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What are you NEET guys playing tonight?
Dark Souls.
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I don't know man, what should I play?
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working on a game in python for when my gcw-zero arrives
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I wish I was a NEET again.

I had so much fun....all those games...and that sleep. I'll never have the luxury of being a NEET again.

Only bad part was the crippling depression that made me not leave home for weeks but other than that, it was great!
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Star Control 2
>Only bad part was the crippling depression that made me not leave home for weeks

That kinda sounds like a deal breaker.
I don't understand how you NEETs survive. I'm barely making a living with a job, how the fuck do you lazy shits get by?
DOTER while listening to R/a/dio
I used to like the Orz. Then I learned....
Well I get checks from the government, 1350$ a month to be exact.
>tfw just went from NEET to working 10 hour shifts this week
>tfw it's so fucking hard and depressing
Your mom.
No. More. Androsynth. *Stories*.
Most NEETs live in Europe where it's ridic easy to get on welfare or a similar service. As an American NEET I still live with my parents.
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>tfw 23yo kissless virgin NEET
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I'm a NET. Does that count?
Guild Wars 2 and Fairy Bloom Fresia.
Where you from and for what do you get them?
dungeon seige 2
NET? So you're in school?
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>>175584154 (OP)
getting high as shit when my friend comes over


One of two ways.

Bad parents who enable their children to lead such meaningless existences.


Welfare whores who live off their government's and the tax payer's tit.
I'm from New Jersey.
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How'd you get the checks?
STALKER, maybe, being a NEET is a tough. So many choices.
What's it mean then? I'm confuse/
i wish i was neet
Max Payne 2
I hated 1's gameplay but this is great fun. Good thing it has that "previously" option.
Also playing Shadow Dragon, good fun. Especially after the shitfest that was FE6.
social anxiety, depression etc
Are you me? Do you live with your mom?
Not in Education, Employment, or Training.
If he's not in education, he must be employed.
Not in education.
>>175584154 (OP)
I'm not a NEET, but I'm gonna slap a few more mods onto my New Vegas install and play that.
i'm in education


Not in Education, or Training

Meaning he's got a job you dense fuck.
Yes i do.

Do you also have no life experience what so ever and sit alone being depressed all day playing video games in the hopes you'll forget that you will never have gf or be happy?
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>I just finished college in December
>went to three job fairs and spilled spaghetti over 28 different employers in my field
>I haven't even gotten a single interview
>friend of mine from High school that didn't go to college is now making 80,000USD as a marketing manager
>other friends went into the army and are making just as much with promising careers ahead of them on top of free college within a year, with pay
>I owe 15,000 in student loans
>my mother is in the other room
>I haven't had sex in two years

I'm also playing Dungeon Defenders tonight. I live a terrible, terrible existence. But at least I'm still dealing with 1st world problems.
I applied for that same reason but got denied. Do you live with anyone? If not, how did you survive before the checks came?
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SmT digital devil saga 1 I'm a big fan of SMT but man do I hate this game, if it wasn't for Gale I'd play SMT 1 or Raidou 2 or somethin. Gale makes this fucking game they should have called Shin megale tensei digigale best sagale. Also I heard if you beat this shit you can import your safe to the second one and fight a special boss on hardmode.
Yep. Except for the playing video games part, it just doesn't give me pleasure anymore.
Well he said it like it was such a bad thing. Having a job isn't so bad.... I kinda like mine.

You can get money for that?
>tfw hit the jackpot
>work at postal service
>sit at pc 5 hours a day doing nothing but typing up addresses of letters the computer couldn't read
>no social interaction, can listen to music or watch a movie on my phone as I'm typing if it's a slow day
>make $25/hour

Feels good man.

That pic, oh so true. So true indeed. I currently work 40 hours a week, but I'm playing Global Offensive and Witcher 2 back and forth.
I had a psychiatrist confirm my autism along with other problems and then I had my mom apply for my SSID.
Having just a job without any education means he's probably working some shit 9 to 5 job and wants out. I've been there. It sucks.
so how hard did that kickstarter fail?
If you have severe depression it fucks with your motivation and willpower to do things. It practically sucks the life out of you and you can't function.
I went from a NEET paying nothing a month on rent, skipping student loans repayment (10k from 1 year of college), etc to:

working minimum wage at 35 hours a week (40 hours would have to include benefits, apparently employers dont want you getting those), parents deciding they want $200/mo rent, responsibly paying student loans and car insurance/gas every month.

I'm technically losing more money every month working almost full time than I was as a NEET. What exactly are the benefits to working again? Actual question
>sit alone being depressed all day playing video games in the hopes you'll forget that you will never have gf or be happy?

You know what's good for this? Exercise. I alternate between weights/resistance and cardio Monday through Saturday. Nothing helps you forget how sad you are like running or doing pushups and deadlifts until you throw up.

