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Her name is poison because she poisoned hundreds of men with aids directly into their ass
>Those fucking manhands
I'm an SFxT player. Before the hurring and durring begins, if Poison, Elena and Hugo come too SF4 as they are in xT, they're going to blow.

Especially Poison.
>>200733246 (OP)
>self shadows
>horribly low resolution and jagged as fuck

why do people fucking do this? do they really think these jagged ass shadows look good? it's like the developers don't even play their own games.
I wish she poisoned me.

No really, if a genie gave me 3 wishes, having sex with her would be one of them.
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>Caring about GRAFICS in fighting games

Not realistic enough for you, Anon?
Easy way to make your game look better graphically than it really is
>c viper has the bigger bulge

I knew fighting games coming to PC would be a bad thing.

It's better than Capcom just tearing old sprites and movesets out of previous games and half-assedly shoving them into crossover titles.

Having ugly shadows on what was a relatively young engine should come as zero surprise to no one considering how lazy their history is.

Who even gives a shit about shadows in SF anyway, in third strike they were a black blob under your feet.
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>>200733246 (OP)
I dont see why people keep thinking this. Poison has far reaching cancellable normals, good links, safe rekkas, a fireball, a good dp and a strong fireball punish. That's her at least A tier.

I'll give her a good dp, alright
She looks hot

I-Is that Ono?
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>gay disease
>>200733246 (OP)

>directly into their ass

Poison isn't a bottom?

Then how come only faggots have it?
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Lightning really let herself go.
But your mom has it.
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Do bottoms rape shotas?
She carries a whip and handcuffs around. Also she's a skilled fighter.

She will dom the fuck out of you.

Riding crop.
Don't tell me - that comic is a bunch of traps fucking an underaged boy.

It's called doujinshi, dad.

And yes.


Transexuals/futas, not traps

he becomes a trap prostitute at the end too
How did you guess

They abduct a shota off the street, rape him and them force him into prostitution
Dang nabbit boy, what the hell have I told you about beating the meat to a pulp while looking at another mans sausage?

You're going to end up a moldy, damp and extremely faggoty haggis at this rate.
POISON stands for Penis Obviously Is Superior, Okay Now
I have a good looking trap friend who I could easily be boning if my dick wasn't a average piece of shit.

But at the same time, I have no problem pleasuring women really well.

I don't know how to feel.
>Poison had been a Bad Girl, a really Bad Girl. And she did NOT want to spend any amount of time behind bars. But, what could she do to avoid that situation? She could always give up the Mad Gear and the life of crime that went with it. But, it was so much FUN! Playing cat and mouse with the cops, making them bow and scrape before her when they thought that they had "caught" her, only to be confronted with Damnd, Andore and the rest of the Gang
poison is a girl shut the fuck up you faggots
>How did you guess

By looking at the fucking cover?
Well shit, Sherlock Holmes is no match for you buddy
Superior Poison related works

God tier.
>no doujin where Juri lovingly dominates a young boy that she kidnapped by using her feet and ass
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>going to exhentai in this day and age

Enjoy your activity profiling
even better
enjoy ;)
You could always pay someone to draw that.
Oh no, the site I go to to jerk off to futas fucking will know that I like futas fucking.
graphics are the only things fighting games can improve upon these days and capcom has failed street fighter 4 in that department.
What? What is this? Elaborate?
wrong link?
Why pay when I can draw it myself?
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i need to get a lot of stuff set up, first. Secondly, I need more practice.

Maybe it'll happen though
It BETTER fucking happen. You don't know how much I would want that.
I want it too

there would be a lot of pandering to my own fetishes, though
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get out you newfag
So why aren't you dumping this?

Before you ask I can just reverse search it, but I like reading this shit on /v/
le newfag xD
Why don't they put that weaboo football samurai from Final Fight in Street Fighter?
>>200733246 (OP)
>Her name is poison because she poisoned hundreds of men
>Her name is poison
>implying hes a woman
goddamnit I reinstalled windows for the first time in ages and I cant remember how to get past sadpanda anymore
S/He's both.
Giving or receiving?
Log into e-hentai.
>If I act stupid they will think im a newfag

you arent fooling anyone

go away
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When will Pirate Poison start getting fanart?

