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>>188842894 (OP)
What a dumbass. It's not the same when you give 1$ for a cosmetic item, and when you spend quarters on a quality arcade game.
>quality arcade game

>>188842894 (OP)
>quarter to play a game for hours if you were any good. Which you were, since you were dirt poor and wanted to keep playing
>15$ for 3 hrs of content
>hell, $60+ for 3 hrs of content

Bad analogy
>quality arcade games
lets be honest, arcade games suck and were often quite shit
>thinking arcade games weren't quality

Back to facebook with you.
just put 50 cents into a pacman game and impressed by friends by making it last for a solid 10 minutes.

yet somehow, the enjoyment I get out of an alternate costume is NOT 4 times greater.
In the good old days companies would give you content for free as a thank-you for purchasing their game.

Now they plans their games with "Day-1 DLC," basically selling you an incomplete game and then demanding you pay for things that should have been in it to begin with.

Pac-Man is better than every AAA game released in the past six years.


Let's be honest. You're a casual.
Those are not "good old days".
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>simpsons arcade game

so hard i never beat it
Holy fuck. Just die.
>implying arcade games even have content
old arcade games are the same level over and over with slightly harder enemies. they are the grandfather of artificial difficulty
>>188842894 (OP)
I already hated the dumb faggot, be a Macfag, be a Nintendrone, but when you talk about arcades you crossed the fucking line.
>all these hipsters
It's like I'm really reading Leddit or Youtube comments.
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>Comparing cut content from games you have to pay fifty to sixty dollars for anyway to putting quarters in an arcade machine

Can this guy can any more retarded?

Fuck it, I'm gonna go play some DK Jr.
This thread reeks of trolls, kiddies and tompreston fans. It's one of the worst I've ever been in.
I thought this faggot left the internet
The difference here is that you did not purchase an arcade game for $60 up front.
>I've only played score-attack games
That picture is awesome, who drew it?
It's not the same because you can keep the cosmetic item while the arcade game is designed that way that in a few minutes you have to spend another dollar.

You know what? It's like WarZ. Where you can buy stuff for real money ingame but when you die you lose them.
Holy shit, arcade dens are evil.
I honestly can't tell if /v/ is trolling or just retarded. It scares me.

It's about high-scores. Not completion.

That is to say, it's about getting better and better with a near-infinite skill ceiling. It's not for casuals.


Nintendrones fucking hate Preston though. He's like anti-quality for Nintendo. He loves Other M and considers the DiC cartoons canon.
>all these nostalgia fags
arcade games were often buggy and poorly programmed. the levels were incredibly repetitive with artificial difficulty out the ass. if pacman was released today it might get a few hundred plays on newgrounds and at very best a following on an obscure retro themed forum

Some anonymous drawfag from a /v/ thread.
Feeding quarters into the arcade machine is effectively renting the game game from the owner so you can enjoy it.

It was absolutely necessary for Arcades to charge for every New Game, otherwise they wouldn't make any money.
>this thread

/v/...has changed.

Pac-Man has a high enough skill ceiling to still be played in competitive tournaments.

Look, it's okay to be a casual. It just means you're less of a game enthusiast. Call me when you get to a DK kill screen.

It's just one or two fags being fags.
Nonsense, he doesn't have fans. Nobody loves him, not even himself. Who knows what a repulsive piece of garbage he is better than himself?
you can stop posting, anon
You're the dumbass. Arcade games had actual artificial difficulty just so people would spend more money.
Like skill ceilings mean jack shit. besides, pacman is a solved game. its not impressive to see anyone play it
> I just watched king of kong and now I know everything.
>all this samefagging

Are you so desperate, faggot?
Aaaand the console and PC games?
Yeah that's what I thought Preston.
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>paying for cosmetic items and on disc content on a home console
>comparing home consoles to arcades
>the good old days
>comparing games that can be played in the comfort of wherever you want to something you pay to play at the convenience of the distributors

Yes. A higher skill ceiling means the game is a better game.

>It's not impressive

Would you like to stream for us to show how good you are?


Never watched it. I avoided it because I don't want to hate Billy Mitchell even more. Hank Chien's better.
Stop playing Raw Thrills games and stop being bad and you'll get your money's worth.
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>Comparing playing games at home with the social forum and cultural phenomenon that was the arcade
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Except if you're good, $5 could last you the whole evening.

If you were REALLY good, $1 could last you the whole evening.

