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League of Legends player here. I am not a fan boy.
Have you guys ever been banned for not valid reasons?
Here's my last ban.
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>>187029152 (OP)

>>187029152 (OP)
Oh, god why you pussy out and not just post the URL of your case?
Hilarious, did you contact League of Legends player support for an explanation?
I did, and this was the answer:
Greetings Summoner,

Due to actions made on the Fields of Justice, this account has been warned or suspended by The Tribunal which means your Honor has been reset. An email was sent to the email address associated with your account regarding this Tribunal case.

To see your Tribunal case, please visit the following link (please note that this link expires three weeks from the date it was originally generated.): (....)

Because this case is several months old.
>implying winning makes it acceptable
I've also got banned for "saying "easy" at the end of the match"...
bullshit. post proof
>I've also got banned for "saying "easy" at the end of the match"...
It is considered bad sportsmanship by Riot Games and for a lot of people it is hard to see sarcasm and irony on the internet.
>>187029152 (OP)
Apparently "Not following the Meta" is a serious thing. You get reported and flamed although you outfarm and get a positive score.
That's not how you AD malz you dipshit
AD malz truly is manatank, go Manamune, Sorcs (your abilities still mean something and you won't autoattack, your insects will do everything while you ult so Sorcs or CDR boots are fine), FH/Gauntlet, Hexdrinker/Banshee's, AND ONLY THEN Bloodthirster
>>187029152 (OP)
>butthurt banned fags crying over that they got what they deserve
gonna post the other 4 there champ?
OP here,
I do not have the screenshot anymore, I showed my friends and erased it.
>activate windows
Really OP?
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>>187029152 (OP)
OP have you ever considered this:

If you did so well with AD Malzahar, that would mean you probably would've done even better with AP Malzahar (since it is a more optimal build). Which means your team would've had a higher chance of winning. But you threw that away on purpose.

If you're gonna do stupid things, do it with people who don't necessarily want to win.
Pretty sure he got banned for the other 4 games in the list instead of this. This was probably just the cherry on top that nobody cared about.

Sounds like a reasonable build
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OPS I found IT !
AD Malz got nothing to do with "not following the meta" you stupid fuck. He was botlane with Sona, so it was "following the meta".

AD Malz just makes no sense since none of his skills help him to fulfill this role, not even looking at the actual scaling of the skills.
probably just a premade looking for revenge for getting owned. what about the rest of the games on the card?
show is the rest of the case
You can actually see THAT I DID NOT SAY EASY AT THE END
>>187029152 (OP)
post the other 4 reasons why you got banned?
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Tribunal people won't ban just for 'gg easy'. There's probably some reportable shit on the other reported games but nobody ever happens to post those.

Can't see the post game chat once in the post-game lobby, probably just thought it was you.
Was it ranked op?
If yes, kill yourself.
If not, it's still pretty stupid.
I dunno who is the stupid fuck here. Phreak already said AD Malz was good because his voidling do more demage so stfu. His passive actualy do more demage with AD
I get reported for saying "easy" all the time

I say it every time I win
this community needs to die
And his other 4 skills do more damage with AP. A lot more damage.
give us moar of the case faggot
no way you got banned for that
and the other 3?
You cannot be reported for what you chat after the game...
pffttt.... no fucking way lol
Are people in this fucking game really that sensitive for when someone says "easy" at the end? ffs
>>187029152 (OP)
how about posting the fucking case URLs
funny cause riot dont see killing a dc as bad sportmanship. and refuse to add a pause funtion or a loss prevention system when youre playing 4v5 or something
It was not ranked anon, It was just me trying to have some fun in a normal game.
Jesus christ. what about the other 4 fucking report pages you dense fuck.
Every god damn time someone cries about his ban, he just post ONE screenshot when there's like 5 different games in the tribunal report.
I'm still doing 20 punish a day faggot
>>187029152 (OP)
lol shits get banned for anything like not following the most tetarded meta and randoming.
I'm not talking about that. I mean he pressed report on the wrong person because he didn't properly see who said it.
Make a fucking custom if you want to try something so stupid, dont fuck up other peoples game


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