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Will someone tell me what's so wrong with this new "nerd culture"? Now you neckbeards can finally go out of your basements and head outside without being bashed and labeled by society.
because they dont even have neckbeards
Cool 'nerds' != actual nerds
Because it's "nerd" culture.
It's a stylized hollowed out version of what retards think 'nerds' are
because it's a false, commodified view of our culture that's being peddled to society, dumbing down our hobbies and lifestyle in the process
>>201705057 (OP)
>without being bashed and labeled by society
Correction, we get a new label and are just as disliked because we don't fit their idea of 'nerd culture'.
Because They want every thing to pander to them. Anything the doesn't is still considered nerdy. SMT,Dark souls or any game that can not be enjoyed by everyone.
Can somebody post the following:
>The page long diatribe about how popular culture has co-opted 'nerd' culture for it's own shallow ends.
>The picture with that female comedian about how you couldn't get a girl who '<3's nerds' to fuck a systems engineer
>Anything else that's relevant.
No we can't. Neckbeards are still vilified.

That's like saying to a black family in the 1990's, "All the white kids like hip hop now, why don't you go live in the suburbs where everyone is afraid of you?"
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Fuck me, so much this.
because actual nerds are not called nerds anymore. we are called neckbeards.

nerds are casual faggots and grill gamurs and shit
It's the reddit invasion
I'm sick of this misconception that reddit is some cancerous place.
Do you even know what the purpose of reddit is?
Maybe if you weren't a close-minded sheep, you would know that Reddit users simply link to content around the web they think its interesting.
Sure, you can say it has a retarded community, but all forums have retards, like you!

Learn your facts before you spew more reddit hate, gaiafag.
Reddit isn't really the source of it all but it is the face of it.
reddit is cancerous

all gamur grills and casual IMSUCHANERD faggots come from reddit. the community is fucking shit
8/10 almost rused me with >!
Anyway while i agree reddit is not all cancer but the people there act like faggots sometimes.
No they just flock there. Reddit was decent once upon a time.
A long time ago, sure.
Its popularity killed what it had going for it.
I wonder where I've seen that happen before?
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Will someone tell me what's so wrong with this new "jiggaboo culture"? Now you niggers can finally go out of your basements and head outside without being bashed and labeled by society.

I'm sick of this misconception that gaia is some cancerous place.
Do you even know what the purpose of gaia is?
Maybe if you weren't a close-minded sheep, you would know that Gaia users simply erp with one another they think its interesting.
Sure, you can say it has a retarded community, but all forums have retards, like you!

Learn your facts before you spew more Gaia hate, funnyjunkfag.
aggregates are shit by their nature, as they trawl the muck looking for something of value, often dredging up shit and garbage instead.
>>201705057 (OP)
The girl in OP's pic is incredibly cute.
In my opinion, I like the geeky look, it's sexy.
The real problem with /v/ is the dude and his spammers that spam the current Sony or Nintendo console and start console war threads. They are already starting on the ps4.

Terms have been reassigned. Nothing has changed.
Popularity isn't such a bad thing, but it was the rate of new users coming in. If you've got an established community with a steady stream of new users, the social dynamic persists and the new users acclimatize to their social surroundings.
But if you just get a legion of people all hopping on the bandwagon at the same time, it upsets the established principles, it devolves in to a fractured mess of newbies referencing other newbies and believing that they're 'in'.
Too much, too fast, it's the ruination of any great community.
It has been proven more than once that leddit steals /v/ and 4chan's in general OC, inside jokes, events, favourite games and bastardizes them to internet memes and dumbed down unfunny shit. They ruined AoS, Minecraft and other indie games made by /v/ lurkers, buying their souls with money or fame. Its users also flood our board mercilessly trying hard to fit in and being funny without success and lowering the bar for everyone.
subcultural commoditization. It sure helped street culture, didn't it? And even Native American culture.

Please, nothing good comes from this. This is an irrefutably terrible thing, a leech attached to an already marginalized and scrutinized group that will be continually scrutinized only now it suffers from an identity crisis.

It's a horrible thing.
Stealing is one thing, referencing is something else. Their arbitrary 'karma' system didn't help with this at all.
Besides, it's well known that there is fluidity between online communities, otherwise you wouldn't see that sort of crossover.
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>Young age
>Be ugly nerd
>Puberty makes me the most handsome guy in class
>Nerdiness never went away
>Now people think I am a bandwaggoner for being a good looking person with nerdish hobbies.
>>201705057 (OP)
>Now you neckbeards can finally go out of your basements and head outside without being bashed and labeled by society.

Not really.

There are a bunch of attractive brodudes/female equivalent going "omg I'm such a nerd" and the people who look/act like OP pic get shunned as "losers" as usual.

