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Someone actually bought this
I found a copy at the flea market for like 10 bucks.

Maybe I should pick it up and resell it.
>>174772758 (OP)

>that sticker damage

I need to see what condition my copy is in
Uhh, even a perfect condition one without the box doesn't go for that much.

for another 5 days anyways
>collecting games
I saw a boxed, sealed copy at a con selling for $5,000
I almost stole it, but figured it wasn't worth running from security
>Haha, look everyone! This game holds great sentimental value for someone! So he or she decided to spend more money than usual on it! Point and laugh, guys! It's funny, you know! Right? Someone loves video games! Bahahah!

Aren't you that same tripfaggot who makes fun of DSP every chance you get? You are, aren't you? You little fucking worm. DSP has done more for video game playthroughs than you could ever hope to do. All he does is play video games and record his experiences and upload them to YouTube, and you and your faggot cronies just have to point and laugh at him. You're pathetic bullies and nothing more, you know that? Go fuck yourself, and the horse you rode in on.
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Man people are stupid
God how retarded are you?
>>174772918 here

it seems to have some sun damage, despite being in a drawer for a long time. The back is pretty buttdevestated, too


I don't know about this faggot, but are you seriously whiteknighting DSP
>two years ago sold my Earthbound
>mint condition
>all characters max level

God how I wish I'd waited. Or just kept it.
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Ripped label
good condition
lol kikebay
Anyone got that picture of the eBayed FF1 or 2 (something) game that was priced at like 50k and had his cat in the picture?
You're a fucking idiot if you didn't buy it already.
That game goes for at least 200 easy and that's without the box.
Should I /v/?
No seriously, should I?

Anyone know where I could get a European version?
>Condition: Good
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Holy shit please contain your mad, son. DSP doesn't give a flying fuck about you or his fans.
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Guy got a pretty stellar deal.
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>good condition
Cancer ruining the internet market general
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I'm laughing internally, I swear.
It's so good gurl
>what is collecting
>That condition
You're an idiot.
How do you even fuck up the stickers like that
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Are you stupid.
I love collecting, thats why it pisses me off to see faggots selling shit like this and calling it "good condition"
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Speaking of ebay

I hate when you look up a game and it's just a generic ebay supplied pic of the box art. No picture of the actual item at all or its condition.

It's 2013, every phone has a 10 megapixel camera. There's no excuse.
faggots who worked at movie rental stores and who should be fucking raped with a hockey stick up their ass.
I'm sorry, I though he was calling the act of grading itself cancerous.
Woah, free shipping too? What a steal.
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I only have to pay that much to play Earthbound on console? Shit man, what a steal.
Was this a good pick up? The fact that its coming from China worries me


Didn't take long for those cronies I was talking about to show up, did it? What a surprise. Quicker than usual, actually.

There's so many of you out there who supposedly hate DSP and everything he stands for, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were all part of some kind of conspiracy to defame him and other YouTube gamers. I don't know what your ultimate agenda is, but I'll have you know I'll be doing all I can to stop your pathetic little plan from succeeding. DSP doesn't deserve this hatred, certainly not from the likes of you.
The box360 is my favorite system.
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>those prices
>print out new label
>stick it on

Im getting it for a PC controller. not for a 360
It's only $17. I doubt it has official microsoft drivers though.


There, just saved you a couple of bucks.
You are a tryhard.
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>selling a gutted copy as BRAND NEW

Fucking faggot seller
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Is that good? Bad?

I'm sorry, I dont know enough about them
fucking idiot, of course I have played the game (on an emulator)
In fact I played it and loved it so much that I want to own a physical copy
>that pic
Not that guy but go back to wherever it is you came from
>I want to own a physical copy

Why? So it can collect dust in your bedroom. Collecting is retarded
Could be a Google image search and he just doesn't care to rename his pics.
You have exactly 10 seconds to name one good thing about DSP.
Who is DSP?
I was just calling you a retard because of what you said about the game.

p-pls respond
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>being this autistic
pull up a chair, grab a cool drink, we love that place here.
Sorry not everyone has the same interests as you bro
>who is DSP

Don't go down that path, it will kill you.
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haha wut

really. Stop. You're not being funny

Stop fucking replying goddamnit.
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From pic related's description

>Up for sale are brand new Sony Playstation 3 Wireless Six Axis Dualshock 3 Controllers for the Playstation 3. These controllers are wireless and feature Six Axis motion controls as well as Dualshock 3 rumble. These are third party manufactured, but are are of high quality and look/work/feel just like the originals, but at a fraction of the cost. I have them in RED, WHITE, BLUE, SILVER, BLACK AND PINK.
>These are third party manufactured, but are are of high quality and look/work/feel just like the originals, but at a fraction of the cost
>at a fraction of the cost

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