>ruby heart
>darkstalkers iv

i want to habeeb
She'll plunder your booty.
>implying you wouldn't tap dat
but I am already logged in
How do you log into a site without a username field
New Champ?
Then you're blacklisted.
wtf its only some sad bear?!??
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Well you probably thought that data preservation was just done for fun right?

A few facts for you:
Your internet activity is logged. No exceptions. Just like that - I mean I already told you guys before the whole PRISM thing but yeah who would ever listen to a computer scientist.

Don't get me wrong. We are not talking about PRISM right now. I mean you're no terrorists or anything. But that doesn't exclude the existence of smaller programs that are still running. Like in the EU (the data preservation law) and now as we know with a VERY high probability also in the US.
So: You're logged - That is 99.9% sure.
Now you probably wonder: "But what does that have to do with this? It's not forbidden to go to that site. Also they are collecting so much data - how the fuck am I going to attract attention with that."

Let me break that down into little parts for you.
First of all I wouldn't be so sure about the "not forbidden" thing, with a page that is based in the US and still has to hide it's existence because of its questionable content.
But even if it is, it is written down that you have a regular activity there.
Now you probably wonder "So what?" - and this is where we get to the profiling part: You probably already heard the argument "How is the NSA/EU/etc managing all this data - this is far to much to be managed by a normal person".
Well yeah, that is true - however this argument was in no way ever made by a computer scientist or someone from a related field. The thing is: They are not managing it. They DO have software to do that for them.
If you're interested in the topic go and look up a little bit of machine learning.
The basic idea is: From a certain data base (your internet activity) you're extracting certain traits or as we call it "features" (like blacklisted or gray zone websites). What happens then is that your log is more or less examined by the machine learning software and on the basis of the results classified or profiled.

Uh oh, tinfoil hat detected.
maybe its my browser? newest firefox, I recall something like that before
Sorry pal.
No tinfoil this time.

I know these things for a fact because I work with them everyday.
And I work in area 51.

UFOs are real and the president is an illumanit reptile.
Wait, exhentai doesn't have illegal stuff right?
It has "CP" and "bestiality"
>being this ignorant
unidentified flying objects are of course real. Have you ever seen something in the sky and not been able to identify it? That's a UFO. It doesn't mean it's alien spacecraft.
what the fuck then why are people linking to it on 4chan
I like her and Bonne Jenet.
>thread turns into a tinfoil hat thread instead of trap poison dumps
poisons and diseases are different things.
polite sage for ignorance.
>Lovingly dominate
Jurifags don't even understand the awful character they worship
I want to fuck Poison
where the poison cum inflation at
tfw no good C.Viper trap porn
Why do futafags always draw gigantic cocks, I just want a average/small one for once
Go big or go home.
Roxy masterrace.
You new here?
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>tfw Kayo Police will never fuck you while cosplaying as C. Viper
No but I've only casually seen links to that site here before and never thought too much about it
I'm not a sub, I want to fuck a qt trap and give them a reacharound but that's hard to fantasize about when their dicks are a foot long.
Then fap to traps instead of futa.
It happens in both genres
So where's the second part of this CONT?
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So what does this mean...realistically?
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So now we have your logged activity in a class or in a profile.

Now, so far nothing special happened - the software only suggests in which forms your behaviour is noticable or at least distinctive. This doesn't even have to be anything suspicious. They just know a little bit about who you are. That is all.

Now comes the point where it gets uncomfortable: Whenever you run into trouble your profile is highly likely to be used and used against you.
Not so much in the EU since there is a minimum verdict of 2 years jail term to even look into this data, but seriously, who knows what they do. I know for an example in a certain central european country they don't give a shit about that.
And that is none of those former eastern block states by the way.

