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Katawa Shoujo General #487

Light Up The Night Edition

>Soldier Trapped Inside Of An Iron Lung
>Nothing But Gasoline
>At The Heart Of The City
>Bring Back The Light


Last Thread: >>>/vg/11965321

KSG FAQ: http://pastebin.com/6Z28iW1x
Official Site: http://www.katawa-shoujo.com/
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/Wp8y08x2
Writebin: http://pastebin.com/8NpPmBHp
Shimmie: http://shimmie.katawa-shoujo.com/
KSG Risk/Chess: http://pastebin.com/97aPKfHg
KSG Map: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=209591864637609999284.0004c74779a1b8accf9ea
First for hanako
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First for Lilly.
Does /ks/ ever play tabletop RPGs?
third for nobody
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First for molly
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eighth for Loneliness
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Nth for Emi

>Light Up the Night Edition
I like it!
If I had friends I would.
Why is Molly so light here
Well all I'm saying is, I've never had that problem. Yeah the story evolves, it changes, but I've always had the basic idea in mind. Every time I write, it echoes in my head that this is what's going to happen, this is how they're gonna fix it, and this is what happens in between.
Jesus fucking christ. How the hell have you guys managed to make this many threads? No, I mean seriously, what the fuck? And I thought /v/ was autistic at times.

Ever try going over to /tg/? My group fell apart and I've been playing a lot through IRC rooms.
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>You will never stick your dick in a sleeping Suzu's mouth, take a pic of it with her phone, and send it as a picture message to Miki
Welp, with that, I'm going to go and walk my dog at 6AM and go to bed after. Sleep Cycles and Circadian Rhythms? What are those lol?

Love you all.

I'm sure we've had it before, but I've had the song on repeat since 4AM and it just seemed fitting since we were talking about nightwalks.

Fagets is organising a Savage Earth game over IRC. Add Splint Chesthair on Steam if you're interested (Look for the one that's in the KSG Gaming group.
Well, some people are different.

Personally I have a basic idea and I go with it. This has lead me into corners now and then.

Fight the loneliness with nightwalking! Ignore the lack of warmth in your bed by throwing yourself out into the cold night!
That's how I cope.
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If I were ever to sing a song for KSG, it'd be this one. I fucking love it.

Like that's ever going to happen though.
Well maybe you should flesh out the idea more before writing.
No, thank you. I'll write how I want and you can write how you want.
Was just a suggestion. You can do whatever you want.
Anybody want to read my writing? It ain't KS related, but is anything in these threads?
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So KSG I went to a this bar with my friends and I spent most of the time talking to this cute girl who is a friend of my friends.
After we left the bar we were walking home me her and my friends, and she was cold so I lent her my jacket then we took a cab home and I "forgot" to ask for my jacket.
I know you guys don't care but I felt like sharing anyway...

it's not going to work out anyway
>not going to work out

You just lost a jacket for good, man. Shame on you.
The writing usually is.
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> talking online to femanon in my city, who I've never met
> she probably thinks I'm normal, mentions she's bored
> I mention an event is happening tomorrow
> she thinks it's an invite, asks me to text her
> mfw I have no phone, never needed one until now
I lose at everything.
Don't count yourself out before you even lose.
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Depends what the subject and length are, but sure, I'll check it out.
I laughed much more than I probably should've.
I do know her and I do know people who know her so I didn't lose my jacket. I don't even care about the jacket really
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Indeed I do, and I had quite the collection of games at one point, although my experience is flagging behind compared to how many systems I know and I have not played a game in some time.

Why do you ask?

Just curious. My group died a few months ago, so I've been trying to play one-shots over IRC rooms with folks from /tg/. It rarely works out.
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Welp, time to hit the hay.

I'll get my sleep schedule un-fucked before Monday.

Get one now, if you can afford it.
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are you the guy from eariler? at least you have an excuse to talk to her again.
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just your daily reminder

that even after she let you abuse her like that
she was still concerned about your well-being

and after seeing that you were going to be alright
she could give you a smile like this

because even if you didn't love her
even though you couldn't bring yourself to utter those three short words

she still loved you
I am that guy from earlier. And yeah that was the plan.
Oneshots are hardly the most stable source of gaming.
very ded

I can afford one, but it's night.
If this had happened five hours ago I would be fine, but now I'm going to have to ignore her or reveal my powerlevel online just for the chance to reveal it to her in person. I just cannot into heterosexual relations.
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>you will never confront the kids who bullied Hanako in middle school
Why don't you just... I dunno... Casually say you don't have one?
So, what are you guys doing except running and posting in this goddamned general all the day
>implying I give a shit about those cunts
>implying me confronting them won't just send Hanako into a horrible depression from bringing back painful memories
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I don't think there's any way to casually say you don't own a cellphone, it's a bit like casually saying you're homeless nowadays. Maybe say you put it through the washing machine and haven't replaced it yet or something.
>implying she has to know about it
just wait till night and don't leave any fingerprints when "confronting" them and you're good
Or say you dropped it off the roof of a building.
Lots of things. Improving my diet or one. I have a lot more vitality than I did several months ago. I've been working on my writing and my drawing skill is probably better than it's ever been in my life. I haven't even finished half the routes and my life has gotten better dramatically.
Actually, why don't we play a game and see just how ridiculous you could get with her still believing it.

> reveal my powerlevel online just for the chance to reveal it to her in person
Because this is so sudden (I'd probably prefer a full week of preparation, but them's the breaks) but it's probably my one shot to actually meet her before she leaves.
I'm thinking of doing this if the "online texting" services I'm looking through don't seem viable.
Or say you were hanging out on the roof of a building with a friend and you were both drunk as fuck and that's how you dropped it

You guys are assholes. I think you're brilliant though, and I'm considering a drunk-rooftop tale.

Sent in my application for a security license and I've been trying to put that all together the past few days.

Also just got a fairly large scholarship for "exceptional students with IBD" and I'm putting together a thank-you for the organization that approved me for it. It was enough to pay for a full semester plus books and I'm really grateful for it, seeing as how I'm so piss broke that I had to move back in with my parents in my third year.
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Going up to the cottage on Sunday for a week with the family.

Gonna fish, run, write and shoot my brother's rifles. Good times.
So i'm gunna start practicing drawing soon. What should i start with? Also if there are any drawbros around here i have a question. Should i start with just sketches and learn shading later or do both?
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Awright, Rin marriage fic mostly done. Got a mess of editing to do, but I've got the main thing out after over a week, which is good.

I regret that I focused more on her parents, as opposed to characters that actually exist, but this is how it turned out, so this is what I'm gonna stick with. It's made more to bridge off of that Epilogue I wrote back in March, of course. There's a lot of things I wish I could've done that paralleled her ending in her story route, but I guess I just lost my train of thought one too many times. The ending here also feels rushed, gonna have to fix that up as well.
I'd go with anatomy first. Quick sketches of people in various poses and the like until it comes naturally. Then work from there into your own style however you want to do it.
O god how i suck at anatomy.
Cool! I've been looking forward to reading what you came up with when you said you wanted to write something with Rin.
How much detail. Should i go all out or what.
What's the best way to get someone to stop ignoring your texts? It's really annoying, especially when they make excuses like "Oh but I responded didn't you see my text"
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anytime really, thread is kind of dead now
honestly, I've been feeling pretty shitty tonight, and not all that pleased with some of the stuff I produced, feel like I should've improved more, I guess.

been hesitating, sorry man.
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>Rin's dad freaking out at the end when her mom mentions them having kids.

