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>Anita plays Dead Space iOS game
>the protagonist is a woman
>she has a voice changer and is in a full suite so she looks like and talks like a man until the end of the game
>Anita is mad that her gender is hidden throughout the game
>Meanwhile she gets mad if woman are openly in a game because muh sexism, muh piece of meat

Jesus Christ, she's just a perpetual victim.
>>198686040 (OP)

jesus fucking christ how retarded is she? it's obvious Issac Clarke is a man. holy shit.
I'd like to see her play the original Metroid or Super Metroid, she'd cry the same thing
>>198686040 (OP)
she's just delusional, at this point

Has she commented on Metroid?
>Dead Space iOS game
internet feminists are retards can we stop now
>>198686040 (OP)
Please stop paying attention to her.
Wasn't the protagonist in that game an evil cultists who set the Necromorphs loose in the complex killing millions?

I remember listening to an Audio Log in DS2 that said something like that.

yes, hold onto your ass, anon she thinks the original metroid is sexist because samus revealing herself in a bikini at the end of the game is a sexual reward to the player and thus demeans and sexualizes women
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>>198686040 (OP)
>caring about Anita's opinions

Not to my knowledge
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>everyone in america owns at least one gun
>nobody shoots her
She's just a mexican (spanish decendant, if you are/have a pussy) libtard trying to make a name for herself. She doesn't care whether its right or wrong, shes making money and people are listening to her.

>>198686040 (OP)
Prove that you didn't just use Chrome's inspector to edit that.

Alright, she's just trolling now. She's the Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson of the internet.
She is stupid on purpose as a click-baiting and hate-baiting tactic, and it's working. Stop giving her attention.
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>everyone in america owns at least one gun
>go to prison for using them
Meh. The bikini is actually a sexualization but who cares, Samus is a fucking badass bounty hunter.
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>"wahhh feminism" threads
>>198686040 (OP)
>people give her millions
>plays iOS games in transit


u w0t m8?
No you're confusing her with Patricia Hernandez. Anita is armenian.
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>>198686040 (OP)
>disguise someone's gender in a protective suit that helps you not get killed and lets you breathe in space
>Everyone in America owns at least one gun
>no one shoots X (Kotick, Anita, Todd Howard, Justin Bieber, Obama)
You're an idiot.
>Anita Sarkeesian
>Sonic R

this is now a Sonic R thread

I know a mexican nose when I see it. I know a gay guy who decided to throw away his college career by taking womens studies because "Anita empowered" him to

Guys, you're threading a real thin line of making terroristic threats.
>she's just trolling now

Or maybe it was you who just got trolled right now.
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I just hope she drops dead
the main issue is actually rolling over to anita's location
It was required for a reveal in that era.
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Anita is literally retarded.
It's an underground tin hut in the middle of the Nevada desert
Well, actually, not totally factually accurate.
whats trolling mean
>La Metroid
What a retard. She didn't even get le meme right.

What else would metroid wear under her suit?
Shes turned her brain off as well long ago.
back then it was kinda hard to reveal someone's gender, because of the lack of detail you could give a character, kinda similar to why Riot gives their shitty character models huge breasts.
The Zero Suit like in MP2.
living under a bridge and waiting for unsuspecting passerbys to come by so you can trick them and eat them.


>I will be talking extensively about the Metroid franchise in my upcoming video series and specifically addressing the use of Samus Aran's body as a reward for players as a prime example of the "Women as Reward" trope.

Proving once again that no matter what, Anita will find something to bitch about no matter the situation.

Shitposting isn't trolling. Shitposting isn't bait. Shitposting is just you making yourself look like an idiot on an anonymous imageboard.

Please stop it.
She sounds like /v/ with all of her nitpicking and hyperbole. No wonder /v/ hates her so much.
Why not complaining about something that actually matter? Like, for example, possible flaws in gameplay? Oh hell, who am I kidding
The fuck? It wasn't even that prevalent.
>>198686040 (OP)
Maybe if we ignore it then it'll go away

>confusing trolls with ogres

get out
A parka, some think wool pants, and an Ushanka.