What degree?
I seriously do not understand how you workfags can take it, I couldn't imagine myself working at all.
You're no longer leeching off of the government/ your parents
>(10k from 1 year of college)

Wow did you go some place nice?

Not the guy you quoted, but I suffer from bad depression and anxiety and mild obsessive compulsive disorder. I work full-time but it's very difficult to get up, and work all day long while trying to maintain a decent mood and attitude about life in general.

I guess that's why I take 30MG of Paxil, and 40MG of Ritalin daily. I take the Ritalin for energy and to help fight my depression symptoms.
>>175584154 (OP)

I'm in Education, Employment AND training, bloody tired.

Do Starting Strength
Workfags with a college education can get a lot more money than you and buy nicer things.
You give a little bit of yourself every day to get by if you don't have someone else paying for everything.
Maybe you have ADD/ADHD? I used to have the same mindset as you and I ended up having legitimate ADHD.
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I'm not playing anything.
>yfw family member can't get disability from cancer but NEET's can
Goddammit America
>implying I'm NEET

I shiggy fo' riggy
jelly as fuck
Why doesn't the guy with cancer just become a NEET

duh fucking americans

I agree with this. Exercise does wonders to fight depression and other mental issues. IF you can muster up the energy to do so, it'll benefit you greatly.
two, actually
I was a double major in Finance and Accounting
eat bananas. they are like happy pills.

You learn to make time, that's all.

All this vidya I have yet only 20 hours a week to really play it all.
It really depends on your state. My uncle had cancer and lived on welfare for 10 years before dying. Consider moving?
Well, I got in a vicious cycle of having a fucked up sleeping schedule, forgetting to take various medications for depression and ADHD. I wasn't able to function at all for months...

There are tons of successful people who did their job and now just site back in their mid twenties while fucking women on their yacht
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It didn't.
>183% OF GOAL
When you have cancer you basically are.
What state did he live in? Could I pull this off in California? I work at the moment, but I honestly just think about killing myself each time I clock in.

I had the same issue. When I was unemployed for about 2 years, I stayed up all night, and slept all day until about 3-4PM. Sometimes it was so bad I would sleep until 8PM and stay up til 10-11AM the next morning. Combine a bad sleep schedule with depression and it's just a pure mess.
>work minimum wage
>make ~$2800 after taxes
>$450 on rent in a nice place(live with 2 friends but have my own room)
>$500 on food and utilities
>always have more than $1500 every month to spent on whatever I want

Feels pretty good, man. The job isn't even that bad either.
I'm probably a lot fatter than you, if you even are, and I get by just 'fine' doing hard labor. Work isn't that difficult if you find something that interests you.

Easier said then done.

I always said though, if I was ever lucky enough to win the lotto I'd do nothing but play vidya and sleep all day err day.
Have you considered the military? I did 4 years in the Navy and it was great. Sometimes there's a lot of work (I was working 12-13 hour shifts for a good piece of my time) but there's usually lots of downtime too. I made a pile of DOSH, got GI Bill to pay for college anyplace I want to go, plenty of skanky Navy chicks to fuck (or hookers if that's your thing), and still had plenty of time to play vidya. I was making about $60k 2 years in, and since you've got a college degree you can make at least that starting. Plus in the Navy, if you can deal with being on ships for a while, you'll probably get to go to a couple foreign countries with lots of fun shit to do.

Granted, it's not always a picnic. But if you're super depressed and want a change of pace, you can do a lot worse. Oh and you can probably get on a student load repayment program too.
>tfw getting promoted

I want to just sit here at the bottom of the ladder where nobody ever bothers me. I don't want responsibility please just sign my checks and don't ask too many questions.

Why did I ever get a job?
Been NEET for a year now I still don't get this crippling depression shit you guys whine about. I would rather watch game center CX and play vidya then entertain some dumb girl who I have nothing in common with. My personal experiences with girls earlier in my life is I get bored after 2 months and break up with them. I'll never forget this one girl I broke up with.
> at a mall eating a narly garlic greasy pizza thing
> she goes to kiss me I let out the raunchest burp in her face.
> she doesn't even care
> we go see a movie after that I get a bj
> break up with her that night.
Now before you critics rip me apart, she stuck her period blood ridden finger in my mouth once.

Grandparents really really wanted me to go private and parents went along and pushed me to go, so I did. Stopped after a year because I didn't want to waste money not knowing what I wanted to get into (I was 17-18 at the time). Huge mistake, now it's going to take me 5+ years to repay, that is if I continue working full time just to repay the bill
why do you have gifs of everything
people get to take your money.
It's not about being fat, it's about being incapable of interacting socially.