Pretty good, man. You're right in thinking that there's a lot of editing to be done, though. The part where Kenji just pops up out of nowhere seems especially in need of work.

The 'man talk' with her dad at the restaurant though, that shit's perfect. Don't change a single word of that.
Is there sex?
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Important thing is getting the feel for how bodies and stuff work. Don't need to go overboard on detail, but not stick figures either. Something like pic related maybe. (Not mine, just from google)
Learn to stop caring about someone who won't even give your text messages the time of day.
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just your daily reminder

that even after she left you behind to finally be with her family
she was still concerned about your well-being

and after seeing that you were all alone again in that hospital room
she could quit her dreams to be with you.

because even if you was thinking all that "go after her" was in vain
even though you never expected to feel her again and you never tried to understand her blackness

she always loved you
So i've never written anything creatively.
I wanna be the greatest writer ever so I assume bad fan fiction is where to start.

What should i write laughably bad?
They're playing games with you man.
The only winning move is not to play, just don't message them. It's tough sometimes but stick it out.
Sup bros. Just got back from a nighttime run in the rain, set a new personal record - 26 minutes for 5k. How are y'all doing?
Hey... Guy... Hey... Have you considered that maybe that person did text you back and you just didn't receive it? Stuff happens, you know?

What are you doing texting people who ignore you anyway.
So what do I do when they message me? Just ignore them?
that means it's time to stop texting them.

Ain't worth it.

I get texts all the time but I usually just don't care to respond to them. Sometimes it's because I don't feel like responding to them (like my ex texting me the word "penis") or I don't have time or effort to hold a convo.

Make sure you know what you're dealing with.
If it's a girl, stop it.
Stop it now you fool.
Also never ask "Didja get my text?" That'll make them want to respond even less.
Awright, I'm back, but I'm going to bed now. Posting anyway, haha.

>tfw 6AM walk in the cold , weak, sun
>tfw smoking to http://youtu.be/dEspxEte8S8
>tfw dog nearly got run over twice
>tfw talking to your grandparents' headstone about your worries and hopes and dreams and past and future and-
>tfw you end up just repeating "I don't know, I just don't know" to them
Someone ought to write one of these for shizoon and emi

Think of the last two pieces of fiction you've read/watched. Mash them together. Give one or more of the characters superpowers.
Do your best to then make it an original story, not a fanfic. Fiction is about stealing ideas (everything is pretty much a fanfic of things before it), just steal the right ones.
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You could always wait til tomorrow afternoon

but Hanako gets it
Respond, but play it cool.
If they text "hey!"
don't respond with "Oh hey~! I missed you lol what's up?!"
Just be like "Hey [name] what's up?"
Chicks dig you using their name in conversation and being distant and mysterious.
I fucking hate texting.

This girl I'm seeing hates that I hates texting, I prefer we just hang out. If she REALLY need something she can call.

But here I am, texting her. Fuck.
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Them cripples, eh?
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Gb2 Canda, skrub
Ill take that into account.
Unfortunately the last two things I watched were seth mcfarlane cartoons. But ill tweak you idea.
What >>12007519 said.
For added effect though sit on that text a while and answer later.
> me panicking about texting someone for the first time
> anon worried about people playing texting games with him
> other anon getting mad that his girlfriend expects texts

KSG: Home of the Socially Slow
Were not slow, just oblivious
Theres a difference....
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them cripples, indeed
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Hi guys. Best wishes to you all today.

How's KSG been doin'?
I just can't stop thinking aboot Lilly fondling Hanako like that...
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I found texting games to be lots of fun.

Although it always turned into ask each other question or the occasional game of truth or dare
Shes not my girlfriend yet, I'm still pulling her into my charms.

But yeah, fuck texting.
Finished my birthday with a trip to the movies. Been a pretty good birthday, even though I didn't really hang out with my friends. You guys are all I need though. I seriously love you.
Did you see my request I made last night?
I keep that picture in my Emi folder. I can't look at any other part of the picture, I just like Emi riding things.....
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How has everyone been?
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Well enough I suppose, how are you doing, man? Anything particularly exciting going on with you?

Shh, I'm staring at my screen expecting a text.
>liking texting games

I love it when you catch the thread at less then a hundred posts.
I have done this on purpose before lol

Now it's on accident.
>brain is deactivated for summer
>horrible memory
>Im busy doing fun shit
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Happy Birthday.
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Can't complain.

Started watching Breaking Bad. Pretty cool show.
Emi rides my dick.
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Next thing I write is going to involve this picture, however.

It's not time for feels yet
Mine too ;)
Ur waifu is shit
I know right?
The first hundred posts always are fun.

Once you hit 500+ it starts getting clique-ish and people are either circlejerking, yelling each other, or having discussions that only a few people want to talk about.

It feels more like a community than an online chatroom in the first 100
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>more thanatos shizune
Hanako when
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>Blue eyes

Fucking FUCK.
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Alas, I must retire now.

Good night, /ksg/, and good luck in all of your endeavors.
That, and that it only takes about 10 seconds for me to read all the posts and get caught up.
Feels are much better than cell phones at least
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Good luck!
Good show. I just can't stand watching a show for too long, I get bored. Luckily, animes are about 20-25 minutes a show. I do dig Breaking Bad though

well shit, happy birthday.
Jesus Christ, Marie.
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>That feel when I'm the guy who made the comment about Shizune's stockings being too high in that picture
>That feel when the artist got mad about it
>That feel when it's a fucking awesome picture either way and I still feel guilty about ticking him off.
Love you too, and happy birthday.
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No, don't cry. Not now.
I think theres a few too many arms in that picture.
That scarred arm looks like it belongs to a charred Captain America.
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Cause games are fun.

Besides, when I'd play the question game I'd learn a lot about the other person. Strengthing the relationship and all that
Well it's true, her fucking stockings ARE too high in that image. If the artist got mad because you sad that, that's his problem.
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I agree with you, though. Grade-SSS zettai ryouiki is just a little too much for me to handle apparently.

I just got here. G'night, keine.
night guy
Oh shit, I thought those were pants and she had a tan belt on! I was thinking "Why is she pulling down her shirt?"
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He's had his moments.

I think he threw a shark at someone once. And the Brave and the Bold incarnation is outrageous

> Hating on Aquaman
> any year after 2011
>'Hey anon, let's play 20 questions~'
>can never think of any good questions

I hate it. I think it ruined my last relationship.
ur a faget
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There's a version of her in shorts as well. I prefer this one because bare-legged Shizune is the most boner-inducing thing I can think of.
I know that feel, bro
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I think this is more boner inducing
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Hey, KSG. I'm planning on doing a short one-shot from Taro's POV in a little bit (when I get a breather). Two things though:
1: He has monoplegia, which means one of his limbs is paralyzed, right? Is it the general consensus that he can't use his arm?
2: I'm planning on having him have an unrequited crush on Miki because see above. Is there a girl that nobody would get mad at me for pairing him up with at the end? Maybe Ikuno?
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Yeah, I barely watch TV nowadays. There's only two shows I watch, this is one of them now.

It's just got this awesome balance of serious drama and that kind of unintentional/awkward comedy. Excellent comedy being where they steal that barrel of methalmine like a couple of idiots."It's a barrel! It rolls! and drama like that excellent scene where Walt finds out that Crazy 8 stole that piece of plate and he kills him.

And Walt Jr, man. I love him. He's a bro.

