea
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based pork banger
zyra has no wards
I hope you're not implying buying defense boots on ad is bad
xth for Kill 'em All best Metallica album
>French demanding free kills
what fags
xth for this irelia getting absolutely shit on
>>18945161 (OP)

It's pretty obvious what's going on here:

Riot is setting up Season 3 to try and steal away DOTA fans.

They've introduced a shitload of active items.

They've been creeping up the power on certain champs so that only a small number of them are viable in tournament play.

They're making wards OP as shit.

They're trying to make lane shifting happen a lot more, but because they're retards, they're just going to end up with a passive lane.

And they've introduced items to make towers less relevant.

The entire goal is to compete with DOTA at launch, get some DOTAfags stuck in their game through time sink investment, and then they'll change shit up again in Season 4 when it's too late for them to leave.
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>Dyrus posted the original on Facebook "about an hour ago." God dammit. Reddit is excellent.

>Straight to the top with you, sir!

If cassiopea have a mermaid skin, will she have a gorgon skin ?
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Any of you wanna play some 3's on NA?

add Master Ghidra ill carry us to victory everytime
I go on reddit, I just sent them a message asking to remove it.
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Top 50 for Korean Fit Milf Riven and fuck why is Homefront such a shitty fps I wish I was playing League
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>Tabi against ezreal to mitigate Q damage.
Yes and?
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Rawr ~ ;3
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would totally commit incest with
maybe even let her eat me
Why is it with every patch getting stuck on shit like creeps gets worse and worse?

It used to be rarely on champions with big models and now If I walk the wrong way at a minion I stop and start doing 360s. f
Ride the Lightening
Master of Puppets
Kill'em All
and justice for all
everything else
>>18945161 (OP)

>That feel when you imagine Anikitan everytime you see this guys face

You guys ruined my fantasies with that fucking picture.
>Huge watermark for adding text to an image
look at his skills.
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>next champ is strong female worked on by gypsylord and ironstylus
is dominate an arab?
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He's a spic

–]wickedwarren 2 points 40 seconds ago (2|0)
This isn't from Reddit. Also it doesn't relate to League of Legends directly. I PMed the Moderators to get this removed.


oh wow
armor shred is for fags

>That feel when you realize the majority of your favourite champions are actually female

I'm totally ok with this.
he was originally white but he smoked so much he turned a bit brownish
reddit tier garbage comic
>11/0 kat
>Master of Puppets
>ahead of Justice
fuck yourself
I upvoted it
like an aram dude?

wtf i'm not a game

you crazy lol
please post nidalee art
>nerfing pd
>implementing a mastery that increases attack speed when you crit

I'm getting mixed signals here.
it's like when wow tried to become casual to get more subscribers and then in cataclysm went so hardcore everyone quit
i'm literally dying of laughter from crumbzz' voice

i just want him to get like a triple kill and say "shit im getting too old for this shit" with that raspy-ass voice

pls god
Dear /lolg/, I'm about to purchase a new mouse and headset.
Do you guys have any recommendations on what I should get?
Price range is ~200$ in order to buy both.

yo guys

am I the only one who has trouble last hitting as Ez? I can do fine as Graves or Vayne but with Ez I suck for some reason.
Almost every change riot has made was foreseen because it directly stems from all the bitching on GD. The only think I'm surprised about is the ambient gold increase and more options to tower dive, but I'm sure that too is based on whining from GD.
she finished 15-0-4 or some shit.
she'll look like Zyra Syndra and Elise but a different colour

I'm calling blue I think
>playing wow
>using wow analogies
go back 2 ur toon xD
get a deathadder or salmosa (if you need something low on budget)

dont buy a headset, just some good headphones + a clip on mic
this udyr game cromber is playing reminds me of when steel did tiger udyr on preeb's account
>>18945369 →
I'll sum it up for you

You'll be short around 800 gold in a 20minute game and that's being generous

no more sluts and females

enough is enough
release cata heroics were tough for the babbies.
Ironstylus didn't make those females though
but it doesn't have rage faces or cats

Ezreal has an animation about as slow as Graves's but doesn't have as much damage.
>making wards OP as shit
They already are.
Wards were OP the second they appeared in the original dota because the very concept of them is broken in this genre. There's a reason that a team that buys wards all game long will beat a team that doesn't every single time.
Death Adder and Turtle beach both about $70 each.
pls post nidalee art
reminds me of op s1 udyr
>enter que with 3 friends
>tell them i'm jungling fiora
>"I don't think that works man"
>ignore them
>enter lobby
>choose fiora
>select smite
>"Foria wtf r u doin??"
>bought headmistress fiora /fiora herself on 11/11/12
>practice her 70 matches in a row
>feel confident
>get the entire team to invade their blue with me
>suddenly Attempting To Reconnect
>immediately run around my house turning off the wifi on everything
>still no luck
>miss the entire game
>afraid of logging back on

fuck this gay earth man..
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where dat qtpie stream at
Release Cata was a thousand times more difficult than anything in Wrath ever was.
Wrath of the Lich King is the most casual video I have ever played. Even fucking Angry Birds is harder.
Is it actually gypsy?
>literally farming through a gonk

based crumdyr
turtle cheese op
>compete with dota
>miles ahead while you guys are in a 'beta' everyone already has
what competition? dead on arrival
You know, I've heard world of warcraft is hardcore before

Then I think about Totalbiscuit.