I'm scared of going outside and I have terrible anxiety, trying to talk to someone is an absolute task within itself.
>game center CX

Even though I dislike NEETs, you're my nigga.
I'll be 25 years old this year, and I want to go back to college but I'm just afraid I'll end up getting in a huge debt because of how much it all costs. I've heard of people owing $20,000+ when they finished. I'd just be afraid of starting, then not finishing but still owing a ton of money.
I dunno about these other NEETS but my depressions have little to do about gf shit.
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>being NEET
>laying on my floor all day not knowing what day or time it was
>just play video games or browse /v/
>contemplating suicide
>decide to CHANGE
>luck out finding a full time job
>move out, get my own place
>buy a car
>can buy anything i want
>start lifting and eating right
>9 months later, aka now
>wish i was NEET again, holy shit normal life fucking sucks

Even more depressed than when I was NEET. Don't stop being NEET guys. I'd go back at the drop of a hat now.
>>>/fit/ ? The fuck are you doing here?

No but seriously, it doesn't matter what you do. If you're depressed, exercise is a great way to try and snap yourself out of it. Fight the pain with more pain.

Those numbers don't add up.

Minimum wage is 7.25 in American, unless you live elsewhere?

Do you take any medications for anxiety? I also have social anxiety, but it's not even close to how severe you have it. I did notice that my medication lessened my symptoms big time.
I'm socially awkward as well and have been to therapy and all that shit. If you set your standards as "work looks too hard, I want to masturbate and play video games all day" then you'll get nothing done.

I'm tired as all hell from seeing the "social anxiety" card thrown around.
>7.25 min wage

whats it like living in poverty?
10.25min wage here.
You're just depressed, holy fuck. Go take some meds.
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because I made them. I'm NEET with a nearly infinite amount free time.
I don't live in a third world country, no. Minimum wage here is close to $20 dollars, and then you get extra if you work in the evening like me.
At my old job we had a saying "Work hard. Play harder". I used to put in around 60 hours a week, but when I got done, I'd either get good and proper fucked up, or play vidya. Sometimes both.
>tfw I just got a raise to $10 last month

L-livin th-the life
that sounds awful.

Whats your game going to be about?
goddamn you pieces of shit are true fucking cunts
you do not have adhd
you are lazy
i used to have the same mindset
then i actually tried getting off my ass and, turns out, it's not very hard and you can actually buy decent things
I'm not him, but I wouldn't advise getting dependent on Benzodiazepine long-term.

I honestly got over my social anxiety after the first time I did LSD.

I don't know. I don't have a minimum wage job, I was just curious why his shit didn't add up


Nice edgy post but you still didn't answer my question.
>20 dollars min wage

where in the fuck do you live?

Some people actually HAVE mental problems. It's not like there is no such thing. Yes, not everyone needs medication, and doing things naturally like eating right, getting exercise and having a decent social life will help dramatically, it's not like they fix every problem.
I really don't think he was implying anything.
Pretty sure he just intended to make a thread involving NEETs.
The navy officers program is something I'm seriously contemplating. If I can't find a job before June when I turn 23, I'll end up trying that.

Not sure if I'll make the requirements though. I was injured in a car wreck three years ago and my back has never been the same.
Waaah my social anxiety gotta take pills. You only did it to yourself by finding 4chan. Back in my day we had our waifus 3D was pig disgusting and social anxiety was an excuse to get medic disability for vidya.
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In all honesty, a shitty minimum wage job is worse than being NEET.
Denmark, and it's closer to 18.5 dollars, actually, but I make 20 dollars with an added $7 for working in the evening..
Is ADHD really a fucking disability? My brother got a job at age fucking 16 and he has it. That ain't an excuse at all.
Not really a NEET, but I've played some dota2, watched Stardust and Dredd.
Need more film like Stardust and Dredd.
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some people have mental problems but tell me it isn't a fucking coincidence that most of they "symptoms" of ADHD aren't just being a lazy piece of shit. they're indistinguishable to a psychiatrist and guess which diagnoses gets them paid?
Din perker.
it not really about anything. Just a rail shooter with vector graphics and space ships similar to Starfox. At some point I'm going to have to add characters and story.
Not really.
Even working part-time for four hours a day allows for vidya while bringing in some dosh.
What are all the autismbux NEETs going to do when the DSM-V comes into effect and social security no longer pays out except for ACTUAL debilitating autism (aka mental retardation, aphasia, etc)?

You'll either have to get real jobs or kill yourselves
I don't get ADHD. Seems like having a hyperactivity disorder would make you more motivated to have a job vice sitting around all day.
I'm a trust fund baby NEET.

I agree with you, and I do believe doctors will prescribe medications like candy because of course they make money. I don't personally have that condition.
>450 for a single room
Albertan here. 1200 is the going rate for a single room BEFORE utilities. And that's a small room.
Unfortunately, I am one of the few people that does have it legitimately.