Fucking fuck she's so annoying I want her to die. Well maybe not, because Hank is a bro.

Fuck, Hank, what were you thinking?

Sweet dreams and all that.
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G'nite to the few friendly anons and Tank
nothing against most of the rest of you, except the ones that are utter faggots (you know who you are)
also to the guy with the Rin marriage fic that was sorta alright except kenji outta nowhere, parents weren't how i would've imagined and Rin was described physically
sorry about the last one but i'd already imagined how she'd look if she married and that wasn't it
as for the parents everyone has their own ideas so yeah
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Any new people around here?
Dude what
You are doing God's work.

I remember Thanatos sticking him with Suzu, although I think that's considered a no-no now that she has her own pseudoroute.

I'd say Ikuno. Molly's generally paired with Takashi, and Naomi/Natsume are practically confirmed lesbians.
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We boner inducan now?
Even though this is less erotic for me, I just feel like cuddling with her and loving her tenderly
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I have vague memories of it but didn't save it. Lots of drinking last night, sorry. Please re-post it.

Nah, not really.
I said I think that image is more boner inducing than a bare legged Shizune.
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So do I, anon.

So do I
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I thought she might make a good fit since dat plump rear or something like that, but I wondered if some people who really like her might be upset by pairing her up with someone like Taro, since he's fat and kind of beta in my story. Heart of gold, though.


Suzu's going to be in it, but yeah, not pairing them together because I'm the one writing that pseudo-route.

I love how people pull this pity party shit with her when it's the exact thing her route told you not to do.
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>tenderly loving
Hey that sounds pretty alri-
>with Miki
You guys are disgusting.
Consider for a moment what could possibly make a person continually need to keep bandaging a wound.
>pity party
Oh shit, thats going in the book
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>"Come here, Anon. These nipples aren't going to lick themselves.

I was going through Lilly's route and just stopped where Hisao and Lilly would fuck for first time.

Now I can't bring myself to finish it.
What a bunch of nigger lovers
She only does it because she doesn't like how it looks unbandaged.
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Ex-fucking-catly, bro. As hot as that picture is, all it makes me want to do is love her tenderly.
>since he's fat and kind of beta in my story. Heart of gold, though.
>Taro is everyone's self-insert
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Pretty much.
In the alpha, Lilly is trying to set you up with Hanako in her route. But then you fuck minutes after telling eachother your feelings.
Oh, Scissorlips, I presume?
God I hope so or I look quite the fool
>Dat cliffhanger in 3-11

But I'm not fat.
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Hey KSG the campus scanner isn't on this late so I took a pic with my ipod

Should I post my collection when the scanner is available?
For some reason, I really want to see Ikuno in a thanatos fic. Write whatever you want though. No one has a solid claim on any character.
Also, I really liked your Bad End
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Yes sir, hello.


About that...
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>Scissorlips feels the need to say "hay everyone look it's me"
>immediate circlejerking

I like it, please do.
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>a quiet man in black attire with a dark-blue robe thrown over his shoulders
>A slim silver cross dangles from his neck, swaying back and forth with his long, unkempt hair.

>That feel when I hear his smooth, sexy, Nakata Jouji voice seeping into my ears whenever he has dialogue
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>no scanner
I know that feel

please do post more, got any Hana?
It is implied that she has lost her hand only recently, also >>12009078
Could someone post the yearbook picture. I cant remember who half the people you guys are talking about are.
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It's good, and yes, scan them. Scan them all.

Also consider not using lined paper.

>like something
>say you like it


It's so freakin' true, though. It's like turning romance into a competition of who is the most pathetic being the victor.

Even though Hanako still grows as a person in BOTH routes, just differently, people really can't help but have her fixate on the self-insert character of themselves (Hisao) and never move on from him in their head-canon.

It is the complete fundamental opposite of what Hanako's route is telling you to do, thus reaffirming that Hanako as a character is read correctly by everyone except her most creepy fans.
it's different when it's overstayed its welcome because of his attention whoring
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do you mean this?
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Remember; write whatever you want, however you want. The world is at your fingertips.

Hahah ok I'll dump sometime soon this week

And yes I got hanako too.
I put a realistic spin on Lilly, Shizune, and Hanako. Don't have Rin, Emi, or anyone else yet. Drawan soon
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>people self-inserting as hisao
just how retarded do you have to be to relate to someone like that
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I never really understood while Mollys said "Indian"

We're counting that as a disability now?
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Does she have any kind of established personality yet? I'm sure he could pull it off no problem though. I won't really set them up, just kind of prod him in her direction at the end. It will be sweet and sugary, which I probably do too much of. Also, thank you. I'm glad that's over.


I'm here a lot, there's just no reason to say so 99% of the time.
Yeah couldn't help it. My bad. These were doodles in my notebook during a summer program, didn't expect to poast anywhere until a KSG friend said I should
>Surnames aren't first
Did the guy who made that even Japan?
But consider this. There is a high chance that without Hisao she would never get out of the state she was in and would either live a sad lonely life or kill herself. Yes she grows in Lilly's route but it is like the discussion we had earlier. I think she is forcing her self to be happy because her friends are happy. She wanted to get space from the so she would stop thinking about them.
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Hi. I was that person. Your art is better than I expected, although I didn't really have anything to base my expectations off, I guess.
Is burn scars a disability?

That's what a VN protagonist is, no matter how "Master of Romance"-y he gets.

Why else do you think people get feels from the route even if it isn't them? Why else do people feel like they're "cheating" on their pick when moving to a different route when it's not a faceless, nameless character?

It's supposed to be a surrogate. Hell, in the pic I'm referring to, it is REFERRING to you as a surrogate. It keeps referring to Hisao in the context of the story as "you."

Just stating what I'm -seeing- here. I'm not saying it's a particularly apt character to relate to either.
It doesn't just say their disabilities. Akio has "Literature Club" written under his, and Miki has "Track and Field Club" and "3-3's best hope at this year's track meet". I think the creator meant for it to be a way for the person holding the page to remember who they are. I guess the holder was just racist.
Or there are no Indian people in Japan and they wanted to have proof they saw one.
I'm glad that that faggot Banda left
Cool thanks!
So I may trace this stuff over to non-lined paper and do touch up to make my drawing KSG-worthy.
I have Shizune, Lilly, and Hanako ready to transfer.

Hypothetically, which would KSG like to see first when I get the scanner?
So yeah, racist.
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>sweet and sugary
Oh, you.

And no, I don't think there's much of an 'established' personality for her here, besides the aforementioned rear of plumpness.
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Explain how the stockings are too high, please. Unless you're just talking about your personal tastes, which is no reason to say the original artist was wrong.

You know he'll be back with more dickgirls.


I would throw my vote in for Shizune, myself.

But there's nothing to outright say that. So it sounds more like projection.

If you honestly believe that Hanako can't grow without Hisao, you missed the point of her route. Hisao isn't some ubermensch who is going to transform Hanako, Hanako's problem is that she never got a chance to have anyone treat her like a human being. Hisao's hands-off and less mommy-baiting form of friendship with her was a positive impact on her life regardless.

It would be like if I implied that Lilly eventually hung herself in Scotland if you took Hanako's route - completely outrageous. She's a competent enough person that she'd probably come back and visit, if not find her own place, if she wasn't happy.