Also they are changing the laws accordingly if you didn't already notice (shortly after the law for data preservation passed the minimum sentence for "hacking" whatever they see as hacking, was, oh surprise, raised to 2 years)

I'm just here to tell you: This could very, very well bite you in the ass later and I'd be holy shit very careful there.
It's rather grayzone stuff since all is just "drawn".
But it is enough to hide the website
The illuminati got him, sorry
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Well... believe what you wish pal. I just know that I have a little bit of knowledge that answers some of the loose ends a lot of people seem to have problems with, simply because they're not into the matter.

From a computer scientists perspective a profiling mechanism embedded in a data preservation system is far away from something special.

Everybody does that. Not in the context of legal actions of course.

But look at amazon.
Look at google.
Look at youtube.

How the hell did you think you get those recommendations?
By fucking magic?

No. It's profiling. In the corporate field often in combination with examining community activities (you know the stuff "Users who bought this shit also bought that shit" etc).
I wouldn't even be surprised if the national data preservation programs used a similar form of group profiling. I mean I wouldn't count on it since i don't see SO much advantages, but I wouldn't be surprised.
>>200733246 (OP)

Your name is faggot because your the opening post in this thread
There you go


>How the hell did you think you get those recommendations?
>By fucking magic?
>No. It's profiling.

Not exactly a great argument, considering those recommendations are near imbecilic. Not saying that there isn't truth to what you say, but you could have picked a better example.
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>Whenever you run into trouble your profile is highly likely to be used and used against you.
Care to cite any cases to back that up?
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I'm fully aware that I'm being watched due to the drastically differing professions (which i shall not name to random people on the internet) my parents had when i was still living with them. But does it really affect me? The worst I do is pirate games from EA and Activision, get games for my emulators, and fap to weird ass insect hentai, even though i find the prospect of bugophilia or beastiality revolting when applied to 3DPD. I also browse 4chan, which to normalfags means "That one hacker website where anonymoos leegun hangs out." I've been doing the porn part since i was 13 and the 4chan part since i was 18 and i have no reason to worry about being in any kind of danger, especially since if they come after me for any kind of reason it just proves people's theories about their activity being watched by higher ups. As long as you don't make threats or terrible "jokes" about blowing up schools or something you should be fine. Besides, it's not like i'm ever going to hack anyone anyway or commit any kind of major crime (Stealing from Activision and EA is okay because they steal from us.), The worst i've done is taken place in a raid on a justin beiber website because my friend told me it would be fun. It wasn't, and I will never contribute to a raid again.

Why should i be REALLY worried again?
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But if you're so scared of going to a site with loli and/or possible cp why the fuck are you still here?
In Facts vs My Ass (2420) John Smith was sentenced to 69 years in prison for returning a library book a week late after prosecutors retrieved his exhentai bookmark.
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This thread got awfully serious / shady pretty fast...
Yeah the James vs. Illuminati case.

Of course only the chosen few know of that case. Think about it man! It all comes together!

Join me and together we can defeat the illuminati. I even have a few alien rifles!
Of course, some of them are not the best.
But you have to consider:

For these companies things like that are goodies to boost sales.
It's not the main feature so to say.

A completely professional and sophisticated machine learning system looks more like that which I posted in the pic of >>200740427 where brain activity of a monkey is classified well enough to make him control a robotic arm.

That is a rather good system. You can't compare that to the stuff google adsense does.
I just didn't use it because I thought it might be a little to abstrac with regards to simple profiling.

But in fact it is very similar.

There's plenty of ROMA data that proves this. Look it up.
>How the hell did you think you get those recommendations?
>No. It's profiling.
Yeah because those are 100% accurate... I imagine someone trying to use that shit as evidence would go something like this:

State: Look at how horrible this person is because of his internet profile
Defense: How is this profile compiled?
State: Here is the program
Defense: We were able to use random information / a grandma's internet history / a fake person's profile to get worse results using this program. Also it was compiled without a warrant.
Judge: Case dismissed
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>tfw the GOAT of futanari artists will never make a Poison doujin
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Now I'm interested. The question I have is, at what point would this information resurface? When would this actually come into use? Assuming that this "profile" has been built already, in what way can knowledge of it's existence benefit you? What I'm saying is, even if you actively know such information is being tracked, what would it matter? I say this because I'm not sure how this would affect the average person.
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That's not Uno Makoto
Is it?
It is, at least the one on the left is.
is it available online?