After dealing with my psychiatrist and therapist for the past year, they found out I suffer from executive dysfunction. It's tied to ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

5mg of Dexedrine (amphetamine sulfate) does wonders for me and from what I've been told by doctors, children get prescribed larger doses.
>go take some meds
CIA pls go
nice one bro.
Du kommer bare.
He better be making a game about underage robot girls.
I love these threads.
All the NEETs who blame social anxiety and ADHD like legit reasons to not being able to hold a job.

Holy shit.
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When you're unable to focus to the point you cannot complete tasks, then you have it.
Look up the Navy PRT standards and make sure you can do those. If you can, you'll probably be able to fudge your way past any medical exams.
where is the medical evidence
when is it coming out
We pay 1350 total, and that's for 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, a bath+shower and a living room. It's not in a bad area either - about 5 km from the city centre.

How the fuck do you land a job like that?

I've got a fucking cushy job right now but I'm always on the look for something better.
You know nothing unless you have experienced it.
Ok fine whatever. You know better.
>tfw dismissed from university and parents don't know it yet

Anyone have suicide advice?
Stop acting like it's a crippling disease.
Every fucking kid and their mother gets diagnosed with it. ADHD is a joke.
I come from a family that has it.
None are NEET.
Get the fuck over yourself.
>executive dysfunction

Never heard of that one before.
May 2013.
All you virgin losers should go back to wizardchan instead of posting here.

If that doesn't work, contact Mountain Dew on Facebook.
Lucky fuck.
knife in power outlet
>How the fuck do you land a job like that?
Apply for the postal service?
what happened?
how do you even get dismissed from uni
Helium is the best way to go, for added fun try reciting your suicide note.
ever considered that you've never experienced what you think of as normal?
the lack of a difference might surprise you
if you've got ADD bad enough to truly be crippling your mind is definitely fucked up in other ways, and that is retardation

Screw that. The USPS is having financial issues. People would be better off working for UPS or FedEx.
Dungeon Defenders is complete shit once you get past what the original game was. They fucked up the next tier of difficulty to the extreme. They just threw everything out the window and started over with a whole new stat base, and they just constantly tweek the towers so only 1 is ever functional at a time.

Also, don't be jelly of army fags. The problem with army training is you learn how to do that shit, but you don't get the certification to do it in the civi sector. All of your army certs are worthless the instant you are not in the army
Don't do it.
Or, secure a weapon and become a vigilante.
Once you become an adult you loose the hyperness and become mellow as fuck but still can't focus on shit.
What'd you do? Grades too low?
They'll be disappointed, but you won't be exiled from the fucking family. Don't kill yourself.
This >>175588362

Google Exit Bags, and be careful regulating the pressure or else you could give yourself the bends and it could hurt like shit.

Alternatively you could try not killing yourself. How bad can getting kicked out of college be?
That means nothing. You could be from a family that has depression, bipolar, or schizophrenia and be fortunate enough to not have any of them.

>your mind is definitely fucked up in other ways
Guess what? It is.
Applying for more jobs.
I've gotten pretty sick of seeing every single "entry level/graduate level development job" listing sporting a "10 years professional industry experience with #X products shipped!" requirement.

It gets grating.

Should have known that CS was a dead end in Canada though. I was just a dumb child too willing to fall for the silliness fed by career advisers and parents.
Yes it does mean something.
It means that they got a job and didn't blame ADHD, you numbskull.
>The USPS is having financial issues

Which is why you apply now, before they quit hiring people. Besides, they've been having financial problems for years, and they don't pay nearly as well as UPS for FedEX.
if you think you have ADD/ADHD talk to a psych and get some adderall

you'll turn into an ungodly efficient intelligent machine
you're just lazy dude

wow that's pretty edgy bro but i'm talking about like physically fucked
things have to be in the wrong place for it to be "crippling"
you guys are making me upset. Minimum wage in UK is £4.98 for 18-20 (I'm 19) it sucks.
Failing classes due to shit-terrible work ethic and general "depression".

>suicide note
No, not even once.
>Minimum wage in UK is £4.98 for 18-20
Good lord.
>The USPS is having financial issues.
The USPS would have profits in excess of 1.8 billion USD if not for a congressional requirement for them to prepay for 85 pension years for all current and future employees.

They had tens of billions in the bank already when Congress fucked them over.
>mfw my new meds are green and purple pills
You can keep using the word edgy out, but you know nothing unless you've experienced it, shithead.
It would be really boring not to do anything. I never worked but then I get bored during long periods without college.
At least you're not a 25 year old NEET that has cancer. My medical insurance runs out next year and them I"m fucked.
It's not like you were busted for drugs or some other stupid shit. Killing yourself is just cowardly and stupid.