This weird "Hisao fixes everyone and they are useless without them" fetish the fandom seems to have is the exact thing the creators don't want, because it's covertly ableist in of itself.
I... I cant tell if shes wearing those yoga shorts or stocking.
That's because it's not colored.
You act like Hisao being the one to take her out of her shell isn't just incidental. IMO, if it wasn't him it would be someone else.
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>Kirei will never preside over your wedding
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Hanako, and rather than tracing, just draw another and post both.
>she makes other friends
>goes traveling or whatever the fuck

so now there are a couple possibilities

she overcomes her insecurities with her own friends, since a romantic relationship isn't even remotely necessary to make someone feel accepted

she meets someone more competent than hisao what an accomplishment that would be, right? and gets better treatment than in her own route

all of the above - cool

none of the above - since she's already better in Lilly's route by the time this would happen, I don't see any reason at all for this to happen. She'd already be her own person, with no aura of white-knight-attraction to bring her down
I'm sure none of that made sense but that's my thoughts

Insisting that Hisao is "the chosen one" is a load of crock and you know it
I didn't say he was wrong, I just said that her stockings are too high in that image. You know, in my opinion. I never said the artist was wrong, but if he throws a fit because somebody thinks his drawing doesn't look right, that's his problem.
holy fuck I didn't even get the order of my statements right

I mean, I did the important ones, but not the closing ones

It's not even that late what the fuck
We all know Kenji is the chosen one.

Opinions don't always need to be followed by a statement highlighting that what they're saying is an opinion. It's easy enough to assume.

Getting mad over him saying the stockings are too high is like getting pissy because someone said their steak is too salty. It's a conflict of taste, not a conflict of right/wrong.

Goddamn. We had this same problem about a week ago.

That was a bad post, and I'm glad you feel bad.
Re>playing for the first time in like five months.
I don't remember Lilly being this great before.
care to say why, or is this just >lol u wrong I win XDDD

You both make me feel so, so much better that people understand it.

inb4 samefag

But yeah. Saying Hanako is DOOMED and she will NEVER SMILE because you picked _____ is more insulting to Hanako than it is whatever name you fill in there.

It just perpetuates the same bullcrap ableism that Hisao has through most of his route that leads you to the bad ending. If you genuinely love Hanako, you love Hanako. If you don't, you still give her the same space but support that you'd give any friend. And that doesn't doom her ability to be happy.

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I dont think that Hisao fixes all of the girls. Ok this is how i see it. So Hanako gets the only person that has ever been able to look at her for who she is and not for her scars stolen by her best friend. Really anything that we say about what happens after there routes is probably completely wrong cause we dont know what happens after it ends.
The person you were responding to said there was a "fixed" version, which implies the original was wrong. That it needed to be fixed.

If you don't know what you happened, don't bother involving yourself.

No, it was just a badly organized post. I like your ideas, but...
High school crushes breaking down may hurt at first, but when she's living comfortably with a man to call her own, even though it wasn't the one from high school, I don't think she'll care
Why? It's not like I was stating my opinion on the incident itself. That would be involving myself in something I know nothing about. But if you're gonna react to a situation where you think you were told you were wrong by getting mad, then that's just reacting badly.
fair enough
this is an anonymous imageboard though so it's not like i have a reputation to upkeep by staying all prim and proper
Yeah but sense Hanako and Lilly are best friends she would see him all the time. I dont know at this point im kinda just spewing shit everywhere.
this is what hanakofags actually believe

Right, and I agree with pretty much everything you said here.

The pic I was responding to at the beginning of this chain was about how Hanako will never smile and you deprived her of that by choosing Lilly.

But in a lot of ways, I feel like what Hisao gave her in that route was still very much therapeutic, just different. Even if she did like Hisao in that route, which is very possible, I don't think it was faked growth because we see her moving enough out of her comfort zone that it couldn't just be to appease her friends.

It's just a different way of looking at relationships in the end. When the argument by so much of the fandom becomes "this person is so much more sad this other way, how could you anon ;;" that isn't real love - it's a pity party.

Feeling compelled to be in a romantic relationship with someone for their sake is just as pitiable as the white knighting Hisao did, is all I'm saying.
Well, unless she moves away to Tokyo like she said she might. Then she would only see them sometimes.
I laughed. Reminded me of South Park
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I imaging Hisao as a different person on each route. Therefore, on every route sans Hanako, he isn't able to face her scars (at least, not as completely as her route itself) and isn't "stolen" by anyone.
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>It's not like I was stating my opinion on the incident itself.
Oh really? Then what's this:
>If the artist got mad because you sad that, that's his problem.

Also, you probably read "mad" and thought I came in here throwing a fit and raging, when all I said was I don't like people implying my version was wrong and needed to be fixed.

Or am I not allowed to respond to commentary on my art?

I responded to you in the first place because people last time were saying literally that stockings cannot go that high and I was dumbfounded.
Well, I know you got mad, as that's what the guy said. I'm not commenting on the incident, I'm commenting on you getting mad. Your reaction, or at least your reaction as portrayed by what that one guy said. I don't see where you get this idea that I told you not to respond to commentary on your art, do whatever you want. But that guy said you got mad. Obviously just saying that you don't like people implying your version was wrong isn't getting mad. What was I supposed to think, that guy just lied? You think somebody would do that... Just go on the internet, and tell lies?
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>You think somebody would do that... Just go on the internet, and tell lies?
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>people last time were saying literally that stockings cannot go that high

I only remember people saying that the stockings were too high. As in, she had them pulled up too far on her legs. Most people prefer grade A ZR, since S only looks good on certain girls, and in my opinion, Shizune isn't one of them.

But whatever, if you're one of those guys that prefers em all the way up, then good on ya. Just stop getting mad because someone worded their preferences wrong. You're better than that.
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Goodnight you wonderful band of bastards.

Tomorrow will be my last day here for a week. Hopefully it's not a shitty one.

Night, Vic.
>You're better than that.
where do you think we are?
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Goodnight, Vic.

>Grade S

I think you've got your scale wrong. S refers to grade-A with twintails/tsundere personality.
Am I to understand there is a formalized rating system for the space between stockings and skirt?
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Yes. We take this shit seriously around here.
Of course. How else would the manufacturers know how high to make the stockings?
Maybe it was like "nobody wears them that high" but that's still wrong. I'm not mad at anyone, but if someone worded their preference wrong in such a way that I thought they were implying my drawing wasn't correct, I will respond. I know now that he wasn't trying to say that, and I don't fault him or anything.

We should reject the prevalent internet belief that it's not ok to be upset about things a person said or otherwise you're mad and being mad is awful.
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Yeah, like that.
You wrong, because people is the most utterly vague in some matters like dont know streaming all the flow by yet understanding all the whole react body in some.
dude wat
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We ded.
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I think you may need some rest.
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Yes of course.
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Get back on steam faggot.
You know im talking about, it can be moved to and tits full wrist between the both of them is all. Let's not argue about this.

I was wrong, and I do not tired of this issue until it is too late in the morning.
Dude, all I'm can't is saying movement from wrist full tilt.
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Gonna try to go to bed now. Here's some of mai waifu.
See? It's not like you cant yet by the same altogether in this already.
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G'night, bro.
What do runfags put on their playlist? I could use some extra motivation.
I hate seeing stuff like this. I want to experience the most of the game why limit myself to one route?
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I use the work out mix RFM put together.

The last song of week one feels like it's mocking you
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You didn't re-post your request.
But that's okay, I'll get to it some other time.
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Guys, would any of you know what death from anemia is like? Just gradually more and more lethargic and then cardiac arrest or a gradual fade out or what?
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> she hasn't responded
Well there goes that little adventure to the edge of normalcy and back.