Nothing has changed.
>>201705057 (OP)
2/10 made me reply.
"Nerd culture" is that woman who wrote "I'm so nerdy, I play video games" and when asked about e3 told someone to stop talking to her. It's just stylization of clothes. Next cool thing after being "emo" and "scene kids". "Hip nerds" consider /v/ losers.
Yes, that is what I was referring to.
Once you hit the limelight, shit goes downhill quick.

I was just trying to avoid words like 'mainstream' and not end up with a long winded mess that people may confuse for pretentious bullshit.
>>201705057 (OP)
Gamers = introverts
Fake gamers = extroverts

you can't tell the difference because you don't ever meet real gamers
Yes but like he said they try to fit in and fail. They think shit like "/v/ hates all games" and "/v/ hates all popular games" is true. They fall for the troll threads from Nintendo and Sony and then think that is how /v/ is and then they shit post more. I have seen them post unironically "PC master race" You can easily find them when they fail to grapsp /v/ irony and jokes. Or when they fall for trolls.
Being a gamer has nothing to do with social awkwardness
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ah how true
I should have expanded and said that gradual increase in popularity is absolutely necessary for the generation of fresh content. Any community that remains static will stagnate over time.
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>Kid wearing blackface
>What looks like a magazine ad
>you can't tell the difference because you don't ever meet real gamers

This is the stupidest post I've seen on 4chan today.

Playing video games has shit to do with how much you enjoy the company of people.
Depends on how much of a timesink it is to you, I put most of my time into games.
The best one is '/v/ is the containment board'
It gets used as an excuse to shitpost.
>Depends on how much of a timesink it is to you

No it fucking doesn't. People have these things called friends and play these things called "multiplayer games"

that's what you get for being attractive, fucker.
/b/ is the real containment board
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Juding from the CP thread that popped up a bit ago you cant really blame them, we always get CP threads, another one was on a few nights ago.
That and they post shit like "This is 4chan you need to grow thicker skin kid" Its an excuse to shit post. Then then they call you new.
I agree with that. But then again I know I did when I first started coming here, until I 'got it'. But I suppose lurking is something that needs to happen for newcomers, otherwise it'll continue to happen with greater regularity.
>I bought a zelda shirt
>gosh I'm such a nerd

Don't be fooled OP, these are false nerds. Trying to look a certain way because it is the new hot thing.
It's like me putting on black face and going to a trayvon riot
Multiplayer is not exclusively with people you know physically
This is /a/. No one is down to argue and will just throw a hissyfit and scream "WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE" when someone disagrees with them.
>>201705057 (OP)

Because thats why.
I heard /a/ had a problem with reddit people coming in just like /v/ also. I guess its true.
>>201705057 (OP)

Because it's my culture, and now everybody is pretending it's not mine anymore.

I wonder if this is what blacks felt like.
You're under the impression it needs to be expanded upon. It doesn't.

An influx of new users is always assumed but isn't necessary for fresh content. Take /v/ for example, industry news and events is enough to sustain it with a static population. Stagnation becomes more prevalent as the topics of discussion become more constrained.

>he's too young to remember local multiplayer and or lan parties
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Ikr? The REAL nerds get Zelda TATTOOS, amirite? xD
>play these things called "multiplayer games"
That... Sounds awful.
The new 'nerd culture' is just really liking pop culture.
/b/ and /soc/ are the true containment boards.
Stealing means taking the scribbles and vector art /b/ and /v/ made long time ago and making it popular, creating the most obnoxious Facebook shit ever, le meme culture, introducing people who don't care for online communities as a place to share hobbies like vidya and animu to the internet and thus flooding all once respectable sites and online games with screaming teenagers who can't type, dumb and not even remotely dedicated normalfags, gurl gaymurs, slav hackers, BR beggars, etc. destroying the real nerd internet empire made of genuine references to pop culture and medias, OC and constructive discussion, creating a flat and soulless nerd culture which includes TV series, vidyas, animes, comics, cartoons of any kind in an undistinguishable tasteless broth and lowering the bars and standards of the game industry, leading to the death of vidyas.
I remember when off topic shit was constant. Now if you post it gets deleted in about 20 posts. It is alot better then it was.
3/10 you made me reply

Yeah it's awful to play Mario Kart or Smash Bros. with 3 of your closest buddies. Not even hell has such torture.
Oh I'm sure they do, I think they're just better at dealing with them. Tough love. Most of 4chan won't understand until they're parents.
Meanwhile people here post le shiba doge, a Tumblr meme and le euphoric fedora, a Reddit meme.
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look at this guy, he thinks cool nerds are actual nerds. what a retard

Off topic is still constant

You're in a thread right now
Goddamnit people, saging is NOT a downvote!
I think /pol/ was the one who started the 'euphoric' shit.
!= means "different than", you retard

You're lacking in it too, to think that when someone refers to multiplayer with friends that anyone is referring to online.