>anonymous imageboard

summer plz

But that wasn't invented yet.
ogres generally live in caves/dark areas
what do you expect to happen when you beat someone to death or shoot them in the face? do you want rainbows to come out instead?
Please stop shitposting.
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Apparently Anita either has never read this, or has no idea what it means.
That would not only be a crime, but turn her into a martyr.
>a skintight suit wasn't invented yet

he's joking you autismal fuck.
I am pretty sure Obama has some people protecting him called secret service.
wait, homeland security was for in-land terror defense, CIA for external stuff, FBI for interstatial stuff and NSA for spy/intel ?
man you guys got a lot of different institutions.
I was about to go full ballistic, thinking that they were talking about Dead Space 1.

What's this about a Dead Space iOS game? Is it shit?

>enemy invades and occupies your country
>lol let's just ignore them!

No, you fucking pussy. You might want to lay down and let feminists, liberals, and jews force their political correct bullshit on us, but I won't. I meet their lies head on and fight the good fight.
What about a pixellated close up of her face? I hate sarkeesan as much as the next guy but a bikini is a revealing clothing and has sexual connotation. Not that it's bad, though.
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Never forget. ;_;
>Jesus Christ, she's just a perpetual victim.
Of course she is. Is she wasn't, she wouldn't make money, and then she'd have to look for a real job.
why not talk about actual problems that actual women are facing

such as in africa where a woman can't walk down the street without being fucked by a dozen men up the ass and is then forced to care for the child while suffering from more stds then there are pokemon

but nope it's easier to make a kickstarter about the 'problems' women face in the western world

/v/, feminists aren';t the enemy, only the pseudo feminists like anita are. actual feminists are as reasonable as any normal girl or woman you've met.
almost none of those are even in effect anymore.

w..what if there's a bridge inside a dark cave?

will a troll or orge be under it?

You can't just wear any old skintight suit. It's gotta have nano-fibers and cooling technology.
pants and a sweater.
Can we just ban these threads? Its shitposting. No one cares about her. Stop trying to incite rage and get responses. Don't like her? Don't pay attention to her shit.
>being mad enough to respond
That's what I thought. Walk away, bitch.
/pol/ performance art has never been interesting.
an ogre would be on the bridge, troll under
stop giving this cunt attention you fucking tools, holy shit you should just kill yourself.
>>198686040 (OP)
Noone deep down believes in the feminist shit, its all for attention and power.
Yeah he does, but after him passing the National Defense act 2012, and supporting the NSA spying on People (when Nixon was caught spying he was considering the most evil man in America by its citizens) I think he deserves to be put to death.
what if it was just a guy with a female face?

It's actually pretty good...force an iOS game that is.

when they made the first game, they probably didn't think that far ahead...
what about the leotard she wears from the justin bailey cheat?
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>enemy invades and occupies your country
Let's steer this bitch thread into video games
I remember once seeing a gif of anita or a very very believable look-alike sucking a dick. The thread was however deleted before I could save it and I have never seen it again.

cool. I'm sure that would translate totally well with 4 pixels.
I'm going to shoot up your workplace.

> but a bikini is a revealing clothing and has sexual connotation

No it doesn't. You don't get a boner over little kids at a swimming pool do you?
It should come to Android

This is now a Dead Space thread
Are you a guy with a female face?
Goblin in that case.

Why the fuck would or should Americans give a shit about anyone in Africa?
>Comparing little kids to bikinis
top lel
You're just asking for a rash.

It is on android
>26 year old man posting as Anonymous 198687839 was arrested today for making terroristic threats
no, but if they showed a closeup on someone's face people might missunderstand it and take it for a typical JRPG face.
We shouldn't, and the vast majority don't.

Because the jews demand you love niggers. And america is israels bitch.
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>>198686040 (OP)
Is she really hating on how metroid did that?

That was a really nice move. Keep the gender neutral, show that the person is a badass, then bam, it's a woman.
Wouldn't be surprised if they did that as a homage or whatever to metroid.