Nice edit.
my bad, you two can stop
If you spent $60 in quarters you could play 240 times. Assuming an average 10 minutes a game that is 2400 minutes or 40 hours of gameplay. Most games these days do not actually last anywhere near 40 hours so arcade games were about 2-2.5x more efficient in terms of entertainment for the cost.

On top of that most games now cut shit out and require you to pay extra.
>/v/ genuinely believes every last arcade game was good!



Good Old Days were what?

When you actually got full games and more content was a huge as fuck expansion pack? Last good expansion pack for a single player or anything really was SHivering Isles, don't ever expect that ever again. And it was decently priced, 15 dollary doos.
>you cant play pacman at a high level therefore you cant criticise it
logical fallacies itt

No. Just, y'know...the good ones.

Definitely all the ones featured in that comic.
>competing with scrubs who have no skills to being able to compete on a world wide scale
The quality of campaigns have seriously dropped because in the old days, publishers would make profit off game guides. In these internet days, it doesn't make sense to publish games with longer campaigns because you'd have to pay modellers, programmers, testers etc. more for no benefit.
Any person who actually likes Nintendo fucking hates Preston. He's legitimately the worst kind of video game fan and just serves to make everyone else look bad.

He just said that high-level Pac-Man play was not impressive.

If that's the case then why can't he do it?

...But yeah. How can you criticize a game for not being impressive to play when you can't play it?
>higher sklill ceiling means the game is a better game
Gookclick 2 has an insanely high skill ceiling but that game is shit. checkmate atheist
Yeah but those 40 hours are the same shit over and over again while the todays games which are less than 40 hours don't make you replay a level again because it's impossible to die

>Anonymous, soulless Internet compared to a local, intimate arcade
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do I smell a dobson thread?
>coorrelating the quality of a video game to skill ceiling
Just as with everyone else who takes video games too seriously, you just don't get it. tsk tsk.
I realized how good BoI would do as an arcade machine

I didn't say it made all games good. Just better than if they had a low skill ceiling.

Donkey Kong Jr. is fantastic only partially because of the enormous skill ceiling.
>Begin to get fucking told

Nice, also we never said all arcade games are good. There are, indeed, games designed with Artificial Difficulty to eat your money but anyone with half of a brain would fucking avoid those.
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>publishers would make profit off game guides
you really believe this?
They existed. But they barely made profit.

How does a higher skill ceiling not make a game better?


>Same shit over and over

Not if you're constantly improving. It has a lot more depth than a game that is meant only to be played so you can see an ending.
I dont find high level football impressive either. i dont have to be an elite footballer to express my boredom with the sport
But modern games are the same shit over and over again. Look at Skyrim lauded by many casuals as the best game of this generation. The entire game is just left clicking at skeletons in nearly identical caverns.
You're setting yourself up for defeat with that kind of comparison though.

IF you played 240 games of 10 minutes on an arcade game, you'd be playing the SAME ten minutes of content over and over.

Even if a retail game was only 4 hours, you could replay it just ten times for the same play duration, instead of 240 times.
>Paying for playing a game somebody else has payed a large sum of money for
>Companies chargin money for content for a game you have payed for
how many types of games have you played in an arcade? moba? strategy? oh right you can only play a few types, no wonder you can only think of fighters
But you never brought the arcade games, if you brought an arcade machine you could just open it up and put the same quarter/dollar in over and over

But this comic is probably saying 'you don't own the games you buy' or something instead
dude myself and a group of buddies got togeather one afternoon went to the local arcade "command center" (RIP in Peace) and we spent a few hours there pumpin quater in the machine but we beat it.
Watching the worlds best Bubble bobble player in the world beat Bubble Bobble with one quarter is impressive as fuck. Fucking Max score too with best ending.
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Why is it not impressive if you acknowledge that it's not easy to do?
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I think I preferred his old comics.

I mean they're just as meaningful as the ones he puts out today.
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>Drawing a troll as an actual troll. 11/10

The same way they make money off adaptions and merchandising.
so we can conclude that the era of home consoles before DLC and all that shit, was the least jewish period

Shooting games.

Fighting games.



Most genres have been arcade games.
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>The entire game is just left clicking at skeletons in nearly identical caverns.

wat is D2
Eh im not saying that playing arcade games all day is actually fun. I was just trying to explain that arcade games were actually very fairly priced for the amount of content they give much more so than modern games. The comic was implying they were jewing you out hard.