Are/were you a freshman?
If you're not hyper can you get rediagnosed and call it something else? I keep meeting these people who are mellow as fuck talking about their hyperactivity disorder and it annoys the fuck out of me.
>you're just lazy dude
Depression and ADD are legitimate biological disorders that can negatively effect and hamper people.
maybe you are retarded
>work in a call center helping people with their benefits
>make 14.50 an hour
For a "some college" highschool grad, its just about the best I have to hope for. Its possible I can break into the "admin" side of things for $20+ after a year or three.
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APhA, pls
>being NEET
it takes balls to kill yourself
>no job experience
>no education
>somehow got a 12.50 an hour job where i sit and press a button and listen to music and audio books all day and perform at what i feel is 40% inefficiency
>everyone congratulates me on how hard i work
>been milking this for a year now

my next job is going to be actually doing things though. i dont give enough of a shit to press buttons for 8 hours a day to work hard. i did at first and then i realized it didnt fucking matter.
What kind of cancer?
Maybe you're an ignorant fuck.
Actually you can get 36 months of cobra coverage after you age out.

Yes, I am the faggot who just posted he works on people's benefits
I'm playing Legendary, with one hand, so I can fap with the other.
>tfw the government pays you $1800 a month if you're unemployed and over 25 years old

You just have to apply for some jobs every now and then.
Damn it feels good to be a leech.
>it takes balls to kill yourself

No, it really does not.
It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Don't try to rationalize suicide, mate.
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>having cancer
some of you should check if you aren't clinically depressed. not something you can just ''work out of''
Legendary, because dumbfun.
What do you do

Thyroid was diagnosed at 14 I"m 25 now
Yes I understand that. What I asked is, if you're going to be fucking mellow, can you get your condition named to something other than "hyperactivity disorder".

Mellow hyperactivity is an oxymoron.
what job might this be?
i really thought 4chan was above petty insults like this, but i guess not.

Both of you fuck off back to facebook
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>implying there's any reason not to be NEET and sponge off a government

I have two options
>stay home all day and play vidya
>wither myself day by day by having a job
>and I would have to pay taxes
>and my rent would be 800$

Yeah nah I'm sticking with government assistance, fuck working.

Go kill yourself now then and prove how easy it is to us
i really don't care what someone like you thinks of me
you've let society tell you that you aren't right, that you were born different and that's why they can look down on you and throw a few pennies your way
ever seen any proof of that?
you accept their pity rather than work like the rest of them
>to a temporary problem.
Hahahaha holy shit. You mean a permanent problem.

i almost did it once. i stuck a knife into a power outlet but nothing happend, but i did feel happy that i tried it
>It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
I'm so fucking sick of hearing that.
>i really thought 4chan was above petty insults like this

All it takes it looking at the front page. It's nothing new. Never was.
I'm not very lucky
Actually, the problem could be quite permanent. Life is not a movie, things don't always get better for people

Modern life is not a temporary problem.
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What's the longest you've been NEET, guys?

5 years strong since 16 here.
what's it like knowing your life will never amount to anything and your existence will be forgotten by everyone?
>You mean a permanent problem.

Unless you fucking killed a guy and are looking at life in prison, no, you fucking idiot.
Nope, 3rd year there.

>cowardly and stupid
That's exactly it. I'm that cowardly and knowing it just increases self-pity. I'm a lazy sack of shit that took advantage of privileges I never deserved to have in the first place. Nobody should ever sympathize with laziness. I want to die.

>being this naive
>being this edgy
>being this pathetic
If you aren't afraid of the reaper, yeah, it does take balls to kill yourself. I'm not even suicidal or anything.
Unless you live in a cartoon, that's a pretty lame suicide attempt
Well shit. Can you just not afford to keep your insurance? Also I wouldn't really worry about being a NEET. I'd say having cancer precludes you from other shit.
>almost everyone on the planet
I wouldn't have to because I'm not a sad sack of shit with nothing to life for, buddy.
I guess hearing voices and seeing things in the dark is society telling me that I'm not right.

No, I just sickens me that more people legitimately think like that.
You're talking about the people with said dead-end jobs for the rest of their lives.
28 and still with parents. Get on my level.
almost 3 years I guess. I actually had a job in 2011 for like 4 months. I didn't like it.
>are you a bad enough dude to meet the reaper and lose the only thing you have left going for you?
I guess about the same for everybody. Most people can't name their own great-grandpa. Having kids doesn't make you live on
Alrighty then
NEET here. I have a job interview with the state (CA) on monday. any advice?
I"m on my parents plan right now which is pretty good.

6 years on and off
Seriously? It can't be that hard.

Guess I'm lucky mine was named Jeremiah though.
All it takes is a handful of pills or a handgun.
If you truly had balls, you wouldn't resort to suicide to end your problems.
dodge it

get on autismbux

do not get a job

if you ever have a job for even a day you won't ever be able to get on autismbux
I don't live for people to know or remember me. I live for me. Pursuit of happiness and shit
dont go
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>tfw not neet
>tfw can't play Ni No Kuni until wee hours of the morning because no responsibilities

shit sux. stay neet fellas.
Don't act nervous, don't so anything stupid.

