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I'll be on AIM at MOOTCHAT for the next few hours answering questions and complaints. Feel free to send me a message (read: complaint)!
love, —mootykins

EDIT: It's hard to keep up with lots of IMs. Feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org if you don't get a response or I'm not online.

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>Anon, tell us what music you're into
>I... I really like VGM
>What's that?
>Vi... V-
You fucked up at VGM. If you are really that autistic then you should just reply with "I don't listen to music."
>being ashamed of what you enjoy
I'm just calculated. You are obviously ashamed of your like of VGM because your embarrassment.
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>anon why do you listen to this japanese song that keeps saying go go go go? is it an epic meme like gangam style?
>>185758471 (OP)
I like to listen to the music in my videogames.
>>185758471 (OP)
I'm fond of it too. Actually, all soundtrack music. If I'm listening to music for it to evoke thought and emotion then it's pretty much guaranteed to do so if it's the soundtrack to a moment or place I'm deeply attached to.
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>>185758471 (OP)
I always reply with tibetan throat singing
Best thing is, I'm fucking serious

This is what I answer with.
>>185758471 (OP)
"VGM" isn't a genre you monstrous faggot.
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>Mfw I always reply "I don't really do music" and then nod slowly
I occasionally link friends music and they are always surprised Because I only listen to good music. Not all this new shit that's just one word 900 times BABYBABYBABYOHHHBABYBABY etc
>>185758471 (OP)
>listening to soundtracks
tut tut OP. The closest I get to vidya music is in game shit or The Protomen.
>le born in wrong generation face
But how else is he supposed to appear cool and edgy.
>I only listen to good music
Well, tell us.
oh you know, bon jovo
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You have to admit most music that's come out recently is shit.
I-I don't wanna you'll make fun of me

Come on. I'm on my toilet taken a poop. I need something.
>I-I don't wanna you'll make fun of me

That coupled with the faggot anime shit makes me think that you don't listen to good music.
>oh christ why.
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you're damn right we will
do it faggot
Jesus christ, you fucking mongoloids

VGM isn't a genre, but your favorite album/OST definitely has a genre. Just fucking say that.

Did you really fucking love the Rising OST? Then say you like hair metal.
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>I listen to different things, here this is what I'm listening to at the moment

And then they leave me alone
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O-Okay Anon because you asked nicely

I don't Like Anime or Anime music, I just post with a theme whenever I post images.
Turns out i have like 4 Konata reaction images that turned out to be adequate.
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there is a lot of well written music being put out these days, is your perception of "most music" only come from the radio?
>'i dont listen to music'
That makes you look like the worst autist.
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>Implying I listen to VGM outside of the actual video game
>Implying I don't listen to a wide variety of music

Never understood the point of listening to VGM outside of the game itself honestly. The purpose of that is to give context and atmosphere to the things you're doing. They're not really general or "all purpose" for the most part.
Don't try to rickroll me cunt. Now tell me.
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The only thing I will admit is that Lucky Star avatarfaggots are irrationally infuriating

Do you do this on purpose?
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Do share anon, I don't listen to much music as I've said, but when I turn on the radio or get linked random songs they are usually shit.
I have now made an attempt to avoid Anime reaction images
As a majority of reaction images come from Anime I have settled on this fork.
>The purpose of that is to give context and atmosphere to the things you're doing.
But that's done with already popular music in films and some video games.
Your argument is invalid.
just say you listen to stuff they probably never have listened to then they will think you are some sort of hipster god
>You have to admit most music that's come out recently is shit.
That's a very, very uninformed statement.
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Not him, but I think these guys are pretty good.
Some of it is good. I mean, its not like theyre all atmospheric instrumental tracks
That picture is making my brain hurt.
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That is all the Konata I feel like finding.
If I see one while scrolling to find a adequate response image to your post I will use it instead and further annoy you.
Oh hey I found one okay here I go now ill troll you
I'm not an avatar fag I just post images from a show I like!
u r a faggot and my arguments have no base which you can soundly disprove!
Now I will insinuate that you are fat as well as a homosexual and possibly underaged
But that I feel isn't the purpose of those tracks. Either lots of those tracks are made in coordination of the movie itself, specifically for the movie, or they're just hamfisted in usually because of said popularity.
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It's Loco Roco time ya'll.

