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Tech-retarded parents thread:

>Son, what are you doing?
>i am installing Rebublic Commando
>Holy shit stop installing those viruses
>Dad unplugs the power cord

Also, not vidya but:

>draw with your tablet
>show the result to your parents
>they think that it's nothing special because everyone can do anything with computers
>you should really start painting and not use those stupid programs to do all the work
They're totally right on that last part. Tablets are for faggots on Newgrounds. Painting gets you pussy and respect.
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>>202042259 (OP)

I wonder at what point "games" and "viruses" became synonymous in peoples' minds, because I hear that shit ALL THE TIME.

>My computer is running slow. Maybe I should install some of my kids' games?
>My e-mail password was stolen. Probably because of all these damn games!
>I get all these pop-up ads all the time because my kids have so many games.

I just don't understand this. Seems like every parent in the world thinks that if a computer has a problem, no matter how big or small, it can be fixed by uninstalling "all those games." How did this mentality begin?
Because all they did was go on the internet a little and send some emails. How could it possibly be them?

They don't know that their browser is downloading viruses from that fake porn site they go to daily, or that they've been "hacked" because some idiot told them to give them their password by pretending to be from Facebook or AOL or whatever. It's obviously those games!
>>202003363 →
Probably something to do with time spent.
If I spend all day on the computer and he "checks his email" for 5 minutes it can't possibly be him. Either that or know knows it is his fault and wants to pass blame.

Oh fuck, abadon thread
My dad once formatted his computer because I accidentally left a floppy in the A drive and the computer boot order had floppies above hard drives (as was standard back in the day).

He was fucking pissed when I pulled it out and it booted right up. I thought it was hilarious.
Pretty sure it's like blaming the dog for the fart.
>3 of my friends were massive console fags
>none of them even had PCs, they all used shitty laptops for internet and school
>they didn't believe that you can get better graphics on a PC
>I try and instruct them in the glory of PC gaming
>they still think consoles are the pinacle of gaming
>they don't believe it's even possible to mod game, they can only be played exactly as they are made
>their faces when I show them Icenhancer
>their faces when I show them Heavily modded Skyrim/New Vegas
>their faces when I show them emulation with gamepads

One of them went and bought a premade, and I'm building a rig for my other friend currently.

Feels good.
i like you

My cat farts all the time and it's the rankest shit imaginable
>See PornDialer.exe in my dads download history
>He uses a mac
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>Mom opens all emails
>goes to every link in the emails
>have to literally pry the mouse out of her hand when I know they are viruses
>she cant understand why she has to ake her computer in to get restored every week
>she yells at the tech guys claiming that technology is shit and we should go back to manual typewriters

kill me /v/
Does it blame video games for the viruses on your PC?

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