He was apparently a hardcore wow player before it went casual.

I watched him play some raiderZ earlier today, and when fighting a boss he did not even attempt to avoid a clearly channeled attack.

yeah, you hardcore wowfags are extreme.

>still talking about WoW
>Crumbz tanking tower while standing still waiting for irelia to come to him for last hit

>item system is a joke because, at the core, it favors raw stats to the point of active items being impossible
>they finally tone down raw stats
>can now introduce enjoyable active items




>play on an rppvp server
>guilds clearing naxx the weekend after wotlk comes out
>Not noticing the gunnars

I know, it can be hard to notice them when it would be so unnatural for him to not have them on.
>They've been creeping up the power on certain champs so that only a small number of them are viable in tournament play.

Subtle, 10/10 post
but he wasn't, he was a casual who bitched about casuals
wards arent op. they havent changed ward functionality. you can still clear with a pink or oracles. there are limited number the ward bag can drop. you woul dhave wards anyways. the only thing it changes is the support can *gasp* buy items instead of wards. but that wont last. fuck limits, you will still be buying extra wards on top of the ward bag.

the point still stands that you have more gold as support now so can actually buy other things. the wards were going to be there either way.
the only hardcore thing is high end pvp at end tbc-wotlk era

the pve has always been pretty easy tbh, the only reason it was "hard" in vanilla was because people were undergeared and literally died from everything
>not "Order is derived from Chaox"

streaming normals maybe ranked soon
No but the artist lacks any sort of skill and it uses memes out of context for the sake of cheap laughs, if you made this go fuck yourself
>rppvp server
Was this, by chance, Twisting Nether?
Moot says to report anyone advertising their own stream on any of the boards.

You guys know what to do.
how can someone be as based as crombers

you would think his body would blow up or something
Didn't Zamph just get banned for posting his stream
I haven't seen him lately
Haha, totalbiscuit was never a hardcore player. He's faux-hardcore. He never raided past molten core when it was released because he's such a shitter faggot. He nostalgias way too hard on the old unrefined content that wow had when it was first released. He's a faggot babby casual that reminisces on past events he never participated in and blames blizazrd for going soft.
>Be a healer
>In Wrath I just mashed one button and never ran out of mana
>Cata comes out
>Have to mash multiple buttons and actually worry about mana


League of legends
vomitchan pls
I dont want anymore jungle assassins. Infact at the moment the game is saturated with jungle assassins. I want more other things...
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Is there any reason my final build in S3 on someone like Renekton couldn't be boots, 4x black cleaver, GA?

1000 health
200 AD
40% CDR
40 armor pen
The passive probably wouldn't stack past 4, it's not unique, so one hit should apply max stacks for that -30% armor.

Those are all the stats you really need, aren't they?
that faggot music. jesus christ.

There was more focus on raw stats because the focus was on what the champions can do, not what the items can do.
The giant oracles nerf is the biggest buff to wards. To be honest I still don't know how they rationalize that shit.
>No but the artist lacks any sort of skill and it uses memes out of context for the sake of cheap laughs

It doesn't take much skill to just make the whites of Lulu's eyes red

Everything else was just copy-pasted lol

And what memes are being used out of context?
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>wriggles hog soon to have triforce udyr 6/1
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Tired of bad teams..

Anybody want to duo queue?

Contact Preebitz please NA server

>Irelia paralyzed in place by his Based udyr play.
also found this

>It just so happens that the champ I'm working on has strong ties with one of our current champions (she's new, you've never heard of her). Her lore is going to reflect that as well as some fun interactions she has in game.