What are you talking about that's clearly CattyN's work

D2 actually has depth and challenge and substance while Skyrim is a glitchy mess that should be unplayable by anyone with standards.
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>gookclick 2
>a fighter
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Awww did da big old cartwoonist get his wittle feelings hurt by pweople he will never meet?

I'm an artist and I understand that people like to poke fun at everything, there is no reason to even acknowledge them it only makes them want to poke you more.
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>>188842894 (OP)
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>Micro transactions are fine because there used to be quarter eaters at the arcade
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Not all of the past.

Just the game industry. It's obvious that corruption within the game industry has grown over time.
>arcade games were actually very fairly priced for the amount of content they give much more so than modern games.
Hurr durr. They were as well priced as chocolate bards at a gas station.
arcade games were shit compared to what was available on consoles/pc
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>actually debating the point of a dobson comic
I have an inflation/bbw fetish and he can't into fatties right. Seriosly, they're just flour sacks witch nubs for limbs and potatoes for heads.
You're making it pretty obvious that you were born in the 90s.
damn those goggles are strong
>chocolate bards

Delicious Drow...Rock that charisma score.
>chocolate bards
Holy shit. I can have a dude following me around playing background music, AND eat him?
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What goggles? Skyrim is garbage.
>fairly priced
>monopoly on vidya for a very long time
>fairly priced
>giant companies with no real competition
>fairly priced
>anon in charge of juding what a good price is
>fairly priced
>people actually defending paying $15 for Horse Amour or $20 for extreme Mtn Dew gun camo
>implying going to the arcade store and spending 25¢ every 10-30 minutes and being gifted with the full game is even close to the same thing

Looks like summer has arrived!
I know right? People still make clickfest jokes about Diablo 2 everytime it gets mentioned.

Nope. Ports of arcade games were typically inferior.
There's some fucking really unique games at arcades. Take that Gundam Pod and Card Strategy game where you control your army through cards placed on-screen.

>arcade games were shit compared to what was available on consoles/pc
Totally, because console/pc ports from arcade games were totally NOT boasting about being "Arcade Perfect" when they made them.
>yfw the modern press now only consists of "muh feminism", "muh LGBT", "muh entitlement"
It's a scary sight.
>immersive editor
stopped reading there.

If you make OC then do it right faggot. That shit you posted is buckly tier
>Go to arcade
>Pay a quarter
>Get a full game

>Modern games
>Pay sixty dollars for the game
>Still have to pay more if you actually want all of the content they intentionally removed from the product
>Go to arcade
>Pay a quarter
>Get 3 minutes of gameplay
>Insert more coins
$60 would last me an entire school year if I went to the arcade every single day before I went home.

I don't know anymore. I think I'm fed up with the internet.
>being terrible at games
I always loved playing after people like you, because it made me look better, and it meant I got to play sooner.
>GO to arcade
>Pay quarter
>Not be shit at it
>Get at least 10~15 mins with it
>All for 25 cents
>3 minutes
Maybe if you sucked. Is that why you hate arcades? Because you're bad at video games?
>bolding Impact font

>being blind
>being autistic
Pick one.
If you are good enough you don't have to pay more you know. High enough score and you keep going.
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>Go to arcade today
>Same machines as there were in 1995
>Now charge $3 per credit
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>having to go outside to play video games
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>because it made me look better
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To be fair, Dobson only needed one or two people to give him constructive criticism. He, at worst, is an average "cartoonist" with some dumb opinions on videogames.

What happened is a good chunk of /co/, some /v/ and tumblr decided to pounce upon him en mass and something like that can really fuck with a guy. Most of the "criticism" was just people being assholes with little to no constructive qualities whatsoever.
Meaning any ACTUAL advice was drowned out by the massive amounts of people who decided to jump on the popular bandwagon and just spew out incoherent bebblebabble.
After a while of this, it wasn't surprising he lost all enthusiasm for the former craft and just dipped out.
This argument simply will not hold up. It's widely known you can get a fuckton for your money on the right game and with skill.
>upset at having to pay for a service at a business
Does /v/ really not understand what arcades are?
Maybe if you only watch cable news?
Still plenty of independent journalists out there, not to mention a few gems in podcasting, and NPR if you like deadpan just facts delivery of daily news.
>he didn't have friends
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arcade games are not as good if not enjoyed in the arcade atmosphere . but that's just my opinion. too bad all of the arcades in my city closed down.
>implying dlc content that made a game "incomplete" included horse armor/skins
>calls driving 5 miles just to play your favorite game part of a gifted experience
oh, you're gifted alright
Shut the fuck up Dobson.
No, no. The modern video gaming press -- not general news media.
I should have specified, my bad.
And you are born with that skill and don't have to pay for it in order to practice right?
Also if a game introduces a new innovative concept, of course you will not die because got gud right? Oh wait, I forgot. All arcade games are the same with different skins.
>>188842894 (OP)
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>he doesn't know
who are you quoting?
Are people here seriously trash talking arcades? Europe must be waking up.

