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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.

File: 1345266640524.jpg-(837 KB, 1680x1050, justlikeoneofmychinesecartoons.jpg)
837 KB
Post a good screenshot from a vidya. Priority for shots without HUD/UI. Wait for the Oilbros to work their magic.

Or if you want to do it yourself:

Adobe Photoshop CS6, Oil Paint Filter, adjust settings as you like.
>Get CS6
>Open picture
>Click Image -> Adjustments -> Vibrance
>Crank up that vibrance
>Click Filter -> Oil Paint
>Put Shine to zero
>Leave everything else at default
Step 3 and 4 are optional but improve the painting feel.
Select the eyes, do an inverse, and then throw your filter on, otherwise the facial characteristics will get messed up. Also, finetune the edges of the eye layer afterwards.

You can do the same thing in GIMP. Download and install G*MIC, look for the "anisotropic smoothing" filter and turn anisotrophy up to max.

I'm using CS5.1 for these All you need is the Pixel Blender addon from Adobe which is free
File: 1345267234427.jpg-(1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1345245935943.jpg)
1.08 MB
bumping with alice
File: 1345267283179.jpg-(2.31 MB, 2000x2786, Thatguy.jpg)
2.31 MB
File: 1345267309610.jpg-(248 KB, 1422x692, EA_Oilrigin-_Steam_Destroyer.jpg)
248 KB
dead thread
dead fad
File: 1345267355084.jpg-(516 KB, 1200x1050, dewsex.jpg)
516 KB
Posting what I was doing in the other thread before it hit bump limit

It's 1 in the morning, give it time.
What this man said.
File: 1345267413432.jpg-(418 KB, 1068x890, lehive.jpg)
418 KB
What settings for it?
File: 1345267453399.jpg-(201 KB, 472x472, czechem.jpg)
201 KB
File: 1345267562132.jpg-(827 KB, 1920x1080, 1345246299013.jpg)
827 KB
you're in the wrong board if you're looking for those
File: 1345267635273.jpg-(12 KB, 250x250, Could Kramer BE any gassi(...).jpg)
12 KB
>not using GIMP

I shiggity oily.
File: 1345267658387.jpg-(441 KB, 1218x1050, brothel.jpg)
441 KB
File: 1345267694457.jpg-(455 KB, 1280x720, Dragondogma.jpg)
455 KB
File: 1345267698790.jpg-(1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 1336254283528.jpg)
1.57 MB
Lets try some Tera screens
File: 1345267731041.jpg-(1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 1295552298078 OILY.jpg)
1.76 MB
Some non-vidya shitpainting. I mean shitposting.
I am erect.
I just wanted to oil Le dubsguy
File: 1345267845105.jpg-(627 KB, 1680x1050, icarushasfoundyou.jpg)
627 KB
File: 1345267918424.jpg-(909 KB, 1920x1080, oilytits.jpg)
909 KB
file name
File: 1345267919256.jpg-(1.71 MB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20120221_(...).jpg)
1.71 MB
File: 1345268108196.jpg-(1.26 MB, 1680x1050, obshittion.jpg)
1.26 MB
For those posting are requesting for screenshots theyre posting to be done, please try post screenshots without faces. The Filter usually fucks them up, although there is a way to get around it's usually a lot of effort for little gain.
File: 1345268114774.png-(1.97 MB, 1920x1200, oilytits2.png)
1.97 MB
File: 1345268172729.jpg-(214 KB, 1280x960, 142a0s2.jpg)
214 KB
I wonder how bad the face turns out
File: 1345268217553.jpg-(1.2 MB, 1920x1200, TERA_ScreenShot_20120219_(...).jpg)
1.2 MB
thanks oilbros
File: 1345268243405.png-(1.91 MB, 1360x765, TERA_ScreenShot_20120810_(...).png)
1.91 MB
File: 1345268259302.jpg-(176 KB, 1024x768, 1249522047248.jpg)
176 KB
File: 1345268279985.jpg-(176 KB, 974x701, arcaneactionshot.jpg)
176 KB
File: 1345268287803.png-(974 KB, 1280x960, fuckit.png)
974 KB
File: 1345268395957.jpg-(137 KB, 1024x768, 1345268259302.jpg)
137 KB
Dat little girl on the right.
File: 1345268397136.jpg-(766 KB, 1078x1050, day.jpg)
766 KB
Whoever it was that asked for the name of this map it's same name as filename
creepy ass shit
you turned that angry face to a smiley face
File: 1345268471226.jpg-(234 KB, 1280x720, damnson.jpg)
234 KB
Dat Beard
If you dont know who this is Kill yourself
File: 1345268480775.jpg-(634 KB, 1360x765, pedoshitpirate.jpg)
634 KB
File: 1345268493920.jpg-(355 KB, 974x701, skyshit.jpg)
355 KB
god damn it