The Street Fighter II Turbo remix soundtrack

Anyone in here had a hernia? Going for some scans tomorrow 'cos the doctor thinks I've got one.

Apparently surgery for them is pretty easy though.
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I had one when I was three. Don't remember a thing due to the age. I recovered fast.
>Emi and Rin 25% waifu material
>Lilly is 6% waifu material
>Shizune is 75% waifu material
>Hanako is 100% waifu material
>Misha is the best waifu ever.
I don't know how to feel about this.
Internetting suggests death from heart or lung failure or fatal hypoxia in cases without treatment long-term (e.g. religious weirdos). Dunno about chronic conditions.
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>be Mishabro
I'm ok with this.

>Anonymous is 12% Waifu Material.
It's... just a s-silly online test, that's all...

I like you. Most of my playlist is fightan game themes, various remixes, and Devil May Cry songs.
That's oddly accurate apart from Misha and Shizune.
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Hello Stone.
> lung failure
That didn't make any sense. 4AM writing.
Pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thrombosis, acute chest syndrome.
Ah k, not worried about an operation because, as i said, it seems pretty simple and quick. Just don't want to hurt too much afterwards ;_;
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It's time.
>heart failure
Thanks Anon.
Do you have Out of Darkness?
You're two minutes late.

All of these have at sometime been in my running playlist, mileage may vary.
Oh, last one is mostly just sickle cell anemia.
Why Wolf?
My playlist just has my favorite songs.
I need them to distract me from the fact that I'm running.

I jog for an hour and a half straight so I am dying by the 45min mark. If I don't have music, all I can think about is how much running sucks
Forgot, the entire P4A OST, very, very good for running.

Haven't thought of adding it. My playlist is mostly faster pace songs. Might make a "distraction" style playlist that I could add that too.
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>Death cover of Painkiller

Damn Shizune and Lily arguments must be awkward as hell if they happened in real time. Wait a few seconds for your statement to be translated, then wait like 10 seconds for their response to be translated
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>That scene where you have to act as shizunes interpreter
Not really... The only translation is Shizune's signing, and apparently she signs fast when she's arguing. Misha instantly signs anything anybody says as they're saying it.
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Yeah, I imagine it makes things even more tense. Like there's just that slight bit more of a desire to start throwing fists and end things more quickly.
sure Lilly!

it uh...says shizune thinks...uhm

What is even happening over there? You haven't been posting much today.
KSG is ded
no u
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True evil never dies.
I hope he dies a horrible death in the most painful way possible.

KSG died shortly after coming to /vg/.

Hell one could argue that it died before that.
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We're not going anywhere.
How can you say that?
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And I thought we were in such a good mood tonight.
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So I started watching this documentary on youtube on recommendation from a guy on r9k


>tfw 50 shades of grey ( a poorly written, tasteless smut) is openly discussed and embraced by modern culture.
>tfw Katawa Shoujo (a mostly well written, character based feelfest) is confined to corners of the internet. Public discussion of such would lead to being a social outcast.
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What are you lot listening too?
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>tfw 20 years down the line, a KSG guy finally makes it big in a film studio, gets permission to make KS movie
>tfw it gets Kristen Stewart as lead actress, and quickly devolves into fetish fuel garbage

Search your hearts.
You know it to be true.
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I had the same thought the other day. God, it's sad.

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This BEGS the question.
Who would play Kenji?
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I prefer it this way I think.
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The black guy from Fast & Furious, of course.
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Good evening /ksg/. It's been a terribly hectic week at work. How has your week been?

>>tfw 50 shades of grey ( a poorly written, tasteless smut) is openly discussed and embraced by modern culture.
>openly discussed and embraced

jesus christ, how horrifying. What part of the country do you live in so I can avoid it
I was going to say the same thing...People that discuss/embrace 50SoG around here in England are mocked pretty badly.
Its everywhere apparently.

Its one of the fastest selling bookseries of all time

Well, there was a women around 50 reading it in a hospital waiting room the other day. I tried not to laugh.
In the UK it is.

At least
Bobby Lee for Kenji.

Lels ensue

Lost Odyssey was a pretty damn good game, and a great soundtrack to boot. I remember one disc being over in the blink of an eye and the others going on forever though.
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I got my haircut the other day and the ladies inside were talking about it.
Sad how a shitty twilight fanfiction sold so well.
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>Its one of the fastest selling bookseries of all time
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>Kristen Stewart
>I have no idea who that is
>That chick from Twilight
>Every result is an article claiming that her taking heat for her cheating scandal is sexism

I don't know what the worst part of this is.
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When I went to go visit my brother in Vancouver we saw three women of varying ages reading it on the bus.

It was weird
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>Its one of the fastest selling bookseries of all time
50SoG confirmed for next Bible.

I loved this shit out of that game...With the exception of the two younger characters. Not only were they awful but they shat on Kaim's character as well.
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>Fifty Shades of Shit
Pic related.
She's pretty cute though :3
For some reason I hang out on /tv/
They really couldn't stop talking about it.
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I want to stop masturbation forever. I want to be a celibate monk. If I can't have a pure waifu then I refuse to be part of any of this bullshit.
>and the lord did sayth "but when he hits my clitoris I cry out loudly..."
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hmm, I agree, at the very least it was interesting, and Kaim was a better jrpg protag than most, I think.
I enjoyed the ability-sharing or whatever it was called system.

and yeah, the soundtrack was beautiful.
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Well, at least they've moved on.
Last I saw of them, they were having a massive shitfight over whether Prometheus was any good or not.
this 50 shades of sex or whatever reminds me of Southpark.
don't you just love that face she makes?

all. the. time
In what way

All of her roles have that face.
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But who would be the Metatron?

Lets do it man

Mr.Garrison makes an erotic novel that overuses penis and women buy the shit out of it.
So just that episode.
Yaoi apparantly
like every "nerd girl" I've ever known was into that, it's
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They've decided it's bad.
I've seen lots of good shows and films from /tv/s suggestions though. Breaking Bad, GoT, Luther, Peep show also things like Synecdoche new york. Lost in Translation, Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind and funnily enough I first heard about 5cm/s from there.

It is 95% awful though

I was hoping they would do the whole immortal thing differently, by having the game take place over the span of centuries and having mortal teammates come, grow old, and go. That's what I was hoping for, but I still enjoyed the game.


Oh shit, that's exactly why I bought the game. Are you me?
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that actually would've been pretty awesome, the stories, I suppose were supposed to feel that role, and they were surprisingly good (some of them)..

I agree they could've done more with it, but I'd still argue it's one of the best jrpg's this gen, along with vesperia.
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Oh god why.
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I will only accept a live-action KS movie if it has the following cast:

Hisao = Keanu Reeves
Kenji = Daniel Radcliffe
Lilly = Cate Blanchett
Hanako = Ellen Page
Misha = Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim)
Shizune = ....

I dunno, someone help me out with the rest
Im starting to wear down the skin on my penis.
Does anything think they could give me a tip on how to get Katawa Dick?
I played the game and all, but there was nooo slow down on my fapping
You might only accept it with that, but the movie exec's will have a very different idea.
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>Decepticons in wheelchairs

Holy shit, I'm dying.
Thats not how katawa dick works

The game obviously failed to touch your inner feels, and because of that you are cursed to have your sex drive.
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>Hanako = Ellen Page

>not liking Ellen Page
Poster below me has to go find noyimadick and post it.


