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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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When you play videogames to escape, what are you trying to escape from?
have you SEEN what's outside?
ur mum
My family.
ur butt scrub
>>186011648 (OP)
people like you
>>186011648 (OP)

that's the saddest vidya pic I have ever seen

sauce on it?
>get told you're shit by family
>get told you're shit by professors
>get told you're shit by boss
>get told you're shit by people in videogames
I-i'm so sorry anon. This is the perfect oppurtinity to stop fucking around though and try harder

The Sims 3

The Sim and the dog are very close friends. When the dog was alive, he would always sleep on his owner's bed. Now that the dog passed away, he returns to the house as a ghost every night to sleep with his owner.

Damn what the fuck that's way too sad for a vidya game
Living from paycheck to paycheck and only playing games I've bought years ago.
Nothing, I like games.
i think youre doin something wrong chief. If you have that many constants, somethings up.
>>186011648 (OP)

Can't sims DIE if they see a ghost?
Boredom, I have too much free time.

I'm not good at conversations. I just like being around people talking. I play a lot of multiplayer games just to feel like I'm involved with some kind of social life.
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I'm sure you're amazing at video games anon, and that's all that matters. cheer up m8
>>186011648 (OP)
>parents abandoned me
>people go quiet when I emter a room
>gf got paid to leave me by a guy who hates me
>bus driver wants to kill me
>someone keeps stealing my milk
>tv remote moved itself last night
>garden gnomes stare at me all the time
>goblins wont leave me alone
Y-you might need help anon.

Not sure about Sims 3, but in Sims 2 some Sims can be scared to death. Ghosts in 3 seem to be more friendly.
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>garden gnomes stare at me all the time
>>186011648 (OP)
Memories of my uncle sexually abusing me when I was 6 years old.
>>186011648 (OP)
Real life has too much routine, you need to repeat the same shit day after day to get good at anything - and I want to get good at shit. So I play to make life more fun and less predictable. It's like traveling, but easier to do and more fun.
Not in Sims 3.
Mainly stress.

I stopped being a 'hardcore gamer' when I got into college. I hardly play games on normal mode anymore. It just seems unnecessary to me to add more stress to my life at a time when I want to relax.
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Life told me I suck dicks and that it hates me even though I did nothing wrong.

So I started playing vidya and watching animu.

Fuck life.
Fuck reality.
Fuck the universe.

I mean seriously, 3D world is full of shit.
Work in general, I guess.

I mean I don't dislike anything in particular about my life. I figure if I'm "escaping" from anything it'd just be that. When I'm playing vidya I can just chill and not think about any of the other stuff I've gotta do.
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>life of disappointment
>failure in social situations
>no friends, family hates me
>general faggotry

I go on /v/ when I need to escape video games.
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i've been sick most of my life and i use it to escape the chronic pain when i'm not taking pain medicine.

that's some good animation
You don't escape anything but yourself.
>>people go quiet when I enter a room
Holy shit is this the weirdest feeling ever. Gets real fucking awkward when you hear people talking and laughing, and then you go inside the room and everybody just goes quiet and looks around all awkward like. Then they start up again when you leave. I know the problem is in me, but god damn.
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People. I hate people.

I am also afraid of cars and the dark.
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Dont worry Anon, its never too late to change
Being with a girl I no longer love. Can never convince myself that people are genuinely nice to me. I'm not saying everyone in the world is shallow or a jerk. I just don't think I'm likeable. Whenever someone says something nice or does something nice for me I just think they're doing it out of politeness or pity.

I have a girlfriend who I no longer love. I'm only with her because I don't have any other better options.
>>186011648 (OP)
All this freetime
>>186011648 (OP)
Real life is boring
If I could be a captain of a spaceship or a fantasy knight, i would
Maybe you have something on your face

I'm 23 and still afraid of the dark. I don't even like driving alone at night.
>>186011648 (OP)

It's artificial form of entertainment designed to create a sense of achievement. I don't do drugs to cope with depression or difficult times, I play videogames nigga. They make me feel like I'm achieving something when in reality all I'm doing is burning time and ignoring my problems. Videogame abuse is a form of escapism.
A mixing pot of crippling self-doubt, bouts of depression, and loneliness.
A distraction from depression and to ease my mind after work But now I work to much to have time to play and when I do, I'm too stressed to feel like it.
If I don't distract myself with a videogame I'll remember all the bad things people say about me.
>>gf got paid to leave me by a guy who hates me
i want to hear the whole story
To escape all the responsibilities of my life.
I mean seriously, zero ambition or drive and just want to NEET it up playing vidya and browsing interwebs.
Holy shit are you me?
except I dont have a girlfriend
The realities of life and my slowly failing degree.
Because lets face it, life cannot possibly compare to fantasy.