I want to receive the information all over my face
File: 1345268680825.jpg-(120 KB, 1536x1152, 1214272226169.jpg)
120 KB
File: 1345268725538.jpg-(126 KB, 580x923, 1345268652049.jpg)
126 KB
oil up this adonis
File: 1345268815900.jpg-(494 KB, 1536x1152, flying chiefs.jpg)
494 KB
File: 1345268825305.jpg-(157 KB, 1366x768, closeup.jpg)
157 KB
Settings don't even matter. Each game you'll get a very different result even though you're using the same settings. Just play around with the two top sliders until you get something you're happy with.
Someone post more total war please.
File: 1345268911575.png-(1.64 MB, 1360x765, TERA_ScreenShot_20120423_(...).png)
1.64 MB
Should come out well.
File: 1345268944186.png-(531 KB, 580x923, faggot.png)
531 KB
>You can do the same thing in GIMP. Download and install G*MIC, look for the "anisotropic smoothing" filter and turn anisotrophy up to max.

I am confused. I can download GIMP but what is G*MIC? When I googled it I got a completely different program than GIMP...
This one's kinda more of a personal request than anything. Not really looking for it to turn out good. Thanks in advance.
Would help if you posted it.
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522 KB
File: 1345269137879.jpg-(932 KB, 1680x1050, 2012_07_06_0000.jpg)
932 KB
Hell yeah. Came out great. thanks.
File: 1345269194491.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1680x1050, 2012_07_15_0003.jpg)
1.06 MB
File: 1345269210426.jpg-(1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 2012-07-15_00012.jpg)
1.07 MB
A screenshot of mine from Alice I oilified.
File: 1345269382446.png-(2.23 MB, 1680x1050, knightdragon3.png)
2.23 MB
File: 1345269401714.jpg-(388 KB, 1600x900, 2012-07-21_00001.jpg)
388 KB
Please kind oilbros
File: 1345269448990.jpg-(348 KB, 1600x900, 2012-07-26_00001.jpg)
348 KB
posting several total war ones it would be great if someone oiled
>Get CS6
>Get CS6
>Get CS6

got damn, i only had CS5...

har har pirate time!
File: 1345269495243.jpg-(356 KB, 1600x900, 2012-06-24_00003.jpg)
356 KB
last one
File: 1345269519327.jpg-(423 KB, 1920x1200, 1345267935759[1].jpg)
423 KB
File: 1345269525757.jpg-(670 KB, 1600x900, oilforthefire.jpg)
670 KB
Do you even read?
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1.12 MB
File: 1345269735929.jpg-(626 KB, 1600x900, totalflags.jpg)
626 KB
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599 KB
Thanks oilbro!
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744 KB
File: 1345269870825.jpg-(260 KB, 1600x900, 2012-06-24_00001.jpg)
260 KB
one more. couldn't help maself
Oh, good. I'm not the only oilbro left online.
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8 KB
someone do this please
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179 KB
Ice throne from Dawnguard. This could look really cool oiled...
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385 KB

I want to make these!!
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313 KB

G*MIC is a filter program for GIMP.

