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File: 1369584434683.jpg-(58 KB, 500x225, playstation-plus-ps1[1].jpg)
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So its coming round to the yearly title change what do you think they're going to be?

>Uncharted 3

And what you think PS+ is going to be on PS4
>Buy PS+ on PS4
>Get backwards compat. from PS1-3
I'm sure people would pay for that by itself
Are the vita games being changed aswell?

They get changed monthly like always, I dunno if they have a yearly title?

They have gravity rush and uncharted as yearly titles
lel epic win bro :)
>>191442524 (OP)
Really hope it is Uncharted 3. Can't really think of much else I'd want.
>get a ps3 late
>miss out on all the ps+ games

I just wanna play vanquish
No, please... no more games.
I can't hold all these fucking games, when I finish one suddenly there's more to fucking download. I already had a backlog and all these ps+ games just made the backlog even bigger.
>>191442524 (OP)

Only way I would ever play it. No way am I buying that shit.
>Have PAL PS+
>Think it's kind of over-priced as a lot of games aren't things I would ever pay for, only really been interested in 5 titles off it so far. That said at least Demon's Souls will be good
>Check out NTSC PS+

Holy shit why would ANYONE buy that. It's so much worse it's unbelieveable, pinball, PS1 ports and Sleeping Dogs seems to be all you get + Voopa


It's literally £5 at cex and most game stores

Anyway on topic hoping for Sony Smash Bro's, Ni No Kuni or pretty much any exclusive I don't yet own (So not 3D Dot Game Heroes, Journey, Disgaea, Resistance, Yakuza, Hakuna Matata, LBP, Uncharted 2 or Valkyria Chronicles).

Also is the Vita ever going to be <£100? I might pick it up for that much but £125 + charger + delivery is still too much especially as all my games would be PS+ needing a bigger memory card.


>Counting PS+ games as backlog fuel

Don't do it, they'll give you fighting games just to spite you
These are all the games europe have gotten so far.
Back to the Future
Voodoo Dice
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus HD
Far Cry 2
Trine 2
The Simpsons Arcade
Shift 2: Unleashed
Shank 2
Magic Orbz
Mushroom Wars
Ricochet HD
Sky Fighter
Smash Cars
Wakeboarding HD
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown
Chime Super Deluxe
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
inFamous 2
LittleBigPlanet 2
Motorstorm Apocalypse
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD
Renegade Ops
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Lara Croft & the Guardian of Light
Saints Row 2
Dead Space 2
Just Cause 2
Red Dead Redemption
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Double Dragon Neon
Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit
Resident Evil 5
Crysis 2
Cubixx HD
Ratchet and Clank All 4 One
Batman: Arkham City

5th December: Batman: Arkham City
5th December: LIMBO (PS3)
5th December: Vanquish (PS3)
12th December: Big Sky Infinity (PS Vita and PS3)
19th December: Mortal Kombat (PS Vita) – not available in AU
21st December: Knytt Underground (PS Vita and PS3)

2nd January – Bioshock 2
2nd January – Guardians of Middle Earth
2nd January – Mortal Kombat – excluding Australia and Germany
2nd January – Gotham City Imposters – Australia and Germany only
16th January – Jet Set Radio (PS Vita)
23rd January – Pinball Arcade (PS Vita)

6th February: Sleeping Dogs
6th February: Quantum Conundrum
6th February: F1 Race Stars
13th February: WipEout 2048
20th February: Lumines Electronic Symphony

- 6th March: Mass Effect 3
- 6th March: Dead or Alive 5
- 6th March: Joe Danger 2
- 13th March: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
- 20th March: Puddle

3rd April: Okami HD
3rd April: Lord of the Rings: War in the North
3rd April: The Cave
PS Vita:
10th April: Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward
24th April: Thomas Was Alone

Mei 2013:
1st May: Hitman Absolution
1st May: Catherine
1st May: Malicious
8th May: Sine Mora
15th April: Velocity Ultra HD
>>Think it's kind of over-priced as a lot of games aren't things I would ever pay for, only really been interested in 5 titles off it so far. That said at least Demon's Souls will be good
You shouldn't have signed up then. Imean, not being an ass here, but the whole point is that it offers a variety of content of different genres. If you aren't going to play anything from it that you'd normally not buy, then isn't it kind of redundant?

For me, the entire appeal is that it gives me things I wouldn't otherwise try and exposes me to stuff I wouldn't usually play, and broadens my tastes by doing so.
This nigga gets it.

I wouldn't recommend PS+ to anyone that doesn't spend a lot of time on their triple nor to anyone that restricts their gaming to a couple genres.
Euro PS+ seems way better


The original bundle of games was good and I was confident they'd give a similar range of titles. They also said there'd be valuable discounts so I figured that getting the 3 main exclusives and then a few extra games + some discounts would be worth it.