>pick irelia, call top
>someone else calls it first
>every other role is already taken but support

So Nasus should be better off in S3, right? Did they ever say they were reworking him? I thought they said something about Nasus and Viegar being redone a long time ago.
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>she got mauled by a scorpion and a bear
>dude thats cool

i swear dig is the most hilarious team around
>turtle beach

dear god get the fuck out

where is the "Don't get a headset get a mic and headphones" image when you need it

I would recommend getting beats by dre and a blue yeti mic
play some manly music you double nigger
I dunno, the 4 free wards are a pretty big slap in the face.
because it probably will end up not stacking
"Yeah... He just got mauled by a scorpion and a bear"
wtf crumbz so high
who won the quiz game?


what is manly music
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So how's everyone doing so far?
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>I would recommend getting beats by dre
It's actually weak on all but a few champions
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le bilgewater slut face :^)
Cancerelia getting fucking recked by tiger udyr
>Hit accept as soon as I get the invite
>Already full and in queue

I cry evry tiem
not as good as hsgg's like 15-2-6 udyr that lost from ddos.
play some iced earth or something

or just don't play weeaboo music
dota was dead on release
you should probably give up one for a bulwark

you'll be so squishy against mages otherwise, bulwark is 60 MR
dad rock
the doo doo mang
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They changed it to 4 stacks now? That means after garen silences then spins half of his spins, he'll have 3 spins of basically true damage. This is going to be insane.
>IP boost
>I would recommend getting beats by dre


why would you do that

do you hate the human race

play support

are you manly enough to do it?

Hotshotgg pls
>steal away doter fans
>implying rito even has any decent competition currently

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no ur shit

Morello wanted to remove their ability to scale infinitely but the entire player based called him a fucking retard and he never mentioned it again.
udyr naturally shits on irelia in lane...
lol nice screen what are you blind or something you fag
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goin ok
that trist on crombers stream is such a baby bitch
>Don't get a headset get a mic and headphones
> beats by dre
You are the epitome of a tool who listens to everything /g/ says
>turtle beach
>dear god get the fuck out
>I would recommend getting beats by dre

i only queued with 3.....
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gotta get the hella $$$ for champs and shit m8
>plays carries
>negative average K/D
>blames team

ur shit kid
>bitch at turtle beach
>suggest beats by dre

I understand now.

This is meta trolling, isn't it?
when is the clg vs clgeu showmatch?
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top 200 for I would literally fuck her if she was my mom
O well I didnt hit accept fast enough then

/g/ hates beats by dre

/g/ is pretty legit in headgear recommendations
I don't get it.
pls respond. who won?
/g/ hates beats you retard

anyone with brains would hate that thing

Someone posted the shooped Oddone as Dyrus' girlfriend image on reddit. Some anon complained to the mods and got it removed .
ive found that /g/ is pretty legit in any gear recommendation

Are you seriously trying to fucking tell me what I did wrong after what you fucking did all game? Seriously?

Do you fucking know how badly you played? You think I don't look at the map? I watch other lanes all game when I am farming or walking around.

You played like a complete retard. You never pushed anything, you did not ward a single bush. You never followed your mid lane, you never ganked.

You did NOTHING all game.

That dive top was pretty bad on my part I agree, whats worse is that you had your fucking tier 1 enemy tower up as malzahar of all things. How shit can you possibly be? If the enemy roams and you don't follow you fucking push towers. It's what malz does best, he's a monster pushing hero.

JayZ was fed as fuck so obviously he 3 shot me. The game was fucking over by then because of your inability to do anything besides float around and fucking suck your own dick watching everyone else die when all you had to do was come over disable the ahri and we would automatically win the game every time.

Why the fuck where you even taking wrath camp? I have a fucking BT, you are useless and a deadweight shitstain. You don't need the fucking gold, you rushed a fucking grail and warmogs ON MALZAHAR.

Unlike you I actually admit to my mistakes while you actually try to argue that you where not the main problem we lost. Shit like you needs to fucking stop playing, you are too blinded by small minor details what others do wrong when you gave everyone cancer by playing so fucking bad even /vg/ trolls would blush.

If I was in your position I'd admit right away that I had no idea what I was doing and cost us the game. I guess you can't do that because your retarded pride or moronic brain can't handle the concept that you actually did something wrong.
how do you deal with ranged tops as a melee one ?

they keep harassing you and making you lose cs pretty annoying..
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How big of a deal are runes and masteries, anyway?
This better be pasta
this isn't really true


holy autism
I meant he's a fucking tool who listens to /g/ about seperate headphones and mic (hint you aren't travis, you don't need a studio mic to mouthbreathe with your neckbeard friends) and then actually thinks beats are good on his own accord.
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start boots

use the brush

beg your jungler to hold your hand you little bitch
calm down lad

deal with it as best you can

depending on champ you can outtrade them but it's generally tough lane
pretty big

you win trades in lane depending on your masteries and runes
le carried in duoq face
like 700 free gold or something
armor pen or ad will probably still be better
that game was hilarious

he was literally unkillable
>deal with it as best you can
10/10 advice
Or get MS quints and just rush it
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You can't depending on the matchup. Just gotta build armor/sustain items, buy extra health pots and Freeze the lane as near to your tower as possible and wait for the juggler.

it costs like $400 for a midtier sound quality

why would anyone like that?
jungling is painful without runes.

Going full armor runes can win top lane.

They make life so easy.
I don't know if that was pasta earlier but it is now, saved.

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