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Worst plot you've ever encountered while playing a game?
Bioshock Infinite.

>I have the ability to bend time and space
Then why don't you fucking teleport us to Paris you dumb bitch?
xenoblade chronicles
>you are the god but not really the god wants you to die because food also computer simulation.
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>>187020616 (OP)

I'm honestly not trolling, but I can't think of a better example of when I came across the human reaper in Mass Effect 2. That really blew my mind how fucking shitty that thing was. Pic really fucking related.
>b-but muh erasing timelines worth of people.
Who cares? Infinite timelines.

>Oh no you need to collect these McGuffins to repair the world also TWIST ENDING

Haven't seen that one before, no sirree

Syphon, duh.
FFVIII, no question.
Spec Ops.
Except she opens a portal to future the first time you encounter her. Eat a dick nigga.
The story of RE6 was pretty retarded.
>mass murder is fine because there's a lot of people


She opens a tiny tear for a short moment.

are you implying otherwise?
>all these modern western games
>no JRPGs

You guys have no idea what constitutes a good story, do you?
>complaining about murder in a game where you brutally execute hundreds of people with a hooksaw and the protagonist took trophies off injun children he murdered
Mass murder would be fine if there was an infinite number of people, though.
Ultima IX
Long enough for anyone to have been able to go through. Go to bed Levine.
For a moment I wanted to punch you because I thought you hated Contra:HC plot.
Not a lot. INFINITE.
As in, you can kill however fucking many you want and there will still be infinite.
>People listing games they don't like or plot holes
That doesn't make a bad storry

Anyway, FFXIII
It wouldn't because every person is unique.
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No you already lost the argument you stupid twat. The fact she did it once means she can do it again, thus SHE CAN OPEN PORTALS TO THE FUTURE! fuck you're such a retard.

Tears work by bringing something from another world into this one, not "opening a portal"

Go to bed, ignoramus.

Yeah totally, she explained in detail that she can do it any time she wants, it's not like she was straining to open that one or anything.

>youve lost the argument because i arbitrarily say so
Bioshock Infinite

>go rescue this girl who can create timespace portals at will
Persona 3
>We all so depressed and suffer so mu... hey let's go the beach
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>you can't dislike a game because of a stupid plot
>you can't dislike a game because of plot holes
Western games have shit plots, why so butthurt?

So she brought a whole city from the 80's into her room in the tower?
>all these people listing AAA games because they didn't like them
You guys don't even know what a shitty plot is.
My choice is Rebelstar: Tactical Command.
Condemned 2

>We're halfway through the game and we've run out of horror game ideas!
>wake up on an island
>punch trees
>kill a dragon in another dimension

And that's everyting.
No, that's untrue. Stop making shit up to save face.
Not guaranteed.
With infinite number and universal distribution of traits, you'd have infinite number of same people too.
No matter how you distribute traits, there would be at least one person with an infinite number of duplicates.
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ME2 was fucking atrocious. It made zero sense and was the turning point for the absolute abortion that was Mass Effect 3.


I've never raged so hard in my life.
>Exhibition A in the State vs Guy Who Pretends He Played A Game But Obviously DIdn't
>western audiences don't know good stories
>western devs can't write good stories

See what I'm getting at here?
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>>187020616 (OP)
>good plot
>video games
Fucking this.

Giant Space Terminator for no reason
Fueled by humans for no reason (especially since they could've just used those Collectors for it, since they could really fucking control them. Just make them fuck like bunnies and use them as fuel)
Golden Sun Dark Dawn.

"Oh, we're on a quest oh some mysterious people oh look an adventure to turn on a giant machine oh yay more detours oh hey furries now we're fighting monsters because the badguys did...something oh yay we're on the ocean now we're in china on the great wall look a big temple oh hey, exposition! Killed the final boss we saved the world! Oh wait, no we didn't we completely forgot about the main plot half a world ago so now we're...going...home?"