I pity all the normalfags who live in ignorance.
>tfw you will never be a rich hermit

I just want to have the money to take care of my family and friends so my life can be as stress free as possible.

Man I know that feel

>Just want to play video games and do whatever all the time
>Know you can't
>Go through uni/work/whatever just wishing you were playing video games
I'm 20 and use the glow of my PC's LEDs as a nightlight.

I also don't even have my learner's permit and am deathly fucking afraid of the concept of being in control of a 5000 pound death machine. One slip up and my life could be effectively (or literally) over.
>tfw you found it to be the other way around

I can never go back. Not sure I want to.
>tfw student not NEET and want to not have a bullshit degree to feel guilty about ;_;
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Just to pass time, which I have a lot of, even with putting 40-50 hours a week into work.

It's cheap entertainment, and I listen to music when I do play. Even when I sleep, I listen to ASMR videos and the like.

I can't do silence with no distractions. I'd reflect too much, and life isn't where I though I'd be in my early 20s, getting close to my mids.

Lately, I've been thinking about how I didn't let a relationship, that could have been pretty good, happen. This cute girl who was our bartender used to buy me a couple shots after work, we flirted a lot, eventually had sex, and just had fun when we were together, which was only work, but it was slow and we had time to talk. Beyond that, though? Her Facebook invite still sits unaccepted, I return her texts, which seldom come now, a couple of days later, and I always had an excuse about why we couldn't hang out after work.

She eventually quit, and I miss flirting with her all night. She was easy as fuck to get frustrated. I refuse to text her now, convinced I missed a "window" and now it'll just be awkward on both sides. I actually hung out a bit during payday, hoping she'd come through for her check.

Not /r9k/, so I'll ease up. But that's what I've been trying to drown out lately. Before that, it was regrets about not going to college, despite everyone I know having a lot of debt now, and not making the best of every opportunity I had.


that's pretty good
>what are you escaping from?

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Wow what a gay NEET hugcircle this shit thread is
Self hatred. Started as escapism when I was 9, haven't killed myself 11 years later.
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Conversations with family generally end in argument and a bad mood in the air.
Conversations with friends are short and pointless now-a-days
People in general are huge pricks or very dumb.
I suck at everything except for video games. (I'm okay at those)
If I just play video games and get really into it, I can avoid crushing reality and chronic depression.
No motivation to do anything but waste time on vidya.
I'm just a fuck up...
I just... why am I even wasting my time posting this here? It's just gonna get deleted or ignored.
I'm going to sleep.
>can't enjoy sex
>can't enjoy a relationship
>can't enjoy a friendship
>can't enjoy a PvP game
>can't enjoy a co-op game

so much pressure
Don't be scared of the dark.
be scared of what's hiding in it
But anon that's really immature you need to do.. stuff...
I am almost in your situation, except sometimes I feel I like I need being with her and that my life would really lack something without her and shit.

About people being nice out of politeness, I feel the same shit. This is why I am always sincere with people and don't say nice things too much, so that the few times that I am actually nice it's really sincere and not fake shit.

Not many people appreciate it though, people prefer you to be fake and spout compliments left and right even if you don't give a fuck.
Vin Diesel pls
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>life is so boring that you became very good at lucid dreaming
>making fantasy possible in lucid dreaming becomes easy because of videogames making it feel more natural
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Just trying to convince myself daily that I'm not a piece of shit mooching off her parents until this summer when I will actually have a job.

I've only talked to one person from my high school since summer ended, and she's too busy with work to bother with me most of the time.

The only guy I liked throughout high school dumped me at the end of summer because I hate speaking and apparently that's a bad thing.

The only thing that keeps me going is /v/ and Terraria. Considering the only thing I have to my name is a piece of shit laptop and my steam account full of games I can't even play, I guess it could be worse.
>can't enjoy PvP game
This! Fuck!
It's called roguelikes, my dear.
I'm trying to get into Dorf, but I have the memory of a gnat, so I just spend my time reading legendary mode.
Might as well read some actual books then, at least you could learn something useful.
The Virtual Reality machine that I found in my dad's workshop.
>knowing more about a fictional universe than you know your friends
Do adventure mode.
Ever since I got this 8-5 office job, over the past 8 months I have become casualized
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Well It's either I play video games or drink because I'm only good in social situations when I'm buzzed or just a little less than drunk since it helps me loosen up a little an not feel like I'm constantly being judged.
>implying I have more than 1 friend
I don't play vidya to escape. I play to enjoy myself. As a matter of fact, I don't really play when I have something I feel like I need to escape from something.
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The main reason for me playing videogames is to be able to talk about videogames with people. I feel out of place when I can't enter a thread on /v/ in fear of spoilers or being unfamiliar with a videogame reference. I haven't really talked to anyone since last year. My very few conversations consist of work related things or talking to people at cashiers.