No, I will agree with that. There are always exceptions to the rule after all. I'm speaking for a general concept of standard VGM.
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Its supposed to anon

Also holy fuck apparently posting with an avatar gets like 40x more responses than posting anonymous, I mean goddamn just look at all these responses I cant hold them all
Too bad I only have like 4 Konata images and the rest is probably porn
I just say i listen to everything because every genre has something good in it, although when i show people music i try to introduce them to new stuff, and people usually like the stuff they hear.
Have some varied examples
Protomen are ok.

They're pretty overhyped, though.

Captcha: tioleye seamen
Time for vidya music!

Actually heard a black guy listening to super meat boy and the binding of isaac soundtrack the other day.

Pretty cool.
i don't know what your perception of "shit" music is but if you think that everything that is being released today is bad you aren't looking hard enough. start with places like last.fm or a share thread on /mu/. here is a song from an album that was released this month that i enjoyed quite a bit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsR1hVNZl1A
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>mfw I put on the Lost Odyssey soundtrack while I'm having sex

I like you anon

Downtempo, post rock and japanese instrumental hiphop (don't even know how to call it)
Most people think my music is boring. It probably is but who cares.
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>mfw my favorite music is dadrock
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Here since so many people wanted me to post a song so they could make fun of me I picked one at random Ive listened to more than once

Because he's black?
I love me some Mountain Goats

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So many people can say "It's just a game" Well, before you open your mouth, think about what you say. You'd be so surprised how many gamers become attached to game characters. John Marston was an amazing man, and the story did make me cry because he didn't deserve to face death. It felt so good getting Vengeance on that bastard, Edgar Ross.


:'( Wish I could give him a big hug.
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At least you tried.
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When big black guys do that it's cute.
When big white guys do that it's pathetic.

No, I love those two albums.

>implying there's anything wrong with dad rock
I've basically listened to Nujabes to death (excuse the tasteless pun)

And other recommendations? I wish I could listen to his stuff for the first time again
funny thing is that I just checked and it's actually really shorter
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There's nothing wrong with dadrock, but a lot of women these days don't like it for some reason
>listening to /mu/

Fucking cancer
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>what music do you like?
>"Classic rock, bit of metal, kpop, waka flocka and some dubstep :)"
>"yeah, think gangnam style but less popular and more hot girls.

If its a girl who asks me I take out the kpop part. Why is everyone on /v/ so autistic? I thought you guys were supposed to be smart, why are you so retarded in social situations and respond to normal questions with normal answers?
>>185758471 (OP)
Saying "I like VGM" it's the same as saying "I like music"
The music in earthworm jim it's not the same as the music in atelier totori.
Just say you like different genres of music
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Women these days listen to fucking foul abominations of so called music.

So long as it has a really simple 4:4 beat and talks about clubbing, getting felt up/being a general slut, or being a bitch, they love it.
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>"I like everything except for country and rap"
Nah, it just happens to be music that you can only enjoy in that context.
For example, in the new DmC I liked the music because it fit but I wouldn't normally.

I have a few songs, but they're pretty much just standard electronic that happen to be in video games. Oh and I also enjoy this one guy who composed the music for Ape Escape, because his stuff has a similar vibe to it.
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I didn't know if it was supposed to be Videogame related or not
Other ones I considered posting: Rickroll (Again). Fortunate Son, Ride of the Valkyries, Matthew Wilder Break my stride, Bohemian Rhapsody, ACDC, Etc.
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Anything within a vague range of techno or chiptunes/keygen really (there are some good dubstep songs but most of the current dubstep style has shit tempo/melody and is almost anti-music)

A lot of women don't like video games either, but I keep on playing.

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Look up these Japanese compilations. They are fucking great.
Melancholic Jazz, Sounds of Color, Jazzin for Ghibli(absolutely amazing), Libyus Sound History among many others.
You won't be disappointing.
This one is actually true.
gr8 b8 m8
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So then you're agreeing with my first point from earlier. What are you arguing about?
It isn't.
This one's been modified.
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Except not in this particular image.
Ive seen a version that is real, but this one isn't.
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>waka flocka

... I'm the autist?
I'm fine listening to pretty much anything except fr country. Obviously I don't regularly listen to most genres and they have specific times for listening like jazz when it's raining, but I still like them and won't exclude less commonly listened genres.

