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Did /v/ love Wreck it Ralph?
why don't you ask them? i'm sure /v/ is around here somwhere
Who the fuck is /v/?

I did.
>/v/ is one person
>>199758203 (OP)
8/10, pretty average

>/v/ is a community of individuals with varying tastes and opinions
>some bad plot points
>decent character work
>likable and realistic hero and counterpart

I liked it.
I like the way they represent game glitches as a real thing and something actually likeable.

Nintendo would never had balls to do this for example.
It was alright, I give 9/10
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I'd wreck Vanellope's ralph, if you know what I mean.
I too would fuck her nose
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>MissingNo. will never be canonized
I loved Vanellope.
Post more Amalia, slut
Or even cited as an easter egg.
I guess that, too...

I just always assume he's going to be in the next game. Or the next. Or the next.

He's never anywhere.
I liked it.
It was good. Now I'm getting out of this thread before the Vanellope loli porn starts since that shit is illegal in my sad, sad country.
That would be like admiting that they can make mistakes.
Way to post the inferior Wakfu girl.
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I liked it

Likeable characters
Some bretty gud humour
Entertaining plotline

Only complaint was not doing ENOUGH with video games.
It was a step in the right direction, but I wanted MOAR


>I'm bad, and thats good. I will never be good, but that's not bad. Because there's nobody I'd rather be, than me

I saw this recently and i spent the whole movie wondering whether one of the Kart racers was male or female.

Eventually i decided it was a female only to find out later it was male. Seriously, that was annoying.
Annoying animation (GMOD-tier that makes Don Bluth look like static animes), Generic plot, generic characters, jokes non-stop, noise non-stop, stupid fake games, stupid ideas and the fact that it came from Disney, a company that simply won't die and stop ruining the animation medium more than it's already ruined. And no, I don't like anime at all.

1/10 breedy gud for the murrican peepoo
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>mfw eveyone liking Venelope
d'Angelo pls
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Disliked how it became less about video games midway through. Still a good movie, would add to my collection.
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Too much fucking Sugar Rush, they could've had a solid formula with Ralph jumping between a load of vidya in short bursts like Heroes Duty, each world being something unique with different hee-larious setups, but for some stupid reason they dedicate the majority of the movie to a kart racer with a design more suited for a Candyland movie than an actual video game

First half - 8/10
Last half - Ungghhh/10
I hated the shit out of her.

That voice and that bitchiness.
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>>199758203 (OP)
It was decent. I was expecting a lot of US GAMERS HUH, and there was a little but it wasn't overdone which is good. I kinda wish they didn't spend more than half the movie in Sugar Rush though.
She ain't Eva.
>Not understanding how sage works
Putting jpop into it was genius and therefore 10/10

This first half is 8/10 second half is 4/10.
Why not both?
Even though Amalia's better.
holy shit, is that an alien?
>>199758203 (OP)
> inb4 ''what was his name again?''
Unlike Toy Story and Roger Rabbit, it didn't have that cross over appeal to older audiences I felt. This is a film for young children and their parents, formulaic outsider becomes a hero plot and all.

I give it a 3.5... out of 5.
>Even though Amalia's better.
Nice wrong opinion.
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>tumblr noses

>36 posts
>No vanellope R34
You're new to Disney, huh?

I know you're just trying to start shit.
I've fucked both of them and Amalia was the better lay by far.
i liked it. only downside. was expecting more game characters cameos
Toy Story didn't have it either, but it came out when you were a kid so it appears to you that way.
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Thats more like it.
>>199758203 (OP)
I liked it. I felt it was too confined though; there were really only 2 places Ralph went to.

would have like a more grand scale adventure into all sorts of games, but for what it was, it was good
That's because you are not old enough.

Anyone who played in the arcade era felt nostalgic with the movie
It felt lacking for a Pixar movie.
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And to build upon this: Sugar Rush was pretty devoid of vidya or vidya references, with the Felix intervals being the only thing breaking the monotony during Ralph bits. It's like the writers themselves realized this was slowly focusing 100% on Silvermans paycheck of a character, and just abandoned the concept halfway beyond "hey, we're in a video game, that's all we're gonna acknowledge", in other words, food puns and references are stupid as shit in this supposed-video game movie

The Felix/Calhoun subplot was a lot more interesting than anything after Heroes Duty
>He's never fucked a Wakfu
I'm sorry for you. Really.