I live by myself. I don't really have friends or family over. Sometimes I pretend my roommate is Elizabeth from Persona 3.
I don't think I've ever had a real friend I made by myself usually I hung out with my bros friends who hated me or just stayed at home.
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>>186011648 (OP)
>ghost dog
Since I'm American I'm trying to escape the bombs and explosions

This is pretty common actually. If you're the type who actually gives a shit about fiction and not a LOLSKIPALLTHECUTSCENES cockmongler odds are you'll eventually reach a point where you know most of what there is to know about a game's universe and characters, because it's written so that you can find out.

It's hard to know everything there is to know about another person, even a friend. I've known my best bro for 13 years and I still can't say either of us knows everything about the other.
It's rotoscoped
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Yeah that was a bit unnecessay I felt
The best thing about people is that you cant know everything about them.
Oh, right, and getting told you're shit by anon.

Which tells us something is backward
You're an idiot. If your friendship was even half as good as you describe, you'll slip back into it like an old glove.
Take a chance, you fag.
>homework/class assignments

Sometimes I see that flow chart from Yume Nikki when I wake up.

I sleep with the light on. I haven't slept in the dark in years ever since I had a very bad sleep paralysis episode that made me think I was being abducted by aliums.
are u a grill?
Same here, shit sucks.
Fuck I hate this life, those work hours 5 days a week and in an uninspiring software development role is just too much, planning on doing some work in my own free time and moving on though
Embarrassment and shame.

Parents don't talk to me unless they want me to do something or they want to scold me. When I text or call my friends, the text replies are always very short and the calls don't last more than 5 minutes.
Work and academic obligations, usually. Also the loneliness that creeps up on you every once in a while when you live alone and don't work at having a vibrant social life.
Lack of accomplishments.

I play games where there's a lot of grinding involved so it feels like I'm improving something day by day.

>tfw want to text a friend to see how things have been doing since we haven't talked in months, but don't want to look desperate
>>186011648 (OP)
my life
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Ok /v/, bear with me for a minute. Your initial reaction will surely be one of disgust, followed by the desire to vomit but please, steel yourselves for one twisted tale.

Today was my day off from work and I figured "hey, instead of doing something recreational or even borderline interesting, let's get wasted!" So I hopped over to the local ghetto liquor store, manned and operated by Koreans who can't speak a lick of English. But despite their lingual handicap, they had identified a market of desperation here in the ghetto and set up shop, to the joy of hoodrats and chagrin of community leaders everywhere.

Normally I'm something of a beer snob and only drink the finest of piss waters but I was feeling adventurous and opted for something cheap and dangerous. In the spirit of experimentation and frugality, I picked up two bottles of Mad Dog 20/20 Kiwi-Lemon and Dragonfruit, a bottle of RED Cisco and 3 cans of Raspberry Twisted Ice Tea. I think my grand total came to less than 9.75$.

The bum standing behind me mumbled his compliments at my determination to get smashed as FUCK. In hindsight he was probably trying to warn me but he wasn't in full possession of his teeth.

Day in day out of a life going nowhere coupled with intense paranoia
>it wasn't sleep paralysis

Besides, if aliens wanted to abduct you - I doubt lights are going to stop it.
Riku pls

I want to facefuck 90s era Natalie Imbruglia
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So I got home and started pounding down the Mad Dogs. Anyone familiar with Mogen David knows these bad boys go down easy but they have quite a kick if you attempt it on an empty stomach. Stupidly, I thought my generous helping of Chicken katsu would keep me in the balance.

By the time I set down the last Mad Dog, my head was spinning but I still had my resolve about me to see it through. I next tackled the Twisted Ice Teas; juvenile, petty malts consumed by the fake brave.

Nevertheless, these sinister brews turned my stomach inside out and I made a trip to the water closet to summon the Earl, twice.

Brightly colored chunks of my afternoon Chicken Katsu made their debut inside my toilet. I was shitting a rainbow, only with my mouth.

Wiping away the last bits of acidic slop from my chin, I cracked open the Red and made like the Cisco kid. 2/3 of the bottle finished I began to hallucinate I WAS the Cisco Kid, chasing banditos around my apartment. At one point I loudly proclaimed my love for Mama Fratelli and my lustful desire to fuck her wrinkled pussy whilst screaming HEEEEY YOU GUUUUUUYS!

