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Well, look who just got TOLD.
What did he have to say about it?
>MFW there's already 5 articles complaining about it on Shitaku
You're kidding, right?
>reading the site.

You're a goddamned retard.
No way, seriously?
Pffhahaha holy shit.

I gotta love these devs.

don't you try to cheat me
fill me in on what happened, did someone take that picture and use the bage for themselves?
whats going on here?
I dont get it. I mean, I know the original DC drama from months ago, but what does this have to do with it?
i don't understand

Atlus confirmed as top tier saviours of gaming
I don't understand.
Is this an in-joke on shitaku?
Oh man, that's good.

E3 is fucking awesome this year.
Wow that's pretty good.
The fact that all the journalists at E3 will have to walk around with Tits McGee hanging around their necks
Based fatlus
Pfff hahaha
The game is the official E3 Sponsor badge for all to wear during the event
There's already been more awesome shit this year than in the past several and it hasn't even started yet.
That badge belongs to the faggot who wrote the initial shitaku article.
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>>193701957 (OP)
I can't fucking breathe. Ten outta ten. Will buy seventeen copies.

Is this guy a feminist supporting beta bitch or something?
kitaku must be so mad right now
thats gold

He's the guy that caused the outcry over Dragon Crown's tits.
It looks like the Dragon's Crown thingie is BEHIND his badge though. What is it exactly?
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The person who that badge is assigned to wrote an article bitching about that particular character being too "sexualized"
Link to article plz
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can't he just take that part off?
The thing seems kind of big, doesn't it?
Pretty much. He made a big stink about it a few weeks back.
Jason Schreier did an article about Dragons Crown saying the artwork was done by a 14 year old and basically insulted the game for page views.
He ended up getting called out by the guy who actually designed all the characters.
you know, I don't really like the look of this game, or the genre, or anything at all really.

but goddamn that is worth buying a copy for
Not necesarily, the backside of the badge is SMT4.
No, it's the badge holder, they have different companies as the badge sponsor every year.

Seriously guys, it's not that fucking confusing.
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such as?

no seriously, i haven't been following e3 at all.
So how did atlus manage to get the sorc on every badge? A shit ton of money?
Holy shit.
That's made E3 for me. Job done, anything after this is just golden.
looks like a separate insert. Guy can probably just take it out.
Slowtaku has been complaining about DC for days since the trailers came out.
Pastebin or GTFO.
I actually want to buy this game now, this is hilarious
theres probably someone with boobs in that game too
Meanwhile, the website you hate so much gets to write even more easy articles about this topic and gets even more money, while you waste your life writing inane shit on an anonymous forum.
It has SMTIV on the flipside, though. He'll wear it backwards.
this is possibly the best thing that ever could have came out of E3, and it hasn't even started yet

Since that's advertisement space Atlus paid for probably not.

We have a giraffe!
he.. he's too stupid for words
Somewhere in Japan, George is laughing his ass while drawing some hardcore homoerotic dwarf porn.
>Who cares if the game sucks shit, at least they're telling the feminists to fuck off. Day one purchase.
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>>193701957 (OP)
but then the DC art will be touching his heart
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>being forced to wear a lolicon fantasy around your neck the entire e3.

I love it.
>He tries to a faggot and refuses to wear it in protest
>Can't get into E3
I'd love that so much
Of course he is. Grown men that write about video game on the internet try to validate their "profession" by clinging to feminism.
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[ ] TOLD
[x] 007: TOLDENEYE
>implying it doesn't look great
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>>193701957 (OP)
Atlust confirmed for saviour of gaming
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Go home, Jason.
They should have given him a special badge with the three naked dwarves on it while everyone else gets the sorceress one.
Goddamn, I think I'll actually buy the game just for this.
>why do people even bother talking about current events when cable news exists?
What do you expect from someone shouting epic meme arrows
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>>193701957 (OP)
Amazing, just fucking amazing. Good job!
lol, get a load of this guy

Anything to make yourself feel superior, right? Except you talk like you're 15.
Jesus, that picture is so fucking terrible. Not the caption, just the overall art of the girl, especially her face.
Everyone hates Tortilla, even reddit. He's downvoted into oblivion and cries like what you'd expect from someone as immature as a video game "journalist".
This is fucking hilarious.
Does he even know what "lolicon" means?
Any guy that complains about this deserves to have his penis taken away.
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Yeah, tasteless pandering sure is great!
>>193701957 (OP)
I badly want this to be legit, but it looks like it's just a cutout slipped into the plastic wallet thing behind the pass. He could just take it out.

More sauce.
This alone is making it a great E3. My expecatations are lower, but that's partly becuase as I've gotten older I understand E3 is more business than fun, but nice to Atlus stick their tongues out and have some fucking fun.
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send out the #rekt replies for anyone with twitshit accts
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They might have just paid for the badges. Big events like this cost money and they'll take whatever donations they can get.
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Don't forget neogaf. They tore the shit out of Jason and Tortilla during boobgate.
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"All of the above" would indicate that he was "NOT TOLD."
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Really? Please go.

Nope and he doesn't care either because disagreeing with him makes you a misogynist pig
It didn't have a 'trigger warning' for you?
>Jason cuts off the top of his badge
>gets booted out of E3 for carrying a modified badge

Please let this happen
Grow up

About time we get some muscular women in games

Thank god for pandering
It is actually. Sexuality is part of life. No need to hide from it like a child afraid of cooties.

He's a game journalist. He couldn't find his own asshole with the help of a dog.


It's real. Atlus is the official badge sponsor of E3.
If he took it out I doubt they'd let him go anywhere. Apparently they're really stingy about it
Oh hey b8 the image again. It's barely been an hour since I last saw you.
How would the sp/offline of this game would be? Do monsters have less hp? Would it be viable for someone playing solo? And will it be available on PSN?
>know where the gif came from and how to get it
>pretend you know nothing of it or are no on the same level as him
kill your self.
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That's the thread. He's such an immature little cunt.
He would be given a new badge holder, since that is not modifying the badge.

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That is real interesting. You should write a blog post about it.
how can atlus afford to be a badge sponsor, I thought they were the definition of shoe string budget
Yup. Thankfully he got the biggest online assraping I've ever seen
Who's Totilo? Some shitaku faggot?
>Atlus trolling shitaku and making things hilarious before E3 has even started
>599USD_v2 now with games
>Microsoft embarassing itself with the new Spybox One
>MGS, Smash Bros.
This E3 is gonna be fantastic.

I don't get feminism. We betray women as 10/10 hot goddesses who are tough etc yet they still complain.