How could anybody?
Audio Book of the year all years.
Mutou - David Tennant
Jigoro - Hugh Jackman
Nomiya - Stanley Tucci
Ok seriously, how do you regain katawa dick? Do I scour the net for more depressing VNs? Do I start watching more anime?

I miss not having a sex drive.
>no shia labeuof
>the year two thousand and twelve, anno domini
>being Law-less sons of man
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505 KB
>Hugh Jackman as Jigoro
>David Tennant as Mutou

I thought the point was we picked people who'd be BAD for the role?
>Cate Blanchett
>Ellen Page
What the fuck sort of age group are we working with here?
take antidepressants, specifically SSRIs

absolutely ruins your dick
Welcome to american cinema
Where high school students range into there 40's
>Do I scour the net for more depressing VNs?

Guy from /vn/ here. I'm not sure whether it would help, but the only two VNs that I can think of that could inflict "Katawa Dick" would be Muv-Luv Alternative and Symphonic Rain. I would recommend you try them out.

If "Katawa Dick" wasn't caused by Katawa Shoujo then I doubt others will do it either. Since KS tends to be many potential VNers first the emotional impact is generally a lot more severe than others that are perhaps even more emotional.
>Sae - Meryl Streep
It's gonna be produced by Pixar.
>not Tom Cruise
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Kenji should be Nicholas Cage

Dat nigga is craazy
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>Lilly = Cate Blanchett
Entire cast is LotR.
fucking nicholas cage. FUCKING NICHOLAS CAGE!!!
>Kenji gets captured by the feminists
OH NO NOT THE FEMINISTS!! Not the FEMINITSTS! AHHHHHHH Ahgarbulagabah my eyes! my eyes! AHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHhhhurgh!

Instead of screaming about bees it would be feminism.
Is there any KS creepypasta?
Nicholas Cage Bee's mind
Completely relevant to thread.

>Gilbert Gottfried Reads Fifty Shades of Grey


It's so perfect.

Already posted bro. Funny shit.
Cannot sleep for shit ksg. What game should I play?
Oh lawdy
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Goodnight, KSG.
I love each and every one of you.
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd, Catherine,
or Katawa Shoujo

G'night, sweet dreams.jpg.

Lost odyssey or Nier.
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Spoiler Image, 176 KB
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne.
It's a bit casual, so you'll want to start on Hard.
Goodnight real Sweet Dreams.jpg
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68 KB

Saya no uta
>dat age gap
Ellen Page is way too flabby to be Hanako. Hanako needs someone with a skinny and delicate body to play her.
Nier's combat is shit and Lost Odyssey looks generic as hell.
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sleep well
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Good night, KS, please have a fun time!
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My ps2 is broken. My laptop can't run PS2 games at full speed.
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Goodnight bro
God no.
What do you have?
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PSP, Acer Extensa 4420 laptop, 360, gamecube.

I am looking for a pc game I can run though, or a movie.
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Feels have a nasty way of coming back.

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I dont take them entirely by choice, and certainly not for that reason, stone.
Hisao would have to be Jesse Eisenberg, he has to be an awkward retard who can't into social situations but likeable. Unlike Micheal Cera
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The Last Express
One of the best adventure games of all time, 34 endings, fantastic writing, and one of the few games to actually try to fully simulate real time. If you don't take chances and treat things seriously you can miss chances.

The entire game is made in rotoscope, though. Just so you know.

Hisao - Jeff Bridges
Kenji - John Goodman
Am i the only one who hated Hanako's regular sprite. It made it look like her faces was puffy where her burn scars were.

I lost my shit.

>Am i the only one who hated Hanako's regular sprite

>Are they Nazis?
>No, they're just feminists.
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1.32 MB
>Taking recommendations from Wolf.
"regular sprite" is kind of vague.
Her sprites are the worst.

Fuck it I'll just play some KS. I am at the beginning of act 2 of Emi's route.
Sounds good. I'll look into it.
I love it.
The one were she was in her school uniform looking of to the side a little. I don't know why but for some reason it just didn't look right to me.
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because a burn scar could never possibly be unsightly
oh wait.
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Alright, I'm off. Best wishes, KSG.
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Great. Now I want to live in NYC
Not true. I thought the ones with her nightgown were the best int the game

thats not what im talking about. it made her head look lopsided to me.
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1.13 MB
Well guys... Image dump worked.

The possibilities.
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Too sleepy, hittin da bed.
Keep it chill, KSG.
see you mate
ayt nigga see ya lata playa
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but how can you hate this?

I regret not posting that guy who stuffs condoms with shit now.

>Not Nine Inch Nails

Is dis nigga serious?
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Remember the times when these songs would have no real effects on us?

You'd listen to them, blissfully unaware that they'd be the same songs to would cut you in the future. It's like you speak their language now.

I loved that one. That was my favorite in the game. I am a Hanabro but for some reason looking at the one with her in her uniform looking slightly to her right made her head look weirdly shaped.
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1.11 MB
What about all those half-saved images? Or is that just the thumbnail?
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Which one, this one?
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You have half my uncommon reaction images.

Most of her sprites maker her look weird with the one eye and no nose. Compared to Rins or Shizunes they are bad.
Yeah, I was watching it as it was downloading so some of the thumbnails got cached while the downloads were unfinished. They're still fine when you look at the image, though, it's just the thumbnail.
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Thats because its a dump of this thread
That's how she is, dude.
And the nose isn't visible because lolanime
No. The one im talking about has her hand up.
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Oh, I thought you meant her sprites in general, my bad.

That is my favourite too.
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>First playthough
>Every time she smiled I smiled too

I miss that.
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if it bothers you, delete thumbs.db
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Well there's this one.
I disagree. But that one goddamn sprite is just weird.
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Her hand up to her face.

I'm stupid today.
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Ah, this one.
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I still get that sometime.
No the one were she is looking to the side a little with her hand up. Also sorry for making you keep looking for the sprites and stuff.
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I think he means this one
Is this it? >>12016923

I thought about that one, but you said looking to the side with her hand up to her face.
her head is pretty wierdly shaped, I see what he means by puffy
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Yeah. For whatever reason the shape of her head doesn't look right to me. The whole time that sprite was up i was just agitated if that is even the right word for it.
Having no visible eye on the left side kind of throws things off.
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I suppose, but she's still adorable.
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Oh god it is...

Well thanks guys. I will never play her route with seeing that ever again.

It's too full, is what I think. The part of her face with the scars on it is drawn with no perspective, like you're looking straight at her, but the rest of her face is drawn looking to the side.
>tfw you will never think of Wiosna as just that "nice little piano piece" ever again
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I know that feel all too well

I think I see what you're saying. The angle of her head doesn't match the body 100%. It's like if she was supposed to be facing forward then the face would be right.
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I loved that. Saved, thanks.

anybody have wolf's facebook?
O, but of course
Does anyone here even like Emi? I never see people talking about her.
nah dude
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>he deleted all his photos
I haven't head that in ages.
>tfw I had to learn the song in French for class and give a performance
Any idea where I can find it wolf? Download link or something would be nice.
Why would you ever like that slut?
confirmed for not having a facebook. you can find all your photos.
lolno are you trolling?
Nobody talks about her because nobody likes her.
>he changed his profile picture

Emi is the most inspirational and a wonderful girl. Probably the one that had the most positive influence on me.
He made them private and changed his profile picture or whatever.
Same shit.
>liking Emi
Oh wait you're serious, let me laugh even harder.
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You guys should be ashamed. No one deserves to have this done to them.