Bullshit if you have to

I test electrical relays. Sounds cool? Nah, it's so automated all you do is stand there for 8 hours a day. Put the relay on the fixture, press button, stand there for 20 minutes while it tests it for you, press button, more test, take relay off, next.

Well there's one area where you get to solder and shit.

I always wanted a mindless job when I was NEET.

Now I realize that is the exact opposite of what I want.

Still, 12.50 an hour, easy work, and everyone thinks I'm awesome. It's decent experience for now.

I miss being NEET though.
>I guess hearing voices and seeing things in the dark is society telling me that I'm not right.
it's a result of it yes
continue your life as-is if you're truly fine being the pity-sponge of everyone you meet
you should be thanking me right now, i validated your existence for a couple minutes here
and when the government takes your benefits away what will you do then?
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Well this thread got terrible. Shut the fuck up about your personal problems and post some OC or talk about games.
Minimum wage differs from state to state fool
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10 years and still kicking.

Harris and Edward.

It's also a tradition to give second born males the middle name David in my family. I'm also naming a kid after my dead Grandpa and one after my own Father.

I shall pass the torch.
You mean the samething that will happen to you? Maybe it's just my personal philosophy but I would rather spend my entire life focusing on self happiness it's not like you can take your friends with you once you die. I'd take comfort in the fact that I knew myself fuck everyone else.
This thread was doomed the moment OP said NEET, sorry.
I got a job before even graduating high school.
I don't know the NEET life in the slightest.
Not really. As long as he doesn't fuck anybody else up in the process like friends or family, let the guy kill himself. We're not all wonderful snowflakes with unique experiences which have to be lived.
maybe some of you are clinically depressed? if so that sucks, if you aren't, please do try to improve your live, step by step, ignore the /fit/arded.
>been out of a job for 4 months
>waiting for a background check to pass on a temp job
>tfw NEET

Playing DX HR
>>175584154 (OP)
I would like to post this in an attempt to cheer everybody up.

I don't give a shit if he ends it this second or not. All I'm saying is that you're not going out with a set of brass balls.
I save 1000$ every month, I'm sure by the time they take it away I will have enough to stay afloat on.
You think I actually give a shit when I'm dead?
Exercise is great for people that have mental illness though.
>Almost 23
>No innate talents or skills
>Dropped out of HS senior year
>Never had an honest day's work in my entire life
>Haven't interacted with another human bean other than my two younger sisters and mother for the past 5 years

Just finished Spec Ops and Devil Survivor 2 but I haven't really worked up the energy to dive into another game yet.

Sorry for shitting up this board with this post
Ditto, but its wonderful to go out and buy shit fro mtime to time and not be fucked for money.

My current work, I am mostly concerned with making it 6 months there so if I leave I can go on unemployment again
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>Dropped out of HS senior year
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>tfw when spend a year as a NEET
>start taking college classes
>have a series of jobs
>during employment, kind of envy NEETs for their free time
>go back to NEET after being laid off
>wish I had a job again
1.5 years. I couldn't take it. I'm smart enough to do well in school and I have $17000 waiting for tuition. Trying to find a way to waste time instead of spend it is no way to live.
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>two younger sisters

you should build up the courage to get drunk and do stupid things.

I mean fuck, you have nothing to lose.
>and you can actually buy decent things
This is my problem, there's nothing I want to buy.

When I work my money just piles up in a bank until I get sick of the job and quit, living for months or even years off the savings.
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>Have no job/highschool dropout
>No gf, or any friends at all really
>Live with my dad who's living off SS/disability
>We both have extreme bipolar disorder
>He smokes weed and watches shitty movies on Netflix instant all day
>I play pirated games on my toaster and PSP
>My only source of income is a babysitting gig once a week
>That one day of the week is the only time I feel happy, being around two innocent children that still enjoy things
>Neet since 05
>Wish someone would kill me already so I don't have to do it myself

That being said, I'm just getting drunk and playing P3P to try fill the void tonight, thanks for asking, OP.
I could work on becoming a better programmer by trying to get that golden once-in-a-lifetime "million download app" necessary to get a fucking job these days. Or I can go play The Witcher.
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Downloading a bunch of visual novels to play.

Wanko to Kuraso
Cross Channel
Umineko no na koro ni

Should keep me occupied for a while if I ever get around to finishing them.

I think the best question is which one do I read first?
I can't decide if I liked being NEET more or having a job and my own place and money.

It's like, I work 8 hours a day doing bullshit I don't like so I can be tired at night 5 days of the week, to pay for my rent and food and still pirate everything.