They are just digging themselves a massive hole.
Twitter confirmed. Fucking magnificent.
>Ripped, shirtless, muscular men aren't sexualized characters but some big tits are

Well, say what you want but the fact that every girl and her mother wears a low cut shirt would indicate that this is what women want guys to see
That's someone with Kojima as their avatar.

he riked it
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holy shit
they improved their art skills
>seriously calling them Epic Meme Arrows
>Not Greater than signs or quote arrows
>Being this bad at internetting
Neither a troll nor a feminist; this has nothing to do with feminism, I'm just upset that developers feel the need to cram needless pandering in a game. It adds nothing to it, breaks immersion in some cases (it's difficult to take combat seriously when a characters' breasts do a 180 every time she lifts her hand up), and even drives away potential customers.
Ugly bitch, wouldn't bang.
Why does Noel have tits?
editor in chief of that sinking ship. Also monumental moralfag, crybaby, apologist, and bald
>somewhere in Japan

He's actually going to be at the show on Wednesday handing out signed limited edition prints. I'm sure he's got a nice Sorceress print reserved for Jason. And I'm sure he's going to have a big shit-eating grin on his face when he hands it to him.
Typically the ATLUS inserts can be removed from the badge. No ones forcing them to keep it in their badge holder but this is shitaku we're talking about and being given an option like this is an oppressive patriarchal tool.

Man, that's some good drama stuff.
What? I didn't write what you quoted, did you click the wrong quote link?
You telling me she doesn't have them?

I don't fucking know any more, there's so many contradicting fanarts out there.
Is she supposed to be as flat as an ironing board or what?
>videogames are primerily played by stupid as fuck men
>stupid as fuck men like titties, infact all humans who were breastfed as infants like titties
>lets put titties in the game because most people will enjoy it
>minority complains

THE 21st CENTURY, EVERYONE. Fuck this really is the darkest period in human history.
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>It's not Kojima
>It's some bitch boy with Kojima's face as his avatar

Holy shit what a faggot.
>It's pointless to mark all of them if it covers everything
>That also means he wasn't told if it's all of the above
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>Using Obvious troll image
>A Woman swinging a 6 foot axe

>Boobs swinging
You can just smell the butthurt.

> I don't like it because opinions

That's valid my good person-guy, but then that means you weren't their customers in the first place.

I will never buy a mini cooper because I hate them.

So it doesn't matter if they give me cruelty free organic squash, I'm not gonna buy their shit.

Same thing here, they are pandering to their customer base and not to people outside of it.
>and even drives away potential customers.
I don't know
Does a pair of tits honestly drive anyone away?
Especially in a game that's all about parody and ridiculous shit like Neptunia?
I'm pretty sure it's the fact that it's all about parody and ridiculous shit in the first place that is making them lose interest.
Actually, pretty much.
That's the running joke.
Maybe the artist's just like tits.

You know why Chun-Li's thighs are so huge?
The guy who draws her likes big muscly thighs. That's all there is to it.
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>official art
mori always wanted cowtit noel but got yelled at, now he can use it as 'character development' yaknow
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>You should have asked if they had the dwarf guys instead.
To be fair it is fucking stupid to have to actually remove something like that in the first place.
I'm sad to see that he's still attending E3 and not boycotting out of protest/faggot rage. Would have been great to see Shitaku choose to sit out E3.
>oppressive patriarchal tool.
wow give me a trigger warning before typing that asshole


All nicely covered up.

Sorry /v/, but the feminists are going to have a non-tits side.
"Your artistic freedom ends where my feelings begin."
Noel somehow went from 17-ish to 8.
I wish the sluts in my neighborhood looked younger when they revealed their bodies.
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I don't get it. What is wrong with games targeted for males? I'm pretty sure there are some Barbie games out there too
Actually I hope he printed out a life size poster of the 3 dwarves to give to Jason.
Wasn't it the other way around.

As in some artist drew Noel with tits and Mori threw a shit fit.

>Drives away potential customers

But gays are the minority anon
she is half-obscured though and angled up so you dont get full tittay
muh dick
But they're going to wear the tits against their body in that case. This makes me even harder.
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>Epic meme arrows
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>>193701957 (OP)
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>Holy shit what a faggot
Well, he looks like this. What did you expect?
If Dragons Tits fails after this I lose all hope
>I-I'll write about feminism, will y-you sleep with me then?
I am working E3 this year and I can confirm this is 100% real, although you can remove the insert if you'd like, but most keep it in because they're fun little collectibles to memorialize that year's E3.

I'm gonna try to get Scherier and the Atlus team to sign it.
So how is Atlus artworks on the official E3 press pass? You'd think it'd be some CoD shit considering all the money they have.

> yfw you had a classmate have boob reduction surgery

As she explained, it was in order of
> picked on as a girl (early development)
> back pain

She wasn't even overweight....
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Bitch in purple should probably check her massive-mammies privilege. Reality is is that most people are obese and working class. Representations of people using models, happy successful people, and big warm families is not only wrong, it's borderline degrading.
I've actually met several people with that kind of breast. all of them swore they would get a breast reduction because of how painful it was to have them. They were all skinny- average sized too.
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I dont get it, is Jason Schererhburg the dude who complained about the game art right? what is that hand holding? can someone explain I'm dumb
You're missing the point. It has nothing to do with minorities, and I have nothing against fanservice normally, but when it's shoehorned, obnoxious or out of place I do.

>That's valid my good person-guy, but then that means you weren't their customers in the first place.
I was initially interested in Dragon's Crown but the animation the Sorceress 180 degree tits have and the Amazon's awkward and emphasized ass just put me off of it. Too much pandering.

So you're admitting Japanese artists just project their fetishes into their games?

That's kind of low. Japan's also the only place where non-indie developers will hire artists who drew porn before, and it shows.

I already said this had nothing to do with feminism. Is that your only defense?
>tfw i had a classmate that got a boob reduction surgery too
>mfw they grew bigger a month later, making the operation entirely pointless.

Oh well.
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>Check your privilege Jason. Not all women have vaginas for you to TRIGGER WARNING rape

Yeah big tits can cause severe stress on the spine.

A new cause is born
I'm seriously thinking this might be the best E3 in a long time.
I'm hoping it will have some crazy shit that will top Sony 2006 and Konami 2010
>Giant poster of the three naked dwarfs hovering over Atlus booth
>Naked Dwarf pillow covers, action figures, and life sized statues all over the place
>every five minutes loud horn blares "Calling Jason Schreir! Would Jason Schreir please come to the Atlus booth! Thank you!"
That's good.
Big tits = faster sagging
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at what point in time did everyone feel the need to whine constantly about the tiniest fucking problem that pops up in their lives. the representation of women in video games is such a minute problem in the grand scheme of things it baffles me how people can actually care this much about it.

gaming is dead.
And that's what the Dwarf is for anyway
No no, Noel is definitely a girl.
Most assuredly.
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>So you're admitting Japanese artists just project their fetishes into their games?

