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Neutral fag here. Never played Smash, never will. Hate the series.

So, here I'll list the shortcomings of the new Smash. Keep in mind, the game is still far from being released, much more shit could be announced that wont jive with the fans.

>No Story Mode
If you think that's bad, wait till you hear about why there's no story mode. It's because they wanted to one up youtubers who would leak the story mode cutscenes before time and spoil it for everyone. Yep, Smash devs are that retarded
>No tripping
Whatever tripping was, it's gone now and everyone is throwing a fit over it
>Made a 3DS port
Instead of having a system seller exclusive, they created competition for the WiiU. Competition that has over 30 million users over WiiU's measely 4 million. Good going
>Smaller roster of character
Speaking of the 3DS and its small capacity, the main dev himself said he had to cut the roster so the 3DS version and the WiiU version don't differ
>Wasted character slots on non-characters
Wii-Fit trainer has no character, personality, charisma or anything to distinguish itself from a regular, plain old avatar. Literally nobody wants her in the game, not even as a joke.
>No 1080p and 60 fps
With the cartoony graphics and relatively small arenas, you'd think the WiiU would be able to process it in Full HD and max fps.
>More features cut
I hope you're excited for a barebones experience, folks

These are all facts, mind you. No reason to get mad over truth.
I wont be buying a WiiU
wait they are taking away tripping?
why do they have to cater to the casuals
this is b8
thread is off to a great start.
Please stahp sounigger!
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So, Kerfuffle thread?
I don't think you understand.

Nintendo can purposely make this game shit and nintenyearolds will buy it by the millions.
Stop responding to yourself.
Use a trip if you want to get noticed.
Because Sakurai has given in to Dylan's demands. Probably has his family held hostage or something.
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buttfucked nintenyearold who can't take the truth.
Oh you
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>>203348225 (OP)
And we begin this ride yet again...
Oh boy!
>>203348225 (OP)
>Neutral fag
>Hate the series.

pick one
>>203348225 (OP)
>Neutral fag here.
>Hate the series.

>>203348225 (OP)
Every bit of this is either wrong or retarded. Luckily it will convince exactly no one, because anyone with a Wii U is buying Smash.
>hate the series
got me to reply
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nintendrones are truly the worst cock sucking anal fucked bitches of any fanbase ever.
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Wow. Congratulations Sony fan, this has to be the worst thread ever made. Are yo jealous that Smash isn't coming to your preciious Sony consoles?
Playstation all star battle royal is better and mature than smash bros. No I am not jealous because better I have game.
>>203348225 (OP)
>never played Smash
>hate the series

/v/ in a nutshell
>no story mode
>no tripping
>made a 3ds port
>smaller roster
not really
>wasted character slots
not really
>no 1080p and 60 fps
prove it
>more features cut

What's your problem if you Never played Smash? Is really sonysoft so scared that wii u might survive and damage their jew monopoly?
viral plz go
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>>203348225 (OP)
>Never played Smash, never will. Hate the series.
>but... my opinion is still valid... right?
i love b8

haha but imagine if someone actually thought that way
>Nintendo can purposely make the Wii U shit and nintoddlers will buy it by the millions
It's impossible to say that without having both to compare.
>I only play mature games for a mature person liek myself
By the way, more guns doesn't make it more mature.
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>more mature
Holy shit.. The dick riding is huge.
Even Smash 64 is better than All Star Battle Royal
>No idea what I'm talking about, hate the series

Get fucked.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA good one m8 b8 h8
I have never played smash bros but I know it doesn't even have guns or characrters from GOOD mature games like Uncharted and DmC. Maybe if they didn't have to resrt to stealing Solid Snack from MGS, they would sell more.
>people falling for such an obvious troll
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Despite how barebones it is I'd still be cool to play it with anyone if they offered. That's what I call a good game.
>>203348225 (OP)
>hate the series

>>203348225 (OP)
>Whatever tripping was, it's gone now and everyone is throwing a fit over it