So it's like, nothings really changed? I just hate my days even more now? Is this what modern life is? Is there escape?
try buying women

I was an on and off neet for 3 years. Horribly depressed for most of it, but now that I work full time all I want to do is stay at home and sleep. Goddamn horseshit.
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>tfw college student
>tfw classes aren't too crazy and don't require like 20 hours of studying per week
>tfw vidya all day when not in classes
>tfw 3.6 GPA
>tfw job is held for me whenever I'm away at school so I can return whenever I'm available during holidays or summer break
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grass is always greener. you wont ever be happy until you have a job that you enjoy and are your own boss. Do you have a passion you enjoy that could possibly make you money if it were a success? If not then play the lottery. It's your only hope.
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Have fun.
I've heard about it a lot but I never bothered to ask what it is or look it it so what is bipolar? I only ask because my friends gf wants to introduce me to someone whom she reckons I might hit it off with and she apparently has bipolar.

fyi this is extreme painful for anyone one who hasn't already seen this old as fuck image
>talents or skills
then make your talents and skills.
Not worth it.
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5 years strong here also. Been NEET since i left the army.
It's when you change attitudes at the drop of a hat. Someone is happy the one moment, but then something trivial will cause a meltdown of tears.

I don't really know how normal people do it. Do they get something out of life that makes it all worth it, or are they just operating on instinct?

I wished we lived in older times. ;_; Hunting, gathering, farming, going to war, blacksmithing, clothwork, heavy community. Yeah I know life was kinda shitty but it's just so shit now to me. Maybe it's because my job is so boring that I think I'd rather have a life doing those things than this modern life bullshit. It's like that scatman song, I want to be a human being not a human doing.
What the fuck is it with this pic.
Whenever It was posted before everyone said that it was really creepy.
Is it the yellow thing in the back?
im not talking about dating, im talking whores man
literally buy pussy
Like when you deal with women on their period?
Probably dating and raising families and alcohol and TV and shit.
Year and a half. Quit a temp job because the work conditions were horrible and was too lazy to look for something new
Eventually had to move back in with my parents due to complete lack of dosh but I'm working again now and saving up to move out

It's really not that hard to get hooked on consumerism believe it or not.

I felt the same way. First I was like "i don't give a fuck" but now I'm like "gotta have swag: need cologne, need watch, need nice home theater system, need good car".

Sort of a fucked up mindset, really I don't look down on people who slack off at all.

I have a job because I wanted the experience of working and I wanted to overcome my social anxiety. It's a learning experience for me, just another leg on my journey through life.

I don't look at NEETs as unchangeable loser scum, just as people who are confused or lost.

What I will say though is that things feel more precious when you earn them. The hours you spend playing with that video game you bought yourself taste much sweeter.

It's expected. Billions of people live this life. Working building or doing shitty paperwork for corporations to sell useless shit to retards. This is what humanity is as a whole. It's a shit life yet it's what we do. It's what we have to do.
Like that, but 24/7.
Easily excitable, easily irritable, etc.

Tread carefully.
Girls with eyes closed is dead and is a sacrifice to summon that yellow monster
Thanks for the advice
I know that's what you meant, still not worth it. I'd rather jerk off and save the $150.
That's about it, my friend. Unless you've got connections or you're great at sucking corporate dick, welcome to a mediocre life.

I'm with >>175591090. Do normal people feel the same way we do about this boring and unremarkable life that boxes us in? Are they just blissfully ignorant? Having a girlfriend does give me something to look forward to be and happy about. Otherwise, it feels like vidya, movies, book, et cetera are just a form of escapism from an otherwise boring life.
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>Be a NEET for the last 14 months
I begin Uni' tomorrow. I'm not really ready for this.
That fifth line is how I feel man. I don't know what I want to do at all.
the only reason people are able to get by with spending basically no money is because they pirate everything
I really doubt I can change myself that drastically. I feel horrible amounts of buyers remorse whenever I spend money on something that's not either really cheap or essential.
That's why they are called Escapism.

Anyways, have a goal;
Save up as much money as you can and plan on, say, traveling the world and dying in a tropical jungle when you're 45.
I have a job but I'm not "normal" by any means. I'm still a kissless virgin who just makes a good chunk of change during the day.
It's strange.

I've been a NEET for a long time, and although I would've agreed with you when I was more normal, your post really does read as madness, like speaking to someone brainwashed.

You know damn right none of us will be remembered for the taxes we paid, or the jobs we filled, and that some of the most memorable people in the world were successful away from the 'system'.

Not only this but you're trying to dictate what is valuable and worth doing things for to other people based on what you were forcefed.

I know I can't reason with you because it's all we were taught as kids, but I feel I had to say this.
It's kind of like having extreme mood swings for your entire life.
Lows feel like you can't move at all and want to go to sleep and never wake up.
Highs feel like being fucking superman if he snorted a mountain of coke. I haven't felt good like that since I was about 12 or so.
Also >>175591089
aren't the guy you originally asked, but those are pretty much spot-on replies

Dress well, don't be nervous, don't show off, just fucking relax and take your bullshit freshman classes. Don't take it seriously if you don't give a flying fuck about anyone in there with you.