"Nerd" is a fashion accessory. That's all. If someone wear maymay shirts or calls themselves a nerd, cut them off. They are cancerous.

Nerd was never a good thing. The term nerd used to be used for stupid, ugly, pasty looking weirdos that everyone hated and nobody thought would ever get laid.

Now the term is used for people who wear maymay shirts and posty on FB about how they are "such a nerd" because they played skyrim once.

The term that replaced nerd is "neckbeard". All of the people who used to be called nerds are still hated. People have just co opted some parts of that culture and refer to those people as neckbeards instead

teehee such a nerd http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsUJLn9FjNQ[/spoiler
It is but do you remember when this was /b/ 2.0. Maybe one video game thread the rest were feel threads and maybe 1 pokemon thread. And other shit like "No girl friend" and other /r9k/ and /soc/ shit. They fought forever to try to get /v/ to stay like that.
no but I was not contributing to the discussion, I was replying to someone who cannot read
post a dick pic.
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Yep /v/ deals with fire by pouring gasoline on it. Or they respond to shit posting and trolling with more shit posting and trolling.
>The term nerd used to be used for stupid, ugly, pasty looking weirdos that everyone hated and nobody thought would ever get laid.

And people who have off kilter hobbies and are intelligent in a certain area, but you seem to have forgotten that in your sperging.
I disagree in part, only because some of the best images and webcomics that come from /v/ were made by people, the majority of which that hadn't been on /v/ since it's creation. Discussion is fine, but what really binds a community like 4chan is all the rand shit that gets produced in it's wake.
Do you even C++?
Not really. They still don't like "actual nerds" or what ever.
Because "nerds" are not nerds, they're a charade wearing the skin of the original nerds, like blackface.
Not him but I bet he knew it
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Why do people who share the same interests and passions hate each other?

Why the hate /v/, why can't we just love?
>off kilter hobbies and are intelligent in a certain area

you must be about 12 years old if that is your experience with the word 'nerd'. the word did not use to mean this at all.
because IMSUCHANERD faggots do not share the same interests. they are casual faggots who want to be fashionable.

Anytime I see someone say nerd blackface, I laugh, because you are taking your subculture far too seriously.
Yeah, that was a real slow-motion trainwreck. I remember half-hoping that it'd be my time to be at the top of the social pile. How naive I was.
I can sort of see what he means, nerd referred to intelligent social outcasts that had obsessive hobbies.
Because they want to change dark souls into casual souls with check points. Those are the people i hate. and if it they can't play it then the people who do are nerds.
Just watch this OP. It pretty much explains everything.

No, you're the one that's 12, dipshit.
It's akin to blackface though, if blackface was mainstream and everyone wearing it said they were black people.
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I wonder how many people are participating in this thread at once? 5,10,15,20+?
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Euphoric atheist is a Reddit meme.
go back to reddit you filthy shithead

i shit on your head
This is why /v/ is shit. It never ends. Just replace 12 yearold with Any sort of fanboy or being a newfag.
I only said it could be sustainable on industry news and events alone. It lends itself to OC as a constant stream of material and /v/ is a much bigger topic than that.
thats not a neckbeard btw
I chose this.

Those slaves to the fashion industry obeyed to the new trends.

A man chooses, a slave obeys.

Not even comparable. One is a race, the other is a subculture. Anyone who says something about nerd blackface can be ignored for a) being too hyperbolic or b) taking his subculture far too seriously for equating it with something that came from a time of drastic racial inequality
Because it created an entire culture of people who know nothing about a topic that pretend to be experts on it and these people are now being marketed because fuck your loyal fans, we've got the masses at your back now.

Best example I know of is my cousin:
Considers the iPhone the pinnacle of phone technology

Talked my grandmother into believing that her computer MADE IN 1997, just needed a new operating system to run faster (Not a new motherboard, harddrive, RAM or CPU just the OS)

He owns a Wii with 3 games, 2 of which are Rockband, this means he's an expert on modern video games.

Goes on and on about he's a "classic gamer and played all the greats"
He's owned an Atari (which is smashed because it had "Bad graphics)
A Sega Genesis (which he stepped on while having a tantrum and broke
and a Sega Saturn (which he smashed because his mom wouldn't buy him a game)
Meanwhile I still have functional consoles since SNES days but I still have to endure listening to him say, from his high and mighty perch as a "classic console gamer" that all modern games suck and that cell phone games are so much better for poorly explained reasons.

I do not talk to him very much.
What if, to that person, their subculture was as important to them as their identity.
You wouldn't feel disgusted if someone bastardized your cultural identity and pretended they were one of you, despite not even putting in a shred of the devotion you have?