Well, I guess I'll see you fags in November and hope things cool down by then. Who am I kidding it will only be worse.
So that's $5 an hour. Since the average console game cost $60, you should spend at least 12 hours on that console game. Anything less is a waste of money for you.

But the average person actually has a brain. So that 25¢ lasts them 15 minutest. That's $1 an hour spent.

Unless you are putting 60+ hours into every game, then you are full of shit
Being good at arcades while other kids watched was exhilerating. Nothing beats all the jealous looks I got when I played Soul Edge for nearly 2 hours and unlocked all characters on a single coin.
>I'm going to rape you
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Best change i ever spent.
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Holy shit, SI was only like 15 bucks? Things got carried away fast this gen.
No, I know. He's painfully average and has some shitty opinions, and a little bit of a man-child that hides in the hugbox of dA.

The entire site consists of that.
If you don't suck you'll pick it up rather quickly. Definitely much faster than it would take to spend fucking $60 and even then, you like the game so you'll want spend time and money on it since you already got a damn good taste of it.
To be fair, 25 cents was worth a lot more in 1995.
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You make it sound like he got jumped on his way home one day by internet bullies.
The man literally hasn't advanced since his college years. Its not that he took criticism 'until one day we took it too far', he NEVER took it.
>and a little bit of a man-child
I formally retract that and will just say he is a big man-child.
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Much like the rest of dA.
>go into a store with five dollars
>come out with bags full of snacks
Fuck, I miss the Clinton economy so much.
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Yeah bud. This was 1980s. All the fucking kids were big into arcades, even adults.

Nice job showing your stupidity.

Fuck off back to X BAWKS
My favorite part of skyrim was becoming the leader of the Mage guild and never knowing any spells.
The problem is, the reason so many people loved consoles was that they could play their favourite games as much as they wanted without having to constantly pump money into them. They loved consoles so much that they let arcades die for the most part.

The analogy in OP is reasonably fair: Constant microtransactions today could be seen as similar to constantly pumping coins into arcade machines. The problem is, the comic ignores the fact that we took a step forward when we had games without microtransactions, therefore any introduction of microtransactions - assuming the arcade analogy holds - should be seen as a step backwards.

I am going to assume the comic isn't actually approving or disapproving of microtransactions, but instead is merely laughing at old people with their crazy 'everything was much better when I was a kid' opinions.

Haha! Old people! Comedy gold.
>calls driving 5 miles just to play your favorite game part of a gifted experience
I really feel sorry for you that you didn't have an arcade near your house.
My local arcade has used games from colecovision up to current gen, pinball games (50c) and cabinets which are 25c. They had this awesome Fist of the North Star game too, and some lightgun games which were also 50c.

I feel your pain, though.
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>choo choo on this dick
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>Buy a game for $60
>Pay a dollar every time something minor and cosmetic is added

>Pay 25 cents
>Have access to the whole game

Yeah, it's the same.
Yeah that's pretty much what I mean. This many people were never needed to "give criticism".

The dude was one of a million lame artists on dA. Not even worth the amount of attention that was given to him as shown in that video.
>this is how millennials have been raised
your ignorance is astounding, you thought arcades were everywhere? you thought that everyone lives down the block from an arcade or something?
>People on /v/ don't like arcade games
Why do I even come here any more honestly, it's just depressing at this point.
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Oh, np. But yeah you have to go to completely independent sources these days. Even the people who's opinion I used to trust have just been in the industry so long they can't see the forest for the trees.
I mean... I remember the Sess saying once that there just wasn't bribing going on in the industry. It broke my heart.
>Have access to the whole game
Whenever the arcade den is open, your mom doesn't pull you away, you have change in your pocket, that other kid doesn't breath in your neck, you have the means to get to the arcade den.

