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Ni No Kuni

thinking of purchasing now that it's down to $40 on ps3
worth it /v/?
hows the story line?
does it keep you interested for a decent length of time?
how have you found the combat system?
nobody got an opinion?

shit, and you're all normally so chatty
My favorite game so far this year.
care to elaborate why bro/v/ah?

does the number of 'pets' keep the game interesting?
or are some simply op?
info if you please kind ser
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Catastroceros is kina OP but he is tough to get.

The story isn't mind blowing but it's a great charming experience with several twists that happen along the way.

The art style is brilliant and really captures Ghibli's style.

The game is around 40-50 hours long with plenty of side stuff to do afterwards.

There is a great variety in familiar design and the way to interact with them is most similar to the Pokemon games.

I really enjoyed the gameplay a lot and it has a great deal of depth later on.
If you like JRPG, it is great title. If you like Level-5 games, it is awesome title. Only thing that sucks is retarded AI of team members.
So far its my GOTY. Good story, great soundtrack and fun gameplay, I got about 55 hours into it after completing most of the side quests
this game is overrated shit m8 only get it if you love ghibli
Combat is horrible and they don't even give you a core mechanic of combat for a long time which is all out attack/defend.

The AI is stupid will use all their mana instantly on using their strongest heal even if your 49/50 HP
So you're forced to disable spells for AI and manually swap between them which is sluggish with the scrolling through options with the shitty layout which doesn't help when you need to defend fast with it being so far away

Alot more flaws about this game but can't remember
sounds terrific, is there an 'end'game so to speak?

i like your reference to pokemon games, should be a nostalgic experience then.

is the AI interactive or in anyway able to learn? or is it simply dragon's dogma style?
would be nice if they incorporated some sort of pause - direction function like in dragon age origins
55 hours isn't bad, better than dishonoured, 6-8 at best, is that just main questing or sides as well?

soundtracks are one of te most important things in games for me, so definitely a bonus

well, i like oldschool ghibli, ponyo onwards is dishearteningly shit
is there no way to manage the AI?

and to your questions

1) definitely
2) little more childish than other JRPGs, but okay overall
3) great
4) I am doing every sidequest and bounty hunt, playtime 20 hours so far and really looking forward to play more
5) it is better than good, but not great, real time/turn based combination is okay, familiar are fine, AI of team members retarded, they spend all MP on low lvl mobs, but they can be told to not use tactics
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>>189134390 (OP)
I tried the demo once, it was okay.
Definitely worth it if you like JRPGs, especially Level-5 ones.
Also worth it if you like Ghibli.
Story line is decent, nothing amazing.
Soundtrack is good.
Gameplay is fun but suffers from shit AI and difficulty spikes.
The Wizard's Companion is what sold the game for me. It's fucking amazing.
>>189134390 (OP)
Oliver's Mother is the White Witch.
glad to hear point 5

as good as claptrap, cause that guy is 10/10 in my books

i figured it would have an obvious plot twist, doesn't take much away for me

You are playing with 1 of 3 chars at time. The rest are controlled by AI, which isn't flawless, but you can live with it since you can give them few commands like "Keep me healthy" or "Give it all you got". Oh, and you can also choose whoch enemy attack, if leader's target, weakest enemy etc.

It is dfefinitely worst aspect (at least for me) in the game, but no tragedy, you will get used to it.
>worth it /v/?
>hows the story line?
pretty awesome but the last portion seems somewhat forced
fun as hell
>does it keep you interested for a decent length of time?
hell yes
>how have you found the combat system?
pretty great although the AI partners are fucking retarded
they probably spent all their funding on paying for animations, ah well not everything can be conker's bad fur day
is there anyway to... solo? or are you forced to pair up with AIs?

gameplay fun enough to have you play from start to finish again? is there any sort of worthwhile reason to?

damn, you got us

good job, mate!
But that's wrong... oh! I see what you are doing.

you have to bring all 3 chars to fight, but you can tell them to not do anything

best way to deal with mobs is just use "Don't use abilities" tactic and let them use just normal attacks

and there isn't really reason to play the game second time, but there is lot of content, so I wouldn't really take this as bad thing
>is there anyway to... solo? or are you forced to pair up with AIs?
You are forced to, the other members of your party fight with you, although you can switch between them. they just do some stupid things at times.

>gameplay fun enough to have you play from start to finish again?
the game is pretty damn long, and theres some decent side quests, so by the time youre done you wont want to play again right away, ill definitely play it again at some point

>is there any sort of worthwhile reason to?
no new game plus
I love Ghibli but dislike JRPGs intensely. Will I be able to get any enjoyment out of this or will I hate it?
I love it so much I stopped playing it, it is a fantastic experience for anyone who likes ghibli movies or any like them. I would say it is a very cinematic experience, not in the sense of having cutscenes but it feels like a very long adventure movie (except some of the side-missions who are terrible). I got a bad habit of not finishing things I like due to I dont want them to end, being games, tv-shows or books. Fantastic music and gorgeous visuals it really makes for an enjoyable time.
also the undead crypt and Hamelin are the best places.
No plot twist here because she's not.
She's an ancient empress of some shit.
His mother is his mother.

depends on how much you dislike JRPG

story and art is top notch, especially Cat King
Yes. It fails as a JRPG but >>189137285.
gota love dark souls for many reasons; NG+

what kinda side quests are "terrible?"