F-, apply yourself.
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As you wish
Confirmed for underage child.
I don't care if any one of you will not buy the game, I will buy it and I will enjoy it andyou will just circlejerk and cry yourself to sleep at night.
I won't care even I am the only person in the world that will buy it.
Nice h8 b8 m8 9/10 made me mad
>Gets blatantly trolled
>Calls someone else underage child
Summer, folks, summer!
I mean come on, solid snack? "GOOD mature games like DmC"? Way to get baited by entry level shit
I'll buy 2 copies, one for me and one for OP.
The game is fine, but I don't think I can play it on the Vita. Tried it, and my head hurt. Just too much to focus on. It's like when the camera moves around in Brawl during a 4 player match. It just doesn't work well.
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did someone say wii fit trainer?
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Do you want to talk about Smash Bros or do you want to keep posting such bad bait that nobody is going to take you seriously?
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>Neutral fag here.
>Hate the series.

Oh you.
Aaaand your point is?..
Post more.
ITT: OP attempts trolling, but is ousted as a faggot.
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>>203348225 (OP)
You are trying WAY TOO HARD, i know it's the early morning , but get some coffee and try again later ok?
I'll be waiting for the bait.
ProTip:Never admit that you hate the series you're trying to shitpost about
>Never played Smash, never will. Hate the series.
Stopped reading there
>Believing in the summer myth

Newfag scum consider killing yourself.
So forgetting about OP's obvious trolling attempts for a second, what's up with people throwing a hissy over the lack of a story mode? I thought the Subspace Emissary was almost universally despised. I mean, I'd assume there's still plenty of single player content, just not wrapped up in much of a story. So what's the big deal?
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>TP Zelda
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holly shiiiiiieeett the cock sucking is strong with this one.
Sony can purposely make this game shit and soniggers will buy it by the millions.
Soniggers are truly the worst cock sucking anal fucked bitches of any fanbase ever.
People can't into negative change
hey nintendicks how could you possibly think your shitey baby mario shitfest is better than Sony Battlestar Galaga™

>no crash bandicoot
this is good because crash has been on non sony consoles and the game is all about sony franchises only

>you can play as bioshocker
nintendo doesn't even have a bioshock

>no mario
mario a shit and italian

>can play whilst tripping
nintendo is a child company for babies so there is no tripping allowed

>2 cole characters
one for evil cole and one for good cole

>it has dante
he is my favourite

well nintenninnies, how do you feel now
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Why do you keep digging yourself deeper?
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ITT: literally a symposium of shitposting
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>No Story Mode
The official reason was they didn't want to divert resources to something that feels tacked on, nice try though
>No tripping
Oh no! Not tripping!
>Made a 3DS port
Personally I am getting both, one for smash on the go and the wii u version so I can play with my bros that don't own a nintendo system
>Smaller roster of character
Can I get a source? The only info I have heard on this is that clones are being removed/reworked
>Wasted character slots on
>Literally nobody wants her in the game, not even as a joke.
I do
>No 1080p and 60 fps
Source needed
>More features cut
What exactly?
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is it time to /ss/?
It's going to be much more like the Melee adventure mode apparently. I'm not complaining.
And all the cutscenes will be unlocked from the beginning
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I'd like something more akin to Melee's Adventure mode. That had actual areas from the characters' games.
>>203348225 (OP)
>Neutral fag
>Hate the series
Nice credibility bro.
>Not ironically responding
>Summer myth
Considering it's summer and there's a greater influx of retards, must be false.
>>203348225 (OP)

>Neutral fag here
>Hate the series

gr8 b8 m8
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Now we're talking.
The fewer characters thing is bullshit, so is it not being 1080 and 60fps
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>>203348225 (OP)
>Never played Smash, never will. Hate the series.
Then why do you think your opinion matters?
It pretty much boils down to MUH CUTSCENES. Which was the only redeeming factor of SSE. But let's be honest here, people don't play fighting games for the story. Smash is no different.