Yep, sure is awesome.
>Implying they've been raised at all.
They get all they want, never take "no" for an answer, and bitch and whine until they're right.
Try living in a non-shitty part of the world.
I remember when I stopped trusting Sizzler, too
My "local" arcade shut down about ten years ago.
The nearest one has Point Blank 2, House of the Dead, Robocop, a couple of driving games, one of those fairground "Test Your Punch!" machines, a DDR knockoff, and a metric assload of Penny Falls. It used to have the Lost World cabinet but someone kicked the screen in.
All of them require £2 per play.
most of dA is just retarded kids
3rd world shit country here and even we had arcades everywhere at the time.
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the average person can't last 15 min in the average arcade game on one credit
If we're arguing from the perspective of a child, then I should point out that children have to rely on their parents for console gaming as much as arcade gaming.

Even given the specific woes associated with visiting the childhood arcade, I'd take it over launch price and DLC any day
The average person has never played a videogame
A lot like 90s kids. and 80s kids. 70s, 60s...
Arcades were an excellent deal back then. A quarter per game compared to $50+ for a home console cartridge, not to mention the price of the console itself.
>The average person has never played a videogame

This is horseshit and you know it.
why would i go to an arcade when i have my nintendo and then snes at home?
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>>188842894 (OP)
If you were pro, you could play for a good chunk of time on one set of coins.


>90% of racing games
>First place
>Free Race

Arcades were the shit man. Anybody remember Virtual On?

>playing single player
>some dude thinks he's hot shit and challenges you
>best out of 5 match, super intense
>He can end your ladder. You have no choice if you were challenged
>challenge always accepted
>tfw nobody can stop your glorious conquest
>tfw pub stomping everybody at the arcade.
>mfw I challenge and beat somebody right before they beat a high ladder AI, thus ending their shot at the leaderboard
Nice fallacy, those where not the "Good old days" often people talk about though.

The problem was the games were made to be stupidly hard which got pretty annoying sometimes.

Metal Slug for example, lott'a fun but anytime I go back to it I end up putting in cheats.
So, /v/. What are your favorite arcade games?

>Metal Slug 3
>Alien vs. Predator
>Missile Command
>Donkey Kong Jr.
>Vampire Savior
>Turtles in Time
>go to japanese arcade
>fucking awesome mech games everywhere where you actually ride in the things
>fighters of every series there
>card games
>multiple tetris varieties
>some awesome yugiohesque game where you control the cards with your hands on a tabletop
>dance machines and rhythm games
>reasonable prices
fucking brilliant
>Arcades were the shit man. Anybody remember Virtual On?
That goes for any game based around PvP. Racing games, fighting games and Virtual-On. If you were good enough, and people kept wanting a piece of you, you could stay on the machine for a long fucking time.
I loved both D&D beat'em ups.
>Not beating an entire game on a couple of quarters

Nigger, are you trial and error?
As nice as Metal Slug looked, it drained my money quicker than anything else. Shit costs a dollar now, too.

I usually just stuck with Bubble Bobble or whatever it was.
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well.. Tom has a good point
>competition over the internet

How's that latency treating you
>tfw you get so good that you can play for 30 minutes on 50 cents
I like how the implication is that there was no space of time between "arcade" and "micro transaction".

What about the 10-20 years between those 2 points where games were released in full for PC/consoles?

The only thing close to the "nickel and dime" of arcades/micro transactions were expansion packs that added a significant amount of new content independent of the original game at a cheaper price.

THOSE were the good old days. Fuck the arcades.
This can't be real. I've never seen this one before.
there are games that charged per level, NBA Jam and NFL Blitz charged per quarter it would cost like $3 to $4 finish an entire game. so the machine makes $12 or $16 on a full 2 on 2 game for 12 min of gameplay
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back in the day you didn't put $60 into an arcade quarter machine. You'd buy your game, expect a complete package that wasn't riddled with bugs because it was bug-tested to hell BEFORE it got released. To top it all off there were unlockables and secret codes already there that you weren't getting nickle'd & dime'd for.

Take a look at DMC 1, 2 or 3. Unlockable constumes all the way & characters included. DMC 4 Capcom rushed and didn't do beans. But a modern DMC game, like DmC? Any unlockable costumes you gotta pay $5 for.
>This can't be real.
No shit?
It's not you gullible fuck.
You underestimate how dumb Preston is.
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>Comic is an obvious edit
>"I dunno guys, it COULD be real! You underestimate Dobson!"

