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Happy Valentine's Day, 4chan~

I hope you will all join me in hanging out at home without pants on and eating ice cream whilst browsing 4chan.

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To those on /v/ who pose as girls in online games:
How do you do it? How do you manage voice chat?
Do you methodically create a fake persona or make stuff up as you go?
You pretend
You don't
As you go

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Only Farquaads play as the gender they're not.
I pretend to be a quiet and shy girl. Nerds fucking love quiet and shy girls.

I use MorphVOX Pro. You gotta be careful, as it's fucking obvious in some games but convincingly real in others depending on the quality of the voice chat. All of Valve games work great with it.

Make up shit as you go, don't let anyone get too close.
what is the point of this?


free steam games?
You don't voicechat unless you can be damn sure that you won't be interrupted, there's no other background noise, and your voice doesn't sound obviously modulated.
I just act natural, don't care about what people think my gender is, and it works.
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>This fucking terrible fake ogre

Ogres celebrate all genders in any form they might come in, and no one has an assigned gender. Everyone can be whatever gender they feel they are. Shrek your privilege, faker.

Thrills and free items/games, ya.
This is what MorphVOX Pro can make you sound like;
Warning, it's a 28 year old guy pretending to be an 8 year old girl and includes pedoshit.


exactly the same

gave out free blowjobs on second life to people on /v/ when there was a thread about it awhile back ago
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Check out this Farquaad. I bet you're one of those softie ogres whose layers were peeled off when he was a baby.
Results not typical. Seems like it doesn't even depend on how deep your voice is, works great for some people, sounds fake and obvious or like a 13 year old boy for others.

Awww shit I love this song
Personally, it's just more comfortable for me. I don't even push my gender, most of the time.
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I'm sickened, but curious.
It helps if you have a real female for voice chat.
My room mate's ex and I used to play various mmos and she would help me trick losers so we could laugh as they spilled spaghetti everywhere.

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?
shut up farquaad
shrek has been forced for quite some time anon
I dunno. When I did it was only because I was a stupid kid and made a female character so I said I was female. Why I don't even know. Looking back at how I acted on the internet back then I guess I could pass for a girl.

Oh well. After I quit the game I never pretended to be a girl again. I didn't really seem to get any huge benefits for being one. Shit I get more out of being a guy on the internet.
I act like an asshole and still get free shit thrown to me just by letting people assume i'm a girl. I haven't said a word and have gotten hundreds in stuff on PSN and Steam. I don't make anything up except i don't divulge aby personal info.

It's more an issue with how he speaks.

Needs to be snappier, for lack of a better word.
I did the whole pretend-a-girl for most of my WoW career. It started out as an accident, kinda got out of hand... fortunately I never got caught. The trick is to make shit up as little as possible. The more you can use of your real personality and experiences (just transposed across gender), the easier it is to pull off and the more believable and attractive you are.
I'm not sure I notice, but girls tend to speak more 'musically', with varying pitch, while boys usually speak in a more monotone way.
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Die FIDF you can't pull the sheep skin ogre our eyes.
>Nyanners through Morphvoxpro to sound like a guy

No I'm pretty sure that's just a guy quoting her.
This is good advice. Even if you can keep track of all the lies and avoid contradictions, they will know, somehow.
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>Back when Beseen.com was a thing in 2002
>Went to the official That's My Sonic Beseen chatroom
>It's all FERP
>Make a female character and just play along
>This guy and my character start to form a tsundere relationship with one another
>We eventually go on a "date" in character
>He reveals he's a girl in real life and she hopes I'm not mad
>I reveal I'm a guy
>We hop onto vidoe chat though Yahoo Instant Messenger
>We then roleplay out her male character and my female character fucking one another with loads of fucking BDSM, blood play, sexual pain/torture/etc
>I watch her orgasm on camera several times from how erotic it all is
>She glues her face to the screen when I eventually climax

And that's how I got myself an internet girlfriend in high school. I don't ERP any more only because nobody was as talented or as erotic as she was. Yes, I'm one of those fucking snobs who now expects a certain level of grammar, post length, and quality when I ERP and nobody can get me off on it any more so I quit.
Grammar and post length aren't shit; anyone can learn grammar, and most people need to learn to omit needless words. Being sexy is harder to define and improve in.
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>>I watch her orgasm on camera several times from how erotic it all is
>Average erotic roleplayer
>Always talks in first person
>Posts a sentence at a time
>Uses redundant words over and over again
>Vocabulary of a fifth grader

>That feel when you try to ERP with someone and all of their posts are just paraphrasing your posts
ie: "I put my penis into your vagina." "I feel your penis as you put it into my vagina and moan."
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When I was in high school I created a female alter-ego. I had found someone's unprotected photobucket account, saved hundreds of pictures, and pretended that was me. I made up a lot of details about her life, family, school, hobbies, everything. This one person who I communicated with under the guise of this alter-ego fell in love with me and talked about sending me gifts or flying from England to America to visit me.