Ma nigga, this guy's got taste.
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people still have this reaction
Thats great
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It's like nujabes but without the soul and jive
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I like funky shit


This. Liking video game music just because it is videogame music demonstrates utter ignorance in genres and music outside vidya, since there's not a single genre that was invented by vidya (chiptune fags fuck off, the instrument does not make the genre)
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I don't understand how its impossible.
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I like single songs.

I just pick and choose what songs I like on an album and disregard the rest because I'll never listen to them. So I have a lot of variety in genre's but not usually no more than 2 or 3 songs from each artist or composer.
>>185758471 (OP)

I just say "Pretty much anything but rap and wubstep, with some exceptions." People are fine with it.

I'm worse than you since I listen to vocaloids though.
>liking monkey music
maybe some of the older stuff, but rap as a whole is just shit
the same goes for country, shits gone from somewhat whiny to full blown crybabby
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early 2000s metalcore
death metal
progressive metal
progressive rock
anything with talented guitar work (of any genre)
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Son, we gettin fucky RIGHT NOW

What's waka flocka?
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It's a good thing most of /v/ never goes outside, because if I saw your PMP I'd immediately know to nod and smile if you tried to discuss music to me.
Thats basically what I do.
I can only think of like 2 albums that I like every single song on, and they are by different artists.

Otherwise, I just get songs when I hear something I like. Its the best plan
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Oh just stuff.
>like what?
Like Art, Jazz, Baroque, Romantic--
>I love romantic music. Do you like Kenny G?
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>tfw I'm a huge faggot who enjoys most genres of music but can only listen to Video Game or Chinese Girl Cartoon music

Really the only time I listen to music is when I'm driving, and whenever I have my iPod my driving playlist consists solely of instrumental work from video games or anime.

My close friends give no fucks about it, and family is like "Oh you like this classical sounding stuff?" "Y-yeah I do..."

Usually if I'm stuck with the radio I put it on one of our numerous Classic Rock/Rock Stations.
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its just got this groove that i can get into

is it just me or did libyus music just stop releasing? the Season's End debut album was my favorite


uyama hiroto, Marcus D, CYNE, Substantial's solo stuff, Bop-Alloy, these are all artists either signed to Nujabes' label or that have worked with him
This would probably trick better if there weren't obviously grey boxes on the edges
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I remember the original thread it was in.
Good times

It looks so smooth..

I like dubstep
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Oh shit, I'm dizzy as fuck just looking at that.
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i like vocaloid
>I go hard in the paint nigga, keep you stankan' nigga what the fuck you thankan' nigga

- wacka flocka flame reflects on the meaning of life
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i have like 12 Max Payne themed reaction imagesyou remind me of klonie
But I literally cut and pasted one square and put it next to the other.
They aren't the same color.
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Nigga you want funk? I'll give you some FONK

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>See the little youtube box thing
>Animoe face
Ayur is also pretty good.
>>185758471 (OP)
>I listen to video game soundtracks

It's not that difficult to say.
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what the fuck

I like listening to music from Bleach. I don't hardly pay attention to lyrics, so listening to foreign music is perfect
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Well this is in Napoleonic wars and always seems right when your on a battlefield and shits dying.


And then they leave me alone with the last words being you classy motherfucker.

I don't listen to much VGM, but if I do I really don't care of its origin. I listen to a lot of Hans zimmer and he is known for his movie music. Don't think many people would care if you told them. Hell most of my friends love Gitaroo man's legendary theme.
>I don't listen to music

good job making yourself a low-esteem pile of shit, just tell em you listen to everything and tell them they have a shitty taste later
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>"hey anon, play us some music"

Picture related. They just don't understand.

if they pester me I usually say instrumentals, ska and jpop. People rarely believe me about the last one, most people assume metal since I have really long hair.
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Sorry, Don't know who klonie is, But here is a picture in-case someone thought I was joking about only having 4 and having to look for them.
Black rapper who acknowledges he is a terrible rapper. Think making stacks via ironic shitposting.
This is fake image, real test should have grey and white tiles.
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>mfw i only have VGM and Cowboy Bebop soundtrack on my MP3
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does /v/ like midwestern emo?
Gimme a second here, That image needs a small edit

Do you like DMZ?
i like this

I can't even watch the show properly anymore all I do is listen to the background music.