What the fuck

Typically, western games will have a simple, streamlined plot. They'll have defined themes, and will be fairly easy to summarise. Not amazing, but certainly serviceable.
Most JRPG plots, on the other hand, employ the "throw lots of shit and see what sticks" approach, becoming 2deep4u meaningless garbage. Kind of irredeemable.
Why is it ok to kill that person's duplicates?
>When tapping into these Tears, she is able to transport something from there to the current world

Well, no obviously you can, but a lot of the games in this thread actually aren't bad plots.
Even ME 2 had better plot than ME3. Reapers putting organics into reapers for self-preservation is much better than "saving them from machines", because it's actually something reasonable aliens would do.
Skeletor in not though.
That you're a weeabo
It's like you didn't even play the game.

Surely someone wouldn't be so crazy as to judge a game without actually playing it, right?
Calling out a JRPG for having a shit plot is like getting mad that an FPS has violence.
For the same reason it's "ok" to kill animals if you're hungry or expect to be in the future.
Can't say these are the worse, because if i don't like a game then i just usually forget about it, but Yakuza 3 and 4 really annoyed me on that department.
I loved the games, and i have almost 100 hours on Y4. Guess this is why i was so critical of the plot, as i really care about these games.
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Oh boy, Vriska morality debate!
No, because even duplicates are different. If there is infinite number of universe, but ever universe is created by decisions it means that there is an infinite number of different people.

>for no reason
>entire game epxlains that's how they creat the reapers that are hybrids between machines and organics
>omg is dumb because is not super seriours

Mass Effect was like Star Trek, it wasn't meant to be taken super seriously you 90's kiddies without imagination

man the first one was fucking good

did they ruin it?
Too bad ME3 tried to make you take it super-seriously.

Wow. What a way to dispute the argument. Bravo.
Then how was she able to open tears to different dimensions, like the one where Booker died fighting with Vox?
Did she bring the whole universe into the prison cell?

>Something is shit

Fuck off, ME takes itself so fucking seriously it's unbearable.
Except it was meant to be taken seriously, but whatever floats your boat
He means that you can't take wiki over what's actually happening in the game itself.
>Crinsom Gem Saga
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
>Borderlands 2

Not the ABSOLUTE WORST, but some of the most boring/crazy shit I came across.

The aliens and overall aesthetics were meant to be a homage to Star Trek, which is something they forgot after the first game (and after Mac left)

They even fucked up the Paragon/Renegade system
Taking bets on how many people are going to complain about Kingdom Hearts, even though they've only played two games in the series at most.
But an infinite number of people whose only difference is the universe they're in.
If you don't murder them in this one, you will in another.
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>set precedent and lore for series with first game
>totally ret-con and bastardise the first games lore for the CoD/Gears of War audience
>fans of first game can't be pissed off at changing the lead writer mid-series and having him fuck it

Yeah, no, go and fuck yourself.

Icarus in Mirrors Edge. Should've resolved waaaay sooner so I can spend more time running away from parkour cops.

>somethins is shit because I don't like it



>what's Star Trek?
>omg I don't know I only watched the JJ movie xD

That's you people, you don't even understand that something like Star Trek and ME had serious and campy things at the same time
Why'd you have to mention it
That's why I hate unlimited universe theory.

I understand the story, but bitching about people not understanding it when in order to understand it requires buying 3 other platforms is retarded

No, something is shit because it comes across as being written by a child.
Why wouldn't it be valid to criticize a game without having played every single game in the series? That's stupid.
Star Trek never pretended to be super-serious life changing experience like ME did fag.

>retconing ME1

Maybe only arrival did that

>inb4 thermal clips

It's not a retcon, is a change. shitty one but not a retcon, learn what a retcon is faggot
The series has been around for over a decade, you can't expect all the games to be in one place, can you?
>Did she bring the whole universe into the prison cell?

Yes. She brought that universe into their reality and lived through it. Did you even pay attention to what the game was telling you? I can understand if you weren't, it was kinda boring.

>waahh a boss can't look like a giant human skeleton because it's a terminator then! this is bad writing because I say so even if I never took a class to learn Literary criticism


I think you need to learn what a retcon is, you fucking faggot. What Bioware did to Thermal Clips (and that's just ONE example) is the exact text book definition of a retcon.

Eat a thousand cocks. Choke on them and die. Get fucking cancer, you piece of shit. Fucking 10/10. Raging like fuck.

