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What made Star Fox 64 work were the other games didn't? Why hasn't Nintendo been able to top 64?
They didn't even try.
Where other what games didn't? Space shooters? There's loads.
Starfox games? Adventures was better.
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Other Starfox games you dingus.
Then you're just stupid. All the other Starfox games worked, though there haven't been that many.
>Implying Adventures was even a Star Fox game.
Do you want to argue that Mario 2 isn't a Mario game either and Birdo isn't a Mario character?
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Misunderstanding of series direction.

The original and 64 were solid on rails arcade-style shooters.

Adventures sent the series in an entirely unrelated direction, was a bad Star Fox game because of that, and was a mediocre game on top of it.

Assault attempted to revive the series original direction while making the most of Adventures, and actually did so quite well. Nintendo just didn't care, it seems, as they never gave the series another major game ever again.

Command was, again, mediocre, and while not as guilty of missing the point as Adventures, that's true here of some degree.

64 3D was a remake and while it was good, it doesn't really count as a new game.
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Adventures was more Zelda than Star Fox, Assault focused way too much on the story, And the on foot missions were lackluster. Command was just fucking bad.
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Both Retro Studios and Platinum games have expressed interest in a Star Fox game. I say Nintendo lets one of them have it.
Not him, but that's sort of the opposite of what happened with Adventures.

Mario 2 played like a Mario game when it wasn't, and Adventures didn't play like a Star Fox game when it was.
On-rails shootan with a few different vehicle segments. Occasional all-range mode fights to break up tedium.
Tons of different paths and secrets.
Cheesy story that didn't take itself too seriously.

That's all they need to do to make another good star fox game.
This and Thunderbirds are apparently what inspired Miyamoto to make Star Fox.
Assault was pretty fun. The multiplayer was very good and I don't remember having any problems with the on-foot sections like everybody seems to complain. It most certainly didn't turn out as good as F-Zero GX but it's still a good game.
It's the exact same situation.
Nintendo wants to milk a franchise without making a game so the re-skinned a different game.
Actually its a bit more complicated than that. Rare was working on Dinosaur Planet at the time, Towards the end of Development, Microsoft came in and started to buy out Rare, So in order to prevent Dinosaur Planet from going to the Xbox, Nintendo asked Rare to make it a Star Fox game.
In that respect, yes.

But that's not what
meant. I was arguing for the point that Adventures was reskinned as a Star Fox game, but didn't feel like one, whereas Mario 2 still feels enough like a Mario game to pass as one.
Yes. That's true.
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I will actually defend Assault. I consider it a pretty good game. Certainly not on par with 64, but then again 64 was damn near perfection. Although most of the vehicles were overdesigned as fuck.
>>197607172 (OP)

Imagine Star Fox U with 1080p and 60fps and more solar systems, upgradable ships, more ammo, 16 Online Multiplayer
> but didn't feel like one
Does Ocarina of Time feel like Link to the Past?

Flight sections were in the game, it just expanded on that with planetary exploration too.
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People didn't like the Furry Soap Opera?
No I want to argue that Wand of Gamelon is a Zelda game.
That's my favorite argument.
>Does Ocarina of Time feel like Link to the Past?

Umm... Yes.

It's practically the same game, but in 3D.
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easy to learn
replay value, that tied in with the harder levels
"holy shit" secret ending when you successfully beat every hard level
Rumor has it that the people developing Assault had to start the game over from scratch after a server crash basically fucked everything over.
Adventures was a action adventure RPG that happened to have some flight sections. The focus was obviously the exploration segment. It played exactly like a Zelda game.
I like the game, but it's completely different from the rest of the series. Even further than Mario 2, that has Mario in pretty much another dimension with different enemes, but the game is still a platformer.
So you dislike it because it isn't a rehash?
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You keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Simply put. It was just really fun to play.
>variety of levels and objectives
>multiple routes within levels
>multiple routes through the game dependent on your performance
>earned difficulty levels
>near unlimited replay value
>giant battles
>rivalry with Star Wolf team
>storylines that don't even occur until you beat the game on a certain route
>constant banter between you and team members
>team members fulfill a certain role
>trippy warp zones
>writing from hilarious to dark as shit
>Princess Bride quote
LOL SO FAHNNY XDDDDDDDDDDDDD. That movie fucking sucked.
Can we all agree that Area 6 was the best mission?
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Would you guys play a Star Fox game made by Treasure?
>"holy shit" secret ending when you successfully beat every hard level
I've never gotten this. I guess I'm going to play Star Fox later.
People didnt have a problem with paying so much for such a goddamn short game.
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I actually really liked Katina. Fighting alongside all of those allies, and Bill Grey was really fucking cool.
That was a good game. It's too bad nobody gave a shit about it.
How long do you expect an arcade shooter to be? And Star Fox 64 had massive replay value.
Have fun with Venom Star Wolf!
Each playthrough was short, but that adds to the arcadey feel of the game, which I really liked.