Am I supposed to care?
holy shit, this would be great.
I don't get it, isn't that the opposite of a lolicon fantasy?
dat fucking chin
Games with overly sexual women doesn't necessary mean that it targets the entire male audience.

Personally I don't play games like those, but it's nothing worth complaining about unless it becomes a frequent character design.

Funny/Sad story

Went into a public care hospital because I can't fucking afford a shrink and the last one screwed me over; that being said I definitely saw a woman in her like...40's or 50's and she had fucking ridiculously huge tits...lemme tell ya this one for sure: Nobody is fucking happy in a government-funded clinic...not even the fucking doctors!
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You're still saying
"Your artistic freedom of expression is flawed and ends where feels begin"

How do you feel about this image?
>but when it's shoehorned, obnoxious or out of place I do.
Why do you care about fanservice in the first place? It's not going to change the gameplay, you're just sperging out.
>evidence that people do look like this
>contextual thematic reasons for endowed mammies
>needless and pointless pandering!
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should I upload it all?
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Shit, Atlus. I'll buy out all the Atlus games at my local gamestop if you guys do this.

Because it's the fucking easiest thing to make your cause. Same shit with a lot of social justice. Do these people read about the lives of actual faggots that blazed the trail of acceptance with court battles? With their lives? What about the problems of acceptance in other countries? You can be killled in Uganda by the State if you are too flamboyant.

Where's the fucking outrage for that?

We need some pics of the booth.
Console E3s are awesome.
The ones after Console E3s are good too.
When a generation goes too long, E3 blows ass because the devs just want the new generation.
E3 is BACK, at least for two years.
She looks like Reggie.
So I know Shitaku has been hating on Dragon's Crown for a while and calling it sexist and all that jazz, but is this Jason guy one of the biggest cry babies about it? This is fuckign hilarious, but I need to grasp how hilarious this actually is.
Hell, it's funny that any Shitaku columnist would be given one of these.
"Oppai loli". It's a thing. There's also variations of loli where the girl is very mature and well developed. It's all sick entry level forms of pedophilia. So yeah, you can like this stuff, but don't defend it.
hell yea
Yes he is the one that complained about the character design. That is his E3 pass, he has to wear it around his neck for E3 and it has the character that he complained about on it.
>people should only live the way I feel is best for them since I'm smarter then them.
Remember when the Skullgirls devs hired Zone-sama?
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Yes. However Jason had no idea what he was talking about and made this post on NeoGAF.

After being sufficiently corrected, his response was basically "well excuse me for not knowing all about lolicon, NURDZ AND PEDOZ"
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E3 is already great and it hasn't even started yet.
ITT people using lolicon buzzword wrong

Stephen TOLDilo
Oh wow look at the frog's face. Look at that fucking frog.

a friend of mine got one too and she's good looking. and even with the reduction she still has giant knockers.
Atlus doesn't spend millions of dollars in trying to appeal to the CoD audience.
about the time when Political correctness became the norm.
Zone is still working as a contractor for SG.

I wasn't breastfed and even I love titties.

In fact I thought men who were bottle fed were supposed to be fascinated by them even more.
no it isn't. I've been into loli for 15 years now, and there is not a single person into loli that likes lolis with breasts, I can't even make a good synonym for how bad that is.
>(it's difficult to take combat seriously when a characters' breasts do a 180 every time she lifts her hand up), and even drives away potential customers.

Bitch, I'm buying that shit on PS3 to fully enjoy glorious sorceress tits on my 40 inch TV.
>that .gif
what the fuck ?

> people using those words
> not knowing about super nsabacked superspy superprogram

You're all in the list now bros.
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>Troy's response
>>193701957 (OP)
What's that? a pass?
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I guess its time to post pic related again

>Amazon's awkward and emphasized ass just put me off of it. Too much pandering.

google frank frazetta golden girl
Damn they got so much better

In celebration of the huge amounts of buttmadness this will cause to Shitaku dickless, cock loving emasculated overweight vagina worshipping feminazi squad
>if you are attracted to an adult woman you are a pedophile
i get it now. if you support feminists you can't process basic logic.

it's all clear.
>fully matured woman with big honkers
>oppai loli in any way

Please stop posting.
Three day event, I wouldn't put that kind of adspace above five, maybe six, digits.
Atlus has been the badge sponsor every year at E3, last year was Persona 4 Golden, the year before that was Catherine.
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I'm just going to put this here.
>not knowing that jason schreier used 'lolicon fantasy' wrong first and people are just parodying its use

Way to come in guns blazing to shitfling

>not recognizing imgur filenames when you see them
>not knowing how to google image search

How tall is he? I bet he's under 6'.
that shit never get old
Lets face it. They don't hate being misrepresented they just hate the fact that men find this shit attractive.
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All the fucking guys are over the top, I mean just look at that dwarf's bulging leg mussels.

Why the singling out of the women? The whole fucking style of the game is CUH-RAZY OVER THE TOPNESS.

This makes no sense.
Please don't. We need to stop with this.
Logic is a sexist system invented by privileged white males.
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It seems that Mr. ANON of /v/ is pleased also with neither breasts nor nipples.
The art of the direction he dislikes was prepared.
>"Your artistic freedom of expression is flawed and ends where feels begin"
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that projecting fetishes into a game or throwing fanservice around willy nilly is just tasteless and adds nothing to the game, and the industry wasn't like this even fifteen years ago barring a few niche titles. Now it's all over the entire JRPG genre and leaking.

>It's not going to change the gameplay, you're just sperging out.
Often, actually, it is used to detract attention away from horrible gameplay. Remember Neptunia? Me too, I was suckered into buying it. Never again. That doesn't seem to be the case in this specific instance, and here it's just unnecessary. Nothing is gained from having shit like this in the game and it only detracts from the complex combat by making it seem ridiculous.


>>contextual thematic reasons for endowed mammies
Such as? inb4
>S-sorceresses bestow live and need huge mammaries for that!

>where non-indie developers
God damn reading is hard.

Not what I said.

>Sorceresses bestow life and need large mammaries for that!
Doesn't really add up, and I get the whole fertility thing.
>Japan's also the only place where non-indie developers will hire artists who drew porn before, and it shows.

Why is this a bad thing by default? Shut the fuck up feminazi.
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Because women are fucking retarded.
I just wanted to see it.