Without warning I ceased all contact for about a year but he still sent me e-mails saying wishing my "Happy Birthday" and that he missed me. He immediately messaged me as if he had been waiting for that moment. I made up a lie about why I was going saying that I got pregnant and had been depressed. A few days later I blocked him again and don't even use that MSN account anymore. It's been say 4-5 years since I last spoke to him. Sometimes I wonder how he's doing because he was going through some family&friend troubles and I think I was his rock. After that I ceased having that alternate identity.
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I was passing by for a quest when I read someone yelling "oh god" and "it hurts", I see this Blood Elf female on a bench - setting down with some Blood Elf male dressed in a tuxedo

So I stealth and stick around to see what happens. Finally after the doctor said "It's a boy!" a level 1 Blood Elf logs in and says "mama".

I was terrified.
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I have an interesting story about this for anyone who cares, feel free to laugh at me /v/, I was seriously this desperate and retarded.

Funny the OP would use Tera and an Elin as his example too-

>Playing Tera with bros at release
>After a month or so, most of them stop playing except my best bro and me
>One day I meet an Elin Archer solo'ing BAMs, obvious 'GRRRL GAM3R'
>Play with her for the rest of the night, actually turns out pretty cool, doesn't beg for items etc
>She keeps talking to me the next day, we end up friends, I introduce my bro to her, we join her guild
>She comes on our vent server all the time, has a really cute voice
>Time goes on, both me and my bro get pretty into her
>I finally tell her how I feel, and that I don't care that shes in Canada, I want her, she says she likes me too
>My bro finds out, fags it up, tells her how he feels too even though she pretty much said shes with me now
>She feels awful, says she likes us both a lot
>Nothing happens, our relationships all stagnate
>She finally ends up with him because he's more whipped then me
>Be pretty messed up for a few days, cant believe she didnt pick me, really mad at my bro for fucking everything up and more or less taking my girl
>Get over it and tolerate them, realize long distance relationship is shit and maybe I got the better end of the deal
>One day find out her pics are fake from reverse image search, sent us pics of a kpop girl
>Tell my bro confront her, she says its because her ex put dirty pics of her up on the internet and she was scared we would find them
>He believes her, I'm not convinced, let it go, not my problem
>2+ weeks later, find out he still hasn't seen a real pic of her or done any cam stuff even though they are 'together'
>Hes pretty unhappy
>Do some research by using the old games she said she played and her screen name
>Find big thread on old forum from game she played exposing her AS A MAN PRETENDING TO BE AN ASIAN GIRL

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Holy fuck dude,
>Check yourself before you shrek yourself
>Delivering a babby while wearing a tuxedo
Come the fuck on now people.
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>They have a link to his FB, its gone, but his families stuff is still there
>Show my bro
>He confirms that they have same birthday, were sick the same time, both wanted to join Canadian armed forces at the same time, and went fishing with parents on same day, definitely him
>Everything was a lie, chick was a dude the whole time
>Realize I had dirty conversations in our short time together before my bro fucked things up
>He dumps "her" almost immediately, he feels terrible, apologizes to me for everything

Our friendship is stronger than ever, and he had a way worse experience then I did, but both of us were fooled for 5+ months that this man was a 22 year old girl, and went on an emotional rollercoaster love triangle with 3 dudes. Feels bad man.jpg

TL;DR- A bro and I almost lost our friendship over some faggot we fell into a love triangle with cause we thought it was a chick for 5 months. I'm retarded and voice changers work really fucking well.

>mfw straight and have been in a love triangle with 3 dudes.
Most ERPers I've met put too much irrelevant crap in their posts. They have nice grammar and a good vocabulary, but they never do anything with it. Just posts that are more creepy or cringe-inducing than sexy, and no imagination or life to their actions and dialog.
I am getting so fucking sick of people referring to their eyes as "orbs."

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