Race relations from the time blackface came about are not comparable in any way to you being called a nerd in your elementary school playground. To even begin to equate the to reeks of actual pretentiousness.
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>Bad graphics
I don't even give a shit about the blackface example anymore, it's a bastardization of everything I've lived for and it pisses me off to no end.
>He's owned an Atari (which is smashed because it had "Bad graphics)
>A Sega Genesis (which he stepped on while having a tantrum and broke
>and a Sega Saturn (which he smashed because his mom wouldn't buy him a game)

Why the fuck do people do things like this? I have a friend that stuck his Xbox in the freezer to "cool off". This was after he threw the thing on the ground and beat it with a hammer. The front plate came off, and the disc drive stuck but somehow it still worked.
>Not even comparable.

Nah they are comparable. Both are minstrel shows. You're focusing too much on "nerds dont have it as bad!" like its some sort of "check your privilege" bullshit. Shits all relative and youre just going to come off like a bitter little fucker who hates introverts or someshit if you get hung up on that.

The idea of a minstrel show is that it focuses on mocking a group of socially accepted undesirables for the enjoyment of those outside of it. It makes those who arent that group ignorant to what it means to be the pariah and belittles it until it's so meaningless you can buy it in a store.

>Puberty makes me the most handsome guy in class

Id like to pound her hearths away

Well then you need to stop taking it so fucking seriously.

I have never cared about any of this shit. No one else should either. If you like something, you like it. Stop concerning yourself with others.
>it doesnt matter! You werent a colored person! You were white! You just got insulted. You weren't oppressed like them! Check your privilege.

I want tumblr to leave.
Does that Swedish cunt on youtube live off youtube income? I mean he's always seems to be in a different country and he releases 40 videos a day so surely he can't have a proper job.

To reiterate: To think the situations are comparable is pretentious. Being a nerd is nothing like being part of a race.

Who are you quoting
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those "nerds" couldnt handle a real neckbeard. if two of them went to visit him in his basement it would go something like this

guy nerd: are you sure your a gamer? wheres your copy of CoD?
girl nerd: why does it smell like cheetos and cum down here?

and then the neckbear would go on a rampage. we get all of the hate and none of the benefits of this new "nerd" culture
Don't you fucking tell me that I'm taking things too seriously, or that I should never take this seriously.
Maybe it doesn't matter to you, or maybe you just don't get it, but this has been my whole life.
It pisses me off when someone gets respected for being a nerd when they're not even remotely nerdy, someone has taken my life, my hobby, my interests, and turned them into a husk of a commodity.


Yeah, you're taking this far too seriously. Go outside. You probably don't even care about the nerdy activities anymore. You're so caught up in the aesthetics
>The picture with that female comedian about how you couldn't get a girl who '<3's nerds' to fuck a systems engineer

But systems engineers are usually pretty well paid. Bitches love money.
>Go outside
Why would I do that?
How do you think I felt? It was originally my grandmother's and I'd asked her for it for months, she said no because "She wanted all the kids in the family to play it".
He asked her for it once, in passing, she hands it over to him that day.
A week later he comes over and I ask him how was it, he said he smashed it because it had bad graphics and I wouldn't want to play it since the graphics were so bad.

>tfw you're taking electrical engineering courses primarily to get a better job but secretly so you can fix your old consoles

Because you've been on 4chan too fucking long today.
Because they are idiots anon.
I've been on 4chan too fucking long in general, I can't possibly go outside.

How so ? Both are purely attached cultural values.

Just because you deem the impact different just doesn't mean the processes aren't similar.
Or basement-dwellers or virgins. Or a combination of the two.
You're wasting your breath; I bet he's never even been to a minstrel show!

But cool nerds aren't even cool
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I just can't get over it. My paltry fire of rage is presumably no match to your 'Kiln of the first Rage'.
One thing that really pisses me off about the new "nerd culture" is the disposability of their gadgets, does anyone else get annoyed that that shit?
I know people that just don't look after or maintain their shit, because they'll buy the next model anyway, my sister has broken 2 iPads and 3 iPhones but she justifies it with "They're bringing out the new one soon anyway", it's fucking annoying.
I've looked after my PC for years, meticulously cleaning it out and replacing the parts, I salvage machines for parts and fix up broken electronics, seeing so much waste just makes my blood boil.
It's not pretentious. The act of belittling the group is the same thing. It's literally the same thing. They take whatever group people will complain the least about and make fun of them because people like to shit on other people.

It's like saying two different kinds of cancer are nothing alike. The cancer is in different parts but its still cancer. Cancer in any part of the body unchecked will kill you. How don't you get this?

Youre seriously trying to excuse for some reason the idea that its more okay for someone to get shit on than others and then calling those who don't "pretentious." See how you're coming off like a sociopath?