Except the wiki references whats going on in the game as its source for the info. Are you one of those people who says not to trust Wikipedia as it can be edited by anyone?
I prefer to talk about plotholes or stupid plotpoints over bad overall plots. Sometimes a game can have a really interesting plot going on, cool characters, but then there's this one (maybe more) plothole, twist or whatever that just punches you in the face and you can't look away.
Like the Pal card from MGS. My favorite MG, love it to death, but "we were only pretending to want to kill" was so fucking stupid.

>I only watched the movies or maybe TOS xD
>what's TNG, what's DSN etc.

So she brought a whole other reality into her reality? What the fuck happened to the original reality? Semi-merged? Why was this only really displayed in the dead people?
It's fine when the stories work as standalones and that other games just complement each other.
But when each game purposely leaves plot holes to be answered in another game, then of course you can't complain about the story without fully seeing it.
Though criticizing other aspects of the game would be legit.

By the way, I haven't even played a Kingdom Hearts, so sorry if it falls in the first category.

except is not a retcon, it's a world evolving.

>you can't criticize a shit meal because YOU'RE not a chef!

Get raped by an ape.

No, but I should expect the devs to include some form of summary to bring people up to speed

>Implying I was just talking about the terminator boss
>Implying you need to take a class in something to be critical of it
>Implying you need to be a professional in a field of any sort to identify poor quality

You're a faggot.
>hurr durr he has different opinion he never watched it

Pickard becoming a borg for a moment was't deep, no matter what your teenage self thought.
You just realise how incredibly shit /v/ has became if 70% of suggestions in a thread are obvious shitposts. This is really kinda sad. I know /v/ is dumb as fuck - and aways has been - particulary when it comes to anything regarding narrative, story or anything that requires some degree of aquired taste, like music or art direction.

But when somebody asks for worst plot and literally 70% of the posts is "let's pick up this game that is popular for story and say it's shit for giggles" you know there is something seriously wrong going on in here.
And rest is "point out a plot hole in a game that I don't like".
Mass Effect 2, Bioshock Infinite or FF8 are not good stories. But don't try to convince me that you did not come across worse plots.
There are games like Call of Duty: BLOPS. There are games like Crysis 2. Or Two Worlds.
It was pushed out. To the side, whatever you want to call it.

>World evolving
>Implying going from guns that don't need to be manually reloaded to guns that do is evolving

You can say you didn't like it, if you want to start teaching other people how they should write than you need to know what the fuck you are talking about.

It's standard logic kid, that's why we have experts and not no names like you teaching things
There's an universe where you love it.
That is not what that Anon implied, Anon.
KH3D actually has something like this, and if it's that important to get caught up there are a number of decent story summaries online.

I want to call it a portal, but then we're back to the first post.
Eat a dick
Bloops 2. Usually I only play cod for the single player. This time with bloops 2 I did not even pirated it but a friend told me to do it. Holy fucking shit, I couldn't finish it, so fucking bad
there's a universe where he loves it, and also routinely drinks milkshakes through his anus
>implying that going from guns that need to be heated-down after firing for 2 seconds to anything is not

The real plothole is why would anyone use shitty ME1 weapons.
6/10 I actually can't tell if you're stupid or trolling.
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I've done a complete circle with my emotions with you. At first I wanted to reach through my monitor and strange you to death, but now I'm just disheartened to the point where I'm going to close the thread. I'm leaving now but know this, faggot, no matter how many times you tell yourself Bioware didn't retcon and bastardise the Mass Effect universe in to mediocrity, you're wrong.

They did. It's fucked forever and you, you horrendous faggot, condone it. Even if you're trolling I hope something you thoroughly enjoy is pissed on and set alight in front of you so you know the bitter disappointment that was Mass Effect 2 and 3.
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>>187020616 (OP)
rip george ;_;7
Resident Evil 4's was comically bad. It went beyond the cheese of the previous Resident Evils to full retard territory.
Holy shit, how much of a sociopath do you even have to be?
>Mass Effect 2, Bioshock Infinite or FF8 are not good stories. But don't try to convince me that you did not come across worse plots.
Most people probably did, but don't remember them.
>There are games like Call of Duty: BLOPS. There are games like Crysis 2. Or Two Worlds.
Not all of /v/ plays shit just to see how shitty it is.
If I had to choose a game with the shittiest plot in this very moment, I'd probably say Bioshock: Infinite too, simply because I can't remember anything worse that I've finished.

