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  • File :1237892217.jpg-(6 KB, 400x400)
    6 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)06:56:57 No.3610728   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    21 years old.
    9th grade drop out.
    Lives with mother
    All free time spent alone playing WoW/Dota/TF2
    No "real" friends outside of the internet.

    Can anyone match my fail?
    122 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:12:49 No.3614790
    -pussing out on school
    -'14x'10 apartment
    -back home for summer where my ass could be grass
    -no job, dependent
    -best friend addicted to WoW
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:17:02 No.3614834
    I'm somewhat close to you.

    Got a GED
    No job
    Live with mom
    One real friend
    Free time spent on FPS's and RTS's and 4chan's
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:21:35 No.3614887
    25 years old
    Graduated high school
    Never wanted to go to college
    Worked a couple shitty jobs
    Now on disability for mental issues
    Have horrible anxiety/panic disorder/hypochondriasis
    33K in debt due to said hypochondriasis and anxiety
    Live with roommate
    Haven't had a girlfriend in six years
    Have never driven a car, never plan to
    Play video games or sit on the internet almost all the time
    Have three or four good friends I see regularly
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:26:33 No.3614941
    Do these threads make me feel better/worse about my miserable existence?

    It doesn't matter. In the end, IT'S ALL UP TO YOU if you're going to own up to your debilitating flaws and get things on track. And inertia is so easy.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:29:22 No.3614972
    26 years old
    dropped out of university (smartest thing I ever did)
    Lives with hot fiancee
    Work 9-5 as a writer (yes it does happen), consult on the side for a web start up
    play sports on the regular
    Several close friends
    Parents divorced and both remarried
    Battled depression my whole life
    Fought my way out of a minimum wage job up to where I am now with nobody's help but my own
    No car, but live in big city with good transit so I don't need one

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    79 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:29:20 No.3614971   [Reply][Quick Reply]

    My daughter likes to browse this website and I was wondering if she has confided about her "sexual activities." She doesn't have a boyfriend at the age of 19 and I am worried that she might be having sex with strangers because of this.

    She is the girl in the far right of this picture I attached. If you recognize her and her posts tell me everything you know.

    Thank you.

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    18 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:18:50 No.3614851   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    I was browsing Youtube in my room with my shirt off when my mom walked in to ask me a computer question.


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    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:26:42 No.3614943
    That's fucked up, bro

    You should have stroked her penis in retaliation
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:27:31 No.3614953
    Two things
    Why did you have your shirt off while on the internet?


    Is that even legal?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:27:41 No.3614955
    now by "mom," do you mean sister?

    if so, please report back tomorrow with new developments.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:58 No.3614966
    GTFO. It's so much hotter with mom.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:29:18 No.3614970
    >six pack
    stopped reading there and lol'd.

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    401 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:21:17 No.3614882   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    I want to break up with this grl, but I've never actuallt dumped anyone before. Plus, her mates and her are like the only people that I hang around with.

    Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:22:00 No.3614893
    Well first, why do you want to break up with her?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:24:06 No.3614924
    Shit, I forgot about that, She's annoying me all the time and according to her mate, she prefers me as a mate. Large gap opening between us and I've been pondering it for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:25:59 No.3614938
    Ask her if she thinks you'd be better off as friends perhaps. See what her reaction is and go it from there?

    Alternatively talk to her and work out your differences.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:27:35 No.3614954
    She's also incredibly depressed and has once attempted suicide because of me.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:29:17 No.3614969
    >Pic unrelated.
    Too bad :(

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    84 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)14:44:09 No.3614488   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    My university (UK) lets us apply to spend a term at any of the following places:

    Grenoble, Sorbonne or Toulouse (France)
    Amsterdam or Utrecht (Netherlands)
    Barcelona, Madrid or Seville (Spain)
    Bonn (Germany)
    Lund (Sweden)

    Where would /r9k/ recommend?
    Obviously Amsterdam for the drugs or Spain for the sunshine.
    13 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:15:42 No.3614822
    I'm from germany and I tell you that Bonn can't compete with the other locations.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:17:00 No.3614833
    Barcelona is my second favourite city in the world. I'd go there.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:23:06 No.3614909
    Lund. Swedish university chicks are fine as fuck, I'm not kidding man - an average swedish 20 year old law or med student is like a 7, possibly 8, anywhere else. And since you're from the UK they'll be all over your cock. Lots of opportunities for cheap booze too.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:25:15 No.3614933
    Go spain for the sunshine AND drugs, man
    >> Jack !!1lKDEP+ap0+ 03/24/09(Tue)15:29:16 No.3614968
    Spain, for the weather. I'd say Barcelona for the Mediterranean coast.

