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>The year is 2023
>Exactly 10 years from now
>The Xbox One failed long ago
>Microsoft has left the console race, and is now dying as a company. W8 never caught on. Neither did W9 or w/e is out then.
>PlayStation 4 sold godtier, and stayed on shelves longer than the PS3 because it had no competition in the market. The PlayStation 5 is preparing to launch
>Nintendo had unofficially made the 3DS it's main priority, the Wii U had failed and for years they had marketed mainly as a portable company, cashing in on Pokemon sequels and Nintendo 64 rehashes from generations past.
>Sega has reentered the console race and hopes to compete with the PS5 with it's own Dreamcast 2
>As of now, it is just Sony, Sega, and Nintendo
>Final Fantasy is now a major Sony exclusive once again, providing not only main titles but also many many spinoffs such as a Blitzball manager and a Chocobo kart racer
>Sonic is now a Sega exclusive, the same happened with the above Final Fantasy, however Sonic is selling far better.
>Nintendo exclusives are nearly dead, nobody wants to buy the same shit on a different day anymore. Nintendo as a whole is dying
>Sony and Sega compete to see who can be top dog in the industry

[/spoiler]Oculus Rift is now a standard and bundled with all new consoles including marketed 'gaming' PCs

Deus Ex, is now nearly real. With the technology of modern times, Deus Ex: HR is marketed as a major sales advertisement for augmentations to gamers.

Welcome to the future, /v/.

Welcome to the future of video games.
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Not biased at all
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Stopped reading there
fucking retard
trucking retard
You fucked this one up bad OP.

You fucked this one up real bad.
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>real augmentations
>>193572457 (OP)
>the Wii U had failed

You almost had it OP.
>Sega ever making a console again
Stop dreaming you giant idiot. If Sega was ever going to get back into the console race again, they would have launched one in 2010/2011.
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>>193572457 (OP)
"The future" now in 1920 x 1080
Really? On what grounds?
The market was dieing for a new console, mobile gaming had yet to really explode in the way it has now, and Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo would have been caught totally off guard.
This coupled with the Sega thing

2/10, won't bang
This is what gaming has become.
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The future in 1080p on a low end PC, low settings
>>193572457 (OP)
>Not going bankrupt by 2014
g8 b8 m8
>being this delusional

Xbox One is the #1 most wished for video game product on Amazon.com. It's going to sell well and be very popular.

Xbox is here to stay
>>193572457 (OP)
>Dat bias
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It wouldn't shock me if an article comes up saying "Microsoft paying people to like the Xbox One on Amazon."
>>193572457 (OP)
>Order my exclusive AlienWare Twenty-Digyt Finger augmentation.
>Finally, with ten extended fingers I can get into some top-tier Starcraft.
>Still cant beat Koreans ;_;
nice b8 m8
He's not wrong. Casuals will come in droves to buy that piece of shit. It will be popular. It will sell well. It will not be good.
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>>193572457 (OP)
>Oculus Rift is now a standard
Good god, what a horrible dystopian future.
Just like the giogle chromebooks


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