I always liked ichirin no hana. But yeah that is why I like foreign music too, no need to listen to lyrics or understand it their voice is truly used as another instrument
not tuvian masterrace

>legendary theme

You have top tier friends.

fucking Gitaroo man is great shit yo
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This thread needs more funky shit



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Also, I admit to knowing next to nothing about music. I just like what sounds good, if it has lyrics that I can relate to then thats a bonus.
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>People actually listen to Jpop or Kpop
Good job finding the worst music on the planet.
>mfw I say I like everything but death/black metal and screamo.
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Sorry, Don't know who klonie is, But here is a picture in-case someone thought I was joking about only having 4 and having to look for them
>>185758471 (OP)
ITT: people scrolling past actual sleepover vidya was played at the speed of light to get to the next faggot story.
Magma are shit though.
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There's only 1 album where I like every song on it, its Radiohead - The Bends.
This is easily my favorite album everhttp://borealisrecords.com/products-page/the-bills/let-em-run/

Other than it and Drunken Lullabies, I just buy songs individually.

Also, I do listen to VGM, but usually only at my computer, while on the internet at stuff.

>laughing elf man

Haven't seen him in ages.
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>The Bends
>not OK Computer
>not Kid A
>not In Rainbows
>not Amneasiac
>The Bends
nigga what are you doing
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Just for you
I just cant delete it because Squirrel errors
You calculated that it would be embarrassing to reveal your musical tastes thus you are obviously ashamed.

I listen to hip-hop so I don't give a fuck.
never played the game. Learned about it from /v/ and its one of my favorite tracks to this day. Actually want to try the game now.
>Anon, tell us what music you're into
>I mostly listen to Japanese music, soundtracks and occasionally hipster shit
It's not that hard.
this some kid pix shit here nigga

Are you sure, some death metal is quite close to thrash. Also I'm just curious, what do you think of this song, is there something specific about black metal that you don't like?

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Recently I was with some friends, and all their music that they'd put on was japanese and from Touhou or something. So I put on some IDM and people were all "lel what are all these bleeps and bloops" and put their kawaii uguu moeshit back on.
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oh ok
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>"So, what bands have you been listening to this past week?"
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I can't help it, I like a lot of their songs pre-The Bends and a little bit after but I just don't like their newer stuff. Like I said, I like the sounds first and the lyrics second, if it sounds good to me I don't care what they sing about. Its a bonus if I like the lyrics too.
>tfw I'm a DJ and have an entire hard drive dedicated to music
>It's all pirated, but thanks to my 500 dollar a year license I can say its legal
holy fuck the legal system is stupid
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If you post 3 more of those images Ill dropbox my Emotes folder and try to get it posted before the thread 404s
>Yoko Kanno

Shit is fucking hard, seriously. Ps2 version's pause button pauses it but you can only restart, no resume. The story is really cheesey but it is actually delivered well because of the difficulty, might just be me but after failing a song several times then passing it has a greater impact. The final fight is fucking hard though, hope you have a strong thumb.

It is an admittedly short game, assuming you're really good at that type of rhythm game for the defending sections.


People will insult you and say the world doesn't work that way, even though it is that easy.
>Anon, Tell us what music you're into
>Electro, Metal.
>Nice, that's really cool Anon

I lied
$500 a year license?
Holy fuck you're stupid.
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they're shit anyway

How does that work actually? Like when you go somewhere to play music, is that what the license is for? I always wondered what you can and can't play.
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With music, just like movies, games, food, etc. I like a bit of everything. I think my faves are x, y and z, but I can find good examples of music regardless of the genre.

Don't get me wrong, some genres produce a lot of shit, but you can still find gems in them. It's kind of like how I don't only eat Chinese or Mexican food, or I can enjoy comedies, thrillers, dramas, whatever. Variety's the spice of life.

