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File: 1375788428774.jpg-(1.43 MB, 1350x1662, GTA-V-Cover-Art-officially-revealed.jpg)
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>San Andreas, Max Payne 3, Midnight Club: LA, Virtua Tennis all wrapped into one game

Explain to me how this won't be the greatest game of all time
>>203648739 (OP)

Because it has to be more stream lined and so losing a key feature - freedom. I fear you can't play free like you want, because the massive story part and the "finished" setting of the characters can't deal with: Oh, I'm playing that family daddy but I want to sell pizzas, dressed in a lowriders and fat because of burger party.


You can use your MP avatar in the single-player to prevent narrative dissonance.
>>203648739 (OP)
>I'm blindly hyped for stuff
>therefore it must be great

Faggots like you are the reason companies get away with all the bullshit they're doing.
Is that actually true, I haven't heard about that anywhere.
it will be just another gta
OP may as well delete this thread.

Shitposted in the first reply.
>>203648739 (OP)
>Explain to me how this won't be the greatest game of all time

Because dumb cunts like you have overhyped this game to the point where any little negative will be blown out of the water and it will be LEL TORTANIC 2.0 bullshit again.
Why would it be good after GTA IV?
It's not even out yet, how are you enjoying it

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