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    29 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:10:23 No.3614758   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    General Chat Thread /r9k/9000 -0- AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ/IRC/EVERYTHING

    I'll start - burnedoutanon - AIM
    3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:19:07 No.3614855
    I lol'ed

    fyrus312 - AIM
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:20:49 No.3614876
    kichethered - aim

    someone thought this was kitcheninthethread
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:22:13 No.3614897
    Ox56696B6B69 - aim
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:23:28 No.3614915
    I am so sick of these stupid ass threads
    every time I post in here I meet boring ass people who can't even hold a decent conversation
    "how r u"

    I want someone to fucking TALK TO. I'm not that lonely and bored that I need to gain more useless people on my buddy list. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:29:05 No.3614967
    Who posted my aim?

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    41 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:41 No.3614965   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Right, so this may sound a little strange and stuff but bare with me.

    I'm a girl whose pics get reposted on 4chan sometimes - not a lot (don't ask which ones they are, it will make this situation worse) and recently my lolDOX were posted on /b/.

    I just found out who did it - someone from school, before we left. We're now at the same college. I could actually kill him, I am so angry right now.

    How should I react to this? I can't bitch him out about it irl, can I? It's a really strange thing to get mad about, but, fucking hell, that's totally inappropriate. What kind of action do I take? inb4 post his dox - no I'll get b&

    tl;dr arfgehghjrg

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    38 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)13:32:31 No.3613896   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Well, /r9k/, it looks like moot is certain to be on Time's 100 Most Influential People of 2009. It doesn't mater if you voted him up, down, or ignored the whole thing - this is going to happen.

    What does this mean for 4chan? Will it help the site's image? Will it bring a plague of newfags the likes of which we have never seen?

    And, most importantly, what are moot's thoughts?
    75 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:21:19 No.3614883
    best mistake of moots life

    moot doesnt need this shitty dump, he needs real credentials, a real job, and a real future
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:22:14 No.3614898
    The thing is, I think he might ACTUALLY be one of the 100 most influential people.

    Also, why are they doing this now? The year is barely started.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:23:37 No.3614919

    Oh shut up, all of that is already here. This is not your secret club, everybody knows about this place. Nothing will change.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:25:25 No.3614934
    who the fuck is Rain???
    I could imagine people saying the same thing about moot too.

    But really, who is "Rain"?
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:37 No.3614964
    Asian pop superstar or someshit

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    26 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)14:59:42 No.3614637   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Do not limit this to relationships only, but please elaborate on those anyway. I'm talking about everyday situations where you can either change things around to your advantage or can be changed around to somebody else's advantage. IRL or online.

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    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:22:09 No.3614896

    I'm gonna love the shit outta you, you stupid cunt.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:22:21 No.3614900


    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:23:51 No.3614921

    Theoretically it should be impossible to be neither.

    You are constantly either being manipulated or manipulating yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:31 No.3614962
    This question is fucking retarded. You can be both depending on your current dating situation. If you're dating someone way out of your league, you're not going to manipulate shit no matter how hard you try to be like Kris Angel. It's all about how much you will put up with to date someone more attractive and successful than you and vice-versa.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:31 No.3614963
    because to a lot of people it comes naturally. People aren't smart, and people are trusting.
    You can abuse the psychological effect that works almost universally; treat them like shit and make sure they're set up so that they feel like everyone else hates them as well, and offer them just the smallest hope of you maybe not thinking they're scum, by indirectly asking them to do shit for you. Their mental process is "oh wow, maybe I'll be more popular with the popular people if I get on this person's good side by doing what they say". It's very easy and it works often.
    I mean sometimes I feel guilty having like 5 social rejects metaphorically sucking my cock to be popular but it's eat or be eaten, sorry guys. When you realize this and "stop being my friend", I won't give a fuck.

    to answer the OP's question I wouldn't group myself into either, I don't ever make this practice a real conscious effort, it just happens.

