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BIG version
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>>188723515 (OP)
>IGN logo

ya blew it
This game looks like complete shit. If it wasn't for the art and music nobody would like Odin sphere.
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Not as big but no watermark
>>188723515 (OP)
>warrior is your regular JRPG faggot bisho with white hair
They could've make him just faceless armored tank with glowing eyes. Maybe even just a living suit of armor. Fuck...
I still love Vanillaware though...
must be uncomfortable sitting on a wood chair with nothing covering your buttocks, unless her glutes are basically cushioning her
This is the character select screen.
Holy shit, dem proportions of everything
From hands to ass

You don't find it the least bit funny as a parody of Japanese archetyping?
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makes sense
She probably has same skin on her butt as on her heels.
No that's retarded.
Him having a bishie face and BIGMCLARGEHUGE body and PAULDRONS is great.
noice, gonna use it as my wallpaper
No, not really. It's cartoonish and probably even grotesque, but I doubt it's a parody.
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>how do I get out of this suit
>it didn't look this big when I put it on
>oh god
>oh god someone help
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Gonna main Knight
Why is the fighter prettier than any of the women?
This isn't acceptable.
because DnD SoM
because it looks like fun
Because it looks fun
Actually what platform is this on?
Is it coming to PC? I'd buy___ it.
She has so much thigh muscle she doesn't feel she's a flat wooden chair
What if they have an english dub?
I'm only buying it as a fuck you to shitaku and gaming journalists
Why do they all look like they haven't sleep for days
Why do they look like they are stoned
Because they are on our side in the war against feminism.
We need as many allies as we can get if we want to save video games.
PS3 and Vita
*sitting, fuck
Ps3, Veeta
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of course a casual like you wouldnt be interested in an old school 2D beat em up with 4 player co-op
For the faps of course. And anti-feminist resistance.
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I always wanted to play Fulgrim
jrpg. do the math.
Neo-/v/, everyone.
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>warrior looking directly at sorceress' boobs
My nigga
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>Is it coming to PC?
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>Makoto Uno will never make a promised sequel to that futa Sorceress/Amazon doujin

It's a beat 'em up.
>Is it coming to PC?
every fucking game
sure is master race
Warrior looks great. I don't get the complaint about him being such a pretty boy. That's why the design is so good. It's anomalous considering the size of the body.
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You will never be as powerful as DWARF.
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To spite you pussywhipped faggot feminists?
>I wish I was at home playing videogames
The Knight is a feminine man or a woman? Would love if it was a woman just to shut up the "journalists".

Hi piece of shit, how's life in the gutter that you live?
please go back to tumblr
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Because I like the way it looks. Picture not related.
I can't stand Kamitani's art. It's a demented mix of Western renaissance painting, anime and ridiculous proportions.
>>188723515 (OP)
Look like the Elf just saw some hard shit with her life-less eyes. Like the Dwarf going out naked from the showers.
just your generic bishie
What does wizard have over sorceress in terms of abilities?
What does dwarf have over knight in terms of abilities?
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those anatomies....japan confirmed for fucked up
Questing is tiring work

Is there a picture like this for Odin Sphere?
What's the fucking point? Its going to sound like shit if VAs aren't into it and it will end up a waste of time and money.
Fuck I know right? For some reason that I can't put my finger on I really like the design. It's a nice contrast to the bishie waifish 'I only weigh about 60kg but carry a sword the size of a helicopter blade' bullshit.
You forgot the generic JRPG protagonist with white hair and a overly muscular body but with a feminine looking face

This. I'm buying it because people kicked up a stink over how sexist it is.

I'm so ready to objectify women when this game comes out.
I really hope there's a red fighter color palette
if anything, you can call it "stylized" since it follows no realistic proportions
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its just line of sight problems, the wizard is showing them something in his book
He's obviously looking at the pictures in the book.
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>tfw Elf never gets any love
because it looks like a promising game with hours of co op fun
>yeah, women with unlogically large breasts and exasperated features in bikinis looks "fun"
That's not the point, but yes, yes it does.