Finally the Cisco was finished and with a loud belch, I patted myself on the shoulder for a job well done. No sooner was I congratulating myself when I felt a fart stuck in my colon, trying to break free from it's chains. I squeezed for about 10 seconds until a resounding squeak erupted, followed by a warm sensation between my ass cheeks.

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With all the eloquence of a drunk eating his own shit, my hands reached down between my moons and felt around. Suddenly an eldritch stench I can only describe as 'dogs breath' wafted from my arse. I brought up my fingers to discover I had shitted out a thick, viscous heaping of MUCUS.

I ran to the bathroom, dropped trow and proceeding to shit out the rest of this snot fest. For 3 whole minutes nothing but white, sticky snot erupted from my asshole.

After a brief wiping and several blasphemes, I stood and examined my work.

Remember the saliva stuff those xenomorphs from ALIEN secreted freely like Mana from heaven? Yeah. I had caked the bowl of the toilet with this thick, sticky snot-like substance. What surprised me most was the complete lack of actual fecal matter. The snotty offal itself had a subtle hint of yellow to it but there wasn't a drop of shit in that bowl. The smell was thick, salty and as earlier stated, smelt of dog's breath. I was overcome with an insane desire to consume this smelly shit snot, no doubt thanks to my inebriated insanity. Thankfully I resisted all temptations like Christ and flushed the commode.

I spent the next 10 minutes in the shower alternating between puking and shitting out more butt boogers. I finished up, put on a robe and sat out to write this story to you /v/.

So my question is: why was I shitting out mucous?
Social Mishaps

I always end up making myself look pathetic. Whenever I sign onto Steam, I always try to appear offline.
Lack of income
Lack of gf
Lack of more active hobbies

Retell it but make it sexy.
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My lack of a social life. It's a self destructive process, really.

"My life is shit, I talk to no one. I'm stuck in social stagnation. Well time to stay inside all day and play vidya."
my shitty security job
A lack of purpose. It's why if a game doesn't have a compelling story it needs to be extremely fun and addictive otherwise to get me to keep playing it.
I'd go see a doctor.
I don't have dreams or a purpose so video games make me feel like I have one.
The fact that my college degree is worthless, I don't know what to do with my life, and I can't even get a god damn driver's license because I'm too afraid to go on the free way.
>it wasn't sleep paralysis

Oh god, don't say that. The fear I had watching a short thing walk up to my bed and not being able to move.
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The crushing despair that I will do nothing important and forgotten.

Honestly, I'd settle for a wikipedia article about me, but I know that will never happen.

I just want to be a hero and have it be told I saved lives or did something good for a community regardless of scale.
What do you wish would improve in terraria?
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At least you have friends and family to be disappointed in. I'm stranded in China working in a sweatshop and I've lost contact with everyone I ever knew in the US decades ago. Mine could be dead or in some other part of the world than where we used to live or worse and I don't even know.

I'll be honest, I just wanted an excuse to post this picture.
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>tfw living every day like I'm being chased by something
I only play Dota but even then it's because my friends play it.

I don't play video games out of enjoyment anymore, I think I've grown to become too critical or I just don't like them now.

The internet, though, is real distraction. Real escapism. Whether it be on sites of nothing like 9g@g, 4chan, facebook or youtube, or sites where I like to pretend that I am learning something, such as wikipedia or some news website, it is all ultimately escapism.

I'm trying to squelch it out. This internet lays worms in my stomach and in my brain every time I use it.
loneliness and my own depressing thoughts
fuck off
>Start a fure
>Save people from said fire
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Man, I remember first listening to this song when I was still in high school, five years ago. It made me feel really sad and nostalgic, and now listening to it again makes me nostalgic for that time again.

Feels upon feels, man.
Boardem and loneliness and the darkness of the nights I am awake to forget the days and sun I have to miss because of my job

>That feel when you hope a situation will present itself that you may save someone while sacrificing yourself, so you'll be remembered as a brave hero
are you Batman ?
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>>186011648 (OP)
Why the fuck would I escape to a world where average life expectancy is anywhere from one second to an hour?

I play video games because I enjoy doing it. If video games stop being enjoyable I'll completely stop, until then I'll keep playing.
9cac is rather enjoyable since that and 4chan serve the same purpose to me.

>scroll scroll scroll
We both know that's hollow. Meaning and purpose. Substance behind it is important for both sides of the event.

Adventure as well.

I'm not talking about travelling to some florida hotel. Or flying to a beach on madagascar.

That's not adventure. That's tourism.

I want to travel, have myself be physically and mentally tested over a period of time in an overall global effort to help others. Yes, even with a cliche, climactic challenge at the end.

And I know I will never have this unless it is, as you said, artificially created for me.
I wish people still made threads about this game movie.

I just played it this past weekend and missed the boat.


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