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    92 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)06:34:42 No.3610548   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    I have a question for Americans

    As a resident alien (23 year old Brit here) that's been living in the US for almost 3 years, i have one question that's been stuck in the back of my mind for a long tine now.

    Why the fuck are most Americans so noisy? Is there some genetic disposition towards speaking your mind out loud so that everyone within earshot can hear it? Why do you have to tell complete strangers things that are totally irrelevant?

    case in point, while in line at popular fast food store, average american family comes in and gets in line behind me. mother and father are in mid 40's, they have two teenage (18ish) boys and a younger teen daughter. the mothers cellphone rings and after 5 minutes she shouts "ANNA'S PREGNANT AGAIN!" her sons go "NO WAY!" and her daughter is squealing hysterically. a lady in the line adjacent to us makes a comment about pregnancy and they go off on a chat that lasts for a few minutes, sharing personal info like how old they are etc.

    i am utterly disgusted by this behaviour, its annoying, loud and uncouth.

    For some reason this seems to be a West coast thing, however. When i was living on the other side of the country people seemed to act more refined.

    so what do you think the problem is?
    119 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:14:05 No.3614803
    I am not American but I have visited, lived in and extensively travelled in America and i noticed that in the south, texas in particular people were generally extremely friendly and hospitable and easy to get along with.
    Other Americans dont even believe me when I tell them about my experiences with Texans being extremely polite and warm to visitors.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:20:32 No.3614873
    I can agree with pretty much everything you're saying here, raised in NC. It upsets me to see some loud-talking person continually interrupt someone, and people that talk a lot over other people in general aren't cool in my book. Maybe that's my shy nature, maybe that's North Carolina culture and parenting at work. Then again, half an hour outside the major towns/cities kinda sucks and is littered with rednecks. But our rednecks are hardly on par with those of other southern states and are typically very friendly and hospitable. YEAH LAST STATE TO SECEDE YEAH WAIT WHAT

    Also, OP is finding quiet, warm American families in the wrong places.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:24:03 No.3614923
    They're racist, bible-thumping, inbred, conservative cunts. They were being nice to recruit you.

    Also, to the OP: I think the east coast is actually worse. Mainly because there are way more ghetto black people. But people are dumb in general. I've lived in several different countries, and while Americans may or may not be worse, there are cunts everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:18 No.3614960

    American here and also a military brat, so I've been around the U.S. quite a bit.

    Americans have some sort of unwarranted self-importance issue generally. That's about it.

    It's precisely the reason that I always wear headphones everywhere I go. I don't need to listen to or get myself involved with that crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:26 No.3614961

    there isn't really anything wrong with those people. You just have to learn not to talk religion or politics with them. And liberal fags are just as bad. They jump down your throat for stupid shit. Either way just don't talk religion and politics and everything will be fine.

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    6 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)11:52:15 No.3612937   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    hey bots
    we're making this 'anonhaus' and so far we've got 4 people, looking for more to see if we can get enough to get a bigger place
    what do you guys think of this, as well as is anyone interested?
    28 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)13:02:14 No.3613679
    Interested in future murderhouse.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)13:03:17 No.3613690
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    I'm looking forward to the thread about this 6 months from now...
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)13:04:06 No.3613696
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)13:23:47 No.3613800
    nigger not allowed, if there was a nigger we'd come home one day and everything would be gone

    also email us or IM or anything, haus is gonna take a few months to be setup and finalized, keep in contact and if there's opening you're in
    >> eggmanl33t 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:17 No.3614959
    yeah you could say my interest has been piqued.

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    57 KB Anonymous 03/23/09(Mon)21:18:38 No.3604699   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    We haven't had a good camwhore thread going in a while.
    So let's get it going.
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    >> Fagtron !!8LtzJTFwvE2 03/24/09(Tue)15:06:27 No.3614717
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    Kid's looking good today. May post him up.
    >> Pretentious Whore !!ni0CzMofqTF 03/24/09(Tue)15:08:45 No.3614741
    Your sense of style is so intriguing to me. I don't know why, I just kind of look forward to your pictures to see what you're wearing.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:12:38 No.3614788
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:26:17 No.3614939

    I'm only topless in the pokemon one, because if you read above, I only play pokemon nude. OBV.