The whole idea of ripping off Roger Rabbit Toy Story and Despicable-Me sounds bad at any angle, putting video games on the main focus is even worse, because you're making this setting in a ''game hub world'' where every video game character is present, but almost none of them has an arcade game, this is minor, but you see what I mean.

And like any other Disney movie that is being made for the sole purpose of making money, it's going to be forgotten within a year, just like Enchanted.
>>199758203 (OP)
Not love, but liked a lot. Space marines were the worst part.

Come on, the one with PTSD at Tapper's was great. How he was stuck against that wall in his walk cycle.
How could you do that to vomit?
Where can I find good rule 34 of this?
That girl with that voice actor, damn son.
Made my Wreck my Ralph 8/10
it's not fucking Nostalgia, Toy Story and Roger Rabbit, all those movies had a true heart, and weren't ''LOL TOYS n CARTOONS JOEK'' all the fucking time like wreck-it-ralph, both movies took risks and had their own share of comedy, and drama, which is the essential element in a film that an animated movie can do really well, wreck-it-ralph had none of that, it was like water in which you drink it in a video-game themed cup, it played safe, with no originality or soul, so it could make money and shit by pandering to the video-game audience that sucks Disney's dick.
Sarah Silverman
someone post her nudes
I've seen this movie three times and I tear up every time those jerks break Vanelope's cart. I liked the second half more because I don't need my vidya reference dick sucked.

>hating cute girls
>saving queer .gifs

There could be a connection...
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>all those movies had a true heart
You mean you were a kid when you first watched them.
she reminds /v/ of the animes they love so much
>>199758203 (OP)
I really liked it.
Even more than Brave, lately Disney's 3D animation is more likeable than Pixar's one.

Anyway I'm mad as hell that this movie got a shitty vidya transposition.
I was just pissed nothing happened to Gene, fuck that guy.
She doesn't have any.
>this thread
i hate you all
No. I didn't watched any Disney movies as a kid, I lived in a shithole that didn't had a video store or a movie theater, the only movies I watched were those shitty dog movies and DIC cartoons on TV, not even Cartoon Network, or Nickelodeon, not even fucking vidya, I had a computer to play some flash games, but my dad fucking sold it and I stayed a whole year without a computer, I had a few share of VHSs but they were those shitty Disney films from the 90's, as opposed to the better Pixar movies, The Incredibles was the first Pixar film I watched, and I was 14 when that happened, when I moved to another town, I started watching movies like crazy, and I still have to watch stuff like Quentin Tarantino, Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch.

There's also:
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"I was just tired of living alone, in the garbage!"
"Well, now you get to live alone, in the penthouse."

Fucking Gene.
S.U.G.A.R Jump into your racing car
Say Sugar Rush. Sugar Rush hey!
S.U.G.A.R Jump into your racing car
Say Sugar Rush. Sugar Rush hey!
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so i've been working on my impression of king candy. here's me saying a few of his lines from the movie

10/10 it's okay.
Sinner's Sandwiches are so good.
It's funny, Wreck-It Ralph was actually called Sugar Rush in Japan.
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Who's this then?

Some ugly old bitch.
Not enough diversity for me.
I thought they'd switch the location from Sugar Rush to something more awesome but NOPE. GOTTA STAY THERE FOR THE ENTIRE SECOND HALF.
The first half was so good too. What a shame.
Your mom?
No ur mum fgt.
>/v/ wants more video game references at the expense of the plot
No thank you, I'd rather have an actual story before just LOL JUMPING BETWEEN ARCADE GAMES, US GAMERS HUH?

There were plenty of video game references as is, we didn't need the entire movie to be nothing but arcade jumping.
What's the name of this movie again?
>The first half was so good too.

If you didn't tear up like a bitch when Ralph tried to sacrifice himself while reciting the badguy code, I fear for you.
sick burn mate :-D
why would /v/ care about a shitty movie made for stupid children that can barely play the original Super Mario Brothers?