The suffering anyone feels is relative. Someone with a weak will who was shit on for being a nerd may be so tormented they off themself where someone racially discriminated may not take their discrimination as heavily.

To say ones worse than the other, means youre trying to measure someone had it worse and that's tumblr "check your privilege" level shit. They love going into who's got it worse because someone's got more or less privilege.
>don't look after or maintain that shit
I never understood this. I was spoiled as a kid, but I kept my shit in perfect condition. Now I see teenagers literally throwing their iPhones on the ground on purpose.

I must say I am somewhat amused by so-called video game nerds/geeks that can't assemble, upgrade and upkeep their own machine themselves.
Consumerist culture turning everything in to cheap junk for maximum profiteering. It's a fucking deleterious and wasteful attitude to have for something like electronics that demand being built to withstand the test of time.
Arrrgg I fucking hate how fast-paced /v/ is.

One moment we are talking about nerd culture and in the blink of an eye the whole thing derails and we're talking about reddit
Kids are disgusting, they have no respect for their own belongings.
I come from a poor household so I've always looked after my possessions, I nearly had a heart attack when I dropped my gameboy once, fortunately it's made of nintendium so it survived.
To people trashing their tech for entertainment with such poor justification, it's saddening.
I've taught my little brother not to be wasteful, at least, and I'm helping him build his own PC next year, so hopefully he'll go on the right path.
My sister, however, is a completely lost cause.
So from the start it seems like everyones saying the stuff from ActionPts video. Is that what happen? We've all seen so we're repeating the stuff he said? Sure as fuck don't remember this stuff being said before he did.
there were a few posts on it. type faster faggot
Agreed, I use things until their function ceases, then I repair them until they will function again.
The throwaway nature of modern consumerism is a great parallel to the social aspects of modern life.

Oh shut the fuck up. There were plenty of people that busted their shit up back in the day.

I hate dipshits like you who are maybe about 25 years old max and trying to talk shit about "kids these days" when you're barely older than them.
Those people were scum then, those people are scum now, but nowadays our society encourages disposability, you see apple releasing at least 2 new models of their shit per year, it's fucking stupid.
How old are you, out of interest?
>2 different kinds of cancer are nothing alike
I'm not him, but this is factually misleading. Cancer is a blanket medical term for a myriad of ailments. It's why when people say 'why haven't we found a cure for cancer', medical practitioners scoff and respond 'the same reason we haven't found a cure for injuries'.
>It's like saying two different kinds of cancer are nothing alike. The cancer is in different parts but its still cancer. Cancer in any part of the body unchecked will kill you. How don't you get this?

What a shit analogy. You're still trying to compare school yard insults to actual legitimate racism. They're not "both cancer"
Not him, but insults are insults, based on race or culture, they're both a part of someone's life.
>tfw still using shit prebuilt from 2008
>tfw still using shit ds lite from 2009
>tfw still using shit phone from 2011

Not sure how to feel. It's cheap, but I'm not sure how much longer they will last.
It's like I'm really on tumblr.
Fuck off, it's painfully obvious that you don't understand.
I never wanted to leave the basement in the first place, OP.

Let me put it this way: I spent my whole life getting made fun of for spending my free time on the internet, watching TV, and playing video games. Now everything I enjoy has been taken over by casuals riding the popularity train. I am now in the same league as hipsters and teenagers who adopt the things I love for cred and popularity. It ruins the things I enjoy because what I enjoy caters to them now.
Honestly I try not to think about it, every time I talk to him he gives me a new reason to hate, so I avoid talking to or thinking about him. To be fair I do kind of instinctively hate every person who looks like him.

I don't get this either, people are legitimately amazed that I have 2 bookcases filled with Gameboy, Genesis, Dreamcast, PSX, N64, SNES, and PS2 games. I always respond with "Didn't your parents teach you to take care of your stuff".

I mean I know my parents bought me a lot of stuff, but they always stressed I'd only get one unless I bought it myself. Heck until recently I still had my original Power Rangers toys in fairly decent condition.
>>201705057 (OP)
The same fucking reason, honkies thought they were gangsta rappers, but when a nigger with a hood walked in their direction, they crossed the street.

It's just a mask. They are not neckbeards and they do not wnt neckbeards near them. Which I understand.
>>201705057 (OP)
Because I no longer feel comfortable going outside whatever happens.

I am socially inept as a result of my seclusion and throw up at the thought of changing now.
We all know the feeling, don't worry.
At least some of my hobbies are still too "hardcore" for the casual "nerds".

One of which is immediately clear upon seeing a person and based on actual physical features (not to mention something you were born with), the other not so immediately clear and was something you grew to be.

Totally the same thing, right

Keep on with those buzzwords, retard. You're really convincing.
seriously though, Kids these days are little shits.
nobody plays outside anymore, everyone uses technology to parent.