I like the art style
You know I dont think its that right? Pretty sure youre joking but it's hard to tell on /v/ sometimes.

This isn't about equality, it's about grown men trying to justify writing about video games as a "profession".
>Posting Aeris as an example of modesty
>Her game features the original Tits Mcgee herself
It's pretty easy to color the past as modest and nonpandering when it didn't even have the tools to do so (being y'know, blocky pixel art is so titillating)
Hint: This place isn't worth saving. Might as well burn out bright, showing how dumb shit is.


dat fucking poetic justice

because they are retarded.

i'm actually going to get this game because i want to support these guys.
>So you're admitting Japanese artists just project their fetishes into their games?
>That's kind of low. Japan's also the only place where non-indie developers will hire artists who drew porn before, and it shows.
uh.. lots of traditionally trained artist draw nudes/model to try and master creating the human form; consequently even for amateur porn artists capturing/creating erotica is also a craft that needs to be honed (theme/posing/emotion), and mundane things like clothing character design and shot/set/background is still art.
That's some Toldosaurus Rex material right there.
Have you met Happy yet, /v/?

>Anna Anthropy

I remember her. That was the woman(?) that made a game about being refused estrogen because she was too fat.
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>game aimed at a small but fervent demographic
>unexpected backlash from people who wouldn't have bought the game regardless of character designs
>all this exposure
>niche game will now have a strong following

couldn't have gone better for Atlus
Because big, powerful men are a 'male power fantasy' some shit like that.
>bawwww pandering



>Male power fantasy
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>and there is not a single person into loli that likes lolis with breasts

Nice assumption bro.
I don't get it.

It looks like they made her tits smaller, so didn't this asshole win?
what are you doing
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I was supposed to post another pic on the other post but I am retarded



> boobs don't equal fertility!
Boy, I guess all those ancient figures and carvings and texts and ruins and civilizations were wrong and breasts aren't used for nurturing the early life of humans.

And since that isn't a basic element of humanity, there's no way it can be a symbol of similar themes. Yep, no way.
>this explanation doesn't count because reasons

You're a genuine moron.
The fuck am I looking at here? based reddit?
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>Being female
>Being feminist
I did, 5 times, her owner was chubby, but crazy. Good times.
Yup, also looks like an ugly dude.
Honestly I'm very happy, as it's a cool game with a cool artstyle and seemingly cool gameplay I might have overlooked otherwise. Now I'm getting a vita for it, because the devs are immune to bullshit.
whats the big deal, you can't even see her tits they are covered by the logo
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Nine out of ten feminists aren't female.

The more you know
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>Comparing glorious Vanillaware to Neptunia shit

Yeah, I'll surely take you seriously now.

But it's fucking pointless, dood
Seriously, you might as well just search for general hentai if you wanted tits
>is just tasteless and adds nothing to the game

In your opinion.
no one is into it because it does not exist, a loli can not have breasts, if it does, it is not a loli.
>I've been into loli for 15 years now
You invalidated any argument you could have possible had with that one. Sorry to say...
>there is not a single person into loli that likes lolis with breasts
Uh, yeah. Oppai loli most certainly *is* a thing. No, I won't link you any "sauces".

Back when /v/ was going bonkers for Rustle I would have thought the same thing too. Honestly, you would be surprised.
>>Sorceresses bestow life and need large mammaries for that!
>Doesn't really add up, and I get the whole fertility thing.
What are symbols and metaphors? Saying someone is "high as a kite" doesn't mean someone is flying in the air with a string attached to them.
It's the best thing reddit has ever done. They do however have better amateur porn then /soc/.
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This post
In some cases I feel this way, yet I dare not say it, because I'll get attacked by a wave of HURR GO AWAY ANITA
[Citation needed]
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Lel pic related
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most feminists are either a mangina or a dyke ...or both
Stop replying to the dumb shit and move on.
>b-b-but i don't like this reason
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>you will never acquire enough money to produce a game with the sole purpose of infuriating the shitaku / tumblr crowd whilst also responding to any PR relating to the game with "fuck you, I don't give a shit, this is my art"

feels bad man. feels bad..
I'm getting a Vita just for this game. 10/10
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>That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that projecting fetishes into a game or throwing fanservice around willy nilly is just tasteless and adds nothing to the game
>Japan's also the only place where non-indie developers will hire artists who drew porn before, and it shows.
What's bad about this? No, seriously. Porn has existed since ancient history.
Well OK, but why are you so butthurt about it? Why not simply disregard the game, like you would any other game that you dont like?

Dude, of course it's shit and pandering.

But you cannot limit their shit, that's anti-speech n' shit.

Go and do your own, better games. With blackjack. And hookers.
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The artists fucking love making this shit.
If their boss demands "pandering" they would make an entirely new game dedicated to 1000000000 pounds of Pussy and Ass with Tits as a DLC combo for free.
For example, Dark Souls, the only reason Gwynn is big tittied is because the artist really REALLY loved the design.
>Any year
>Saying Dood
>calm argumented explanation about character design
>WAAAA Doesn't really add up, I don't get it so it's not relevant!

Can you be any more biased and retarded? Why do you endure in this discussion if you're so dense you won't accept anything other people say, no matter how argumented it is?
>What I'm saying is that projecting fetishes into a game or throwing fanservice around willy nilly is just tasteless and adds nothing to the game

Why must the art style add anything specific to a game instead of just being a visual boon? Your opinion is that it's uncouth and tasteful, but you're still not arguing why.

And why would that invalidate my argument? I've been into 2D little girls since I was 12, which was 15 years ago.
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>But it's fucking pointless, dood

Guess what, all porn is pointless except to jack off to.

And if I want to jack off to a pregnant loli with huge tits wearing nothing but glasses I will damn it.
Anyone have a vomiting .gif for this? I don't have one with enough vomit.
>That's kind of low. Japan's also the only place where non-indie developers will hire artists who drew porn before, and it shows.

But jollyjack did artwork for Banjo. Some Halo artist did furry porn. Western artists draw porn.
It's a force of habit, I love Disgaea
I don't need a citation to prove a fact.
>It's pointless.
Some people like little girls with big boobies.
I don't get it either.
>Doesn't really add up
Just go ahead and say it
>this is problematic
>it's just a self-hating construct
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who the fuck doesn't love Gwynn's design? i'm not even a tit person but damn.
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>>193701957 (OP)
Man i fucking love /v/ right now.
>dat kirby samurai thread.
>now this told thread.
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Ara ara
>artists draw porn and nudes
Since when is this new?
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>>193701957 (OP)
Atlus I love you so much
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This is part of why E3 is great, developers get to push back at the retarded journalists for once.
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I was using it as an example. I even explicitly said
>That doesn't seem to be the case in this specific instance

It literally adds nothing other than pandering.