And no, it's not the same thing as the so-called ''mature games'' scenario.
>that face
She's Egoraptor, oh fuck.
It is even written "Egotastic" under there.
I didn't,because it was The Black Cauldron all over again.

There are way more things worth crying in an animated movie that isn't Disney garbage. Haven't you seen The Secret of NIMH? Barefoot Gen? American Tail?
>pixar movie
>only made for children
nigga pls
Makes sense, I'm pretty sure (modern) Japanese gamer audiences don't give as much of a shit about retro vidya, especially if it's a US studio taking the piss out of a Nintendo-inspired main game. 10% of the population that knows what an FPS is would get the Heroes Duty bit, the other 90% would just see some Starship Troopers thing and have no idea if this is supposed to be a video game or not. Now if it's main tonal shift/marketing is some saccharine uguu desu J-poppy setting, there's a hook right there
Take it-Tyrone
it was a Disney movie, you dope.

and even then, I don't have any hope for the future of Pixar, now that Disney has creative control over it, fuck this gay earth.

>we didn't need the entire movie to be

Then I guess they shouldn't have teased and promoted a movie that was going to be playing on the concept of a depricated game character trying to fit in by doing nothing but arcade jumping, huh
After Tangled and Wreck it Ralph I can safely say that Disney's movies are better than Pixar's ones.
Brave was terrible and Planes and Monsters Accademy looks boring and stupid.
Well, I admit it didn't have the same impact as, let's say, Toy Story 3.
and by better you mean eating shit with a little salt on it.
I thought it was a very good movie, I personally choked up once or twice during, really liked Venelope for some reason. Muh Sarah Silverman.
"9/10 it's ok"

Monsters University was... well not their best but I thought it was pretty fucking good.

Planes is a shameless cashin though. It's a bit shocking, but it's also the best indicator we have of the current state of Hollywood. Creativity is dead.
Toy Story 3 is what happens when Disney doesn't fucking interfere in their creative process like they did countless times with Brave, and the Pixar studio in general.

Face it, goddamn it, Disney is the ultimate cancer of humanity, and it's sitting right up there with Hollywood, and it's only going to be worse from now on.
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>$2 bucks
>For a fucking arcade game
Actual Sugar Rush arcade game fucking WHEN?
why the fuck would you want this cancer to go on even longer?
Mario ripoff. Nope.
Thank god someone else on here has a brain. There was already enough references, the plot was good, the sub-plot was even better, the few references we had were great and made the story flow.

Anything else would've made the movie have to forcibly stop in the middle of its plot, wink and nudge at the camera, then we're right back to where we were before with the plot. Nothing gained but plenty of time lost just for a throw-away gag.
Wait, Pixar is making Planes? How is that possible? I remember watching some of their behind the scenes shit and that company just seems to love creativity.
you could only guess what Disney would've done if they made a movie about Donkey Kong in this same scenario/plot.

They fucking ruined the Super Mario Brothers movie, for fucks sake, no one should have any sympathy for Disney, and what is doing to animation.
how disappointing, I figured she'd be hotter.
Stop reminding me that Planes is a thing
Holy shit, I could've sworn she used to be thinner than that.

D-dem hips though...
Planes is a Disney movie, goddamn it, do not mix Pixar in the shit salad.

Pixar is like, the Rare of Disney, they used to make great movies, but when Disney got more greedy than it already was, old-Pixar was turned into the New-Pixar, and that change began with fucking Brave and Cars. Rest in peace, Pixar, Toy Story 3 was your last good movie, one shudders to think how animation is going to do in the future.
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why the fuck Nintendo showed the game based on this spit on humanity in their games line-up coming for the Wii U? for fucks sake.
I agree, but i would have liked more background charactersthough it might have strained the budget(like Chun Li,Cammy,Sonic, etc).

-Muh Vega
-Muh Luigi

Also they could have like gathered up the characters and had them help against the Cybugs. Zangief would have rekted those bugs.
If I remember right, the vidya companies were charging for the display time that these characters had in the movie.