Download it and use the installer.
File: 1345270173979.jpg-(40 KB, 171x253, psychokiller.jpg)
40 KB
you sir are a scholar and an artist
File: 1345270541816.jpg-(220 KB, 1600x900, 2012-08-13_00001.jpg)
220 KB
downloading GIMP as we speak so I wont have to keep asking for these. Might not be as nice as PS but it should still work....
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395 KB
File: 1345270942274.jpg-(1013 KB, 1920x1080, 2012-04-21_00001.jpg)
1013 KB
Everyone's favorite Krogan.
File: 1345271004172.jpg-(209 KB, 1400x1050, A1CE65190B8A7D73DCF68EB98(...).jpg)
209 KB
oilbros pls
What's up with this GPU Proccessing shit, it won't let me use the oil filter.
File: 1345271205289.jpg-(630 KB, 1400x1050, 1345271004172.jpg)
630 KB
File: 1345271415677.jpg-(473 KB, 1400x1050, scoutbot.jpg)
473 KB
Really cartoony games... sometimes don't work so well
I like it.

Though it probably would have worked better if I didn't take the screenshot with a toaster.
File: 1345271612888.jpg-(386 KB, 1400x1050, C8E454FD2579692A176E2CE86(...).jpg)
386 KB
Even though the color was filtered to shit, I wonder how smooth this can look and still be good.
File: 1345271801053.jpg-(517 KB, 1920x1080, 2012-03-26_00004.jpg)
517 KB
I wish I didn't have the UI on for this screenshot.
File: 1345271905223.jpg-(544 KB, 1400x1050, halfoil.jpg)
544 KB
File: 1345272015824.jpg-(215 KB, 1280x800, 2012-08-18_00019.jpg)
215 KB
Messing around in Psychonauts looking for something worth taking a screenshot of and this was the best I could do.
File: 1345272155887.png-(1.03 MB, 1920x1080, 1345271801053.png)
1.03 MB
Thinking about it, Psychonauts reallllly looks like a lame excuse for an "artistic" game.
Here you go dude. Best I could do. Btw, not an oilbro.
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469 KB
File: 1345272259381.jpg-(244 KB, 1280x720, sb_screenshotlarge01.jpg)
244 KB
oilbros pls
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692 KB
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190 KB
Very nice. The trees and the platform look very pretty.
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14 KB
I think I hit a wrong button here.....
File: 1345272968778.jpg-(399 KB, 1280x1024, tf2.jpg)
399 KB
fuckin awesome man
I'm getting an error message

Did you download the 64 bit version? That happened to me too.

Even if you're using 64 bit windows just download the 32 bit installer. Worked for me.
File: 1345273220047.jpg-(557 KB, 1280x720, trying.jpg)
557 KB
Decided to try my hand at this one
oh the swirly trees make it much prettier thanks !
anistropic smoothing is under experimental right?

Enhancement or whatever it's called.
Well, I'm off to bed. 'night guys.
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365 KB
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860 KB
Damn that looks good. Shame the faces still look derpy. If they weren't that'd be a god tier pic.
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319 KB
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174 KB
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1017 KB
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183 KB
Links to the images from the first 3 threads:



File: 1345286568473.jpg-(717 KB, 1280x768, 2012_07_25_0014.jpg)
717 KB
Currently downloading cs6 but getting impatient
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873 KB
You can make non-derpy faces and keep the original eyes. Problem is that it takes some work.
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161 KB
More begging

If you really want to trace back the history of this fad:
It ended up as the top post of /r/gaming, but before that...
It was a major fad on /v/, but before that...
It was a sudden fad that sprung up in /vg/'s Guild Wars 2 General threads, but before that...
A certain someone posted an oil filter of a screenshot at NeoGAF here , but before that...
A redditor posted the original screenshot on /r/Guildwars2 which a NeoGAF user posted to the Guild Wars 2 NeoGAF thread
So, this fad organically sprang from reddit -> NeoGAF -> /vg/ -> /v/ -> reddit again
File: 1345286963786.png-(1.65 MB, 1600x900, whirly gig.png)
1.65 MB
File: 1345287152324.jpg-(1.12 MB, 1680x1050, arma2oa 2012-08-04 16-15-34-93.jpg)
1.12 MB
If an oilbro wouldn't mind. :3
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231 KB
You're the kind of people that made me angry with Day Z. Just hog all the vehicles.
File: 1345288039422.jpg-(1.22 MB, 1920x1200, kimjongoil.jpg)
1.22 MB
this looks cool
File: 1345290468794.png-(349 KB, 1920x1080, wat.png)
349 KB
what the fuck is this shit? pretty sure this plugin doesn't work at all.. I hat to jump through hoops just to get it to actually load and now it gives errors and black screen when I try to use it.. what the fuck kinda jank ass shit is this?