I've been in tons of classes where I haven't given a fuck about anyone there. The people I've hung out with a nice handful of people throughout my time in college, it's just fine.

Be optimistic, most importantly.
Do you think anyone is truly happy in humanity? What do you think they are doing?
good post dude.
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Not playing anything right now. By far my favorite part about not having a job is being able to sleep in and sleep whenever I want.
In fact, I think I'll be going to sleep about now.
I just played Doom for 4 hours straight over Doomseeker.
I love humanity. I hope our species is a long and prosperous one. Humans are just animals.

There is no real purpose.
people on drugs, for the duration they are high
people in the early stages of infatuation and love
people with low IQs in general
people with low IQs capable of believing in religion
I'm sure that some people really are happy. Also, I believe firmly that ignorance really is bliss. A buddy of mine is dumb as a box of rocks, but he's always so cheerful.
why women never have this image?
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>be neet
>have ADHD, depression, social anxiety, bipolar mood, probably autism too because i spontaneously talk about completely unrelevant subjects (video games/anime) when talking to people
>get $1500 per month from gov
>seriously more than enough to keep me living like this for decades
>already have high-tier computer, all the consoles, bought hundreds of games i rarely play, and i just browse 4chan like 12 hours a day
i seriously can't imagine myself working more than an hour a day. i'd kill myself
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Yes. I'm truly happy all the time

>biting into a fresh peach
>eating goldfish snack crackers
>finishing something in my backlog
>talking to friends or spending time with them
>petting my cat
>You know damn right none of us will be remembered

I would also like to add that via. modern society even this is trivialized - the internet and many minor databases probably hold your information, your opinions, your words, that forum post you made 7 years ago, etc, traces of you will remain remembered if not by people, then by machines for as long as the race exists now, assuming the internet isn't wiped eventually. There will always be archiving of archives, databasing of databases, etc.

Everything is so cheap and easy now.
I dunno, I was happy for most of my last relationship. I wouldn't say on the beginning, but that's me I guess
between psychological mechanisms like hedonic treadmill and physiological mechanisms like neurotransmitter/receptor downregulation, everyone has a predefined amount of hapiness that they will attain no matter what they do, NEET it up, work 80 hours a week, etc.


You don't choose to change yourself, it just happens. Money changes you.

First you're like "fuck why not get that 50 dollar bottle of vodka with the shot glasses, I have money to piss" then you're like "I need the next awesome thing" and all of a sudden you're collecting shit and you've developed a whole lot more expensive habits. But at the same time you have something to do.

My lifestyle is really just as empty and pointless as a NEETs but I laugh my ass off and do nothing at work all day so it's okay. I can also get really stoned beforehand (RETAIL LOL!). My main focus is on getting good grades.

I really have no fucking clue what I want to do with my life either, but believe or not a lot of people are like that. In fact most people I know are like that.
True happiness is what you make of it. Some like being famous, some like haivng lots of money, some like simple, steady things.
Everybody has their own defintion of happiness.
>since 16

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>been NEET since 15
>21 now,zero fucks given
Playing OoT:Master Quest on Gamecube.
None of you contribute anything to society. Why do you exist?
>people with low IQs capable of believing in religion
>implied implications

Organized religion is stupid, but whatever personal faith helps you get by in life is fine by me.
Sounds like my 'plan' or simply how I will be and how I generally am.

>Be optimistic
In a learning/teaching environment, you can't be very optimistic or pessimistic, can you? You mostly just...study.
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dang you sound like me
i agree, i'm NEET and all my depression comes from knowing im supposed to slave my life away for peanuts or be a bum

pic related
Probably a high school dropout.
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>Tfw I'll never be a Neet.

How do you guys do it? I just want to be a lazy piece of shit.
>implying you care about society
The vast majority contribute nothing more than consumption.
To piss off people like you.
are you mad?

>tfw I worked for about 6 months legitimately before the social anxiety got to me, now I'm completely ineligible for government bux no matter what I do.

At least you didn't try, just know you have it very very good compared to some of us
They won't be able to do it for long.

DSM V is coming which will reclassify autism and its disorders

Anyone capable of posting on 4chan coherently will no longer qualify for SS Disability

With that mindset, society wouldn't exist and we'd still be fucking holes in rocks.
doesnt she know how dirty that shit is?
most men dont wash their hands after wiping the booty pipe
sick sluts man
I understand.
I just don't agree.
I'd like to be a common name in a field of study at some point in my life.
I want to innovate, change the lives of people ahead of me.

I can't sympathize with people who give up on that idea simply for self happiness.
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And then it gets you wondering how many people on this site that you've talked to that have died/ committed suicide.

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