>god damn what is this world coming to
I don't know, but I seriously wish that people would stop bitching and shitting all over everything because the world doesn't conform to their misguided ideals.
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It's a Japanese game, so no. No it isn't coming to PC.
Why is the elf looking at meat?
But what if they say By the Abyss?
Fap material centered 2D Beat Em Up
Elves are for rape
they look like garbanzos to me
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Nope, sorry.
Archers are shit tier.

Goddamnit why do Vanillaware games look so good but have such shallow gameplay?
>What does wizard have over sorceress in terms of abilities?

He focuses on damage while Sorc has a lot of crowd control and support spells, i think the way they actually use/select spells is different too

>What does dwarf have over knight in terms of abilities?
Throwin bitches
I hope there's an euro release with a PC port.
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The trolls are out in full force this morning, just laying down bait.

Here you go. Big as OP, no watermark.
Sorceress voiced by Gray DeLisle. Amazon by Laura Bailey. Elf by Bjork.

Fighter by Steve Blum. Wizard by John St. John. Dwarf by Gilbert Gottfried.
What's with the beard?
She's been raised to be vegetarian but that meat is tempting.
Do you have brain problems or something?
How can one person be so delusional and misguided?
Eh, this game looks kinda crappy.
/v/ only loves it because they stuck a finger up to some feminist on Shittaku.
>why would any rational person play this "game"?

Anyone that won't play isn't a person.
I'd give her my love between her thigs alright.
They're actually shorts
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All these normalfags...
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It's bait.
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>qt3.14 elf about to take a swig of ale
Fukken goty already, nothing else even comes close.

I can see it already though, it'll probably be a 3-4hour game but with a lot of re playability.
Fighter as Steve Blum would be amazing.

As a matter of fact Steve Blum should just voice everybody. Except sorceress. Sorceress should be voiced by I can't think of anyone
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>god damn what is this world coming to
I know this is a g8 b8, but some people actually think like this. It boggles my mind when I think about what they must think about people around them, all the people before them and so on. Do they really think that everyone everywhere was like them? A sheltered retard with no thoughts of anything unrelated to his or hers daily life? So much suffering in this world was caused by "I don't understand, therefore it is wrong and something should be done about it" way of thinking. And after all that people still haven't learned.
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>Amazon by Laura Bailey.
Elf is the cutest, wouldn't even rape, just cuddle and love tenderly.
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they should stop harp on huge tits!
fucking women...
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at least she still has perfectly drawn food

someone drew it on there

Biggest miscast since japanese goku right there
Why are they drinking mugs full of cum
You are seriously reaching there. You grow up.
>every fucking game with a decent localisation budget ever
>not having played Shadow over Mystara
shame the artist put more effort into her food than he did her legs and feet
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After 20 years of realistic western games people don't know that there is more beyond "realistic" and cel shading.
It's sad, because they have forgotten what "replay value" means too.
>dat blush
>dat sexy pose
>dem lustful eyes
>dem titties
>Sorceress voiced by Gray DeLisle
>Therese and Jeanette (Tourette) Voerman in the White Wolf RPG PC game Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Slut. I like it.
How so?
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too forced
Food maybe, but her feet...
>Fighter by Steve Blum.
This is only acceptable if he does his Leeron voice.
Or this:
>Elf by Bjork.
Oh god wat. (I know who she is but why)
Pretty sure they are always raped I mean loved.
it's foaming ale, you cumguzzling faggot
Good, because they make you look like a fucking idiot.
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>Eh, this game looks kinda crappy.

To you.