I looked up the error.. mother fuckers are telling me I basically need to rewrite the program myself because of how fucked up those +vars are...
File: 1345290522097.png-(1.26 MB, 1280x720, pso20120818_044545_000.png)
1.26 MB
Do one of my space waifu and her robo heterosexual life partner.
>in expression $2

I think it wants money? Lol. I don't know. I know nothing about computer language but I know $2 when I see it shit wants some money, bro. In expression it demands $2 so. Stick two bucks into your CD/DVD/Blueray drive and see what happens.
I lol'd.

I'll get right on that.. think it'll accept a credit card? I haven't used cash in roughly 2 years.
File: 1345291434533.jpg-(448 KB, 1920x1080, triss_merigold_by_gelvuun(...).jpg)
448 KB
Not sure if this will look good with dat DOF but what the hell
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1.71 MB
File: 1345295320904.jpg-(693 KB, 1920x1080, sonicgenerations2012-yujaj.jpg)
693 KB
Can someone oil this one ?
File: 1345295552037.gif-(43 KB, 640x400, knights-of-xentar_2.gif)
43 KB
File: 1345295866683.jpg-(662 KB, 1920x1080, Dolphin 2011-02-22 11-43-35-48.jpg)
662 KB
File: 1345295898534.jpg-(469 KB, 1920x1080, 1345295320904.jpg)
469 KB
Not an oil bro, just starting doing it last night and can't stop.
Could you upload it without the oil paint filter.
I want to photoshop the minimap off of it.
Any tips on the whole face thing past "invert them" ?
Just starting out basically so I'm not sure how to make them look a) not like shit b) don't have an awful pixelated outline.
File: 1345296572645.png-(2.84 MB, 1888x1168, the_tip_of_the_spear___la(...).png)
2.84 MB

>only using two sliders

Anyways, where's the archive for last thread?


I think I found the ideal settings for gimp, after trying 7 different G*MC settings, and combinations of Cartoon and bump map.

This was originally a 4000 x 1000 -ish panorama, so I had to crop it.

If somone wants the full sized thing, ask.

File: 1345296791026.jpg-(219 KB, 1920x1080, 2012-08-18_00001.jpg)
219 KB
Can someone oil filter this please?
File: 1345296902331.jpg-(527 KB, 1920x1080, 1345291434533.jpg)
527 KB
too much DoF man
File: 1345296925642.jpg-(133 KB, 1920x1080, 13452967910262.jpg)
133 KB
That's beautiful thank you.
File: 1345297170434.jpg-(628 KB, 1920x1080, triss-console-games-page-(...).jpg)
628 KB
Thanks man. Can you try this one?
I'm trying to do this with GIMP but anisotropic smoothing won't work and Smoothing (anisotropic) isn't the same thing for some reason
File: 1345297346408.jpg-(486 KB, 1280x720, 1345290522097.jpg)
486 KB
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485 KB
File: 1345297606713.jpg-(601 KB, 1920x1200, 1345293946135.jpg)
601 KB
I'm awake! Gimme some images to oil up!
File: 1345302564663.jpg-(827 KB, 1440x850, Torches.jpg)
827 KB
File: 1345302763578.jpg-(233 KB, 1024x768, hitman.jpg)
233 KB
File: 1345302922484.jpg-(2.6 MB, 3840x2160, HIFUCKINREZ.jpg)
2.6 MB
One I did last night but didn't upload...
Oh man, I have some Skyrim screenshots that I've never really shared with anyone, I'm going to try my hand at this and will dump them in a bit
File: 1345303716180.jpg-(273 KB, 1920x1200, 2011-12-11_00041.jpg)
273 KB
File: 1345303989133.jpg-(918 KB, 1920x1080, witcher2 2012-08-14 14-21(...).jpg)
918 KB
i'm here too if you have requests