No, it's more that I think they're pandering unnecessarily. As I said, I don't have a problem with fanservice here and there but when it's that pronounced and fucking everywhere it's a little ridiculous. But you are fitting the image pretty well.

What does it add to the game besides fap bait?

I understand that about fertility now, thank you for explaining, but my point is that still doesn't excuse the .gif I linked to where her breasts move wildly even though she did little else than simply raise her arm. The Amazon also has nothing to with fertility or anything and her design is equally as ridiculous in terms of oversexualization.
Did she eat the people to make those skeletons?

- that one guy in this thread
>Purity, although an outdated and useless concept.
Get a load of this pseudo liberal scum.
I assume the important part for those people might be small frames.

The same reason that there are people that like futa with female but not so much futa with male or futa on futa.
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no vomit but sh/he/it shit lol induces as much cringe/disgust as this
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Even women like boobs. My girlfriend certainly does.
Yes you do...
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Did you not read the post I was quoting, retard?
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the "waah too much pandering waah" fag already left the thread? you people should stop throwing your cis facts on others' faces like that

pic related am I kawaii ugu
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Goddammit man, I can't unsee this shit
Don't worry. George is doing it for you.
>It literally adds nothing other than pandering.

Same can be said for the art style in most games.

You don't have an argument here, it's basically your opinion vs the masses.
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>It literally adds nothing other than pandering.
And some people value what you would call "pandering" more than you do. Those people will buy this game, myself included. What's your point?
All it needs is three sticky threads about each console next gen with each void of shitposting and actual conversation and then the xbone one filled with shitposting and failing marketers and It'll make my year
>You know why Chun-Li's thighs are so huge?
Because she kicks the shit out of fuck?
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I like Atlus games, not for the gameplay (what games are meant for) but for the fetishes.
Dissidia > Disgaea
Of course your hand likes boobs.
>What does it add to the game besides fap bait?

Why does it have to add anything else to the game?

Are you perhaps entitled to art aimed at you in every game?
I did. I'm just surprised that people are surprised that people draw and like porn.It's almost as old as fucking itself.
As I said, this has nothing to do with feminism and I think you're projecting your issues with that onto me. My issue doesn't lie with THIS IS OFFENSIVE TO WOMEN or anything, but that there's little reason for the Japanese industry to have the level of pandering it does.
amazing chest ahead
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the journalists then get revenge by shitting their pants like the beta faggots they are and then complaining about it on their blog hoping for white knights to back them up.
>>193701957 (OP)

I don't get it.
>The artists fucking love making this shit.

the fun part is than the neptunia designs are made by a woman
you can say it everywhere else.

the one place where your opinion will be challenged is on /v/ and you act like a victim. fuck off faggot
This is just biodrone tier arguments.
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>mfw my name is George and my heart leapt when reading your post

I know that feel m8.
I'd love to make an ultraviolent beat 'em up that offends all those crowds and features a level in an Amazonian world where they kill men, etc and the boss of that level would look nearly identical to Anita
What's the point of gaming if we can't enjoy a little TnA once in a while?

Dude is a total pedo. There's no way you look at that character and think it's a loli unless you're suppressing something. He's like the people from Fox News who made a big deal out of a penguin movie supporting homosexuality.
>but that there's little reason for the Japanese industry to have the level of pandering it does.

You mean NO MORE than anyone or anywhere or anything else?

>What does it add to the game besides fap bait?

Does it need to add anything else? Is something else being taken out of the game because of it?
>Edgy as fuck design
>All dat darkness

>his name is Oswald
shitaku should be thanking atlus then
>but that there's little reason for the Japanese industry to have the level of pandering it does.

I don't think you know how these things work.

If something shows to attract a lot of buyers, the companies will continue with that popular trend. How do you argue against this?

Your arguments are literally "this is only fanservice, ergo it is bad. In my opinion of course."

Well, that last part was inferred.
Go away, George.
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brainwashed woman under this patriarchy
>The entertainment industry panders to people
This isn't new. Netflix aired a whole original season of arrested developement. Why? because they were pandering to the thousands who were fans of the show. Pandering to horny people is no different you fuck.

Man I love how ridiculous feminists are.
Why does gay sex need to add anything to ME3? I
They literally have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

What are you getting at?
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>I understand that about fertility now, thank you for explaining, but my point is that still doesn't excuse the .gif I linked to where her breasts move wildly even though she did little else than simply raise her arm.
>The Amazon also has nothing to with fertility or anything and her design is equally as ridiculous in terms of oversexualization.

Are you fucking retarded.
1. What do you expect from large breasts? Have you even seen a large breasted woman move? Confirmed for Olive or beta feminist faggot.
2. Amazons oversexualized? Holy fucking shit. There's no point discussing with you, you're just gonna keep pulling shit out of your ass as "proof", right? Because your opinions = facts?
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maybe I will take you seriously when you start to use any sort of argument instead of saying its "too much pandering" this sentence means fucking nothing
>but that there's little reason for the Japanese industry to have the level of pandering it does.

Oh, child. Here's the reason: capitalism.
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Except the Sorceress has no characteristics of a loli, even an oppai one.
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Why is this a big deal?

I don't understand, please explain

that does not look like a pleasant experience at all.
>That's kind of low. Japan's also the only place where non-indie developers will hire artists who drew porn before, and it shows.

Bioware's a Japanese company now?
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Preaching to the choir, man.
Because you're a faggot.
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>his name is Oswald

good to know some people here can still read
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>>193706816 →
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I know I saved some mindfuck thing for occasions like this, but I can't find it, so I'm just dumping something random.
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>Reality is is that most people are obese

Yeah, how dare we make fat people who over indulged on the benefits of the first world feel bad for being a gluttonous peace of shit. And just because someone is working class doesn't mean they can't be attractive.
Fuck Tatsuya.
Wow I hope nobody from the general public see those badges and mistake E3 for a pedophile convention.

Would suck if it got raided and nintendo postponed it's direct.
>cherry picking arguments
i guess you don't want to comment to the ones that challenged your fucking logic.
Then people who buy that shit should grow the fuck up and stop acting like children who go "HAHA BOOBIES KEEEEWL"
What makes you think that?
It's not. One autist in this thread is angry because some developers don't conform to his naïve views of art.
Fuck off summer fag, learn to google.
Keep dumping, this art is amazing.
>gets constantly rekt by well thought out arguments
>post the image implying responses to his post are nothing but a common shitposting

Do you live in some kind of parallel universe?

Is it just stupid feminism shit with "BASED ATLUS PUTTING TITS ON THE PASS"?