Confirmed for a dog.
>Changed his profile picture when we found out about him.
Beta as fuck.
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Loads of people like her. She has attained waifu status amongst many.
Her route isn't the most interesting though.
Dont start shit here
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Fuck him.
It's Wolf we're talking about.
Emi y r u wearing Lilly
You can get it off GoG.
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The fact that he just hasn't deactivated his account yet is astonishing.
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I haven't even opened KS since valentine's day, at least not with the intent to play, in the hopes that it'll be somewhat fresh next time I do decide to play through it. Sometimes I'll accidently hit it on my taskbar since it's next to the start menu..

wiosna still brings up some feels whenever I do this.
>Not pirating it.
>Buying a game that FUCKING WOLF recommended.
>Blindly trusting fucking wolf.


I find her interesting. Not waifu material though.
I uninstalled it.
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Gunna post mai waifu
How is it?
He's still posting with his shitty trip because of his shitty pride so expect him to keep it open for the same reason
Morning KSG.

I saw Ice cube yesterday. I don't really listen to Hip hop or rap, but damn. The way the crowd moved, the way they were raising their hands, it hypes you up. It was a damn good show.

What's up with you guys today?

Hanako has been my wallpaper since it came out. It feels wrong changing it to anything else.
KSG... KSG has changed...
Why? I've completed it and yet,I still haven't uninstalled it...
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>valentine's day
I guess.
Because I'm moving on.
It's just one or two dedicated stalkers/shitposters
Gog if you're nice and want to support a good developer, piratebay if not.
It's very well made so I highly suggest supporting the dev, though. Jordan Mechner is trying to test the waters a little and possibly try his hand with another game so any support would probably make a difference.
I haven't seen that picture. Is that unofficial art work or lillys route?
>No burns on her right hand

The memories and feels will always be there.
we can't escaoe the feel.
That is the most depressing picture....
Sure keep telling yourself that.
Explain all your problems and the hate by putting it on samefagging and trolling.
I don't understand, I'm sorry...
>Because I'm moving on.
Early day KSGs actually were friendly and welcoming like the pastebin FAQ says.
None of these massive hypocrites were around back then.

I miss the old days...

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Hey KSG, why are you guys so angry at this hour?
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Because Wolf has honored us with his unpleasant presence.
>GoG deserves money
>I've heard good things about it anyway

Fuck off.
>implying Wolf causes problems
Because our relationship has gone to such shit that she feels the need to ask before hugging me.
No, I just mean that anyone here who hates Wolf has legitimate reasons for that.
Don't try to downplay their opinions by calling them trolls and samefags.

Early day /ksg/ were my favorite threads in 4chan. it gets me depressed sometimes that they aren't the same anymore.
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How rude.

I'll never be able to hold her. I will never be able to touch her.

She wont love me, she wont speak to me.
If you're having pest problems I feel bad for you son.

I got 99 problems but a Wolf ain't one.
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1.33 MB

me too bro, pic related.


Nah, somebody just edited the Lilly one some time ago, not sure who.
>legitimate reasons
Such as?
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352 KB
I've already figured out what i'm doing valentines 2013...

Doctors appointment
Let that pest crawl in your skin and even eat your face out and say nothing about it, man.
But dad, wolf ate my sheep...
>None of these massive hypocrites were around back then.
wolf was
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Do you really believe that? That someone deserves to have their personal information handed out across the internet, and have their faces photoshopped onto memes?

Look at you. This makes you happy? How do you feel when you are doing this? Does it feel like you, or something you don't want to be? Let it go.

so why are you a dog?
Dammit now im sad
Well from the Wikipedia page it seemed the company went out of business, more than once actually. So I wasn't sure if any of the actual developers would be making money off a sale anymore. Though think I'll just buy it anyway, I like actually owning things.
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That is my most dominant feel. That keeps me up at night more than anything else.
Wolf came around april or may and he was already obnoxious. We tried to ignore him but he kept getting even more annoying as time keeps on flowing.
I don't see the point you're trying to make.
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87 KB

this is why I tend to avoid Hanako fanfiction
>april or may
Wolf left. He was around for the /v/ days and had his spaghetti niagra then,
Yeah, the early threads were indeed on a whole different level.
But there's no need to get depressed really, just accept that everything dies some day.
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Hey man nothing wrong with Wolf. It's you guys shitting up the thread when he comes round that ruins this place.
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Awesome. Another one to add to the slideshow!
The only dose of Hanako fanfiction you need is with your tulpa.
Don't read flufllands or YFAs stuff.
Butterfly is telling you that you guys are bad.
You should take a moment and think about that.
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Feeding them only perpetuates the discussion.
If you don't agree with what they say, don't respond to them at all.
Leave them to their circlejerk.
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I'm told they still do but I can never be sure. Still, that's kind of you to do that. I hope you enjoy it, man. It's my favorite game and written quite well. It takes place on the orient express just before WW1 and the writing reflects the time period well.
Pretentious as fuck. Talks about stuff he knows nothing about and even tries to argue that he's right when he's even aware that he knows jack shit about the subject at hand.
Responds to fucking trolls like 20 times till he shits up and derails the thread considerably (used to but it's still on his crime list).
Played only Shitzune's route (the worst one) and acts like he knows something about the game and tries to educate us with his retarded opinions. (Seriously I cringed so hard when he was talking about Hanako's personality when he never played the route AND THE WORST PART is that he was defending his shitty opinion and was believing that he was right, absolutely disgraceful).
The list could go on but I'll stop here.
He deserves fuck him. Every time he posts in these threads my blood boils
Oh and he never apologizes for his mistakes, I forgot about that.
Do you people feel like you're the only one in your city who feels?
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I use this because all the white space gave me room to do fun stuff with rainmeter.
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wolf's a pretty cool guy

Talked to him on omegle, he was a reasonable man.

Just another man with his own opinions and his own feels.
Holy shit, you'd get mad at a little kid insulting you, wouldn't you?

Getting THIS fucking mad over something like this can't be normal. Please see a doctor before you harm someone.
The Irony is so hard with this one.
Nah, I use to have a good bro. We understood each other, had a similar outlook on life, had it shit on us in similar ways. Only bro I've ever had where I could share feels openly.
Fuck I should see if I can get in contact with him.
>(Seriously I cringed so hard when he was talking about Hanako's personality when he never played the route AND THE WORST PART is that he was defending his shitty opinion and was believing that he was right, absolutely disgraceful).
but he did play the route
he just never finished it and you don't know how far he got
stop shitposting
On omegle? What? How did you know it was him?
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1.26 MB

more Hanako please

I feel like I'm on a completely different level than everyone I work with and see everyday. Everybody just wants to drink, smoke and fuck everyday and my soul burns with a desire for endless self improvement.

I put my preferences to "Katawa shoujo" Told him i broke 60 push ups that day.

He posted something along the lines of "If you're not going to brag, I'm bragging for you 60 push ups bro!" Or something like that on KSG.
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I hope you wake up from whatever has taken over you, and realize how pointless hate is.