I suppose a lot of the music I listen to comes from games, but that's just because I play a lot of them. Game music isn't really a genre, there's all sorts. I can enjoy classical, sample music, poppy stuff. Some music is emotionally compelling, and some of it is fun. Some of it's both. Fun music is, well, it's groovy and/or funky. Groovy is rhythmically playful and funky is melodically playful. Sometimes you want something with depth and complexity and other times you just want something you can dance to.

So yeah, the stuff I like is kind of out there, but I enjoy it for the same reasons you like your stuff. It just comes from some place different. Does that answer your question, anon?
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>"Hey Anon what kind of Music do you listen to"?
>Oh mainly; Video Game Music, Movie Soundtracks and Orchestral Trailer Music
>"Oh, Ok. Cool".

Apart from my friends that are fully into Vidya, that is literally how every conversation I have about Music goes.

Really couldn't care in the end. The music has; great atmosphere, reminds me of epic moments, utilizes more then a shitty electronic beat, composed and conducted by actual talent and makes whatever you're doing feel like you're on some kind of adventure.
>I like a bit of everything
I bet you don't like harsh noise

I-I swear it's because I randomly heard it in a BGO match.
>implying I'm autistic enough to start explaining what the difference between bands and circles are to some normalfags asking about my musical taste

You a shit.
>listening to video game music


No, really.

I only have couple of songs I really like here, but most of the music I hear in games are either generic symphonic stuff or terribly synthesized tunes.

VG music is mostly crap by all standards.
I make 500 a night DJing and have over 18 grand total in music on my drive... I think you guys may not understand that part

I just meant they're really hit and miss and generally not that good.
I do like u-ta-hi-me shining grace quite a bit though
If I don't have the license the music source I play from has to be physical unless I want to gamble an inspector coming and checking if I have the license on me or not. If I don't, I can no longer DJ in the future and I get a gigantic fine and possibly jail time if they deem my stuff pirated

tasteless pleb
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But that's not music, is it? Think of Sturgeon's law - 90% of everything is crap. He was replying to someone who said "why should sci-fi be a legit genre if 90% of it is crap?"

The packaging, the genre, isn't really that important. A lot of the time it's only there for the sake of territorial distinction. What I like is art which is aesthetically achieved. Some definitions of genre are wafer thin. Someone told me that emo music was "music that's just, y'know, emotional". All music is emotional apart from Kraftwerk. That's a terrible excuse for a genre.
most 80s music is generic and shit to me, your point? we all have different tastes
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Im uploading at the speed of slow.
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>Groovy is rhythmically playful and funky is melodically playful. Sometimes you want something with depth and complexity and other times you just want something you can dance to.

Too bad /mu/ only wants their music deep, edgy or to have feels
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Stop playing brown and bloom shooters.

Pretty sweet actually.
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god speed
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>Not just saying you listen to soundtracks
>I don't have any specific tastest, I am a radio-pleb
is this terrible?
Rate my taste in vidya songs /v/
>terrible ennio morricone spoof
>great music

Yeah, right.
>I just meant they're really hit and miss and generally not that good.
Oh, I do agree with that.

They have some awesome singles, but the albums are pretty shitty as a whole.
that's the lowest denominator man, why even do that? do you not like music?

What if you burn it on a vinyl
I will never understand how this is even possible.
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Oh hey I found another konata
They probably do. To me wanting one or the other is just another dimension of variety. I can play business sims or tactical games for more cerebral stimulation. Sometimes I just want to shoot people and run them over in GTA. Same with all sorts of media.
Depends on what kind of radio you listen to. Normalfag radio or internet radio hosted by anons. R/a/dio masterrace.
i respect your opinion
I listen to everything except nu-metal and K-pop

I love that one and I didn't even play the game.

This kinda highlights how redundant it is to refer to it as 'video game music' when it tells you nothing about the style. Like the last one is just some rap song.
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>tfw Jet Set Radio OST is one of the best turntablism albums among all music
Too bad the game is shit unless you have nostalgia goggles.
i love to the top
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Why would you subject yourself to that? It's like McDonalds of music.
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I once heard trololo played in mcdonalds
I just played through JSRF and it was a lot of buzzword. It wasn't deep, it was just a bit of fun.
Why haven't you played Hotline Miami yet, anon?
What the fuck with Giger and safety pin-visors


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