Did you seriously go through ME1 using shitty guns and not leveling up your weapon skills?
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Y'all niggas don't even come close to my level.

NOTHING can beat the horror of this game.


This is the amazon description of the game:
Play as Steve Earl and get Yahoo County back to normal
There's zombies to kill, goats to save, and 12 weapons to choose from
Navigate through the trailer park, swamp boat tour, fishing camp, and more
Drive 4-wheelers, pick trucks, air boats, and semi-trucks


This game makes big rigs look like a masterpiece
>having the EQ of an ape
...The EverQuest of an ape?

>they did it because I say so
>now I am taking my toys and going home! fuck you!

Good job, really.
Nice way to way a civilized discussion

ME2 had its ups and downs. Plot wise it was bad, but character development it was insanely better than the first game.

I wont even touch ME3.

>having the EQ


You can't excuse something just because it's expected to be shit.
Even after maxing them out it's left effective than just changing clip.

>discussing something with someone who can't be reasoned with

First time on /v/? Welcome.
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Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded
>mfw the secret ending was the only important thing in the whole fucking game

Difference is games like CoD and Crysis aren't story driven. They're games about shooting dudes primarily and the story is just in the background giving some flimsy context.

Bioshock Infinite wears its story on its sleeve to the extent where its actual game component suffers so much because of it.
Not that much. I couldn't kill an innocent myself, but enough logic, philosophy, science, SCIENCE and real life and you'd start asking yourself "What is a man?" too.
I don't even remember what it was lol.
It's like I'm really talking to teenagers
Chrono Cross

Lots of bullshit being exposited at you every two or so dungeons. Porre rolling around with high tech murder bots conquering nations. The original three being killed. Robo being killed. "Humans are bad" bullshit. Kid being teleported to modern Japan.

I understood the game. I get that humans were evolved by Lavos and that FATE was a means to control, but that does not excuse a lot of the stupid bullshit that went on.
not everyone can be a social "science" major, pal

how can be humans be evolved by Lavos if there were already humans before it crashed on the planet?
EQ isn't exactly a common acronym and most of us probably assumed you just meant to type IQ.
I'm an engineer, I never had a single class related to anything social.
Perhaps it's a USA thing
But IQ doesn't have anything to do with the post I answered to.
He basically said he fell easily to his emotions, even a savant can do that.
Though I guess people have misconceptions
>heart failure
He died of old age, George had tough life.
Good night sweet prince. ;_;7

>Common acronym
>Implying most of everybody wouldn't just assume Equalizer or some shit
>Seriously expecting anyone on /v/ to have a concept of what you're referring to

You're grossly overestimating your target audience to the point of being detached from reality.
I broke my disc at the end of ME3
Well its not as if random insults to someone's intelligence are rare on the internet.
It's my favorite game but I have to agree with you there. The whole thing is pretty hilarious and Leon's terribly bad one liners don't help much.
Their evolution was influenced by Lavos. He "corrupted" them in such a manner that he could have better materials to harvest from them.
Engineering student here, you have a chance to take a social elective if you want to, but I just fill it with more science.
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FF8 has got to be the absolute worst to me.

A sorceress that is possessed by another sorceress that wanted to destroy the world with no real reason given.
Also, monsters apparently come from the moon and they jump off to your planet.
Not only was the plot bad, but it had the worst main romance I've ever seen. They did a total ass-pull by giving the entire party amnesia when they all came from the same orphanage EXCEPT one person who didn't even say anything about it until they all discovered they did indeed have amnesia. I seriously couldn't believe what I was reading while playing this game.

I don't see how that game could possibly be worse than that.
The Mass Effect Trilogy

Every game is a standalone story and the sequels completely ignore what happened before even if its events that should strongly influence the universe/war.

Also the ending was one of the biggest asspulls i have ever seen. Completely out of place especially when there are events in the story that completely disprove the premise.
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You know, I thought the word "Biodrone" was a little unfair. Then I looked at the Bioware forums.

How can people be so fucking dense?
Definitely DmC. While DMC was never a bastion of good storytelling, the characters were mostly tolerable and there were plenty of entertaining parts. There were even some emotional moments.