>Futaket 8

Is that an actual event?
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>best futa artist
>not bosshi
I will fight you

yea it represents the endtimes where women grow penises and kill all the men
Did you check exhentai for it?
Uno Makoto is perfect he cannot be beat at what he does
Yes, it's Futa-Chan Character Book.
He's good but his ball obsession holds him back.
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Also nobody said anything about the profile being used as certain evidence. In fact not even e-mails can be used as evidence in a lot of countries.
Nevertheless they are again and again and again used as supporting material.

Of course now if you secretly go about butchering people on the open street and the profile doesn't reveal anything relevant to that - but to other terrible things - it can't be used of course.
Not that it looks good on your side though.

I mean imagine you're a judge and you have some kind of rapist in front of you and you look at his profile and it reveals that this person has several cases of looking up very violent content or sexually "not so normal" stuff - nothing with rape though - do you really think this is reflecting well on the accused person.

Would you let that guy off the hook as easily as if you didn't have the profile?
You wouldn't.
And you would have good reasons for that.

I'll come to you in a second
so no

>Implying men won't grow breasts and vags and kill all the women
Not him but I assume it's stuff like proving you're a scary creep to a jury. Have you ever seen news reports about cases where they say X "paraphernalia was discovered on his PC"? Have you ever stopped to think about what that means or how it can be manipulated and misconstrued to make someone look bad? Say you have one very bad pic in your cache from 7 years ago because you were accidentally linked to a bad site by a friend as a joke. Congratulations, you can now be said to have X "paraphernalia" on your computer and are likely going to be viewed by any normal person as a scary scumbag who is a harm to society.
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I'm pretty much in the same boat as this guy >>200742359
aside from fapping to some slightly disgusting drawn shit that nobody would EVER guess. I function pretty well in society, I'm a pretty chill dude, and the only thing I do is pirate roms and the occasional FL Studio and Photoshop if I format. Assuming this pattern is followed would it really have any affects?

Also @ the "insect" guy. How do you fap to bugs? I fuckin hate those shits, especially house centipedes, are you really down with those?
Either way, the futanari only mankind is the mankind I want to be part of.
firefox and chrome have addons now even a child could breach sadpanda
nigga I have the addon installed and im logged in but it keeps showing up
That's not really related to profiling though. If they have your PC, you're fucked anyway.
>futas without balls
>having shit taste
It's based on the same kind of innuendo though. Guy X has "Y sites" on his "profile" so now he looks like a creepy weirdo
Fate has conspired against you then.
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GOD DAMN, I'm almost sure that same shit has happened to me. Even if I've had a new PC since then, or assuming I viewed a picture from 4chan, it'd still be as bad?
Okay but we're talking about how profiling could be used. Why would they make a profile of you just to do something that they could do by simply confiscating your PC?
>liking futas with no balls
Literally the gayest thing in existence
you dont need any fucking addon if you can follow simple instructions
a child would be able to do it, but it's too hard for /v/
Because not everyone has anything bad or creepy on their PC. Lots of normals don't save images at all. But someone may have linked them to tubgirl in the past as a joke
>Not him but I assume it's stuff like proving you're a scary creep to a jury.
You know you can't just tell a jury anything, right? You have to prove that its relevant to the case. Trying to link internet history to state of mind to crime committed is both super hard to do, and easy to get thrown out by a good lawyer. Also? Appeals.
the party van is already on its way
lube up that anus
What is browser cache

The joke is that Poison was a girl in Japan, but Capcom, when localizing, was like "fuck, do we really want to have people beat up girls in this video game?" So they just said she was a man without any explanation and boom: suddenly, traps everywhere.
Unless it's IE, you can clear your cache
If you have a public defender, they can pretty much do whatever they want to you. And lots of people will end up with those because they're poor.
>still spreading this misinformation because it makes you feel less gay
It's 2013, it's okay now.
You know, the DoA series gets shit about sexualizing female characters, but Street Fighter 4 does it just as much, if not more, because of how they position the camera at times.