I just felt like I was missing something bigger than that
Why you gotta bring Kon-kit into this?
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>Lucca in spats then but no Chie in spats now
Your taste in vidya game girls now is terrible.
Fuck. If I knew this was going to happen I would have made a shirt out of the three Naked Dwarves and worn it all three days.
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manly dwarves doin manly things. I can appreciate this
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>It literally adds nothing other than pandering.
What do the bulging muscles in Gears of War add to the game? Or all the blood? The game would play just as well if everyone was just a biped from 3DS Max in various colors.

Not every art style has to be grim or realistic or whatever. It's there because that's the artist's vision, and I see no problem with it.

If a particular art-style offends me, I don't play the game and don't bitch about it. Or if the game is good enough, then I just ignore it.
>Then people who buy that shit should grow the fuck up and stop acting like children who go "HAHA BOOBIES KEEEEWL"

That's a great argument, Jim. If this were a debate club then you'd have won.
>oh look a calvin and hobbes comic.
>wait wh-

>whole serie of games is about girls saving the world with males being either evil or useless
>but they show some skin and look young, so its sexist

i find funny how they pretty much undermine they own arguments
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Hahaha this made my day
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Fatlus isn't real. Attached is proof of my physical aptitude. My favorite games are all atlus games.
Reggie is no where near as gorilla like Patricia is.
why is this schreir guy such a fag anyway?
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You forget to post what he said after.
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>Large breasts
>My sides have entered orbit
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you don't own me

The guy with the badge was responsible for a media outcry for that character having large breasts.

And now he has to wear her around his neck for the next three days.
This guy went on a rant about how the person who designed the characters for this game was a childish loser.

The character designer is the president of the company.

He proceeded to act like a little bitch and INSIST that the designs were sexist. He also said it was lolicon pandering fetishism. He hoped saying this would get him feminist apologists to cover up for his fuck up. It just dug it deeper.

Atlus decided to buy the ad on the E3 passes and put Dragon's Crown as the ad, specifically making the image of the character this guy made the biggest fuss about.
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George Kamitani is in my top 3 artists together with Jen Zee
This is one of the best things i've ever seen
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The rest of the art style is fine, and, okay, I can kind of understand the whole Sorceress thing, but that doesn't excuse the Amazon.

If you're buying the game just because of the fanservice, you are the cancer killing the industry just as bad as the people who buy cinematic experiences.

>If something shows to attract a lot of buyers, the companies will continue with that popular trend. How do you argue against this?
Again I'm going back to Neptunia, but the games do abysmally in Japan where the target audience is. Instead of changing it they keep it the same. The trend has nothing to do with sales and more with what the artists get hard/wet thinking about.

See >>193708439

>What do you expect from large breasts? Have you even seen a large breasted woman move? Confirmed for Olive or beta feminist faggot

Large breasted women's breasts don't move wildly from side to side like someone is smacking them every time they lift up their arm.

>Amazons oversexualized? Holy fucking shit. There's no point discussing with you, you're just gonna keep pulling shit out of your ass as "proof", right? Because your opinions = facts?
Maximum damage control

>It's there because that's the artist's vision, and I see no problem with it.
Neither do I. I like George's art style and can now grasp the whole fertility thing that applies to Sorceresses and necromancers, but that doesn't excuse the rest of the pandering.
I don't see the problem. Only juveniles think big tits are the be all end all. Grow up.
>Thinking Barbie is just for females
There's a shitton wrong with ME3 besides that though.
>Her game features the original Tits Mcgee herself

Don't talk about Tifa so crassly.
What does "ara ara" mean?
That image is so fucking biased.
First metroid let you run around in a bikini, Chun Li was thunder thighs and Cammy had a sweet ass since the early 90s, scantily clad women aren't just a "gaming now" thing ffs, they've always been there.
saviour of gaming

10/10 Trolling will buy 5 copies
Do you have large breasts like her? So you fucking know what it's like to have huge breasts like that and move? Jesus fucking Christ, I can tell you from experience the .gifs are 100% accurate on what happens, fucker.
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but the tits are a lot smaller than before, so didn't he win?

in any case, what a joke.
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Shut up already and enjoy the ride faggot
>Again I'm going back to Neptunia
Neptunia is made by women and features women saving the world.

>The trend has nothing to do with sales and more with what the artists get hard/wet thinking about.
Post some numbers that verify your, currently, opinion.
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>>193701957 (OP)
Toldasaurus Rex
>mfw all this backseat feminist bullshit will do nothing but increase sales.
Same expression as 'my my' in English.
Now the crabs are at home.
It adds to my enjoyment of the game. I like looking at cute girls, panties, and boobs. You do know that's the purpose of vidya, right? Go ahead and call it pandering. I'll call every game you ever liked or ever will like "pandering," because it's a useless word to describe things you don't like.

Go on and throw "sexism" into the mix too.
>implying I'm male
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hummina hummina
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>tfw Griselda > Gwendolyn
>you will never play as Griselda
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You're the one spouting ad hominem in the first place. Grow up and get your head out of your ass.
Obviously the issue is that some adults don't have the maturity enough to see exaggerated character design for what it is, and refuse to suspend any amount of disbelief when engaging with those character designs.

Even going further, they want all character designers to make realistic, believable design choices.
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Why do feminists hate beautiful women with large breasts?
Only juveniles care. Grow up.
>I didn't spend two seconds on google before throwing words around.
>I am SOOOO okay with that I need to be as passive aggressive as possible.

This piece of shit.
But the gay sex is like the tits, is it suppose to add anything to the game? Why don't you just ignore it then?
I'm okay with pandering of all sorts. From sexual pandering to explosions and guns for the CoDience. Mainly because I think its ridiculous to try and force developers of an entire medium to cater to my tastes. If people want CoD, so be it. If people want boobs, so be it. Nobody here has the right to tell developers to cater just to them. Same goes to journalists.
literally the only response you will ever need to any batshit insane argument involving people being offended by art
The best part is he's allegedly a huge anime fan so you'd think he'd know what loli is.

Either that, or he'd quickly look it up before making an ass of himself
It's actually just the artwork from the website. She has two different portraits. One with her bending over so her tits hang down and the one on the badge, with her back arched and her tits high on her chest.

In the actual game her tits are still gigantic. In other words Schreir accomplished absolutely nothing aside from making himself look like a retarded ass.
"My my". A phrase mature japanese women say.
Same reason that they hate skinny guys with twig arms.
Because they have shitty tiny breasts themselves and get upset.
>They're a lot smaller than before.
They aren't.
They didn't change shit.
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Same reason why any woman hates other women: jealousy.