DmC's story is just abysmal from beginning to end. It's pure wish fulfillment by Tameem, you play a Gary Stu who destroys Cola Cola, Fox News, and the big banks. As story independent of DMC it's complete trash. I really can't think of any other video game with a shittier plot.
Kid Icarus Uprising but more because it was convoluted. They couldn't keep to one plot-line and kept bringing in new ones to stack onto it that interrupts the other plot-line.

Sudden alien invasion is where I drew the fucking line.
>How can people be so fucking dense?
It's in their water.
Dissolves from a sunken ship.
The worst thing about the whole "we grew up together but then we forgot" plot twist is not only was it completely stupid, but it had no actual relevance to the plot in any way. Removing it entirely would change nothing about the plot.
> science

A human being with a penis. It's a pretty well known definition, Mr Tu Deep
all except the first point can be explained with one theory

>hurr durr he doesn't hate and gives different opinions


Global zombie outbreak because Ada wouldn't let Simmons plow her.

I mean, really?

I would have been fine with FFVIII's retarded plot if the characters were decent, but they were all shit. Even Quistis becomes a retard pretty quickly.
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It was interacting with a bunch of nervous fagpeople who are afraid of ghosts and then you kill your wife and child.

Oh but it has a cantankerous tumblr hosbando in it so that's why everyone likes it.
Seriously, they all range from boring (Swall, Quistis) to completely fucking annoying (Zell, Selphie).

The only half-way decent character is Laguna, which is even worse because every time you get to play as him you're reminded that the actual main characters aren't as interesting at this guy.

>defends Bioware game knowing full-well it's absolute shit
>not a drone

I bet you thought the new homoshit in the SWTOR x-pac was 10/10 genre defining material too.

Anything that was released after I stopped going to middle school (yesterday).
I just finished DmC (like, 2 hours ago) and I have to say that while it is quite bad, it is also simple and seemed relatively consistent to me.
Characters don't act contrary to their nature a lot (only Donte switches from "bad boy" to "messiah"), no obvious plot holes, doesn't create (meta)physical rules just to violate them.

There's not much good in it, but it doesn't suck.
Bioshock: Infinite had some good stuff, but a fuckton of shit on top. Only a person who hates Tameem for ruining the series can say DmC has worse plot than B:I.
Mass Effect was good.

It's ME2 and ME3 that are incredibly horrible

I never even played SWTOR, keep accusing people without any real argument.

>he doesn't fit in the hivemind! biodrone!

I explained my point clearly and the only thing I got back were insults, greentext and "OMG I AM SO MAD I AM GOING AWAY!". you people can't even defend your opinions because you don't have them but are just parroting what other people says
FF13 is the FF8 of its time only worse because not only is it shit characters and story but it's the only thing the game relies on. At least with FF8, you could explore and find new shit to do and could at least control all of the characters.
Something that probably won't surprise you: VIII & XIII were made by the same team.

You didn't even have a point. You just stated it wasn't shit because you didn't think it was shit, to which about 10 people said you were a faggot in the most appropriate way /v/ can (shitposting).

What the fuck did you expect?
Tomb Raider

insert neagtive adjectiv here

god, if they just made everyone shut up, gave lara big tits and two guns to go akimbo it would have been at least good
>Characters don't act contrary to their nature a lot (only Donte switches from "bad boy" to "messiah"), no obvious plot holes, doesn't create (meta)physical rules just to violate them.

That's because it is a blatant copy+paste from the hundreds of 2edgy4u stories that came before it.
That too. Not only was the party a bunch of idiots, but they didn't seem to have anything that really stood out especially compared to other FF characters. Zell and Selphie were obnoxious, shooty mcgee felt worthless the whole game after the assassination attempt and I don't even remember much about Quistis except she wanted Squall's dick. It's strange when the most interesting person out of your group is the MC who doesn't give a shit about anything until half the game is over.

>say something is shit because you say so
>that's a valid argument

Oh right, forgot that's /v/'s logic
>bitter disappointment that was ME2

It did most things better than ME1, you poor bastard.
NO FUCKING SURPRISE AT ALL! Shit man, that explains every single fucking thing. It's a coincidence too with the roman numeral that it's VIII and XIII and they're the 2 of worst, biggest piece of shit Final Fantasy games in the main series. Also each getting a bad English pop song.
Mediocre copy of a low-tier story is better than original shit-tier shit.
You mean like every other Tomb Raider game?