I will however say that putting it on both the Wii U and 3DS is gonna make this a time sink and a potentially mediocre game. Instead of focusing on one platform, they just have to cater to two completely different consoles.
>and there's a greater influx of retards
Except you have absolutely no proof to back that up.
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it's just a myth now. The average age of /v/ is down enough to where you have basic trolls on everyday. Nighttime /v/ is where it's at.
>hate the series
Whatever you say, faggot.
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Alright you fucking retards, lemme break this down for you: he's neutral because he hasn't played the series, but he can still hate it. Neutral means never having experienced something. For example, if I've never had sex (which isn't true, i've had sex before), and I liked it, I'm neutral towards it. Do you fucking understand, you cuntrockets?
>>203348225 (OP)
I know this is bait but...

Putting it on the 3ds IS a retarded idea. Wii U is in desperate need of exclusives and Smash is Nintendo's biggest system sellers. Why would you give people the option not to buy a Wii U to play it.
I ironically responded, I used 2 sonigger posts and changed the word nintendo with the word sony so they will make more sence
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>Doesn't think /v/ is overrun with retards
Check and mate, fundie scum
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>There are people in this thread that are SERIOUSLY responding to the OP
more please.
I feel that you either need some breakfast in you, or it's about 5 bongs till 3 until you have to start praying towards Mecca, m8.
>>203348225 (OP)
Nice links to back this all up mate
my bad m8
i saw buzzwords and assumed
never again
You almost got me. 3/10
They're two different games. The idea is to get both, which many will do.
because nintendo cearly wants to make money from the 3ds to support Wii U. Just like renault is making money selling cars and spends them to formula one
>(which isn't true, i've had sex before)
You're killing me here, bro
>neutral fag here
>hate the series
Wait, are you serious?
the vilager one is so creepy
Well it worked for the 3DS.
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>>203348225 (OP)


>>203348225 (OP)

if you've never played it, and you don't know what half the stuff is, why would you tell me why i shouldn't buy it?
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Sorry for the delay, I crashed
>>203348225 (OP)
You're forgetting a number of stages are essentially battlefield with a different background. The game does run at 60fps, however.

You're correct on everything else though.
but 3ds was way better than ps vita because games.
not that wii u is not a great console, and because sony-microsoft suck I would never buy a ps4/xbone even if they sold them for a 50$
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>Hate the Series
>Here are reasons why i hate this series
>I wont buy x console
>People are replying to OP
>I wouldn't buy a PS4 even if it was $50

Wow, really? That's pretty retarded. If I could buy an Xbone/PS4 for $50 I would just to get a solid home theater box.
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Nintenfags full on shitposting now. Guess they have nothing better to do seen as they have no games.
nintendo+sega master race
I've got a sega arcade suck it faggots
>because games
There were no games when people bought it, to the point that nintendo was giving out some crappy games as an apology.
As far i know, Smash bros is the only of the few titles that DO run at 1080p60fps on WiiU due the relative graphical simplicity.
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Agreed. Can't wait to get good PS4 exclusives like Watch Dogs and Titanfall. PS4 master ace
nah I would never wanted the big-brother box or the thing from a company that is no longer good
>>203348225 (OP)
the reason of 3ds port is to sell well, because even nintendo is avare of that WiiU is a blunder.
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ITT:Nintenfags replying to a super retarded Sonygger
Daytime /v/
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>Neutral fag
>Hates the series

That's not what neutral is
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>>203348225 (OP)
>Never played Smash, never will. Hate the series.


>neutral fag
>hate the series
Wii U is better because It can play last gen's games.
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I would post a few more, my folders are really unorganized right now.
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>>203348225 (OP)

>thinks not having a story mode is a bad thing

0/10 not going to bother with the rest
Would you fuck off already?

Everyone's already seen these mediocre images of a mediocre character like two months ago when she was announced. I don't know if it's waifufaggotry or what, but we're trying to have a discussion--even if it's a poor one--and you're dumping images. If you want to do that, go to >>>/c/, >>>/h/ or >>>/d/.
you mean Wii-U games?
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>but we're trying to have a discussion

Uh no
>hurr gens are grapixscxs
then pc is next next gen?
We are like 3 people dumping images faggot. The thread started being shit anyway.
PC has no gens. it exists outside of time and space
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>don't post images on an image board related to the topic
Are you serious?
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>but we're trying to have a discussion
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It did, but you're not keeping it from being less shit. Just ignore the thread then instead of encouraging it.