Son, you full on dumb.
Can someone post the comic of him at his art class and at the end of the lesson he stands up and screams "LET'S ALL GO TO MDONALDS".
The last panel is him eating McDonalds alone and I feel it completely sums him up and is a great satire piece.
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But with arcade game, you only need to pay to play until you waste all your life.

With micro-transaction, you actually need to pay the game AND then, they want you to spend more money on it.

Only the people who were aiming for the high score would actually pay more than the actual cost of the game, and at the time, consoles were too weak to play some of those arcade games, or just get lesser port.

Did he even live at that time?
>Go to town
>Buy a refillable Big Gulp from the gas station
>Fill that fat bitch with Dr. Pepper
>Go across the street to the arcade
>Check out the high scores on the games you play the most to see if anything new's happened
>Convert the rest of your dollars into quarters and spend the next few hours beating your own high scores on Centipede and Space Harrier
gr8 b8 m8

The picture is retarded because an arcade machine is completely different to owning games on a home console. You didn't pay to play the game as much as you wanted with an arcade machine, you pay for a turn. Rewind to all early home consoles prior to PS3/Xbox360 and there were no micro-transactions (with the exception of some PC games, but those were generally free games that had this) or day 1 DLC.

Worst analogy.
Worst comic.
Worst troll.

0/10 is actually the best I can give.
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It's been this way since the 80's.
No, not really. Two decades ago, school teachers were allowed to be strict for example. Nowadays giving student a B is sexual harassment.
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>Nowadays giving student a B is sexual harassment.
Don't you mean a D?
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Yep it's from Tom Preston

And this one is from Tim Buckley.

Not edited in Photoshop. It's real and authentic I swear!
Hah, love this.
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Strict? You want strict? My Dad use to get his ass hit with the giant paddling board in Elementary school in the late 50's when he did something bad. That was actually very common then.
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I feel kind of bad for Preston. He is the ultimate man-child.
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>Clinton economy

>90's US benefits greatly by exploiting the post-USSR eastern Europe

Of course you did you fat American.
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could be tighter.
This is dumb. By that logic dying of malnutrition and disease at the age of 30 isn't so bad because tens of thousands of years ago you would have died at 20.

The bar has moved up a bit from the 50's.

>The bar has moved up a bit from the 50's.

And since then kids have been nothing but what we have today. What would a teacher do in the 80's any different? Drop a kid out of class? Who cares, kids drop out all the time.

>Nowadays giving student a B is sexual harassment.

>Making things up and using it as an example.

If someone ever made that claim, it would be shot down instantly. Unless of course the teacher placed some nipples on it, had pass experiences of giving the student creepy vibes.
>because tens of thousands of years ago you would have died at 20.
learn to interpret data before talking out your ass; figures regarding primitive life expectancies are horribly skewed because of infant and child mortality rates; once you got to your teens you could expect to live into your 50s or 60s.

And in many places, that number was higher due to a superior diet.
Buying a game only to buy more content for it later=/=an arcade cabinet where you're buying a few minutes of fun.
>last generation
>kids grew up doing whatever the fuck they wanted if they could get away with it
>grew up to become reasonable adults (according to everyone who romanticises the past)

>this generation
>kids grow up doing whatever the fuck they want if they can get away with it

I have a feeling nothing in particular has changed.
Nothing has changed. Every generation is worst generation until they become adults, then they are best generation and the cycles repeats itself.
>>188842894 (OP)
This comic is correct, just saying.

Arcades really were for casuals.

PC gaming has and will always be the platform of players who don't like gimmick trash.
Fast! Call him a facebook casual for not liking old shit that every cool gamer must like! Hurry guys!
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>I love cheese.

How old is that man?

Back to the center of privileged memespouting and civil xDs with you.
> comparing continues to forced dlc.
The difference would be when you pay to continue you're making a decision to pay more based on the quality of the game whereas with dlc you're being nickeled and dimed to death for finished content.
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>Tom preston thread
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>local arcade place
>50 cents for 1 hour access to any and all arcades

Fuck the system.
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Where I live Clinton is hated thousand times more than Bush is.
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>>188842894 (OP)
>The dude was one of a million lame artists on dA.
One of a million that bought his way onto the front page.
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>>188842894 (OP)


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