Though the voice changer thing is kinda weird.
future sweaters are high tech.
also I bet that suit has air conditioning.
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or itll look like this
Even if it is sexualization who really cares. Women often sexualize themselves. Sexy females sell. If Sexy men sold half as much as Sexy women did you can beat there would be more sexualiztion of men. Sexualization of women does not mean sexism. I don't understand why Anita can't get that threw her head. Yes men like looking at attractive females, and companies capitalize on this. What do you expect they make all women in games fat cows? Less people would buy the games if that were the case.
Are you seriously that ignorant?
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>You don't get a boner over little kids at a swimming pool do you?
Are you?
Hey everybody, lets see what Shokio has to say about this. I know you are reading the thread Shokio, time to talk.

Requesting the video of an autistic /v/irgin that tried pulled a knife on a 12 year old girl in a mall bathroom and tried to rape her, she fought him off, ran out, he got arrested, sent to jail, and is getting raped by black guys now.
>You will never be ass fucked by her 3 foot cock
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Sorry mate, Anita is all about pointing out problems caused by the patriarchy.

Actually having a logical argument with a point and/or solutions would be way way too much work for a liberated womyn.

Everything is men's fault, videogames created in the 80's by a team of japanese men proves without a doubt that the industry is incredibly sexist and misogynistic. Now please pay her 30K to speak at your gaming event.
are your guys really insulting a poor female japanese troll like parsee comparing her with anita? really?

wait, what?
That would be like trying to stop fire with gasoline, not only you would go to jail but the only thing you would achieve is validating the whole femminazi thing and rallying people to that shitty "i need femminism" cause.

What you need to murder is her image, turn her into a walking pariah, with enough luck she will off herself though that's unlikely; her kind is the one that yells loud enough until someone believes the garbage she spouts, as long as she does it she will find a niche to survive.
you forgot to put her in charge of ensuring the sequel of an awesome 2008 game will be empowering to womyn
>>198686040 (OP)
twitter bomb? but what...
Yeah totally, a swimsuit is totally sexist. How is it going in your islamic country or the 1930s where you live?


All the rape threats and insults online only get her more attention, sympathy, and money.
A+ reading comprehension.

It's always the buzzword faggots that are the most retarded.
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Parsee is kind of a dick anyway.
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No matter what, we lose.
>not getting a boner over a woman in a bikini
you gay nigga
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>not getting a boner over a woman or man in any possible condition
das a guy right?
not that it matters, might aswell become asexual or sexually fixated on stones or some shit
>islamic country or the 1930s

apparently pretty feminist part of mankind story looking at some people like anita
>>198686040 (OP)
>Anita is mad that her gender is hidden throughout the game
Didn't she praise Metroid for this, though?
>Not liking twinks
if it's not jiggling around at all times with long flowing hair it's sexist, if it is female it's sexist if she's wearing anything less than a full suit of armor and no skin visible.
Man this picture is completely accurate.
Well the first amendment still is which is the one I was talking about, some of the others aren't because America thinks they can imprison anyone for whatever they like without trial now. Still just because the government ignores the constitution doesn't mean we should. If more people held the government to the constitution they wouldn't be allowed to flaunt it as they do now. Legally the government does not have the power to violate the constitution of the united states. When they do they are breaking the law. When Obama passed the National Defense Act 2012 giving the government the power to detain citizens indefinitely without trial he violated the constitution of the united states. We should have impeached the president for that. Either way the First amendment is still pretty well respected, and again that is the one I was referring to.

N-No. Of course not.

>implying i would ever swim in a public pool.

no she hated it, she hates everything

girl is a strong independant woman? nope shes trying to be a man doesnt count

girl is weak MISOGYNY


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> bikini at the end of the game is a sexual

> Samus Aran's body as a reward for players

PICTURED: Anita making sure beach clothing is nonsexual and "rewardless".
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Do you live under a fucking rock?
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>>198686040 (OP)
shes not a perpetual victim.

shes a PROFESSIONAL victim.

Hey, Anita, we don't want to listen to your ridiculous whore-prattle, you rib-stealing bitch.

Take your harpy cult elsewhere.