experiencing something for a second is like experiencing it all again, good games never end.
I personally don't like most JRPGs but i fucking love ni no kuni
Well, I played the demo and I loved the visuals, the soundtrack, the characters seemed nice and it looked like it would be a lot of fun to explore the world. What I didn't like was the combat mechanics, which, them being a major part of the gameplay, leads me to believe I wouldn't enjoy it on the whole.
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ghibli love their cats man

Drippy's mother is the White Witch.
-not for 40 maybe 20
-Story is bare bone basic
-pokemon but even worse catch rates and most fights can be done by running around the enemy as oliver casting fireball
-i guess
-it's alright
There are these side-quests later in the game, where you are supposed to 'tame' certain creatures or recieve certain items that drops from enemies. If you like grinding, sure, but the taming is based on chance, much like the drops, which feels annoying.

world is great, but worse and smaller than DQ VIII for example

combat will stay the same more or less till the end

it depends on you
The AI isn't too bad as long as you understand how they function.

Most of the complaints come from the fact that they waste mp and take forever to switch out their familiars.

When you press square for example they'll take out whatever guy has the highest defense.

nope, my mother is the White Witch
Do you like Pokemon?
It's a pretty good game but not without its flaws. It can be pretty slow and the ending leaves a little bit to be desired, though honestly I loved the art style so much and the whole creature collecting thing that it didn't bother me too much.
game was alright maybe even good but i kinda got annoyed by the ending and the combat kind of gets repetitive
grinding is the best most developers come up with for an endgame, we need more NG+

ahh a fellow pokemon lover
>worth it /v/?
Yes, it's a pretty solid game

>hows the story line?
It's solid until about 3/4ths. You'll see that they had issues with ending it and there's a "double ending" that feels empty

A little hard to get used to, get's boring, since you do need to grind.

>does it keep you interested for a decent length of time?
YES. It does this well.

>how have you found the combat system?
Fine, you'll get used to it. Collecting everything is a pain though.
this was generally my thoughts on it as well
I got this as a gift and thought it was dog shit. I like JRPGs too,so go figure
DQ VIII is a game I have tried to complete five times but never been able to do. I just lose interest after about ten hours. It's a shame, because much like the Ni No Kuni demo, I love everything about it except the gameplay.

This and the voice actors are terrible and you can't connect to anyone. They're all annoying.
this and the ai is full blown retarded when you designate party members as healers they never fucking do their job
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I haven't played it much, but it's pretty fun so far.
any japanese subtitle option?

for some reason, this sways me to guess i'll enjoy the game
probably hate it cause it was free, classic /v/

collecting works by defeating the same guys over and over or boss / rare find?
jRPG gameplay is outdated. It's as simple as that.
What? How?
If you're expecting an original masterpiece like Chrono Trigger, then look elsewhere.

Ni No Kuni is "by the books" as they come. Even the audio is lazy. They voice major scenes, but the cutscenes in between missions (i.e. climbing a volcano) are silent. The juxtaposition between voiced and unvoiced scenes is unsettling. Should have gone either/or, but since they went 50/50, it makes the game look feel sloppy.
The voice acting is very good, on par with Ghibli's films.
Oliver's mother is the cat
I thought the voice actors were fine. The script/dialogue/whatever was not great, though.
50/50 is pretty generous. It's probably more like 20/80 for voiced/not voiced.
outdated < form of game you don't like

>how bout rts?
>1st person shooter?
>implying 'outdated' isn't just your way of saying 'not dark souls'
>to which i agree

then just watch Ghibli movies

after first 1/4 you gotta grind if you want to get futher
ahh yeah that was annoying it just randomly cuts to text only at stupid points


10/10 noice
9/10 got bored at the white witches castle ill go back and finish it for the ending one day
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pic for the name drop

appreciate the honest breakdown of the animation, though your description makes it sound distinctly studio ghibli, which is a good thing
just use the mist spell and run through it
The only point where I needed to grind at was the Ivory Tower.

Every other location only required that you killed the enemies along the way.

You mean jap audio with english subs? Yeah, there is.
>jRPG gameplay is outdated

I agree, but I still think timed-hit RPGs are in fashion.

That's why Mario and Luigi Superstar (and SMRPG, and Chrono Trigger, etc) felt so good.

Ni No Kuni should have adopted this as well, but they went for the MMPORG style of buffing and chained attacks. It makes for a very disconnected affair. True, KOTOR got away with it. But only because the fights were condensed and you barely had to grind. You're not gonna get anywhere in Ni No Kuni without a healthy dose of grinding.
well that settles it, the game is bought

>comparing Drippy to memetrap
Wow stop posting any time
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The moment that I first got the dragon was the most satisfying moment I had all this generation.

But honestly the game is still very flawed. The issue that bugged me the most is resetting your pokemon's lvls everytime they evolve and effectively making them useless for many hours until they lvl back up. So. Fucking. Stupid
no question mark, was a question, in context my friend in context.
I guess I should have specified traditional bare-bones jRPG. Timed hits are a good addition, there should be more innovation still though, if that's even possible in the genre.
i vote NG+
and Golden Sun

>gee, if only there was possibility to bring more than 1 familiar with me, so I can fight with another one while he lvl up
This is why it's retarded to compare NNK to Pokemans, the game is essentially Dragon Quest Monsters.
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not him but thats not the point it just took too long for a familiar to level up for it to just restart


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