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>''Hey guys remember to like, favourite and subscribe''
>misleading, brightly colored thumbnail
>jump cuts every 10 seconds
>"Remember to dislike this video and shitpost in the comments section."
I always remember =)
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>"Remember to give this video a thumbs up or a thumbs down. If you do happen to give it a thumbs down i'd appreciate some constructive criticism in the comments section, thank you for watching."
>>202194403 (OP)
It's almost like people would forget to do that unless you reminded them.
>If you dont like it, pls tell me why.
>IF you like it, show it witn giving me a thumbs up.

Whats wrong with it you autist
Always flag the video if it has a misleading thumbnail. It's against Youtubes guidelines after all.
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Where does this obsession of normals for likes, subscription and following comes from? It's artificial, nobody really gives a fuck about what the other is doing.
>>202194403 (OP)
>"I'm done playing this. Remember to rate the video, comment the video and subscribe if you want to see videos similar to this one. See ya."

Never gets old.
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>Tutorial video
>Slowly typing it in Notepad
>If he makes one typo, he erases the entire line and writes it again.
>Techno music in the background
>Doesn't post the link for something to download in the descript, only shows it in the video so you have to write it yourself.
>Link is dead

I believe it's for revenue reasons.
Fuck this. Fuck it so hard.
>Want to download MP3
Oh boy.
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Because they are trying to make a living off of it now.

Hell some people have the nerve to call being a youtuber a "profession" now.
>Link to download dame
What kind of money can they make out of it? And who the fuck browse the web without adblock?
>What kind of money can they make out of it?
Quite a lot if they manage to make a living off of it.

>And who the fuck browse the web without adblock?
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>mfw I make game videos without my voice
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>download patch to old game
Your value as a producer is determined by how many of each you have. If you don't have a shitload of each you won't get signed by one of the partnerships. Once you have a contract, the amount they pay you hinges entirely on how many you can pull in.

Hearing "successful" people beg for them so often bleeds over into the general culture. Even if you have no intention of ever going pro you'll feel the desire.

In non-youtube situations, it's a matter of status. People with a million karma/likes/reputation/etc have an inherently more valid opinion in the eyes of the average reader. After all, everyone else likes what they said before, so surely they must be right this time too! (Spoilers: That's a load of wank.)

There are hundreds of youtubers who do it for their day job. Even relatively minor ones like NorthernLion can afford to retire on it. Totalbuttslut not only managed to effectively retire from his job at a bank but funded moving across the fucking atlantic solely on the revenue from saying "This game is bad!" in a fake accent.
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Well fuck...
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>"angry" review
>idiot is making some stupid ass look at the camera with some bright color background in the thumbnail
>along with some edgy anime low res desktop background
There is a video on youtube explaining it (can't find it). Apparently partners get $2-5 per 1000 views depending on how many ads they have and I think likes/subscribers are taken into account too.
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>YouTube comments
>Some faggot with a reaction image avatar acting arguing with people about so inane shit and acting superior
>video linked from /v/
>unholy amounts of regurgitation of memes and "le" all over the comments
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>People greentexting in the comments
>Some is blatantly wrong
>Be nice and correct them so people aren't falsely informed
And I've never posted a comment on youtube since.
>Video linked from anywhere else
>The exact same shit
likes/favorites have nothing to do with it

you simply get paid clicks per views

that's it, the 'like, favorite, subscribe' is nothing more than marketing in hopes they'll view their other content and get others interested in it
I've made a good $500 over the course of a year or so off of just one video
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>In the End

>Requiem for a Dream

Likes and favourites push the video onto the front page for non-subscribers/push it up the search results. Higher up the results, more drive-by views.
You only proved my point, i.e. it's marketing.
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This is what I mean.
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>Video linked from anyboard
>le le le le le le
>Dammit X board
>People trying to greentext
I know, I was expanding on what you'd said rather than refuting it.

That is just what /v/ looks like out of context.
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>"Thumbs up if you're watching this in 2013"
This one isn't relevant to video games but I just have to get it out there.

>Video of cat hunting rat
>Animal rights hippies shunning the cat for doing what it does
the person filming it could have saved the rat.
It was a BBC documentary of a wild cat.