That's about the truth of the matter, apart it's disgust instead of fear for neckbeards.
>nobody plays outside anymore

Kids are outside of my apartment playing basketball every single day. And they're as young as 10.

Anecdotal, but I know my apartment complex isn't the only one in the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD that does this.
Right now in the UK, the Prime Minister is making internet porn an "opt-in" feature to "protect the kids".
Here's an idea, how about people actually parent their kids instead of letting them even have access to porn.
"Stop relating to things I don't relate to"
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>Written in German
But how will the parents get the time when they have to both work to buy shit no-one needs while getting further and further into debt?
>what is a joke ?
seriously, its obvious that he was joking.
This is exactly like what happened to the punk rock subculture.

It was once anti-corporate and anti-establishment, but now you can buy punk albums off iTunes, and people would go around wearing punk paraphernalia without knowing any of the meanings behind it.
Didn't mean to sound to finalistic about it, but surely you can agree that there are many more children walking around on their phones no longer socializing in the traditional manner
If you have been near a TRUE OG neckbeard, you learn to fear them.
Ask /tg/.
because 'nerd' culture is le big bang theory tier.
>>201705057 (OP)
It simultaneously romanticizes and caricatures what it claims to be in support of. It attracts the shallow and the vapid.

I don't really care if kids are walking around talking on their phones. At least they're actually talking to people, unlike some individuals I know.
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At least eroge, figure-collecting and machine building will never be considered cool.
On a less related note, I just pre-ordered pic related, super excited.
Normalfags kill everything. Just look at /v/. Or /co/. Christ I hate movie season. It's when tumblr and /tv/ migrants hit their peak and talk out their ass about comics they don't know shit about.
I've never seen it until just now and it's shit I've been saying for a while. I imagine I'm not the only one.

People nowadays spend more time talking than they do creating things to talk about.
We hate ourselves and project our self loathing onto others with similar attributes.

so it's like it's always been
>Check points
What are bonfires, Alex?
I used to work with a dude who owned/ran a comic book store.
His name was Jeff, and he looked pretty much the RL counterpart to the Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons.
He DM'd many a tabletop, and had a fucking hot girlfriend.
I am still jealous.

uh huh, sure
I love myself, like, narcissism-tier, I hate faggots that pretend to love what I love.

No. Prior to social media, people didn't force conversation to take place.
Seriously? it gained mainstream attention. Hollywood knows how to fuck shit up, even if it's pretty hard to fuck it up. They are masters on ruining movements for everyone, its like they try with all their power to run communities to the ground.

fuck you, big brother. fuck you so fucking much
He's right, normalfags are pieces of shit.
>>201705057 (OP)
Genuine intelligence is considered nerdy but rather than perusing higher learning themselves they just try and appear smart
It's practically anti intellectual pretentious and kind of annoying to anybody that sees through the guise
It's the new in thing and that attracts it's fair share of undesirables and that's all
>Prior to social media, people didn't force conversation to take place.

You're being stupid.

>These kids are all talking about dumb bullshit just because of their phones!
>Before cell phones, kids talked about meaningful shit!
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>>201705057 (OP)
It's geek culture you ignorant fuck
>than perusing higher learning themselves they just try and appear smart

literally describing /v/
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>>201705057 (OP)
You call that a calculator, bitch?
I'll show you the true power on engineering.
>"schoolyard insults"
Yeah you're not getting this. It's relative. Depending on the severity of racism in an area a person of the minority group may get JUST insults or dirty looks.

If someone's a "nerd" for whatever that may mean in their case, they may get even more. They may get regularly beat on, they may get humiliated to the point they can't make friends they may come to hate themself and so on. It can even be a parent who wants a child to follow in their footsteps rather then go into something academic or intellectual.

I'm telling you it's relative. The hate isn't uniform, it's different things to different people. You just keep focusing on this idea that there is ONE certain way and that one group has it worse than the other.

It's all destructive and you're trying to dismiss one because they're not the same.

I guess thinking homosexual people being prejudiced being comparable is pretentious too right? Because they can hide it and it's "nothing like being part of a race"?

See, this is how ass backward your thinking is. In your head you're telling yourself "This group's suffering isn't as important." You're saying one group's suffering is acceptable. That's sociopathic.

It honestly sounds like you resent the "nerd" sub-culture or just have been so well worked over by society you don't seem to get this point.
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Because they're retards who play Skyrim on ecksbawks and don't realise its a loli-waifu sim
>you would know that Gaia users simply erp with one another they think its interesting.
And 99% of them are erping bleach, Naruto or one piece and are running around screaming I BLOCKED THAT, NO YOU DIDN'T I KILLED YOU.
I have been there, is shit
>It honestly sounds like you resent the "nerd" sub-culture or just have been so well worked over by society you don't seem to get this point.