Better yet, why don't you go to one of those girls schools in Afghanistan that keeps getting attacked with poison gas and tell them what YOU do for the equality of women and teach them about how women are oppressed in fucking vidya. I bet they'll be ever so impressed. But she won't do that, because there aren't idiots waiting to finance her life there. Yeah, finance her life. Because she sure as fuck didn't use all that fucking kickstarter money on her videos. They just consist of whore-prattle wrapped overanalyzed summaries and shit ripped from tvtropes. Yeah, I fucking said it. We all know the real motivation behind this bitch. suckering gullible idiots out of their money. And there is not much money to be made fighting for equality in third world shitholes.

These idiots will not get any respect from me until they get off their soapbox and go do something about gender discrimination in a 3rd world shithole where women actually ARE oppressed.

Check your first world privilege you sniveling cunt.

the sad truth is, you are full of shit. You don't REALLY give a shit about women's issues. You only give a shit in your little corner of the world, and whatever website will give you a soapbox.

You only care about issues you can market.

You only care about turning your disgusting ham-wallets into a way to print money. Its not surprising, as women have been doing that since the beginning of time.

In short, you are whores. Just of a different breed than those that sell their bodies.

So, until that changes (it won't) kindly piss off and go back to luring small children into your gingerbread house.

pic tangentially related
>>198686040 (OP)
I see her point about this. Why even hide she's female, honestly? So as not to scare away potential male buyers of the game? So they can have a really shitty twist? I don't think it's misogyny but that is just dumb writing.
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>>198686040 (OP)
remember, 1 female protagonist does not atone for 5000 years of female subjugation, slavery, patriarchy and endless rapes
I would like to see some more realistic female armor to be honest.
not because of muh feminism but just becase sometimes a bit realism and authenthicity (sorry not my native language) is nice.
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Just a reminder she is considered one of the top 100 most influential people in videogaming.
nigger Sarkeesian is a Armenian name not spic

I still live by them. Anyone how doesn't is a terrorist in my books.
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Society is too placated to do anything, there's no way you'd be able to actually get them to actually do something.
>in videogaming
No, in current-day Microsoft's vision of gaming. Big difference.
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why didn't you stop it

>That whole paragraph

Anything to back that shit up? Has there been a noticeable hit in the market?

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The word you are looking for is sex, people do not have genders. Words have genders. A word can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. In a similar manor those terms have been changed to refer to other things. You can act masculine, you can act feminine, but you are not either of those two things. We should not use the word Gender to refer to something other than what it actually means. You have a sex, your sex is static. It is determined by your DNA. You do not have a gender.
And I guarantee you this wouldn't have happened if /v/ hasn't been flipping a shit over her the last year.
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But she's right.

I remember seeing this hot little minx on my TV Set for the first time and blew my load hard. So damn hot, look at dem pixels.
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Shit's fucked. Remember when Penn Jillette went on a huge tirade about political correctness a couple of years back? Whatever happened to sucking it the fuck up? The British are even more fucking retarded. "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Fuck that, let's FINE YOU FOR CALLING SOMEONE A NIGGER ON THE INTERNET. Bleeding hearts are fucking faggots.

I'm about ready to move in with the sand niggers and become an oil baron while not giving a shit about "oppressed" minorities.
so what? hitler is considered among the top 10 most influential persons of the 20th century
so this i she is saying im going to rape no matter what?

so i should just go and plow all women with my oppression weapon
From one fucking list.

The way you faggots overreact is just as bad as feminists.
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She is one of the most badass characters in gaming though. She has blown up more planets than Mike Nelson.
that's a troll.
no don't try to convince me otherwise.
Does she ever come here to do any ama?
Hitler did alot of good.

TL-DR: Grow an attention span you ADHD faggot.
yeah, but hitler knew how to dress.
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>beat DMC3
>unlock shirtless Dante

you cant objectify males apparently

>sensible thought processes and reactions

summer plz go
your gender is determined by your sex.
The real question here is whether the iOS game was better than Dead Space 3.

>implying I lack attention

No, you're shitty grammar and sentence structure turned me off.

she only intentionally destroyed like 3 of them

the rest were rigged to explode when she came along
I thought you unlocked it after the first mission?