Some more help with holding off the cybugs would've been pretty awesome, though.
why the fuck are you so excited for seeing your favorite videogame characters in a shitty movie for dumb children?
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>the vidya companies were charging for the display time that these characters had in the movie
Shouldn't they be happy that their character is famous enough to be referenced?
Welcome to the modern arcade, that'll be a buck for Time Crisis, the CRT's going out, and the pedal sometimes sticks, enjoy!

Oh, wanna play The Lost World? That'll be $3, the difficulty is at the highest setting, you get two lives, and there's a molten candy substance on the seat, have a blast
No. in fact, they're quite ashamed of having their famous brands in a fucking Disney movie.
Licensing fees, bruh. I think the characters they spent the most on were Sonic and Bowser, especially with Sonic because they had to hire his VA for that little public service announcement in the middle of the game junction.
better than anything Dreamworks has ever churned out
despite not making any sense at all, since Sonic doesn't have any game released for Arcade.
>>199758203 (OP)
It was alright.
I was pretty disappointed that he went to like... one made up game, then sugar rush and then stayed in sugar rush for the entire game.

I thought the movie was going to be about them gallivanting through well known games from the past.
give Dreamworks some credit, at least they are trying to take risks and present some mature settings, but they're still being pushed back by the fact that 90% of Earth's population are dumb faggots.
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Pic related and THE FIGHTERS, try again

>Sonic fighters
You are so fucking wrong.
That's Disney for you, buddy.

Their bait worked and you bite it real good.
>>199758203 (OP)
>/v/ loving anything

yeah no
Ok, I can say that for Classic Sonic, but what about modern Sonic? did he ever get an arcade?

Yes sonic got an arcade

It was called sega park, it had his face on it and everything

AheuheueheuhueOh god I miss segapark
Well Ralph was an 8bit character aswell, so it makes sense.

Still a bit of a stretch, but they wanted the Sanic fanbase.
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I loved it.

I was blazed while I watched it though.

That made it better.
Why do people even care about Disney, anymore? why the Nostalgia Goggles seem more strong with those people that can't fucking see that Beauty and the Beast was fucking garbage, as well for any Disney film made in the 90's?
why is there not more like this?
Spot on answer.
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I love this movie, this is great!
>Sugar Rush
Fuck this movie.

Frankly they should have just called it Sugar Rush like they did in Japan. I wouldn't have wasted my money.
best doge
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>Beauty and the Beast was fucking garbage
>Makes sense, I'm pretty sure (modern) Japanese gamer audiences don't give as much of a shit about retro vidya

No way. They're fucking obsessed. Obviously not all of them, but retro gaming and retro gaming stores and arcades and such are a big thing over there.
face it, Anon, Disney has been ruining animation since the 1990's, and you didn't cared enough to stop it.
Parts of this movie pissed me off, that's all I remember sorry
Is that why whenever Arino goes on an arcade-crawl, he's completely alone?
>>199758203 (OP)
God tier
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Good tier
Alice in Wonderland
The Sword in the Stone
The Black Cauldron
The Little Mermaid
Beauty and the Beast
The Lion King
Wreck-It Ralph
Winnie the Pooh
The Incredibles
Sleeping Beauty

Meh tier
Toy Story
A Bug's Life
Finding Nemo
A Goofy Movie
The Great Mouse Detective

Shit tier
The nigger and the Frog
Home on the Range
Brother Bear
Treasure Planet
Lilo & Stitch
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
The Emperor's New Groove
Oliver & Company
The Fox and the Hound
The Rescuers
Lady and the Tramp
The Jungle Book
Peter Pan
Monsters University
>Mulan shit tier
Am I being coaxed into a snafu?

>guaranteed replies
You have terrible taste
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Pretty much, I totally agree.

A little more interesting than something you wouldn't bother to watch.
>The Black Cauldron as well as on good tier

well...I can assume that Disney films are below average, and the your ''good tier'' means mediocre tier in normal movie scales.

I know right? I thought she was fucking obnoxious and unlikable.
Being fair, half of those films in shit are an insult to shit and should be lower.

They're making the midly shit films look bad.
>The Lion King
>not god tier

>Toy Story
>only meh

Are you fucking serious? Who made this list? Some retard who have absolutely no taste, am i right?

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