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>>187506081 (OP)

>Sitting that close to the screen

Who the fuck does that?
people with obese girlfriends
>>187506081 (OP)
I do.
>tfw no cute chubby gf to play vidya with and tenderly make love to
Why is the ps3 controller plugged in? Why is a white guy playing Fifa(Unless he's Argentinian).

B-but Anon-chan, where are the video games?
No wonder that guy is with that chick, he's almost blind. Which would also explain why he has to sit so close to such a large screen,
>>187506081 (OP)
poor fatty, she's probably hungry
It's a tiny apartment
>Velma's hair is the wrong color

Fuck whoever made this, probably some fat chick with issues
>>187506081 (OP)
I thought this was Shaggy and Velma for a second.
>Why is the ps3 controller plugged in?
Charging the controller?
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>>187506081 (OP)
>sitting with your feet pointed inward

nigga u gay
Why are you playing a game if you're doing that? Have one controller charging plugged in on the side, and play with the other.
>probably some fat chick with issues

You just described every artist on tumblr where I have no doubt on my mind the OP image is from.
>the joke



>your head
I rest my left foot on top of my right foot. Even though it increases blood pressure, it helps keep you tense and helps your reaction time.
My wifes friend comes over from europe he's like you got any football games like fifa?

I'm like uh no bro here's a shooter now stfu and play

Fat girls at least have bigger tits but scary to think of how saggy they will be when older. On the plus side at least fat girls tend to be more enthusiastic when riding you and make up somewhat in the bedroom
>not having a footrest
nigga u from a shit animu

>tfw no chubby gf to rest your head on her big, soft belly
>tfw chubby wife to rest head inside her thick, soft thighs while playing video games
>tfw roll over and eat her out
I can't even sit with my feet like that without making a conscious effort to, like when I'm trying to keep something on my lap steady


If she's so self conscious about her weight then she can lose it. Goddamn it's not that hard.


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