Anyway this is false equivalence because it proves me wrong. Take that patriarchy!
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>FBI for interstatial stuff
Are you really this autistic? Or is just over the interwebs?

sex !=gender

People do not always identify their gender with their sexual organs and some people don't even identify with a gender at all.
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what the fuck is wrong with you, i may be a 24 year old male but in my heart im a 12 year old girl

fuck you, you anti-ageist sexist prick
Not really comparable. You're not getting to see those kids in bikinis as a reward. Her in a bikini is a reward for beating the game. It's like your wife wearing lingerie for your birthday. It's a reward, and it is sexualization. It doesn't bother me that her in a bikini is a reward, but you can't say that it isn't sexualization.
Honestly, both of these are objectification, she has a point. Thing is is that most people don't care.
alright so this has been bugging me for a while.
why are we opressing women?
why can't they show their breasts freely?
if you take meds you could lactate a baby just like a woman.
Bieber hasn't really done anything too bad. His music sucks, but he hasn't ruined anything tbh.
As long as the government claims they are doing what they are doing to fight "terrorism" you are right, no one is going to do anything.

Ironically the actually definition of Terrorism is ruling with fear. The American government is using our fear of attack to pass laws, which are illegal and violate our rights. They exploited one of the biggest national disasters to start a war in a country that wasn't involved in the attack (Iraq). Our government is as much terrorists as the people we are fighting.

This is a safe for work board, faggot.
>fight the good fight
No, you're just annoying people on the internet. You haven't physically done a thing.
I'm still shocked and appalled nobody's taken the time to put anitas face there
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Sorry friend, that is a MALE POWER FANTASY.

It is impossible to objectify men.
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So how long before some MRA/NRA guy goes ballistic on Anita?

I know this is wildly off-topic now b/c the the thread has become even more terrible, but I'd wager thousands of dollars that she couldn't complete Super Metroid without a guide.
> you could lactate a baby
the NES thing was mostly because there was no other way to show she was female

a bit like how mario has a mustache because its the only way to show he has a nose from the side

>implying any IT admin wouldn't call the cops if he saw an employee browsing the 4chains
am I wrong there?
I always mix up state and county because over here a state consists of multiple countries and over there a country consists of multiple states.
Anyone remember when Moot brought new mods and they did an excelent job until he yanked their chain with "le /v/ culture" excuse?

why is this?
>these imaginary characters are just TOOLS that are USED against their will for our simple entertainment, whenever we want. Teaching millions of kids that you can just pick up and USE people whenever they want to have some "fun".

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Still. She is the Galaxy's greatest bounty hunter.
But silly anon, terrorists are brown people who threaten our freedoms
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>some people don't even identify with a gender at all.
and people do not always identify their species with their DNA or ancestors.
your point?
There is no point because "objectification" means fucking nothing. Basically all video game characters are "objects", they are literally fucking referred to as objects in the actual code. Dante has a stylish red jacket and white hair so he looks distinct and eye pleasing. If they thought the game would have been improved by him being a coat rack, they would have fucking made him one.

Objectification is one of the absolute dumbest terms out there. It doesn't mean anything negative because video game characters are almost always objects. What's next? Objectifying the ship in R-Type?
You know that, I know that, most people on this board know that, but the other 96% of the US? They don't know and will never know, and they'll keep accepting whatever the government says even when we eventually all need to have tracking chips embedded into our skulls.
Welp it was just a reading mistake, I thought you talked about aliens (spacial stuff)

just like a woman!
No, I know how it is used now by people who are unaware of its true meaning. A bunch of faggots go oh gender is a social construct, blah blah blah. Or I am genderqueer respect that. I simply disregard the term gender because one they are using it incorrectly, and two if we refer to people's sex there is nothing they can do about it. The way they are using the term gender is a social construct. Sex is not, that is static. If we use it they cannot argue without seeming retarded.

No its not, you do not have a gender.
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The Amazing Atheist apparently did a video on her and got a lot of people to shitfling.