NSFW images are not allowed on SFW boards, even spoilered.

You're insanely stupid.
And you can still have convos when there are pictures in a thread you dumb fuck

There are no convos here though, so again you're insanely stupid.
Played pretty much of melee back when it was new and I can't imagine anyone playing more of the serie then one entry. It's the only nintendo game i can think of that almost doesn't change with newer entries. I don't get it. Also wii fit trainer is way too randumb.
>what is pokemon
>>203348225 (OP)
> All this denial
It's like you people could be told 'the new smash will feature just mario and link, with one level and 3 moves each' and you'd make excuses for it.

Just admit that so far, this game has not been handled well. Making a 3DS port was about the most foolish thing they could do.
why must i cry
Maybe but still Smash bros didn't change at all since melee. In it's core it's the same game.
>>203348225 (OP)
>reverse advertising

Still against the rules
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>someone judges babys first shitty fan service game
>post wii fit girl
>wii fit girl
i knew /v/ ad shit taste but come on
>ctrl+f sonygger
>1 result
i'm impressed
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Ninty doesn't need to advertise Smash. This will happen again whether you like it or not.
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Nice try Sonygger.
I'll laugh if this bombs and the Nintentards blame Namco and piss off another 3rd party from ever releasing games on Nintendo systems ever again.
>Implying it's possible for Smash Bros to be bad.

Melee was shit
>Maybe but still Smash bros didn't change at all since melee
There have only been 3 games in the series so far and Brawl has loads more content and characters than Melee. Whether the content is good or bad is irrelevant.

>In it's core it's the same game.
The same could be said of Mario as well.
Not him but X and Y looks atrocious for a 3DS game. Even 2012's Kid Icarus Uprising looked better. It's like Game Freak didn't even try.
>Angelina Jolie lips
Just terrible.
What goes through your mind when you make a thread with the intention of it only creating shit?
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>This will happen again whether you like it or not.
immplying you nintenshitheads can hold a decent thread without yelling sonygger like retards for no reason

doesn't change the fact that his opinion isn't validated
>>203348225 (OP)
>Neutral fag here. Never played Smash, never will. Hate the series.

Then you're no longer neutral. Next.
no frames
That's why Santa Monica stopped supporting it, right? And your only consolidation prize is the DLC costumes. You lot really are delusional
That won't happen if you don't go into threads you don't like with the sole intention of shitting them up. Not to mention that I never said what kind of quality the threads would be of, only that every thread would be Smash.
>netural fag
>hate the series

Then you are not neutral, you idiotic fuck.
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>>203348225 (OP)
I own 2 games for my wii u.
One came with the system.
One turned out to not be a non-pc game, and thus I now own it twice and haven't touched the wii u version since.

The controller is shit. It conveniently has corners that collect dust. Trigger placement was designed by the biggest homosexual in the universe. The games are all terrible so far.
Fucking windwaker. Fuck you. You pulled this shit on the gamecube too and it's still as unfunny in 2013.

I'm sorry, but it seems that there's no real reason to use my wii u anymore. All of the good games are coming to PC where I can play them with 1080p60fps and a 360 controller or mouse+keyboard.

If mariokart isn't 1080p60fps, if smash's online isn't perfect and 1080p60fps, then that's going to be the deal breaker. They should apologize for the controller and give out pro controllers while simultaneously making the tablet controller optional in ever first party game. Then they should require 60 fps for every game. This thing is fucking garbage right now. There was barely a reason to play consoles in the first place, and there's no way they can expect people to hang on to a system that's 3rd gen.

I hate to be that guy, but if the visuals in OP are right then Nintendo is finished. PS4 will be out and it won't have a useless tablet controller.

Remember that shit miyamoto was talking about? How nobody is using the tablet controller like he thought they would? Watching jewtube videos and shit? Yeah, no shit.
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>>203348225 (OP)
>>No tripping
>Whatever tripping was, it's gone now and everyone is throwing a fit over it
At it's core game didn't change at all, it's more like dlc and mario can get away with that as it's all about stages, if they can make them fresh and interesting then they can call it a new game for all I care.

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