Fuck hippies.
Just like the british, let an innocent rat die because "MUH NATURE"
Just a tip to the fags who use > on youtube. USE " INSTEAD
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Who are you guys quoting?

yea i agree with him
Yes, because muh nature. Who are you to play god?
>Make a youtube account
>it becomes successful, like pewdiepie successful
>garnered at least a million fans and a shit ton of money
>one day put out a video and claim it's my last video ever
>fans cry and bitch at me to keep posting videos for years
>tell all of them to simpy fuck off and thanks for the money
I want to live the dream.
>People change their pictures and names to a character
>Post for easy 'thumbs up'
I wish no website in the world had this shitty up/downvote system

go fuck yourself
Humans are part of nature you incompetent mongoloid, saving the rat would be a part of nature.
Your mother, after I raped her.
>saving the rat would be a part of nature.


what is reddits karma
poe's law
Humans are part of nature, therefore anything they do is part of nature.

Now stop with your appeal to nature bullshit
No need to be upset friend you can still use your ebin maymays in 4chan
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You do know that ">" has been used since the '90s to quote something from a comment/video, right?

>people actually think ">" always = greentexting
>>202194403 (OP)
Doing that makes Google give them more adbucks.
or your usual people who just want to browse the internet normally without bothering to get deeper knowledge
So are you also going to complain about a tiger killing a gazelle?
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That's rude
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>Only way to get the money is to have a contract with one of the advertising partners
>Said contracts have clauses of "must produce X videos per month that garner Y views"
>Failure to comply would result in all your cash being confiscated, possibly punitive fines, leaving you bankrupt
It's one thing when you see
>something something something
reply to something something something

It's another when you see
>implying implications
He is the only one I follow blindly.

I always rate the video, comment the video and make sure I'm still subscribed because I want to see more videos similar to the one I was watching.
Anything that kills in order to survive is an abomination and shouldn't exist.
I'm aware of that but they use it in a format that people like to use here

>Went down to store
>Bought tomatoes
>Ate tomatoes

Like that.
How are you certain that this is the case? If so, they're all slaves to their partners
>video about Phil Faggot
Top Comments:
>people play indie games

>implying anyone cares about his shitty games

This is not quoting
I really don't get this comment
it makes no sense at all
>hey everyone like if you rated it and subscribeif you didn't
that's not true tho
Maybe you should shut down your immune system to let all those precious bacteria and viruses live.
"Hippie!- the cry of the defeated"
It's just people fishing for thumbs, they need internet high fives, so they can feel better about themselves.

It's the same with people on facebook being desperate and demanding likes. People are just insecure, I guess.
bacteria and viruses don't have brains, so they aren't conscious. Plus viruses aren't alive.
>>202194403 (OP)

>watching jewtube ever
>I won the argument!
the cry of the defeated.

secret club rules
Yea, go ahead and parrot me, it makes you sound real smart.
Thats not true and such a contract would be illegal everywhere except maybe Russia.
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>bacteria and viruses don't have brains, so they aren't conscious. Plus viruses aren't alive.

That's like saying trees aren't alive.
>browser is always IE and he always has a Sonic background
So then why should anything that kills to survive die?
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>Every tutorial video, ever

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who are you to decide what's concious and what isn't?
are the flies you devour while sleeping concious?
you are a monster! D:
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>Thinking criticism is bad
Sorry you don't live in a perfect world where everyone praises you for anything you do.
wow that song is really catchy! I can't get enough of it
more videos should use it
This guy forgive MS after the Xbox One blunder. Why?
you make money with adsense revenue, you fucking 12 year old

holy shit you guys are stupid
>unregistered hypercam
>Facebook comments
>now with reaction images
i didn't think it could get any worse
if you want to rage just look at the misuse of images there
the worst part is, there are people in this thread, right now, that post reaction images on facebook page posts
>the video has a caption mocking faggots like this

The bit about viruses not being alive is true; they fail to meet the accepted biological mandate. Not sure what your point is about trees.
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>there are people ITT that have Facebook accounts

Deleted mine a few weeks ago after having it for like two years. Feels refreshing, man.
its not for the faint hearted
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forgot link
They shouldn't die, they should be changed. Biotechnology has come a long way, we could easily modify the diets of animals.
A brain is required for consciousness and I don't eat flies.
>having one in the first place
my YouTube account is 7 years old
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I wish I could throw away my pride and dignity like that.
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>That one guy in ever YouTube video that sees the top comment and tries to copy him by wording it differently
>mfw people in the year twenty-thirteen actually do not have a facebook account