Why do you keep on arguing when you:
1) Clearly don't know shit about art design or real word physics, for that matter;
2) Keep spewing retarded responses that aren't really arguments, just your opinions which you THINK are hard facts?
>but that doesn't excuse the Amazon.
>muscular barbaric woman in loincloth.. um no
>muscular barbairc man in loincloth.. a ok
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Because they take attention away from them, bitches love attention and get made when someone else has it.
Then why did people like you deride ME3 for pandering to the gay crowd?

Have you seriously managed to live 18+ years of your life without ever coming into contact with sarcasm?
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because they know they will never be one of them
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Where are her nipples?
Because Feminazis are ugly with nasty pancake tits
He never researches a goddamn thing. Ever. It pisses me off that NOBODY in the games press fucking spends a second in Google. EVER.

Seriously, if you google the man's name you instantly find that he's the fucking President of Vanillaware.
You're complaining about this and making a big deal, yet hollywood has done this since the beginning.

You seriously don't think they purposely put cleavage and revealing outfits in almost every blockbuster you see? This shit has been going on forever and it does lead to increased sales.

If you're going to be this upset about it then at least make it a point to all forms of media that do it, but don't act like it's some brand new thing.

Does that offend you?

Because your feelings matter about as much as a squirt of piss in the grand scheme of things, I thank Azura every day that I have drinkable water that comes out of tap and electricity that runs to my actual fucking house.
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I played with barbie when I was little
I twister there arms and used them as throwing stars
I'm gay now.
>If you're buying the game just because of the fanservice
most people buy games that have fanservice they like
Thats fallacious, you're assuming he even thinks that way, or is apart of the group you are referring to
what is the point of complaining about FICTICIAL girl?
i mean,they are designed to fit in the GAME[example:Amazon girls are huge,that means they have huge guts and boob] and nothing more,Fan service/pandering applies for the part of wanting X fanbase to come to their game and it changes the game in a notable way[EA and western devs do this a lot] so the devs that did Fan Service/pandering altered their game for jew reasons and thats all

Why to complain about"The wapanese over sexualize girls for their fetish and personal needs" or "over sexualizing girls is wrong because they are making us looking inferiorly or look like shit compared to a girl whose boobs are huge,including her ass,tights,hips and face(lol)" or even better, "The devs of this game that sexualized girls are a bunch of xenophobics and i am offended because this game raped me"?
[In general,this game is shit because "muh feels" according to beta shits,dumb feminists and ignorant people]
YES THEY MOVE LIKE THAT. You don't even have fucking huge breasts yourself, you fucking don't know what it's like.
Oh cool that's actually a sensible explanation for what I just said.
>muh pandering

Every part of an entertainment product is pandering.
Every single part.

In some cases - such as Kaufman's comedy - it is for the sake of the artist rather than the consumer.
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>not all women have vaginas

This has gone too far
because unrealistic and they're the 80%
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Juvenile lies and bullshit from shutins that never saw a boob in real life.
Why is it wrong to be against one type of pandering and not another?
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I ripped my sister's barbie's clothes off and masturbated on them
The Amazon is an homage to frazetta's golden girl
And if you correct them, they just snap at you even harder. The NeoGAF thread is an example.
Because they're ugly as shit and think that loving big breasts is some sort of anti-fem construct and not something imprinted in our gene material.
Intolerance has gone too far. It's time to be intolerant to intolerance!
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feminist basics 101: its only bad if i dont like it
So you going to stream that shit or what
Women don't like the fact that men have an escape from the only thing they have a monopoly on, Sex.
White knights think that if they suck up enough they may earn enough brownie points to get to hold hands with there internet goddesses
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Fuck off to Netflix.
Speaking from someone with a 32 KK cup size I can say the sorceress is 100% accurate in what happens in real life.
>"LOL WHAT A FAGGOT KNOWING ABOUT THIS THING" (It is this job's guy to know things before saying them)

I just don't get it.
It's doublethink bullshit.
What do you mean? They could get surgery.

Guys on the other hand, need to work out 20 hours a day and only eat protein for seven years if they want to look 20% like most male characters in vidya
Listen, he's defended enough women on the internet to know how boobs work.
i saw your moms boobs last night after i fucked her in the ass.
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>Not knowing the rules.
Nobody likes to admit they're wrong. Especially Shitaku journalists. They'll take their shitty opinions and "findings" to the grave.
It's weird that a anime fan doesn't know basic facts. You think he would know about hentai shit.
This is probably the worst thread on /v/ right now, or close to it.
okay, good.

they should have made them bigger for the badge holder then.
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I realized just now, the goblin is cute as fuck
Your very image emphasizes my point about how Japanese games have generally become more sexualized. Lucca didn't have upskirts in her official art.

It seems you're implying I'm a feminist again. This has nothing to do with what sex made it, but that it's there and still excessively panders for little reason.

>Post some numbers that verify your, currently, opinion.
Look up the Neptunia series' sales in Japan. They do what couldn't even be called well the first week and are gone within about the next two. Yet they don't change the pandering, proving that the current trend of fanservice selling well doesn't work.


The same can be said of Project X Zone, also heavy in fanservice and which also bombed and sold though just over 50% of its shipment.


Nothing to do with feminism.

>You seriously don't think they purposely put cleavage and revealing outfits in almost every blockbuster you see?
Yet even there characters' breasts don't flap all over the place when they raise their hand.

Sales, like the ones I posted, disagree.

No, they don't. Show me where a person with large breasts lifts their arm and their breasts spiral out of control.
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>those one rep maxes

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Nice quads there m8
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Don't be so fucking salty
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Pics or it didn't happen
please tell me you have a curved dick I have the biggest fetish for curved dicks
>Dat dwarf
>Dat goblin

Nigga that's kawaii
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Oh man, it's a good thing the artist censored the top of his penis, otherwise, my fragile mind couldn't handle it.
tits or gtfo
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WIth ME 3 there was an expectation of a game that did not pander to the LBGT crowd, and people were already invested in the series. When the series suddenly started doing so there was a backlash.

This same thing happened with Massive Chalice, where people first got hyped but then were let down because the devs suddenly started pandering to gays.
>The best part is he's allegedly a huge anime fan

Has he said what series he's a fan of?
Everyone has to start somewhere.
Shit, wrong source for PxZ.
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this is the same "woman" that went on the john romero's wife rant on some game dev panel and got applause

pretty sure it's mentally ill
>posting beloved /h/ in volatile threads
Now you must don the sudowoodo name and tripcode.
Let me teleport back to the 80s and take a picture.

