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Dead online games.
Here's a good one.
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This had so much potential
>tfw no other game like it on the market
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>>198877789 (OP)
I never got to play MAG. Was it good? I've heard that despite the 256 player, you never encounter a truly massive battle.
MGS5 better give us a new MGO with all new shit.
>>198877789 (OP)
not dead at all. just play the game mode with the smaller player count

lol, if you actually think swtor is dead in terms of players

I still play it, there are people online
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so.. alone..
Good online games never die.
I could load up quake 3 right now and prove it to you.
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those multiple hour long CTF matches. both teams at a total standstill, ready to fire hell into the warehouse if anybody dared peek through the front doors
I dunno man, I played the beta. Shit sucked. Felt a lot like CoD
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Why did it go the f2p route, we could have had something glorious,
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It's a shame I bought it so late.

I bet the MP was loads of fun.
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>tfw my favorite online game now is filled with brazilians

GunZ and S4 league;_;
mgo2 sucked
full of mexicans
mexican laggers
and people with unwarranted self importance
>i could load up the most popular shooter ever made and prove you wrong!
When does the watamote anime start?
50k people online right now
It's also 14 years old.
Mag is 3.
It's popular because it's actually good.
Mag isn't.
But Call of Duty has players all the time, anon.
>Bunny jumping with lasers: The game
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What is GTA 4?
It did decline quite a bit towards the end but during the beta and the beginning it was incredibly fun. Playing with friends was still pretty fun. They just need to fix it so people can't use lag switches and other exploitations.
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I haven't followed this for a few years. DId they shut down all the ps3/x360 servers? I actually want to go play this right now.
That's dead? It was pretty populated when I played it a few months ago.
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Was trying to finish my achievements but couldn't find any public games.
>a good game will always succeed financially!
Unfortunately this isn't true. I'm not defending mag because I've never played it, but it could be a fucking great game and have dick for sales because the marketing team fucked up or something.
If nobody buys a game, they can't play it and decide whether its good or not.
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there's some people left online
enough to play any of the game modes
that being said the original devs got knocked down 9001 pegs and are stuck pulling a ninja theory developing an iOS game and the company that got the IP to the game isn't doing shit with it
Wait, seriously?

It's not really that dead, a couple hundred players is still good.
>ps3/360 servers
it was released for ps2/xbox.

Google before you post shit like that m8
/v/ should have a recurring event every so often where they get together to get multiplayer achievements on games people otherwise no longer play.
It was released on xbox360 you fucking moron
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This. /v/ has this obsession of sucking Quake's cock despite never have played it.

>b-but it's old and difficult s-so that means it's good!
>m-muh arena shooters and muh gamer cred!

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