Enjoy having no friends and being unemployable because your employer thinks you're a sociopath
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>Youtube channel that uploads remixes
>Every single upload is fucking amazing
>Quickly becomes one of my favorite channels
>Gets shut down because some faggot flagged a video which was essentially free advertising for him
I'll miss you, based Kawashiro Nitori.
i have an account, mostly because i am not an autistic hipster
it has my name, very basic info, and a basic profile picture, so i can add friends and people can contact me
i have never once posted on my wall or anyone elses
>That one guy that copypastes tags from Filthy Frank videos
>Gets top comment every fucking time
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>I don't eat flies
"every person eats about 3-8 flies and about 50-100 spiders in their lifetime while sleeping"

>anyone who doesn't have facebook is an autistic hipster

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>mfw have 5 years old YT account I never used except in the first few weeks were I uploaded some shitty videos
>check back in 2012 just for the sake of it
>one video has more than 1 million views
>As of 2013, the viewcounter is at more than 2.5 million

What the actual fuck
>Pony avatar fucktard whoring for likes and responding condescendingly to regular fucktards
"Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker!"
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>actually used the term "autistic hipster" unironically
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>because i am not an autistic hipster
That's an urban legend you dunce
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enjoy explaining your reasoning for not having a fb account to any normals you may meet
pic related, it will be you in that situation
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>"Back when YouTube was good"
>Video was uploaded 2 years ago
give us a link
Is that Gronkh?

Jesus, I don't get how anyone could make more than 1000 videos of Minecraft and more importantly that there are thousands of people that actually watched more than 1000 videos of Minecraft.
Yeah because only one website is correct, everyone else is lying

Yeah, I don't understand it either. So many people are watching this shit every day.
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keep denying that you're a murderer
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>mfw I just say that I don't see a reason for it
>People RPing in the Youtube comments.
"what a weirdo, he must have no friends"
Youtube won't do shit about the kind of thumbnails he's talking about that partners get. That fuckhead Shane is the worst - tits in thumbnail and some vaguely suggestive title which has nothing to do with the video whatsoever.
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>Comedic channel about two extremely british people doing video game news and shit
>Really funny, well put-together, intelligent humor
>They do some minecraft videos
>They don't stop doing minecraft videos
>Video titles are now "SAVE THE BOOBS?!?!?!?!!?! MINECRAFT GIRLFRIEND RESCUE!!!!!!"
>Thumbnails always contain anime chicks in bikinis
>There's no more fucking jokes except everything exploding violently at the end of every fucking video while they "freak out"
>You can tell they're dead inside and doing it for the money
>Shitloads of views
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you are a pathetic trip
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>their face when you obviously have no friends
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>This video
I'm a big fat faggot please rape my face
nobody said that
all they say is that they'd like to be able to "delete" their account but they can't because they're addicted to it




>Dream escape
The worst fucking song back in the day.
Says the person posting "le dog"
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>"Click here to go on an adventure!"
It's the most serene doge, you dolt
I hope you don't actually believe this
I bet you are one of those guys who has over 1200 friends although you only know like 10 of them
Disregard that
Please jam cocks down my throat
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>"I lied"
Nice one.
>CoD4 montage
>Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
aka: making small talk, they don't actually want you to delete their profile, because then they would look like unsociable, weirdo autists
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>Chuck Norris comments
>"Thumbs up if you muted right away xD"
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>I'm too insecure not to have facebook
shut up chuck norris is a god he could kick shrek's ass any day.
you sure?
It can be done tastefully OP. Like in Cr1tikal's videos.

Now faggots like Seananners who have 30% of their video space taken up by banners that link you to other videos and a facecam are retarded.
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>tutorial video
>"uhm hey guys. xX360noscopethehedgehogXx here, and uh..."
Day 1 thumb down.
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>there are people who use this website who are highly insecure about themselves, get extremely depressed when not in a "committed relationship" or the homosexual equivalent, feel a need to use social media to save face, and would be liable to kill themselves should their hobbies/fetishes be revealed

You're all a bunch of fucking carebears. God damn. Stop taking yourselves so damn seriously. It'd do you some good.
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>not simply wanting to be socially accepted by your peers
enjoying being that weird loner, here is your complimentary trench coat and fedora
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>reading Youtube comments

Are you people all insane?
cr1tikal gives ALL his youtube money to charities
he could be shouting at us for likes and I wouldn't care

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