    The other one I'm wearing a dress.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:10 No.3614958


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    86 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)14:28:07 No.3614353   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    The first girlfriend I ever had lied to me and told me she had brain cancer when I tried to break up with her. I believed her for about a week, then I realized how retarded I was. That girlfriend lied to me a lot. I'm gullible as fuck...

    Now why don't some of you post lies your girlfriends or just women in general have told you.
    24 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:24:47 No.3614926
    This thread makes me very sad considering my girlfriend told me she loved me for the first time this weekend. She let it slip, even after going on and on about how she was scared of falling in love.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:24:53 No.3614927
    My ex told me that she had cheated on me, when she hadn't, because she didn't want to break up with me herself and hoped I'd do it for her. (She was pressured into breaking up with me by her family. That, I know is true.) It didn't work (I guess I'm a pussy), but our relationship fell apart in the next few weeks anyway.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:24:55 No.3614928

    So basically we're fucked.
    Either we become BAWW or emotionless shells who don't really feel anything for anyone and don't care about other people's feelings either.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:25:15 No.3614932
    Why is it that women are the only one's who can lie?

    My first boyfriend told me his cock was 9 inches for weeks, so I said "k I'm coming over to see it"
    It was 5 inches
    What a fucking idiot
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:03 No.3614957
    You are still able to trust them?
    Your nerves must be made of steel.
    When I get together with a new girl the first thing I ask myself is how long it's going to take until she has a huge orgy with some niggers from the neighbourhood.

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    36 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:22:31 No.3614902   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    There is this song. This god awful, blood curdling song that comes on the satellite station at my workplace.
    I do not know the name, I cannot even tell if it's a male or a female singing.
    Maybe you can help me identify it?
    Details: (that I could gather)
    It starts out with a heartbeat that continues throughout the song. The only audible words I could gather were "Mother can you tell me please" and at the end, there are sound clips of an ambulance - and the worst part - BABY CRYING.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:28:03 No.3614956

    try youtube

    or google the lyrics

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    23 KB Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:16:22 No.3614827   [Reply][Quick Reply]
    Sup /r9k/. Virginfag here that will probably be losing it soon so I decided to buy a box of condoms to learn with. Holy fuck, these are hard as shit to put on and choke my dick. By the time I manage to get one unrolled and on "properly", I've pretty much lost my erection. Using just basic trojans, lubricated.

    Any advice? Do I need condoms with more girth? Are they supposed to feel like theyre choking my dick? Do I just need practice? FFXI porn not related.
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    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:23:24 No.3614913
    Okay, thank you. I am less concerned with losing feeling, however, and more concerned with getting the damn thing on before I lose my hardon. I know I will already be nervous and this won't help. So I guess I need larger ones, great.
    >> Widget !!TgefAtIJkm5 03/24/09(Tue)15:23:42 No.3614920

    Agree. Get a better condom, maybe try a larger size. Different types of trojans feel differently. There are some that are more prone to slipping off, there are some that are more prone to chocking my dick. It's trial and error, unfortunately, because error is such a big deal.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:25:29 No.3614935
    >sex without condoms is superior

    Not by a lot. I would seriously -not- risk it, girls are just as crazy as guys. AIDS would suck less than a kid and some bitches are greedy. The difference is mainly cost and not seeing her creampied. Feeling differences are so slight I can't imagine how anyone would say it's superior, besides the 10 seconds of prep time. I've only used trojan lubricated. The "slip off thing" is an issue, but you get warning... it will never just slip completely off in one thrust.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:26:57 No.3614947

    This really sucks because its like $7 for 3 condoms. I'm going to spend like $50 before I find the right one.
    >> Anonymous 03/24/09(Tue)15:27:29 No.3614952
    Unless you have an elephant dick tucked away in your pant leg, you're just being what you have always been: A virginfag.

    Condoms are made to fit any and all sizes. It's going to be snug, yes, but that's the price that must be paid for proper protection. Besides, the "larger" condoms aren't. They come in larger packaging and have a bit more length, not girth (except for the XL's).

    With that having been said, if you really, honestly are having trouble with it then it might be that the condom is expired (making it it a bit firmer), so check the date on them, even if you just bought them. Also, if you only used one, try another one. Also, adding a couple of drops of lubricant to the inside of the condom before placing it on makes things a bit more comfortable.

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