My point is that you just proved my point.
you are pointing out my incoherrent structure or factual correctness?
well I meant to say that you could lactate to nurture a baby.
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>badass samus

>the amazing atheist

she doesn't hunt bounties

and how many times does she actually bring something back alive?

She's more like a freelance contractor sent in to deal with situations so FUBAR the other option is to nuke it from orbit and whom the federation can easily disavow involvement off should things go bad
>>198686040 (OP)
Has Anita ever actually said what she wants? I know she talks a lot about what she doesn't like, but has she ever detailed a scenario that she WOULD like? All she does is shitfling while providing no solution and no alternative.

But I guess you can't gather a following of retards if you start saying what you want, because then you run the risk of them disagreeing with you. Stirring up the pot is much easier.
I don't know if it will ever go that far, but sadly I wouldn't be too surprised.
What is this? A picture for ants?
you mean Obama?
Whatever gets the job done, I guess.
It's to show that she's a woman. The best way to do that is to emphasize her femininity. It's not Nintendo's fault that a bunch of kids got horny looking at her.
It's real but the topic was the Dead Space mobile game, whose protag is a woman..

>I dislike facts and science, so I shall be disregarding them and just make a bunch of shit up that will suit my agenda and validate my lifestyle.
>I shall then shove them in everyone's' face and do my damnedest to get them accepted as actual facts, and not the self-serving bullshit that they really are.

Factually Correct is very seldom Politically Correct. In today's Politically Correct "Fischer Price, Primary Colors and Rounded Edges kindergarten" culture, some special little snowflake might get their delicate wittle feewings hurt, and we absolutely can not let that happen.

So now, when Factually Correct isn't Politically Correct, facts go into the garbage for feels, and society as a whole gets dumber.

People now disregard facts, then make up "replacement facts" or twist Factual Facts to suit their agenda.

These "replacement facts" then become accepted as FACTUAL facts by people who don't know any better. They are taught in our schools.

And society as a whole becomes just that much dimmer.

You and your ilk are actually holding back the progress of all mankind and I hope you die, painfully and tragically.
would be interesting to find out who is is charge of interstellar or interplanetary enemies/intel.
In her thesis she basically says a good female character is any one that is written by Joss Whedon and everything else is shit.
Reminder that /v/ mods let Anita threads run rampant for WEEKs when she had her kickstarter and gave her shitloads of free press and quotes to use to prove gamers are misogynistic.

All Anita threads are practically the result of shitty mods and can't be deleted.
>the NES thing was mostly because there was no other way to show she was female

Samus was a man until very late in Metroid's development when someone decided to add a twist to the ending,

Also "METROID" was going to be the protagonist's name in early stage of development.
don't forget the cyanide canisters rigged to the chips in case you try to remove them

why wouldn't you want to be tracked at all times? are you some kind of terrorist?
He's an obnoxious and self-righteous asshole, but he makes good points sometimes. He's a lot better than feminists.
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People can't get her on her ground (youtube comments, etc.) because she blocks any criticism. When people attack her on Twitter they either:

a. Gang up on any critic if their arguments is faulty (this happens all the time, someone who opposes Anita makes a poor argument and then they tear it to shreds)
b. When someone comes along and actually makes a good argument, they just ignore it because if you ignore it then it doesn't get any coverage and with something like Twitter/Tumblr it falls through the cracks and as a result Anita isn't responsible for it
>implying you can objectify and rape men.
Nor should they, because this is FANTASY FUCKING ENTERTAINMENT. Pretty much every character involved is going to be an idealized representation of their gender. Especially if they're protagonists that the audience is meant to like. What's not to like about a handome, buff guy with a million dollar smile, a sharp wit, and a charming personality? Or a sexy, athletic woman, with gorgeous hair, vibrant eyes, and a caring spirit?

Both of those sound pretty fucking great if you ask me.
Not too pretty brunette women that are wearing modest clothes in a story about other women. This is literally all she wants from games.
then how can people refer to me as "him" or "he" btw im a guy

There are men that identify as women. There are women that identify as men.

You might not like it, but we exist and we have the same rights as you.


Almost there big guy. You want "manner."

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