First one, they seem very touchy and generally so far the more vibrant the better, can't decide if I want to auto tone the images before or not, darker doesn't seem better in this case
File: 1345304313537.jpg-(310 KB, 1920x1080, OP6.jpg)
310 KB

rofl forgot image
>swirlies everywhere

finetune that shit
File: 1345304497405.jpg-(157 KB, 807x454, justcause2.jpg)
157 KB

just stop
File: 1345304789521.jpg-(258 KB, 1920x1080, OP11.jpg)
258 KB


really like this one, turned out almost concept art looking


brand new to this so experimenting, do you usually mess with stylization / cleanliness to smooth em out?
File: 1345304813685.jpg-(258 KB, 1280x800, eye-divine-cybermancy-1280x800.jpg)
258 KB
Can you do your magic, oilbros?
File: 1345305158741.jpg-(387 KB, 1280x800, 1345304813685.jpg)
387 KB
doesn't change it much, actual vidya screenshots work best with this.

yeah I found it's always better if you don't push stylization too far and fiddle more with cleanliness, sometimes you want to do trees or other elements in a separate layer if they mess out. also you can add a hint of shine (something like 0.15) to add some texture.
File: 1345305171000.jpg-(124 KB, 1280x800, 13453048136852.jpg)
124 KB
oh and this one >>12032917 looks good by the way
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360 KB
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602 KB
Oil request.
Did anyone get the last thread downloaded and archived?
File: 1345305562576.jpg-(493 KB, 1920x1080, OP17.jpg)
493 KB


I think I'm getting the hang of it, pumping the cleanliness and being conservative with the style like you said seems to produce much smoother results but trees are still a bitch

some shine worked well with this one
File: 1345305639959.jpg-(536 KB, 1278x870, 1345305453316.jpg)
536 KB
cool pic

I think there are links, scroll up
yep you got it, that's all there's to it
File: 1345305730924.jpg-(633 KB, 1278x870, THEFUCK.jpg)
633 KB
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352 KB

File: 1345305915812.jpg-(45 KB, 640x250, no-russian-feature-640x250.jpg)
45 KB
I need some oil, bros.
File: 1345305977031.jpg-(283 KB, 1024x768, homeworld-3.jpg)
283 KB
BRB guys, reinstalling homeworld 1 and 2
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245 KB

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310 KB
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99 KB
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203 KB

File: 1345306206519.jpg-(446 KB, 1280x720, homeworld22010-05-0423dd28.jpg)
446 KB
anyone have some homeworld screens in 1080p?
File: 1345306226687.png-(312 KB, 1007x562, majorasmaskcelshaded1.png)
312 KB
Just realized I should probably be showing the before versions of the images you guys can see the difference.

So, here's the orginal capture from a youtube video.

The cel shader/textures is here, if anyone cares: http://www.emutalk.net/threads/53556-Merry-Xmas-OOT-2011-and-MM-2001/page6
File: 1345306428819.jpg-(331 KB, 1920x1200, TESV 2012-03-19 14-53-47-557.jpg)
331 KB
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288 KB


That's it for me, thanks for the technique. I'm still pretty nub but I'll try my hand at oiling shit if anyone needs