Or maybe I'm not stupid enough to think that some schoolyard antics from stupid kids compares to actual racism.
You only keep repeating the same thing while other people give more insight, stop being so stubbornly block-headed.
>Date this girl
>She's fake obsessed with Batman
>Batman shirts, Batman trades and collectibles all over her apartment, even a Batman tattoo
>Try to discuss Batman's villains not named Joker for fucking 30 seconds with her
>"I don't know what you're talking about. You're like an actual comic book nerd."
>We never discuss comics again

I stopped seeing her not long after.

I never said anyone ever talked about meaningful shit. I just consider it a given that the more people talk, the more retarded the conversation gets because you run out of shit to talk about.
Should've flat out told her she was a pretentious, insufferable bitch. It's likely your relationship would've still ended, but you might've actually made her a better person.
>Young age
>be attractive
>Be weird as fuck
>Get acne
>Find self odd looking
>Girls still interested
>People still surprised at me being a "nerd"
>sister broke 3 different DS's, parents kept buying her the newer ones
>i never broke my original brick DS, it still doesnt have a scratch on it and runs perfectly fine. i even still have the charger for it
>therefore parents never bought me another DS, and i was already moved out by the time the 3DS came out
>sister comes over a couple months ago, brings her 3ds for streetpasses
>the 3D slider sticks and doesnt work because she spilt some sticky shit on it
>scratches all over the screen, and its obviously never been wiped down because it has all this disgusting shit on it
>meanwhile mine is in perfect condition except for a couple scratches which i have no idea where they came from
>a few weeks later she comes back, sees my original brick DS sitting in my room
>proceeds to ask me if she can have it
> schoolyard antics
You've never been bullied.
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Nerd Culture = Le Will Weaton
more than just /v/ I think
I repeat, that is a fat dude with bad shaving, maybe a bit dick, but not a NECKBEARD.
When he DM'd he didn't try to force you into "his magical realm", nor he feared water and soap.
Nerd is to the current fad of "nerds are cool" as 1980s punk is to 1990s and early 2000s punk. It's been commercialized and watered down to basically a fashion accessory at this point. There is nothing about nerd culture that has anything to do with actually being a nerd. At most, it consists of wearing Angry Birds attire, saying how much of a gamer you are because you played that one game that everyone else played 15 years ago, and rambling on about how cool "Science!" is and how "Quantum Mechanics is my favorite genre of science because it's the most nerdy" when the last time you've done anything even remotely related to "Science!" is highschool Biology.
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I came to the conclusion that attractiveness + nerdyness = surrounded by bitches.

Basically, you appear MORE attractive based on how much of a nerd you are, so long as you are mildly attractive to begin with.

I've been playing video games my whole life, and never actually made any friends until half way through high school, but damn... Once one girl found out I played video games, I started getting swarmed. And these were very attractive girls too!

I could literally just talk about video game industry controversy and stupid shit like that, and I would get shallow comments in return like "oh my god, that's so hot." Followed by a blowjob.

Basically. I have over 700 games, and over 20 video game consoles, and I have a girlfriend who cooks for me because of that.
Right now you're just fucking with me. One sentence reply and a response to a single sentence out of all that.

You're either fucking with me or just fucking retarded. Anycase you're not worth the time anymore.

Let me know how life works out when you put people's suffering on sliding scale of whats worse to most tolerable like some sort of privilege obsessed, tumblr sociopath.
le ignorant white knight face
I've seen 4chan steal more shit from reddit.
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>You only keep repeating the same thing while other people give more insight

Except you haven't. You're still trying to build up an argument from a flawed foundation.


Right, because being beaten up and called mean names is totally comparable to stuff blacks went through. Totally.
such as?
take it back please
reaction images
have them all
take all that shit back
This never fails to make me cringe. (and laugh shortly after)
How can one woman be such a cunt?
So who had it worse? Gay or black people?

Keep on with the buzzwords, dipshit. Tumblr this, tumblr that. You're just mad because someone is calling you out on your bullshit analogies.
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Historically in the world? Probably gays.

That being said, they both went through more than any nerd did for the sake of being a nerd.

I fucking wish that dipshit never censored that picture. Holy shit.
I wish I could talk to people this fucking shallow
I pity you. I genuinely feel bad for how stupid you are.
I'd say gay but I'm biased because I'm not black.
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>dude's a hero
>everyone hating him because he killed some thugrat
To be fair, if you said you were in support of George Zimmerman you run a pretty big risk of getting feces stuffed in your mailbox and eggs thrown at you daily.
So you're saying is Black people didn't have it as bad as gay people? That they had it comparably easier?
I can't remember off the top of my head but every now and then I'll see people post shit that was OC on reddit from a few days ago.

Don't get me wrong I hate the whole karma shit, and how every single comment is some kind of joke they make to get upvotes, whereas on /v/ there's actual discussion... most of the time.
Except in their case, they deserved it.