Yes, it has CP.

Oh, all those pure innocent paper children, deprived of their innocence, they won't be able to have a paper life and marry and have a paper family.

It's a crime against all drawn characters
I tell you.
If its got balls, its a dude
You're a faggot son, just accept it
You might as well be fapping to per-op trannies
And you think it's gone forever and can't be retrieved?
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>That was at least 3 years ago
I've had Dominos Pizzas that didn't even get here that late.
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no he wasnt
After it's been written over a bunch of times.
If your HDD overwrites it, yes. The myths of being able to retrieve stuff overwritten up to 9 times are myths
Internet history IIRC has never been used in and of itself as evidence against someone, they always have to tie it to another part of the crime in question.

They do this because you can't tie someone's internet history to them beyond a reasonable doubt unless they're really stupid about it and use extremely personal info / log on info to profiles / credit cards / video or picture chat / etc etc.

Seriously, look at all the CP cases that use this stuff in court, its all private sites with user profiles.
Go be a retard somewhere else, even japan is cracking down on drawn CP. It's time to stop pedophiles like you
Street Fighter doesn't give you a dozen different types of bikinis dress up the girls, dedicate their engine into making their boobs bounce realistically, or have a beach volleyball/gravure model simulator spinoff game
The scary thing about innuendo attacks is, someone like this man who absolutely hates CP could be branded as someone who likes it by association if no one looks at the details--just because he's talking about it
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Why limit it to one?

>implying the jury or the judge is going to give a flying fuck

He put it in quotes for a reason, you know.
>public defender
Even a public defender can Google case law with respect to using "internet profiling" in court. Pro-tip, its only used as icing on the cake when the state has a slam dunk.
Saying that people who fap to CP are pedophiles is like saying people who play violent video games are murderers.
But there is always that "first" case where someone might just have to hold that shit, and really get years for a random link they found on 4chan. Laws and policies only get more and more unstable as time goes on.
You fap to CP because you think children are sexy - you're a fucking pedophile and a denerate.

If you play violent video games and take pleasure in killing and not the gameplay then you're a sick person and should also end up in jail
If you think you going to take down by the feds because you read a doujin, you are a retard. They don't have the manpower or time to catch people like you. They are looking for the actual pedos, the ones that trade or distribute CP. The kinds that make them and upload it to some deepweb site.
>Even a public defender can Google case law
But will they? No, because they're public defenders. They're paid shit for hours of toil and thousands of cases at once. They're overworked and underpaid because the gubment doesn't value the innocence of poor people.
dat bulge
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>Hyper Christian detected
Learn how to use paragraphs jesus fuck.
nice argument there retard
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>wah! if they don't have balls just what am I supposed to rub my balls against?!
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>>200733246 (OP)
>that shadow
If you play violent video games, you take pleasure in killing
Yeah yeah, NSA this, spying that

Who's gonna recommend me some loli?

It's hentai, it's not real. That's how.
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>liking gross axe wounds that bleed and discharge all kinds of fluids
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Fuck off pedophiles and tinfoil hat retards and stop ruining a Poison thread.
>and really get years for a random link they found on 4chan

What the fuck does that even mean? They'd randomly choose some anon to charge him for possession of CP... for laughs? On an unrelated crime? They'd SCRUB HIS HD and RECONSTRUCT ALL THE IMAGES (literally tends of thousands) THEN MANUALLY SEARCH THROUGH THEM ALL FOR CP.
Besides it would get appealed so fast it would make your head spin, along with a charge of overzealous prosecution and incompetent public defender.
Why hasn't the thread been deleted yet?
He is using paragraphs. It's just you've never read a book before and see his paragraphs as long when in a standard history book they'd be considered short.

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