That said, "exposing to new things" is utterly laughable. If you're even slightly interested in videogames and take the occasional peek at release dates you'll see anything of interest before it comes out. Genuinely nothing that would "broaden" my experience has come out unless you count indie titles (oh boy limbo :DD)

Mainly just AAA titles that you've already played a bunch of times with a few quirkier games thrown in. Only problem is I had already played most of them (e.g. vanquish and catherine) so the only new games were things I had avoided on purpose or had already tried out.

Not saying it isn't my fault but to say it's good for broadening your experiences is a crock of shite. Anyone who actually cares about videogames will have played a hitman game, played a fighting game, played Bamhamman etc. It's not new just a varied batch of games
Only things Europe has gotten that I'm jealous of are Motorstorm Apocalypse and Dead or Alive 5.

I want to grope some tits too damnit.
I'm still iffy about the whole 'you only own these games as long as you have a subscription,' and its quite obvious when Sony take advantage of this, but at least the discounts are priced at what they should be--the year long subscription with my bundle will allow me to purchase worthwhile games and exclusives until the PS4 comes out.
motorstorm apocalypse is pretty fun, impressive disaster effects during racing.
Haven't installed doa because i don't like fighting games.

Why do people care so much about this? i mean even if you think of it as straight up renting them you try to find a place that will offer you a better deal to rent 50+ games a year.

Back in the days of blockbuster before the interwebs you'd be playing like half that to rent a single game for a week
So, how exactly does ps+ work? Is it updated every month and if you didn't download the games from last month then they're gone forever? Will games you have installed disappear eventually?

I don't have a PS3, but I'm pretty interested in owning a ps4.
>You dont have to download them just activate them but yes
>no but if you don't have subscription remaining you can't play them

Any game you've activated can be downloaded again at anytime, it doesn't need to be permanently on your hard drive
I really hope we get Okami HD on American PS+ here. I want to play it, but I see little reason to buy it since I have the PS2 version, and because I'm not a big Capcom fan.
The service has been great for me. I just picked up a PS3 last year, so I've missed out a ton of games. It's been great growing my collection at a decent price. Picked up a lot of games I would have bought eventually anyway, or ones that looked interesting but I probably never would have dropped money on.
You can purchase the free games and they will stay in your download history forever but you'll need plus to play them.

Every month there a couple of new games, others will leave the selection.

I don't want to de-rail the thread but most rental websites are correctly more expensive. The trade-off is that you can choose whatever titles you want for any system you want.

So you could rent the latest release on your 360 AND rent some recent exclusive for PS3, beat those send them back and then get another 2 games.

I mean it's going to be more expensive at the price of a 3 month PS+ sub per month for just one month (Lovefilm do one that's "only" £6 a month but I don't quite know how it works).

Depends if you'd rather take the mystery box of 50 for £40 or those 3 months of unlimited choice for £36



Every month go onto the PSN store
Go to PS+ section
Start downloading all of them
If you don't want to play it stop download

If you want to re-DL hit up download history
>Anyone who actually cares about videogames will have played a hitman game, played a fighting game, played Bamhamman etc. It's not new just a varied batch of games
Except no. I didn't buy Hitman, I didn't buy Arkham City and I didn't buy Dead or Alive 5. But they were all things that looked potentially interesting, I just wasn't interested enough to buy them. I got them from + and played them because of it, and was exposed to them thanks to it.

I also never said it was new- I also owned Catherine and Vanquish when they put on +, but even those I consider decent editions because they then offer me the ability to play them digital on top of owning the disc.

Personally, I could play just about any game and enjoy it, not because of a lack of standards, but because I simply enjoy playing an assortment of things and taking in a lot of the medium, since it's a medium I'm enthusiastic about, both playing and understanding the development process. PS+ offers me a large quantity of relatively good quality games at a cheap price and that's how it broadens my experiences.

If you don't feel the same, that sucks, though.

They wouldn't be able to give so many at such a price if they gave you them permanently, really. Publishers would want more for permanent digitals rather than for the indefinite rentals PS+ does. By making it sub-based, they can secure cheaper deals with publishers and offer more.

I would have purchased a physical edition of it though, but I wouldn't go digital. Especially since EU could have gotten a copy for free.
New games will be demons souls, ico + sotc collection and some other stuff (atleast for europe)
That's the monthly stuff. New yearly titles should be announced around E3.

Yea i forgot about the whole choice thing, however i do have lovefilm too, its pretty shit for new releases there never in stock... took me 3 months to get x-Comm and 5 for tekken tag tournament soooo
Oh man, that's pretty sweet. The library is decent for us Eurobros as well. Sony is doing something good for a change.


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