Shit, I know change can sometimes be horrible, but isn't /v/ supposed to complain about stagnation?
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>I couldn't kill an innocent myself

Then whatever half-arsed philosophy about WHAT IS MAN you come up with is worthless.

>implying you're above that logic, either.

It's exactly what you did. Welcome to the internet.
What? It gets better?
No it isn't.

If it's original it still has hints of creativity.

If it's blatantly copypasted, there is absolutely no real writing involved and there is literally no quality to speak of.
> look mom, I'm trolling!
Are you fucking kidding me? That's amazing if it's true.
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I'm not trolling, but whatever helps you sleep at night.
Shit, I cut myself on that edge.

Then explain me why a boss can't look like a giant human skeleton.

Next you are going to complain for the form the ships have in ST
> Start up Mass Effect
> Immersed into a world for 50 hours straight

> Start up Mass Effect 2

Fucking dropped. I justed my Liara
>Then whatever half-arsed philosophy
I haven't even said anything and you already magically know that you're right and I'm wrong.
I guess you love to try out new games when you already know they are shit then.
>is worthless
Most philosophies don't require the thinkers to do menial work, you know.
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Star Ocean 3.

I was so fucking into that game, it was glorious for the first 2 acts. Easily one of my favourite JRPGs in those first 60 or so hours.

And then bam... worst plot twist ever created.

>implying Garrus and Tali aren't old buddies
So you think B:I is the edgiest game released this year?
ME2 is automatically better than ME because they took out the Mako
> Tali
> worth a flying fuck

I was happy with Garrus though, he was a fucking badass
> Mako
> bad

I want to kill you casuals
Guitar Hero 3

fucking playing against the devil in a guitar battle

what utter tripe
Star Ocean 3

>Lel ur all characters in an MMO
>go and beat the ceo of the games company
It's only April

So you wanted them to reuse all the old characters?
Here let me show you what sound like.

>Start ME2
>immersed in a world for 50 hours straight

>Start ME1 again

I do agree that the the blergh ur ded beginning of ME2 was retarded. So was the space terminator

>space terminator is retarded
>muh realism
I didn't care about Tali or Horseface McSluttycunt, but Garrus, Wrex and Liara should've been squadmates.

But everything you said about ME1 was wrong though.


Oh nevermind
>muh realism

What? More like consistency. Every Reaper shown before and after was squid-like.
> Implying you wouldn't an intelligent alien that's always woman
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Why aren't you on the Bioware Social Network giving Chris Priestly a blowjob?
Check your privilege cis scum.
Vagina is not a woman thing, there are many men with vaginas!
> I'm out of arguments

>implying you ever visited the inside of a reaper ship/shell before that

>in ME1

She was socially retarded the blue alien, I'd rather fuck Ashley than her
Except you DO visit inside a Reaper in ME2.

>implying you played it
Have you considered the fact that there's more than 2 people on /v/?
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but that was a destroyed reaper and you just go ther for the ITF, it's not like you went into the chamber where the central command unit was
>I'd rather fuck Ashley than her

> Rather fucking a redneck racist fuck up horseface than an intelligent blue alien that actually loves you unconditionally

You're what's wrong with this world.
>it's not like you went into the chamber where the central command unit was

You shoot up a central power orb thingamajig that conveniently disables the rest of the thing. Safe to assume that was the centre of it.

>for thinking humanity should be ready to defend itself

meanwhile all the other companions are racist too and nobody cares

>loves you uncnditionally

the true mark of a shitty character

Its non existent.
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I chose neither, both are shit waifus and shit characters.
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>an intelligent blue alien that actually loves you unconditionally

Not everyone instantly falls for Mary Sue waifus.