And yes I do have one, it's 6.9 inches
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any hot pics of her
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Anita is so awkward, its like those TGWTG dudes
The only backlash of Massive Chalice I've seen is on /v/.

Mass Effect always had gay shit. Liara was in both both ME and ME3 and ME2 had a mini romance. Kaidan was always suppose to be bi they just cut it after the Liara shitstorm.
No but Shittaco always labels him as the "resident Anime expert"
>pretty sure it's mentally ill
it's a tranny, of course it is mentally ill.

they are in the same boat other kin are
I've only been training for 4 months so far I'm pretty proud of my progress so far.
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>faggot still goes on
>faggot still makes it obvious that he never saw large boobs bouncing like crazy when the woman simply walks, let alone runs or something
>Yet even there characters' breasts don't flap all over the place when they raise their hand.

Why does this offend you? It's a cartoon video game. Look at Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, her boobs flopped around all the time in that movie.

Yeah I get that they're flopping around more in this, but what is the big deal? They're tits and it's actually comedic in my opinion.

Your only argument left is that the tips flop around too much. So what? It's not even realistic to begin with (it's anime), so why should anyone compare it to real life?
real pics plz
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Short version:You are telling me that
1)X game art-style has really attractive woman,and men get boners of this game Art-style rather than a real woman

2)Women feel offended and alone because X game art style made their boyfriends to cut them because they were ugly and disgusting 3DPD pigs compared to their waifu

3)Those White Knights are just hugeass neckbeards that help woman so woman can love them because they didnt want a girlfriend or just want to stay close to a girl and thi girl is happy with him because well...White Knight helps her to achieve her goals
>This same thing happened with Massive Chalice, where people first got hyped but then were let down because the devs suddenly started pandering to gays.

I was excited for DC too but let down when George started pandering just for the sake of it.
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post the Game Grumps one
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This is the last page niggaz
>It seems you're implying I'm a feminist again.
You use their broken arguments, their illogic, their way of twisting a discussion and obfuscating points and discrediting large swaths of people stupidly.

I knew a girl with huge tits too and she DIDN'T get the surgery ( yet ) it's been years since she thought about it

She is pretty endowed and a bit on the heavy side mostly in the belly still cute as fuck though
and she has a kid or two but /v/ wouldn't understand this and are probably already thinking LANDWHALE

anyway she had to have surgery on her spine already as well and has to my most current knowledge not gotten a boob reduction

I don't think ALL women feel that way or should, she obviously is fine with her breast even though they aren't helping her back

I have a hard time imagining what anime he could enjoy with his attitude.
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We should spam Jason's twitter with this picture. Shit would be hilarious.
reimu is hot
Keep it up man maybe by the end of the thread you'll finally drive people to agree with you just to shut up your crazy ass
You keep ignoring the fact that EVERY PART OF EVERY ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCT IS PANDERING. That's the god damned point.
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there you go
>So what? It's not even realistic to begin with (it's anime), so why should anyone compare it to real life?

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you are a giant retard
>No, they don't. Show me where a person with large breasts lifts their arm and their breasts spiral out of control.

Breasts are made mostly out of fat + if you're thin and you move really in anyway possible they can move upwards to 20 inches. Hell I've got a black eye in gym class once for my tit hitting my face once for a 50 meter dash.

Your comments are pretty hurtful for people like me who could easily represent the Sorceress's bodytype.

Please don't forget to add #rekt to it
How's Drakensang? good?
recent pics are fine I generally don't go for the pedoshit
H-Ho thick is it?
Matsui is so fucking good
When I was a kid I used to take my sister's barbie's cloths of and have them sit on my dick while I was taking a bath. I would also wrap their hair around my dick. I had no idea what compelled me to do it, just that something deep within my soul told it was awesome.

Stop slut shaming.

People, and fictional characters can wear revealing clothes if they feel like it.
>what is the point of complaining about FICTICIAL girl?
gee I dunno but whining about them is enough to put two threads with +400 replies on the fucking front page
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>Error Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again
Everything is right except
>because they didnt want a girlfriend or just want to stay close to a girl
They white knight women because they think it'll make women want to have sex with them.
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if that was the case than anita wouldn't of gone to dice to bitch about the game being too difficult for women.
Because it is a troll man.
I wonder what it must feel like. To be the most hated video game journalist in the world.
I appreciated this dump.

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Oh shit man, I finally found that kinky mindfuck shit I was looking for. Are you guys ready?
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It's a little thinner than the right sausage
>The only backlash of Massive Chalice I've seen is on /v/.
The point is that a certain demographic(in this case /v/) had a certain expectation and when a game suddenly starts pandering to gays at the expense of the first group there will be a backlash.

>Mass Effect always had gay shit. Liara was in both both ME and ME3 and ME2 had a mini romance. Kaidan was always suppose to be bi they just cut it after the Liara shitstorm.
Wasnt that only lesbian shit? Because Im ok with that in limited amounts, but not with any male-on-male stuff.
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Thanks for the ride.
They don't even really need to make any more ads at this point, they can just get the support for the game by feeding off of internet stupidity.
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I think someone already said #rekt to him. I'll go check.
Even then not when simply moving her arm one degree.

Thanks, I didn't get that and apologize. However, that still doesn't excuse the wildly flailing breasts and the general trend of the industry becoming more sexualized for literally no reason other than to get the artist's rocks off.

God tier argument.

There you go, complaining about your emotions instead of at least attempting to be objective like myself. I'm trying to stay away from feminist like shit but this is one of the reason why people ITT attack me so much and hate feminists in general; because of MUH EMOTIONS.

Sage for this, I don't aim to speak on feminism again.
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Mirror's Edge?
yes, you see women like to feel they don't need men and they also know that men will still love them because they know we enjoy sex, so they have some one to leech off of.

but with the internet and video games as forms of escapism they need to make it as shit as possible or they will no longer have some one to leech off of and have to actually work for a living.
that saying not all women are like that just MOST of them
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Oh wait, I lied, it's just Spiderman
Lying self-hating women like this are problematic.
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So you don't like "pandering" with attractive, scantly dressed women in Japanese games. Well I don't like all the action-hero, gun-toting war pandering that games like CoD, BF3 and Gears of War do. All those over the top guns and action sequences that glorify war are becoming tiresome. It's not realistic and it adds nothing to the gaming experience. They just pander to the juvenile war-boner of 14 year-olds to drive sales of games. It's disgraceful.

But you don't see me getting my panties in a bunch complaining about it, I just don't play those games.

Every game panders to someone. Games with fanservice in them aren't pandering to you, so you lash out at them while ignoring or forgiving all the games that pander to you because they're "not as bad," when in reality they're just as bad if you look at them from another perspective.


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