Dat vibrance, I like it
Dunno if anyone recognizes me from last night, but I'll be doing some more requests.
File: 1345306529398.jpg-(535 KB, 1920x1080, homeworld22010-04-1623gry9.jpg)
535 KB
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218 KB
File: 1345306697032.jpg-(724 KB, 1920x1080, 43110_screenshots_2011-10(...).jpg)
724 KB
this one may be cool to do
File: 1345306835533.jpg-(1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Dunno.jpg)
1.27 MB
Dunno, looks OK I guess
i like it thanks oilbro
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1000 KB
I tried not to fuck the ground up
File: 1345307147370.jpg-(55 KB, 600x480, 1313788-941683_science_su(...).jpg)
55 KB
Oil please?
File: 1345307182223.jpg-(741 KB, 1920x1080, homeworld22010-04-1622ljtr.jpg)
741 KB
I want to see this shit in motion, I'm going to make a short clip in fraps, dump all the frames, run photoshop in batch mode to process them all then put it all back in a video with videodub
File: 1345307309601.png-(4 KB, 168x166, bullshit.png)
4 KB
>try to do the same thing in GIMP
>not even close

You win this time, Adobe.
this would be pretty awesome
File: 1345307363483.jpg-(201 KB, 600x480, Science.jpg)
201 KB
With G'MIC it works okay. But yeah, GIMP's oil filter is buttghey.
File: 1345307470230.jpg-(407 KB, 1440x900, FFXIV_1311430232.jpg)
407 KB
Do this one.
i'm working on it
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604 KB
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501 KB
that scary, yo
File: 1345307853778.jpg-(218 KB, 719x1073, Gaben oiled up.jpg)
218 KB
It had to be done sooner or later, I'm sorry
10/10 would hang.
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341 KB
I was the guy who drew "gotta go fast".
File: 1345308044133.jpg-(1.83 MB, 2000x1125, 0fefe3a357d15a84f4d57ed85(...).jpg)
1.83 MB

Get G*MIC.

You can load an animation or frames as layers in GIMP.

The only problem is, as far as I know, there's not a way or a script/plugin to apply filters to all layers at once.

see >>11987642
it's processing the images guys, it kinda looks like windwaker in motion but it's weird, I'll do a short .GIF and post it here first. Then i'll try a different game and more extreme settings
>The only problem is, as far as I know, there's not a way or a script/plugin to apply filters to all layers at once.

i'm doing it in photoshop, there's a way to automate it

Well, that's photoshop.
in motion it doesn't look as impressive, looks more like a game running at lower settings. video is rendring, i'll upload it to youtube after it's done
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oh wow youtube's compression butchered it, watch in 1080p when it gets processed
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G-Gotta go fast
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Thanks a bunch. Got another one, but it's too big to upload on 4chan. Here's the minus link.

Thanks very much.
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am i doin it rite
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2.21 MB

No, but it looks good.

I personally don't like it, but others may.
dood how u do dat ?????????
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where my oilbros at?
>where my oilbros at?

this thread is dead, I knew from the beginning it was a bad idea to come to /vg/ because nobody ever visits this board, if we stayed on /v/ lots of people whould've come by and brought their screenshots and made wallpapers with us.
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Just be patient, contiue to post.

If you see someone on /v/ doing something similar, tell them about the thread.

Eventiually enough people will find it.
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gave it a shot, I only learned today so others will probably get a better result
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What about the last one?

The fourth?

Nobody archived it.
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I'd love to have this done.
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Recognize this handsome devil? I think you do.
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gave it a shot
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Have some more Airborne.
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will be trying to do some of these, learned this shit today so I apologize if its not what you wanted
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this one is cool, too bad it's such a low res
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That's not so bad at all, man.
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I wish there were more HQ shots of Airborne. Great game.
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I've been saving some of the best ones from previous threads. I'll post a few here.

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meh, this one kind of just smoothed
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a little dark, I like the other guys

Disregard the previous archive. This one contains the contents of this thread and most of last thread.
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and here's a shined out version
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WW2: Acid Trip Edition
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So I think whether to auto tone or not has to be a case by case basis
"Fuck man, I knew it was a bad idea to eat those shroom's sarge gave me before the drop oh man I'm so fucked up."
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so does anyone know if this effect could be applied in realtime, i.e. in a game? im thinking along the lines of borderland's cell shading.

i'd totally play a game that looked subtlety like an oil painting.
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I may have overdone it.
Takes too long to apply, unless is was massively optimised.

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