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Oh yeah.
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I'm using this atm. Has everything I look for in a wallpaper. Neat and features Hanako.
>Played only Shitzune's route
see that's a bullshit argument. Plenty of people only play one route.
It's called Feels.
Fuck you for hating on someone for their girl of choice.
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I'm still very impressed by your work. I have no idea why we suddenly disconnected back then.
Try to ignore this shit topic going on right now and discuss more interesting things. You can have more fun with your time and spending it in this fit anons are having.
Shut the fuck up, If you saw that post you would have agreed with me. Guy didn't know what he was talking about and was making a complete ass out of himself.
Fuck you, I don't take shit from anybody.
Being calm and forgiving has ruined my life. Never I'll make the same mistake again. Of course if it was in real life, I would have already punched him in the face so hard his skeleton would have left his flesh.
I'm not one of the usual shitposters but at least there's a necessity to call him a faggot at least once. This is definitely not tolerable.
Fuck him.
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This is KSG.
Everything is circlejerk.
The waifu circlejerk, the runbro circlejerk, the tripfag circlejerk, the anti-tripfag circlejerk...
Correct me if i'm wrong.
I'm just advising this guy to stay out of meddling with circlejerks he doesn't belong to.
It'd save him a lot of grief.
Guys. everybody calm down.

Remember that we are all alone here.

Sure, a lot of people play only one route. But it takes a real asshole to talk about the other girls personalities when they haven't even played their route.
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13 KB
Goodnight KSG
>I Still haven't made my background Hanako because i live in a house with 3 other people.
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I use this in a slideshow with the one I posted earlier with her at a cafe for good background synergy. I have a bunch more but god damn it's late and I'm tired as hell right now.
You haven't seen his obnoxious updates have you?
It's called being a lazy fatass fuckatard, he even admitted it.
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25 KB

Good night, square sideways man.
Actually, a usual shitposter is exactly what you are. No trip, just another sad shitposter hiding behind the facade of anonymity.
And you wouldn't even lift a finger if you had the chance in real life, coward.
you mad about that hanako cooking contest arguement? I actually remember that
>mad weeks later because people didn't fit a character's personality right in a fanfiction idea post
platinum mad
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Personal favourite.
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1.23 MB

Man, that was one of my biggest worries at first. One of my roommates saw my background once and asked me "Is that your waifu?" in a somewhat mocking tone.

My response was pretty much like Mr. House from New vegas when asked about snowglobes.

Sorry about that wolf.
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160 KB

Thanks Anon.

And this is how you can tell someone doesn't actually have an argument.
I never did that option. Please explain
Because it's impossible in your perfect little world that someone else is able to hate Wolf, right?
Go fuck yourself, prick. Quit being a smartass.
that's reasonable, pretty late here as well

ah, Hanako wallpaper's I don't have, thanks for posting.
It's all cool. I was worried it was a connection issue.
How is your push ups schedule now?
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Thank you for sharing all of the music. I liked it all so far, but I have to head out now.

I'll leave you with this one, I find it to be very special:
How does that not make you a shitposter?
Fucking idiot.
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Time to save the thread with Hana-dump
I'm not even a Hanabro
you hadn't answered my question
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I like it.
Take care of yourself, mate.

He says something along of lines "What of it? I find them soothing" in a slightly embarrassed way. I like that dialogue choice because it's the only time you see him respond like that.
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87 KB

I've been so damn busy the last few weeks.
I doubt i can do 60 now. Maybe 55 or something along those lines.
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215 KB
Not close enough.

We need KS creepi pasta. Like, I dont know, some dude download the game and it was all corrupted and you cant finish any route if you ignore Kenji.

>Can do like 100 push ups
>Can't do more than 1 pull up

God damn...I need to go to the gym tomorrow. Maybe it's my form?
I love how sometimes there are just lines that make you stop and think. Lines that really hit you.
>One eye
He said he's not one of the usual shitposters, not that he wasn't a shitposter.
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9 KB
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124 KB
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215 KB
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606 KB
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129 KB
This is more Hanako pics i have ever seen you post.
Does anyone have the original image of this, without the wallpaper? Thanks!
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90 KB

I feel like I betrayed you guys, I'm up from 26 pushups to 38-40. I didn't do it regularly, but its progress, and for that I'm happy.
Oh boy, another needless image dump.
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391 KB
I just noticed she has a star tattoo right above her ass...

I mean, it's not necessarily a tramp stamp, but I don't think she'd ever do that.
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48 KB
>tfw I wasn't here for that
>tfw I feel really left out now


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I suppose

I'm usually anon though, to be fair

and I do post Hanako

she is my beloved waifu, after all
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Ah damn. I understand that though. I just started C25K and today got news that will cover my whole week and give me hardly any free time. Try not to drop the push up program altogether.

You're kicking my ass already in terms of push ups already but I know you can do better and I'm sure you know you can do better too. I hope you get sorted out that stuff keeping you busy.

Did you do that 60 just once a day or did you do sets like two sets of 60 or whatever?
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44 KB
>not posting Hanako
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I said I wouldn't post anymore for the night but whatever, here is some random Hanako from my GIANT UNORGANIZED PICTURE FOLDER.
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233 KB

My little sister asked me:
>why do you play as girls games always?
It was akward, but then i touched her little and soft ass and was exciting
Pic related
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143 KB
Man, those are tiny breasts.
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The lack of eyebrow on that one disturbs me.
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58 KB
This doesn't get posted enough.
File: 1345286380651.jpg-(38 KB, 485x568, Hanako ter.jpg)
38 KB
IS that one of your drawings? IF yes and you still have it please for the love of god get that scanned
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46 KB
All is forgiven.

Hooly shit... who is responsible for this?
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224 KB
>dat tattto
>dat mini lilly and hisao
>dat everything
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714 KB
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She's giving off a 'slender' vibe, really creepy.
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35 KB
So you were lying before when you said you were running?
No need to reply to me. You disgust me.
You'll pull some bullshit excuse like that you used to run before starting the program (which is clearly a lie)
Is it too hard for you to admit your lies and mistakes?
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847 KB
Another background.

>It was akward, but then i touched her little and soft ass and was exciting

I laughed.


I will colour this for you, if you can get me a proper scan. Also, please buy a tablet.
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81 KB
>Both have one eye
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1.54 MB
She's the slenderwoman.
not as cute
I've tried C25K twice now and got busy and ended up stopping. I need to find some motivation.

It isn't, apparently done by somebody who goes by 'flower child', probably on deviant art or some such place
Well shit.

We reached the limit.
250 image reply cap?
>Hanako stalking me in the woods then dragging my of to a rape chamber.
anybody got a new thread?

wat. The image limit was supposed to be 500ish though.
fukken moot

>raping the willing

What are you a woman?

>hurr durr men can't be raped. im a virgin, i should know
It is a rape chamber. Doesn't mean rape happens there.
No, I ran casually. Well before January, actually. I never kept a schedule with it and it was always a chore. Starting C25K is a chance to condition my body better for running and get in shape better.
Holy shit! Drown the shitposters in Hanako!
I haven't seen an image limit reached in a long time.
Well done.
Well, I'll get the new thread then.

Not really what I was going for but whatever.

Wait i thought the imagecap was 500.

Didn't you read that feels story by the guy who lost his virginity to rape on KSG?

Men can be raped, yo.
Good luck bro
This thread is still being bumped, regardless of image limit too.

>Not 800

This is insufficient for KSG.
Yeah but what's a thread with images?
Since when is image limit 250? Fucking sucks.

Sure but if Hanako tried that...It pretty much becomes consensual on sight.
is there a screenshot of that?
i'd like to read
somebody wrote a thing once about him having a crush on Misha
was it in a pastebin...? can't remember

It was either Vaer or Phantomlight who wrote that, yeah.
I think that's a Pulp Fiction reference

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