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File: 1375154137671.png-(61 KB, 625x348, Screen shot 2013-07-29 at 9.11.26 PM.png)
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Yeah, thats the reason why people don't like Operation Raccoon City.

>>202459635 (OP)
They're the same people that didn't like DmC because Dante's hair wasn't white.
I played on my own and the AI was fucking terrible. They kept throwing grenades and running into them,
>>202459635 (OP)

Casuals are stupid, what else is new?
Raccoon City has so much potential, what the fuck happen? I remember watching the trailers and being stoked as fuck, but when I got the game it was pure shit. (also too dark to see anything, even with my TV on full brightness)

Most things have potential before the Japanese branch of EA really digs into it.
The 'good guy' group wasn't even in the fucking game, honestly whoever directed this trailer should have been in charge of all the Resident Evil movies.

Blame rests solely on the CEOs and other Businessmen who never played a video game in their lives. Remember when everyone at a gaming company had a hand in making the game and there were no bigwig asshole ruining everything......
The game was generally more enjoyable when you were playing with at least one other person, because then you weren't completely tied down by the retarded AI.

They were in the base game only for the multiplayer. The actual campaign for them was DLC.
File: 1375154611268.png-(79 KB, 718x344, Screen shot 2013-07-29 at(...).png)
79 KB
Nice, the first /v/ response.

I didn't keep the game long enough to wait for the DLC, actually I didn't even finish it....I stopped playing after the shootout with Nicholai. Watched the rest on Youtube.
Yeah you didn't understand a single thing I said.
also game extra short.
DLC to win rocket launcher
in the beginning *updated now* enemies hit you behind cover which was pretty BIG
couldn't dive to cover *updated now*
Super Soldier select too powerful
I kept it and still have it because of who I was playing it with. It's also why I bought the DLC.

I still think it was a fun game, but yeah, it was a pretty terrible game overall.

Since when did EA stop having there corporate division (CEOs etc..) make all the final call and adjustments on all games.

Its not the janitors that want to capture the COD and Gears audiences.
I remember seeing the trailer and thinking "this might be a pretty alright gam.... Fuck Slant Six is making it. Doomed to fail".
Then gameplay footage surfaced and it only confirmed my suspicions.

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