I've never paid for the game. I've borrowed it off friends and emulated it.
That is a massive difficulty spike.

Like, REALLY big.

But I guess it is the last level....
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I actually did like Adventures.
Star Wolf is easy as shit, and Venom 2 is easier than 1 to get a good score in. The only really hard level is Aquas.
Fuck that Submarine.
Venom Star Wolf is not easy by any means, but I agree on Aquas being quite hard.
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Fuck that framerate.

How is the remake?
Star Wolf takes a good while, but you just need to loop-de-loop-de-loop-de-loop constantly.
What? It held me over until Wind Waker came out.
>So in order to prevent Dinosaur Planet from going to the Xbox, Nintendo asked Rare to make it a Star Fox game.
[citation needed]
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Aquas had a low framerate in the original, though
How would you guys feel about Retro Studios or Platinum making a Star Fox game?
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A Kamiya StarFox would be the best.
It would be pretty crazy. But Retro has some advantages as well, namely an excellent track record in reviving Nintendo Franchises, the fact that they haven't made a bad game yet, and their excellent Art team.
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>>197607172 (OP)
>Why hasn't Nintendo been able to top 64?

The fuck man, N64 is shit
Proof that furrys ruin everything.
It's strange due to the generation gap for some IP's Nintendo could literally take the older games add a lick of paint and claim their new and fanboys would fucking love it, I.e StarFox and F-zero

Yet they won't because they love rehashing but only when they can market a rehash gimmick
>I'm the problem on /v/
I'm not saying I'd buy them. I'm saying others would
I actually like the first star fox more than 64

>more creative levels
>no crappy free range mode fights
>more challenging
>cooler bosses
>better music
I'd rather see him do a full Space Harrier game like the Bayonetta level
I'm in that boat as well, bosses were better, excluding Vemon space 3.
>Implying the Free Range mode levels weren't fun as fuck.
I think it's because they chose to do one thing and they did it right. they didnt try to put in everything they thought was popular. Mario64 was popular, but they didnt try to add in platforming because of it. it was a space shooter, and they did it solidly. the controls were responsive, there were secrets and the main game was short as fuck so it was replayable infinitely.
maybe the first few times you did them. The AI really didn't do anything to spice it up.
Its a shame the Furry Fandom latched onto this game. So much so that the dev team for command went to several furry fandom sites for story tips. I shit you not.
>japanese devs went to furry sites to ask for advice

Trying a little hard there
Actually the dev team for Command was led by an American.
>ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>he's right
>that was a damn great movie
Q games is a Japanese game developer staffed mostly by American and British Expats.
From what I know some who worked on the first two.
You know, I remember the Nintendo Power Tie in comics actually being pretty good. I wonder if anyone collected them into a trade paperback.
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They tried turning Star Fox into a Space Opera when it really shouldn't have been. Team Star Fox are mercenaries/bounty hunters. How about they make a game based around that?
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Wa-wing damage
It was wasn't it.
I still lose it during the Impressive Clergyman scene.
I wonder if that guys name and uniform is an intentional reference to the Beatles Album.

I really wish they stuck with the nonsense sounds instead of giving them proper voices
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Uh no, a SEGA AM2 Star Fox would clearly be best. Why do you idiots always want developers handling IPs that have barely made anything like them?
Because you'd get a new game instead of the game the devs originally made with the Star Fox IP tacked on.
Why would that not be a new game? Why do you assume a developer who hasn't made anything of the sort would be good at making a game of the sort?


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