I see a Shadows of Mystara styled beat-em-up with beautiful 2D graphics/sprites and detailed artwork.
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>Dwarf by Gilbert Gottfried
>"I am now hitting you with an axe!"
oh please. The Elf is probably like a thousand years old. I bet she acts like an old granny.
i like legs and feet and the ones in that image are pretty shit
Have you seen the Conan look-alike?
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You're good entertainment.
Any idea why this game got delayed? They clearly weren't working on the Grand Knights History localization.
>thief ignoring the fight and diving directly into the gold

You see now why everyone hates you?

Two of the males here are perfectly shaven or have no natural facial hair whatsoever. The only one who does is the dwarf, who are universally known for having comically huge beards anyway.

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>whores never existed 1000 years ago
because beards are gay or something in japan
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>Eh, this game looks kinda crappy


Why don't you go back to Neogaf were people can't answer you the way they want when you tripping on your feminism power fantasy?
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Because the figher and mage are sexualized characters.
Theif isnt a player character, he's an NPC designed to go around picking up loot so the players dont fight over it
The amazon doesn't have armpit hair or a big hairy bush

To avoid stereotypes of bearded wizards and grizzly warriors. Though the dwarf is quite stereotypical.
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>Dwarf by Gilbert Gottfried.
because on Grey Haired Wizards, a beard is used to tell the old ones from the young ones
GKH's localisation was finished and cancelled because the way the game was coded, VW themselves had to implement the translation and couldn't spare the manpower because they were working on this.

Strange they wouldn't do it, and a shame because I really want to play a full translation of that. I don't know how good the fan translation is now, but last I tried it, it wasn't good.
Their previous publisher Ignition bailed. Atlus picked it up and a representative said that it was nowhere near completion and they got more time.

Blame XSEED for Grand Knights History.
give japan time, it will happen.
but the trade-off is that she will be twice as muscular.
Seeing women all clean-shaven and perfect in medieval times always bug me. They could at least say they had enchanted razors or anti-filth shields or something to handwave it.
aww how generous, and I suppose he keeps about 40% of it despite doing barely any work like the jew he is
>All this told
I'm fucking loving it.
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Such a shame too.
"Hey look i found this normal gold crown ! Yeah , definitively not jewel encrusted !"
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He should've been a player character

>Whacking enemies with his bag.

Also that fairy is cute as fuck.

Fucking Xseed, they take on so much shit and don't deliver.
The fan translation makes the game playable but none of the story is translated.
Man's gotta make a living
I love what they're trying to do but it just hurts when they bite off more than they can chew. Oh well, at least there's Ys...
..Yeah it is.

All that sweaty/musky bush
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Kamitami is so fucking good.
Now I feel even worse. This day has started off badly.
Last I played, most of the menus weren't done, so that's good.

I'd like the story too, but I doubt that'll happen/
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He is fucking amazing. Been adoring his art since I first played Odin Sphere and GrimGrimoire.
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Fuck this gay generation.
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this is getting released tomorrow
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Try being a wizard fan
when's the game getting released on the vita in the west?
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For people who want the bigger one without the watermark, 5 minutes of Photoshop.
At times like this I wish I was still collection those figurines.
So moe.
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Not gonna stop people buying it because the art is OTT. The more people kick up a fuss over it the more people buy it. I bought Muramasa because the art style was appealing and something new. And it turned out that the side scrolling hack n' slash was fun as fuck.

No one gave a fuck about the Kitsune shrine maidens with tits the size of planets bouncing all over the place. No one gave a fuck about many of the hot spring scenes where the main characters are practially naked.

No one gave a fuck about the overly muscled Oni girl who was practically naked.

It's great how no one gave a fuck about Duke waving money at strippers and whatever else, and yet nowadays people are crying over stylized art that depicted women in a "sexist" way.

You people are hypocrites. You don't play video games, but want to censor and conform them to some bland medium with no life of creativity, because they sometimes feature things you dislike. Get fucked. I'm buying this game, because it upsets you, and nothing is going to stop me.
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Preordered both versions, Famitsu DX Pack for the Vita one. I want the artbook anyway and it comes with extra goodies.
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tfw no qt vassal


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