Homosexuality is an abomination and blacks are untamed savages.

>Woe is me
>I have it as bad as black people did over a century ago
>What? It's totally comparable
>Why won't anyone believe me?
Let's not start this please.

They probably think you're a hipster
2/10, try harder /pol/.
I stay away from the comments on reddit and just look at the content, also unsubscribing from the shitty subs like adviceanimals helps you filter out the shit.
not many nerds actually died

There were probably peaks when it was worse for one group or another

I could say that.

But need I remind you that I at no point brought up comparing gays and blacks. That was you. I see what you're trying to do here and you're stupid for trying. I never made comparisons between any two groups. Someone else started that.
He's saying worldwide. Being gay has been a sin for ages untold and was once punishable by death or torture, and still is in some countries. Meanwhile being black hasn't been the cool thing to hate for nearly as long.
Her name is Ellen boddeker
dude ur saying gay people had it worse than black people? that DOES sound like tumblr shit. what r u saying man?

u actually just compared all the shit gay people went thru to the shit black people went thru
/b/ isn't a containment board...
Now that "Nerds" are people who watch the big bang theory and play Mario Kart on their Wii, actual nerds who weigh 250 pounds and have ponytails are labelled as "creepy" instead of "nerdy".
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>"I'm not allowed to complain because other people have had it worse than me"
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We're jealous because we had to hide our nerdiness in shame if we ever wanted to have a real life and be happy and they don't. In fact, they can be proud.

We walked 15 miles to school naked in waist-deep snow uphill both ways, and they get taken to school in a private jet every morning.

It's not fair.
It was the original containment board.
And OP just used the new term in their original post.
>u actually just compared all the shit gay people went thru to the shit black people went thru

Actually he did that when he asked the question.


Said no one in this thread.
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I don't look down on either George Zimmerman or Trayvon Martin. The neighborhood in which the shooting happened was a very dangerous one. Both of them were afraid. They were both motivated by the same thing. There is no guilty party. It shouldn't be about race, but about getting rid of crime and cleaning up neighborhoods and cities.

If I was black I'd be enraged. They mainly steal baby formula because it's a high cash item they can sell at a decent markup which is always in demand in their neighborhoods.

You're just a cat, what do you know
If you are talking about orignal...

What is /a/ saving 4chan from
Protip: true nerds are called " losers " nowadays.

This Nerd tendency is just a fad, like emo and hipster where.
/b/ used to be an anime board. All of 4chan used to exist solely to talk about anime. /b/ was anime/random until people started to talk about non-anime topics, then it just became random.

source: my dad works at 4chan
Stop with the ellipses faggot.
except it is
even moot agrees
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"You don't know real oppression. You're just pretentious. What you went through doesn't matter! Check your privilege! "

These niggas. These bitch ass niggas gotta be spill over from /co/s tumblr cunts
And it was the first containment board.
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In the loosest possible sense, and in the grey past. Nowadays it's its own society. Sure it's declined a lot but that doesn't make it suddenly a containment board.

Nice post full of arguments that no one made.
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Oh go fuck yourself, /v/ is where all the "check your privilege' shit floods from, /co/ has nothing to do with that. /v/ invited all the feminism and SJW shit on itself, /co/ ignored it.
Talk to people on /v/. Most people here are huge normalfags who only play vidya because they can't get a gf or go to parties and have a "real life".

Then you have faggots like the Diamond Dogs who shit over everyone who isn't horribly ashamed of their video game hobby and doesn't hide it from others at all costs just to be socially accepted.
nerd is just a combination of scene and emo anyway.
pussibly nothing
huh? nah u did. u could had said it wasnt compar able. u did thou and tried to measure it "historically" lol
>Not stealing watermelon
>implying /co/'s mods aren't all SRS feminists.

top kek
Just get out.

There aren't any board specific mods, newfag.
>>201705057 (OP)
>but we're not the ones faking it, acting it. we are living it because this is what we are, which gives us the true passion and emotion about these shows, games, books, comics, etc. the others don't so that's why we hate them, they're acting like they are as not only a joke, but a goddamn culture trend. so yes, on the surface we hate them, but deep down they make us weep because of their joke
I was for some reason listening to Weird Al's "White and Nerdy" yesterday and I realized just how much society's definition of "nerdy" has slipped since the early 2000's. Every single thing he describes is nerdy as fuck.

Fast forward to 2013 and Sheldon Cooper's nerdiest features include owning an N64 and memorizing Newton's laws. Bizbingo
This. martin shouldnt have been walking in the rain just staring at houses in the dead of night, and zimmerman probably shouldve been a bit calmer. no one was really to blame, plus we have no idea what actually happened at the time.

4chan - Pass
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