Ash was ruined in ME3 with her constant whining but she was superior in the first game.
>>187020616 (OP)
>people dislike games because they are popular
>people disliking games because they are made by big successful companies
>people disliking games because other people on /v/ do
I can twist shit around to make any game or any story seem retarded no matter how great you found. There is not a single game story that can't be torn into pieces and called fucking terrible

Every single one of you that just complains and tries to fit in is fucking shit for /v/, shit at life, and just generally a piece of unwanted idiotic genetic waste. Go ahead and call yourself intelligent and mentally above "casuals" though, they are still the one's with the real jobs
Was just about to say Borderlands 1.

best example of it
You know, it used to be so good when i play it at 14yo, now that u said that, you ruin ma childhood memories. fuck you /v/!
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Nigga you more mad than most people in this thread.

Nope I said Borderlands which is a legitimate game without a plot.
ME1 had a pretty damn normal plot
ME2 had an ass pulled ending, but the rest was solid
ME3 made sense, but completely fucked up the lore and ending made no sense at all.

So not Mass Effect Trilogy, ME3.
aint mad at all

>game without story
>bad story
You do realize the absence of something isn't necessarily a bad thing. You don't hate free shit do you
Now you're taking your dumbass troll image out of HSG?

That's low, bro.

What even was serious about this plot other than 'you kill a dragon'

I mean it's shit for that reason, but you can't really call it pretentious, right?

ME2 could probably get omitted from the story and it wouldn't be even that much of a difference. I know it was focused more on the squadmates, but besides Garrus, Tali, Mordin and Grunt I didn't even care about anyone.

Especially Thane, god damn who came up with him?

I wouldn't call ME3 entirely bad, but shit like that kid and forced feels and Kai Leng and that ending do put a sour note on it.
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Only counting those games that actually tried to have a 'serious" plot and fell flat on their faces:

Mass Effect 2+3
Dragon Age II
Far Cry 2
Bioshock Infinite
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Xenoblade Chronicles
Valkyrie Profile 2

But the biggest offender is
Star Ocean 3 Til the End of Time
>mfw THE plot twist
ash is dumb and makes my penis shrink in disgust

but liara is honestly a horrible character and obvious nerdbait

>h-hey i'm a scientist, i'm kind of shy and stuff... but could i please gobble your fat penis?

the correct choice in all mass effect games is to romance no one. they are all written by hacks.
someone post alduin.jpg for this poor soul
so romance isn't mandatory?

Bishock Infinite. Why the fuck do I need to rescue someone who can travel through time and phase reality?

>You don't hate free shit do you

What are you trying to imply here ? The game does have a story, its just that its beats are so ploddingly done and to claim Borderlands is a game without a plot is a silly remark.
>accursed SeeD detected.
Seriously, all FF plots are the same with minor changes.
nah, they began the process of writing themselves into a corner way back in me1. in me2 they clearly wished the whole reaper nonsense was never invented in the first place, and in me3 they begrudgingly admit they have no idea what to do and just shit out whatever.

mass effect would be so much better as a whole if it was just a smaller scale story, without the "epic struggle against the impending apocalypse" nonsense.

leave it to bioware to reduce everything they touch to "find ancient artifacts to destroy the ancient evil". i just want to explore SPACE.
>Stupidly defends stupid plot points
>Not drone behaviour
nope. unless you're a complete asshole to them, characters will want your dick for no reason, but you can just say no as soon as they get serious about it.
>and in me3 they begrudgingly admit they have no idea what to do and just shit out whatever.

I actually didn't mind the idea of a weapon designed by successive civilisations, BioWare just fucked up the execution. It should have been at least hinted at in previous games (especially ME2) and it didn't have to be such a massive stinking McGuffin.
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I will never understand why people didn't like the Mako....
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Final Fantasy XIII-2. Even as a big fan of the series I couldn't take it, every cutscene was either dumb as fuck or a complete snoozefest and when I finally saw the ending I couldn't believe what I was seeing/hearing and I had to leave the room in utter disgust. It was one of the few times I skipped the credits. "If you change the future, you change the past" that is a line in the game and a major plot point, just let that sink in for a moment.
>ME1 was inconsistent gameplay
Well..... No, you're wrong.
>Only interesting characters are a redneck (who?) and a disgruntled cop
And Liara, Wrex, Tali. And Anderson, and Saren.
>Visiting planets etc
You do visit planets though.....
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I couldn't. In ME1 it bugged or some shit and when I told both of them to fuck off game automatically "assigned" Liara to me. I was mad as fuck. "I was saving myself for Tali.


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